The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 11, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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fi I I
..1.11 I.
): C. fiapmanandAdvance
Party Pass Dufur, Kings
ley and, Tygh Valley and
Are Off for Prlnveille.
By Phil S. Bates.
: 5 Wamic, Wasco county, July 11. The
t business men of Portland" who next
I month Jrill .follow the scouts outlining
- the Wute-to-LakevlewJor the Oregon
Development league delegates, will
pause at the top of the grade as they
i pass Out of The Dalles a nd look up the
Cascades of the Columbia; they will
eit enthralled at the beginning of Tygh
I prado as they look off to the west at
Mt. Jeferson, " the snow capped senti
nels of the Cascade range, while below.
spread out ' like a checker board .the
, little' city of Tygh Valley nestling on
the banks of Tygh creek will seem but
i the play of a child. t -
I r, Exclamations of .wonder and delight
j ti a v succeeded ope another so, far dur
ing the entire day as new surprises ftf
; a scenic nature unfolded vand while
: most of the party have been through
! tastera:Orgq!n inany times, this par
' tlcular section is new and different.
The party la made up of Mr. and Mrs.
; C. C Chapman, G. F. Beck, manager of
the Portland Automobile club tour
, I. book; C. I. Smith, agriculturist of the
, J Oregon-Tiyashlngton Railroad & Naviga
; tion rCo.r-Phll S. Bates, publsher of
The Pacific Northwest; E. Fraug, road
: engineer and map maker of the Port
land Auto club, and H. H. Olen pilot
of the Portland Auto club.
; Volmey and Percy Driver met the
? party at The Dalles with an extra ma
. chine so that no one was crowded and
., . with no , delay the pilot machine soon
passed through The Dalles and into
' the great fruit and wheat belts to the
Boulb. of the Columbia river. On all
Mdcs the harvest was in progress, great
threshing machines a nd combine har
vesters were on every side and the gold
en grain that has helped make Wasco
i-ounty -famous is passing in a steady
stream rom , the fields to the ware
louse. The only complaint heard dur-
' ing the day was the lack of help.
, At. Dufur a short stop was made to
gather some statistics and then the par
ty proceeded on south to Kingsley. Here
Ihe automobiles were given a drink and
the run continued to Tygh Valley.
. Thla JItUa.jelty.ia now : within 13 miles
, to the railroads in the Des Chutes can-
. yon and feeels quite metropolitan. The
party passed up a considerable grade
to a fine country laying southwest and
. a run, of six miles brought it to Wamjc
"iv here each of. tha delegates was es-
corted to the home of some prominent
citizen and furnished the kind of enter
tainment which makes one want to come
back. After dinner a visit was made the
exhibit, of the Wamic Commercial club.
President Volney Driver and Secretary
Percy - Driver have made a wonderful
t Fhowing in the limited time their club
' has been organized. They have a dis-
,rlaythatwould do credit to a section
much more advanced and it has already
; won -many prises. Nearly J00 people
from the town and surrounding country
: v, ere in the hall to meet t he Portland
laitors a nd C. C. Chapman hade a
rplendld address, 'Outlining the purpose
t of the trip and the Interest taken
C In the 'Wamic' club by t he commercial
; organizations of Portland. C. L. Smith
made an earnest talk on more home life
.on the farm. Phil 8. Bates gave a good
i i roads address and urged an earnest
investigation of the good roads bills to
be Voted In on this fall. G. F. Beck sug
gested some changes In some grades
passed during he day aand the hall was
1 then cleared for dancing.The party
j learejjfor PrlneviHe in the morning.
Governor Deneen Likely to De
sert From Roosevelt
. Campr
. '(tfalted Pren Leaard Wlr.
Chicago, July 11 .Governor Charles
S. Deneen of Illinois, in Chicago today
in conference with his lieutenants, is
expected to announce his final decision
to defy the "bull moose" cartv and re
fuse adherence to Roosevelt. That this
action will be promptly met by the thinjl
party placing complete state and con
gressional tickets in the field In Illinois
this fall is practically certain.
eaui Mccormick s statement yester
day, made after a conference with Colo
nel Roosevelt, was regarded as a chal
lenge to Deneen cither to come into the
Roosevelt fold or face a rival Republi
can candidate at the polls.
