The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 05, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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iomplctc Elk Program for Next Week
Include Many Entertaining Events That' Will Keep Visiting Delegates
'" . ott the Hop. v.'......:...;"'..,,.,..... ' U.. .J......
T" . -; ' tuna?, July T.
Reception committee meete all ar
rivals at trains. 1 r. .
"Welcome squad" of 0 unforme4
Elks and band acdrta vlsitoreTp ho-
.. tela. ' yy:' ry i ;
Registration booths will be pan.
Hands will play in Barks.
Professional baseball games and other
snorts in various carts of the City.
7 " Portland's noted rose garden will fce
In bloom. Trolley cars will convey visi
tors through these floral wonderlands.
t The Oaks, Council Crest and all other
. amusement parks Will be open on Sun
'" Portland has numerous churches of
, all. denominational Ther will extend
: cordial welcomes-to. visiting- Elks and
their families.
' All electrical decorations prepared for
the reunion will be presented In their
' ''full glory for the first time on Sunday
J ' night The magnificent "Court of
"Jlonor7'" "which w'lii form one of the
"principal attractions of the convention,
will be complete in all Us splendor and
Will be the rendezvous for all local
y and visiting; Elks and their families.
" ' The Elks' temple will be open through.
- . out tha day and evening. Portland lodge
(wlll have "open house" to all visiting
? members. Every brother is Invited to
l Join with them and partake of the city's
' " hospitality.
. Headquarters for visiting women will
,,b maintained on the fourth floor of the
. 'Elks' temple.
,r The theatres have prepared special
programs for this evening and for the
. remainder of. Elk week.
Naval vessels, which can be reached
- by launch from the foot of Stark, Mor
' . rison and Salmon streets, are open to
all visitors from 1 to 6 p. m. daily.
Monday, July 8.
This day will be devoted to the recep-V-tion
of visiting delegates and the nu
merour special train parties. More than
' ISO special trains are scheduled to ar
i rive In Portland on this day. Every
train will be met by the uniformed re
ception squad and Administration band
1 of SS pieces.
10:30 a. m. Sight seeing trolley trips
through business and residence sections
of city.
12 o'clock noon Concert In court of
? 1 p. m. Reception to visiting ladles,
fourth floor Elks' temple.
Naval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark, Mor
. rison and Salmon streets, are open to
all visitors from 1 to 6 p. m. dally.
g p m. Formal opening of grand
lodge at Armory.
Opening Exercises.
2 " Charles C. Bradley, exalted ruler Port
land Lodge No. 112, presiding.
i 1. Overture . . . . Orchestra
t 2. Invocation
J ..Grand Chaplain Rev. John Dysart
:&. Vocal solo Miss Maud Pammasch
4. Address of welcome, behalf reun--
ton committee
' Brother Ralph E. Moody
,6. Solo, "On the Road to Mandalay"
i ? (by Speaks). . .Brother Dom J. Zan
,6. Address of welcome, behalf of city
- of Portland
. Brother A. 0. Rushlight, mayor
, 7. Overture Orchestra
' 8. Address of welcome, behalf B. P. O.
Elks Brother Qua C. Mosar
. '.J. Vocal solo, "Tonight"
1 , Mrs. Lulu Dahl Miller
.10. Address of Welcome, behalf state
'-'.j or Oreaon. .Brother 1). Soils Cohen
ill. Vocal selection Male Chorus
'It. Response on behair or tne urann
Lodge, Grand Exalted Ruler, John
- - f . euiiivan.
'11 WnI. "Anld Lansr Svne"
, " Everybody, with Orchestra
Visit Oregon City, Clackamas County,
" Oregon; 12TnlIes by electric car througn
beautiful valley.' The garden spot and
- Buppller of Portland markets. No bat-
-ter fruit growing lands In the world;
, : Tuesday, July 9.
'Via. m. Concerts by visiting bands
- ' at grand lodge headquarters and at all
: principal hotels.
" 10 a. in. and hourly thereafter until
'I p. m. Automobiles will be stationed
'at Multnomah, Oregon, Portland and Im
perial hotels for exclusive use of visit
ing ladles In sightseeing trips to vari
. ous points of interest in and about the
m. Opening of business sessions
y :Of grand lodge at Armory.
r- ,' 11 a. m. Opening of sweet pea show,
i second floor county courthouse, aus
pices Oregon Sweet Pea society.
"r-t-lr'm.Auto -races, Cotmtry-nciiitj.
.. 'Speed marvels pf tha world will contest.
" 2 p. m. Motor boat regatta on Wll
' lunette river at St. Johns. The fastest
TBPeed boats Bti the Pacific coast are en
' tared. Special car and steamer serv
, Ice will be maintained between city and
'.race course. A keau.UJCuL.auiojMt!llft
drive along the banks of the Willamette,
. 2 p. iri; Automobile drive and dedl
i . 'cation by grand lodge officers of Ter
' wrllllger boulevard, the most magnifi
cent scenic highway in America.
