THE' OHECCN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 5, 1312. Town Topics 6UMMXB BESOBT BX7B SCUTP- ' .. nous. . r- Dont forget when going away -on your vacation or for the sura-' pier,, that The Journal can Xol- tnw win IK .nt WMlt trie -TeiufarTu6acrlptioit--rar sna the following agents will supply Bay Ocean, Qv Bay Ocean Beach Center, Wa-fc, w, C. Collins. - Carson Springs Wash., Min eral Springs hotel. ' Collins. Wash.; Fred A, Toung.. Oearhart, Or, Mrs. O. 1 El- ,l0lfcaco, Wtsh, H. B. Wood . ruff. - - " ' Long Beach. ttash., lc; Dlnneen. (Delivery to all point on North Beach. . Newport, Or.. Georf e F. oung. Rocks way Beach,-Or- WUklna aVRice. . " Seaside. Or., Lester Proebstel. - (Delivery t all parta of . Sea aide.) 6eavtew. Wash.. F. E. Streu- hal. Tillamook, Or. J. 8: Lamar. Wllholt Springs. Or., V. W. McLeran. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS . HEILIG The Durbar motion pictures. BAKER Baker stock company in "Beverly of Graustark.' BUNGALfcW Pendleton' Round-up Mo tion pictures. COUNCIL CREST High Class attrae 1 tlons. LYRIC Armstrong Folllea company in "The Half Back. I ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville. I THE EMPRESS Vaudeville. PANTAGES "Vaudeville. . THE OAKS Amusement park. : Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity:" Fair tonight and Saturday. Northwesterly winds. Oregon: Fair tonight and Saturday, northwesterly winds. Washington: Generally fair tonight and Saturday. Winds mostly westerly. Idaho: Fair tonight and Saturday. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. firemen's Band Fionlo The firemen's band, an amateur organization pro nounced by experts one of the best of lta kind In the state, will hold a big picnic at Estacada Sunday, July 28. Friends and well wishers of the band are cordially Invited to attend the picnic. A special rata for the round trip to Eatacada has been secured by the band, which haa chartered an open train to take lta guests to the beautiful scenic park on Oregon's most beautiful moun tain stream. The ticket includes ad mission to the park and to the dancing platform. The band will disperse music all day. The net proceeds will be "con tributed to the treasury of the band for use in defraying the expenses of a di rector and in paying for instruments used by the men. As the musicians of the fire department do not hold com mercial concerts, there is not a cent In the treasury at present, and the object of the picnic Is to provide funda. The bandsmen have Sundaya off, so that they wil not ba picnicking on the city's time. Awning Catch Tire Captain Archie M. Crewse of engine company No. 22 was painfully injured last evening when the engine in responding to a fire alarm, skidded ou the tracks at First and Mad ison streets, breaking the tongue of the apparatus and throwing the captain to the street. The police auto waa called and Captain Crewse, whose injuries con sisted of bad bruises, was taken to his home, at 225 Woods street. The fire de partment waa called out shortly before H o'clock last evening to the Bowers hotel, where three awnings were afire. The awnings were destroyed and sever al window casings damaged. Fire yes terday afternoon at Montgomery street, did about (600 damage to the flat occupied by J. P. McKnight. The fire started In the attic, from an unknown source. Cats Meal, Than Takes Sick J. A. Simpson, who was evidently suffering from ptomaine poisoning, was taken from 367 Stark street last night by the Red Cross umbulance to" St. Vincent's hospital and after having been treated enough to be able to talk, declared that he'had Just eaten a piece of peach pie and take a cup of coffee in a small restaurant near his place of business at West Park and Stark ctrect. when he felt the pains.. Tin; restaurant Is to Le Investigated by the health ofllcti. Luncheon to Dry Tarm Expert A