The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 04, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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' i
Town Topics
1 . i
Bxruatxa besob subscbip-
" - TIONS.
Pon't forget woon going
on your vacation on tor the sum
mer, that The Journal can fol.
low you at 16 entsa week, t
regular subscription rates. snd ;
the following" sgents will suppl..
you at Our regular rates: -
Bay . Ocean. Orrf . Bay Ocean
racn; Center, "Wart, W. C..
C?wn eprlnga Waaii; -Mln-
tral Springs ot:vWsV''i
Collins, Wash, Fred A. Young.
Gearhart..Or.,,Mre. I .-
. ""llwaob.' WmIl. . B. Wofl-;
ruff. -. '-. - , , ;
Long Beaen. wssn.. ,
Dlnneen. . (Delivery to afl pont
on North Beach.) ,
" Newport, ur,, "orJ?" riivin
. Rocka way Beactv Or.. Vlalna
Swe' de. Or., Leater PwrtjW-1
(Deliver?, to all parte of Sea
side.) . M ,....
Beaview, wasn,. ---
Tillamook. Or.. J. 8. Lamar.
Wllholt Springe, Or.. F. W.
McLeran. .
HEILIO The Durbar motion pictures.
'BAKBn-Bafter etock company in
' "Beverly of Graustark." Vf
BUNGALOW Pendleton Roundup Mo-
' Col'N(?ILtUCREST-Hlgh' class attrac-
LTRIC-Armstrone Follies company in
"The Half Back." . . :;...
t)RPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville
THIS EMPRESS Vaudeville.
FANTAGES Vaudeville. ,
THE OAKS Amusement park.
Weather Conditions.
The pressure la tiipderately vr
the Rocky mountain and plains tatea,
the upper lake region and Canada. High
pressure still obtains over the Appa
lachian highland and gulf states, and
also over the Paclflo north est. With
in the last 84 hours light rains have
fallen In Montana, southeastern Idaho,
the central gulf states, central Mis
sissippi and Ohio valleys and the lake
region, moderately heavy rains In, Wy
oming, Colorado and NfD'Mka an?
heavy rains In South Dakota, thunder
storms wers reported from the n0Shf
Rocky mountain states and lake region
The weather is cooler In the basin
states, and valley, of ReaRlvr
North and it is correspondingly warmer
in Alberta, southeastern Oregon north
western California, southern Idaho and
the central plains states.
Tha conditions are favorable for
showers tonight or Friday Ir, i western
Washington and for g enerally air
weather tonight and Friday In remaln
g portions of this district Tempera
ture changes will be unimportant, and
souther.y winds
, Portland and Vicinity Probab y fair
tonight and Friday; southerly winds.
Acting Weather Forecaster.
Police Captain Honored. Charges of
disorderly conduct were yesterday
morning openly made by Chief of Po
lice Slover against M. F. Keller of the
second night relict, when Keller was
calling the roll to dismiss his men.
The charges grew out of an old offense
and came as a complete surprise to the
captain, who had no warning of the
affair. As Chief Slover appeared before
the relief, he said: "I am sorry to have
to make charges against one of your
members, but Captain Keller is hereby
formally accused of disorderly con
duct, an old offense, and I have a wit-,
ness here to prove what I am about
to charge him with, Thirty-two years
ago today your captain suddenly ap
n..i nhaolutelv naked, in a room
crowded with people, - Therefore it Is.
my duty to punish llm by giving him
a burden to carry through the balance
of his life, as a token of the esteem
of your chief and the members of the
second night relief." Two patrolmen
then appeared bearing an oak cnest
which contained a beautiful silver set.
Including 67 pieces of engraved table
ware. "Thanks," said Keller, as a lump
roae in his throat. His father, W. L.
Keller, was the witness mentioned by
the chief.