At a conference last night the old La
Follette crowd and the Roosevelt ad
herents compromised their differences
and a call was issued for a state con
ference in Chicago next Monday. At
that time a date will be set and a call
issued for the state convention to select
delegates to the Roosevelt national con
vention August 5 with 'Governor De
neen'a decision before Monday's confer
ence action probab)y will be taken at
that time on a Roosevelt state .ticket
for Illinois.
Inncrninnin Tiir
rWMd ll lt
With Both Hands and 200
- Meter Flat Race and Now
Have 82 to Sweden's 56.
Hawkins Is In Finals.
Stockholm, July 11. The first heat of
the semi-finals Of the 110 meter hurdles
was won by Powell of England in 15 3-5
John P. Nicholson of the University
or Missouri won his heat in the semi
final 110 meter hurdles in 15 2-6 sec
onels, and John R. Case of the Univer
slty of Illinois won his heat in 15 3-10,
Hartln W. Hawkins of the Multnomah
A. A. club Of Portland, Or., won his beat
easily In 15 7-10.
James Wendell' of the New Tork A.
C. was not extended to win his heat in
the seml-flnals of the 110 meter hur
dies. His time was 15 H eeponds. Fred
w. .a-eiiey or Seattle also won his heat,
his time being 15 3-10 seconds.
O - Washington, July 11. Falling to eide
' rack'tiie passage of the Clayton con
t mpt bill, by filibustering. Minority
I 1-eneer Mari this - afternoon finally
and the house,' by a vote of 233 to 1SG,
I rassea tne measure.
i Washington, July 11 Formal con
Islderatlon of the 13 articles of linpeach-
ment preferred against Judge Robert W.
f Archbald of the United States commerce
court was begun by the house today.
Chairman Clayton of the Judiciary com
mittee called up the committee's reso
j lution demanding trial of the Jurist for.
misdemeanor, shortly after 1 o'clock.
, 'peaker Clark directed the sergeant-at-i
i.rrai to bring In all absent members,
f tiat a full membership might be present
i .'"r the proceedings.
. Mrs. Ell?ora McConaughy, widow of
1 irtare William McConaughy, who was
yniie of the pioneers of California, died
at 1 O'clock this morning at the home
'"t her son-in-law, L. d. Hunter, 270
,.ast Twenty-eighth street, where nhe
t-f ad beea living since the death of her
t.uugbter, Mrs. Hunter, two months ago.
,ars, jacvonaugny wns 111 but a few
hour and- her death was directly caused
!)by heart failure resultant from a rheu
(j matlfi attack. She was born 66 years
co, and came to Oregon from Califor
nia 20 .years ago. She is survived by
v-i son Henry McConaughy of the TcIp-
j,'.'"'!". iiu uuusnier, Mrs. A. B.
One of .the most cleVer bunko art
ists ever encountered by the police
a woman 80 years old. who elves the
name of Mrs. Anna Wood was arrested
this morning in the apartments of Miss
Amanda Sleverkropp, a trained nurse,
at the Beryl apartments, 695 Lovejoy
street, afl,er the woman had vlctlm
fzed Dr. William M. Campbell out of
$20 and Rev. J. H. Black of 64 East
Eleventh street, out of $160.
The woman, who until one week ago
had been stopping at the Imperial ho
tel, declared that she was the owner
of an estate in the east valued at $176,-
wuo ana mat she had $20,000 in the bank
at Santa Rosa, Cal., and displayed deeds
to the estate and a pass book on the
bank to prove her claims, but these
have been found to be fictitious.
Two weeks ago the woman registered
at the Imperial and last Sunday called
l)r, Campbell, claiming that she was
ill. After two days' treatment she told
the physician that she was temporarily
embarrassed, asked for $500 and dis
played the, deeds and pass book, but
the physician refused to comply with
her request, although he did give the
nurse a check for $20 for her services
and for her hotel bill. The check given
to the nurse was taken from Miss Slev
erkropp's hand by the woman, cashed
by Mrs. Wood and the money kept.
When the nurse left the hotel, Mrs.
Wood followed her to her apartments
and stayed there for a week, making it
necessary for the nurse to provide her
with a place to sleep and with food. Last
night Rev.' Black, on whom the woman
D III ted Preu Lua Wtr t
Stockholm, July 11. America swept
me ooarus in the pole vault First hon
ors went to H. S. Babcock of Columbia
university, with a total height of 12
rcet 11 3-6 Inches, a new Olympio rec
ord. The old mark was made by W. R.
