. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVENING, 'JULY ,11, 1512. M STREET QUI CI HONOR OF ELKS; PIES RENUUN j - Poultry Market aeans I'p Weir In Spite of Heavy Receipts Yester dayDressed Veal and Tork Still Unusually Scarce. There was no business on Front street today ia honor -of the Elks' convention and parade, but the commission house opened f orc couple of hours to receive express. The poultry market cleened up well last night and there was very Utto - carry over stock this morning,' quotations-remalBWg-tea4y at-124 for hens and 18 to 20c for young birds. ' Young ducks were quoted this mornlnn at 11 10 lac. lucre wcio c ... w. . market. , , Dressed veal and pork continue to come in very light quantities and the market la firm at lSc for veal and 10c for pork. The dressed meat market has been active lor some time, receipts hav ing been unusually light and Indications are that the farmers have little to ship in that line. . There -are plenty of berries in the ' . market and ti n i about the top price , - for tha best " "FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS ' Protect shipments as far north as Se attle against maximum temperatures of about 78 degrees; northeast to Spokane. 8 degreea;- southeast 4o Boise, 88 de grees; soutTi to Siskiyou, 90 degree. Maximum temperature at Portland to-. . day about IS degrees. , -. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES . .. Grata, floor and Hay, v ' These prices are ttrose at wnicn wholesalers sell to retailers, -except as otherwise staled: - WHEAT 1911 nominal Producers prices, nominal, track delivery, club, RSc; Mtiestem. 92S6c; red Russian. 87c; Willamette valley, 88c: 1912 contracts r BARLEY Producers' prices 1911 Feed, $$5.00; rolled. $36.00; brewing : $39.00 tfi 40 00. 1912 crop. MIIX8TUFFS Felling price firan. 125.00: middlings, 132.00; shorts, $27.60. . OATS -Producers' price Nominal Track No. 1, spot delivery, white. $35: grsv, $34; new crop, $26. FL&UR Selling price Patpnt, $5.10; Willamette. $5.10: local straight. $4.60; bakers'. $4.90 5.10: export grades, $4.00 4.10. HAT Producers' price 1911 crop , Vslley timothy, fancy, $14.6015 .00: or dinary, $1$. 00014. 00; eastern Oregon. $16.0017.00: Idaho, $16.00W17."0: mired. fl3.00514.00; clover. $9.00? jn.Off: wheat. $11.00(11.60: cheat. $11.00 11.60: alfalfa, $12.50 13.00: oats, $11.00 ?11.60. Putter, Eggs and Poultry, v .' BUTTER -Nominal; extra creamery, -Cube-s nd--t ufei - 2-Set -prin tr f 9et - -dairy-, He. EGOS Candled extras. 14c; spot buy. ing price, loss off, 21 22c f. o. b. Port-- land. . LIVE FOITLTRT Fancy hens. ' 13c lb.: . springs, lf?20c: geese, 9 i 10c: Spring ducks, 15o; old ducks, 12c; turkeys, 1?17c; dressrti. 20?25c; pigeons, old, $1; young. $2.0002.50 per dozen. . jfUiJBn J1 at I'rpo'icers price, i. . o. d. j'prtiana. per jn iKVfce. CHEESF Nominal; fresh" Oregon ... fancy., full 'ream, triplets end deletes, ' U17ttc : Young America. 19c. -3 yrniti and Vegetables. POTATOES Selling price: Extra choice, $1.10; choice, $1.00; ordinary, ' 86C ner rental: new notatnes. .ilJjfli " 1,60- per cental: sweets, 3e lb. - ONIONS New Cochella. $1.26S?1.B0 per crate; new reds, $1.25 per cental; : pew, Vellow, $1.001.10 per cental; gar-, lie, 7 H 8c VEGETABLES New turnips, 10c per dot.; new beets, 40c doz.; carrots 30 . : $5c doa; "cabbage, il.75; Mexican to- matoes, $2.26 per lug; Texas, $1.60 per crate; California, $1.25 per boa: beans, 8c per lb.; green onions, lOe rint,A himfihel' IUHtt.fo nail lfl. IK r head lettuce, J0c dozen: hothouse. $1 box; radishes; 10c per doren bunches; celery, $1.25 dozen; ege plant. 