THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY IV 1212. I- WANTED TO . KENT Vv 'ANT to rent f Or next three or four montns, lurnisnea house, rour oea- 'torch. Must be desirable neighborhood. I M I W W li KhlNh r jr. I .1 I -M.JFloor-Chamber of Commerce. for rentals, all kinds,- k n. vivrrjT id. rn '.Ht.Ch ember of Commerce. . : - SUMMER RESORTS. 08 "7 RKAVIKVf. rJ' 7 room completely furnished house, including ' piano, 1 block from beach, lawn, shade trees, running water, .. Kent $225 for the season, or will sell -top-fsbvo -on terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699, Ar2683 OWNKK'S completely furnished winter noma at fehelburne station, one block from beach; 7 rooms, large yard, shaded verandas, piano, fireplace and running -water.zrlnqulre T. J. Hoare, Eeavlew, HARRLLROAD cottage, Newport, Or., for : rent completely furnished, for July, August and September; 9 rooms. 6 bedrooms, loveiy grounds, grand view. Address Rickman - Smith, Newport, Or. WHITTENS ramp ground, block from beach, Newport, Or. Furnished tents ana cottages. a-13s, journal. i OR RENT Furnished cottase at 1 Beaclv Wash., for monthXof July. k4a. tori Long A- "TS7s; Main 687o. 1 LOT at .Ocean Park. Wash., $150 ; $25 down, s per month. U-669, Jour--fsl. - ' TWO furnished cottages. Ocean Park, "to rent. Stone. 219 Lumbermen bid?. FIXE camping grounds $2.50 per month. Foot California st. Fulton car. SEASIDE cottage, furnished, good lo cation, near ocean. Inquire 169 3d st. HOTELD 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan only I1.50 and up. tEL VED&KE European. 4th and Alder. , HORSES. .VEHICLES, ETC. 18 LIVERY barn for sale or rent, 16 horses, racks, buggies, wagons, harness, sad dles, pack saddles and everything th good shape. Barn 40x100. 6 lots for yard and the only barn in the city. Ac count of sickness' going to California. W. E. Gannon, proprietor and owner, Yscolt, Wash. GRALiNG outfit for sale or trade for - an eastern tarm, consisting of & good -teams, 7 dump wagons, 6 other wagons, flows, scrapers automobile and other oola; steady work included. Marshall 2181. G. B. Croyle. A Bargain $135 buys a team, weight 2H0J lbs.; harness and a fine wagon. Sellwood 1788. FOR RENT -4 horse barn with 9 lots, all fenced, free water, lots of grass. W-.W car E. 2th and Powell. Address owner. H. Grebe. Tigard, Or. CHEAP family horse and fine rubber tired, buggy, your own price. Haw thorne car to Division St., 1 block west snd 8 south. 2815 58th st. S. E. FOR SALE Light spring wagon dou ble harness, new spray pump, plow cultivator, small farm tools, cheap. E. 88th and Ash. Montavilla. isi BUYS good true team, weight 2650 lbs., narness and farm wagon, also buggy and harness for $15. Last house, 78Wnsley ave Take Sellwood car. ONE pilr horses, new 2 Vi wagon, har ness;, (weight of horses 2S00, price $200, Lents, Or., M. Scott line. Call a t Grange store, Mrs, Ward. 81-AN. of mares, weighing 2100 lbs.. i harness and farm wagon, also spring "Si-agon. 3i5 buys outfit. 4fi9 K. Salmon. ; A FINE rubber tire 2 seat surry cheap for cash' or exchange for good horse. 14 Union sve. ONE 4-year-old mare, fine build, weight 1000 lbs., drive double or single. Prtc $25. 355 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Driving horse, weighs 1300. sound and gentle. Must he told. Phone East 3233 afttr 5:30 p. m. FOR SALE Horses, wagons and har- urw, fiyyiy Alt, duuu, zwucri DIUS, ONE of the fastest pacing horses on the coast, must sell, or will exchange for cheaper horses. 14 Union ave. CARLOAD of horses and mules. Goose - neck, farm and delivery wagons; har wess and saddles. 381 Water, west side. " HORSES and buggies for rent by day, week or month. 8th and Hawthorne. ( KSSt 72. "ONE 6-year-old pony and 3 or 4 cheap . family or ranch horses, 4 saddles, 1 road card. 14 Union ave. Few odd horses for sale; horses sold, exchanged. RITter, 393 Water st - f 125, takes a good cheap farm team. In". - quire for Botler's team. 14 Union ave. LIVESTOCK 33 FOR SALE Small dairy, 8 cows, 6 yearlings, all tubercular tested, wag ons-separator, cooler and bottles. Tele- none Tabor 3824 or box 37, Lents. RESH dairy and family cows. All goo3 mg cows and heavy milkers. From $50 to $75. At 709 Harold ave. Sellwood car. Sellwood 1171. FOR SALE 1 pony and saddle. 1 2-year old Jersey bull, 1 3-monthn'-old Jersey .bull,. 2 Jersey heifers. East 29th and jincKitnt lOUNG fresh gentle Jersev-Durhain dairy or family cow, 5 gal. daily, rich mua. vt js. autn. . i. car. 7 FAMILY" milch row. Jersey, also 8 ... i months-old Jersey heirer. inquire 204 : Alder st. POULTRY 87 $0 BUFF Wyandotte hens, utility, for $35; 13 Partridge Wvandotte chicks nd-Buff Iyeghoms, cheap. 206 Salmon tt The Poultry . Supply House. Main BABY CHICKS Black Minorcas. R. I. -Reds, White Wvandottes. B. P. Rocks and White Ltghorns. The Poul try bupply House, 206 Salmon st. FOR SALE Cheap Buff Orpington cniCKS, vvnue fewn oucks, to 1 monins oia. inquire oe E- 6th st. N. Js'EVER too late to set good Orping . ton eggs, buffs and white. Sellwood 1280. BARkED Rock eggs,- babv chicks, pure Ringlet stock. Royce. Sellwood 1335. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and fowling alleys and accessories; bar flx ' tuses of all kinds; easy payments. The . Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 tth st Phones Main 769. A-1769. tEWING machlrea Another lot ol m used machines of all makes; must be old .or storage.; every -one in firsl class order, at your own price. 292 3d tt.. corner Columbia st. SAFES Spciai bargains second hand firs and burglar proof; safes opened nd 'repaired. Purrt-11 Safe Co. and Portland Safa Co., 86 5th st. Phone . stain S308. WAiMit,u nv or uuio ror piano, farm horse, camelback truck, 2 lots Port land. 4 lots Tacoma. 1109 Hawthorne, Portland. 1 ltwrn 1, ; . j ; 1 SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W, & W.." White and Standard sew Jnf machines; easy payments. Call 383 tj. murriBun, near virana. , yourself to Royal Anne and Black nepuDiican cnerrles, 3 cents per pound. Hagemann, Vi mile S. E. Mil waukle. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc, bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark st. Main 7711. LIGHT farm or express wagon, good condition. 8. Hollister, 1078 E. 40th Woodstock car to Mann station. i6t6RCYCLES $40 up; blcvcles, $10 up. ii Mammon, near prioge INLAID linoleum, nearly new 2 pat- terns, 80 yards, 50c yard. 450 Park. CABINET Wheeler-Wilson machine, nrw. ; union ave., rt. liast ssss. ONE 48x60 W. O. double desk, range, water heater, bicycle. East 4432. -tSTOVETtrt)ttiir.j repairing, estimates given. Marshall 8228. 628 V4 Wash. jOlTca n rent Oliver, typewriters months rorjt. 7'he Oliver Typewriter Agency. 14N0 cherries for sale. Sellwood 1335? : i" ... . .. a'. -v FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 SEWING MACHINE SLAUGHTER. 100 Singer machines, slightly u6ed. "5 New Home machines, slightly used. 100 Whits machines, slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wilson machines, slightly used. , 200 machines of all other makes, slightly used. " "". Stile, on at my three stores, 420iWash lhg ton St.. 383 Alder st, 293 Third at . 1 S. 6. SIGEL. EOT" household goods, iron beds, (springs, mattress, dressers, extension table, davenport, sanitary couch, car pets, phonograph, electric fan, gas range, steel range, washing machine, not water heater. ' 113 union ave DROPHEAB Singer sewing maclitne," great bargain . Leaving city. 213 ft 4th st., near Salmon. UNREDEEMED ". diamond ring and bracelet, cheaa Room 1. 245V, Mor rison st. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 41 FOR SALE One 1911 Buick runabout, one 1910 Bu ck surrey, rear seat de tachable: one Buick 1910 S passenger; one 1911 Cadillac. 5 passenger; one 1910 Oakland runabout; one Columbus elec tric All the above cars in good condi tion with extra equipment. th and Couch. Main 45:5, A-2560, AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Whvbuv a hew cheaD car when you can secure one of our high grade used rata at the same price. We guarantee them: different makes and models, all traded in on new White cars. We also offer several 2d hand trucks. Write Whit Car Agency. Sixth street, at Madison. A RARE OPPORTUNITY 7 nassenKer automobile In excellent running order, full equipment, have no further use for a machine and will trade for property or mortgage. 207 3d st. STAIGKR Auto pat.iting Co., Automo bile naintlne sneciaUy. Fourth floor Covey bldg., 21st and Washington sts. Phone Main 1844- AUTO repairing ana aturage wnrlc i guarantees, all experiences neip. ins Powell Garaa-e. 37th and Hawthorne. Tabor 1147. $250 BUYS 22 h. p., 4 passenger Buick auto model 10. eQulpped with speed ometer, clock, windshield, top, extra ires. 1141 Ivon st. Fbone Tanor 3i4. SIX cylinder touring car for sale. This bus lust been nainted and Is In good condition. Price $1000. A-231, Journal. MAXWELL runabout to trade for lot; will nav difference. AVood. 994, or call 1068 E. 27th St. N FREE and clear lots on electric carllno for a light runabout or auto. Main 3032. 7 PASSENGER I'ierce-Arrow, 40 h. p., in good condition, ot trade. East 4423. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 NEW DISC machine Including 26 dou blefaced records for sale, price $20. Apply 2061 Clarendon st. LAUNCHES A.D BOATS 04 RAISED deck launch, 4.1 by 10, in first class condition. A safe, roomy boat for camping trip; three full berths, toi let, galley and roomy cabin. Dr. Free burger, 20fi Swetland bldg. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing, ways. Foot Abernathy st. Marine LAUNCH for sale or trade; 6 h. p., 26 feet long. 1747 Peninsular ave. Wood lawn 851. ROVVBOATS. Sailboats. Power Boats. Boat shop foot California street FURMTUKE FOTJ BALE 65 FURNITURE of 14 rooms for sale, fine leather chairs, silverware, everything complete, at a sacrifice, terms. Main 9029. A-3313. . FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale cheap at 867 Cleveland ave. FURNITURE of 4 rooms for sale; party leaving city. 4 41 6th st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 8 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; reliable party' wants to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture, stoves and rufis In small or large quantities and pay all the cash It is worth. Phnne East 636. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. R. Sester, 124-126 Grand ave. East 1562. COVELL FURNITURE & COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best prlco for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. Z04 1st. Main s'jzz. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE HOLD GOODS. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX.. 369 K. MOR. E. 768. 368-370 E. Morrison st. E. 101!2. $1000 worth of good furniture at once. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by sellinK It to Foro Auction io,, zii ist. main !, A-zna WANTED A "good rijjar i-ase, 8 foot candy ense and buttermilk glass Jar. Phone B-1496. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam era Exchange. 2 45ty Morrison. LOST AND FOUND SI $10 REWARD For information and re covery of a bright bay horse branded U S on left shoulder; one hind fqot white and a light nfripe in the fore head and saddle marks of white hair on the left side Address J. W. Carson, 66th Street and 50th ave., S. E. LOST A small red and white, toy Spaniel doe. about 5 o'clock Sunday P. m. near 24th and Clackamas sts. Will pay liberal reward for his return. Apply Mrs. R. M. Doolv, 796 Clackamas st. or Mrs. Wilson Clark. Linnton, Or. LOST On the Oregon City car last Sunday noon, a gnld bracelet with In itials "T. W." Finder please notify Mrs. Warner, 3RG Lairabet-, St., Port land, Or Reward. LOST Tan tjrindle bulldog, female; white sput on back, white neck, face, breast, feet, one tan ear, no license, an swers to Lady. Phone E-393S. LOST l'ocketbook containing money and small diamond; reward $10. 890 E. Morrison. FOUND Gold watch. Call 1547 E. 17th st., and prove ownership. PERSONAL U2I DON'T experiment with poisons. When In need of a regular monttily remedv get a bottle of Antiko Mixture No. 8 and be convinced that Is the best and most harmless remedy ever put on the market for painful and suppressed peri ods, absolutely guaranteed to (jive sat isfaction. For sale and guaranteed in Portland by the Jefferson Drug Co.. 8d and Jefferson sts. Main 7642. A-7915. LADIES $1000 reward: I positively guarantee my great successful "monthly'' remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnor mal cases In 3 to 5 days; no harm, pal'i or interference wltn work; mall $1.60 uoufie strength, 12. Dr. C. T. Southing ton Remedy Co.. Kansas Cltv. Mo. rR AT.Trpi A rcTUirtr Diseases of women and children, has removed to LaFayette bldg., 313V4 Washington st A MAN In fair circumstances wishes to get acquainted with widow with some means, age 38 to 42, must be strict Christian, German, no other, ob- jei-i matrimony. U-71&, Journal. SPI RI T I A LI SM REV. MAY A. PRICE, .vir.nuiM. r.J'.AULMlH, TKACH1NU, HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TITER., 2; WED.. 8 P. M. 821 CORBKTT. COR WHITAKER. MAIN 7227. F. OR 8 CAR. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men, blood and 6kln dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen gh.nds. kid ney, bladder and plies. 181 First St., Portland. MRS. SOPHIA R. SEIP, mental and spiritual Eclentist. 302 Allsky bldg., """i" i" " p. m. main h!4. MRS. MALLORY HAY, ordained medi- um. 240 5th St., circles Wed, ev e. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or sjdtxset6 32 VHh.. cor. 17th st BALM, ot H a a. rema yfffr-Tttea srirlifr "'" oiz uavis t. Main 9211, MVK1?; KOBERGE Physical culture. - Alder st OjfeJjadJnnr MlSSJohnion, scaip and facial treat ments. Room 7, 343 H Morrison st. 23 MISS PERRY, eastern graduate mas seuse. New Tork school of C. A D. Treats rheumatism, paralysis and nerv ous cases, 290 13th st. 13th or Jeffer- son cat. Open Sundays. , Mam Toi HrS. STEVENS. IS years Portlands leading palmist and -clairvoyant. -has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale, 657V4 Williams ave.. corner Knott. Off les hours H a. m. to p. m. Da A, A. AUSPLUND. of women and surgery- " animations free. 102 Merchants Trust bid.. th' and Washington. Main 4047; ASTHMA ir heart trouble; wish to see tha case I fcan't curt. 338 Union v. N.. Portland. Or. PR. pnuni.AB d. r. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods, $3 box or 3 boxes for 15, by man.' t, J. fierce, im&i Morrison MRS. JOHNSTONE Medium; teacher of mental and Dhvslcal science: rheu matism cured and treatments given. 287 Jefferson. LADIES, ATTENTION An ounce of prevention Is worth a pound of cure. For further information call afternoons at room 809 Gerllnger bldg, SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men, bv mall $1 per box: money re turned If It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co. 245 H Morrison. LADY'S barber shop, now open. 408 Hoyt and 10th sts., hear North Bank Depot MADAME ESTELLE,' Spiritual Medium, removed from J44 11th st to J28V4 13th St.. near Washington. WOMEN Use femoids when others fail Sold and guaranteed by the Aueplund Drug store, 110 N. th st. Main 810. OIRLB. Learn our business: Sanitary Beauty parlor 4QD-41Z vekum mag. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's, mala dlee, acute diseases; moved to 800 E. Morrison, corner 15th; phone E. 5166. LoFtKNK Nerve Tonic Tablets restors lost vitality; 25c box; ( boxes $1.3$. Btlpe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison at MIS.S HEDLUND Halrdresslng, mani curing, face and scalp treatment. Room 30, hM- 350H Morrison, FAIR amiable woman of Integrity, ige 37, desires to meet temperate man of means, 40 to 48. t-TS, Journal. A MAN 40 years of age would like to meet lady with matrimonial inten tions. J-40, Journal CHJ ROPODIST and maniourlst, form erly 6th and Washington. 614-5 De kum bldg. MISS STONEi manicuring, face am! scalp treatment. 430 Vi Washington st. Office 1. MASS AO E $1 Open evenings. ?06 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. NOTICES 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of A. J. Derbyshire, bankrupt. No. 2061 in bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that cm the 5th day of July A. D. 1912, A. J. Der byshire of Portland, Or., the. bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and . that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of fices of the undersigned, rooms 401-2-3-4-5 Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 23d day of July, 1912. at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may at tend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form re quired by the bankruptcy act. and sworn to. The schedul filed discloses no as sets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated July 8. 1912. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that from and after this date I shall not be responsible for any obligations Incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Gertrude Oerlinger. either in her name or mine. Signed) EDWARD E. OERLINGER. I HAVE canceled, the lease at the Bel mont parage, and will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the former tenants, S. W. Bailey, 754 E. Morrison. - FIN AN CI AIi IS your money earning you something, or Is It lying -idle? Call and see us. We can place any amount from $600 and up In first mortgages on flrst-Qlass real estate. Mr. Neely, with WARD & YOUNGER, Suite 4Z6 xeon Bldg. TO provide you immediate working capital will buy good accounts re ceivable from reliable jobbers, manufac turers, lumber millB and wholesalers, Oregon, Washington. West Coast Trust & Credit Co., 711 Selling bldg. cash paid fuk moktoaqes Or seller's equity In contract of sals on reai estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Nohle. Lumbermen bldg.. Loana LOANS WANTE1 80 WE loan money in amounts ranging from $300 to $60,000 on first mort gages on improved real estate; we loan only 40 per cent of the value of the property; up to $5000 we get 8 per cent Interest; we charge you nothing for examining titles and looking after col lections of Interest during the life of your loan; we are responsible and stand behind every transaction that passes through this office; let us explain our system to you. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg., cor. 3d and Washington sts. WOULD you Invest $1500 in modern popcorn machine clearing $2000 year ly, guaranteed. Inquire cigar store. 148 1st et. OWNER would like a loan of $1400 on a 7 room house In Montavilla for three years. 0-658, Journal. LOAN wanted. 2 years, no commission, $600; security, 6 lots near Reed Insti tute. Owner, 11 E. S3d st. G. A; Berry. MONEY TO LOAN 7 CHATTELS, SALARIES VACATION LOANS $10. $20, $30 $50, $70 $100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH GrVEJ US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU THE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECATJSB OUK RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS 8UPRIOR, EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AVn CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 308 FAILING BLDG. JBTO Drake's Easy Money. 1100 Furnished salaried people without se curity, indorsement, delay, deception or extortion; cheapest rates, best and most private terms in Portland. 307 Spalding bldg. Successors to HI'TTON CREDIT CO. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it, and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tolman, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat tels, diamonds and real security; spe cial service rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. 1125 Yeon bide. Tel. M. 875. ELBV COMPANY. Advances money on pianos, furniture, diamonds, watches, jewelry, storaga re ceipts, real estate, etc. Quick, reason pble, confidential. 320 Lumber E ffhangp, 2d and Stark Hts. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. LMamond X'aiace, 334 wasn., opp. owl Drug Store. MONEY sold on installment; conflden- tlal to salaried people. F. A. New- ton, 505 Henry bldg. CHATTEL loans, no red tape; confi dential. Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. -fVYNB: MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential. 14lft 8dv new Tx Alder. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bjdg. PERSONAL MOXET TO LOAN C7 CHATTELS, SALARIES QUICK LOAMS 11 SALARY FURNITURE AUTOS DIAMONDS PIANOS 1 WE LOAN FROM $10 TO 3)1000 ! YOU CAN CET IT TODAY, Rebate if paid befofe duo. IOt-7 Macleay bldg. Both phones. Bet 4th and 5th on Washington. I Open TETon, and Sat. eve. till 9 p. m. MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, autos, lite stock, storage, receipts, real estate and contracts at lowest rates and strictly confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE AND BROKER. AGR CO., 813 Hamilton bldg. Ms In 2084, I $ 3 8 $ 87 $ 3 $ t 3 I i SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household roods. autos, livestock, storaga receipts, mort gages, anything of value; It will cost you less Call and get our prices. (01 Swetland Mdg., 5th and Washington MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE $500, $1000. $2200, $4000, $10,000 TO LOAN AT ONCE ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROP ERTY J. H. TIPTON CO.. INC. 1108 SPALDING BLDG. . MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 8 to I per cent on Portland residence, and Income property and Improved farms. CALLAN & KAGER, izz-izk icon ruag. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE $260 AND UP. J. e. Nichols, ' 815 YEON BLD(i PRIVATE money to loan In sums of $50 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. MONEY to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. Q. Beck, 815-315 Failing. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. $100,900 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McKenzle, A Co., Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. $3000 to loan on real estate security. t. xaggari, us unamber or com merce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A H. HARDING, 313 Chamber of Com RRAQUrM Loans Money irvui i im 628 Lumhermens Bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. It Beits & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg QUICK loans on all securities. S. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. 1. L. White, 701 Belling bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. rarrington, 4it commercial Cluo Diag. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent 1-.OU1S Salomon & Co., 229 stark st, $700 to place right away. 'femlth-Wag- oner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. ilO.OOO or any part for Immediate loan on real estate. Phone Tabor 77L BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACOOTHTAHTS FOTSLIO. a EUGENE WILLIAMS, public account ant. 1041 C. of C. Phona Main 7441. COLLI8, BERRIDGE THOMPSON, Main 6567. 324 Worcester bldg, FOR accurate and artistic made to order mans at lowest tatae Ar... Archi tect, 1189 E. Oak. Phone B-3109. ABSAtTU PICKERING & Co., assayern. smelters, refiners, buyers, high grade and bul lion gold. 142ft 4th st. Phone Main 6109. WELLS A'pSoEBSTEL, assayers, ana- lyucai cnemists. 204 V4 wasn. M. 7 603. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. .Marshall 2726. 18 Morrison. ATTOBH2TB KORNEGAY, SHEELEY A HILLIUS General nractice. Abstracts examined. Collections. 522 Cham. Com. Main 7375. A V PflAPCP o , T aw n Aral rra.t1rA- nhDlrai.,. Avamlna 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. initio lurtiiiisur a MAiiHisvva, general practice. 416-417 Yeon Diag. AUTO EXPRESS AITTO Express Co. will deliver parcels, baggage or freight quickly, reason able. Phone Tabor 4134. BATR8 RUSSIAN, Turkish baths, swimming pool, open dav and night, private rooms !n connection; Isdlee and gentle men's denartments. 695 Front. S car soutn. Marshall I103 PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th; eiegant piunee, open daily. 2nc. BXJUTX BOOK 1UV-KESS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d St., Blank Book m'f'g. ; agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leai Ledgers: see ths new Eureka leaf. A-3133. Main 133. BOOKBIttDEM. THE DITTMAR-PETERSON CO. Magazine, music and law books bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 5th st. Phone Marshall 1235. BUSUTESS CAKOS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 317 J3PCK pigg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office. 605 Electric bld CAB PET CLEAHTBrO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty; E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CAB.PET WEAVT1IG NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. joj union ave., near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. ib!8 Patton ave. Wc ood'ln 2685. CKXROPRACTXC PHYSICIAN HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.60 week. Bath office 2d and Wash. COAI. MB WOOD BORING WOOD & COAL CO, East 3138. Country slab. Tabor 174-2. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PAC, SLABWOOD 00,, 3709. 7366. Green slabwood. bir and small Inside block wood, planer trlm'gw. cordwood. FOR SALE. 250 cords of dry fir wood . cut last year; will give bargain as I am going east. i;are 331 nionawk Diag. Noor Xi Forr-For a short time we eer oi rarr win sen no. i 4-foot cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at $7.25 per cord. M-4596. A-4647 DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st STANDARD WOOD CO- Box wood, cord and block wood, coal. 347 E. Stark. Phones East 2315, B-1695. FULTON WOOD CO. First class dry ana green . siaDwooa. 1'none Main 7890. A-2899. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green ' and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. BEGHER'S WOOD CO., F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 38tn and vaugnn. wain 636. A-Z4if EDLEF6EN Fuel company will trade 2 farm wagons and ougy for bay, oats or wood. -Yamata Wood and Coat Cor EAST 818, B-1867. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir. oak, slabwood and coal. Wreck Sge, 9th and Gltoan. Main 3363, A-2283. EDLEFSEN handles wood and ooaL 1 COAX) AKXt tfCC3 rt? SPECIAL tiffW TOHUuiC PRICES GNmUMM GREEN SHORT WOOD, $3 5i). - GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, 1160. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.50. r DRY.. SHORT WOOD. f SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding, The Portland Slabwood Go. Main 811. A-T001. COAL and all kinds of wood, Phone Hoigate fuel Co., sellwood 4sr, PHOENIJC Fuel Co., Dry wood 'liM per load. 821 Bavler. Main 8814. cscnrzsa soctoxi JING WO CHINESE! MED. CO. cures men and women. New location 185 U Morrison st., near bridge. DR. J. li LONO MEDICAL CO., phy. sician ror men, women.- isoa'fr Aiaer. COZ7T ACTOSS n BTJTZiDEXS : OEOROEFF. carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures esneclallv. l,atn 01 1A lnV.n Marshall 3SK1 BL '"B- mv7M " " " v "J' ... ... . , HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work, far banks, stores and homes. O. H. Hammond, 185 Madison. HARRY E. STANFORD, designer and builder of modern homes, flats and apartments. Office 7. 360 H Morrison. CEIBOFOBISTI DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chi ropodist. Formerly 0th and Washlng- ton. 514 Dekum bldg. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. rietcher. Painless chiropodists. Over Haselwood. M-3713. PAINLESS chiropodist, corns, bunions, Ingrowing nails. A-7845. 417 Swetland. CO I, ECTIOITS PHYSICIANS' & Dentists' acct. general collections. 201 Medical bldg. M. 6187. SAVCIBO HEATH'S school, fancy, stage and social dancing taught dally, waits and two-steD guaranteed In four lessons. clasp Monday evenings, 8 to 10 lessons, 25c. 109 2d St., between Washington ana stark RINGLER'S Academy: private and class lessons dsuv. Mor., cor in. DOQ, CAT AST) ROBES HOSPITAL J. G. Slee, D.V.8. Dogs and cats Seat ed, boarded. Wood. 3076. 1601 Alblna. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. 5440. B-2287. DRESSgggQ SCTHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught. 283 E. Morrison. E ECTKIO MOTOS KtAIlTTAJ 'AKCE HAVIDOHS MMM JMMW Burning out fuses? Costly repair bills? We make weekly Inspection and take responsibility for monthly fee. Portland Electric Maintenance Co.. 121 N. 5th. rUBNITTTEE EPAIjr(J ATindrafTshop! furniture paired, reflnlshed, packed, upholster ing. Mar. 3964. 7th and Flanders. Ref. OEITEB A- BEFAZB VQ. GENERAL machine and electrio work, repair of electrio motors and dyna mos a specialty. E. Hlppely, 224 Oak. OLD lawn mowers made like new by Improved new inventions low price; expert locksmith. Pete Pol'er, 224 Main. GASOEIKE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine, electric. eouloments: launches. accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Kelerwcn Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. jHArajioDa FEBVET & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 1 47 7tn, near ivtor. M. o. SWITCHES puffs and transformation made from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Grimes. 178 17th st. N. Phone Main 1T4. HAT TAOTOmT LADIES' snd gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st. M. 8442. KODAK DETEXOPHTG ROLLS developed free; prints. So UP! mail orders solicited. 205 uercnants Trust bldg. ZafBtrKAJrOB JOHN KF.R Insurance, surety bonds. mtge loans. 1322 Yeon bldg. M. 9285. McCARGAR, Bates & Lively, 801 Yeon bldg. Every form or Insurance, bonds. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. XA.BTEBB' EXv-QES STEREOPTICONS. advertising slides, show cards and banners. Grant Carder. Peoples Theatre bldn, Park and Alder. STEREOPT1CON8, slides, banners, cards. etc. Enterprise Art Co.. 73 6tn. EEATHBB AXTD JrXJTDIlTOS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. lOACHZBXBT a TRENKMAN & CO.. hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. lBHQEBB. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. open night and day. Main 63 A-2153 HOTOBOTCIiB BEPAXBIHTG REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup piles and repairing. 189 Burnslde. rrj3ic scHOPLg abt teacbebs E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 SCHOOL OF MUSIC, staff of teachers, Ore. Conservatory of Muslo, Portland. orricE ruBBiTUUB DERBY LESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co., 210 7th st. Main 587. OSTEOPATHIC FHTSICXaBS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronlo diseases. 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. Dr. Smith, graduate Kirksvllle, Mo., 1898, postgraduate 1907. 1122 Selling bldg. PAINT, OIL ABB GLASS PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 First st Main 1834. A-7048, THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS., makes GOOD products. Ask your dealer. RASMUSSEN & CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 8d & Taylor. M., A-1771. FATWTIBO ABB ' PAPEBIBO FOR best work, prices right, call P. A Doane. 382 F Wash. E. 109P. TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper- nanging. u. A. Barnes. Main 1334. WALKER, 226V4 Taylor, inside work a specialty. f Lowest prices. Main 7981. GOOD work, my motto. A. Osbourn, 8 E. Wasb. B. 2167, E. 4Z14. 't- - - i. H. PICKARD; painting tlntin- pa perlng; satlsfaotory work. East 1858. PATE AT ATTOBBETS PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. reter tiarberlln, 626 Worcester bldg. PATEBT ATTOBBEYS PATENTS 'procured of J. K. Mock. At- iorney-ai-t,aw, late or u. o. raient or lce; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. PAWBBBOKEB UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. PBOTO BCEBIO VIEWS. Free exhibit Oreforr scenery" and com merclal work. 413 Stark. BgBSBOLOOT C Prof. H. A. MeCllntock. a a veara . perlence; he points -the way to suc cess, health and happiness. 8 N. 4th st riAsro TvxTT-a FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, $2.00; 18 yrs, experience. 190 3d. Main 9431. rPB PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th snd York. Main 3489. PEATEBS OT AX- KETAXi, WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9348. A-7190. We replabe silverware; sell you new. Port Plat. A Mfg. Co., 22d-Thurman. M.943. FBIBTIlfO -ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. mai MWtth st., cor, Oak. , Modern offloe, goon laciuties InsLeV Printing Co.r 250 Oak. Main 71. Printing to please. . f - . BOOTIgOr, PAI-TIBO, BEPA3BIBQ TIN roofing, renalrlnar, pttlntlnKfobblnt J. Losli, 213 Jefferson, Main 1424. BUBBZ B STAMPS ABB SEALS STENC1L8 and office stationery. Cun ning ha inCSLBtarkMain BAUUtH, iraae onecKs, dthbo ikiib. stenolls. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 SATES THE MOSLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st. Bafts at factory prices; .repairs; lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safes. BASK, BOOBS, WXBBOWS United Glass Glaring Co., sash, doors. plate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main-4431. SCBIEBS BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted ana . nung, complete. American Screen Co. Phone East 6229. SHOWCASES ABB rtZZUBBS THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFO. CO, new and old showcases, cabinets, store aad office fixtures. ?8 cooen. aii. SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co; ; R. H. BIRDSALLi HAMILTON BLDG., Bhow cases in slock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SB-BOLES BEST in Portland, Bee them. 2t)l Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. SIGBS ABB SX0W0ABB8 OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 4383. 313 Dekum bldg. FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers In the northwest. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home.B-2224. WAHLANDER CO.. room 702 Swetland bldg. Phone Marshall 4922 for scenic and pictorial show cards, cloth .signs. Special window trims. TAXLOBIBO 'BCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking, talorlng. 143H H'h SCHULTES Ladles' Tailoring, Cutting College. 300 Central bldg., lOth-Alder. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally; comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TBABBTEB AHD STORAGE C C. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate -Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 696. A-1996. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., cor. 13th and Everett sts.; most mod ern storage warehouse In city; our low fire insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage; moving, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In through cars to and from the east. Main 664U. a-idzu. OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, free trackage. v Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street, corner 13th and Gllsan. . Phones, Main 69. A-1169. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ex pert furniture and piano moving, i trunk 50c each, additional 25c. M. 7039. A-4724. NORT HWESTERN Transfer Co., 4-4 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 44. A-4468 BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Es- , . . , a .Mnn m If ft O A A HOI JZZ TATTV'OAVf V. O . ov5 ri . r oifo a A CtU art A rntinn TAX LOBXBCI ALFRED OGILBEE, 31 0 Labbe bldg., 2d iand Washington. Suits to order. TITEWBXTEBS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun lngham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt, 2d hand. 142H 2d st Mar. 419. UPHOLSTEBEBS CARTWRIGHT & CO 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing and mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 8335. VACUUM CZ EABEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 218 Com monwealth bldg. L.A.Amlck,Mgr.M.4080 WELL BBZLLX 'S JAMES W. GREEN, well drilling contrac- tor, Zt yrs. experience; 8, 10, 12 In., any depth. 