The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 08, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Craig, Detroit, Wins; Meyer
' Gets Second; Lippincott Is
, : Third; . At . End pf Sunday
Races U. $., Sweden Tie.
(Pntte4 Ptmi LmiwI Wire.)
Stockholm. July 8. Cheered by their
... victories Sunday, the American athlete
today started with vim. Events sched
uled were the final of the 800 meters
- race, the honors In the semi-finals Of
whlcli went to the Americans yesterday;
the running high jump final, the trial
of which yesterday resulted In six
Americans belns among the 11 who
qualified; the J 0,000 meter run final,
two of, the three who qualified being
Americans; standing broad Jump; 10,000
meter walk; 400 meter relay.
Tne Americans In yesterday's event
trade almost a clean tweep.' They won
the mo meters In one. two. three order,
and It was the first time in the history
of the Olympic games that three flags
.of -any one nation were run up at the
end of a single event.
At the close of the day the standing
was: United JStatea 10 Sweden 3, fin
land 2. Norway 2,' Bohemia 1.
These scores are exclusive of ehoot
Inp. swimming and cvcllng points.
Ralph II. Craig of Detroit won the
100 meter dash In 10 4-5 seconds yes
torday. Alvalr T. Meyer taking second
and Donald F. lipplncott, the record
breaker of Saturday, taklngthlrd.
James- Therper-the Carlisle Indian
won the pentathlon In easy style, while
JaniPs J. Donahue of Los Angeles took
third place In this event.
OeorKe Horlne and five other Ameri
cans puallfled ln the finals for the run
ning high Jump.
When the games were resumed today
America and Sweden were tied with
a total of 4 8 points each, including all
kinds of contests.
How Thorpe Won Pentathlon.
Thorpe niarlo the following record in
the events of the pentathlon: Running
broad Jump, 7 metem 7 centimeters (23
- feet 2.34 Inches); throwing the Javelin.
62 meters (170 feet 7 Inches; 200 meters
flat, 23 seconds; throwing the discus, 35
mpters 67 centiinetorn (116 feet S.39
Inches); IjOU meters flat, 4 minutes 44
Craig, the lle.trolt crack, took the
final of the 1 1)0 meter race by a foot,
having finished with a wonderful sprint.
Alva Meyer was Scarcely a foot ahead
of Lipplncott, and Patching of South
Africa was only a few Inches? behind
Lipplncott. An American was fifth, E.
V. Helote of Chicago, thus giving the
1'nited States four of the first five
places in what Is considered perhaps
the banner event, outside the distance
marathon, of the Olympic games. The
preliminai'len and semi-finals of this
event were run Saturday.
Eleven Hoar Six root Bar.
Eleven men qualified for the finals
in the running high Jump by clearing
1S3 centimeters, or 72 inches. They in
cluded six Americans. The 11 were: J.
C. Johnstone, Eagon H. Krickson, Mott-
haven, A. C. ; Henry J. Ornmpelt, New
York A. C; George L. Horine, Leland
Stanford university; James Thorpe,
? Carlisle Indian School; Almen W. Rich
; ards, Urigham Young university, all
Americans; T. Carroll and If. II. Becker,
England; K. K.. KulleiBtand, Sweden:
N. Llsche, Finland, and Baron Ivan
Wordener, Hungary.
Couth African Noses Ont Indian.
1 he 10,000 meter race (between six
and seven miles) was another premier
, preliminary yesterday. Louis Tedanina
Carlisle Indian from the' United States
and L. Richardson of South Africa, were
contestants with the Indian leading un
til near the end, when Richardson by
a superb sprint that took so much of
his f-trength he had to be helped to his
dressing rooms, forged ahead, winning
by a yard. The Indian finished in good
condition and both he and Richardson
pot into the finals. Astenroos, a Finn,
led in this heat until near the end when
ne was distanced. The first heat of
the 10. 'too meters was taken by a Finn
imever, lvoniena'.nen. Kcerer was
second. Kramer end Hellowell, Ameri
cans, dropped out In the eighteenth and
fourth laps respectively, together with
four other contestants, six finishing
uui ui x..
Americans Strong at 800 Meters.
Of the eight men who got Into the
finals of. the $00 meter flat race, six
were Americans, as follows; J. E. Mr
edtth. Mercerburg academy: Melvin W.
Sheppard, I. A. A. C; Herbert N. Put
am. Cornell university; C. S. Edmund-
son, Seattle A. A.; D. S. Caldwell. Mas
safhnsetts Agricultural college, and Ira
is. Davenport, University of Chicago.
Meredith made the running throughout
the first heat, which he won. with Hans
Graun, of Germany, second: Sheppard,
third, and Putnam, fourth. Eight start
ed in the heat, three Britishers bring
ing up the rear.
Eight also started In the second heat,
Which was won by G. B. Brock of On
tario, with Edmundson. ealdwell and
Davenport finishing in the order named
Davenport and Holden, Bates college,
and E. BJorn, Swedon, each took the
lead for a time. This was a splendid
race. The two Latins, E. Lur.ghi. Italy.
and Z. Cortesao, Portugal, sprinted in the
rirst half, but the Portuguese soon fell
Into the tear. The Italian could not keep
up me pace in the last stretch. E. J
Henley. England, completed the squad.
jonn I'Htii Jones, Cornell, being re
served for the 1500 meter race and
therefore not appearing In this one.
The bicycle race around Lake Malar,
a distance of about t)0 miles, was won
by Lewis, of South Africa, In 10:42.
Grubb, England, was second, and Carl
O. Shutte. Kansas City, attached to the
M. J.ouls i ycltng club, third. The team
race, combined with the Individual
competition, gave Sweden first place,
England secoml and the United States
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(Continued From Page One.)
test wan between the American and
British teams and the Britishers won
nfter the Americans' had been disqual
ified by the Judges for fouling. The
Amerleufis who loist through disquali
fication were Ira Courtney. of Seattle A
C, F. V. Belote of Chicago. Clement P.
V, ilson of f oe college and Carl C. Cooke
of Cleveland A. C.
Previously the German team defeated
the Australians and the Hungarians
showed the way home to the French
As was exoected honnrn In in
000 meter run Went to H. Holemainen.
Tn.r-wotitterw WTinlflrrTunnerrvho" Se-
.xeaiea puis Tewanima, the Carlisle In
dian plUgger. Astenroos, the Finnish
crack, was 'third. The time of the win
ner was .31:20. ,
Almen Slcliards of BrlgAam Young
Louis J. Scott, South Paterson Ath
letic club; OeorRe V. Bon hag, Irish-American
Athletic club; Louis
Tewanima, Carlisle Indian school.
Teddy Tetzlaff Say$ He's Not
' .y- ' Afraid of Barney
Oldfield. ' "
Fresh from hui triumphal atay In Ta
coma, whera h won th free-for-all and
the other big yent of the two day pro
gram, Teddy Tetzlaff, road race king of
the" world, arrived here this morning
with his string of famous Fiat racing
machines. Accompanying him were Ver
beck, Hill. Maggino and Hewlett, well
known In h6 automobile racing field.
Yesterday's , list of arrivals included
Barney Oldfield, Lew Helnemann and
"Wild Bill" Frltsch, with a '300 horse
power Christie, fastest of automobiles;
the Prince Henry Ben and a Cino spa
clal racer.
With this bunch of star drivers here,
the Portland Automobile club Is ready
for its big two day race meet at the
Country club track, which begins to
morrow and winds un Wednerfdav. (in
both days the eport will begin at 1:30
p. m.
The fact that he Is going to compete
against the greatest dirt track driver
that has ever mounted a racing car does
not fease Tetilaff. In his own field he
Is ace high and this gives him the con
fidence born of a champion. His confi
dence was added to by his success at
Tacoma and now he is ready to conquer
"I don't care what kind of a car Old
field has," said Teddy this morning.
"They all look alike to me. This dirt
track driving doesn't begin to corfmare
with the long road races. It's a cinch
that I'll beat Oldfield."
Teddy gazed longingly at the beautiful
trophy that goes to the winner of the
free-for-all. It' is the most handsome
cup ever donated for a race, end this
does not except even the Vanderbllt cup,
according to both the drivers. It Is
called the Budwelser cup and was do
nated by Joe Blank, of Portland.
"I need that for my collection."
chirped Tetilaff, "and you'll think Old
field's 300 horsepower car is a on
lunger when we hook up for that piece
of silverware. That is the most beauti
ful cup I have ever seen, and I want
The program each day will include
eight automobile events and a motor
cycle race. The races will be from 1 to
30 miles in length. Both Oldfield and
Tetzlaff will attempt to lower the
world's record for the mile dirt track
Elks' Week.
You can send 10 Issues of The Jour
nal, from July 7 to 16, covering com
plete proceedings of the Elks' reunion.
Including the large special Elks' num
ber Of July 11, to your friends or brother
Elks for 25 cents. Order at once
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Johnny Wolff Will Go After
' New Record on the
u . Water..
All arrangements wars completed 16
day for the motor boat regatta, which
will be held at St Johns tomorrow af
ternoon at t:30 o'clock. The course was
marked out by buoys and will be pa
trolled by the harbor master's boat.
- Owners of motorboaU entered In the
races spent yesterday putting their en
glnea in ahapef or tha. events and to
morrow's races should be the best ever
held on the river.
The scene of the races may be reached
by taking the St- Johns iar, Oregon
Electric or the launches at the foot of
Stark street.
The fastest motor boat of the Paoifio
coast, which was built by Johnny
Wolff, will compete in the free-for-all
event Wolff will try to establish a
new record for the coast tomorrow.
Centralia, Wash., July ' 3. Following
tho action of O. J. Albers, president of
the State league, in throwing out, tho
game played "here "June 7, which Mana
ger Wllklns of the Hoqulam team pro
tested on the grounds that Miller of
Centralia used a loaded bat, a move
ment is on foot hare to displace Albers
as league president.
