THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1312. IF IF IF By Forbcil SAY ! GOLl ATHfllNT IT FIERCE ,WHAT A IOTO THESE MERE BLACK HAND OUTRAGES TM6R1 ISO -? 7- ifrt 1 . IT SUR p If IF I WAS CHIEF OF POtlCE I WOULDN'T 00 THING TO THgtf FEUUOW5 ro MESELF TO r LOb K IIKC ONE O' THESE, BRIGN0 CHIEFS WITH STICETTOS AN THINGS AlV. OVER'MC AN THEN 10 MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE LEADERS y - -r -EAT IN" SPAGETTI WiTH EM. AND AIL SUCH AS THAT "AN" SOME DARK AN' STORMY NIGHT AFTER ONE O' Tmp 5EW6T MEETINGS IN AN UNDER- WTTH 'SKOLlS AND COFFINS "I'D SUDDENLY , THROW OFP Mr DISGUISE AN' HIT THE L.EADER AN UPPERCUT ONTHEWAW 1 ' i SAY, GOLlATMj WHY 1M . HECK ARC YOU HANGIN OUT DOWN THERE FOR ? WHAT? WHY IT'S ONLY WILLIE RECITIN' rU LATIN LCSONt Monday's Delayed News Briefly Told Resume of World Happenings Received From 8 o'Clock Yesterday - Afternoon UntH-3o'CIock This Morning. Congressional."' The tlm of the senate was taken up Monday by consideration of the Lorimer eaae. Benatof Dillingham made a lengthy speech In defense of Lorimer. The Judiciary committee nan ordered a favorable report on the nomination of W. M. Bullitt aa solicitor general to ucceed Lehmann, resigned. The Judiciary committee of the house has submitted a report of the Investi gation of the conduct of Judge R. W. Arehbold of the commerce court. The report recommends Archbold's Impeach ment j , fiellef for, innocent purchasers of tracts containing less than 1000 acres of Oregon railroad grant lands at $2.60 "an acre, confirmation of the action of the department' of Justice in the present srult against the railroad company, and withdrawal from all forms of entry of all remaining railroad lands Involved three important points agreed upon by tho house subcommittee having under consideration what Is known a the "Innocent purchasers" bilk' introduced by Congressman Lafferty. Political. Representative Butler Ames of the Fifth district of Massachusetts, has an nounced that he will not be a candi date for reelection. Grove Johnson, father of Governor Hiram Johnson, if a candidate for as semblyman from the Fourteenth district of California. A Roosevelt league hns been formed at Buffalo. N. Y. Tom Tuggart has resided from the national Democratic committee and his frlenda are trying to persuade him to reconsider his action. United States Senator J. L. Brlstow of Kansas has formally declared for Theodore Roosevelt for president In a letter to William Allen White, Roosevelt national committeeman from Kansas. In his letter Brlstow declared the renom lnatlon of President Taft was "fraudu lent", and that Republicans are In no way bound by It. disease at his summer home at Rock land, Maine. John Maruszewskt, murderer of Po liceman Charles Bchafer of Buffalo, N. Y., has been sentenced to die by elec trocution on August 12. Hearings in the government's suit In equity to dissolve the American Sugar Refining company, which were to be resumed in New York Monday, were adjourned until July 23, to be taken "up at San Francisco. From 8an Francisco the hearings will shift to Salt Lake City, thence to Denver, and back to New York about the middle of September. Vice Chancellor Stevens, in an opinion filed at Trenton, N. J., Monday, in the court of chancery In the suit of Norman D. Hooker and others against the execu tor and heirs of Henry O. Havemeyer, holds that 110,000,000 worth of stock of the National Sugar Refining com pany was issued to Havemeyer without consideration. Naval Constructor Baxter, who went from Boston navy yard to Newport to investigate the accident to the battle ship New Hampshire, which collided with the liner Commonwealth Sunday, reported that permanent repairs can be made at an estimated cost of $15,000 in about two weeks. Three convicted murderers, Gufseppe Clrolli, George Williams, a negro, anil Santa Zanza, were put to death in the electric chair in quick succession at Sing Sing prison Monday morning. The French surprised him near Moulay Bouchts. After a severe fight the Rugul fled, leaving 60 dead and abandoning his camp. The French lost three killed and 18 wounded. OLD HOOD RIVER CHANNEL PARTLY CHOKEN BY SAND (Spwial to Tfce Jonrnal.l Hood River, Or., July 9. During the recent high water the Columbia river backed up into Hood river several hun dred feet above the steel wagon bridge, causing the old channel of Hood river partly to fill up with sand and stone and throwing the current of the river over against the approach and west pier of the steel bridge, which will place the bridge in danger during the high water from freshets. A few years ago three days after the city had taken over this wagon bridge from the county, the river undermined the west pier and the structure fell Into the river and was washed away, causing tho city a loss of nearly $10,000. ELLICOTT PRAISES NAVAL III Governor May Be Influenced by His Report Not to