25c pr lb.; peas. 67o lb.: raullflowiT. $1.25 ' 1.60 per dos.; ssparacrus, 7f'ft'!)ftc per dos. bunches; Walla Walla, $1.00 box; spinach, 25c sack. FRESH FRUITS Orantres. $3 50; .KanfmAlt: AXL4r-l,r - lirmnnt ' ftrt $$.756: pineapples, 6c lb ; apricots, -- t 1.26 crate: cherries, 3 5 irc per lb.; peaches. $1.25 per box; cantaloup, a, $2.25 2.75 per crate: watermelons, 3c BERRIES Raspberries. $1.651. 75: currents. $1.65(91.75; loganberries, 4LS0 j.ia; DiacKcaps. ji.r.i. Meats, rith and Provisions. DRESSED MEATS CW-itry killed.: 10c; heavy, Sfcc: fancy veal, 12'i'SflJc; ordinary, 12c; poor. EI0p; lamhs, j0 ' . 11c; mutton, 7'318c; goats, 24o; ' teef, 7 10c. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Hams lfiUft lic; oreaKiast oacon, n t. m Ka haul, 26c; picnics, 11 lief cottage! 16c. MEATS Parking hwise f!f-ir No 1 . Utock. 12V4e; cows. No. 1 Ffnrk, 11 -11 Vic: ewes 10r; wethers. 11c; lambs, l$Hc; pork loins, lSc. ' Heps, Wool and mitt. ' 1TOPS Prort'icirs' price 1911 crop, """JBiSrSgJic; jyij COntruci, nominal, 21 C"'v ".- "-, 71- '' ?L Willamette. . alley, cparsat oU. I9f20c lh,; Tii-dhim St:rop- 2ic: choice fancy lt. 22e per lh.; n Oregon. ii&2(ic. according to ' WOOL . . ."i 1 llLne.t I g ul ley. coarsa " cotswoi ' Shire. 2 ' eastern shrinkage' CiiiTTIM OR CASi'ARA BA UK 1913 nominal, carlots 6'c. Uf!. car!"t 6c lb.; 1941 bark, carlots, Cc; lesa car lots, 6c IK , HIDE8 Dry hides. 2nT:in; gren. VffflOc; salted hides." 10'- 'a 11c; Lull-, areea salt. 7Q7jc; kips I2itc: calves. ory, a vc; cair fHins. aiiej or green. 17Q120c; green tildes. Ifi . les-j than salted; sheep pelts. ;a;ua. ji; dr, 1212Uc lh. . TALLOW Prime, per lb , 6 'ic No. 3 and grease, 2fl214c FI6H Nominal ItorK coC. 10c lh; bass. 20c; catfish. 12gi2lBu. salin..:,, ' " lie lb.; soles. 7c per 11... fhrimps. 12' . cl Astoria. Julv 11. Arrived down dur lb.;. perch, 78e; tomod. nr. lohst. i , ! tny the nieht schooner W. H. Marston. 2$c; herrings. 56c; black buss. I'm : Arrlvul down at seven and sailed at Sturgeon ( ') per lh.; sller Mnelt, Sc n'ne h. in.. Fitenmer Itosecians for Mont lb. . black cod, 7Vir; dicsMeil yliatl, (',; rey. .ij ive.l down at seven a. m., gaso- roa snaa, juc; snaa roe, J"c ii . ( olui:'- bla smelt ( ) per box OYSTERS Hboalwiil-r l.av. it GhI lon ): per 100 II. a. k. i r. nlvi.i pla. per gallon. J3: i.er lmj !t. tic-:. canned eastern. 55" ran t l'.;:.-n, etstern In shell. $i 7r.fi 2 oo i er lou. ia gor clams. $22.25 iox. -LARD Tierces. l:;c lb.: romnnund. IK ii Ftoeks, Bonds, Cotton. Ornln. Htc. 816-817 Board of Trade BulMln?. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES . Members Chicago Board of Trad .Correspondents of Login to Lryan , Chicago. New York. I J.WILS0N&C0. , ;NEW YORK STOK EXCHANQB KEW YORK COTTtiN EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OFTUADE TirE STOCK -AND PONP KXl-HA -rOUTLAXU ofi-kk Jtcwn ft, Lunrbermeiia Rank Bid; rhonea Marshall 4120, A-41S7 OVERBECK&COC ECO REPORTS OF DAMAGE TO WHEAT CAUSE OF PRICE Fl Shows Strength on Reports , But Later Weakened o Opening Quo- aions Mlnnsota Reports Damages Caused by Worm. , ' Chicago, III., July 11. Leading shorts were active buyers of wheat late yea. terday. The extreme beurtshness in the trade has disappeared. Fine conditions all over the northwest will be offset to some extent by more liberal hedging of southwest wheat from new crop. It looks like a good fighting market. Elbow Lake, Minn., wires: "Reports come from all sections of the county that a worm has attacked the velvet chsff wheat and is doing much'damage. It is xnly In the last few daya that the presence of the worm has been known and up to this time It has only been found In the velvet chaff wheat. Range of Chicago prices, furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Open. High. Low Close. . 104 10014 102 B July Sent J4'4 104? 103 'i lonu 101 99 Dec. 102 102T4 CORN. 72 14 73 U 68! 