The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 03, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    lilt BILLS
will mm
One 'Covering Consolidation
of Towns and One Provid-
'. ing for Uniform Railroad
Freights Filed Today. , ,
, ' ' (Salem Bureau of The Journal) v: ,
, Salem, Or., July J. Two mora initia
tive measures were filed today, raisins
- the total 'number that' will go "on the
1 ballot , to fit's On 'of ; these : measures
provides methods . far the consolidation
of contiguous incorporated cities and
towns; memoas jor aaopuon ot tne cur-tr7ioegite'TwnwlWEttcTif'Wii-tlguouS-cltless.nd
rtowns Tieretoforei'at--eapTern6
e"cdrwoHdated under "the
gerieral statutes Tieretof ore enacted,' and
to provide methods for creation and or
ganization Of new counties. The other
measure provides for "establishment of
tinlfAMM MllMnil o(ryV .ta. n T f n1IPK
f -I f
porta i to fix fpertain classification rat
ings, which under the present laws ar
left to the discretion of ine state rail-
- road commission. r
With the filing of. 16 initiative mea.
tires, yesterday the high water mark of
two years ago was passed.
The measures filed yesterday in
clude six road bills "prepared" by
-Governor - West's - harmony commit
tee the flat salary bill, making
the law apply to the state print
er immediately; four tax measures pre
pared by the state tax commission and
legislative committee: the measure for'
the abolition of capital punishment,
which had over 12,000 signatures;, the
"blue sky" corporation law; the Port
- of Portland bill," providing for election
of port commissioners and for a meth-
oar canKing iunas Bg ine interest, win
accrue to the' port; the hotel inspection
bill, providing for appointment' of a
hotel Inspector and assistant, and for
semi-annual ;JngBecMOftiL !L note is,
to.; the eight hour measure, providing
that eight hours shall; constiute a
work day on all public works, including
state, county, city and school districts.
(Continued From Page One.)
was prominent In .the canvass before
the Baltimore convention. To Wilson
the opposing party has lent for this
campaign the most powerful suit of
armor he could wear. That Is Repub
lican factionalism. If there Is one spot
that can be penetrated behind that bor
rowed coat of mall, it Is the tariff
flesh of the Democratic candidates."
The Sun:-
"The triangle is now complete, unless
Oyster Bay retreats. Meanwhile what
ever course Colonel Roosevelt may pur
sue under the circumstances the Balti
more convention has named the most
dangerous Democratic competitor the
Republican ticket could confront and
has put him on a platform broad
enough to warrant an extremely radical
construction. By so doing It has thrust
on Honorable William Howard Taft the
undivided honor of representing in the
campaign of 1913 the saner' ideas of
progress under the constitution and in
stitutions we have."
Chicago, July 3. The Journal, Demo
cratic, says:
"TM, - nAn.UIUn Ttf ftft . TTT4 1 n
comes as a master word which brings
order out of political chaos. President
Taft, for all his tepid .pronouncements
in favor of progress, is a standpatter,
named by standpatters and running on a
etandpat platform. Governor Wilson is
essentially a progressive, nominated on
a distinctly progressive platform.
fiThe nomination of Wilson destroys
the remaining excuse for the 'bull
moose' party of Theodore Roosevelt. The
nomination of Wilson marks the change
v.of the democracy from a. party of pro
test to a party of achievement. Credit
for the change belongs to William Jen
nings Tlrvan "
Post Congratulates Party.
s vniuaso veiling rui, ru'puuucttn .
iuvi luiwmu. .ii ma inuiiia weiiik mo
new third party they will have to de
mand it as a fundamental principle, and
not as a personal indorsement of any
man, however worthy."
Ch lcago p lly yews, Republican :
.... -.1 T AW. 1 - .. V.
"Many forces worked together ' to
bring about the nomination of Wilson.
The two most effective were Theodore
Roosevelt and William Jennings Bryan."
' Deirt Owed to Bryan.
Chicago Tribune, Roosevelt Republi
can: "The Democratic party is to be con
gratulated upon the choice xi f Governor
Wilson. It also owes a debt of thanks
lJ Ulail W UUBB BUV.UCOD1.U1 llgllb
In the convention against the reactlon
ary plutocracy will go down to pos
terity as one of the most dramatic ex
hibitions of the moral Influence of a
great leader of the people our political
history has ever knWn."
