The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1912, Page 39, Image 39

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Barney Oldfield,-Teddy Tetz
laff,' and Other Daredevils,
Entered for Races During
Elks' Week. "
Portland has arranged ft wonderful
round of entertainment for the visiting
Elk. The merry god of fun will reign
during the week, One of the most spec
tacular and brilliant parts of the fun
program will be the automobile races at
the Country club track July 0 arid 10, ,
Driving the fastest automobile evar
constructed, Barney Oldfleld, who hau
held the most enviable title of AmerU
ca's premier speed marvels, will e seen
In sr-veral events each day.
Teddy TeUlaff, than whom there la
no more' noted road race pilot, will be
one of the quartette of Plat stars. Al
though he has achieved fame, particu
larly as a road race driver, Tetzlaf f also
shines In the dirt-track game and, will
endeavor to break' the world's marks
for several distances.
Barney Oldfleld.
Thousands of times throngs have stood
enthralled as Oldfleld rounded the curves
' at a pace that Invited death. He has
made more records on mile dirt tracks
that have withstood the test of time
than any other driver, Tuesday and
I Wednesday the spectators will be given
j the opportunity of seeing this famous
' pilot mounted on the fastest nd the
' speediest chassis he ever rode over. Bar
I ney now is using a 300 horsepower
Christie. It has been unable to secure
; him any competition, owing to the fact
i that no other car of such power Is
I Oldfleld will give exhibitions up to
1 five miles in the Christie.
Perhaps the most Interesting part of
i the race program is the scheduled 10
' After Tetzlaff won the Santa Monica
road race parties tried to arrange a
match race between these two stellar
drivers. The plan fell through, hdwr
I ever, and this is the first time that the
two noted racers have come together,
Tetilaff still sticks to his Flat. This
Is (lie car In which he won the title of
road race champion of the world. He
drove the Flat In the Santa Monica road
race, coming out victorious, and fin
ished second with It in the International
sweepstakes at Indianapolis Memorial
Tiat Team Bpeedy.
The Fiat team includes, besides Tetz
laff, Hewlett, Verbeck. Hill and Mag
gldo, Eight events will bo on the program
each day. They will be from five to 15
miles In length.
At no time have Portland people been
given the opportunity to Bee so many
famous automobile racers in one meet;
In fact, this la the first real automo
bile race meet that Portland will enjoy.
Augmenting the list of noted driv-
.vU..l . .,1.. .1T1 tTntn
mann and Bill Frtteh. the former driv
ing a Benz and the latter a Cino. Heln
mann achieved world wide tame through
winning one of the annual Vanderbllt
cup races. At that time he was driv
ing a Marnion. Frltch, noted alike for
tils mechanical genius and his daring
work on the track, is the Cino factory
pilot, He designed the car and knows
every Inch of It thoroughly, making
It easy for him to gauge the speed at
which it will take the bends with safety.
While the automobile races naturally
will overshadow all other sports here
during the Elks' convention, the fact
that Silas Chrlstofferson will give two
flights in his Curtis aeroplane each day,
should not be lost sight of. Chrlst
oerson will attempt to beat the time
of one f the automobiles around the
circular courne. The Vancouver air
man jumped Into the front rank of the
world's aviators recently by beginning
a flight off the top of the Multnomah
hotel. It was the first time in the his
tory of man's attempts to conquer the
air that an 'irteilot had the courage
to start off the top' of a large buildlug
in tlie business section of a city, where
danger lurked at every turn.
Without a Peer,
Oa paper, it looks as if Oldfleld
hould prove the star driver of the
meet. Barney was the- original pioneer
In the dirt track fame, hi regard to
automobile racing, He lias followed this
branch incessantly for several years and
has been acknowledged without a per
In this field. This will be the first time
that Oidfieid will be Been in competi
tion on a dirt track since he wis re-
in tat .... . - - i .. .. , , . i Li,. I
association a. few weeks ago. Just wheth
er he retains his old time skill and
daring remains to be seen. It has
Often been said that "they never come
back," and with truth too, but this axi
om never has been applied with full
force to this particular nport.
Oldfleld's driving in the Santa Moni
ca road race was not as good as many
expected. He explained tbjs, however,
by pointing out -the fact that all the
luck of the race went against him; thdt
I hjs had lots of mechanical and tire trou
i ble and further that the fortunes of rac
t lng do not always fall to the same man.
xeiziair is anxious to make a name
for himself as a dirt track driver. In
an effort to satisfy this ambition, the
Los Angeles boy will go against time in
several distances. He lieema to think
that the Country club track was just
made to his order. Anyway, he pro
nounced it the fastest mile dirt track
he ever saw when he visited it while in
Portland recently. This view of the
course decided for him and he announced
that he would try to break the records
for the one, five and 10 mile distances,
providing weather conditions were favor,
Local Men in Kace.