69 H 68 69 4 OATS. 42't 43 35H 364 Zi Z6, TORK. , 101 u Julv Sept. 72 V4 68 H 42 35 36 73 Vi A 68 B 68 A 42Vi A 3514 B 3611 Pec, July Sept. Dec. Sept. Oct Sept Oct. 1 fept Oct. .1843 1847 1835 1840 1845 1080 1085 1060 1067 N LARD. 1082 1087 RIBS. 1060 :t077 .1082 . .1055 1072 1083 1050 B tierces, 9 Vic per lb. Groceries. RICE Japan style, No. 1, 6V45c; No. 2, 4V4c; New Orleans head. iic; Creole. 5Uc. SUGAR Cube. $6.25; powdered, $5.96; fruit or berry, $5.86; beet, $6.65; dry granulated. $6.85; D yellow. $6.06; Hon olulu plantation cane granulated, 5c lesa. (Above quotations are i days net cash.) SALT--Coarse, half grounds 100s $8.60 per ton. 60s, $9.00, table dairy, 60s, $11; 110b, $17; beles, $2.20; extra fine barrels, 2s, 58 and 10s, $4.00 $5.00; lump rock. $20.50 per ton. BEANS Small white, $6.60; white, $5.25; pink. $3.75; bayou. large $4.2o; Limas, j.7o; reds, J4.7b HONEY New. $2.75 per esse. Paints, Coal OU. Etc LINSEED OIL Haw, bbls.. 88s gal.: kettle boiled. In cases, 96c; gal. lots of 260 Bailout, lo lets, oil cuke meal, $44 per ton. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8c per lb.; S00 IB. IbtsrSc per lb.;" less lots, 8Vc per lb. ROPE Manila. 8V4c; sisal, 7Vie. GASOLINE Red crown and motor, 3 5 fiiTlo gallon; 86 gasoline, 28S6Hc gailon; V. M. & P. naphtha. 1830 Vic gallon. TURPENTINE In cases 73o; wood barrels. 70c; iron barrels, 66o per gal lon; 10 case lots, 72c. RENZINjJ degrees, cases - 24 He gallon, iron bbls., 21V4c per gallon. CO-.L OIL Cases: Pearl, 16Vic; 8tar 194c per gallon; water white, bulk, 9 1j-c per gullon; special water white, 13 17c. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS (I'nlieii Ffm Luul WU. Ban Francisco, Cal July 11. Wheat California club, $ 1.60 1.62 Vi; do mill ing, $1.65; northern wheat, bluestem, $l.7Vitol.70; club, $1.601,62VJ; Tur key red. $1. 70 1.72; red Russian, $1.62 Vi 1.65.. Harley Peed, good to cholca, 11.87 Vi 1.40;, fancy, $1.32Vi 1.S6. r. yi.42vi ; poor to rair. $ Eggs Extras. 26e: firsts, 24e; sec- onus, zzc; select pullets, 23c. Butter Extras, 2814c; flrsta. I7c; seconds, 25c. Cheese New California flats. 12ViD 14c; California Young America fancy. 17c; do firsts 15c. New Y'ork twins, 18c; do triplets. ISlfcc; Wisconsin twins. 17c; do triplets, )Sc. Oregon fancy, 16c; do V'ing America, 19c. Potatoes New crop. River Whites. In boxes, J c. pr pound; Earlv Rose. -760 per cen.taJU. ganfets,. SL25 01.60; old crop. Oregon llurhaiiks, 11.25(31.60; sweets, per pound, 3 4c. Onlorts rer sack, California new red, 45fo'5oc; silversklna, 60'ii)60c; new green, per dozori, 10c. Oranges New navels, fancy.. $1.60 ft 3 00; do choice, $2.00'2.25 : do standard. .60g-l.7ftr tancerm5sr"$I'.r5SiI.60. OMAILV LIVESTOCK South Omaha, Neb.. July ll. Cattle Receipts, 000; market strong. Steers, $8.40 4(9.25; cows and heifers, $5.26 if 7.2f. -v- llo's Recefntp, 10,500; market steady to 10c lower. Price, $7. 10 7.35. Sheep Receipts, 5700: market steady lo lower. Yearlings. $3.506.00; weth-e-f, $4.6fr5O0; lambs. $7.$08.00; rt f, $3.75 ft. 4 25. Ilumper Crop of Wheat. Kennewlck. VVnsh., July 11. Wheat harvest has heen In progress In the Jiurtt J leaven country fr eeverai deys ."il l Indlcatlor.ii are (that this year's yield tar surpass that c R-tt rnr hwre brrmn t,;,t m fine shape and In wlt.ut sgafnht Injury fr . wi ) far siirj'HhS that of former years. grit trie ran grain sured the spring om drought. New York Cotton Market. Open. ..1231 . . 1 2i . .1201 . .1207 .. .207 . .1232 . . 12.11 . .1237 High. 1232 12U 1246 1202 1207 1207 1232 1231 1237 Low. Close. 