The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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T- n T T-v lit ?A!T1HJT' ' f - T T 'f
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Town Topics
. , J
BtnaacEa eisort prroscxiP--'
- Tioas.
Don't forgot wben going away f
on your vacation or for the sum--
mer, that The Journal can fol- 4
low you at 15 cents a week, the
regular subscription ratea, and
the following- agents will supply
you at our regular rates: : .
" Bay "Ocean, Or, Bay Ocean
Beach Canter, Wash, w.
Collins. .. - -., -
Carson Springs Wash.;' Min
eral Springs hotel.. . "
- Oearhart Or- Mrs. O. U El- -
Ilott. . . '
Ilwaco, TVash, H. B.Wood
r ruff. . '
L,ong Beacn, waan., 4i'""';
- Dlnneen.- Delivery to all points ,.
on North, Beach. r -
.:i is e wport, vr, ueorse - u;,' ' y
Rockaway Beach, Or "Wilklna
& Rice. , .. . , X
Seaside, Or.,Lester ..Proebstsl.
(Delivery : toJ all parts of Sea-
Side.) '
i. SeaviewWasfcV IV & Btran-,
hal. - , 5
- Tillamook, Or.f 3. 8. Lamar. - -
Wilhoit . SprlngsOrH F. W. e
-McLeran."" ' .','""77"77 Z
f 4Y
HEt LIO The Durbar motion pictures.
BAKER Baker stock company in
- "Jverty of Graustark." --'
COIWCILi"CREST-r-Hish class attrac-
WOnS, ' - ' . r , ,
LYRIC Armstrong Follies company In
, "The Half Back.3 ,
7 ORPHKTIM Ornheum circuit vaudeville.
, THE EMPRESS--Vaudeville... ...,. ,
.'.'rn l Aun.t vauaevtiio.
: x THE - OAKS -Amusement park.
" Weather CktndltloM.
. --Portla'M'" and , vicinity Fair tonight
- and Thursday. Northwesterly winds.
Oregon Generally fair tonight and
J hursday. Warmer east portion Thurs
ay. -Northwesterly winds.
- - Waahlngton Fair-tonight. Thursday
, fair, warmer east portion. Winds most
: aouthwesterly.
Idaho Fair tonight, warmer south
west portion. Thursday fair and warm-
- , . . . " THEODORE F. 'DRAKE,
Acting DlHtrict Forecaster.
" ramefs rocket Picked A. T. Work
man, a Tlgardvllle farmer, was relieved
of fS in silver at his home one evening
last week bjr a clever piece of work
at the hands of an alleged fruit tree
rj agent. Mr. Workman was at dinner
when th nimble fingered one bolted
"""tnto the diningroora and began volubly
to sing the praises of the product of
the nursery represented by him. Edg
ing up closer and leaning heavily
agalnet his Intended victim, the bogus
rtree seller managed to abstract all of
- the silver from the trousers' pocket of
Mr, Workman, all the while proclaim
ing the merits 'of his trees. Mr. Work
man missed his coin a few minutes aft
er the departure of his unwelcome
... riiimt. Ka in confident that his Docket
was picked In the manner described, as-J
just a lew moments oeiore uio wee
agent put in bis appearance the money
was In place. "I believe this is a new
game In Oregon," said Mr. Workman,
while telling of his loss today, "and I
want to warn my fellow ranchera
against allowing tree agenta to lean
against them too hard." .
Tloe Ordinances Violated The
monthly report of the police de
1 partment, which has Just been prepared,
shows that during the past month, 800
arrests were made for violations of the
various vice ordinance, one third of
these being men, and the others wo
men. This number is by far the larg
est In police records and the disposition
of the cases show that but few mistakes
were made by the police in making the
arrests. Many cases resulted in' sen
tencing women to Jail, a procedure
which has not been used much hereto
fore, fines heretofore taking the place
"2. f sentences.
The men arrested were in most easep
'dismissed after appearing as witnesses
against the women with whom they
- were arrested. There "was a noticeable
falling off in the number of arrests for
drunkenness, there being 392 out of
1431 arrests mads during June.
Examination for Stenographer. The
United States civil service commission
announces an examlnatlou on July SO,
1912, for the position of stenographer
and typewriter, male and female, to se
"""cure eligibles to fill vacanclea as they
may occur in the various branches of
the government service in the north
T was tern "atatei. The age limit Is 18 years
v or over on the day of the examination.