Among the local drivers ho will shine'
at the meet are Frank Tauscher, H. J.
Groat and Dundee. Tauscher will drive
his special Cole racer, Groat will pilot
a Stearns and Dundee Will drive the
.famous "Whistling Billle," a White
Tower and Kvans, whose names arc
linked with record breaking per
formances with Flanders and E-M-F
cars, will be here with all their dash
and enthusiasm. As drivers in like
car events, these two men have gained
a noted reputation for spectacular and
speedy driving.
Each day's sport is scheduled to start
at 1:30 p. m. Speqlal train service has
been arranged for,.
Covey Soon Back.
Howard M, Covey, qf the Covey Motor
Car company, who has been east for the
past three weeks, Is expected .to return
to Portland the early part of ' this week.
ff. Covey has been to the Fierce-Arrow
and Cadillac factories, looking over
tlw ISlJtj models and it is expected he'
wmi wmw "rwry intercsttTi g - an
nouncements to make the automobile
public of Oregon updn his return. Chas.
Harris, manager of the Covev Motor
Car company, is confined ao his home
with sickness and is not expected to be
out for several week! yet.
Ti inn r
UrlfA&$z?V& -A?' '-v4 Cji
Above appear the largest and the smallest cars Terrible Teddy Tatzloff In his big Flatt and Bob Evans In
a little I'landers. Iu the center is "Red" Sebastian, driver of a Cole "30", with his mascot beside him.
Sebastian's fingers are gone on the right uand and he Is a very clever and nervy driver. Below are
Earl Cooper in a b0 horsepower Stutz and Bob Auller, his mechanic.
To Have Fine Auto for Per
sonal Use Is Pilot's
To have, for his very own, to do with
as he. likes, a light, speedy ecdnortlicat
motor car ia one of the atuu itions of
every race driver. Nine times out of
ten, the expenditures which any dare
devil makes, after winning a big purse
I VI (( . n rU J lv
Iff- EnU b FtMri
Just as superior to othir Tires as Michelin
Red Inner Tabes are to other tubes
O'GORMAN RIM COv7f 7th Str
at the risk of life and limb, include the
purchase of such a car.
That this Is true will probably sur
prise the average spectator of races who
usually pictures each of his heroes as a
man at whose disposal are all the cars
of the factory he represents on the track,
and the least of whose troubles would
be a car for his own personal use.
The facts in the case point to an
entirely different conclusion. At any
rate after the first international sweep
stakes at Indianapolis a year ago, sev
eral of the winning pilots purchased
10-M-K and Flanders cars. This year's
race, had a similar result.
Joe Dawson, winner of the race, and
Howard Wilcox, his teammate, who won
ninth prize, have both bought E-M-F
"30" cars. Don Herr, relief driver tor
Dawson bought a third Studebaker K-M-F
"30." Hardly had the national
team left the store when Harry Endl
cott, winner of another big chunk of
money, dropped In and paid list price
for a Flanders "20."
Several of the other drivers, who fin
ished among the winners of the BOO
mile duel with death, already own Stude
baker cars and a movement Is on foot
to bring them together In a novelty
race, at soma future meeting, each to
drive, not the car he Is paid to pilot,
but the one that Is his own personal
AutoisU Enjoy Fourth.
The Fourth of July was a gala day at
the Portland Automobile clubhouse. The
picnic grounds were crowded all day
with pleasure seekers and parties. It
Is estimated that 300 machines vlstted
the grounds during the day. Many of
the autolsts who had spent the day
driving, were at the Clubhouse for din
ner and the different parties closed the'
national holiday with an Informal dance
In the large dining room of the club
In Classification Ford Led
With Registration of 485;
Buick Second and Leads
List of High-Priced Cars.
v., :;' .v..,:.,',,.:J
The tabl of registration during the
month of May for the state Of Califor
nia has just been compiled and is in
teresting, Tho classification of the several
makes registered, shows that there were
not lest, than 174 different makes of
automobile registered in California
during May.
In the classification the Ford led with
a registration of 485; the Bulck was
second and led the list of higher priced
car wivh 23? registrations. The Over
land" was third with 213 cara; K. M. F.
fourth with 196; the Flanders fifth with
Ifcll registrations; the Reo was sixth
with 124, and the Cadillac with 101 reg
istrations completed th list of cars
showing a number In excess of 100.
Among the hlgh-prlced cars the Loco
mobile was first with 2 registrations,
while the Packard and Oldsmoblle tied
for second place with 22 cars each.
The Plerce-Arrow registration num
bered 14 cars.