Disband It. Speeders Still Speed; Etill Pay. (Special to The Journal ) Hood River, Or., July 9. Officer Hart caught two more auto speeders In the net yesterday. C. F. Gilbert and R. A. McCulley appeared before Judge Buck and each paid a fine of $10. Altogether over 20 speeders have been arrested in Hood River county within the past month. Eastern. The national headquarters of thfc United Shoe Workers of America Is to be moved from Lynn, Mass., to soma western city. Frightened at reports of bubonlo plague in Cuba and Porto Rico, Boston authorities are making preparations to fight it, William Ray, aged 106, was arrested at Hardford, Conn., Monday on the charge of having sold groceries on Sunday. At Philadelphia Monday, Mrs. Flor ence Boyd, despondent from Illness, asphyxiated her two children and her self. The thermometer at Philadelphia reached 94 degrees Monday and 11 deaths from heat are reported. In Pitts burg two deaths and many prostrations were reported. There were five deaths In Chicago and eight in New York. The partially decomposed body of a young girl was found in the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio, Monday. She had been shot in the forehead. James Breckenrldge Speed, a multi millionaire and noted philanthropist of Louisville, Ky.. died Monday of Brlght's Mrs ,11. VON RODEN Of LYNDON, KY. Recommends Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound for Backache, Nervous ness, Headaches. BL tnra HVonRoden J Pacific Coast. The city assessor has placed the value of property in Sacramento at $67,848,870, an Increase of 20 per cent over last year. David Bush, tax collector of San Fran cisco and one of the oldest pioneers of California, died Monday. An automobile driven by Milton Ber nard, an attorney of San Francisco, was struck by a Southern Pacific train in Alameda Monday. Bernard's skull was crushed. Eight thousand regulars and mlljtla of California will hold Joint maneuvers August 10 to 23. The maneuvers call for two opposing armies. One will defend San Francisco from Attack by the other. Mayor James Rolph, Jr of. San .Fran cisco was arrested Monday for exceed ing the speed limit. H. Alexander Dowle, Francis Schlat ter and August Schrader, divine heal ers by profession, have at last secured a perfectly good name for their divine healing church at Oakland, Cal. After three unsuccessful attempts. Secretary of State Jordan hag approved the name of "Kingdom Church" for their Institu tion. Dowle and Schlatter first called their church "Christian Scienre," but Jordan ruled it out on account of its being too close a resemblance to the or ganization founded by Mrs. Eddy. Schlatter gained much prominence a few years ago by appearing In Denver and claiming that he1 had risen from the dead. Thousands of dollars are being ex pended in tho completion of preparations for the encampment of the Oregon Coast Artillery at Fort Stevens this year. Kitchens, outhouses, incinerators, mess hnlls, etc., are. receiving their finishing touches. As a result of the stabbing affray at Pacific City, Friday, several men are to be arrested, the sheriff having decided to make a thorough Investigation of th affair and place It before the grand Jury. The local doputy sheriff at Ta ciflo City was badly beaten by the man who was stabbed and a restaurant pro prietor namod Via. The state constitution and state laws problhltlng the exercise of the elective franchise by those who have lost their civil rights by reason of conviction of an Infamous crime, do not prohibit con victs from voting, says the state su preme court of Washington, because the elective franchise is a political, not a civil right William Brown, landlord of the Hotel Pendleton, while standing by a campflre near Gibbon during a fishing trip Sun day, fainted and fell so that one arm rested in the fire. He was alone at the time and when found later was still unconscious. He was badly burned, but will recover. Officials of San Francisco raided a cockpit Sunday and 20 San Francisco and San Mateo sports were heavily fined for cruelty to animals. Lyndon, Ky. "I have been taking Lydia E.Pinkham'8 Vegetable Compound for headaches. neuralgia pains.backache, nervousness and a general run down con dition of the system, and am entirely re jieve'd of these troubles. ' I recommend your remedies- to my friends and give you permission to publish what I write. " Mrs. H. VON KODEN, Lyndon, Ky. When a woman like Mrs. Von Roden is generous enough to write such a let- tar as the above for publication, she should at least be given credit for a inforn rWlr heln other anfferlnff omen. If yon wnt special adilce write,to LTdlrsr.. Vint ham Medicine Co. (conn 4cal Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a v wmaa ana nem in strict connaence. DEAF MUTE AGED 73 DIES FROM LOSING ARM (SpiM-til to The JnaroI. Chehalis, Wash., July 9. Mrs. Nancy Bates, aged mother of Ab Bates, a