1219 1 222 W23 1225(&)26 1228 1231 &32 1 236 1237 3S 1190 1192W93 1193 1 196 4 97 1 203 1205 (ft 06 1213 121617 1215 122022 1220 1224 26 J;im;firv F' hruary M'ltch . Mhv .... Jul-- ... A'.iirust ' K-pie'iiher . oetuher . iiihcr j L'ei eiuUer MA RINK NOTES lit"' sr-hooner Anvil. .Failed at 8:40 a. m. i;ns'i;,i' f-;iooner Aanvll. Tor Uandon ,i-.:l iviiv ports. S.m Kranrl:-co Julv 11. Arrived, sl'-nnier 'leome W. Elder from San I'i'Ko. Arrived at nine a. m., steamer W porter from Portland. Aberdeen, Julv 10. Arrived, steamer ; F. 11. I.egpet from Purtlsnd. ! Astoria, Julv 10. Arrived down at '7:30 ji in., Hteamer Fort Bragg. Ar i rivfd et eight p. m schoqner Virginia 1 f;-'"H tian Pedro. Arrived at nine and iett up at ten p. m.,vsteamer J. B. Stet- lion Tro-n San Francisco. Astoria, July 11. Condition t the j mi. nth of the river at eight a. m., i iim.' h' wind iiorth five miles; weather, en,i,)v. Ti." at ARtorla Friday: lliii -ater, 1 1 : 4 3 a. m., 6.1 feet, 10:50 ' p. pi r 3 tcet Low water, 6:13 a. in., iO S feet, 4:44 p. m., 4.1 feet. Pnily Rlrr Rendlngs. .U1INS ao g.Z. STATIONS j? S 2, : z 3c : : : ? , i l.ewiston P.lpnria ''iiKitllla 3 0 ..0. 0 0 IlnrriiUU: .TfiflfiT-"" Salem . . Wilsonvl Portland (inislng; ( 24 1 St) I 7.00.4 I 2.') 13.o 0.4 I 20 I 2. Of J.l He 37 ...I '.) IS 112.3! 0.J ) falling. CRUISER MARBLEH B WB f . - I" : III : : : ... . - - U ' fmmimmmmimsm m PL -: . I V- V"T - , , ., Aau '..... - ...v '..-'-"- MORE LIQUIDATION IN STOCKS NOW LOOKED FOR IN WALL STREET International Politics Again Seem' to Have Become a Factor in Euro pean Markets Bosineas Shows Steady Improvement. New York 'Julv 11. Advices from London denote that nervousness rela tive to (he state of the copper Industry Is still' the feature and that the re ports which have been In circulation concerning hidden supplies of the metal are having the influence of inducing liquidation on a rather broad scale. International politics are again becom ing a factor, judging from tha advices from Paris and, too, money rates In nearly all quarters are displaying a rather marked tendency to harden. It Is still believed that liquidation in the stock market has not as yet entirely run Its course. Information channels are still cautious and reluctcnt to ex tend from a trading position on the general markets Tha best houses tfo noi expect tne market to decline mate rially but seem to think that monei and politics are the chief factors with only minor attention shown for the crops. business situation shows steady im provement in all lines. American stocks in London Irregular. Northwestern crop outlook remains favorable. Cann alan Pacific reports increase of $475,000 u gruns earnings ror f n wAfr in July. Twelve industrials decline .89. iwcmy acuve rails declined .67. Description lupemHiKhlKow, HM Amal. Copper .. Am. Car & Fdy, c Am. Can c do., pfd Am. Cotton Oil . Am. Loco., c . . . , Am. Sugar., c. .. Am. Smelting, c do., pfd Anaconda Co Am. Woolen, c . . Atchison, e do., pfd , B. & O., o .... Beet Sugar .... B. R. T Can, Pacitfc.. c. . 664 34?i 116 41 1274 81 "4 107HI1O7K 421 39 i. . 1071107 13 1108 Central Leath., c ao., pra C. & O. W., o do pfd .... C.. M. gr St. P 1H 31 '4 10SU Chi. & N. W., c ines, & unio . Colo. F. A I., c. Consol. Gas ... Con Products, c do pfd . . . . . DeL & Hud T D. & R. O., c . . do pfd Erie, c do 2d pfd ... do 1st pfd . . Gen. Electrla . . 33S 33S 334 177 , 42 H Gt. Nor.ore lands ui. ,or., pia .. Illinois Cen. ... Int. Harvester . Int. Met., c .... do pfd Lehigh Valley . Kan. Cltv Bon . 129V, 87 ..2t 1(5 X. & N 157HI158 157V4 M K. & T C. do pfd Mo. Pacific Natl. Lead 36 U B7 Vt 20 114 116i 26 66 Nev. Consolidated in. r. central . . N. Y.. Ont. & W. Norf. & W., c. . No. American . . 114J? 22H U6Vi zo 114 32 U 116H ii No. Pacific. &... P. M. 8. S. Co. . .. Pa. Railway P. t?.. L. A C. Co. P. S. Car., c. . . . do pfd. Heading, c do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd. . . . Ren. I. Sk 8., c... do pfd Rock Is., c do pfd S. L. & S. F 1st. South. Pac, c. South. R'y., c. South. R'y.. pfd.. Texas & Pac T., 8. L. & W., c. IT. P., C U. P.. pfd 11 1 fi!12 lit 115V4 122 H 115 113 1604 161ll60V4 25h $2 23 4SH 63 108V4 2H 76' 18 165 13 164H U. S. Rubber, c. . 