0 THE CHEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1312. SELLING REfiLTY : llftS III HECHE : UKEvPROFESSION Methods of Last - Few Years ' Differ WideFy From Those in Vogue in Former Years; Land Values. Radical changes, effecting the hand ling of real property and real estate In general, which have taken place during the past dosen or so years, was the sub ject of a paper by George T. Mortimer, . vice president of the United States Realty company, which was read be fore the convention of National Real Estate exchanges at Louisville, Ky., last month. Mr. Mortimer is widely recognized as an authority on all matters pertaining to the management of real property. As vice president of the United States Realty company, he has much to do with the management of vast realty holdings in Mew York city Including some of the largest office buildings in the city having a total value of more than'$60,000,000. It is his opinion ttrat the drift toward specialization is such that it is no longer possible, except in some very remote cases, to conduct a real estate business as It was in the old days. Becomes a Profession. "Handling of real estate has ceased to be a business," said lie. "It has be come a profession; as ennobling as the law, as beneficial as medicine or sur gery, and, I believe, as serviceable as the cloth. It has developed with marked rapidity difl-ing the past dorado. "Suburban developers, who are teach ing the people how to live by building sanitary homes; builders of Ideal tene ments in congested districts of the cities; builders of modern office build ings and other hives of Industry, con structed as to give their occupants the best possible living and working, con ditions, are engaged in the most ennob ling work It is possible to conceive, preventing- sickness, minimizing crime, in creasing efficiency, and prolonging life and happiness. "It Is only about 15 years ago that the average real estate office in Nw York embraced a variety of vocations, more or less allied to the main idea, which fluctuated from selling coal to placing an occasional life insurance policy. Jack of All Trades. "Each man in the office was dele gated to look after each of these many branches, meeting with more or less success, measured according to ability or opportunity. It was the ol.l story of the 'Jack of all trades.' No office made any pretense of engaging specialists, and the only specializing that was done was with the office itself, which gen erally specialized in the handling of property and clients located in the im mediate district. "We have long ago passed from the hap-hazard, catch-as-oateh-can method of doing business, and have ascertained that the successful man in any depart ment of Industry has got to be a spec ialist. Furthermore, we have learned something In recent years of scientific management. The successful office of the present time, therefore, is made up, not of an organization of free lances, hut of a chain of specialists In the var ious departments, and as a chain is strong only to the extent of Its weak est link, the effort Is to have each man the best In his particular line. Quick Besnlts Obtained. "An Incident "showing the need of the specialist was the case of a man who acquired, under foreclosure, a row uf 17 two family houses. When he complained that out of the 34 apllrtments only 10 were rented, I went to look at them, and found that In each of t ho vacant apart ments was a larpe and very objection able 'to let' slsn, creating the impression that the whole row was practically de sortcd. If the plague, had hit he neigh borhood, it couldn't have, looked . worse. He was advised to take down all the signs but one, and to put cheap, but neat lace curtaina at tho windows. It was only a short tlir.o before the Jrnajor lty of the vacancies were filljd. An other row of housMS stood idle for al most a year. They were neat one-family houses, well built, but poorly located. The owner hnd them nil completely fur nished at a cost of about $300 each, and .. , v. ? r r-?TTr r vWW v lIjr.i J-JjJLl.m fill IP MacBiE-g'-,-:i:t.B?aa y .Ul Feldman store and loft building under construction on Gllsan street, be tween Third and Fourth. ' ' ' ' : -"K - . ' :-f:iiMiy : ;::,-;:: .i .. ------ W - - r - M i K , w'isiiaukm.timmMmmMMt I, ma,, 1,r-MJ....