number or the men in l'orllai.d who ai? interested in dry farming have been in vited to meet Daniel Morgan, dry tarni Um expert of Washington, at a compli mentary . luncheon In the Commercial Club tomorrow. Air. Morgan is touring 1119 bi.iiji vuaoi in luc I run vow u L ino dry farming congress which is to bo ' held at LetrtiTOg-AibmarOcTo-HerT-i6 this year. Ho is going on to Sacra mento, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Bates Joins Pathfinders Phil S. Kates of the Pacific northwest has been added to the pathfinder party 4cd by C. C. Chapmant promotion tuunager of , the Commercial club, that will leave Port land next Monday morning. Mr. Chap man, with several machines, will seek the best route to the Lakeview meeting ofthe Oregon Development league in August Incidentally he will secure some desired publicity for the towns along the way. Establishes Headquarters at Chautau qua Blackmar Circle, No. 20, Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, the banner circle of the department of Ore gon, will establish headquarters at Chautauqua, at Gladstone, Or., July. 9 to 21. The headquarters will be in the form of a restroom for the benefit of all Grand Army people. The following committee will be in charge: Mr8. It J. Dowllng, James Hooper and F. C. Beach. Evening Star Orange Tomorrow the Evening Star grange will hold its regu lar meeting In Its hall on the Section Line road. An Interesting program has been . outlined and It Is expected that the attendance will be large. The in terest in these meeting's Is keon and the attendance Is Increasing from time to time, Jewish Services Tonight Services will be held at Congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay streets,: tonight at. 8:00 o'clock. Rabbi Conn, of Spring field, 111., will address the congrega tion. Tomorrow morning, services nt 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. Permit Recommendation Denied The health and police committee of the city council today refused to recommend the granting of a special permit requested by the Standard Bo & Lumber com pany to erect a shed on a street .end near the corner of East Water andTine Streets. Pay Mualo Caused Deaths. "Music hath charms" for some people, but not fop fit rouiAant m ,.lnl.i... of Eighteenth and Raleigh streets, who this morning filed a lengthy petition with the health and police committee of the city council asking that the Austrian band be restrained from practicing at : lta headquarters on the corner men j tloned. "The noise made by this band," I reads the complaint, "has caused deaths J among children and adults . The com I mittee, at the suggestion of chairman ' J. J, Jennings, directed. Chief of Police Blover to "subdue ' the band. Elka to Dedicate At the request of the South Portland Boosters, the grand la.dge of Elka has consented to dedicate the first link of the grea.t Terwllliger boulevard. Tho frand lodge, accompa nied by uniformed members -J-.ihe lodge and a band, will proceed to the boulevard next Tuesday afternoon. An approach to the magnificent scenic parkway has been graded free of charge by L N. Day; The procession, of Elka wilt take lta way in automobiles along this approach from First ' street up Hamilton avenue to the .boulevard and on out to the southern terminus of the boulevard, ' , Husband Suddenly Disappears The police of this city have been asked , by Mrs. T. B, Long of; Centralia, Wash., to find her husband, who, while waiting at the union depot yesterday morning for a train for Centralia, Wash., wan dered away from the depot and has not been seen since. The wife declares that her husband Is lnsana, and she fears for his safety. The man and wife were on their way from Los Angeles to Cen tralia, .and stopped over In Portland to make train connections. The police have a description of the man. , Child Hart In Anto. A small child who