62 68 604 E2H 68H 60 60 67U 60 J IT. S. Steel Co.. c. Utah Copper . . Va. Chemical Wabash, c W. U. T West'house Elec. 81 H 75H 81H 75 Wis. Cen.. c Total Sales Gt. N. pfd.. Money 3V4 4 -4J7.600. ex. div., l per eent. $tt per cent ALOXQ THE WATERFROKT Fred D. Parr, traffic manager for the b.. J. Dodge Steamship company, was In Portland yesterday on his war from Seattle, where he has been getting the sieamer Bt. Helens away for Alaska, to ban Francisco. Repslrs to the Pot of Portland bar tug oneonta having been completed, she left down for the mouth of the river this morning. When she sailed this morning for San Francisco, the steamer Bear, Captain isopanaer, had 286 passengers and a full cargo of freight. The steamship Rose City, Contain Rankin, Is not expected to arrive until midnight or after as she was delayed In having to tow the disabled steamer City of Panama, to San Francisco.. BAPTISTS HAVE 155 CHURCHES IN OREGON (Siieeltl tr Tb Jeiirnil.) Chlcsgo. 111., July U. "The American Baptist Year Book," recently issued, givu- Lbs .-iuUcwLag , Baptist-atatte In for Oregon: Number of sssoclatlons. 12: churches, 166; ordained ministers, 126;, total membership. 14,160; Sunday schools, 116;. officers and teachers, 1,186; scholars, 10,601. EA0 COMES TO SPEND FEW " 4 A w vrf California Naval Militia crew brings Vessel. WAR VESSEL WILL U. S. Cruiser Marblehead 24 Hours Late in Reaching Port; Battleship Oregon Left This Morning for Sound. Regret was expressed this morning by members of the crew of the United States cruiser Marblehead, In port with the California naval militia, because of the short time which the vessel is to have In this port. They will sail again tomorrow morning, as the main object of the cruise Is for target practice, and the Marblehead arrived here 24 hours late because ot bad weather. From here the cruiser will proceed to Port Angeles, where the target prac tice wll be carried out,- and js ttrelr time Is limited, a target Is being built aboard the vessel today, awl will be towed north. Lieutenant B. G. Bartlia low, U. S. N., In charge of the hydro graphic office at San Francisco., is th officer detailed by the navy department as Instructor, and his enthusiasm has communicated Itself to the members of the crew to such an extent that they have done unusually good work In ping pong practice with the four Inch rapid lr8 un . . , . . The ping-pong attachment consists of a ZZ caliber ririe attached to the gun, with targets, and by this means prac tice In pointing the gun Is carried on the shots from the attache ritla show ing on the target at the muzzle of the bigger gun. A secord of 28 shots In two minutes was made with the ping pong on the way up the coast, all the hots being. on the target. The Marblehead ran Into heavy'north west weather out of San Francisco, and as a result she was delayed 24 hours In her arrival here. During the gale she took many seas over the forecastle head and her well deck was continually awash. There are parts of eight divisions aboard the cruiser, making a total of $20 officers and men. The First. Second and Third engineer divisions are from 8an Francisco, Third from San Diego, Fourth from Santa Crua, Fifth from Eureka, Sixth from Santa Barbara and DQvenm anu ,ignin iruui lmb Aiieseiea. On July 1 the California mllltla had a j total enlistment of 664 officers and men. The officers at present on the Marblehead are as follows: Capuin. JGeojge . Bauej-xonunaadj lng; Lieutenant B. G. Barthalow, de tailed as Instructor; Lieutenant Com mander George E. Kammerer, executive officer; Lieutenant