THE ' OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1512. iIUHKJO BIG BAND BERT All Is in Readiness for Meet . i nrienno Park: Soe - cial Car Service Planned ; Sanitary system. - bly at Gladstone Park. communion - Tha that of th6 park for among the class c oak. o ! the P u month, .d n; !flr8t was broken on Saturday wn day . f the year arncu. wuy . Triflrry voices, Sunday the sound yhammer ,nd companies aa beard and ' rattle of tentln day morning to auch purpose 'f ncatnpers com- found mhl! tn? city of tortably to.'.nrf. while tne aU tents has been tWT otnl9ed the inms m" - - . , .treets every lw, I.1r8t and Alder a r half hour and will ru wltnin a grounds, landing PJMjnge - hundred yards cf "g eafiy as 6 a. can will begin running as eariy a. ,n fit to .,..," and thereby OT. -HI oM ot The of assistants. ' Baaltaxy CosditioM' I the closes 1. a. fol-1Og-00 to il:00-Physlcal culture, Pro Tl to X:5U Miss U A. M. 7 W-Tln :80-KlPdergarten. Oregon - ' - r.t Mothers: Ta TlM in Shakespeare, Professor Lee Emerson Bassett. -J:O0 "to 1:0-Sunday school normal, ioaotPn:008-Oregon History, Mrs. Eofomtoli?00-Blble School. Re. Wll- "OOOlToO-Domestic Science. , 11:00 to 12:00 Chautauqua jorum. TBeBe-claaa are all free except do. ; mestlc science. Tuesday's .Program. " The program for Tuesday, July . 'UI b: MQHNINQ. - 10:00 Band. 10 -40 Invocation. Address of wel come. Honorable C. H. Dye. Response, g. putt Jones. OrganUatlon of sum- "tner school and announcement by the ' instructors. AFTERNOON. rnncart. Chapman a orcneir- v Eololst, Miss lean b.ubbci. j:00 Byron's Troubadours. 1:30 Baseball. - 7:15 Concert, Chapman's orchestra. Soloist, Miss Leah Slusser. -j:O0 Byron's Troubadours. Tf) TRFAT FIKS WITH ;IU TllUII L.L.I J III II I ASALMON BMfflECUE- . No one but an Elk or a friend of an 'Elk Wearing Elk badges or other cre dential V, caa enter Oaks park next -"-Wednesday. Passes will not be Honored .-thT gates. This Is because on that day the park ' Will be turned completely over to the ! Elks for the salmon barbecue, which ' they have advertised the length and ' breadth of the country, the Oaks being - tha only spot In Portland where such an entertainment could be held. Great salmon will be served -whore. 1 Shell fish will be barbecued, while liquid 1 refreshments will be in force. But none of these are for Port landers for the Oaks, its food supplies and its every concession are turned over to Portland's ; guests. . IfI weren't an Elk mvself." said ; Manager Cordray, "and therefore able to ' get Into my own park next Wednes day, I would be sorry that we have to Aura Portlanders down, but you can't "' expect me to be sorry when I shall be la on the good times myseir. rthe gates will be barred apalnst all. except Elks. I therefore request that Portland people will absolutely shun the ; Oaks next Thursday because the Elks will force us to send them home, ny- ' way." FARCE COMEDY IS OF EFFERVESCENT ReadBridgc oi the Qods n Before Seeing Production at nultnomaa FicldrDooIx Store, DasemcntPrico. SLIO Choosing an effervescent farce com edy for wind up week the members of the popular Baker theatre stock com pany etarted the concluding week of a triumphal season last night, a crowded house being on hand to bid the players adieu. "Are You a Mason?" was the play. Though the comedy has appeared here before. It met with a hearty reception and was the same laugh success It was when the funny situations ond dialogue Incident to the play were new In Port land. Richard Vivian in the 'part of a stock broker who was once an actor, is the laughmaster of the