The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 05, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Events in Society
" It U Imperative that those contribut
ing news for the Sunday society paR
should have It reach the desk ol th.
society editor on : Friday whether
brought In, mailed or telephoned. ' News
Is always most welcome but those who
have affairs ea;'.y in the week would
-confer a great favor Y sending- their
report In as soon after aa possible,
otherwise the volume of late society on
' Saturday may necessitate some items
being leftover. lor another day.
Aliases Honeyman Entertain.
I HE Misses Qrace and Mllldred Hon-
eyman entertained a numbr nf
their friends at the Honeyman
farm -near Scappooss for "the
Fourth. Miss Claire "Wilcox, Miss
Cully pook,' Miss Lora Cummlngr, Miss
Clementine Lambert, Miss Barbara Mac
kenzie, Mr. Stlth.. John Banks, Fritz
Behrenda, Carl Wernicke, Richard Jones,
Philip Fr and C, !. Hindman motored
down with the Misses Honeyman
Wednesday afternoon to enjoy a house
party. Miss Alice Garey,' Miss Katherlne
MacMaster, Miss Jean Morrison, Miss
Cornelia Cook, Miss Jean Mackenzie,
Miss Margery Hoffman, Miss Dorothy
Huber, ' Miss Sally Hart, Miss Louise
Burns, Miss Lesley Smith, Miss Mar
garet Hewett, Miss Allsa MacMaster,
Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss RuthZelle of
Ban Francisco, Eugene Rockey7 Landon
Mason, Beaton Taylor, George Shroyer,
Lester Hodson, Blake Robblns, Jack
Burns, Berkeley Snow, William Howe,
George Stewart and Tom Meyers mo
tored down yesterday and the entire par
ty returned later in the evening. A
platform was erected In the yard and
dancing was enjoyed.
Launching Party.
.'- Mrs, J. Wesley Ladd chaperoned a
Igroup of the younger set on a launching
party yesterday which terminated with
dinner and a dance at Waverly. In the
party were Miss Helen Ladd, Miss Es
ther Tucker, Miss Mary Brownlle, Miss
Orace Peter, MIch Margaret Malarkev,
Miss Clea Nlckerson. Ferd Smith, Wil
liam Wheeler, Howell Jones, Hallett
Maxwell, Honry Lytle, Stuart Freeman
and Bud Krlbs.
w w
Affairs Planned.
Mrs. Frederick A. Jacobs will enter
tain with an informal tea on Wednesday
In compliment to her house guest, Mrs.
Bolena Cochran, of Kansas City. In
vitations are out today for a dHnrlng
party to be given Friday by Miss Eliza
beth Jacobs and "Miss Edith Olds.
Congratulations Received.
Mr. and Mfs. K A. de Schwelnltx
(Miss Gladys Weldler) are being show
ered with congratulations on the ar
rival of a son Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Lewis to Entertain.
Mrs. C. II. Lowts will entertain with
a dance Tupmiay In honor of her grand
daughter, Miss Ellow Mills.
At Irvington Club.
No more attractive spot could have
been found In Portland yesterday than
the Irvington club where one thousand
dancers enjoyed the perfection of the
concrete courts and one thousand spec
tators enjoyed tl e delights of the grove.
Scores of American flags, and bunting
with strings of clertric lights were
used In the decorations. During the
day Miss T&yjor', the kndwgartner,
conducted games for the children who
entered Into the contest for prizes. The
committee in charge of the affair was
made up of Mrs. H. P. Palmer, chair
man; Mrs. 0. M. Plummer, Mrs. S. Mln
slnger, Mrs. Albert, II. Cousins, Miss
Naomi Beckwlth, Miss Helen Wastell,
Miss Marie Haller, W. J. Hoffman,
Frank MrCrcllls, J. Bowman, Eugene
Brookings, W. II. McMonles, D. 0.
Lively and Andrew Porter.
Personal Mention.
Miss Grace De Graff, of Ladd school,
president of the Portland Grade Teach
ers' association, laft early In' the week
for Chicago to attend the N. B. 'A. Miss
De Graff baa been asked1 to apeak be
fore a number of teachers' conventions
in the interest of-forming a national
federation. -; , - ' 1 .