Dray of Danbury, Conp., and was 13
feet i Inches.
F. T. Nelson of Yale and Marc S.
Wright of Dartmouth tied for second
When the finals in the pole vault
were called, there were eight Americans,
one Swedish athlete, one German and
one Canadian eligible. Halfpenny, tho
Canadian entrant, hurt himself intern
ally while clearing the bar at the 13
foot 5 inch mark, and was obliged to
quit. F. J. Coyle, University of Chi
cago, broke his pole at the 12.5 mark
and came a cropper, which Jarred him
bo much that he could not continue. H.
F. Hitz of Cornell, G. B. Dukes. New
York A. C., and Passman, the German,
failed to clear the bar at 12 feet 6
Inches and were ruled out.
While the pole vault was being com
pleted the gymnastic finals were fin
lshed, Italy winning first, Hungary sec
ond and England third.
Sow's Great Putting of Shot.
The official figures for the shotput
distances were: Rose, right hand, 15.23
meters; left hand, 12.47 meters. Mc
Donald, right hand, 16.08 meters; left
hand, 12.46 meters.
America thus landed both first and
second places in the shotput with boy
hands, Ralph Rose defeating Pat Mc
Donald, the big iiew York policeman.
Nlcklander, the Finnish heavyweight,
was third.
During the first half hour this after
noon America scored 10 points in the
200 meter final and the shotput, and
now leads with a total of 2. Sweden Is
next, with a total in all events of every
character of 66.
'Ralph Craig of the Detroit Y. M. C. A
came home ahead of his field In the
final of the 200 meter flat race. Craig's
time was 21 7-10. Donald F. LlDDlncott
ft r-v
I . )
. -y ( -t-
i ' f - v
ft Vf 5 's V
1 ( T f
AGE Oil m
f derer of Stanford White Is
Dangerous; Others That He
Should Be Free. - ,
Martin W. Hawkins, who won his
heat Infiih 110 meter hurdles.
Hawkins, Sam Bellah and McClure
all qualified. '
(United Ptm tind Wlre.t
White Plains, N. T., July 11 Whether
Harry K. Thaw la to continue a prisoner
in Mattewan insane asylum or Is to go
free probably will be decided within
two weeks. Justice Martin J. Keogh,
before whom Thaw, through his attor
ney, Clarence J. Shearn, has been trying
to demonstrate for nearly a month that
lie is sane, and illegally deprived . of
his liberty has before him the opinions
of six alienists, the bsst of their clasa In
the country.
Three agree that Thaw la saae and
should be free, while three insist equally
as strenuously that if he is turned loose
lie probably will commit another mur
Johiv-WKussell, head of the Matte
wan asylum'and a friend of Thaw, told
the court that be feared if Thaw waa
released and returned to his former
habits,, especially to drinking In excess,
he might commit another murder. This
statement is expected to Jhave great
,welght with the court in arriving at a
Dr. Charles K. Mills, professor of neu
rology at the University of ' Pennsyl
vania, was the chief witness today. He
reiterated his statement of yesterday
that Thaw could be safely given hU
Other witnesses today were attaches
of the Tombs prison in New York, where
inaw was confined; private detectives
who conferred with him in' prison, and
court attendants, all of whom swore
that they had never noticed anything
irrational in Thaw's actions.
Bryan's Stenographer Tells
, How Form of Resolution
Was-Changed. -
m '
Darrow Witness Would Show
That Bribery Money Was
Not Passed.
had called and from whom she had of the University of Pennsylvania was
borrowed $160 after asking for $500, was I second, and Applegarth of England
fmacu uyvu ujr LJL . VUIIiyueu Bnu OOtn j UllTd.
men reporiea- me arrair to the police;
after hearing from Santa Rosa that
there was no check account there. This
moinlng Detectives Coleman and Snow
called at the apartments and arrested
the woman Just as she was about to
leave in a taxi to view the parade. In
her possession were receipts from Ran
Francisco, Seattle and Philadelphia,
which Indicate that she has been liv
ing high. Big taxicab bill receipts and
other similar papers were among her
possessions. She lived at the Hotel Her
ald. She Is to be held without ball
for investigation.
(Untied r ri Tim4 Wire
London, July 11. Strikebreakers were
again furiously attacked when they left
the Surrey docks for luncheon to.iav
Sympathizers with the striking trans
port workers' union greeted them with
showers of stones, from which several
men were seriously hurt. The attack
ing party did not give ground when
rushed by the police and the riot raged
during the entire noon hour.
