fASTSIDECLUD HUB ITSELF TO BE A II M Organization of Business Men Takes Leading Part in All I Civic Issues Does Much . for the People. . By Marshall N. Dana. t- Born of Portland's good folk have recently realized that on the east shore - - "Of the Silvery Willamette andextend Irif from Its corporation-controlled front- age over several populous miles, almost to the swift and silent Columbia, Is a ? ' large and populous area with a voice. , . Enough may be related of the area la saying that It is included between ths two arcs of concentric circles reach inn from Sellwood to St. Johns, that '""with Its various divisions and subdivb slons It makes a sum total known as the ', Est Side, where lives three-fourths of ' ' the population of Portland, but much morn apace is needed to describe the voice. .. -- The-rote-of-th'e-East Bide Is the East Side Business Men's club. Contrary to ' the habit of most modern voices it has , a body, and by means of the voice and the body not only Is noise mad but re sults ars accomplished. ; And, speaking mildly, results were and are necessary. The fact that the common center of the arcs that form two boundaries of ins Bast Side was wast of ths west shore of the Wlllam ette. had made a great many conserva tive people at least seem to believe that It wag the center of all things Port- ' land. The high buildings, bis; depart - mnttorSi central-passenger station, busy streets, theatres, hotels and public buildings which were altogether west shore features heightened this lmpres- '. slon. Toioe of Consumer. ' ; Gently; Ilka a ripple on the broad and placid surface of the dividing line, came a wnisper of discovery. It wan that the consumers, the workers, the home own ers, the voters were largely on the East Side. From the places of business on - East Side business streets came the mild suggestion, "Why don't we get our share . ' l of'publio improvements?" . ' . The whisper was the parent of the voice. Its notes were first the notes : ' Of criticism and rivalry. A sectionallied : competition that threatened tha uniform growth of Portland threatened. But this was merely a stage of the necessary volution, which has produced today's - - friendly and healthful effort to build on i each side of the river equally repre- sentatlve sections of the unified Greater , Portland, .. With the business men's club as its , voice and defender the East Side need foar no further unfair divisions. To - list the variety and magnitude of the , unusual activities which this strenuous . organisation has engaged in during only " tha last year and a half would be too - 1 . great a task for the ordinarily spaced contribution. - ; - Wans of HUI Lines. - Hie plan of the TTill Interests to in- veBt rrom iz.uuu.uuo to 5,ooo,goo in a great East Side terminal system is the most recent triumph of the East Side ? . Business Men's club. But the club is " not partial. It has Invited the Harrlman Interests to plan aa generously for ter minal facilities, including freight and passenger stations and there is an ap parent likelihood that the Invitation will be accepted. The club fathered an ordinance which mado It Impossible to vacate any public VISITORS DENTAL WORK SK. B. Z. WTUOHT WV 7 If you desire dental service call and we will arrange the hours so as not to conflict with your full enjoyment of the parages andother amusements. We have made special arrangements which will enable us to handle all work promptly and satisfactorily. Our work is so systematized that we are able to give you the best results in 1 he shortest time without delay or come-backs. In modern, high class, painless dentistry we can fulfill your fondest hopes. Extracting teeth painlessly and without dis agreeable after effects is a feature of our practice. Very rea sonable prices. PReB aU9 AND ASSOCIATES 342 Washington Street, Corner Seventh Phones Main 2119, A-2H9 OFFICE HOURS 8 aT m. to 6 rTm aFl61o" f Seventeen Year$' Practice m Portland THE . Live Members street within 2000 fe-et of the river. Then came the plan for the public audi torium, a building which could not be placed on one of Portland's small blocks and on the -West Side was no site for the big building close enough to the people. So the business men Jauntily stepper! forward with, the proffer of an East Sido site, far enough from the river to be outside the pan, close enough - to the people to Insure the crowds, convenient enough to street cars fln-1 bridges' to Insure convenience of transit. And, astonishing as It may sound, the East Side seems today the likeliest location for the auditorium