Three gmall Xlres Three small fires
n rommffffnouseB ana
tt tailor
hnn nv the fire donartment consia
erable- trouble- between the hours of
midnight last night and 6 o'clock this
morning, yet the aggregate damage done
in all three plac3 is not more than
1400. The first fire was at Eleventh
and Stark streeta 4ft a tailoring ahop
conducted by M. Rosen, and narted in
a rubbish heap "under a work tnble. The
damage was about $350. A lighted cig
arette which R. Hamphrell smoked in
bed In his room at the Astor hotel at
...... rl . . . 1 , ... 1 . . n ftav i
W ruin Barrel, nuvi on..-. v.
caused the second run. The damage
was about $20 4here. A fire occurred
at o'clock thia morning in a cinuies
closet at 4284 Second street, burning
a quantity of wearing apparel belonging
to the roomer, whose name la not known
to the police. The damage was about
' (30.
r Alarm 8 cafe. A young lady
from Minnesota, who Is paying her first
. visit In the far west, while waiting
for a street car at Fifth and Everett
streets, yesterday afternoon, suddenly
remembered tnat she had a post card
In her purse "for the old folks at home.''
"This Is a funny mail' box." com
mented the woman, as she grasped a
handle which she supposed was. to open
the box. As she turned the handle a
ball rang and kept rlngtng tfntll the
handla. returned to the proper place.
1 Noticing that she had turned the fire
alarm box, the woman ran as fast as
he could to the office of Chief Slover,
"Oh chief, chief, help. I have turned
in a fire alarm at the corner. I
thought it was a mall box." she ex
claimed. The alarm had not been
turned in, however, as the bell that rantf
was only a bell on the cover.
Charges Against Patrolman. Ser
frgeant Robson, of the second night re
lief, has .made charges against Patrol
men Bennett,, growing out of ah affair
last Sunday night, when Bennett cap
tured two young men whose names are
Jack Lare 604 Sixty-fifth street, and
Albert Sanford, 4932 Sixty-first street,
.who had committed serious offenses
against two young girls, one GoldU
Abbott, aged 1$ years, of Forty-eighth
street and Hawthorne avenue, and
Georgia Patterson of East Tenth and
Ankeny streets. The patrolman caught
the two bOys, 1ut the girls escaped
' from him,' and after giving the boys 'a
severe lecture he allowed them to go.
Robson reeommended that Crlef Slover
take the matter up with the patrolman.
Special Priday Only Don't be de
ceived. We sell absolutely pure wines
and liquors. $1.60 quality port, sherry,
angelica and muscatel wine, 76o per
gallon: $4 rye and Bourbon whiskey,
$2 75 per gallon; $4 brandy. $2.75 per
gallon; 44 rum', $2.76 per gallon. Na
tional Wine Co., Fifth and Stark. Phone
Main 849t Home A-liSSJDeUvered.
tolea JJog" Beoovsred-An English
i bull terrier owned by George ,W. Kelly,
wealthy Portland lumberman,' which he
values at $1000 and which was stolen
several days ago, was recpVered for
the owner by Detectives Royls and Trice
from 388 Seventh street. The recovery
of the dog, was made possible when Kel
ly found a , no to under his door saying
that the dog would be found at 188
Seventh street. Going there he found
the animal in the possession of a man
named Gilbert, who was connected with
the Diamond Palace. He claimed that
he purchased the dog from ft man named
Blum ; for $17. No arrests have been
made. ;':.'-! i: 'J ,'v ;v '
' ilxtortioa Wrg elUBIlko T Mtlich, ft
gang, foreman in the employ of the B.
P-& S. railroad, who was arrested on
ft charge of conducting an employment
agency wunout a license, was yesterday
bound over to the grand. Jury on
charge; extortion. after the, state had
rauea to prove the other charge. .This
turn of affairs came after witnesses had
testified to alleged shady deals by. Mil-
jen, in connection with "exacting certain
payments from men employed by and
under' him on the road work. ' The ar
rest on the charge made in municipal
court followed a suit started in Justice
court against Milton to compel the re
turn or certain portions of laborers' sal
aries which MUloh had held back, It is
said. This suit failed, but It was sug
gested that criminal action could ' be
taken. The complanant was Jim Dubls.
MUich was held nder $100 ball.- -
Mt. Angel CoUegs floiTenlrs-A hand
somely decorated and profusely illus
trated souvenir program baa been
Issued by Mt. Angel college In honor
of the Institution's twenty-fifth anni
versary and silver jubilee. - The pro
gram is decorated in gold and Is with
out advertisements. The history and
work of -the college Is reviewed in
brief,' and among the illustrations used
are those of His Holiness Pope Pius
X His Grtce Archbishop Christie, D. D.,
of Oregon, His Grace Archbishop
Seghera, Rt. JRev. Abbot Plapldua, O. S.
B and many other of the Clergy prom
inent In Catholicism In Oregon. Pho
tographs of the alumni of Mt, Angel
are attractively arranged In the sou
venir. Landlady Bhoots at Intrnder Angered
because two men had gone through her
house and spoken to two women there,
Ruby Martin, landlady' of a rooming
house at Tenth and Everett streets,
chased the two men onto a roof of a
one story bouse that, adjoins her olscs
and there fired two shots from re
volver at them. Patrolman H. H. Harms
heard the shots and rushed to the pleoe.
Before he arrived the two men had
fled. The woman was placed under ar
rest on a charge of assault with a dan
gerous weapon.
Motorcyclists Arrested. Three ar
rests Were made by the police yesterday
of offenders who have failed to heed
the warning to motorcyclists not to ride
on tha sidewalks. C. E. Fauske was
seen riding several blocks on the side
walk, and was arrested at Fifty-fifth
avenue and Sixty-seventh street. Don
ald Huntress was arrested at Thirty
seventh street and Sandy road and R.
O. Downey was arrested at East Seventy-fourth
and Yamhill streets. All will
be arraigned In police court tomorrow
on the charge.
Biff Hay Crop Predicted. The I-
chuttes Land company of La Pine, Or".,
will resume operations and construction
of its Irrigation ditches and reservoirs
July 5, according to W. R, Riley, a
hotel man of La Pine, who is here pur
chasing furnishing for his hotel, re
built after total destruction by fire
some weeks ago. Mr. Riley says crop
conditions in his section of the state
are excellent and that the hay crop
will be the largest ever harvested
there. The weather has been ideal for
good hay and for- other crops too.
Personating an Officer. John Sleg
lond possessed himself of a deputy sher
iff's star recently. Last night he pinned
the little-piece of metal on his coat
and started out to find evidence of vice
and crime.: At Sixteenth and Savler
streets he displayed his star to -several
men on the corner, and among this
crowd was one who took exceptions. The
man called Patrolman N. M. Jones, who
arrested Selglond for personating an
officer. The accusgd Is held under $200
Penney Bros., Triday Rpeeiftl Our $1
grade of Wines at $1 per gallon. Our
$1.60 grade of Wines at 76c per gal
lon. Straight Kentucky Whiskey, 7
years old, regular $4.50, at $8.50 per
gallon. Kentucky Whiskey, regular
$3.50, at $2.60 per gallon. Our $3 grades
of WhlwteeyrRwwrltt-and Brandy, $ J-Kr
per gallon. Friday only. 279-881 E.
Morrison St. Phones East 287, B-2426.
Free delivery.
To Plant 30,000 Trout State Game
Warden Flnley, with Deputies Holman
and Struble, left last night for Kla
math Falls with 80,000 young eastern
brook trout which they will plant In
the streams at the head of Upper Kla
math lake.
Tree Mnsenm Open The free mu
seum In the city, hall will be opened
frim 2 to 5 this afternoon for the
benefit ef visiters wno desire to se
the curios.
Electrio Cooking Clajs Tomorrow, 2:30
p. m. Mrs. Hawley's favorite cookies
and prallines. All ladles welcome. Elec
tric store. Seventh and Alder. "
Steamer , Jests Harkins for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p. m.
Milk We can deliver dally pure,
clean, sweet milk, Sunnyslde, Laurel
hurst and Iryington districts. Phone
Tabor 1081.
6tr. Tahonta lease for The Dalles
Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. Fare
60 cents. Salmon street dock. Tel.
Main 1048.
Realty Sean Arrested w. A. Williams,
a real estate man, was arrested at
Third and Pine streets last night on
complaint of a woman, who declared
that he had Insulted her while walking
along the street in the vicinity of Fourth
Bring Me ttie Pieces
Of your broken glasses and I will do
the rest. Lenses duplicated almost
whlla you wait.
1 Qi
Jo my own grind.
Ing. If your glasses are not satis
tartoryr?hercmust "be " reason
come In swe'll b glad to tell you
what's tlje matter ,
Dn Haynes gJSSl?
Malta 437 Marquaia ldf., 4th Ploer.
1 f n
J -y- .... -
" . I
1 " i
Liimfl. i
and Alder streets. The woman com
plained to her husband, who trailed tile
man to a bar, and then called for Dei
tectlves Colemen and Know, who placed
the man under arrest His case will be
heard tomorrow.
Tot ale Chalmers roadster, 1911
model "SO", in first class condition. M.
ft Gunst & Co. (Inc.), $47-88 North Fifth
8treet.-;;; v--: ; " .."t ' ;',.'.-"',:!'",;;. ;' ;
Smperlftl Club 2anolng lftrty ftt Ring.
ler's hall tonight, Becond and ; Morrl-
son. . j,";': J.: 'iiJ ;.: ,- e
Voion Transfer Company, furniture
moving and storage. Main 241. A-2241.
' W. A, Wis and associates, ' pftinless
dentists, ;; Third and Washington. ; ,
Ahm's Jrortraits Columbia bldg, for
men, .women and children. , A-1I3S.
Jfew JCrafi Buffet, $d and Alder sta!
Prohibition. Dlsoussed "Does Prohi
bition Interfere With: Personal ' Liber
tyT" is the question discussed at Central
W. C. T. U. Wednesday afternoon. A
number of members took part, and the
leaflets were read. Plans for financing
the oomlng national convention - were
discussed. Owing, to the Chautauqua
See Our Regular Page Advertisement
if $ x sir i , e wm&
yTHY-NEW-LIFE" INSTANTLY Come up to the second floor demonstration rooms at The
. RELIEVES ANY KND OF PAIN Meier & Frank Store and let the expert operators give you
a trial application. Thousands of homes where "Try-New-Life"
has worked wonderful cures. Easily operated by members of your family or yourself.
If desired we'll sell them on our easy payment plan. .Visit the demonstration rooms tomorrow.
rriday and Saturday.
180 Moth" Balis, pkg .5
lOo Boric Acid, pkg.. ..........
10 Powdered Orris Root. ,pkg.. . .Ki
18c Plaster Paris, pkg '.
15c Washing Ammonia, bottle... 94
10c Chloride Lime, lb go
lOo Concent'd Lye, Babbitt's, b...fe
lOo Essence Peppermint, bottle.. 7
lOo Pure Glycerine, bottle 76
28e Bay Rum and Glycerine, bot.
25o Crude Carbolic Acid, bottle, js
J 6c Cotton (Lee's Absorbent), lb.24
25e White Petrols (fancy jar)...:fif
60c "Ketchum" Fly Trsp 20c
20c Wood Alcohol, bottle 146
BOc Formaldehyde, bottle 3S
11.25 White Enamel Pitcher 3
JSo Sodium Phosphate, lb i3i
10c Roach and Water Bug Powder.
per can 4e
10c Gum Camphor, cube K
10c "Manyuse'" Sewing Machine Oil,
per can - JJ6
lBc Cream Tartar, pkg 11 J
Ec Whiting, pkg ..3$
"Things Useful"
10 M a B'sauonery oept.
(Tor Triday and fta tarda y)
"Address Books." Shopping Lists,
"Things to Remember," bound in
red leather: reg. 25c, special.. 19
Russia Leather, Vest Pocket Memo
randums, 15c and 20c vals., at 9
Carbon Paper, all colors; regular 25c
dozen, special 18
Box, 100 sheets, reg. $2, at fl.FO
Type Paper, 600 sheets, epeo,1..45
Letter Flies, "Wood-Lark," regular
60cu speolal , 32
Box Paper, 24 sheets and envelopes,
regular 25c. special 94
Box Paper, 48 sheets and envelopes;
regular 85c, special ...... ...49
Our Perfumery Dept.Uffers
the Following Specials:
Special sale of any of Madam Tate's
preparations at . ....... .....25
BOo La Blache Powder. .32c
10c Cake Creme de Parme Soap,
3 cakes, box .............. ..19
lOo Aluminum Soap Box.. 11S
I69 Biker's Rls Powder.. 15
Small Mirrors with powder puff
in back of mirror 75-
Coin Holders . 55
Dainty enameled Tie Pine.... (50
t d a
Canadian Money at Par--Open
. ., acuYcry .ncpttraEe-
there will be no meetings the coming
two weeks. .
BtenogTtpher 905 Yeon bid, M, 4488.
, , , ,. , -i
Ths Portland Railway, . Light
Power company Is making special ef
forts to give Portland the best of street
car service during the Elks' convention
week. All available cars are being got
ten Into shape for ' service on a mo
ment's, notice and "sched&es are. being
arranged so that the immense crowds
can be handled without uays. f ,, . t
n "Portland will- have thi largest num
ber of visitors in its history during the
Elks' week," said President B. fi. Josse
lyn this morning, "and our company will
trv 'to furnish streetcar service of which
Hhe cltUens will feel Justly proud."
r Elks' Reunion.
Mail The Joiirnal to your friends In
the east, or brother Elks. You can
send 10 issues of The Journal, from
July 7 to 16, covering complete pro
ceedings of the Elks' reunion, includ
ing, the large special Elks' number of
July Hi to your friends or brother Elks,
for 25 cents. Order at once.
THIS wonderful little vibrator will do for you just
what it has done for hundreds and hundreds of
Portland people who have given it the test. and found it a
cure for diseases, aches and pains.
First of all, "Try-New-Life" stimulates a good healthy cir
culation of the blood 4he moment it is applied. And 'tis just
here that the secret of the wonderful success of this perfect
little machine lies, for physicians have long since agreed that
disease cannot exist in any part of the body if the rich, red
blood is sent coursing through the veins.
No need for drugs and medicines with the possibility of
injuring stomach and digestion through their use if the "Try-New-Life"
is applied. Even a trial application will prove to
you its remarkable power.
-Chronic diseases have been cured rheumatism, stiff joints,
backache, headache, insomnia, dandruff, falling of hair, kidney
trouble and many other ailments common to young and old
have been relieved through the use of this invigorating electric
Says the tjodik?-
"Tomorrow and Saturday Winds Up Our
-Removal Sal for the First Week in July" -
You will find here many useful articles going at removal sale prices.
Woodard-Clarke quality is at all times assured whatever the reduc
tion in price."
Notable Reductions in
Rubber Goods Dept.
For rriday and Saturday.
8-qt. Maroon Combination Water Bot
tle and Fountain Syringe, guaran
teed; reg. $2.76. special 111.98
2-qt Water Bottle, reg. 85c, ep'l 67
t nd: t-nf Fcmritflir'fyringe.' fegu-"
lar S1.75 and $2,. special 1.59
Site 2 Red Fountain Syringe, guar
anteed, reg. $1.50, special. 19
Sise 2 Fountain Syringe, guaranteed;
regular $1.00, special 591
Ladies' Douche, reg. $2.25, sp'lgl.89
7 6c Wash Cloths, special. .25
Best Fruit Jar Rings, dos. 8 ; three
dozen for J?0
Size 3 Water Bottle, regular $1.60.
special 79
Sporting Goods of all kinds. Now
is the time to "stock up" for your
Bummer outing trips.
(For Friday and Saturday)
Odd lot of Wicker, Bamboo and Reed
Suitcases. 20, 22, 24 and 28 Ins.,
to close at OJTH ULT on while
they last.
24-in. Wicker Suitcases, full leath
er corners and sides, straps all
around, linen lined; regular $10.60,
special 05.25
20-ln. Reed Suitcase, riveted leather
corners, double action locks and
bolts, waterproof frame; regular
$6 00. special .S3.00
These cases are all good and up-to-date
and will go at ONE-HALF
OFF while the lot lasts. All leath
ers marked FBEB.
New Leather Shopping Bags, German
silver frame, calf leather lined,
one-piece Baps, new and fashion
able shapes, fancy and plain frames
In black grain seal.; $8 vals. $2 89
Nw shipment of new Leather Belts
in tan and black: reg. $1.26, at 70
Pocket .Flasks for traveling, leather
covered cup on top; regular $2.00,
special . . .'. 68
Soft Leather Collar Bags, in seal and
Imported Morocco; reg. $2. $3, $3.50,
special ...$1.00. Sl.&O, 81.75
See Our Window; Display Friday.
600 Brandt's Self-Horrlng Basor
Strops, reg. $3 vaL, special., 97
400 Brandt's Automatic stroppere for
all kinds of razors and safety razor
t)ladea Sold on approval. Try one
at our expense. Price, i . . .ft 2.00
We sharpen Safety Rasor BlaTes at,
per, dozen 30
r d, G lark
a Monthly Account Phone
fna wopygriientr ia-jiT prescription lAepartment; '""V-
Aroueed by the numerous crimes that
ha vie been recorded, in the city of late
because ot tha indlscrimlnftts sales.of
firearms,' Councilman J. J" Jennings
has prepared an ordinance regulating
the sale of firearms and prescribing a
license fee for those engaging in the
business of making such sales, , The
Jennings measura will-ber introduced in
the -council next week. . , '
One'of the features of the proposed
ordinance is a section "requiring that all
pereons wishing to carry a revolver, dirk
or1 other dangerous weapon that can be
conpealed in the clothes, flret obtain a
permit from the chief of police. Before
the chiefs ran issue such permit, under
thei provisions; of the ordinance, the ap
plication muet be signed by two repu
table cltisens known to the chief.
The license fee for dealers lii firearms
Is fixed at $25 a year, this' being for
the purpose of regulstlon, rather than
of revenue. Other provisions of the
measure are slmljar to those of the
on the Back Page
J-'h Removal Sale Re
rj ductions on Medic
jZrf inal Stimulants
r (ror rriday and Saturday)
$115 Old Cloverdale Rye, Old
...l?wdale..Bourbon- .,$t,. Old
Taylor, bond bottled, full
quart, special g
$1.60 Swedish Punsch, genuine
imported, special $123
$1.50 German Klmmel. import
ed , $123
$1.76 Russian Klmmel. lmiort-
..d SI.
$1.60 Fernet-Branca, Imported $1.
$1.75 Benedictine, Imported T.J
$2.60 Benedictine, Imported Sl.j
$2.26 Maraschino. Imported. .$1'
Apricot jLiqueur, lmp ted. $1.
iz.oo t;reme-Le-Mentne, import-
CPor rrldST and aatnrd&rl
Dervltt's Kidney Pills, reg. 60c,
special 39
"Lane's Little Liver Pills, for
constipation and torpid liver, 15
California Syrup Figs, regular
50c; special 35e
Peroxide Foot Powder, for tired,
- aching feet lg
Succus Alterans, regular $1.76,
special $1-41
"Wood-Lark" Peroxide of Hy
drogen, the reliable kind, 1
lb. bottle 25
Kilmer's Swamp Root, regular
$1.00; special 73
Sterling Headache Tablets, act
Quickly 25
Eskay's Baby Food, regular 76c,
special 63
"Wood-Lark" Pure Medicinal
Olive Oil. Uncle Sam's guaran
tee of purity on every bottle,
full quart bottle - $100
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, regular
$1.00, special 79e
Ideal Dyspepsia Tablets, for In-
aigestion, acia stomach and
excess of gas. ... . . .25 and 50
Pond's Extract, re. 50c... sp'l. 35
Aromatic Castor Oil, easy to
take; fine for children or
adults 25c
Allen's Foot Ease, reg. 25c, sp'l. 17
Crystal Corn Cure, removes the
eorn, takes out Inflammation. 25d
Phenolax Wafers, reg. 60o. sp'l. 35
Slmm's Liniment, good for rheu
matism, athletes recommend
it ..40
Vapo Cresollne, reg. 60c; sp'l.. 39
Cooper's Sarsaparilla, the beet
blood purifier, purely vegeta
, hie 75
e &, Go.
Exchanges, Fourth Floor.
present ordinance aimed at the promis
cuous sale of weapons All dealers
handling such weapons are required to
file with the chief of police every day
a list of all the . wespons purchased or
sold, the list to be' filed before noon
every day. A fine of from $5 to $200 Is
provided for violations.
' J, H. O'Neill, for 17 years traveling
passenger agent for the O.-WR. & N.
conipany, with headquarters In this city,
has been promoted to the position of
district passenger agent for. the com
pany, at Seattle. The appointment be
comes effective July 8. He will succeed
E. EX Ellis, who has resigned after
nearly 25 years of service. Mr. O'Neill
Is one of the best known railroad men
In the Paclflo northwest
Journal Want Ads bring results.
This afternoon 1:30 O'clocU '
. , This evening 8:30 o'clock.
"THE DURBAR" gr.t8""''
Eve. 75c, 60c. 26c; Aft, 60c. 26o.
Bsasoa Seat Bale
Opens Tomorrow, 10 ft. mu
Beginning Sunday, July 14
Supported by STDWIT ATKES
Evenings Lower floor. 76o, 60c;
balcony 50c. 36c, 26c; gal., S6c, 26c.
Wednesday matinee Any seat 25c.
Saturday matinee Lower floor,
60c; balcony 26c; gallery, 26c.
BA K" EP Sa and A-5360
1V 1 V aeo. Ji. Baker, stga.
All this week Mat. Sat.. 25c
A Hit That Is a Whirlwind.
Dramatised from the noted novel of
George Barr McCutcheon A charming
love story, full of thrills, excitement
and comedy. Holiday matinee Thursdsy,
26c. Evenings, 26c, 60c. Next week,
commencing Sunday mat, "Are Ton a
Betura engagement of the world famous
Motion Pictures
With many new views never before
shown. The only genuine pictures
showing the real event, taken from life.
Fascinating, thrilling, awe inspiring and
amusing. Tho only ones of their kind.
Opening Thursday, July 4, all week.
Performances continuous afternoon and
.u.nfni. l4ml.tlnn fiKr Phllrlrtkn lin-
I a n . r
aor id, 10c.
snniwu a OimaidlBa
Beflned TaudevllM
wxzx JUXT l "Baglt Xlfs In jrsil";
Molntyrs and Orovesi Ollvotti Trouba
dorsi 4 Mayos j xnlglii and oik
man; Brry butler; Orchestra; riotuxes.
Summer Prices
lOo and 8O0
Any Seat, lOo
MATH 6. A-1020
WBBir " THEATRBri5i3350-73
TTTHfl flA Sa
Miss May Tally J WiU Bogsrs; Chlnkoj
Ben xerreu, mimu biowi o
ronr X.yrio latins; Minnie Kaufman
Orohestra; Plotures.
Matinee OaOr
WXXK JUSTS 30 A Bight in the Edel
weiss; Clarke and Ysrdl; Boescfc and
boes: Carl Bosine tt Co.; Bomano Bros.;
Vttntaaraaoona. ronnlar srloss. Boxss and
firat bloHF reserved box off iee-pe
from 10 a. m. so iu p. m. moneat -
8236. Mam eeao. vuiTBin aa, 7mu, b
Tite Big European Simsatton
Presented by Clari Howard and the
Bany uous in1 '
By the Armstrong rollles Company
M1 M TT1
Special Afternoon ana figni feriorm-
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Bts.
JOXT a, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Games begin week days Sp. m. Sun
days 2:30 p. m.
Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednes.
1300 rzZT ABOVS OITT. '
rree Seenle Amusement Park.
Plcnlo grounds In the old apple orchard
Admission to grounds free.
"Bridge of the Gods"
World-Famous fipeotacuiar Drama, Mon
day and Wednesday only, at Multaonjan
Field. Seats 1 2. to 10 cents at Row A
Martin's drag s tor, Slxtli and Wash
lngton streets.
Fofslcr e-KIcIsep
High Grade Commercial and Electric
East"ReT(;nth and East Everett Bts.
. rhones ait Jill; B-SSSV '
visws b aii
mbw r vfsr
C. T. PnALL TO TA; :
;:; REST Fca FV u:v
Exhausted hy the sirtnuou c v(
Incident tokthe securing of ut. .-,
Signatures to fill the hamnmv 1
way petlUons. C. T. Trail, prem ! . t V
the Oregon Association for llighwev 1 1
provement, left last night for Ohm i
In eastern Oregon, where he will h .- i
severat days In recuperating. "r.v..n I"
I am tired. I am very happy,' sakt Sir,
Prall before leaving,
r"l believe the success of the effort
secure signatures win be followed b?
the success of the measures at the polls
next . November. ; .. ...i-i.--' -'
"I feel very grateful to several mn
for thelr support. OeOrge T. Atchlev
rose frpm a sick bed to secure U0 sig
natures In addition to the t20 he: had
already turned In. thus making htm the
largest Individual contributor to the
sum total of signatures secured.' George
A. Lovejoy was very active, as were a
number of others."
Your Pay Check
Cashed at our Bank.
This we do to help you
to avail yourself of the
privileges of a Bank."
Later on you may become
a patron. ;-TiK
We have no rule require ,
ing a certain amount be
fore you can open an ac
count ''i
Any sum at your con
venience is sufficient
Honesty is the only re
quirement. MERCHANTS
Sixth and Washington
Open Saturday Even,
ings, 6 to 8 ;
Why do the
streets of Port
land look clean
after the big
celebrations? :
They are paved vritb
Watdrthe EUcnnfi
Bitulithic! HOTEL
stnrainff n nn
Geary Street, sbore Unloa Squirt
European Plan $1.50 a da; up ,
American Plan $3.00 a da; tip
New steel aad fcrkk street ure. tery
sstni oaratc. Mod-rat rat. '
Csatae sf tWtr sad reUU aUtriet Oa .
mi lia tmufmrrint all eitr. Elm
iboe SMta traiaa aad teawrs
Git tha Ordinal tM Gc::L-.3
malted r.uLi;
Jha Food-drink far All iljes.
Fcsnfants.Invalids.aridl Growmg diill
InviOTralathenursmgmouiaaridthe agci
Rfcf inait. mahed puty fa txrwdet fora.
A quick hnch prepared la a tslssfi
Tab no nbitihite, Aikfor HOKUCX'S.
Hot la Any fJr Trzct
Oregon Humane Society
Offics Cit Hall. Main M: A-TS.
Humane Officer, Serges B. In Crate,
.Residence 24 &. 40i N.. East 477.
Horse ambulance corner of ttb and Tav.
lor. Veterinary In charge, Marshall uO.
Animals' Rescue Home, Northrop Aewe.
Thomas A. Short, Bupt. A-II47, t Inx.
'I "
.- l.-'l...-'-