.'. I p. m. Baseball, Portland vs. San
Francisco, Pacific Coast league, at
Recreation Park, Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn streets.
8:80 p. m. Elks' grand electrical pa
rada of 17 floats, one of the spectacular
features of week's events, prepared es
pecially for visitors to grand lodge re-
- 11 p. m. Beefsteak dinner to visiting
, $1 local members of the press by Elks'
publicity committee, for active news
paper men, grand lodge officers and
commissioners exclusively.
Naval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark, Mor
' rison and Salmon streets, are open to
all visitors from 1 to 5 p. rn. dally Go
. to Oregon City, county seat of Clacka-
tnu county. Oldest city and home of
the father of Oregon, Dr. John Mo
Xaugblin; largest payroll city of same
population in Oregon.
Wednesday, July 10.
, I.'SB a. m. Massed band parade
inrougn court or honor.
1 , 10 a. m.-r-QTand lodge sessions at Ar
(inory. - II a. m- Sweet pea show, courthouse.
' ' 1 p. m, until 12 midnight Free sal
mon .barbecue, band concerts, vaudeville
entertainment and continuous araupe-ment-at
"The Oaks," the Pacific coast's
V'.jnost' popular resort.
, Special trolly trains and special
'steamers, motor boats and launches win
take yiaitors from the city to the park,
three, miles south, en the Willamette
Admission to the park and to every
concession within the park will be free
Joy for Smokers
The high cost of living has
forced mantnen to cut down
expenses. You can do this
with pleasure and profit by
smoking "SarrT Sloan" 6-ccnt
cigar. ,
to all Elks and their families wearing
the official badge.
A vaudeville bill has been, prepared
especially for the Elka and contlnuoue
performances will be given. Admission
will be free throughout the day, and
night. . - ;
. A score of bands will be at the parte
throughout the day and will dispense
music almost every minute. '
- 1 P; m.-Openiftg of -Industrial Bx
position in rubiio uocks building, St.
Johns. Admission free.
2 p. m. Autu races. Country club.
Speed marvels of the world will contest
3 p. m. -Baseball, Portland vs. San
Francisco, at Recreation park. Through
courtesy of the managers of the Port
land and San Franolsco Baseball clubs
all ladlea will be admitted free.
5 p, m. Barbecue will be served, floe-.
clal and extensive preparations have
been made to accommodate and satisfy
every guest. Three tons of salmon. 100
bus Jjp.J.8 L Of ..clams. 100 dozen crabs and
a proportionate amount of other cholci;
edibles required.
9 p. m. Grand electrical and nvro-
technlcal display at the Oaks.
raval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark. Mor
rison and SalmOn streets, are open to
all visitors from 1 to G p. m. dally.
Thursday, July n.
10 a. m. The annual rrand lodae
parade will start promptly with military
precision, forming on Fourteenth street
south of Columbia.
10 a. m. Sweet pea show, courthouse.
2:30 p. m. Grand lodge sessions at
3 p, m. Competitive drill contest on
Multnomah field, free to public.
4 p. m. Baseball. Portland vs. Ran
Francisco, at Recreation park. Through
the courtesy of tht managers of the
Portland and San Francisco baseball
clubs all ladles will be admitted free.
4:U p. m. Free entertalnmnnf at
Council Crest, a modern amusement park
wrcmu, dui izuu rest Tibove, the city.
Special car service will be provided.
Five mountains are visible from this
elevation and visitors are urged to as
cend the crest before twilight so that
they may enjoy this glorious sight with
the setting of the sun. very concession
will be open for free enjoyment of Elks
and their families. Fireworks display
will be given at night
8 p. m Final band contest at Mult
nomah field, open to public. This will
be one of the feature events of the week. 1
Brilliant Illuminations will light the
field. The contesting bands will be se
lected from the participants In the first
preliminary and therefore will include
only the best musical organisations at
the reunion. The field will accommo
date 20,000 persons. Admission will be
Naval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark, Mor
rison and Salmon streets, are open to
all visitors from 1 to 5 p. m. dally.
Friday, July la.
9 a. m Concert by Administration
band In Court of Honor.
10 a. m. Closing grand lodge session
at Armory, Inauguration of newly elect
ed officers and farewell address of John
P. Sullivan, grand exalted ruler.
11 a. m.-Tr-Formal awarding of parade,
drill contest, band and decoration prizes
by Harry C. McAllister, secretary con
vention commission, from official grand
stand in front of federal building on
Morrison street.
1 p. m. Free excursion on the Wil
lamette and Columbia rivers. Steamers
will leave the dooks promptly on the
hour. All visiting Elks who wish to
avail themselves of this trip are re
quested to apply at the registration
headquarters for tickets after 9am.
Friday, July 12.
3 p. m. Baseball, Portland vs. San
Francisco, at Recreation park. Through
the courtesy of the managers of the
Portland and San Francisco Baseball
clubs, all ladles will be admitted free.