Miss Mary Julia Keene. sister of Mrs.
George H. Thomas, left a week ago for
Berkeley to take, a summer courts la
the U. of C She will probably teach
next winter, in Nevada r, Calif ornla, s
,vv -i v v- i ;
: Mrs." William Hendershott and daugh
ter. Miss Fay Hendershott, are in Walla
Walla, where they are the guests of Mrs.
Augusts Rees.
. ' , '
. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Sluman, of Mount
Tabor, are spending a fortnight at their
ts.nn-nr ths-Csady. ' - ' '";--.g.
; ... v. -
Miss Gertrude Bernard and her moth
er, Mrs. Charles Bernard, of 784 Over
ton street, have been touring Europe
for the past two months and are 'in
Italy. After visiting Belgium, Germany
and Switzerland they visited the noted
cities of Italy and were granted an
audience by the Pope when in Rome.
This month will be passed in Parts and
France, the native land of Charles Ber
nard, a pioneer of Washington county.
After a short Sojourn.-in England and
Scotland Mrs. Bernard and her daughter
will visit Ireland, and then return to
America. They will come to the coast
via the southern states end are expeoted
hqme sometime in September.
Mrs. Ella Masher of S14 Sherman is
seriously ill.
Pretty Tea. .
The Misses Katherlne and , Margaret
Stoppenbasch of Piedmont entertained
about fifty guests at tea op Tuesday
to meet their cousin. Miss Clark. Del
phiniums and Shasta daisies were strik
ingly combined in the dining room dec
orations and lavender sweet' peas and
pink carnations were arranged about
the living room.
Miners' Meeting.
The State Miners' Association will
hold a meeting in room 608 Eilers
building this evening at 8 o'clock
There will be a musical program inter
spersed with short talks on the pos
sibilities of mine development in Ore
gon, and for needed laws fo- the pro
tection of the mine owners and invest
ors from fake promoters. All who are
interested are cordially invited to attend.
(Special to The Journal.) 4t
Cottage Grove, Or., July 6.
As the result of hitting a dyna- 4
mite cap with a rock, Wade 4
Mosby, 7-year-old son of Mr. 4
and Mrs. Dave Mosby, of Diss-
ton, Is suffering from Injuries" 4
Inflicted by the exploding cap
and flying pieces of rock. The
thumb and middle finger of the
right hand were bady injured by 4
the cap and wounds were in-
41 fllcted on the face and breast
by flying rock. The most sr-
ious injury is just below the
ribs on the right side, where
the little fellow was hit by a
large chunk of rock. The in- 4
4 Jured boy was rushed to Cottage 4
grove for medical attention and 4
41 Is recovering nicely.
, (United Preaa Lcaied Wlr.
Tien Tsln, China, July 6. It is gen
erally believed hero today that Tan
Shao Tl, former premier of China, will
marry a German woman in the near fu
ture, going to the United States for the
ceremony. Tan Shao Yi received his
education In an American university.
It is said he will be married In Wash
ington, D. C.
By Dr. Edith B. Lowry.
IT WAS only a few years ago that
cows were brought directly to the
house and milked In the presence of
the customer. This almost was a
necessity on account of the lack
of proper means of caring for the milk
In transit.
As we have come to understand bet
ter the necessity for cleanliness In the
care of milk, the city authorities have,
from time to time, passed laws regulat
ing the sole of milk and providing for
inspection of dairies and bottling plants,
o that now we are reasonably certain
of obtaining clean milk If it is pur
chased from licensed dairymen.
However, too much care ycannot be
taken that the milk comes from a reli
able source. Every mother should In
vestigate the milk supply thoroughly
beforo trusting the baby's life to it.