-.. Mini mn I I MMH-msJf Attractive new home erected by E. T, after adding $500 to the former asking price, put an attractive 'ad' in the news paper, offering the houses with the fur niture as a bonus, The entire row was sold within 24 Iveurs. ' juand Values la New York. "Years ago I was 4old that Now York really had reached the top notch In prices, hut since then values have gone up by leaps and bounds, until we have reached the maximum at the rate of f 700 per square foot, and still wo are not' up to the top prices of either Lon don or Paris. The net increase of land values In the city of New York for a period of 10 years, from 1S0O to 1910, was more than the combined gross out put of all the gold and silves minea of the United States by $170,000,000, and greater by $278,000,000 than all the div idends paid during this time by all the railroads of the United States. During this time this land was paying satis factory dividends on its Investments, land, which in 1626 was bought from the Indians for $24. or approximately 9 cents for each 100 acres. gteel Skeleton Frame. "The metlied of steel skeleton framo construction, invented by George A. Ful ler In Chicago a little over 20 years ago, has created a new era In the building business, making It possible to reap a greater return from city lots, and in troducing conditions which have brought about tho replonnlng and rebuilding of most large cities. "Real estatal to succeed has got, to show a fair return on the investment. It is a commodity regulated by tho rule of sup ply and demand, and if the supply ex ceeds the demand, the game has got to halt until the visible supply is assim ilated. "The nation Is full of people with real estate and with money. Most of them don't know how to handle their prop erty or how to invest their money. "For every man with the price to buy, there are a hundred sharpers ready to do do business.- The ranks are crowdod with brokers of tho ordinary class, but there is an unlimited demand for the conscientious, specialized broker, who rnn'glvo sound recognized ndvlco on his specialty, Just as the banker does on financial securities, and who merits a similar respect and standing in the com munity." T E D. B. Hanson has let the contract for a new brick building to ho built on tho east sldo of Fourth street. f0 foet north of Burnslde. The proposed Im provement is to bo a plain, two story structure, 60x95 feet rmd will cost ap proximately J15.000. it win replace an old tumblo down frame shack and wtll lo used for store and rooming purposes. Architects Roberts & Roberts, have plan? drawn for a two story frame flat building to be erected at East Thirteenth and Thompson street by a loenl rap! talist. It wITI contain two five room suites and will cost $6000. w RU T RE TO REPLACE snwiui-v.:v -fl JnPH j X-v Taggart at East Twenty -X feih h is U Mi si Auto garage and storage building under construction by Joseph Paquet at East Eighth street and Haw thorne avenue. II WATER SUPPLY 10 COVER BIG FRUIT TRACT Sundale Orchards to Be Watered From Springs Fur nishing 800,000 Gallons Daily; Local Men Interested. A hydrant water supply system to cover about 2000 acres is being com pleted at the Hunter Land company's Sundalo Orchards tract on the north bank of tha Columbia river. The new fruit district is located at Sundale, on the North Bank rallroad, 135 miles oast of Portland. The construction work Is under direc tion of Louis ('. Kelsey, who built the Salt Lake City water works. The com pany purchased a number of lara springs high in tho hills about six miles back..Xram.. the river, and the work of putting in a main pipe loading all the waters down to tho lands was completed last ve'k. "Work on the distribution system will proceed mediately. Local Ken Interested. A number of well known Oregon men are financially interested in the tract. Including 1 W. I'ower, secretary Ore gon State Horticultural society; J. R. Sherard, former vice president of the samn society; K. T. liarnes, a Salem ni'Tiiiant; John If. Lewis, state engin eer: T.uto Pease, former editor Pacific Monthly; L'OURlas McChesney, of Port land; E. A. Sherman, a Sioux Falls, )a liotu, hanker, C. M. Hyskell and others. It is proposed to make the Sundalo or chards cuo of the ideal horticultural projects among the Paetfic northwests niapy famous fruit districts. Hydrant water under 100 foot head, serving the farmer with virtual city water service for his houe, lawn and garden, Is one of tlie most modern features of present day rural development. The orcharding business In the Oregon country la rench inR a point where it borders closely on city life so far as modern conveniences and pleasant environment go. Among the latest pui chasers at Sundalo are Dr. J. K. t'ardwell. dean of horticultural circles In Portland; Charles B. Taylor. Saving and Investing for the Thrifty Neighborhood cooperative hanks ara familiar and in wide use In nearly every country except America. A recent visi tor to Ireland told a story which illus trated their value to a community. He said : "Some yoars ago a woman in the west of Ireland was left a widow with sev eral children. 8om6 means for self support had to be found or she must become a recipient of charity. She be came a member of a cooperative bank In her neighborhood, borrowed 12 pounds, and bought a cow. The' widow made her payments on the loan monthly, -and at the end of the year the debt was discharged. Another 13 pounds was borrowed and another cow bought. At the beginning of the following year a third, cow was similarly bought, and a son, who had hitherto been a laborer on the eetate of the proprietor, left his work to help his mother care for her small herd. Her family was on Its way to independence. All this may be found neatly recorded in the books of the bank, witter! are-Kept "tn'the'schoolhouse hy the village schoolmaster." Any group of people having perma nent Interests and well known to each - first and Klickitat streets. a La Grande school principal; F. J. Kenyon, a Pcrola. 111., salesman; W. P. Reynolds, a Chicago packer. 600 Acre in Cultivation. The Sundale orchards water plant is supplied by a main having a capacity of about 800.000 gallons dally. The water is held by a dam In a rocky gulch about two miles north of the lands and at an elevation 160 feet higher than the tract. The main is of wood stave pipe, bound with steel wire, the pipe being of the highest class of. construction turned out of Portland wood pipe mills. The water main reaches the land -it the highest point on the tract, and from there the distribution system will spread over the lands. At Sundale there are now about BOO acres of growing orchards of apricots, almond nuts, peaches and apples, and al so many varieties of European grapes. The first crop of apricots will be picked this year. P I E (Special tc Jon rail.) Eugenof Or., July 6. The Clark & Henery Construction company, which has a contract to lay several miles of pave ment on Kugene streets this summer today bought two blocks in the north western part of the city, on whleh to loeate a permanent paving plant of large dimensions. The company officials pre dict great growth in this city during the next few years, and the plant to be built is to meet the demands of a city three times the present size of Eugene. PLANS BEING DRAWN FOR NEW RESIDENCES R. S. Hubby Is having plans drawn for an attractive 1 -story eight-room dwelling of the bungalow type, which Is to he erected at the northeast corner of East Forty-third and Couch streets. Tho house will be finished in select grain Oregon fir and white enamel and will have the usual bullt-ln conveni ences. The Adams Construction compay has broken ground for two l-V4-story bun galows at East Thirteenth and Siski you streets, In Irvlngton. Their cost will approximate $3500 each. P. Costanio is having plans drawn for a duplex resldencn which he In tends erecting on a view lot on Patton road. other can furnish security better than an individual can offer for a loan. So far as the cooperative bank Idea has been developed, membership is restricted to residents of a very limited area. All members are liable for the debts of each, and every borrower must show that the loan sought can be so used that It will at least produce the amonut borrowed and interest at the regular rate. Although cooperative credit societies have been confined to agricultural com munities In Europe there seems to be no sound reason why they should not flourish In the cities of this country. Certainly, the story of our savings and loan societies suggests that our city neighbors can manage "to appraise the credit capacity of borrowers. The country is excellently served by commercial banks, and fairly well sup plied with savings banks. Our great est shortcomings are falling to provide credit Institution! for our small sal aried and day workers who are am bltiouB, and making borrowing by far mers for legitimate purposes difficult. It Is up to each community to tackle the problem thers is nothing compli cated In " LARGE PLAN PROMISED 10 E EN BIG STORE TO HAVE T A central distributing plant for Its nw -department store is to b erected by the JJpraan-TVolfs company at the northwest corner' of East Oak and East Sixth streets. A