Immediate action should be taken by
the county commissioners in charge of
the road work along the Base Line drive
from Portland to the Intersection of
the Gresham road at the Country club.
The great automobile travel that has
been over this road during the last three
months has put it In very bad condi
tion. The road is full of small depres
sions and if these holes are properly
taken care of now the roadbed can be
preserved. If this road Is neglected
much longer, however, it will only be a
course of a year when a new foundation
will be necessary. The cross street
leading from East Belmont to East Stark
over which the greater number of ma
chines travel In getting onto the Base
Line road, is a disgrace to the city of
Portland, and Is badly In need of imme
diate attention. At the Intersection of
East Btark street there Is a hole that
In nearly every case an automobile goes
over it the body of the car receives such
a Jar that the springs give clear down
to the axle. A few hours' work on this
particular spot would receive the appre
ciation of a great many of Portland's
House Honors Malby.
Washington, July 6. Naming of a
congressional -committee t attend the
funeral and immediate adi-rnment
were the marks of respect and sorrow
with which the house this afternoon re
ceived word of Representative George
R. Malby'g death.
White Pleasure Cars
give real satisfaction. For economy of operation and low repair expense they
are in a class by themselves. Light weight, a long stroke motor and perfect
balance make them ideal road cars. YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE THE
WHITE before deciding on your next car. A cornplete stock of Thirties,
Forties and Six-Sixties arrived last week. Come and see them at Sixth and
Madison streets.
M We also offer several rebuilt second-hand bargains.
Forget the nameplate
still the car stands
If it bore no nameplatethe
Studebaker Flinders "20" would
be bound to make an immediate
and an impressive appeal to
your preference.
Study it from any of the ordi
narily accepted specification
standards motor-measarement,
(lower, wheel-base, axle
strength, ease, style-and rival
ry, in its daw, recedes into the
remote background.
But you are not asked to draw a
chck for $800 on the evidence
of your own eyes; or your own
experience; or your own sense
of value.
Seventy-five thousand of your fel
low citizens vouch for Stude
baker value.
And we would like you to feel
the impact of that tremendous
pressure of public opinion.
We would like you to summon
up a mental picture of that
mighty' host of Studebaker cars
rendering yeoman service in
every nook and corner of the
We would like you to remember
that the satisfaction of these
75,000 citizens has its source in
the name Studebaker.
Stadabaker FUadon
Portland, Oregon. . .Studebaker Corporation of Aniericg
TT M 1 1
. 77. . . ... Wilkes Auto & Garage Co.
Forest Grove, Or Goff Bros.
Newberg, Or I E. Baughman
Aurora, Or F. L. Miller
White Motor Trucks
Are making a great record for economy, reliability and long life
in service.
White trucks are used by the foremost manufacturing and mer
cantile firms throughout Canada and the United States, in more
than one hundred and fifty lines of service.
White trucks are built with capacities suitable for all varieties
of use. 54 1 3, 5 tons.
If you are really interested in the purchase of a motor truck
let one of our truck salesmen tell you the story of how Mr. Sco
field, of the Savage-Scofield Co., of Tacoma, selected his White
truck. Mr. Scofield is one of the wealthiest men in Tacoma, and
a conservative business man, who spent a good part of 30 days
in Portland last spring unknown to any auto dealer, riding around
on different trucks and forming his own opinion of their respect
ive merits.
After hearing his story you will understand why he selected
a White truck.
White riI&tT'
Flandero "20"
We would like you to realize that
each and every .one,, of thes .
75,000 cars does its full duty,
day by day, precisely because
it is a Studebaker car. '
The Studebaker "20" which yotl
buy and drive is the embodi
ment and the expression of tho
sixty-year-old Studebaker policjr
of serving iu public ! V
We want yon to remind yourself ,
that the Studebaker word ha
been good as gold to the buying'
world for more than a century. !
and that it is being mad
good in every car. that issnet
from the mighty Studebaker
The globe-girdling wlerf lyatewi
of the Studebaker Corporation
the 1,800 Srudbaker store In
America the superb, laboratory)
and manufacturing equipment ifl
the Studebaker plant and thaj
low cost of production and dis
tribution which they involve
in these factors you find the!
reason why the Studebaket "80
lays immediate hold apon youi.
preference why it appeal . ta
you as the very uttermost of
value at or about ISOQ,
"20" Tearing Cask
F. O. B. Detroit, standard qafrxneiit.
Equipped, M fcbovo, wfth Top, WintUhwU,
Prest-o4itfl Tank asd Sptwdoawtar, $888.
Molalla Or Bobbin Bros
Oregon City, Or1.. Huntley Bros. A Co.
Yamhill, Or F, L. Trulltngar
Rtdgefleld. Wash A. N. Allen
Kelso, Wash F. W. McKenney