Considerable difficulty has been ex
perienced in securing a. sufficient num
... ber of eligibles to meet the needs of the
service, and all qualified persons are
v urged to apply for and compete In the
coming examination. For application
"blank and full information apply by
L' postal card to the secretary, Eleventh
- CfvU Service District, 224 Federal build
in, Bealtle, Wash.
Voadneatlonal SxamlnatloiL The
United States civil service commission
announces a non-educational examina
tion on July 26, 1912, for the purpose
of securing eUlblei for filling a va
cancy In the position of wagonmaater
at 3900 per annum in the quartermas
ter's department at large, Vancouver
Barracks, Wash. Applicants are not as
sembled for this examination, and are
rated on their physical condition and
experience as shown in their applica
tion blank. All interested persons are
urged to apply by postal card to the sec
retary, Eleventh Civil Service District.
224 Federal building, Seattle, Wash., for
application blank and full Information
relative to this examination.
B3s "Pull" JMdat Work "Tou cods
will find It will do no good to pinch
me, I've got a pull with Judge Taswell
and ha will bawl you cops out," boast
ed Lao Marks, when. accosted by Pa
trolman Oesch on East Morrison street
between East Seventh and East Ninth
streets, while he was. riding his bicycle
on the sidewalk. . On the way to the
police1 station ha kept reviling the po
lice and boasting of his pull, but when
he appeared before Judge Taswell this
morning his demeanor changed. "Five
dollars' fine, said the Judge. "I won't
pay a fine," aald Marks. ''Put that man
in Jail," Judge Taswell directed the
Band .Concert Draws Bl Crowd
Nearly 1000 persons enjoyed the first
Peninsula Park band concert last night.
With the bandstand on slight eleva
tion adjoining the beautiful sunken
rose gardens, ' it ,was found' hat the
leveL green immediately to the north
constituted a most admirable out-door
. auditorium, where there was room for
several thousand people without danger
of erowdlng.. Selections varied from
modern American ragtime to the pa
thetlp strains of "My Old Kentucky
Home" and the concert closed with the
always ' thrilling notes of "The Star
Spangled Banner." -
ues for BetuiB of (Jooda A powder
-Jar. pa,th ,rota, , Diitah . kldr 'CupM
Awake," "Cupid Asleep,"' "Lady of the
- Lake" and silk socks are a few of the
articles Miss Miry Burke and Fred J.
Burke-ask the cotjrt to give them in a
suit brought against Bessie Harris. The
action was yesterday !n tha circuit
court. In which the errroximate value
of the goods held by the defendant are
alleged to be JSOO Miss. Burke .seta
forth In her complaint that the goods
have been wrongfully detained singe
June 10, 191J. in a Jiouse etilS East
Twenty-fourth street " Other articles
mentioned In .. the bill are , household
goods. -t"-'--.r -.
IWlfe Kaket Chaxyes "Drunk on tha
average -of six ; times a week," is tha
charge mad by Gladys V, Ilaaeltlne In
her suit or divorce , from Fred J.
Hazeltlne filed todayr In rtha circuit
court They wero married in ; Kansas
City. June it, 1M3. In 1907, she al
leges, ha obtained 110,000, from an es
tate, and drinking began. To such an
extent was' this "habit continued fhat
Mrs. Haseltlna was forced to go to her
parents In Loa Angelea Later she was
compelled to wort to , rapport herself,
she declared. r - -
Masms to ' Visit Parm The Ma
ramaa, with their friends, will spend
the Fourth of July at the farm of E. H.
Dowling, near. Mulloy station, on the
Salem Electric. : They will take . the
trains leaving tha Jeff eraonatr eat depot
in the morning. From Mulloy the Ma
Kama will wallt to the farm, while a
vehlcU -will- carrjrthelr- luggage, The
route from the station to the farm will
be plainly marked. All the- Masamaa
are requested to spemt the day pn the
farm, where hera will be plenty of,
cherries tor everyone. ;, ' -
Jsher to BookpllaJ-Athanaaon Alar
bagos, a laborer will work on the Linn
ton rockpile for 15 days for violating
the "masher" ordinance at midnight last
night at Park and Couch streets. He
was charged with accosting pretty MisB
Rose Heln, 17 years old. The man, who
was standing In a dark corner, stepped
from the place,, spoke to .the. grlfl and
demanded to know where she was bound,
fhe girl called for help and - Pa
trolman Crane appeared on the scene
and arrested him.
Pavement Damaged L. E3. Bufton of
the contracting firm of Bufton & Jef
fery, appeared in police court this morn
ing on complaint of Sergeant E, E.
Lyon, who charges the man with driving
a huge steam shovel by its own power
over the pavement on East Fifty-third
street between East Stark and East
Taylor streets. The pavement was so
badly damaged that It will have to be
repaired In many places. Sentence was
suspended providing1 the contractors re
pair the damages done. "
Body of Boy Beoovored The body of
William Kornmlng, aged 18 years, who
was drowned on May 30 near his par
ents' ranch at Holbrook, on the Colum
bia river, while ha was crossing the
river in a row boat, was recovered this
morning on the west side of the river
Just below Burlington. The body was
removed to the morgue. It had become
entangled in soma drifting boughs and
was held in a little) cove, where passers-
by found It. The boy had been em
ployed on his father's milk ranch.
Injured Kan nesting Easily H. A
Berry of 178 Wlnchell street, who sus
tained a broken leg Monday, while work
Ing around the steam shovel of Jeffery
& Bufton, contractors, who have charge
of the excavating work on East Fif
tieth atreet, is resting easily at St. Yin
cent's hospital, where the injured man
waa taken. When a projecting bank of
earth gave way. Berry, who was directly
In Its prfth, attempted to Jump through
a side door on the shovel, but was
struck by the dirt and thrown against
the engine.
XMschargad Employe Suspected M.
R. Sklbbe, night engineer at the gas
company plant at East Second and An
keny , streets, reported to Patrolman
Lewis early this morning that he had
eeen three suspicious characters loafing
about the plant and stated that ha sus
pected that one was a discharged em
ploye who had threatened to "put the
plant on the bum." The patrolman
made a careful search of the premises,
but found no intruders.
Boosts Oamaa, Washington C. C.
Chapman, manager of the Portland
Commercial Club's promotion depart
ment, returned yesterday morning from
Camas, where he attended a ban
quet and booster meeting of the
Camae Commercial club. Mr. Chapman
says Camas is coming to the front rap.
idly as a manufacturing town, with a
monthly payyroll of 325,000 and eur
rounded by rapidly developing agrlcul
tural lands. ,
Kay Be Given jisdal Captain of
Fojiee .Jaellex, ...oinder-whom works
W. W. Post, the patrolman who
captured Dan Brundrldre, the automo
bile robber who on Sunday morning
shot ana Injured Miss Leora Stanley,
has written a letter to Chief of Police
Slover,' recommending that Post be giv
en a medal for efficient work as a re
sult of .this capture. t
Monster Wheat Stook Wilbur Hell
yer of Kent. Sherman county. Oregon,
has on his wheat land soma wheat that
la remarkable in size and quality. Sev
oral of the plants were brought to the
office of The Journal yesterday. One
of the plants grew from a single head,
and had 8(8 heads, containing 6000 ker
nels. This variety la called Sanora,
Dlsouss Streetcar Advertising The
Inner Study Circle of the Portland Ad
club held its regular meeting Monday
evening and discussed the efficiency
and value of streetcar advertising. The
meeting was held at the Bowers hotel
The discussion was led by W. I Camp
bell. A. A. Schell had charge of the
question box. A. C. Black acted as ad
Poortn of July Szourslon Given by
Canton Portland, No. l. 1. O. O. F. to
Cepe Horn park. Strs. Undine and
Monarch leave Taylor street dock at
8:30 a. m. Tickets 76c, children under
12 years, 86c. Games and other amuse
ments. Tickets can be had from mem
bars of the Canton and at the dock on
Thursday morning.
Biding Lessons at reduced summer
ratea. Well trained saddle horses for
rent, riding habits furnished free.
Horses and ponies for sale at Kramer's
Riding School, 16th and Jefferson,
July Ponrtn excursion, Cascade Locks
and return or Cape Horn with the L O,
O. F., steamer Monarch. Salmon street
dock, 9 a. m. . Main 1048.
Open TonlfhV We shall, for the con
venlence of our patrons, remain open to
night untU 9:80. The Holts store. Holts
corner, eta and Waahlngton. 1
Captain Kolntyre of steamer Monarch
said of the latter carriers' excursion last
year, ini most oraeny ana nest con
duoted I ever took out on the river.'
This year, July T. Tickets at 'Rows i
Martin, or ask you carrier. .
Bo Too dlHses Tire Tout Consult
George Rubensteln, the optician. He is
an expert eye fitter and his charges
are Very reasonable, 189 Third atreet
h'eaT TayTCf."TT ' 1
' Peered Husband Mrs. Bonnie Colle,
of (713 jcorty-fourth avenue southeast,
appealed te Patrolman" C. E. KUngen
smith at 1:30 O'clock this morning for
By Bert M. Moses,-President Association of
EvervbodT now recdmixes aSvartlslna;
as something reputable except the law
yers, dentists and doctors. ' :
Even the preachers of Dallas, Texas,
gave up their pulpits on a recent Sun
day to laymen who talked on advert!
But tha nrofesalons of law. dentistry,
and medicine still conceive It to be more
honorable to, aeek and accept "free
readers' than to pay for legitimate pub
licity like other good clttxens.
riavntfta aevaral Of the
best years of his Ufa, together with
many remittances rrora nome, w ac
quiring knowledge and aklU In the pro
f essionsV '
When he seeks to turn that knowl
iAvm and akin lnta a livelihood, ethics
and precedent limit him to a little- tin
sign tacked up nesvae tne amir.- -i.-rj-
He Is like the South Pole he must
waltamtil somebody -come along and
discovers him.-; ;-z."ZSl"zr:
r'Thi' whoin nrbreedinr Is more than
ridiculous It riaralroost -brutaL- r
It a man knows how to cure disease
if. he-knows how to fill teeth If he
iinmta liivi a A mm . contract the
publifr Is entitled to aiao know about It.
And that man, being a resioeni - oi
protection from her Jiusbandi whom she
aeciares was aDusing ana owunj uci,
and. with whom she feared to spend the
nieht Th rjatrolman took the woman
to a ipearby rooming house, where she
obtained a room ior me paiance oj. mo
night "
wH.4- IM..I. vivitii TTYom far off
Poltava, Russia, came a request to the
police this morning from a sorrowing
family to locate a brother, whose last
address was Portland, and who has not
been heard from since last March. , The
request was made to find O. C. Landon,
who was last heard of at 305 Twelfth
street. Tho brother, Bernard Landon,
Is making the request, stating that he
fears his brother has either been taken
ill, or has been killed. Detective Haw
ley will try to locate the brother. , The
missing man served for three years as
a soldier at Vancouver and was dis
charged last September.
Police Issue Auto Tars The re
cently proposed regulation of the "Ll
cejiw Applied For" privilege that per
mits a man 10 use ms buioiuuuuo poiu
lng the arrival of license tags from
Salem which provides that the com
pany selling the automobile shall use
a numbered .ag, signed by Chief or ro
lice Slover, and numbered by him, will
go into effect Friday. These cards will
bear the license number held by the
auto company and will be dated, and
good for three .days. The tags will be
marked with a big letter "D" for "Dem
onstration" ;u.d will be issued from po
lice station.
MMf1h nr nnv at thAlP vkrff ta
Our entertainment of the highest order.
rne uoiDrau-iueua rnone uiaw
Poturth of July Excursion Str. Bailey
Gatzert to Cascade Locka, 31-00 round
trip. Leaves Alder street dock at I a
m., returns 6:26 p. m. Orchestra music.
ICount Mood, Auto Stare Una leavlnc
dally T:80 a. m.; returns 4:30 p. m. Haw-
tnorne uarare, eta uawinorne avenue.
Phone East 162.
Steamer Jesss Karldns for Camas,
Washongal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at t p. m.
Cmwfish In Season Arain Spiced and
cooked In wine, always fresh at Levena
Grille. 248 Ash street, opposite Mult
nomah hotel.
W. A. Wis and associates, painless
dentists, Third and Washington.
9100 Stolen Prom Desk H. O. Nel
son, -agent for the randy company that
has the candy boxes in the local the
atres, who has offices at 209 Marquam
building, reported lo the police detec
tives this morning that the office was
broken into last night and that 8100,
- rtf -'- i"' rv
Why suffer or lake chances oh strang
ulation when I can give you absolute
protection and a possible cure? The
NIA, regardless, of- occupation, age or
sex. No spring. No elastic Indorsed
by all physicians who have used it
Don't wait; delays are always unwise
and frequently fatal. Try the Wilson
Way; 30 days free.
66 Sixth St., Between Oak and Pine Sta,
Tjpstalrs. Both Phones.