The milk should be absolutely pure
and fre from any preservative and be
delivered fresh every morning in stop
pered bottles. Corks or wooden stoppers
never should be allowed, as they ab
sorb Impurities. Soon after the milk is
delivered, the mother or nurse should
prepare enough food for the baby for
24 hours. This should be put into the
feeding bottles at once, just enough In
eich bottle for one feeding. This will
make It necessary' to have about 10
bottles for a small baby. The bottles
should be stoppered with a little ab
sorbent cotton and placed on the ice
until needed.' Remember that milk ab
sorbs odors, and do not place it near
onions or other vegetables of a pro
nounced odor.
When it Is time to feed the baby one
bottle should be heated by being placed
In a pan of hot water. The other bottles
should remain undisturbed until needed.
Throw away unusued food remaining in
the bottle after a meal never save it
to be used with the next feeding. The
loss of a little milk Is better than to
take any risks with the baby's life.
Do not keep the babfg milk warm at
night bv putting it under the pillow, on
the back of the stove, in the thermos
bottle, for It may make the baby sick.
Milk sours much more quickly if kept
In a warm place than If kept on ice.
Milk that is kept warm for several
hours may be slightly soured when it is
time to use it. Besides, the disease
germs which sometimes are found in
milk multiply very rapidly If kept in a
warm "temperature. While the baby
might be able to resist a few germs, it
probably would succumb to an added
number. A mother who Is bringing up
her baby with a bottle must reconcile
herself to the discomfort of arising at
night to heat the milk if she values the
health of her baby.
r r
Hot Biscuit I
Are Easily Digested 11
when raised with
Rumford. Its su
perior quality and
purity makes
them light, flaky
snowy-white and
more wholesome!
Everyone will praise
your biscuit if yoir use
Tbe Best ol the nigh-Grade Baking VovfttT9-tiMuvx .
PS r:7Z'Z$ ill
Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker of Texas.
Federation of Women's Clubs
Goes on Record in Choos
ing President.
(United Prets Luatd Wire.)
Ban Francisco, Cal., July 5. By elect
inr Un Perfv V Pen n vhdrker of Texas
their president the delegates to the elev
enth biennial convention or ine uenerai
VAarnitAn nf WrmtAn'fl rlnhs are on rec
ord as opposing the adoption of woman's
surTrage by tne reaerauon. ine an
nouncement of the result of the election
was made last night.
Mrs. Ptnnybacker was opposed by
Mrs. Philip (iarpenter of New York,
who had come out flatly in favor of a
radical suffrage , policy. Mrs. Penny
backer declared during the campaign
that the time was not ripe to make
suffrage an Issue before the federation.
The vote was: Mrs. Pennybacker 656,
Mrs. Carpenter 255. The following offi
cers were elected unanimously:
First vice president, Mrs. L. L. Blan
kenburg, Philadelphia, second vice presi
dent. Mrs. Samuel B. Bneath, Tipton,
Ohio; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry L.
Keefe. Walihlll, Neb.; corresponding
. -,. Mr. Fn irene RellleV. Char-
lotte, N. C; treasurer, Mrs. John Thread-
glll Oklahoma city, uia.; auunui,
Charles Howard McMahon. Salt Lake
City Utah. The following directors
were elected from a field of 11 candl
hi,. r.,. Julian Clark. Indt-
ana; Mrs. Francis D. Everett, Highland
Park Illlnoie; Mrs. J. v-rmiiiiwu
iwn.: Mrs. William E.
Andrews, Washington. D. C; Mrs. Lucy
White Williams, uapeer, biku.,
it kit. voii.v ntv. N. D.: Mrs.
A. S. Christy. Montana; Mrs. William A.
Harper, Seattle. .
ii.ii . mrctiAnt of Eugene,
and wife are 'registered at the Perkina
Salmon, la registered at the Perkins
N. Lorens. a hotel P"P" "
qullle. and wife are guests at the Per
"'charles D. Meyers a fr,c1" "fnJh
Dalles, is registered at the Pe1"8-
vt r Churchill, a merchant of OaK
land. oV..Cl.U registered at the Perkins
George Fidler, a lumberman or Kei
, is a goiest at the Perkins.
Carey Applegate, delegate to the Elks
convertloiC from Salt Lake, and wife
are at the Multnomah.
a w Naxum. an attorney of Spo
kane, is registered at the Multnomah.
Charles Wood and Donald Wood, con
tractors of Honolulu, are registered at
the Multnomah.
t wr Griffith, an automobile dealer
of San 'Francisco, and jrlfa re at the
M J. Scanlon, s business man of
Minneapolis. Is at the Mult
nomah. ?
V H M"urphy, a business man or vic
toria,, is registered at the Multnomah.
Charles H Boynton. a banker of New
York, la registered at the Multnomah.
W H Abel, an attorney of Montesa
no, la registered at the Bowr8-
J F Hall, a lumberman of Taooma,
and wife sre guests at the Bowers.
Robert O. McCracken, a champagne
Importer of San Francisco, is at the
Bowers, a guest of his mother, Mrs.
John McCraoken.
F. H. Jenness, an automobile dealer
of Chicago, is registered at the Bowers.
F W Graham, Industrial agent for
the Great Northern, is at the Bowers
from Seattle.
D. O. Thing, a mining man of Oro
ville Cal., la registered at the Seward.
Charles D. White and R. I. Welch and
their wives are registered at the Sew
ard from Houlton, Or.
O. L. Featherstone, a business man
of Chicago, is registered at the Seward.
F. C. Kersten. of Bend, Or., who sup
plies torrid central Oregon with ice, is
registered at the Seward.
H. Newman, the theatre owner of As
toria, wife and Mrs. Bressler, of Omaha,
are at the Seward. t
J. E; Sawhill. of the Bend Townslte
company, of Bend, Or., is at the Seward.
Joseph D. Murphy, an Insurance man
of Seattle, is registered at the Seward.
M. S. Redfleld and family are regis
tered at the Seward from Spokane.
P. J. Vial, the well known farm own
er of Prlndle, Wash., la registered at
the Portland.
C. W. Diirbrow, an Espee official of
San Francisco, Is registered at the
"T." ET TIose"ina "family, of Alameda,
Cal., motored up from California, ar
riving here last evening. They are at
the Portland,
fare R Stuart, p ths Stuart in
struction company, of San Francisco, Is
at the Portland.
Dr. C. M. Doland, of ffpokane. is reg
istered at the Portland.
(Special to The Journil.l
Beaglrt, N. J., July 6. Five Oregon
Democrats, delegates to the national
convention, came from Baltimore to Sea
girt to personally meet Woodrow Wil
son, nominee for president. The men
are Mark Holmes, Herman Wise, Sena
tor Milton A. Miller and A. King Wilson
who accompanied National Committee
man King on the trip.
The national committee adjourned to
meet In Chicago July IB. at which time
the campaign chairman will be selected.
Store Open Until 9:20 Saturday Evening MaU'Or&rt Promptly and Oxrcfu'.! -niledExpress
Prepaid on All Purchases of $5 or Over WitHn 100 Miles of Pcrtlzr. J
The Host in Value
The Last Word
Steel Cut. Do you know
what it means? It is the
last word in coffee im
provement. Steel Cut Cof
fee is so far superior to
ground, you wouldn't com
pare them it's a contrast.
If Ton An Not Using
in place of butter or lard in your
cooking you are missing many of
the delights of eating. V. V. O.
O. adds flavor and zest to the
foo that can be secured by no
other means.
Try frying potatoes, for exam
ple, in V. V. O. O. Use only half
quantity compared with batter.
Your dealer
sells V. V. O. 0.
on a moneybaek
Seattle, Wash. Vancouver, B. C
filUUlass I
r"Vi rNTV"
4 I w,,A.tJawAw.
Ladies' Home
J., Journal
Latest Styles
All Sizes
: Ladies. -Horns
i : tJWW
The Best in Quality
Style Book
3 oc
With 15c Pat.
tern Free
Manufaoturer'o Overstock!
Women's Suits Sensa- r .
tional Price Reductions
High-Grade Suits of Pure Wool Serges and Mixtures, Shown
in Neat Tailored and Norfolk Styles Regular $25 and $30
Values You May Take Your Choice of TKem at This Sale for
5 Each
Dependability and style are the extraordinary features that
lend an unusual interest to this announcement, which has to
do with sacrifice prices on this line of Women's Suits. A sale
which involves the newest styles and thorough workmanship.
High-Grade Suits, shown in plain tailored and Norfolk styles,
in white, black, navy, brown, gray, tan and a large assortment
of light -and dark mixtures. Every garment guaranteed pure
wool, neatly lined with Skinner's satin. Reg. Q1 9 CA
25 and $30 values tomorrow at half price. ...! L0)
Specially Priced 65c, 95c, $1.25 to $5.00
Never in seasons past have we shown such
a great array of Women's Waists. They
are here in the latest styles and designs.
Lawn waists in low and high neck, pep
lums and marquisettes, in beautiful pat
terns, also Racquet and Middy Blouses in
the best styles. We lead in style, quality
and values.
On Sale at $1.75, $1.98, $2.50 to $4.50
We are now showing a very complete as
sortment of Women's Bathing Suits made
of good quality mohair and other suit
able materials. About 50 different styles
for you to select from. They come in de
tachable skirt, one-piece style, also panel
back and front, and they are good values
at tne price.
BATHING CAPS Specially Priced for This Sale at Only 15c, 25c, 35c and 65c Each
BATHING SHOES Specially Priced for This Sale at, Per Pair, Only 35c and 65c
Sale Men's Underwear
High-Grade Balbriggari Shirts and Drawers, Made of Ex
cellent Quality Matenal and Finely Finished
Very Best $1.00 Values Special for Tomorrow
cellent Quality Matenal and Finely Finished Z(
Bargain news for the men. A special line of Men's High
Grade Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, the Medlicdtt-Mor-.
gan make, made of a very soft, silky-finished, materials
The shirts come with corded silk front, and the drawers
are finished with good suspender straps and good JQ.
ocean pearl buttons. Best $1 values, garment.. OsL
Men's Socks, 35o Vals., 25c
A special line of Men's Socks, made of
pure silk thread and shown with rein
forced heel and toe. They come in plain
black and sell regularly at 35c a OCfi
pair. Special at Luis
Boys' Q1.50Sweaters $1.15
Boys' Worsted Coat Sweaters, made coat
style, and shown m V neck, also Byron
collar, lhey come in plain irrav.
and oxford trimmed in red. Q 1 P
Best $1.50 values special at. Jltlu
A Sale of Women's
About 2000 Pairs in All Styles and Leathers
Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Gunmetal and Tan Calf
Regular $2.50 and $3.00 Grades Q iQ
on Sale Tomorrfow at, the Pair Only sjj 1 .ttV
A most extraordinary offering of Women's Sum
mer Footwear. This time it's a broken assort
ment of our Summer lines of Oxfords and
Pumps. Included are all the new styles in pat
ent colt, vici kid, gunmetal and tan calf. They
come with light or medium weight soles, high
or low heels, and in straight lace, blucher and
strap styles, all sizes. Regular $2.50 (j A Q
and $3.00 grades tomorrow, choice. J) 1 A 7
Misses' and Children's Pumps and Oxfords $150 Grade
Sizes $ to 11, at UUc--$2 Grade. Sizes 11 2 to 2, at $1.40
Good styles and good, reliable makes. They are guaranteed by us to wear satisfac
torily, although they are sold at a bargain price. Both pumps and oxfords, in pat
ent colt, gunmetal and Russia tan calf leathers in all sizes for misses and children
Women's 50c
Only 30c
Gauze Lisle and Glorietta Silk
Through1 very special arrange
ments with one of the largest
and best stocking mills, we are
enabled to offer this wonderful
value in High-Grade Stockings.
Seasonable weight Gauze Lisle
and Glorietta Silk Stockings,,
made with double garter top,
high spliced heel, double sole and
knee. All sizes" from 8 lA to 1 0.
Best5pc quaniyspecran jO
for tomorrow, at ; .. . . . L
at 9o
A very special offering of
about 500 dozen -Women's
Embroidered Stiff
Collars, shown in neat,
dainty patterns. They
come, in all sizes, 12 to
16, andiare from Vz jo
i ins. in width. Re?.
on sale, each jj