piece. His im personation of the long lost daughter of his friend's father-in-law was a pro longed acream. William Dills and Wal ter Gilbert and Fanchon Everhart and Marie Baker all took part in roles that ' Are familiar to. them and they lived up to the enviable reputations they have established for themselves as stars In stock. The play will be seen all week at the Baker. " -Horses are used to mix the clay by treading It tn many Argentine brick yards Instead of employing more ex tensive machinery,. See display of Marbelized Statuary, Emblems, etc, Sixth street window. Orders taken ' by Dominick r Fabjan, importer, 3 to 5 p. m4 leather goods section, first floor. .x' GOVT WEATHER REPORT: Fair Tonight and Tuesday; ; Northwesterly Winds. ! For Summer Reading, visit the big Book Store, Basement Annex. Just a step from the Morrison and Alder street entrances. Our Modern Beauty Parlors Expert hairdressing, manicuring, shampooing, -massage, children's haircutting. 5 Balcony, first floor. terttodj-tte'-ll iORTLAND has never made, such preparation ganization the whole city is a mass of purple and white "Hello, Bill!" is the password which has thrown our gates wide ajar! The thousands of visitors here this week will find ours a city of scenic grandeur, of beautiful homes, of fine schools, of substantial Special Elks9 Rest Room on the Fifth Floor THIS in addition to the lobby of our Seventh Floor Tea Room, and the Women's Re ception and Waiting Room, Second Floor. Writing desks and easy chairs. Public telephones in Basement, Second and Seventh Floors. To those wearing official badges, free tele phone service within Portland. business interests, of manufacturers, of commerce- With their mag nificent buildings and patronage, Portland's department stores stand supreme in the West. - Visit Meier & Frank's tomorrow. You'll find it a store of im mense stocks, of wonderful service, of courtesy, convenience. IS Elks' Official Souvenir Postcard Free! TOMORROW we hall continue to distribute free the beautiful Elks' Official Souvenir Post Cards, printed in five cofdrs. Store! Ask any floormari for them also found at the different rest rooms, lobby of tea room, etc, free Souvenir Post Cards of our new store, as planned in the near future. Also Lingerie Dresses Less! TRULY phenomenal such re ductions on every beautiful Lingerie Gown in our entire stock, when Elks' Reunion Week calls for white dresses for so many occasions. Exquisite mddels of filmy batistes and mulls, combined with dainty Val. lace and insertion; also the heavier laces and fine embroideries. Round, square or high neck. Many show the Tunic and over-flounce styles. Choose early before assortments arc uiukcii. IMP? filll r: mk $20 Dresses $15.00 $25 Dresses f 18.75 $35 Dresses ?28.00 $40 Dresses 930.00 $50 Dresses f 37.50 $65 Dresses $48.75 $30 to $38 Tailored Suits $17.45 Smart models for summer and early fall wear plain tailored or fancy- coats with deep revers, trimmed in satin, silk or ratine. Tunic tucked skirts. Fine Serges, Whip cords, Homespuns and fancy Worsteds ik navy, black, gray, brown checks, 'stripes and mixtures. Regular $30. H A pf $32.50 and $38 suits. Tomorrow 51 1 eflJ $25 to $35 Summer Coats $19.85 Coats for street, dress and auto wear this summer styles that'll be just as good for early fall. French and heavy storm Serges, Cheviots and Tweeds, in natty black-and-white checks and gray mixtures. Wide range of styles from plain tailored to fancy dress Coats. Our $25 to $35 frt Q OP carments, from regular stock vXi7eOJ Elk Pennants, Pillows, Horns and Souvenir Specials