Ask or write for booklet, "A Sensi
ble Talk on Rupture and Us Cure" It's
free. '
Corner of Montgomery and 18th. Of
fice hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. Fits boys
and girls for college. Graduates enter
on examination Harvard, Princeton,
Yale, Bryn Mawr, Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology: on certificate
Amherst. Cornell, Williams, Smith, Vaa
sar, Wellesley, Goucher, Reed and other
colleges and universities of the Pacific
Well equipped laboratories In chem
istry and physics. ' Field practice in
aurveylng. Departments in charge of
college men and women. Classical, sci
entific, modern language, ' and commer
cial courses. Gymnasium under skilled
directdr. Track and field athletics. The
school includes a thorough primary and
grammar sohooL Easy of access from
all parta of the city. Catalogue on ap
pUoatlori. ...
A. Protesteiri Day uj Boarding gofcool
. of High Btandlng, .
A strong faculty Of 14 up-to-date In
structors. Makes a specialty of college
PreDaratorv work. Four modern huild.
Insa, well equipped, -sXuated en a pic
luresoue campus or .a acres, near street
car Una Social and moral Influences
unexcelled: Special " courses given in
mualo and elocution. 21st year opens
Sept. 11. For full particulars or cata
locue mrlte Alexander Beers, rrln pres
ident, KeatUe, Wash, . --
the land of the free and home" of the
brave.-a the right t realise on his
skill and knowledge by , making his
merits. knowiu-.t , y--
To remain silent and let those "with
established practice gather in the coin
is ailly and preposterous, and the mar
vel is that a perverted proposition like
that should ever have, secured, a foot
hold, v, .. '-.' ;..';
I think if I had the ability to do any
thing" well If I possessed the necessary
skill to render sTyaluable service to the
community X would surely ' advertise
that skill and ability in the newspapers
and pay for the advertising..
And in doing this I, would have fully
as much, respect for myself, ass those
misguided professional folks Who do
nearly every kind of adverUalng except
the kind that costs money, and maybe
t'd-feel-even superior to them.-
Advertising is as honorable as the
professions themselves and the time is
about - here to lift the ban and let the
youns; men free when they depart from
coHege-wlth the parchment under their
arms. -.. .... . .
I'd rather be an honest advertiser
than the blind follower of a code that
dates back to days that are covered
with dust.
was stolen from the desk. Two beys.
sons of prominent business' men. are
suspected. This Is the second time Nel
son has been robbed, the first occasion
resulting in the loss of 318.
Anna's Portralts-Columbln bldg, for
men, woman and children. A-1635.
BOnuet Clns Banco, Ringlets hall, to-
night; dancing till 1 o'clock.
Tew Xrats Buffet, 3d and Alder sts.
Stenorraphar 905 Teon bid. M. 4466.
Get in Line:
Two weeks only. Your photo on pos-
"J -w vm evv.VUU Urg HL1VCB,
special 31.00 per dosen. Da vies studio,
IfArplann Katnu. rrki-j . ...
Aiuru tuiu r ourxn.
The New Journal building, 7th and
Tamhill sta, will be ready for occupan
cy August 1. Offices single and en
suit a For information apply at Jour
nal business office, 6th and Yamhill
Served 6:30 A. M. to 8:30 A. M.
NO. 1 50c
Baked Apple and Cream NO. 2-20c
Bacon or Ham and Eggs
Dry or Buttered Toast MlBc Toast and
or Coffee
Rolls with Batter
NO. 335o NO. 423o . y
Choice of Cereal and Cream Two Egga any style
Two Eggs any stylo Dry or Buttered Toast
Dry or Buttered Toast
or ' or
Rolls with Butter RoHa with Butter
Coffee Coffee
NO. 6200
NO. 5-30O Hot Cakes and
Two Eggs any style Coffee
Hot Cakes and or
Coffee Bowl of Bread and Milk
with Coffee
NO. 8 10c
NO. 7 13c . 4 .
Doughnuts and Coffee
Dry or Buttered Toast or
Cofee Rolls and Coffee "
Regular Breakfasts served 0:30 A. M. to 12 M.
A good place to eat every meal Seating capacity 400
J. H. JOYCE, Manager
388 Washington Street.
3 to 8 and 9:30 to 11:30 P. M.
Country Club Track July 4 and 8
2:30 P. M.
World's Champion Cowbovs
Winner of O-oldea Belt.