and the market block, even with an addition to it, is quite generally disapproved. New Horn for Club. So successful, Indeed, has the club been In holding the brief of the East Side that some enthusiastic gentlemen who. If they dream, have their eyes open are picturing the East Side pos sessed of great competitive terminals, elevated tracks, high speed transit, pub lic docks, public auditorium, publicly owned telephones, great business build ings, warehouses, manufactories and financial centers. And not least to be spoken of is the new home for the club itself. Theiplan has already been drawn and approved. The site has been selected and secured at the southwest corner of East Sixth and Belmont streets, which is Just 150 feet from Grand avenue, and the club members are taking stock in a holding company which will put up tha four-story, fireproof, brick and stone structure measuring 60 by 100 feet. In this building when completed the club will have two complete floors, with club parlors, lounging rooms, dining room and kitchen, gymnasium, swim ming pool and baths and general meet ing hall. All conveniences and comforts are to be installed, it is announced. To date the plan for an East Side pas senger terminal is a great secret. Whether it will be a union station com monly used by Hill and Harrlman in terests, whether it will cost 11.000,000 or $3,000,000, whether it will be built this year or some other time, are undl vulged mystery. But that the plan will develop as definitely and suddenly as I the Hill terminal plan is assured. This Hill terminal plan should be disposed of by a more extended reference. Salt Side rranohise. Many years ago the now Harrlman interests secured East Side franchises which bound them to the construction of freight and passenger station facili ties in return for the use of streets. The use of the privilege was immediate but the keeping of the promises was DOI WITHOUT LOSS OF TIME OR MISSING A SINGLE EVENT DURING THIS WEEK r vi t 6. i ' ' 'A Yi V ilafr : ill! WRIGHT OREGON , SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, JSUNDAY of Club Believe in Motto: jjl i JBJ HMJH.M.M . J3M. m a.ww H g jslfll Top, left to right Dan Kellaher, president of club; C. C. Hall, assist ant secretary; L. L. Lepper, chairman of transportation committee. Below Front elevation of proposed new club house. long. The Harrlman interests after 20 odd years asked the vacation of certain streets on the East Bide so that it could keep this promise. It was pointed out that the railroad had already a men acing water front control and should not be allowed to tighten its strangle hold with the coniient of the strangled. These, of course, were expressions in tended to describe the popular antagon ism toward transportation monopoly. The freight station Is now being built without the vacation of streets, and meanwhile the Hill Interests, led by Carl R. Oray, then president of the HUI lines In Oregon and now of the Great North ern, took advantage of the common user clause in that portion of the city charter that relates to the granting of communal privileges and the East Side sentiment in favor of competition and came in with the great plan for tracks and warehouses and ferry boat connec tion that enthused all of Portland. The fact that enough real estate for the pur pose had been bought previous to the an nouncement and that promises were se riously made leads to the belief that this terminal will be a reality. Xtoeatlon of Docks. Speaking of railroads brings thought of public docks. For It was largely the desire to interfere with railroad control of frontage that gave Impetus to the .public dock campaign. Then, with bonds I voted, came the question, 'Where will the docks be located?" The suggestion that closeness to business made West Bide location desirable brought the East Side Business Mens club into the field girded for battle. Its president was made a number of the dock commission but before this had happened the con sulting engineers from New York had recommended an East Side dock and it is to be the first among the publicly owned water terminals in Portland. It was not noise that brought this re sult but surprising totals relative to East Hide freightv It was shown that. exclusive of gravel, cement and lumber East Side business Interests in a year received 1, 235,860 tons, shipped 665,725 tons, giving a total business of 3,000.000 tons if cement and gravel were Included. It was also shown by L. M. Lepper, 1 enthusiastic leader of the campaign, that 31,500 homes had been erected in ten years on