OUR big Fifth Floor, with the booth on First Floor, new building, is showing an immense stock of Elk Pennants, burnt leather Pillows, Calendars, Streamers, Lanterns, spe- From the famous Jackson Hole district in Wyoming, we've secured a number of fine natural Elk heads, antlers, shed horns, and souvenirs carved from the horns. Pennants, Streamers, Etc Elk Printed Pennants, 25 and 35 Printed B. P. O. E. Pennants, with head,'50 Sewed Elk Pennants, with printed head and clock, fl Elk Porthnd Reunion Pennants, with sewed head and clock, 75, 81 and fl.25 Purple and White Elk Streamers, with elk head printed on muslin, fl.25. Plain streamers, 80$ Elk Flags, 4x6 feet, f 1; 3x5 feet 75 Pampas Plumes at 25 Elk Paper Garlands, 25$. Tassels, lot Elk Lanterns, 25$. Complete with stand, 35$ Elks' Official Souvenir Plaques, 50$ Elk Souvenir Pillows A great display of beautiful Elk Pil lows, in burnt leather, hand-colored, at S2.50 to flO. Official purple satin Elk Pillows, 5.50. Also in the Art Needlework Store, third floor, Elk Pillow Tops and ready-made Pillows of linen, crash, velvet, burlap, each, 50$ to S1.50 Elk Heads, Horns, Etc Natural Elk Heads, from Jackson Hole, Wyoming: priced 65, 75, 125, 150, 175 and 250. Souvenirs, carved from elks' horns. Ash trays, match holders, toothpick holders, gavels, corkscrews, napkin rings, etc. Prices 50$ to 2 Antlers, for hall racks, etc., from 10 to 20 a pair Elk Shed Horns, 2.50 and up Our $ 25 Blue Serges Third Floor New T11J-. m. num niiiv. jhucce: : . i vr ?a -t' 'rncoE. die in auuiuuuiu every Fancy Suit in our entire stock ! Finest $25 Blue Serges the famous Adler-Rochester make of soft, pure Australian wool, with rich, unfadable dye. Beau tifully hand tailored, in smart, new summer models. Besides the $25 Blue Serges, you may choose from new grays, tans, fancy blues, browns, of every popular shade Our $25, $28, $30 and $35 Fancy Suits, $18.73 ir.-it. n ii : . . vvuii an incse immense nnes-j grouped at one price, there is no clothing sale in Portland which can equal this at the Pig store. Kememberr these are re ductions on the high grade clothing which is unrivajed even at ree. prices - m - can ciua iiiia mc 9 1 8.75 New Mannish Silk Waists Washable and Jap Silks, Habutais and Pongees ON THE top wave of favor for warm weath er, these smart, mannish Waists of beauti ful, cool Summer Silks. Plain and neat stripes, with soft collars and cuffs. In cluded are the new Robespierre Blouses, with short sleeves and turn-back cuffs. Dainty waists which no woman can have too many of these days. Attractively priced, 4.50 to 0.00. Peplum Waists $3.75 Pretty combinations of ,Val enciennes and bands of Cluny lace and sheer marquisette, trimmed with Cluny inser tions. Cool low neck and short sleeve style, with pep lum. $5 waisl this sale at eai l ' I ach $3.75 Lingerie Waists $4.45 Charming, lacy models, of fine mulls, dotted Swisses and sheer marquisettes, nicely trimmed in filet and Valen ciennes. Low neck, short sleevealso open in front, with long sleeves. A P Special this sale Inbitl Elk Souvenir Steins, WE HAVE 800 of these artistic Steins, here for the Elks' Grand Lodge Re union Week, to sell at a' special price. The large Steins are just as illustrated, with elk's head, B. P. O. E., clock and Port land, Oregon, in raised work on purple back ground. Pewter top. A splen- did decoration for the den. For Bjt3C tomorrow's sale, specially priced - Elks' Souvenir Mags Special Elk Mugs, as illustrated, with large head, clock and letters B. P. O. E.. We have 300 of them, which we will place on sale tomorrow at the very low figure of 69c Btiemtnt Stora. Xala BaU&lnf Mail ordara Filltd Long Silk Gloves, $1.25 Less Than the Maker's Original Price to Us ONLY about 1000 pairs of these superb long embroidered Silk Gloves left for those who come tomorrow 1 Finest quality high grade Milanese Silk, 16-button length, beautifully embroidered on the arms and back on Gloves. Also extra heavy silk Gloves in 20-button length. Splendid range of shades. Gloves intended to sell C" Of? attPXaati tor $1.50 to JJ.5U a pair, To 75c Ribbons at 25c An immense Assortment thousands of pieces of plain and Fancy Ribbons, 5 and 6 inches wide. Taffetas, Moires, Dresdens, Warp Prints and Satins, in every color, 35c, 50c to 75c grades, this Oft ird4Cl All Trimmed Hats at 12 Price! H UNDREDS of wom en have been eager for the opportunity to purchase at a saving of full half the late Summer Hat. And there's still splendid choice for those who come tomorrow. Absolutely nothing in our entire stock of trimmed Millinery restricted, embracing models for outing, for street, business, afternoon and evening wear. Charm ing creations from our own work rooms, from New York and Paris makers. Hats suitable for late sum mer and earlv fall wear. Formerly you'd 1 A DfatjtA have paid from $7.50 to $150. Tomorrow r llCv White and Colored Felt Hats They're Clever Smart and clever are the new white and colored Felt Hats with a captivating degree of dash and style. Me dium small and large rolling brim styles in white and pale pink and blue. Finished with plain bands or with jaunty wings and plaited ribbon. Some in black and white or with a bit of color. Priced at from f 3 to $20 oond floor JTaw BnUfllnf en's 25 Shirts, 68c THOUSANDS of these crisp, new well-made Shirts of excel lent $i and $1.25 grades go out on the tables for your choosing tomorrow at 68S three lor $2. Plain and plaited fronts. Smart line stripes, small figures and dots. AH sizes and sleeve lengths among them. Sur- Q plus of one of Troy's best makers. A special for Elks' oOC Grand Lodge. Reunion Week, three for $2.00, each sale special at, ya specially priced Embroid'd Collars 25c Pretty Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, with button holed edges.1 Also large square collars and hand-embroidered Trouville Collars, Worth 35c to 65c. Offered special for this great OK sale,, at, per set onlyaSvC Elks' Purple Ties, socks, belts, silk handkerchiefs, tie- and-handkerchiet sets, sus penders, oOe to ipl. Elks' Hats or Caps 50c $2 Outing Shirts for $1.39 Soft, silky soiesette Outing Shirts, with separate soft collar and tie to match. Colors, white, blue, tan, cream or gray. Regular $2 combin ation Shirt, collar and 1 OQ tie, special for this sale at vl3j All 50c Silk Knit Ties ' pure silk, in every im aginable color, with smart cross-stripes, bias stripes, etc.Or, 3 for $1.00. Ea OJC Manhattan Wash Ties 29c A sensational purchase of 500 doz en of the famous Manhattan Wash Ties, sold the country over at 50c! Beautiful mercerized fabrics, with neat woven stripes in various )(tm Men's Jap. Silk Sooks mottled colorings of gray, tan, navy, etc Excellent wear- A ing quality, pair 1C Men's 50c Suspenders fine lisle webbing, with kid ends. Choose from an assortment of 1000 pairs to be nC sold this week at aWC Men's 25c Linen Handkerchiefs All pure linen, with neat 54-inch hem. 3 for 50c, each at colors and black, at each only $1.50 Mercerized Lisle Underwear Shirts and drawers in blue, white or tan. All sizes QQ per garment at iOC $4 and $5 Ruff-Neck Sweaters of fine all wool yarn, for men or women. White, gray, navy, maroon 91 CQ 17c etc., all sizes See the Novel Elk Je WORTHY of special mention is the unique Jewelry of real silver coin. Not only unusual, but remarkably neat and at tractive for wear by both men Elks' Silver Fobs, $3.50 to $4.50. Ribbon Fobs, $2.25 to $2.75. Elks' 51.50, 4.50. 