(Unttfd rre Leewd Wire.)
Dubuque, Iowa, July 10. One
woman waa probably fatally In
jured and three others seriously
hurt here today when 700 bar
gain hunting women attended a
special sale of dlshpans at a 10
cent store. All the dlshpans
were sold within 10 minutes.
cram, ana a daughter. Mrs
. Aheeldon Horn, of the Wheeldon apart
"'iiicnts The funeral is to be hoi.t .ith.
aturday or Sunday and more complete
jj 1 1 ranements are to be announced.
I - KUoWtat, Wasn.. July lt.A bunch of
j ' bout -half a dozen Elks of the modern
inX were seen yesterday two miles
bOT;this point. Part of the bunch
V0?? "Pending much time about
, 'an old "deer lick," where there are mln-
mi water. In profusion, while a part
Olof tha bunch had evidently heard of
F Klickitat as a trut stream by the stren
jvtioue manner in which they cast flies
nnti uauHii iiniiHit 'in rstna
- I CDL BIIIJIIRIir y . 1 x a . . .
Tacoma, Wash., July 11 Local Dem
ocrats at their weekly dinner last night
appointed a Committee which ' wiled
William J. Bryan, asking him to come
lr !ierdHl tadav h. th.., h.h" . ",,y ume soor convenient
.... r - . . .vv.ic, jima, mi nun a aauress a ereat Rtjitp rnti
lnd rotumcd to the Portland herd dlum. a crowd of
...etuveninfc. ' him for the occasion., uuuu. i no poorest amateur
'"f. the bunch was rewarded with a catch
sB. W. Brow, an Iowa banker and a
yrewwanwwl fH'inwt-r'at 'wur-TtTgnTf
l 'osd with his visit to the Klickitat
inrr. wwnry, i ne stragglers were
(United rroM Lraard Wlr I
Juarez. Mex., July 11. Entering this
city with the utmost secrecy. General
Orozco, the rebel commander In chief,
expressed confidence today that the re
bellion will triumph. Orozco went at
once to the home of his father, who was
Ignorant of his coming, as were many
other rebel officers.
A force of 1600 federal cavalry is
moving northward out of Chihuahua,
according to rebel scouts.
Rebel soldiers are guarding the bor
der for two miles above and below
Juarez. Rebel leaders say It la to pre
vent deserters from taking advantage of
General Hueita's offer to amnesty and
surrendering to the Mexican consul In
Kl Paso, but It is stated freely in
Juarez that the patrol is to prevent
General Orozco from fleeing to Ameri
can soil.
'lie i ai.'oma sta
60,000 is pledged
Stockholm, July 1L It was a stolid
company of athletes that entered the
stadium from the steamer Finland to
day. The cocksureness which had
marked the Americans since their arri
val was missing and had been replaced
by a determination that was certain to
have its result in future contests. The
loss of the 1500 and 6000 meter races,
the first of which at least already had
been chalked up to the Americans, was
a bitter disappointment, and the train
ers did not omit language from their
No attempt was made to rob Jackson
the Englishman, of the honor due him
for his victory, but it was pointed out
that If the Americans had used judg
ment in making the pace in the earlier
ptKgcB ui me race, eitner Jones or
lvlvlat must have won.
Chliholm Earns Hli Keep.
As a result of the bitter criticism.
oeiter work was shown by the Ameri
cans right from the Jump. In the 110
meter hirdles preliminary, every Amer
ican entered won his heat, and George
A. Chlsholm, of the Boston A. A., who
was not thought good enough to be sent
as n member of the team, but was car
ried on the supplemental list, and wliQ.e
expenses nre being defrayed by private
funds, finished within three-tenths of a
second of the Olympic record for the
distance. His time was 15.3, the
best of the day. The other Amer
icans to win their heats were John
Kller Jr., of the Irish-American A. C;
Martin W. Hawkins, Multnomah A. A.
C, Portland, Or.; Vaughn S. Blanchard,
Boston A. C: Edwin M. Prltchard, I. A.
A. C; John P. Nicholson, fniverslty of
Missouri; Fred W. Kelley. Seattle A C:
John R. Case, University of Illinois, and
J. I. Wendell, Wesleyan. university.
Olympiad Wont Make Money.