was a passenger in an automobile which waa being driven by J. C. Wen dell, of 889 East Burnslde street, was slightly Injured last evening when the automobile, while making a turn from thaLinnton road on Thurman street, skidded against the curbing, throwing the child from her seat against the back of another seat. None of the other passengers, which Included seven per sons, three of whom were children, waa hurt and the Injuries sustained by the child consisted of but a few bruises. Aoouses Sis Irlend Jack Nelson, a laborer, was arrested yesterday In Van couver for the theft of $10p from a friend, who gave the name of Martin Johnson, who claimed that Nelson yes terday morning robbed him while the two were In a room at the Hewston ho tel. Johnson appealed to Detectives Mallet and Hammersly and at the time stated that he thought the suspect "friend" had gone to Vancouver. Nel son returned without making any objec tions. Must Stop Hypnotlo Act Chief of Police Slover this morning gave orders to Captains Moore and Riley that a small show house at Alberta street and Union avenue which Is featuring a hyp notic, act, lh which boys attempt break rock with their naked fists and where a woman permits needles and thread to be thrust through her arm, discontinue the act at once. Complaints against the show were made by many people and the order was Issued to take effect Immediately. Injured Kan Hai to Walt Through some mistake In telephoning, Nels Pear son, a laborer, lay from 9 until 12 o'clock last night under the west ap proach of the new steel bridge usffer- ing from a sprained ankle, and was rtnaiiy removed to St. Vincent s nospnai, where the Injured limb was treated. The Red Cross ambulance responded to the call as soon as the message was re ceived. Captain Mcintyrt of steamer Monarch said of the letter carriers' excursion last year, "The most orderly and best con ducted I ever took out on the river." This year, July 7. Tickets at Rowe & Martin, or ask your carrier. Do Tonr Classes Tire Tonl Consult George Rubensteln, the optician. He Is an expert eye fitter and his charges are very reasonable, 189 Third street, near Taylor. Biding' Lessons at reduced summer rates. Well trained saddle horses for rent, riding habits furnished free. Horses and ponies for sale at Kramer's Riding school, 16th and Jefferson. Sunday Exourslon to Cascade Iirks on the steamer Bailey Gatxert. Leaves Alder street "dock at 9 a. m., returns 6:45 p. m., 1 round trip.. Phone Main 914, A-5112. Hello, Bill When you want a cool, refreshing drink, ask for R-Porter. It has a taste you'll like. There is nothing Just like it on the market. Stearasr Jesis Harklna for Camas, Washotigal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Mount Hood Auto Stage Una, leaving dally 7:30 a, m.; returns 4:30 p. m. Haw thorne Garage, 44S Hawthorne avenue. Phone East 162. Steamer Tahoma leaves for The Dalles Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Fare &0 cents. Salmon street dock. Tele phone Main 1048. Milk We can deliver dally pure, clean, sweet milk, Sunnyside, Laurel hurst and Irvlngton districts. Thone Tabor 1081. Crawfish In Season Affaln Spired and cooked In wine, always fresh at Levem Grille. 248 Ash street, opposite Mult nomah hotel. Tot Bale Chalmers roadster, 1911 model "30", In first class condition. M. a Gunst A Co. (Inc.), 84-88 North Fifth street W. A. Wis and associates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. Anne's portraits Columbia bldg., for men, women and children.' A-1635. Men! Meet "the Elks" with a good froat. See page 9. Hew xreti Buffet, d and Alder sts, Dx. E. C. Brown, Eye: Bar. Marquam. EXPERT MAKES 144,000 HALLOCKS IN 12 DAYS Milton, Or., July 6. Elmer Perkins, an expert packer of the Milton-Free-water Fruitgrowers' union, made a rec ord for himself during 12 days In mak ing hallocks. In that time he made 144, 000, at the average rate of 12,000 per day, his highest , run being 13,000 for three successive days. His assistants. Waiter Tanks and Roscoe Smith, aver aged 7000 a day. 1 ! . . ' 1 B SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SEATTLE SEMINARY AND COLLEGE A Protestant Day and Boarding School of High Standing. A "strong f aculty of 14 up-to-date ln structors. Makes a specialty of college preparatory work. Four modern build ings, dwell equipped, altuated on a pic turesque campus of 8 acres, near street-c&r.