Judge Dysart, manager of the local
team, was in communication with the
managements of the harbor teams last
night, and it Is understood that those
cities will stand by Centralia. The
feeling against Albers' fairness was
accentuated here by the fact that ha
allowed Golden to umpire Saturday's
game between Centralia and Chehalls
when Russ Hall, the regular umpire,
witnessed the game from the grand
stand. Golden's decisions lost the game
for the locals.
(Special to Th Journals
Centralia, Wash., July 8. Earl Bald
win had a narrow escape from being
crushed to death at the Barr camp near
Kelso Friday when a huge log rolled
completely over him. Unable to es
cape. Baldwin lay flat In a hollow place
In the earth. Hie watch was broken
and a can of tobacco In his pocket was
An adjustable frame. In which several
pioces of crayon can be fastened to
draw parallel lines at various distances
apart on a blackboard, has been pat
ented by a New York man.
this is what we call our
Cut it out and bring it to the big piano store at Seventh and Alder
if - 'VB-5A '..T"- ' 0 7v.
I ft 3fl 2 A
T-f'".- V 'Sin ;V
This advertising test coupon will be accepted'
by Eilers Music House, Alder street at Sev
enth, at thirty dollars, cash, as first payment
on a new piano selected on or before July 20th.
."Hello Billl' Adv. Test.
v Eilers Music House.
Journal 7-8-11
Ctood for one of the Musical
Elk Calls, or one of the won
derful Bubblers, or one of
the beautiful Art . Pictures,
or Thirty Dollars in Gold
at Eilers Music House. ; . -
It's our glad hand for all and it's good
for the following:
FREE To whoever calls for one of '
the musical elk calls.
FREE To ' every youngsterone of
the wonderful bubblers, which niakes
magnificent bubbles without soapsuds.
TREE To every lady over 18 one of
the elegant gilt and glass framed art pic
tures entitled "Young Motherhood.
FREE To every buyer of a new piano
or a modern player piano $30 in gold as
Incidentally, we are enabled hereby to
determine as to which paper is most wide
ly read and to base advertising appropria
tions for ourselves and for several of the
big piano manufacturers accordingly, v
Don't fail to visit our piano salons, our
grand piano salesrooms, our sheet music
salesrooms, our violin and small musical 1
Instrument departments, our talking machine parlors, our automatic musical In
strument department. '
Tho Nation's Largest. Efiera Building, Alder at Seventh.
Eitabliahed in Every Important Western City.
University, won the high JU'mp with 6
foet. 3 3-10 Inches to his credit. Llsche
of Germany was second, and Horlne
of California third.
America added nine points to her to
tals today and l now Bpourely anchored
In the lead, all tho contests of every
character considered. .
The first heat of the 10,000 meter
walk resulted: . George Goirldlng, On
tario, Canada, won; E. J. Webb, Eng
land, second; A. Rasmussen, Denmark,
third; E. Altlmannl, Italy, fourth, and
W. .1. Palmer, Knsland, fifth. Time, 47
minutes, 14.5 seconds.
Tslelitirts, the Greek expert, won the
standing Jump with a record of 10 feet,
11 ipches. 1'latt Adams of tho New
Tork A. C, was second, andMs brother,
Benjamin VV. Adams, was third.
The. Greek, won. over, the two Ameri
cans ly a very narrow margin, Piatt
Adams Jumping 3 meters and 38 centl
meters and Benjamin V. Adams 3 me
ters and 28 centimeters.
The commutes today ordered th 100
meter nwlm, In which the Americans
defaulted throtrgh a misunderstanding
yesterday, tried over, with the Ameri
cans competing.
JlTTT tt
Parade at Los Angeles Fea
ture of Opening Day's
(United rr LeHMd Wlr.)
Los Aneeles. Cal.. July 8. With n
municipal parade staged by the cltv of
Los Angeles, the annual convention of
.national Municipal league opened here
today. This afternoon tha visiting dele
gates are to be taken over tha cltv Bn,i
the surrounding country In automobiles.
n-ariy mis evening a civic exhibition,
Including comprehensive cltr ulannln-
social center, school and other work will
be opened. The first regular session
of the convention will be called to or
def at 8 o'clock tonight In the auditor
ium by President William Dudley
Foulke, who will deliver his annual address.
Governor Johnson will add
fTJnltud Prw lieaied TTlre.l
Washington, July 8. Side by side' In
the morgue tonight lay the bodies of
Mrs. Mary C. Wehrkamp and her daugh
ter, Katherlne, the 66-year-old woman
the victim of a carefully planned homi
cide, and her 8-year-old daughter a
suicide. Letters In the room where the
bodies were found Indicate that the two
were related toWUUam Knabe, the mil
lionaire plan manufacturer. Police be
lieve the mother and daughter were de-
tpondwtt- irw -f maneHrt troubles, and
that the daughter turned on the ciis
while her mother slept. They opcupied
a small apartment an U street.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Barney Oldfield
World's Greatest Track Driver
, eMail
World's Road Racing King
"The Budweiser $500.00 Cup is offered as an additional prize in the Free-for-all Tuesday")
Many Other Stars-8 Events Daily
Tomorrow and Wednesday 1:30 P. M.
General Admission 50c, Grandstand $1.00
Take Rose City Park Car