5.00. v and women. Brooches for $2.25 and Cuff Links, Elks' Cigar Lighters and Cutters in silver, gold plated and mother of pearl styles. Priced at f 1.T5, $2.25 and f3.50 Elks' Card Cases choice of silver or gold filled. Priced at f 4 and S5 Elks' Gold Filled Pen cilspriced at f 2.25 Other Elks' Jewelry Elks' Souvenirs of in terest to both men and women Trays, Paper Weights, Cigarette Cases, Match Safes, Powder Jars, Pin Trays, Cups, Book Marks, Ink Stands, Bot tle Openers, Buttonhooks, Jewel Cases, etc. Priced from 25 to $2 Women's to $4.50 Pumps and Oxfords, $2.65 S' IX of the season's smartest styles in Women's Hlimns anrl DYtnrHc - Mia -w a VA A f . 1 ifenw A. , a a t frZss&s'frZS irtKen irom our regular $j.oU, $1.D0 and 7 V rt $4.o0 lines, for an Elks' Reunion Week spe- cial at $2.65. Three of the styles are dainty Colonial Pumps in gunmetal, velvet, and suede. One regular Pump style, in patent colt, tan, Russia calf or gunmetal, with silk braid or crushed leather bow. Another is a new 3-button Oxford, of patent colt, with cravenetted tops. The sixth style is a dressy 2-eyelet patent colt Oxford Tie, of the famous Consins make. Every pair in high grade with genuine Goodyear Welt soles, plain or tipped toes and medium Cuban .heels. Our regular J.ou, $4.00 and $4.50 Footwear in all sizes and widths, or .tomorrow at sale price nt only, per pair Clover Leaf Butter. 2 Pounds, 57c EVEN its name suggests fresh wholesomeness it's but ter made from the cream of clover-fed cows. CCr Sneciallv nrirrvl for tnmnrrnw's sate 1 nnnnd; fnr w w i j i ------ -.- r - - Baked Beans, 3 cans at only 25 Potato Chips, 3 packages for 25 eastern Bacon, pound St only 25c Blue Label Catsup, bottle 18 Royal Banquet Olive Oil, for T5 Fancy Prunes, 2 pounds for1 21 4 Imported Macaroni, package H Table Peaches, 3 cans for onry 60 j Tabro Apricots, 3 cans only 50tf Table Pears, 3 cans for only 50tf Sliced Pineapple, 3 cans for 50i Puet Sound Salmon, 2 cans 25tf Maine Corn or Succotash, 6 c 550 New Walnuts, lb. tomorrow 1T Pancake Flour, 15c packages, 10 Potted Beef, 3 cans at only 25 tf A i. uur regular $2.65 Sole Portland Agents for loh . BrOwm.Xln . Knnflnr TTadarwaM. WlUaraacta a wlnf lOaoblsaa. ktxirn Ctova awf Xanfaa. rttlton k Wlltliy Oo-Carta. Snatava ftloklay Oridnal Graft imaa yttralraxa.., Linen Cloths-An Opportunity! John S.Brown Make HUNDREDS of housewives who know the superb quality and dura bility of John S. Brown Lienns, here exclusive ly in Portland, will want to share In these savings on Linen Cloths. $3.25 Cloths, 72x72 ins. $2.75 $4.75 Cloths, 72x108, at S4.00 20-inch Napkins to match, specially priced.for this sale at, a doz. $3.00 Odd Scotch Damask Cloths Less Fine, heavy Scotch Damask in handsome patterns: ' $5.00 Cloths, 72x72-inch size $3.75 $6.00 Cloths, 72x81-inch size $5.00 25c Linen Huck Towel at 18c Extra., heivy-and - extra lar gej-20 - .a Sole Portland Agents for Cousin's trhaa. rarrta's Oloraa. kjx CHianatMS 5 1 Koaiary. BothMtt SMrtS U xrndanract. adam Xraaa Oor aati. Bvpo PaVtloeata. lampaokOlothaa tvt oya. by 38-in. size, neatly hemmed, with Third Floor iraw BuUdlnjr PHONES Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-810L Only Portland Stors With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalog at thrpair, only 3fy,-tzch I5C