full ' quarter block has been purchased and plana are now under way for a two story and basement brick building to- be built on the site. The property, was purchased from C. O. Hos ford for a consideration of 119.000. The plan is to cart all , gooda for delivery from the big store to the dis tributing plant. In big auto trucks, there to be sorted and delivered in small auto delivery wagons. By this plan the in- fevltable-congestioB -that would occur-tn the streets surrounding the main store in event of direct delivery will be avoided. ES SOLD IN ONE WEEK Four handsome new homes sold in one week is not a bad record for one concern in this political mad midsummer week. This feat was. accomplished laet week by one of the largest home building companies operating in Portland. One of the places sold is a handsome, 1 story 10 room cottage located at East Thirtieth and . Klickitat streets in Ir vlngwood, which was taken over by A M. Fisher of Hood River, who paid 17000 for It. In the same addition a modern seven room bungalow was sold to Mr. Allen, formerly of Lyla, Wash., for $6000. A resident of Estacada bought a two tory eight room dwelling at East Thirty-third and Olisan streets for $8500. This is a very attractive resi dence of old English type. An elegant two story eight room dwelling located at Imperial and Floral avenues was sold by this company to a local realty operator for $7000. This house is of the English domestic type, is finished largely in selected hardwoods and has two Imported Stroebel tile fireplaces. A moving picture camera can he op erated on horseback by using a recently invented attachment for the purpose. DISTRIBUTING PLAN FOUR NEW 1 wfsm J I MO. 1 1HTEREST i i - ;j.-.tv.,-.;-.-..Tlf:,v-; V .JJ airAiW;! - See White City Park Today LOTS $225 ONLY ONE DOLLAR DOWN, ONE DOLLAR PER WEEK NO INTEREST, NO TAXES Free Improvements Water and Graded Streets BEING PUT IN NOW! Only a Block From Carline Take Mount Scott Car to Our Tremont Station Office. We Will Meet You. Better Hurry the LoU Are Selling Fast . , PHONE MARSHALL 3149 STUBBORN LESSEE HAtTS BUILDING OF SKYSCRAPER Small Shopkeeper in Chicago Demands His Price; Lease Has Three Years to Run; Guard Is Kept. 6lng!e handed. John T. Walsh, propri etor of a little shop in the retail center of Chicago, is holding up tho cdnstruc tlon of a 14 story skyscraper in the Windy City. His weapon Is a lease, and so far he has wielded it with telling effect, but the indications are the owner of the property will yet outwit his stub born tenant. Mr. Walsh occupies a building of one story and basement wuh ground dimen sions of 25 by 40 feet, on which he holds a lease with three years yet to run. He has fixed a price on hla lease, but Butler Bros., one of the largest whole sale firms In Chicago,"- and owners of the land where the big building is to go up, seem to think that the price is a holdup. Half a. score of other nearby build ings, including two five story struc tures, have been raaed to make room for the new block to be erected for Butler Bros. The new building will cover an entire block, that Is, ir Walsh lets them build it. Ordered to Go Aiiead. According to Clarence Hogue, super intendent for D. H. Durnham & Co., the 1 architects, and Homer tUHlwell and Marvin Poole of Butler Bros., Walsh's lease will not Interfere with the new building. They assert that the struc ture occupied by Walsh will be bridged over on Lake street hy heavy steel beams and that the new building will grow up about him. When his lease expires Walsh's build ing will bo torn out and the Lake street front of tho new building completed. Final orders to go ahead with this plan were given four days ago. In the "hack yard" of Walsh's build ing several hundred men are at work preparing for the erection of the new structure. One crew is working on the caissons.' The next row of caissons to be sunk will Include one or two on ground that Walsh's business now cov ers. Walsh doesn't seem to object to the plan to build over and around him, but quietly goes about his business undis turbed by the nniso and bustle of half a thousand men putting in the heavy foundation for the projected new struc ture. Ills side of the story reads like this: I,eHeo Standi Gnard. "I'm on guard here myself all day," he said, "and at night a watchman makes the rounds and reports to me by telephone. I don't expect anything to happen, but it's bettor to bo safe than sorry. Butler Bros, and their represen tatives fight fairly, or have so far. "They's been trying to