John" A. McGce, ord nance officer; Lieutenant William A. St-eck, chief engineer; Lieutenant J. T. McMillan, captain's aide; Lieutenant H. P. Smith, navigator; Lieutenant Thomas S. Harloe, Lieutenant D. M. Stewart, Lieutenant A. H. Woodbine, Lieutenant G. E. Link, Lieutenant A. B. Adams, Lieutenant B. H. Dorcy, Lieutenants, Ju nior grade, II. A. Leopold, C. J. Bauer, J. A. Armstrong; ensigns, F. M. Mos backer, C. S. Hendry, W. V. Tooze, A. Barton, L. 8. Holm, J. F. Smith; pay master C. C. Dennis; Surgeon T. B. W. Leland, lieutenant commander and chief surgeon: Assistant surgeon John Gal lagher. Assistant Surgeon A. J. Muri- etta. Assistant 8urgeon J. Park Dougall, Chief Boatswain R. Schnalle, Chief Car penter J. Stange. Calls Exchanged. As soon as the Marblehead arrived at 6:30 last evening calls were exchanged between that veseel and the battleship Oregon, while Lieutenant Hober, acting executive officer of the Oregon naval mllltla; Lieutenant Commander Capron, paymaster, and Lieutenant Commander Wolf, chief surgeon, met the Marble bead off Swan Islund In a steam launch from the Boston. Enlisted men from the visiting cruiser were entertained aboard the Boston last night by the tars of that vessel, the program being made up of vaudeville stunts, while refresh ments were served. From here the Marblehead will go to Port Angeles for target practice, and thence to Vancouver, B. C, returning south from there. Captain Bauer said this morning that they would not have time to visit Tacoma and Seattle. The battleship Oregon,, which has been In port since last Saturday, sailed this morning for Puget .sound, where she Is held as one of the Pacific coast reserve fleet. TWO SAILORS RESCUED Canoe Capsizes and Men Near Drown lng When Elldor Comes to Alu Making a record run from the Burn side street bridge to the foot of Oalc street yesterday afternoon, Clarence Gll Uland, engineer ot the harbor patrol boat, Elldor, rescued two sailors from the steamer Bear after they had cap sized In a canoe. Gllllland was at the bridge with the patrol boat when he saw the canoe, con taining F. Tangway and L. Johnston, turn over. He turned on full power and made the fun to Oak street In practic ally no time and picked up the sallore, who were In a fair way of being drowned. RESERVOIR-CONTRACTOR SUESCITYF0R $408,000 The suit of Robert Wakefield Co. against the city to collect payment for LEAVE TOMORROW; TARGETPRACTICE DAYS IN HARBOR 'A the construction of the two reservoirs at 'Mount Tabor, , began yesterday before Judge John B. Clelund, to whom the case has been assigned as refers. The company Is asking for $408,000, while the city claims the. Company owes It approximately $89,000. -- . V Attorneys Wilbur, Coovert ft Manntx represent the company, and Assistant City Attorney Tomllnson appears for the city. In his opening statement At torney Coovert said the long delay and extra expense In building the two reser voirs was due to changes in plans mado by the city. The contract was finally abandoned. and work prosecuted upon what ap peared to be a general understanding between the city water board's engineer and the contractor. , Assistant City Engineer Tomllnson, opening his case, said the chief trouble was that the contractor did not know how to organize and carry on the work, He claims the company owes the city by reason of overtime. PASCO MAY CONSTRUCT IRRIGATION SYSTEM "iwll to Iba Jonrnal.t Pasco, Wash., July 11. After sn all day and part of the night session In the superior court. Judge Holcomb dissolved the Injunction filed agslnst the city of Pasco two weeks ago, restraining the city from proceeding further with the- construction- of the "mtinlcrpRt Irri gation system. It Is believed that no appeal will be taken. Next Vote Will Unseat