-ilne..... &ocla!. and. . moraX.iafluances unexcelled. Special courses given in music and elocution. 21st year opens Sept. 11. For full particulars or cata logue write Alexander Beer. Prin., Pres ident, Seattle, Wash, FUNERAL OF PIONEER POLICE CHIEF HELD tllll John P. Curtin. The funeral of John P. Curtin, 88 years old, who died at his home, 426 Hoyt street, Wednesday afternoon, fol lowing a stroke of paralysis, was held at 9 o'clock this morning from the St. Mary's cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets. The body was Interred In the Mount Calvary cemetery. Mr. Curtin was well known among the older residents of this city. Before Alblna was annexed to Portland he was the first and only chief of police of that town. He also served as coun cilman. Later he was a member of the Portland police force. The stroke of paralysis that he suffered Wednesday was the third in the last few years. ERECTING OF SCENERY ARDUOUS UNDERTAKING It has taken 25 scene shifters exact; ly 30 hours to erect the scenery for 'The Bridge of the Gods." A race was made against time to permit of definite calculations in readiness for the great Indian drama going on the road shortly. To permit a two-day engagement, "The Bridge of the Gods" equipment will have to be in each city one week, at least two daya being required to erect and a similar time to tear down. With an advance car of men to pre pare the ground and erect framework, this time may be cut somewhat. It Is the "heavy" nature of the scen ery in "The Bridge of the Gods," the 75-foot high Mt Hood that dominates the scene, the Columbia and the range of hills 'east and west, with all the scenic additions that makes the wofk so arduous. The scenery must stand a strain as it must be strong - enough td permit 100 Indians to traverse the trails with torches in their hands. Get in Line. Two weeks only. Your photo on pos-tals-from any of our 800,000 negatives, special $1.00 per dozen. Davles Studio, Morrison, between Third and Fourth. A PLACE TO DINE gVt If you wish to Jul please your friends bring them to The Portland for dinner. Tou, as well as they, will en Joy the excellent foods and the courteous service. gn Everything i here conspires " to add to your enjoyment the care fully prepared foods; the beautiful, airy grill and dining room, and the superb music. Tou are welcome here Till PORTLAND HOTEL Q. J. Kaufmans, Mgr. 3' 231 ALDER h - - ' SHIPPER'S SURPLUS Specials 'Safairctay .Only CHILD'S BAREFOOT SANDALS A t LADIES' KID JULIETS no at 4tfc at...; 98c t j- t et. t Ladies'1 tan kid, black velvet, suede, patent X:P.'::: 98c sSofS .p.u.T:.w.rth.:?SL48 Children's kid Strap Slippers and Can- CQ jdies. Sh Qxford Pum in f J f vas Oxfords, all sizes, worth to $1.50 QJC " all styles and leathers, worth $4 $2.49 Men's Shoes and Low Shoes, In j Men's Shoes and Low Shoes, in A n A all leathers, worth to $3.50, nowtDl.JO all leathers, worth to $4 JZe4e7 BRUMS ROSE CITY SHOE SHOP 231 ALDER ST., BET. FIR13T AND SECOND , v ' v..,, .u ' ' . . . . A'' Ti"-'. ' " ' v y. 4 NEARLY EVERYONE GOES OUT OF TOYN ON FOURTH Reports from the railroad and street car passenger trafflo departments this roornlns would Indicate that . nearly verynsAefthersafeand aane JTOUftH" la " Portland yesterday and journSyed to towns' ptcnlo .' girounds where arrest did not follow, the explod ing of a few