the East Side, that 47 of the 6R city schools were on the East Side and these facts hnd Influence. I In all this work not a trace of selfish Interest is found. It was the benefit I of the great East Side community on the assumption that what built up the East Bide as truly built up Portland. Believing that the high cost of living Is to be principally solved by public markets and good roads for easy trans portation of products the club has been ah ardent champion of both. It led the fight for the location of the East Side library and it holds Its meAlngs in the commodious, attractive building today. Better Mail Service. The club's agitation for better Kant Side mall service Increased the dally business deliveries from two to four and spr-iired Immediate delivery of California mail. In tho struggle for the defining of the relative rights of river and trannrlver traffic which centered In the campaign for closed periods of thf draw bridges the club did effective work and helped In the winning. The club indorsed the plan for municipal collection of garbage and is complaining because Mayor RtiHh llght does not sell the $75,000 in bonds voted by the people. The "lib seat, no fare," or "no seat, no ride" orlnance was opposed by the club and deffl-ated on the ground that It was too godii for such a measure. The club has been campaigning for the addition al bond issue for parks, play parks and boulevards) and Is keeping careful watch that the Eaet Stde shall not be neglected In the apportionment. If it is ever found possible to secure the mining of Alaska coal so that cheap fuel may be furnished the growing manufacturing area on the pentsula, much of the credit must be given the club for its advocacy of Governor West's plan. The club members Induced the Elks' parade committee to extend the big pa rade to the East Side. They fought for late or "owl" car servlcve and won. It is easily seen that readiness to de velop development opportunities has left the club no idle moments. But only a portion of the complete list has been enumerated. Telephone Tolls. The club Is advocating the purchase of the Country club grounds for a park and amphitheater, and the establishing of Portland as one of the United States sub-treasury locations. It has fathered an act to lessen telegraph and telephone tolls by putting the service Into public ownership; it led In the campaign to have the bridges illuminated so that they might shine out as great arches of welcome to the city's visitors. The club made itself felt in the' effort to secure the relocation of the new central library on a site, facing one of the park blocks in conformity with the Greater Portland plan. It has been working with the greater city asportation 1ir the effort to widen and straighten Burnslde street. It has been seeking for the es tablishing of justice courts on the East Side, including, ultimately, Sellwood, bents and St Johns. The mayor's pro- "Do It Now" posai for a paving repair plant has been supported by the club; it has been eher gotlc in every city cleaning crusade and has gone on record in favor of hinged smokestacks that may be lowered in stead of opening the draw bridges for every little tug that goes by. The school garden contest which was recently ended and which won first place in the nation for number of entries, quality of gardens nnd size of exhibits was vigorously supported by the club. It is impossible to put into words the energy and optimism and indomitable enthusiasm that produced this unusual record of achievement. The same health ful constructive attitude has been mani fested by the club toward lower street f a fa. 1 n (hn flunnl n w it Hrnn Vl . l '..U. .VI .111. '' LI I I 1, " i Willi!' venu-now the broadest and slghtllest street in the city from the Willamette river tc tha Columbia. Suburban Xilne. The East 81de Business Men's club is now engaged in an effort to secure the construction of an electric suburban llr.e which will afford trade communica tion from the proposed Hill terminal southeast by Reed Coolege to the valley of the Clackamas to Harmony, Stone, Logan, Viola. Sppljigwater, Ellwood, Col ton. Highland, Union Mills. Mollala? W41 holt, Scotts Mills and a number of other prosperous-communities that would fig ure importantly in the development of East Portland trade. Today, in the East Side district, the Peninsula and slough country are get ting the -manufactories and mills. Bus- nelss centers about the central East oiae ana trie wnoiesaje ana jODDing ais trict is scattered along the railroad right of way also in the central East