make a settle ment with mo for a long time. We had a conference this morning, but thoy didn't like tho figures I put on the value of my lease. Tills location suits me and I'm going to keep it until my lease expires. I got the lease from Luclen G. Y,oo of Highland Park, repre senting the Wadsworth estate. "My building was originally two sto ries high. The wreckers sheared off one story which was not Included In my leaso when tho building operations be gun, but they took care of me by put ting on a temporary roof." Made Good. "Our congressman Is certainly mak ing good down in Washintogn." "That so? What's ho done?" "Had dinner with the president twiee and been Invited to deliver three grad uating addresses next June." ? 405-406 ... DEWS! LOCAL HE CEI Rapid Growth roi "Suburban Portland Due to Activities cf Investors Along This Par ticular Line.- ' One of the most interesting and. con spicuous features of the rapid fTOwth of suburban Portland during1 the last three or four years haa been the devel-, j opment of local business center la the newly built up sections of tha city. : The building up of great vacant tracts by the ever increasing tide of "popula tion, the conversion of farms and truck ' gardens Into thickly' settled subdivisions has been and Is yet a remunerative field of operation for the subdlvider.: ' But the little buslnessH:enters In these. dis tricts has attracted a large amount of ; investment money which hae heretofore sought an outlet for its activities in ; the central and near central business ; 4,lrllc Tha Bttraftlv rAiuma anil rapid enhancement of values In these suburban business centers has caused -them to he looked upon with more favor by Investors than any other cla-t property in tho city. Not that there is more of this class of property bought and sold than any other class, but that the demand for It is greater. - f? , ?, During the past two or thrfce years, , the activity In this particular field has been unusually sharp with the result ', that the greater portion of that class Of property is now, what the brokers call, "well held." A large amount of capital which formerly sought investment near- er the center of the city has abandoned the higher class field almost entirely ; and confined itself to these outside business sections. Brokers who engage largely in handling this class of prep-' erty say that the returns are larger, as a rule, than are to be had in the central district and that values advance more rapidly, while value stability seems assured almost as much as In;; the down town sections. ' v Start With Grocery. These local business centers are AS a rule located on prominent thorough fares at streetcar crossings and their aeveionmeni nas uopn ui course in pro portion to the upbuilding and settlement of the territory in the Immediate vicin ity. " ,y;' At first, beginning with a little hole" in the wall grocery store in a thinly, settled district. It has with the gradual; unhiilldinu' nf the terrltorv thereabouts added other sorts of stores to the origin nut nnti nnl II' wltkln tttn Ar t, fait via fl It has come to be a thriving, hustling business center with stores where any- .1.1 ...... 1. 1. J . 1 . . . I . V. I . r ..ah tiuug can uv uau aim vvini iivn vcui wieuuers puonu imu, leaiaurauiB nun frequently one or two hotels and; with iriniiprn iiti ill miin ill i ill 1 11 vm i,l iiimii or four stories in height. In the meantime, land values have doubled and doubled again and again until the little $500 lot on which the ; . i .-. v., ,n 1 . . n ., lliai iuuci J ovoia was uuiu . juiXjpB up . to $4000 and $5000 and the original purchasers if they were shrewd enough to hold on have found' themselves pos sessed of a property that brings them a handsome income. Many Have Grown Wealthy. Tho fact is that this advance in values has made a lot of people Inde pendently rich In Portland and the peo ple of this city would be astonished If they knew the number of fortunes which have been made in this way lit trie last rive years. It is giving mankind credit with hav- Inc tun much ftpnaA to hv that mmv oi uirpn jiciiiio uati aiijr iuca. n Itah would bo the result of their little-Ten turo In buying a suburban corner lot. They probably satisfied themselves that they were investing In a good . 1 - V. - J nnH 1 .4 wl. . neighborhood and figured that some time they might sell for a profit, but the chances are that few of them dreamed that they were taking the first step that would lead to a fortune, SPALDING BUILCL'T. W.FEATI: l r.V J.