California Bod to.
Roman Standing Races, Pony Express Races, Relay Races
Roping Contest and Fancy Riding
Charts Accounts Solicited
'Eastern .Outfitting Co.
JULY OVER $150,000
4 Plans for buildings to cost in
the aggregate more than 1500,000 . a
have already been filed in "the re
' office of the city inspector of
e buildings since July 1. making
S the dally average thus far in ex-
. cess of 8150,000. .Plan Exam in-
S er Ben Smith, Jr, looks for a 4
record breaking; total by, the end 4
e of the month,- .(v- 4
e . Chief among the plans filed to " e)
e date since the first of the month. 4
are, -those- for' superb new 4
4 apartment house to be erected-
e at the - corner ef Twenty-first
e and Davis streets by the Wauna w
e . Land company. This handsome ,
e edit lee will cover a ground 4
e space of 63x100 feet and will be 4
4. seven stories high. It will be 4
4 of modern reinforced concrete 4
4 fireproof construction and the 4
4 estimated cost is 3350,000. . 4
4 The floor plans prepared by 4
4 .. Whltehojmai. AJonllhQux . show 4
4 palatial suites of nine rooms, in- 4
4- dudln .studlas . and - Servants' 4
4 quarters, the building being 4
4. copied after some of the smart- 4
4 - eat apartment- r- houses - of 4
4 Gotham. 4
4 Among the other important 4
4 buildings for which plana have 4
4 been filed with the plan exam- 4
4 lner la that of the Multnomah 4
4 Building company, a five story 4
4 brick warehouse to be erected at 4
4 the corner of Fifteenth and Hoyt 4
4 streets. The structure will be 4
4 100x100, and will cost in the 4
4 neighborhood of 370,000,, 4
4 The Portland Seed company 4
4 has filed plans for a five-story 4
4 brick warehouse, 100x100, to be 4
4 located a't the corner of East 4
4 First and East Alder streets. 4
4 The estimated coat of this is 4
4 170,000. - 4
4 A. N. Moores has filed plans 4
4 for. a reinforced concrete ware- 4
4 house five stories high and 80x 4
4 100, to be built at the corner of 4
4 Fifteenth and Hoyt streets. 4
4 The estlmsted oost of this is 4
4 380.000. 4
'M. V. Gortner, a merchant of McMlnn
ville, Is registered at the Perkins.
If you have a claim of any kind, -see
us. We have collected 3342.815.00.
KarehaU 165 607 Teon Bldg.
387 Alder Street
Winner of Diamond Tedal
jrenoief on, or., aooadnp.
San Francisco Millionaire
' Wires Jersey Governor Sees
Victory for Progressives.
(Pelted Press Letsed WirO
San Francisco, July 8. Rudolph
Spreckels, he San Francisco millionaire
who financed the graft prosecutions
here and Republican progressive who
supported the campaign of Senator
Robert M. La Follette for the Republi
can nomination for president, today
went on record as a supporter of the
candidacy of Woodrow Wilson, the
Democratlo nominee tor president.
Spreckels recently intimated his
break from the Republican party when
ho wired William -J.-Bryan during the
right, at the Baltimore convention, that
he would support Bryan In case the
Nebraskan were nominated for the pres.
ldency. Upon hearing of Wilson's nom
ination, Spreckels sent the following
telegram te the New -Jersey governor.
"I ean assure you you win have my
hearty support All true progressives
throughout the country should express
satisfaction In your nomination making
possible as it does a victory of pro
gressive principles through your elec
tion." Rest and
gTT Ladies, while
jj you are down
town visiting
our favorite shops,
step into the Port
land Grill for a few
minutes' rest and a
light, dainty lunch
eon, such as our chef
delights to prepare.
JTT Orchard, field,
garden and stream
jj send their offer
ings to grace our ta
bles; you'll enjoy the
way we prepare and
serve your food.
gif Fragrant ooffees,
111 delicately flavor.
Hied teas and
creamy cocoas and
chocolates give added
sest to a pleasing
luncheon. Bring a
friend; she will enjoy
O, -2. Xaofmana, Xgr.
"Worry Kills
More Men
Than Work"
Our guaranteed Cer
tificate of Title saves
you worry over com
plicated statements
as to condition of
title, and fear of loss
through oversight.
Investigate. Call for
bookletTitle & Trust
Co., 4th and Oak.