Che halls barber, died Sunday at a South Bend hospital from Injuries received by belnK run over by a train at Frances Friday, where she was visiting another son, Bailey Rates. Mrs. Bates' arm was mangled and she was taken to the hos pital where It was amputated. Owing to her advanced asre. 7 3 years, she never recovered from the shock. Mrs. Bates was deaf and dumb and was run down by the train before the engineer could stop. She felt It approaching by noting the vibration but as she turned, slipped and fell. Fred F. Gates, a farmer living two miles southwest of here, died suddenly of apoplexy yesterday afternoon. Mr. Gates was K3 years old and was a son of Portland s first mayor. John Gates. His body was taken to Portland to be burled beside that of a daughter. A widow and son survive. (Special to lb Journal.) - Salem. Or., July 9. In his report to the secretary of the navy. Captain J. M. Elllcott of the battleship Mary land strongly praises the conduct of the members of the Oregon naval militia who went on the recent cruise down tho coast. A copy of the report was received today by Governor West. Nine officers and 105 men went on the cruise, which started from Portland June 17. This report Is of special importance as on it probably hinges the action of Governor West In regard to disbanding or retaining the present naval militia. When the organization was rent with dissension among- its members the gov ernor gavn its friends SO days In which to show Justification of Its existence. But before the time expired the mat ter of the cruise on the Maryland came up and ha announced he would wait for a report of the men's conduct on that occasion before deciding on any action. Governor West said today he had not hud time even to read the report yet, so was not srepared to make any com ment. r elX TRAIN RUNS DOWN MAN; TRAINMEN SAY SUICIDE (SwIM In The JonrnnH Colfax. Wash, July 9 While walk ing on the O.W. R . A- N. track Sun day, F. AVrage, a German widower aged about TO. a resident of Latah, Wrash., was killed by a freight train. " Coroner Brunlng fouml that Wrajre had been despondent nnd was walking on the track from Tekoa to Latah. The en gineer and fireman claim that Wrage committed suii-i.le by stepping In front of the engine. His body was thrown from the track. Wrage had been living with a son and daughter near Latah and had ben nl Tekoa Saturday night, being enrouta home when killed. Foreign. More than 100 Yaqui Indians -were killed In a battle with Mexican troops at Potam, Yaqui valley, Bonora, Satur day, according to report reaching Tns con Monday. Lieutenant Colonel De Mott and six soldiers of the twenty seventh federal Infantry, who attacked the Yaquls, were killed In the engage ment. A score of soldiers were wounded. Portuguese advices tell of renewed uprisings in many places in the north which are believed to be part of the or ganized movement to overthrow the re public and replace King Manuel on the throne. The situation in northern Por tugal Is causing the government grave concern although there has been no se vere fighting and there has been no in terference with foreigners. The most serious fighting to date took place in the province of Traiosmohtea where the royalists are said to be well armed and equipped. There has also been fighting at Caminha. Americans of the Mormon colonies at Colonla Morelos and Colonla Oaxaca, 76 miles southwest of Agua Prieta, are moJrtUalng to defend their property efalnsfithe rebels. The rebels" advance guard from Casas Grandes Is approach ing Colonla Morelos. Claud Graham White and his wife, formerly Miss Dorothy. Taylor, ot Xew York, who have been passing their hon eymoon in France, returned to their horns In England Sunday by aeroplane. A- crushing defeat was Inflicted Sun day by the French General, Gouraud, with 3000 men, on one of the most per sistent enemies of Franca, in Morocco, who 1s known as the Rugul of Slchtalla, SILETZ T0WNSITE TO BE PLACE DON MARKET (WnsMnrton Bureau of Th Jonrnal.l Washington, July 9. The land office Is preparing details for the opening by lot of five sections of a townslte In the S(letz reservation. The date has not been announced. Pioneer Clubman Dies. (t'nlti-d Tre.K l.caspil Wire.) San Francisco, July 9. David Bush, pioneer member of the Bohemian club. and for many years tax collector or this city. Is dead here after a brief illness. He was born in Ohio 77 years ago and came to San Francisco In 1851. StanflelA-f eachers Elected. Stanfleld, Or." July 9. The following teachers have been elected for the en suing year: T. D. Carruth, Miss Jessie Brierly, Miss Anastasla Chezlk, Mrs. Eva Dumas, Miss Ruby Hazelett, Miss Mabel McCormlsh. The potato crop Is the best It has been for years, some being as large as a pint cup. Crops of all kinds were never better. GENE FISHERMAN LOST IN M'KENZIE (Special to Tha Journal.) Eugene Or., July 9. George Dean, a tailor