8:30 p. m. Grand ball at Elks' tem
ple. 9 p. m. Grand march.
Naval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark, Mor
rison and Salmon streets, are open
to all visitors from 1 to 6 p. rn. dally.
Saturday, Jtily 13.
9 a. m. Band concert In Court of
9 a. tn. And at all hours throughout
remainder of day excursions to numer
Bill P $
Is Whole Wheat Cooked
workers; it
And to get this food value, in abund
ance without bulk,
Our special cooking process by which
the wheat is rolled,
holds secure all
which Nature grew
in the grain. And
the blend of barley
malt adds a finish
ing touch of flavor
and aids digsstion.
Order "Force"
ous nearby lake, mountain, ocean and
rlvr resorts.
The various lodges of Oregon and
Washington have prepared elaborately
for tha entertainment of visiting Elks.
Numerous enterprising small towns and
cities, even those in which no lodge
Is located, have asked for the rare honor
of aotlng as host to visiting lodgemen.
Entertainment typical of the community
In which It is given has been prepared.
8 p. m. Harness and running races
by Gentlemen's Driving club at Coun
try club grounds. . ,
p. m. Baseball, Portland vs. San
Ffanclsco, at Recreation park., Through
the courtesy Of. the managers of the
Portland and Sah rFranclsco Baseball
elubs, all ladles wiUibe admitted free.
8 p. m. until morning- Mystic
masqued carnival and "battle of rib
bons" marking finale of Elk week.
Naval vessels, which can be reached
by launch from the foot of Stark, 'Mor
rison and Salmon streets, are open to
visitors from 1 to 5 p. m. dally.
O.-W. R. N. TO LOWER i
Following an Important conference
between the representatives of the Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navigation
company and the Portland Railway,
Light & Power companies and Mayor
Rushlight Wednesday afternoon In the
mayor's office, the mayor directed City
Engineer T. M. Hurlburt to prepare res
olutions ordering a change pf grade on
all street crossing the right of way on
the Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Navigation company's tracks from East
Thrty-seventh street to tho city lim
its. These resolutions will lie sud-
mitted to the street committee of the
council tomorrow afternoon and will In
all probability be recommended for
Under the proposed plan or the city
engineer the Oregon-Washington Rail
road & Navigation company will lower
the grade of Its main lino at a cost of
approximately $250. 0; the city Inter
ested property owners and the Portland
Railway, Light & Power company will
spend a like amount In constructing
overhead viaducts, chief of which will
be" that on the Sandy road crossing,
costing something like J53,000. Other
viaducts at other grade crossings will
cflst from 115.000 to $17,000.
Those present at yesterday's confer
ence were Mayor Rushlight, City En
gineer T. M. Hurlburt, City Attorney
Frank S. Grant, all representing the
city, J. E. WTerleln end Engineer Rich
mond of the Portland Railway, Light
& Power company, Attorney A. C. Spen
cer and Chief Engineer G. W. Boschke,
representing the Oregon - Washington
Railroad & Navigation company, and
Attorneys Campbell and Lovett, repre
senting property owners on streets
over which vladuots will have to be
A special train bearing nearly 200
delegates from the National Federa
tlon of Women s Clubs convention 1
California will arrive In Portland nex
(Sunday morning. Elaborate prepare'
tlons for meeting and welcoming th
club women have been made by the
State Federation of Women's Clubs an
the Portland Woman's club. Authority
has been given to stop the train at
Oregon City and at this place the Port
land delegation will meet the delegates
and escort them Into Portland. Head
quarters will be established at th
Hotel Portland and there will be auto
.mobiles to take such as desire to church
In the afternoon will be a mass meet
lng between 4 and 5 o'clock at Taylor
Street Methodist church. Subjects will
be equal suffrage and Industrial condl
tlons. Arrangements are In charge of
Mrs. A. King Wilson, president of th
Woman's club, and Mrs. Sarah A. Ev
ans, president of the State Federation
of Clubs.
On the special train will be 95 dele
gates to the national convention from
New York, together with the delegates
from New Jersey, Rhode Island and
the food for the
means force, energy,
eat "Force."
baked and toasted,
the nourishment
r?r nl"
TrftTol n
Your choice
Make Your Selection
--I.--';-. . - -J'" . i, .: : 8 V' ' ; ' i ' : ;,', ' ; ' '
;; - : - - -"" -
of any Benjamin fancy Spring or Summer Suit in the
house which formerly sold up to $30.00
young hunters re
Ji 11 turned from their
jaunt into the wilds?" asked
the Kink, while he scanned the
pages of the "Arabian Sporting
"Indeed they have, your Maj
esty," replied the Secretary of
While Sizes Are Here
the Interior Decorators, "and
they bring many trophies of
the chase."
"Surely a wise bunch of
huntsmen," remarked the Kink,
"I am getting so fond of
Trophies I smoke them in my
M. 1 1M
Made' by
Thi H-0 Company, Buffalo
, , 4 ...