The weather today was much cooler
than at any previous time and this
change proved beneficial to the ath
letes. It was admitted by tha manage
ment that the Olympiad will be far
from a financial success. The foreign
attendance that had been expected has
falledsto materialize and the great sta
dium has never been more than half
rilled since the opening day.
The 1(1,000 meter walk was. as ex
ppcted, comparatively easy for the great
... ,ii . . i . i .
v. aimuiaii, uuujumg, who simply car
rieu tne entire rield off Its .feet. From
the start lie set out to win and hang up
a new world's record. The result wh
never In doubt. We won In 4fi:28 2-S
which was four seconds below the best
previous Olympic time for the distance.
Tails Prostrate in Tenth lap.
Kaiser, the only American who quali
fied for the final, essayed to follow
(jouiaings pace, with the result that he
reii prostratea on the track In the tenth
lap. There were ten starters, but at the
finish only four men were still in the
walking. Webb, England, finished sec
ond; Altlmaine, Italy, third, and Ras
mussen, Denmark, fourth. The walk
was one of the best events of the meet
to date and stirred tha small crowd tr
wild enthusiasm.
In the first heat of the 400 meter
swimming race . for men, Hardwlck of
Australia won. Champion, also of Aus
tralia, was second. Time. 6:36. Second
heat Battel sby, England, won; John
sen, Nbrway, second. Time 6 03 3-5
Third heat Rltter, Germany, won1
Kemyery, Hungary, second. Time
6:44 3-5.. Fourth heat Lastorres Hun
gary, won; Taylor, England, second
Time, 6M6 1-6.
. Americans Beady for Marathon. . I
Auieucan entrants ror the Mara
thon, which will be run next Sunday,
stopped active training today and will
take only nominal exercise until the
titne for the start of the big race ar
rives. The chances of the Americans
are dectyrcd ir the experts to be very
Los Angeles, Cal., July 11. That
Clarence Darrow was not in the com
pany of Bert H. Franklin when the
latter swore he was provided with brib
ery funds Is the testimony of F. K.
Wolfe, which the defense In the Darrow
trial is planning today to utilize In
its attack upon the testimony of Frank
lin. Wolfe, who is a writer for a So
cialist paper, was caHed-to the-witness
stand at the conclusion of the exam
ination of Job Harrlman, late yester
day. Questions he waa asked referred
directly to the basis of the testimony
of Franklin, who had sworn that Dar
row delivered to him .money for Jury
bribing on tha morning of November
28, 1911.
Wolfe testified that on the morning
In question he rode to a down town
point with Darrow and accompanied him
to their offices, where Datrow remained
until he received a telephone call, after
which he announced that he had been
requested to visit the headquarters of
Job Harrlman, then Socialist candidate
for mayor of Los Angeles. Franklin,
Wolfe testified, did not appear at Dar
row's office. '
It Is believed that Darrow will at.
tempt to prove that he was walking to.
ward Harriman's headquarters when he
was met on tha street by Franklin, who
beckoned to him. Franklin already has
testified that as Darrow approached him
on that morning the detective was ar
rested by Detective Samuel Browne of
the district attorney's office. Wolfe, it
was expected, will continue on the stand
(United rre Leaed Wire.)
Tacoma, Wash., July IL Frank Cal
vin, under sentence here of from five
to ten years for the attempted murdor
of Vivian Irving, nurse, dived from
the steamer Victoria at the Seattle
dock In an effort to escape E. E. Fer
rier, one of his bondsmen, and Deputy
Sheriff Frank Longmlre, who were re
turning him to Tacoma that he might
bo sent to the penitentiary. Calvin re
fused to accept a lifebelt thrown on
the water and did not stop until fired
upon by Ferrler. He was picked up
in a lifeboat and is now In the county
(United I'rew Leased Wire.)
Tacoma, Wash., July 11. An un
identified man, believed to be either
W, F. Stulz, of Portland, Or., or J. R.
1'anrle, from names found printed on
an identification tag and written on
his label, died mysteriously yesterday,
supposedly tf poisoning, on an tinfre
quented. boulevard, He was . touad
writhing in agony, face downward on
the grass.
(UnltM PrtM Lm4 Wlre.1
Helena. Mont.. Jnlv 11 That
3. Brvan. at th inat
from hia famous Ryan-Belmont-Morgan
resolution at Baltimore a denunciation
ot r resident Tart was the statement
made here tndav hv TMhArt xtna n
mer private secretary to the Nebraskan.
v-unsiaeration ror the feelings of Mrs.
Taft caused. Bryan to take this action,
ose said:
"As dictated to m nrlHnAllv hv Mr
oryan, me resolution contained a caus
tic reference ta th Chi
Steam roller and denniinmil Taft as tYim
beneficiary of such methods and aa the
renpienr or iavora rrom the 'interests.'
When he entered the hall that night
with the report Bryan was advised of
the presence of Mra. Taft In the hall.
uiEUKing to do anything offensive to the
first ladV of tha , land Rrvan out all
reference to the president when he pre
sented, the resolution. He afterward
told me he elimlnatd this part of his
resolution because Mra. Taft occupied a
box unit ha did not riaalr tn An anvthlnv
. ' w -
tnat might tend to humiliate her."
Voluntary Campaign Contribu
tions Encourage Party
(United Pre Lil Wtr.)
Seagirt, N. J July 11. That plenty
of cash will be available to run thd
Democratic campaign and that there
will b no need of accepting campaign
contributions from "interested parties
or persons" was the declaration of Gov.
ernor Woodrow Wilson today. The
Democratic candidate said that ha was
greatly pleased on opening his mail
today to find many letters containing
Jl bills from working men and women
who wished him success and contri
buted their "mite" for the cause.
To date the governor has received
about J2500, The largest contribution
was joOO, while there'have been some
of J100, others of $50 and numerous
JlO's, J5's, J2's and Jl's,
LffiVER Wll
1 ! - I A i . All! j.
uiiuuiii; iuuruy uuzens Dign
Petition for 'Special Man
When Famous, Suit Goes to
U. S. Supreme Court, v-
The condition of Herman P. Emery,
the Stage manager of the Pantaifes
theatre, who was shot by O. W. Pence,
who Js believed to be demented, while
near the door of the theatre Tuesday
night, is much, improved today. He is
at the St. Vincent s hospital. Although
the bullet pierced the dlaphraam an.1
the right lung and lodged near the
spine, it is said that he has a good
chance for recovery.
One incident of the shooting which
was brought out yesterday was that
after Emery had been shot by Pence
and while still helpless on the floor, ho
scrawled a short note or will on the
back Qf Ms photograph. In the will he
gave all of his property to Ms wife and
charged his stepson, Ferris, 17 years
old, to care for her. The will was writ
ton when Emery thought h was mor
tally wounded. The will follows:
"Portland, July 9. I leave all my
property to my wife, Viola A. Emery,
and charge my son Perrls to take gooj
care of his mother from my Insurance
left by me. In fear,
A. W. Rice of the stage force, who
was present, witnessed the will.
The players at Pantages theatre are
very much wrought up over the affair.
Miss Carmen Ercell, one . of them,
fainted Just before going on the stage
yesterday afternoon.
Over a dozen letters from Pence were
received at the theatre yesterday, all
addressed to Miss Lowe. According to
later developments she was not the girl
with whom Pence was Infatuated. Miss
CarmerrErcell was the object of his ln
fatuatlons, according to Pence's de
scription. In his delusion he had con
fused the names, it is believed.
The letters contain all sorts of
strange requests and orders.
Leaders of the Apostollo faith denv
the report that Pence, who also used
the name of Pinch, belonged to their
Titanic Resolution Signed.
limited fruit Laaed Wire.)
Washington. July 11. President Taft
has signed the resolution conveying
tho thanks of congress to Captain Ros
trom and the crew of the steamer Car
pathia for their work in rescuing Tltanio
Oakland, Cal., July 11. Fears are
entertained that Joaquin Miller, the
"Poet of the Sierras," who is 111 at his
home in Fruitvale, will not recover.
Miller is nearly 80. He broke down
following his exertions as a Fourth
of July orator and motion picture actor.
6an Franclseo, July Hi Bearing
Colonel Lea Feblger and the sixth Unit
ed States infantry, -which for three years
has been fighting the Moro tribes in
the Philippines under his command, the
transport Sherman arrived here today
from the islands.
- (ft neU to The Tonrnal.) .