Side. The homes are being built on the higher ground from Piedmont to Sellwood and there are many of them. An organization is composced of very human men and in the case of the Eati, Side Business Men's club the most con spicuous figures are its president, Dan Kellaher. L. M. Lepper than whom node other is more energetic, devoted or ef-1 fectlve C. C. Hall, the assistant secre tary, J. O. Wilson, the secretary, M. B. McFaul, the vice-president, C. A. Blge low and a good many others who, by persistence and organized effort are helping fn make the East Side a part of Portland of whlcn the whole city Is proud. FAVORITE RECREATJ0N SPOTS IN CITY LIMITS There are many favorite recreation spots within the city limits. The City park Is a most delightful natural park. I Council Crest, e.n eminence 1200 feet in ; height, Is reached by street cars. From ; the top of this crest the tourist may ' glimpse a big patch of the pine clad j mountain studded west; see flvo snow j capped peaks; watch the "boats on the j sinuous Willamette, the mighty artery of trade coursing through the very ren- I ter of the city; see for miles up and down the picturesque Columbia, so rich ' In historical romance, and look into 21; counties, each almost as great in area , as some of our eatern states. The Oaks, Portland's frolic grounds, an oak . covered island in the Willamette, has 1 all the artificial fun making attractions of Coney island. ' fountain Climbing Clubs. Four mountain climbing clubs exist in the I'nited States. Three of these,' the Masamas, tha Slerref club of Call- j fornia, and the Mountaineers of Seattle,1 are on the Pacific coast and within convenient distance of the mountains to which they df vote their attention. The : Appalachian club of Boston Is the east-1 em representative of the organised ' mountain climbers. Recently the Trail i and Travel club has come into existence at Honolulu. Last February a conven-1 tlon of mountain climbing clubs was : held at Honolulu, where plans were initiated for united work along the general lines of endeavor common to the several organizations. Ideal Outing Weather. Vhile Oregon's winters are mild and comparatively warm, the summers are not oppressively hot. Outdoor life from May to October can bo enjoyed by per sons of not more than ordinarily rugged physique. As soon as the snow leaves the lower mountains many campers pitch their tents near some convenient stream, frequently taking up their summer resi dences there as early as the middle of May. Life can bo continued thus until late In the fall. The Angler's Instinct. Trout! It is a name which, immedi ately brings longing, almost avaricious, looks Into a real fisherman's eye. The. thought causes lack of sleep, It mani fests Itself in nervousness during busi ness hours; It won't be downed until satisfied. Ideal 'Camping Place. Bonneville Is a park-like pisJnl center aha a famous camping place. Its name suggests the dashing Captain Bonneville, whose adventures among the Indians alnr.g the Columbia and Snake rivers are Uid by Washington Irving In "Ad venturss of Captain Bonneville." 'MORNING, JULY 7, 1812. UP A PARTY TO 111 COUPLE 'VjpfcL... X, Refused to Show Off but Pro- Uroprforl tn f!hm llrv I ara WWVWVM SW VIIVII WM kUVW uurtains instead; Guests Escape Up the Stairs. New York, July 6. A. wedding gift In the shape of a fox terrier broke -up a house party . at the home of Harry O'Mella, 49 Highland avenue, Jersey City. O'Mella's father was a candidate for mayor of Jersey City last fall. A month ago his daughter. Caroline, mar? rted Joseph Holmes, received many gifts, including the dog, and went hon eymooning. They returned home yes terday and the O'Meilas gave a "wel come to the newly weds" party! Mr. and Mrs." Holmes brought the dos;, and after the many weleomlhgs and songs and piano recitals, and when conversation was lagging, attention was turned to the pet. "Oh, we have taught him so many tricks," declared the bride. "Come, Lol lypop. He down and turn over -There. Now beg. Isn't" that cute? Sneeze for the company. Tou dear, sweet thing. Turn a back flip. Go on. Do it Please. I don't know what's the matter with the dear little thing." Lollypop lay on the floor. Suddenly, while the party gathered aroMad biro up jumped Lollypop, snarled, and as the partj scattered, ran to the window and began chewing the lace curtain. Some of the guests were watching Lollypop trim his lnsides with the lace curtain. "They were standing on thu stairs. Lollypop saw moro lace and made a dive for the stairs. lie fell down twice trying to get there. The watchers ran.. Lollypop climbed the stairs and ran into a bedroom, where he showed his anger by trying to devour one of the legs of the bed. after which he gave his attention to the guests' summer hats. Holmes and another man climbed to the window of the bedroom and after several minutes succeeded In killing the dog with a curtain pole. SCRAMBLE FOR CASH WHEN WAGON BREAKS Philadelphia, July 6. Adams Express company wagon No. 1095 was upset t Thirteenth and Filbert streets when a hind wheel collapsed. The contents of , , j , , . - ln? ,K,on' ''"TL, ' ' spilled into the street. The wagon was going up Thirteenth street and had Just turned Into Filbert, when the wheel gave way. There was a rusn t0 a68lgt tne driver pick up his packages, but a rcJerve policeman pre vented the advances of those who wished to get rich quick, and there was "noth ing doing," to use the modern form. The wagon contained a number of packages which, to the experienced eye, indicated that they were money. There was the heavy inanlla paper, heavily sealed, which generally means a pack age of value. In addition, there were heavy white canvas coin bags and soma letters. A telephone call for assistance to the Adams company headquarters quickly brought a relief wagon and the contents of the wrecked vehicle wer- removed without a cent having dlsap- peared, according to the driver. Motorcycle as Pleasure Vehicle. As a pleasure vehicle, the motorcycle has been somewhat slow to gain favor in Portland, but within the past few months It lias been winning converts tn impressive numbers. The light, swift speeding, two wheeled automohlle has not only been making great stride.? in al kinds of business, but an observer on the alert on any Sunday or holiday may note a rapidly increasing number of these vehicles bound countryward, bearing fishermen, hunters, plcknickers or others on pleasure bent. Deep Sea Fishing at Barriew. Deep sea fishing Is one of the real pleasures at Barview. Junt outside the entrance is one of the greatest un touched fishing banks on the Pacific coast. Halibut, rock "cod, lin cod, gropers and keln abound. The beach -s a wonder a great, wide expanse . of I 's-iranjafvu PET 0 6 BREAKS CJttFTLrWVtr. PwiSJBflBSS hard, white sand, like velvet, under foot. Hieing here and there are giant rocks, worn Into picturesque, shapes by ths tides of countless ages. To the extreme right one gets a glimpse of the lake. On the smooth surface ot this beautiful lake, a mile long and a half mile wide, women and children may fish and boat and pursue tholr pleasures with quiet and safety. Fresh water bathing; warm In shallow inlets of the lake, Is Ideally convenient and safe tor the young folk. ' - ii ii.. i - I ' Mocllps Attractive Spot ' Mocllps, about M miles from Aber deen, la situated on the shores of the Paclflo ooean. ITo those, who are fond ' , tha ocean surge, stretches of sandy beach, magnificent cliffs, mysterious caves worn into the rock by. ths waves, cool woods and trout streams Moollps is an attractive place.-'- L;v- 1 Promoting ileal Outings. Probably ' the mosi T anthuslastio . or This Is a Columbia for All Outdoors The Grafbnola Favorite i .... . WITH TWENTY-FOUR SELECTIONS TEN 10-INCH DOUBLE-FACED RECORDS TWO 12 - INCH DOUBLE FACED RECORDS The 24 selections include the famous "Rigoletto" Quartette, and also the splendid "Lucia" Sextette. Cash, or $7 Down, $5 Month- For Sale at Your Nearest Dealer's or Columbia Phonograph Co. 371 WASHINGTON STREET WeinharcTs Special Brew FOR Elks Convention Now Ready for Delivery Unexcelled for flavor; rich; creamy foam and sparkling purity. THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED. Phone Your Order Today. ii Henry Weinhard Brewery Phones Main 72, A4172. Portland, Ore. ganisation In Portland In promoting summer outings is the' Young - Men's Christian Association. The Y. M. C A I Is pledged to a policy of encouraging life In the. open, and each summer It arranges and carries out numerous ex cursions, some long, some short. - Most of these, are for boys, but several are for men. 1 , - ;. Life Savers at Barview. ' A crew of government life savers are Stationed at Baryle .constantly watch-. lnff the coast. In ran af u.i --' ... - . . w " . Vl.UCIt while .bathlnar In th mnrt .... waye on nana io assist. Their thrilling capsize twice a week furnish free ex hibitions which attract peon's for miles around. t , Have Us Press Your Clothes For f 1.50 a month. Wagons call every where. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark Main 614; A-4314. Journal Want Ads bring results. r A