Lorinier. Washington. July 11. Borah admit ted this afternoon that there was prob ably a safe majority of votes In the senate to unseat Lorlmer. "Personally, I feel sorry for him," Borah saUl, "but the evidence Is against him. The question involved is far more important man any possible conse quences to any single Individual." TBAHSPOBTATIOS A Good Suggestion for that summer complaint of the tired cltv dweller "1 don't know where to spend my ra. cation oa my limited parse and timo. Is to try a steamboat ride tip the Columbia river on the steamer 'Teal" n . Pjan,nl-ahead trip of four days rilled full of enjoyment and sight seeing, both river, valley and moun tains, for $13.70 per schedule sup Piled upon application. Leave Oak street dock for Hood Klver at 7 a. m. Sunday or -Tuesday ..Tir-5ays ?uIIng. Per our schedule for $13.70, and on Thursday for five day outing for $15.70. Arrive at Hood Klver about 6 p. ni. On return trip leavn Hood River about 8:30 a ni. Monday, Wednesday and Friday reaching Portland about5 p. m. TAHB OJf STEAMER "TSAX" Board trip 830 miles for ti.so One way l5J Good meals, eaob M Ask purser on boat or call at of fice for suggested schedule of enter tainment and definite cost Items Comprises two days' delightful river trips with Incomparable scenery viewed from opposite sngles going and coming. A day's outing at Park dale, seven miles from Cloud Cap Inn on slop of Mount Hood with magnif icent outlook, fishing In Tony (freek and visit to the Interesting lav A morning launch ride to Underwood or White Salmon, Wash., and an aft ernoon automobile spin of 17 miles through the wonderful apple belt of Hood Klver valley.. -Also good meals nnu longing ror a total expenditure of $13.(0. v Open River Transportation Co. OAS BTREBT SOCK' A. B. WASTELL. Manager. Phones: Main ! A-n's?? "Tie line that plane ahead for yon." Steamer Anvil Sails from Couch-street Dock Wednes day, July 17, 7 p. m. Por Newport, Florence and Bsndon. Freight and Passengers Frank Bollam. City Ticket Agent, 128 8d Phones: Main 628: A-4696 C. E. Brown Frt. and Pass. Agt . Couch St. Pock. Phones Main 861; A-4161. Los Angeles and Ban Diego Steamships YAM HABTARD Railroad or any ship to San Francisco the Exposition City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first class pas senger ships on the Coast; average speJ 28 miles per hour, cost $2, 000,000 each. San rranciico, Portland Si ZiOsAagele a S. Co., FRANK BOLLAM. Agent Ma n 628 188 8KD STREET, A-46H6 SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT NORTH PACIXJG B. S. CO. S. S. BOAHOXB and B. 8. BXdER Ball T-lvery. Wednesday, e'ternately, at I p. m. Ticket office 122-A Third St.. near Alder Phones Main 1814, A-1314. MARTIN J. HIGLET. Pass. Agent W. H. SLUSSKR. Freight Agent EXPRESS 8TKAMKHS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. fl. Boss City Bails a. m- July 1st. The Ban Xfraneisco as Portland B. B. Oo, Tioket Offloo 148 Third Bt. raanes Hsin S60ft and A-140X COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BBBABWATSB, Sails n orn Ainsw otth-. dock. .l'tiii4,. a. in., July 2, 9, 14, 19, 24. 29, Auguit 8. 8, 13. 18, 28, 28. Freight received at Alnsworiti dock dally up to I p. m. Passenger fare first class $10. second class $7, Including berth and mrals. Ticket efflce A Ins worth dock, Phones Main .3600. A-2SJ2. , '. .. . tat sl SHORTEST GUARDIANSHIP . MARRIAGE OF ARDENT Albany. ; Or., July 1 1. When ' Otto M. Powell of Berlin, Or., and Cora Devlne of Lebanon appeared before the county clerk and applied for a marriage license they found the ways out of single bless edness not always straight and smooth. Tha first snag was struck when the young .man was found under age, but that was. overcome by 'the presence of his mother, who gave her consent- Next it