690 Vancouver ave. C-2478. NEW GERMAN FOR BLOOD POISON It Is now two years since the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, arid during that time I have adminis tered this preparation In several hundred cases, often giving as many as flv.e doses In a single day. I know my experience with it is far greater than any other physician In Portland. I have given this remedy a severe test, having met In my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of contradiction that It is the greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present. Every sympton of the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked In their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There Is no longer any doubt about tho wonderful curative power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there Is absolutely no danger of any kind from its use. I Intro duce It DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the ,iintkavh;xnuuss mistmuu, me on:y proper method of administering it, and tha one rec ommended by Prof. Ehrllch himself. In the hands of an expert specialist there any ;kina rrom its use. I keen you In longer. You will be thankful to me a new lease on life. My equipment Is as fine as any In Oregon, and I give you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. I also treat SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWEST COST VARICOSE VEINS, HYDROCELE. VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORDERS. ULCERS, SORES PAIN FUL SWELLINGS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF STRENGTH AND VITALI TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS OF MEN. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders piles fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE exam ination. If you cannot call, write me Immedlatelv,!vlng me a description of your case in your own words. By return mall I will send you absolutely free, a diagnosis of your case and my best professional adVIce as to how to pro ceed in ordsr to correct your trouble. My f flee Is open all -dey from 9nrtn.-tfr 8 pr trr. and Sunday" from'lo' to" 12 only. 11 t L HKI " WHOLESALE J0SBE2.3 EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants, 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. WADHAMS A CO.. Wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. ,. , M A.'GUNST, & CO.. , "" "DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, runiiiAivu'un. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 ' S3 at., pei.ween eaimon ana Main. ALLEN. A LEWIS GROCERIES.-""" .SEE ME FREE. If you are worrying about any allment in. eluded among; those within which- I spe cialize. I Invite you to call st.niv offlc and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and advise you of tne proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever Of vour wnrrv anil your ailment. My -years of experience and my qualifications have made m an xpert In the treatment of the all ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment "until a cure Is ef fected. NEW GERMAN, REMEDY FOR : feLOOD POISON v My method of Administration Is Ab solutely Safe. Come to roe If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins Plmnles, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Plies or Fistula; 9 to B 7 to 8 Dally:-Sunday' 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. J. J. KEEFE, Piu G. M, D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 818 V4 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 8TH. runiLiAisu, UK CC1NESE ;POCT0B; 133 X nDJT ST. IWCw Allen im DR. CM ATI The reliable Chinese Doctors 6. VL Chan with their harmless Chinese rem edles of herbs and roots as medicine can wonderfully cure all sicknesses. They havo cured mahy sufferers, both men I'and women, of chronic diseases and all internal and external sicknesses when others failed. No operations. Examin ation free. Ladles treated by Mrs. Dr. Chen. Call or write to S, X. Chan Chinese Medietas Oo ISStt First St., Portland. Or. Opposite O. W. P. station, Every Woman , Is Interested and sfceeld 1 iknow about the weaaerfu I I MARVEL Whlrlln Spay I The new Vartaal Srrtnre. I flajt. oh convenient, i it ciamoawa ia ; , e-atly. Ask year drnggm for If irhMfannoEIQDDIT lha MAHVEI. accept no other, but sead stamp fn, 111i,aratA4 hook atAd. IB ' Ires fall prttcoIrt and d-- I lions lDvaluabl to ladies. lUBTtt CO, 41 B-4 IM Si. tnri fo ! by tkldnwre Dras O- Weodtra, Iuse oa. aaa Uw Dirlr D m Ce. s stona, Dr. "Pierce's" Scxold Pills Cures Debility and Weak ness of men from any cause; srlso Insomnia, De spondency, Indigestion, Pal- .uinuiui, r-a-raiysis, J remo intr of th lliitHi n, T.lmh, Pnln in tha Pab Vliln.J Tpmihlaa Trl,.a $1 per box to -any address. Money re funded if It fails. Write for circular. Address the Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 245 H Morrison st., Portland. Or. L T.. YEE & EONS. The old, eminent Chinese doctor spent a lifetime In study of herbs, and graduated from several u n 1 v e r st 1 1 e s In China. Cures all diseases of men and women successful ly. No matter who has failed, I guarantee a cure If curable. Call or write to L. T. Yee & Sons Medicine 30V, Yamhill, S. E. cor. Second street, Portland. Oregon. i x tm - w yia:n -on l x Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root PlHs. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI ODS. Cure the most obstinate cases In 3 to 10 days. Price St per box or three boxes $5.00. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE, Room 1, 245 Morrison at, Portland, Or. a k. holsman, m. n. Licensed In Oregon la abiioliitelv no ilinn, Af mv offiCA from one to two hnun nn as long as you Mve, as It will give you 221 Morrison Street Corner First 8t., - PORTLAND. OREGON, It;- W al k Y'.. V REMEDY inn STA T . . r - . -v , - t- -' :. . I