Stores and Offices
Globe Building
The new pressed brick structure,
with every modern convenience,
at southeast corner Eleventh and
Entire building especially de
signed for small shops; an Ideal
location for dressmakers, tailors,
millinery parlors, etc. Moderate
rents. Apply
Wetherbee,Richards & Co.
looo-iooi Teon Bldg
Phone Marshall 177$.
The Interests of those paying for stree
paving are promoted by using the best
To say the best, Is-to say
Phones Main 1 and A-IKi
. This afternoon, 2:34 o'clock
--- This evening :30 o'clock.
-?rrr arx5tacoto " :!
.... ' Katural Colnr'- :
Eves.. 7to. SOc.. i5c Aft, 60c. 25c
Main a and A-53SO '
Qee. I Bakes. Ha
Special Holiday Matinee Thursday SSo
All this week Mat. Sat.. 26c.
A Hit That Is a Whtrlwtnd.
Dramatized from the iioteaovl of
George Barr McCutcheon, Aftarmlng
love story, run or thrills, Tkcltement
and comedy. Holiday matinee Thursday,
Evenings. 26c. 50c. Next week.
"Are Ton a sCasont"
aiauaes vrexy vajw ,
liOllvaii k Con sidles
Xef lned Taaaerute
WBEX jtot 1 "High Wf e to JaU"!
Kcmtyre and Groves; Ollvottl Trouba
dors; 4 Kayos 4; KnigHt and Tollt
nxan; Harry CuUar; Ozohestrai Plotnzea.
Summer Prices
loo ana aoe
Any Beat, loe
Beturn engagement of the world faaotm '
Motion Pictures
With many new views never before
shown. The only genuine pictures
showing the real event, taken from life.
Fascinating, thrilling, awe inspiring? and
amusing. The only ones of their kind,.
Opening Thursday, July 4, all week.
Performances continuous afternoon and
evening. Admission 26& Children un
der 12. 15c.
MAIB 6, A-10BO
vrnwra t
xmmm W THEATRE 1S-3S-50-7S
Hiss May rrollyj Will Bogers; Ohlnkei
Bert Terrell! Xanfman Brothers The -Pour
X,yrio tatlns j Minnie Xaufmaai
Orchestra; Pictures.
Vattaee Sallr
WEEK J US 11 30 A Bight In the Edel
weiss; Clarke and Verdi; Boesoh and
Bilbauer; Bond Morse, Xing- of the Ho
boes; Oarl Boslne H Oo.i Xoinaae Broa;
Paatageeoope. Popular prloes. Boxes and "
first balcony reserved. Box office open,
from 10 a, m. to 10 p. m. Phones I A-.
8336. Main 4636. Curtain 8:30, 730, . .
TKZArxa . .
The Big European Sensation , , ,
nrn rAJtEBOOT babcb
Presented by Clara Howard and the
Baby uoiis in , - -,
Bf the Armstrong Follies Gomoaay '
Two performances nightly Mat. daily.
Prlda Blrht Chorus Olrls' Oontest. '
Special Afternoon ano; mgni erxorm- '
Corner Tangha and Twenty-fourth ft;
JTXLT 8, 3, 4, 5, 9, T.
riama has-fn Week dava 1 TV. ITL BOB
days J:S0 p. m.
Boys under 12 tree to bleachers WedneSa
ija ::-?:i.
Pree Soenlo Amusement Parte
Picnio grounds in the old apple orchard.
Admission to grounds free.
ALL Pree Outdoor Acts Today '
Xins; Pharaoh Wonderfully ed
ucated horse, the sensation of
Skatlnr Bear Lady Living
stone, who has astounded all rol
ler skaters. See ber mix with the
crowda, . -
Oaks Park Band Director Pels'
gathering of symphony soloists.
A musloal delight
The Beapolltans Witty, funny
Venetian troubadours In songs
that allure. - y
Bemembe The Apollo club
concert Wednesday night
Oregon Humane Society
TmTi n.r.i rate ar
Xumane Officer, Sergeant. B. X Crate,
Residence 14 E..24th H.. East in.
Horse amouiance corner oi im ana Tay
lor. Veterinary In charge. Marshall 600.
Artimala Rescue Home, Northrop Aeree.
Thomas A. Short Supt, A-4847, $ rlnga
Foster s5ev KIcIocp
High Grado Commercial and LI carlo
East Seventh and East ETerett Eu.
i Phones Bast 1111 B-823i. '
r i