was discovered that the young woman was also under age, and that her case waa much more serious, as her father was dead and her mother in an insane asylum, while she had no guardian. Tha necessary papers were immediately pre pared ror a guardianship, and then U developed that County Judge J. K. Dun can, whose signature waa essential, was not 1n the city. The young couple de STRANGE MAN KILLED WHILE RIDING RODS Pasco, Wash., July 11. Art unknown man about $1 years old was found drag ging under an extra freight by Conductor- C. E. Peterson, six miles east of Eltopla. at 4:30 this morning. The man had been riding the rods and evidently fell asleep. There was nothing to identify- him. One arm was cut oif as was also the top of the head. He weighed about 140 pounds, was five feet six Inches In height, smooth shaven and dark brown hair and blue eyes. Elks' Week. ' Ybu can send 10 issues of The Jour nal, from July 7 to 16, covering com plete proceedings of the Elks' reunion, Inducing the large special Elks' num ber of July 11, to your friends or brother Elks for 25 cents. Order at once. ANY woman who has to look after the many de tails of housekeeping finds it a great convenience to pay her household bills by check. At .this bank we have made special provisions for the con venience and comfort of women. Your account is cor dially invited. Four per cent interest is paid on savings accounts. Under Government Supervision. . Founded in 1886. , Washington and Fourth Sts. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Strangera in the city? We sell travelers' checks payable anywhere and Issue drafts on all available points throughout the world. CAPITAL $1,000,000 ' . -. - 100 Safety Your salary won't last for ever Start now to pro vide for the day it stops Thomp FOURTH AND Chamber of FIRST national bank CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS - $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS Ladd frTilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $800,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ... Letters of crcditrdraf issued, available in Corner' Third and Ofl RECORD MMES 111 COUPLE POSSIBLE sired to return to Lebanon oa the noon train and the Judge would not' return until shortly before their train time. After" a few calculations, the whole bunch of papers was taken to the depot, and as soon- as the judge landed on the station platform he was surrounded by the interested parties am) his signature procured. It then developed their train would be late In starting, so the entire party repaired to the home of the Judge, a few blocks away, where the knot was tied. The life of the guardianship was prob ably the shortest on record, lasting; only, as long as was required to walk from the station to the judge's home and have' the marriage ceremony performed", for the young womn then becamtJlr8. Powell "and. needed po guardian. BUNTING CATCHES FIRE; ' ONLOOKERS DRENCHED Bunting along the cornice jJf the Sher-mah-Clay Tuildrngnfr Sixth - arid Morrl-7 son. streets caught fire about 1 o'clock this afternoon, Just as the tag etfd of the parade was passing, and those on the sidewalk beneath and In the win dows were drenched with chemical from a hand extinguisher which was put into action. The incident caused a big fright but little damage. Hot County Seat Fight in Benton. tVhlte Bluf fs, Wash , Juiy . 1 Lysines -the formal opening of the county seat fight last week by the filing ' of , the Kennewtck petition Benton City, on the North Coast 1 railroad, has entered tne ring. The up river country seems to strongly, favor . Kennewick as against Prosser, the present county seat. 4 Interest son Bank STARK STREETS Commerce Bldg. Is and travelers' checks-- aH parts of the world ' Washington Streets 1