Newport, Or.., July 11. Petition- are
being circulated in Lincoln county
which will be sent to the state land
board- asking- that-special counsel he-
employed to represent the state to the
appeal to regain, title to the tidelands
In this county, recently lef vested with
the Southern Paclf io by a decision of -
the state supreme court
They areb elng circulated as rapidly
as possible and if they are received In
other parts of the county as they have
been in the vicinity of Newport and
Toledo, should be ready for filing at an
early date and will be of considerable
length, The petition foHows: . ,
To the State Land BoardrTV, the .
undersigned citizens of Lincoln county,
realise the great- Importance of leaving
the. water frontage of Alsea, Blleta and
i equina nays tree to the publlo for im
provement and the use of navigation
and commerce: and while we have no
desire to reflect on the ability of the
attorney general of this state, we know
that the railroad company will employ
the best legal talen available In Its
should be equally well equipped to pre
sent this case in tho supreme court
"Therefore, We respectfully ask that
your honorable board employ the best
legal counsel possible to assist the at-!
torney general in the prosecution of
the suit to regain title to the tide and
overflow land in Lincoln county."
Headed bv the ocean uteamiM Rama
Cltv 1nAtaati Vtnaea K a . -
river steamers, will leave the decks of
Portland at 1 o'clock tomorrow after
non bound for a trip of foue hours
down the- Columbia towards tha aa
None but visiting Elks and enoogh
members of the grand lodge commission
A .. .. a . i . . - ...
. iui mo oi ing cumiori or me
visitors will be taken on these steam
ers. The big parade will steam to Cof
fin rock, if possible, before turning
back Xor the homeward Journey.
Tickets for the excursion will be
given to Visiting Elks for the use of
themselves and families either at grand
lodge headquarters, registration headquarters-
or at the leading hotels. These
tickets will be distributed at e o'clock
tomorrow morning and thereafter. The
tickets will tell to which boat tho
holder should go and where if docks
and all should reach the boate not
later than 1 o'clock.
Son Francisco Elks' Dance. .
" Ban Francisco Elks last night added
to the gay life of the reunion by giving
a dance in their headquarters at the
.muunoman notel. Hundreds narticl-
pate&TTfr-the "TreveTfir andestTvItlesr"
which continued until the we sroa1
hours of this morning
Elks' Reunion.
Ton can send 10 issues of The Jonr
nal. from July 7 to 16, covering com
plete proceedings of the Elks' reunion,
including the large special Elks' num
ber Of July 11. to vonr frtanria nr Kmik..
Elks for 26 cents. Order at once.
this is what we call our
e!lo-bill"--it,s valuable!
And say. isn't Portland doing it? And old 142, well,
cy re Doumuui providers or everything," what?
Cut out the coupon and bring it to the big piano store at 7th and Alder
Thia advertising test coupon will be accepted
by Eilera Music House, Alder street at Sev
enth, as thirty dollars, cajhr airst payment
. on a new piano selected on or before July 20th.
"Hello Bill" Adv. Test.
Jour.,7-ll-r . Eflen MmiflrHoina.
J" IT. Akaf
Good for one of the Musical
Elk Calls, or one of the won
derful Bubblers, or one of
the beautiful Art PictureSr
or Thirty Dollars in Gold
at Eilers Music Housoa
poor and the British sharps assert that
none of Xlmm will hw-in the first 12
home. However, none of these same ex
perts gave Johnny Hayes a chance in
ma jiiuuh muruuiun, wnicn ne won, so I
the Americans are not worrying. Ac4
cording to the experts, Corkery of Can
ada and Wide of Sweden seem to have
tne oest Chance to win-
It 's our glad hand for all and it's good
for the following:
FREE To whoever calls for it one of
the musical elk calls.
FEEE To every youngster one of
the wonderful bubblers, which makes
magnificent bubbles without soapsuds.
FREE -To every lady over 18 one of
the elegant gilt and glass framed art pic
tures entitled "Young Motherhood."
FREE To every buyer of a new piano
or a modern player piano $30 in gold as
above. '
Incidentally, we are enabled hereby to
determine as to which paper is most wide
ly read and to base advertising appropria
tions for ourselves and for several of the
big piano manufacturers accordingly.
Don't fail to visit our piano salons, our
grand piano salesrooms, our sheet music
ei n 1 Arr-AA am ' ! 1 ) mm .
oaicoiiuma, our vioiin ana sman musical
SlSSifJ dePirtmft3' our taUdllg machine Parlors. our automatic musicaUji.
stniment department. Free concerts throughout every day. The latch string's
I , tTM V
HOME OP rur f
Tho Nation's Largest. Eileri Building, AJdcr at Seventh.
Established in Ever ImportantWestern City.