firecrackers. ? The Portland Railway, Light ft Power company lines handled In the city and on suburban lines some aOO.OOO people. Including transfers. The biggest crowd waa carried . on the Vancouver line, fully 10,000 persons going over to the Washington town to watch the military celebration of the Fourth. Much dif ficulty was experlenoed In handling the trafflo across the ferry and hundreds sighed for the time when the con struction of th proposed - interstate bridge between Portland and Vancou MEN! YOU MUST MEET THE ELKS WITH AG00D FRONT BEFORE BUYING YOUR SUIT ASK . YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: Who can give mc the better deal? The man who pays $500 to $1000 a month rent on the ground floor or the man who has estab lished himself upstairs and pays $30 a month rent? I am selling out my stock of Summer Suits at a fraction above wholesale cost, to make room for Fall goods. MARK YOU, this is not a FAILURE or a SUICIDE SALE but a legitimate clearance that will give you without doubt THE GREATEST VALUES IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND JIMMY DUNN n Room 315 Oregonian Building. Take Elevator THE Twelfth and Washington Streets Portland's newest and most beautlhil hotel Absolutely fireproof Both phones in every room Commercial tourist and family hotelEuropean plan High-class grille in connection. THE ANNEX HOTEL CO. F. P. WILLIAMS, MG& NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Yesterday the greatest 3ay in American his tory the day on which we celebrated E SAUE ver .over the Columbia will end the necessity for delay that now exists. ' Tht next largest crowd was carried to Oregon City, the number for the day being approximately 5000. Three thousand picnickers sought the park by ,1 the Clackamas at Eatacada on the Catadero lltie, and 2400 Journeyed to Bull Run on tJie Mt Hood line.'-- Many more people were carried out of the city than were brought wY-Wlth no unusual Fourth of July attractions beyond the band concerts people were uniformly more Interested in the mora old fashioned celebrations outsiae me City. . ' ;;-W , -:r- Figures were not available for the crowds handled by the O.-w.-R. ft N. company to Cascade Locks and Bonne ville, but they were estimated at 2000. All of the trains on the Hill elec trio lines to North Plains, Tualatin and Willamette valley points were well loaded with pleasure seekera ' Elks' Week. Teu can send 40 Issues of The Jour nal, from July 7 to It, .covering com plete proceedings of the Elks' reunion, Including the large special Elks' num ber of July 11, to your friends or brother Elks for 25 centa. Order at once. ANNEX s1MMMMMNsssAsMMbs1sjAss ted tl lives with in history the which we celebrated. Phone your dealer, grocer or Port land Brewing Co. 231 ALDER 9 beer 1200-ACRE RANCH AT '.COTTAGE GROVE SOLD ? i Soeetil to The JonrnLV , Cottage Grove, Or., July &. The deal which has been pending several months between J. E. Thomas and Mrs.- Fran ces Marie Harding, for ' the purchase of the 1200 acre Harding ranch, east of the elty, haa been finally closed - up and Mrr Thomas now holds the deeds to the property. ' Mrs. Hardin came her from CueroTexaato- deli verihJ papers. The sale of thar Barfield rest B. P. O. L'$ It's a Toast The Greatest Elk Song "Here' to the Friend in Stormy Weather" All Popular Bong Sits 7 for $1. Add lo Copy on mall orders. When It's atnslo or Pictures, go where the orowds go. 323 Washington Street. Open eTeninrs till 10:30 We Handle Matters in -Escrow If you have a deed to place in escrow have an important transaction that you want carefully and confidentially h a n dled you'll be pleased with the ef ficient service that our trut department can render you. We do a general trust business and this department is under the supervis- ion of men of wide experience and shrewd judgment in business affairs. Portland Trust Co. OF OREGON BANK Thlro and Oa 8U. The eyes of the public are upon a real estate dealer And if he make9 ev ery effort to protect his clients his future is assured. Our guar anteed Certificate of Title is the reputable deal er's safeguard. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust, Co., Fourth and Oak. PSssKssNsfSSlsZlS Durability and Econ omy in street pave ment, can mean only one thing; that is BrruuTHic dence to Mr. Thorn as r the snme time, th figure t r t ins tiuuo. It takes a. hrnn4 m i . i spite of his wife. ASirSEMENTS -AJU& THIS wnx- HEILIG THGATRn ft TATLSa This evening IM .o'cloc. KINEMAC0L0R - : JCOTIOS PICTURES "TEE WnfflAT Sai RESERVED SEATS NOW SELLING TOR EVERT PERFORMANCE Eve. 76c. 50c 85c; Aft, 80c. JSC.-, SXA80V BEAT SASB -OFZVa TODAY, 10 A. JC HEILIO THEATRE SPECIAL SUMMER ENGAGEMENT - Beginning Sunday, JulyA4t-X CATHR1NE COUNTISS Bupported by STS VET ATUBI Evenings Lower floor, ?, 0e; balcony 60e. 36c, 2!c; gel, 1 6C, 15c, Wednesday matinee Any sett I6. Saturday matlnee-i-Lower floor, 60c; balcony 25c; gaUery, tW.-y.-i. BAKER Mala a and A-B3W Oee. 7U. Bakes, Mf BAKES STOCK COX? AST - All this week Mat. Sat, 5o. A Hit That Is a Whirlwind. BEVEKXY 07 QBATJSTABX Dramatized from .the . noted novel"t George Barr McCutcheon. A charming love story, full of thrills, excitement and comedy. Holiday matinee Thursday, 26c. Evenings, 25c, 60c. Next week, commencing Sunday mat, "Are To ft Mason?" ' - -' - BUNGALOW THEATRE Return engagement of the world famou PENDLETON ROUND-UP Motion Pictures With many new views never before) shown. The only genuine pictures showing the real event, taken from life. Fascinating, thrilling, awe inspiring and amusing. The only ones of their kind. Opening Thursday, July 4, all Week. Performances continuous afternoon and evening. Admission 25c Children tin dor 12, 15c. . am ran Oonsidta Bef lnea Tandertiie WEEK JT7X.T 1 "High ZJfe tB Molntyre and Groves) Ollvottt Vxouba dors; 4 Mayoe 4; Knight and Toli. man; Kerry Cutler) Orohestrai Ptotvea, Summer Prices Wights 10o and 30e Matinees Any Seat, 10a BEAXXT 6, A-1MO MATXXXB BTBBT DAT 15-8M0 BTOST9 week U THEATRE lSS-SO-rS . Miss May TuHy) WiU Uogorni OUakof Bart Tamil: Kaufman Brothers I The Tour Lyric latins j Minnie Kaufman ; oronesna; nctnzes. to) 4Jy Matinee DaUy WEEK JTOra 30 A Wight la the edel weiss: Clarke and Verdi I Boesch and Kilbauert Bond -Morse, King" of the Ko J boes; Carl Bosine k Co.i Komane Bros. I Fantagesoope, ropuiar prices. Jtozes ana first baloony reserved. Box offlee open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Pboceei A- ttnrta Wain AAta ffnwfAlM Bflft O ,,au, KWJ, -www vim .i mmw, , mw, m LYRIC TKEATKB , rOUBTB AJT TAJUI The Big European Sensation TKE rASIISOOT OMMMM : i Presented by Clara Howard and tha Baby Dolls in , THE HALT BACK By the Armstrong Follies Company Two performances nightly Mat dally. Friday Night Chorus Girls' Oonteet, THURSDAY (XBDEPESTDEBCH BAT) special Jlliernuuii mm tut wui iju- ances. - 7 Basetall BBCBBATIOB VAJtX t Corner Vaughn and Twenty-f ourtll Bts, j Vancouver-" ! Portland jext- a, 3, , a, a, t. Games begin week daya I p. tn. ItUM days 2:30 p. m. r LADIES' DAT TBZDAT. 1 Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wedne day. COUNCIL CREST PORTLAND'S BOOT Q ABBES ; 1300 EEET ABOVB CITTV . ! Tree Scenio Amusement Parlb KZOX CLASS ATTBACTIOTS. ' 1 OPEN AXB BIBK. Plcnto grounds in tbs old apple orchard, Admission to grounds ftea "Bridge of the Gdds" World-Famous Spectacular Drama, Hon day and Wednesday only, at Multnomah Field. Seats S3, to 60 cents1 at Row St Martin's drug store. Sixth and Wash ington streets. ' : V, Bad Cigars ; Slow Suicide Smoking bad cigars is stow suicide. No occasion for It when "Sara Sloaiij sells for 5 cents. " , ; "( - , , , 3k - '"J J I f ... ff Xattne JTrery WDress pedal IN in n f mu 1111 m w f .' " j ' 1 '" ..-