employed in S. H. Friendly A Co.'s store, at Eugene, was supposedly drowned in McKenzle river near Vlda, SO miles from Eugene, Sunday. He went fishing in a boat In the morn ing and not returning at noon, uneasi ness was felt at his boarding placo. Search was Instituted and his boat, half full of water, and his coat were found down stream. A party of search ers from the Moose lodge, of which Dean was a member, left Eugene this morning to look for the body. He was a native of England, where his relatives all live, was aged about 40 and had lived In Eugene two years. Foreman of Mine Killed by Quake. (United Preaa Leased Wirt.t Fairbanks, Alaska, July . No new fatalities have been unearthed today In connection with the most violent earth- qnaka known here. Tha earth rocks4 for 40 seconds, the first shock being followed throughout the night by a series of less violent ones, Louis An derson, foreman of a mlna on Dome creek, was suffocated beneath, earth which the quake loosened from th roof 1 of tha mine. ,' SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS LffiO emir IBBfflffl Manufactured only by x JAMES PYLE & SONS. New York Children Cry for Fletcher's MM The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under hla personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-g:ood" are but Experiments and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA' Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the ... St omach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Bears the Signature of V) In Use For Over 30 Years TNC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUBY STSflT. NCW VONK CITY. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCURSION FARES ELKS GRAND LODGE A National Gath ering, Portland. Tickets July 7 to 10. Return July 15 Return through Seattle July 22. GOLDEN POTLATCH Carnival of Pleas ure, Seattle. Tickets July 14, 16, IS. Return July 22 0 Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 255 Morrison, corner 3d., Portland. Phones Main 244, A-1244. Rummer Eastbound Excursion Tickets. On sale for numerous dates to September 30. A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. FURNISHED TENTS AT COLUMBIA BEACH ?S Each tent is equipped with beds, bedding, stove, table, cooking uten sils, etc. You wiM have the free use of shower baths, water, Swings, tennis cpurts and boats. Good board may be secured at 35c per meal or $1.00 per day. Make your reservations at Western Oregon Trust Co, 272 Stark street, or write Frank E. Roberts, Manager, caro Co lumbia Beach Hotel, Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Oregon. II II II 1 1 - . 'O O AW2Q ELKS GRAND LODGE REUNION O, AT PORTLAND, OREGON JULY 8 TO 13, 1912 LOW ROUND TRIP FARES VIA THE From All Points, Main Line and Branches l(OH5usZr& Date! I V "jg5 ) Jury The "Rose City" Will Be a Scene of Gaiety and Splen dor to Welcome the "BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH" . and will offer to her visitors an entertainment ind pageant that nana but ELKS can give. For more detailed information as to Special Trains, fares from any particular station, sale dates, or booklet giving full information about the convention1,, call on any S. P. Agent, or write to JOHN M.SCOTT " " v General Passenger Agent, Portland ASTORIA AND NORTH BEACH the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers MUMACsa " . J. Potter" ',W- I I I I s ' ft .A II rBOM ASK STIZET SOCX STEAMER "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland at 10:30 p. m. (daily except Sunday and Monday) arriving Astoria 6:00 a. m. and Megler at 7:30 a. m. Returning leaves Astoria daily except Sunday Mondav and Tuesday at 7:00 a. m., Megler at 9:30 a. m., arriving Port land 4:30 p. m. On Sunday, leaves Astoria 7:00 a m., Megler 9;00 p. m-, arriving Portland at 5:30 a. m., Monday. ' y STEAMER "HASSALO" leaves Portland daily (except SaWrdar and Sunday) at 8:00 a. m., Saturday at 1 p. m., arriving Astoria 1:30 p. mv Megler 2:15 p. m. On Saturday arriving Megler 6:30 0. m. Re turning leaves Megler daily except Saturday and Sunday at 2:45 p. OL, arriving Portland 10 p. m. Sunday leaves Megler 9:00 p. m., arriving Portland 5:30 a. m. STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 p. m., Saturday at 10 p. m. for Astoria and way landings. Returning leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7:00 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. , , EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Meala a la eartf) Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Beach points'- AtorU $1.50 ( Saturday-to-Monday tickets ,'f22 North Beach Season tickets ,iX2 (Five-ride Round-trip tickets i..........l5.J One-day River Trip, Portland to Megler and return.. Ut'i'''lfm'?7 Stateroom reservations can be made at Ash-stTeetToclTof CITY TICKET OFFICB V , , THIRD ANP WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND