The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 06, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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coast o euRope thats
pump mr fill
Short Stories Tell Delayed News
Resume of the Event of Friday Afternoon and Night, Paragraphed for
Quick Digestion by Journal Readers.
The naval appropriation bill, carrying
1133,609,674, and the t-battleship pro
vision, was passed Friday by the sen
ate. It now goes to conference with
the house to thresh 014 the naval In
crease program and other' senate amend
ments. The senate rejected the amend
ment that proposed reviving the grades
of admiral and vice admiral.
. Representative Norrls of Nebraska
has introduced a bill providing for pres
idential primaries. The bill provides for
a national convention for each party on
the fourth Monday in June in each pres
idential year, delegates to be elected by
the voters, who shall express a first
and second choice for presidential can
didates. No action by the convention In
regard to the nominee would be neces
sary unless none of the candidates re
ceived a majority, in which case the
convention would nominate.
The working agreement between the
Democratic and insurgent Republican
senators is at an end. It has been
abrogated as the result of conferences
held slnca the metal bill was passed in
the seriate by the Democrats In the ab-
pence of regular Republicans and with
out 'the aid of the Insurgents. The prob
able result will be that the house sugar
and wool and excise bills will be pre
sented to the senate and voted down by
a strict party vote.
The Indian bill, passed by the sen
ate. rarrles amendments appropriating
166,000 to satisfy the claims of Tilla
mook, Clatsop, Chinook and other Ore
gon Indians and $15,000 to construct a
bridge across the Deschutes river near
the Warm Springs reservation.
President Tnff stated Frldny that the
Andrew-McVeigh Imbroglio Is a closed
Incident. He will not again oonsidpr
thfi matter either formally or Informally
with his cabinet or with any single
member of 1t. lie paid that the real
reason behind Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury Andrew's resignation was the
later's insubordination in not remaining
In Washington when Secretary Mac
Veagh advised him to.
The president announced Friday after
noon that he favors being formally noti
fied of his nomination as the head of
th Republican presidential ticket at the
White House In Washington. This no
tification will be made when the presi
dent will confer with members of the
' Republican national commlttc. H will
tender them a banquet in Washington
-irrmdsy: ----
Fourteen hundred signatures more
than necessary hnve been secured to the
St. Johns-Seaslde-Cottage Grove com
munity rule bill and the petitions were
filed with Secretary of State Olcott.
This Is the hill originated in Cottage
Grove having for its ultimate object the
creating of Nesmlth county. St. Johns
and Seaside assisted In having sections
put Into the bill providing for consoli
dation of cities and towns.
Fusion with the Democrats on a can
didate for state treasurer, to be voted
for in November, was decided upon by
the Keystone party, the reform political
organisation of Pennsylvania, which
held its state convention In Philadelphia
Friday, but the delegates refused by a
vote of 96 to 16 to commit tha party to
the support ot Wilson.
Andrew Hoffman, who bit into a tor
pedo which he had mistaken for candy
died at Appleton, Wis., Friday. He had
aome caramels and torpedoes, both
"wrapped in red and white paper. In the
same pocket. His face was literally
blown off.
Dr. Carlos Macdonald, former member
of the New York State Lunacy commls-
$3.50 Recipe Free
For Men.
Send Name and Address To
dayYou Can Have It Free
and Be Strong and Vigorous
I have In my possession a prescrip
tion for nervous debility, lack of vigor,
falling memory and lame back, brought
on by excesses, that has cured so manv
worn and nervous men right In their
own homes without any additional help
or medicine that I think every man
who wishes to regain his strength
quickly and quietly, should have a copy.
Bo I have determined to send a copy
of the prescription free of charge. In a
plain, ordinary sealed envelope to any
man who will write me for it.
This prescription comes from a physi
cian who has made a special study of
men and I am convinced It Is the surest
acting combination ior the cure of nerv
qub debility ever put together.
I think 1 owe It to my fellow man to
send them a copy In confidence so that
any man anywhere who is discouraged
with repeated failures may stop drug-
fing himself, secure what I believe is
he quickest-acting restorative, upbuild
ing, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever
vised, and bo cure himself at horns
quietly and quickly. Just drop, trie a
line like this; Dr. A. E. Robinson, 3887
Luck Building, Petrol! Mich., and I will
send you a copy of this splendid recipe
in a plain ordinary envelope free of
charge. A great many doctors would
chargs $3.00 to $6.00 for merely writing
out a prescription like this but I send
It entirely free, .
IT. tf
Ladioal Aak yoar VrartliUnr
Pill In lied ami .ld wmluT
Mtlcd Vilta Hlua RlhS.ii.
MkMwa M Bert, Stfot Almn Kallikla
slon, testified at the heartngr by which
Harry Thaw hopes to secure,, his free
dom from Matteawan, that Thaw's let
ters to the governor pointed strongly to
"paranoic, deluslonary ideas and exag
gerated ego,"
Mrs. Allen Ross and her two children,
a boy of 12 and a girl of 10 rears, were
drowned in Long Island sound near their
home at Rye, Friday evening. Mrs. Ross
lost her life in a vain attempt to save
the lives of her children, who had fallen
from a bluff into deep water. ,
Miss Attila Thayer of New York suf
fered the loss by. theft of a pearl neck
lace valued at $30,000, while a passenger
on the steamer Bunker Hill from Boston
to New York.
A robber who late Friday entered the
Rome Savings bank at Rome, Iowa, shot
Cashier F. W. Hileman and escaped with
$800, was shot and killed Friday night
by a member of a party that had been
scouring the country in motor cars for
several hours in search of the robber.
The robber was identified as Charles
Clark, scarcely 20 years old.
George R. Malby, of Ogdensburg, N.
Y., representative jn congress from the
Twenty-sixth New York district, was
found dead on a couch Friday night In
his room in a hotel In New York.
Pacific Coast.
Miss Lucy Goode White, a newspaper
woman, has been nominated by the So
cialist party of San Francisco, for su
perior Judge.
A woman "speed cop" Is the latest
addition to the Los Angeles police force.
Miss Sybil C. Geary, secretary of the
Automobile Club of Southern California,
is the woman who has been picked out
by Chief of Police Sebastian to regu
late the speed of automobiles. Miss
Geary also Is a deputy sheriff.
Members of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union and a delegation of
saloonkeepers appeared before the city
council of Los Angeles Friday to argue
for and against the passage of the pro
posed ordinance to prohibit free lunches
In saloons. The women took the ground
that the elimination of the free lunch
would advance the cause of temperance.
The saloon men, on the other hand, as
serted that the presence of the free
lunch was a valuable aid to temperance.
Ths wrecking of the Santa Rosa a
year ago, an Saddle Rook has resulted
In a civil action in the United States
district court at Los Angeles, against
the Pacific Coast Steamship company
for damages aggregating $40,000. Neg
lect Is charged to the officers of the
vessel and recompense is sought for loss
of baggage.
Believing the land on which he squat
ted 26 years ago was about to bo taken
from him, William Wright, 82 years old.
the first resident of Redondo, Cal., shot
and killed John Buntz, a contractor, Fri
day. Henry K. Volherts, a rural mall car
rier of Petaluma, Cal., has been arrested
for destroying advertising postal cards,
because he said, his route was so large
he was unable to deliver all the mail.
The latest bulletin of the federal pub
lic health service, shows that, although
one rat Infected with bubonic plague,
has been caught on the Pacific coast
since September! 1911, positive diagno
sis of plague was made In the last week
reported for 1912 In 27 ground squirrels
of Contra Costa and Alameda counties.
In California.
Moscow, Idaho, Is to have new water
mains laid in the recently established
paving district, consisting of over 30
blocks, according to a vote of the city
council at Its session Thursday night.
The estimated cost Is $15,000.
In a fight at Pacific City Friday
morning, Henry Brootcn stabbed and
probably fatally wounded Jeff Fleck.
C. A. Valentine, a wealthy banker of
Pocatello, Idaho, was shot twice and se
riously wounded Thursday night by a
highwayman who robbed him of a dia
mond ring and a diamond stud, valued
at about $1000. The highwayman es
caped. The rich De Sabla family, who live at
HUlsboro, the millionaire colony in San
Mateo county, California, and who re
oently were robbed of Jewels valued at
$D0,000, have adopted a unique plan of
guarding the house against burglars.
They have bought a big black cat which
has been trained to give the alarm if It
sees any suspicious characters.
Henry Bueslng, aged 25, a rancher,
was shot with a heavy charge, from a
shotgun; Jack Smith, "Happy" Bolton,
a machinist, and Howard Bates, all La
Grande people; were more or less badly
cut and bruised as the direct and Indi
rect consequences of a free for all fight
between Italians and some white men at
La Grande Thursday night.
A special dispatch from St. Petersburg
says that the czar and kaiser, meeting
at Baltic Fort, sent Instructions to their
respective ministers to consider the best
means likely to bring about an end to
the Italian-Turkish war.
Leopold Eilers, a native of the Ger
man Island- of Helgeland, but a natural
ized citizen of the United States, was
sentenced at Leipslc Friday by the im
perial supreme court to four years In a
penitentiary and six years loss of civil
rights on a charge of espionage.
At iieipslo Friday the German aviator
Schirrmelster established a new world's
record for duration of tims In the air
with four passengers. His machine re
mained aloft 33 minutes and 42 seconds.
The previous record under similar con
dlUons 32 m in u tea and ii eeoond was
made by 'Hoffman at Johannlsthal on
March 8.
At Corapelgne, France, Friday, M. Le
gagneux; the French airman, broke the
world's speed record for an aeroplans
carrying ona passenger. The machine
traveled 77 miles In one hour.
Tang Bhao Yl, the former premier In
the Chinese republican cabinet, cleverly
gave an alleged would be assassin the
slip Friday and remained, at Tien Tain
for the moment In temporary safety,
while his, would be slayer is on board
ship on the way to Shanghai.
At Havre, France, Friday, many sol
diers and police were injured by mis
siles hurled from windows during seri
ous riots begun by striking seamen and
aocu laborers. Among the ringleaders
of the strikers were several excited wo
men wearing flaming red sashes. The
strikers were forced finally to retire, but
retreated slowly, erecting barricades In
many streets. They broke all the wfiP
dows In the two principal police stations.
Going 60 miles an hour, a motorcycle
flew the motordrome track at Salt Lake
City Thursday night, dashed its rider
to death, broke off an electric light pole,
threw the park Into darkness, ran
amuck among the spectators on the
grandstand, and injured Beven.
At Dawson, Y. T., Friday, Eugene
Vaglio, aged 46, killed his brother, John
Vagllo, proprietor of the Central hotel;
his brother'sVlfe and their two child
renRosa, aged 16, and Christiana aged
9 and then committed suicide. Eugene
Vagllo was Infatuated with hla niece,
Rosa, and had been forbidden by her
parents, to enter the house.
(Continued From Page One.)
York. Incidentally it is already certain
that the Junior senator will be recog
nized by Governor Wilson as the New
York state leader. There will be no
Interference with Murphy as boss of
Tammany, but in matters that have to
do with the state at large. It will be
O'Gorman and not Murphy that will be
called for consultation.
Bryan will take the stump for the
governor. He has already arranged to
confer with Wilson when the latter
goes to Chicago on July 15 for the meet
ing of the national committee. At that
time it will be decided whether
moner and the candidate will make a
toint tour of the country.
It Is generally believed that this plan
will be followed as many of the leaders
believe It would greatly strengthen the
party In the far west.
Former Senator James Smith and
James Nugent, Wilson's most bitter
enemies in his own state, are expected
to visit the governor with the other
members of the state delegation net
Monday. At that time It Is expected
the feud which has existed since Wilson
prevented Smith being elected to the
United States senate, will be healed.
(Ralem Bufan of Thf Journal. 1
Salem, Or., July 6. Arguments In
the University of Oregon referendum
cases will be made before the supreme
court next Monday. Tills time waa fixed
today, immediately after the appellant's
abstract of record was filed, so that
the case may bo put before the supreme
court for a decision in time to have the
referendum measures printed in the vot
ers' pamphlet, in case the decision
should dissolve the Injunction Issued by
the circuit court.
The last date on which negative ar
guments can be filed for publication in
the pamphlet is July 22, and all argu
ments and measures must be turned
over to the printer by the secretary of
state not later than August 5. The at
torneys in the case are trying to ex
pedite the case as much as possible.
(Special to Th Journal.)
Dayton, Wash., July 6. As
Ijeslie Mitchell was returning
home he endeavored when about
five miles west of Dayton, to
pass a team. He steered his
machine too far to the side, the
auto immeditely overturning.
The gasoline tank broke, the
contents taking fire, and almost
immediately the whole machine
was In flames. Within a few
minutes the five passenger Reo
car was a total loss. Mitchell,
wly) was the on5r occupant,
managed to make his way from
under the car without much In
Jury to himself. The machine,
which was uninsured, was the
property of John A. Crossler of
this city.
If you suffer from bleeding, -Itching,
bhnd or protruding. Piles, send mo your
address, and I will tell you how to
cure yourself at home by the new ab
sorption treatment; and will also end
some of this home treatment free for
trial, with references from your own
locality, If requested. Immediate re
lief and permanent cure assured. Send
no money, but tell others of this of
fer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers,
Box P, Notre Dame, Ind.
3 J
CbuMt, ud, Witlf.w th tult
Pramta lamritnt rrowth.
Korer Til to Beetore OtkH
jtuu io. It ToutbfUl color.
J Pttrmtt hair fftlllnar.
Both as Moneymaker and as
- Tax Saver, and as Means
of Protecting Public, State
Secretary Urges Passage.
(3ale-j Bureau of The Journal.!
Salem, Or., July 6. In reply to cer
tain criticism that has been made of
the proposed "blue sky" corporation
law. Secretary of State Olcott today
Bav'e out the following interview:
"There is some criticism of the 'blue
sky' bill on account of the provision for
a separate corporation department and
the appointment of a commissioner at
a salary of $3000 per year. The state
ment has been' made that $4500 will
cover the expense of conducting the
corporation department under the pres
ent plan. Seven thousands dollars
would be much nearer ,the truth, and
this is a conservative estimate. While
the 'bluo sky' bill provides that the
cost of the corporation department
shall not exceed $25,000 the first year
nor $20,000 per year thereafter, this
limit Is prescribed simply as a precau
tion and) without any thought that the
cost of conducting the department will
reach any Such figure. On the contrary
It is estimated that the expense of the
department will not exceed $12,000,
which Is not more than $5000 in excess
of what the present department costs.
This is more than offset by the addi
tional revenue that will be derived from
the 'blue sky' bill, which, It Is con
servatively estimated will be not less
than $20,000. Therefore, if this bill
becomes a law, the corporation depart
ment will earn for the state a net
revenue of not less than $10,000 a year
while at the present time the taxpayers
are going down In their pocketB to the
tune of $7000 or $8000 per year to
handle the corporation work.
Steals Mads Difficult.
"But suppose the 'blue sky' bill didn't
produce a dollar of new revenue? Sup
pose the taxpayers had to put up $20,
000 per year to make this law effec
tive? wouldn't the benefit to the state
be wortlv the price? With -this law In
effect such steals as the Columbia
River Orchards company graft and
others quite as notorious would have
been impossible and the people would
have been saved millions of dollars.
"A law similar to the Oregon bill
has recently been passed In Arizona and
is administered by a commission of
three. Oklahoma has a corporation
commission of three members. It Isn't
likely that the salaries of these com
missioners are less than $3000 each
per year. i
"This office is already so crowded
that every timff one of thp clerks wants
to turn around some one must step out
Into the hall. From three to a doien
people connected with the office are
compelled to work outside, In various
places about the building, thereby great
ly handicapping the efficiency of the
Lack of System Exists.
"Two or three additional clerks,
desks, filing cases and equipment will
be required to administer the "blue sky'
bill. I defy any man to find room
for more people or furniture In this of
fice. Also there sre other reasons why
I am in favor of making a separate
corporation department. The work Is
now divided between this office and the
treasurer's office. This arrangement
has resulted in loss of time, confusion
and inconvenience to the public. No
business man would tolerate for a day
such a lack of system in his private
business. Then It should not be for
gotten that this bill is going to make
some soreheads. Every time an appli
cation for a charter is turned down
there is going to be a roar. If this
discretion Is lodged in a clerk, the
aggrieved party will at once file a com
plaint with the head of the department,
who must depend on the Judgment of
the clerk who has made the decision or
drop his other work and review the
whole matter, It is my dollberate
Judgment that this discretion should be
vested in a man with final power to
act, and that his decision should be
subject to review only by the courts.
The Status of O. S. Baboock.
"It has been charged that this bill
was framed to make a political berth
for C. D. Babcock, the present head
of the corporation department. I know
of my own knowledge that not one
word .has ever been said to Governor
West In connection with this matter in
behalf of Mr. Babcock. When the time
comes to make the appointment, I hope
the governor will name the best quali
fied applicant for the place. The bill
was framed In this office to stop the
robbery of the common people by
crooked corporations and promoters.
It haa been revised and approved by
many evel headed lawyers and busi
ness men. Including the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, Commercial club and
Realty board, which bodies are financ
ing the Initiation of the measure.
"It la being submitted to the people
by the initiative because it is the
Judgment of all who are collaborating
In the matter that a better law can
be obtained In this way than by putting
it, up to the legislature.
Crooks Will Hot Uka It
"I do not expect this bill to please
the crooked corporations nor that class
of promoters which has been fattening
off the savings of the honest people
of the state.
"It has been known for some time
that the fight against the bill would
center on the provision for the estab
lishment of a corporation department,
but when it Is understood by the peo
ple that this plan will' greatly Increase
the efficiency of the department, and
that the added revenue will more than
pay the slight additional expense, I be
lieve this feature of the bill will receive
the hearty approval of the people."
White Kalmon, Wash., July I. For
an intended attacK on the 10-year-old
daughter of R. Field, a real estate
dealer of this place, one Ferguson is
now In Jail at Goldendale, where he
was rushed by Marshal Estes before a
number of exasperated citizens could
The little girl was picking wild blsca
berries with a girl friend, when she
was suddenly taken by the hand by a
man, who sent the other girl home,
while he dragged his proposed victim
off towards the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
placing a handkerchief over her mouth
to prevent outcry. In the meantlma V'
the other little girl reported tha con
rence at the Field home. ,
Mrs. Field grabbed a club end started v
to hunt for her daughter. She finally ;
heard a faint outcry, and rushing to the .
spot found the assailant threatening to .
cut the child's throat with an open knife. -
Upon discovery Ferguson fled. Offl
cers were soon on the ground, and aus-v
pectlng a man In the employment of '.
the Larsen ranch, two miles north of,3
White Salmon, took him in custody. t
He was unhesitatingly identified by ths ,
girls. " J( -
Ferguson claims io have been toon
orably discharged from the United '
States marine service. He became aV
member of the I. W. W. and went out
on strike at the dam a few weeks ago,
afterward obtaining employment at the '
Larsen place. Members of the I. W. W.
say he was subject to epileptic fits. -When
arrested he was under the Influ- :,
ence of liquor.
A remarkable collection of portraits,
and biographical sketches of men ac
tive In the life of Illinois 1b produced
In the volume Just Issued by the Chi
cago Daily Journal. Leaders In bust
ness, professional, public and social, life
are shown by hundreds, together with
brief mention of their work which might
Interest the public, in "Notable Men i
of Illinois and Their State." The book
is well printed and neatly bound.
And Automobile
Races, Tacoma
Tickets June 30,
July 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Return July 7.
A National Gath
ering, Portland.
Tickets July 7 to
10. Return July 15
Return through
Seattle July 22.
Carnival of Pleas
ure, Seattle.
Tickets July 15 to
19. Return July 22
Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information.
CITY TICKET OFFICE, 255 Morrison, corner 3d., Portlano!.
Phones Main 244, A-1244.
Summer Eastbound Excursion Tickets. On sale for numerous
dates to September 30.
A. D. Charlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
Glacier National Park
Season June ISth to October 15th, i$12
CEvery facility is offered the tourist to 6ee the beauties of
G lacier National Park this summer. Eight new chale t camps
will be opened to the visitor on June 15th, each located in a
picturesque valley on the shore of a beautiful lake o on the
banks of a rollicking mountain stream. Outings $1.00 Io
$5.00 per day. ' '' h
Low Round Trip Fares
CGuides and horses are in readiness to take you to the most remote
beauty spots in tha Park. Plan a short jaunt of a day or a tour of a
week or a month in Glacier National Park.
Write 'or descriptive booklets and detailed information regarding" low farea to
Third Street, Portland.
Visit the Old Home
I T1
low rares
O.S. Land Union Pacific
Round trip tickets to principal
cities in Middle Western
and Eastern States.
Baltimore $107.50 Kansas City J 60.00 St Louis $ T0.00
Boston 110.00 Minneapolis 60.00 St. Paul 80.00
Chicago 72.50 New York.' 108.50 Toronto H.60-
Denver 65.00 Omaha ;.. 60.00 Waahlnffton ... 107.SO
Going limit fifteen days; final return limit October 81, 1912. LIBERAL
STOPOVER PRIVILEGES. Choice of route, , , i
July 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31.
August 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31. - .
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30.
Three Through Trains to the East Daily from Portland 3$
10:00 a.m. "Oregon-Washington Limited." t ',
:00 p. m. "Portland & Puget Sound Express."
Both to Chicago via O.-W. R. & N O. S. I,
U. P. and C. M. & St P.
9:00 p. m. "Soo-Spokane-Pprtland Train de Luxe to St.
Paul via Spokane and Spo Line. w i
716 Second
cm ticket orrxoxs . , i
Third and Washington 01 Bprigui ' . Hit raflo i
Street Avenue. J . Avmi '