Predict Democratic Victory.
(United f reu Leased Wire.)
London, July S. The presa, of Lon-
don, regardless of politics, today ap
, plauded the nomination of Governor
Wilson by the Democrats at Baltimore,
. generally asserting that he was the best
Democrat available.
"It -certainly looks like Democratic
success," , says the Pall Mall Gaiette.
"Te nomination of Wilson will prevent
the leakage of radical votes from the
party to Roosevelt. The selection of
'"Wilson will prove an awkward bunker
for Roosevelt."
"Too Good to Be True."
Baltimore, Md., July 3. Commenting
ow Wilson's nomination the Baltimore
Btm says: "To those of us who have
tbeen struggling these many years, not
only for decency and honesty in poli
tics, but for something beyond that
for knowledge and an intimate sense of
needsof the people; for enlightenment
upon great public questions; for high
- Intelligence in publlo office,' for the
' economist's View of public questions
as contrasted with that of the politician
-the new that Woodrow Wilson, has
been nominated for the presidency seems
almost too good to be true."
No Quarrel Now.
, ' St Louis, Mo July 3. The St Louis
Republio says: "No honest Democrat
may quarrel with . the nomination of
Woodrow Wilson, for not only In he
expressive of those . ideas and ideals
- that Jefferson Imposed upon the na
Ji tonkin. Its, .plastlcC erjod,, but .avary.
principal action of his public career has
proved him alive and sympathetic to
those fundamental problems that have
ground out of economic, social and in
dustrial changes and on the solution of
v which bo largely hang the permanency
r T yj-
' ''"
James H. McMenamfai.
Honorable James H. McMenamlriT a
prominent attorney of Tacoma,. is to
be the principal speaker of the Fourth
of July celebration which is to be held
cn th Columbia, university grounds;
under tlio auppicea of lbs Anclant Or
der of Hibernians,
A la:o ard entcrtnir lng prdgmm-' tias
been arranged, consisting of 17 events,
for which special prizes are to be given
the winners. - The big feature of the
morning will be a baseball game between
the' Hibernians and the Knights of Co
lumbus. Arrangements have been, made for
special cars which are to carry the
crowds to and from the park. The pro
gram at the grounds will begin at. 10
o'clock In the morning and last until
late in the evening.
of our democratic institutions and the
happiness of a people."
From the Kansas City Post: TThe
nomination Of Mr. Wllsoh on the plat
form prepared by W.. J. Bryan ought
to satisfy the progressives throughout
the country and dismiss the fear of a
third party headed by Roosevelt It is
a pity that with the abundance of pres
idential material there should be such a
bitter struggle and while Mr. Clark's
friends are no doubt sorry to see him
lose the nomination, there is little doubt
but Mr. Wilson will have the loyal sup
port of all Democrats."
YVatterson Is Bitter.
(Special to Th Journal.)
Louisville, Ky., July 3.--Henry Wat;
terson writing In the Courier-Journal,
Is bitter. He remembers his quarrel
with Wilson when the New Jersey gov
ernor refused to accept a campaign con
tribution from Thomas F. Ryan, the
New York financier. Wat terson says:
- 'It would be idle fr the' Courier
Journal ' to deny It Is disappointed by
the result obtained at Baltimore, and
hypocrisy to affect anything other than
regret and distrust.
"Perhaps here, as in other dilemmas,
the least said the soonest mended.
Touching the nominee, we have nothing
to add to or subtra'ct from what has
already appeared in- thase- columns. If
the Issue were purely personal, the
matter were easily disposed of. But
there are considerations far beyond
either like or dislike1" of Individual can
didates. In a contest between three
tickets headed respectively by Taft
Roosevelt, and the devil, yie Courier
Journal, being a dally newspaper and
unable to take to the woods, would
perforce be obliged to support his Sa
tanic majesty. The Courier-Journal ap
proves at least the platform and will
support the ticket"
Wilson Unshackled Nominee.
(Spwlal to Tb Jonrnsj.l
Philadelphia Pa., July S.-rRegardlng
the nomination of Woodrow Wilson the
Philadelphia Record comments:
"No party ever nominated a candi
date for president more free to enter
the presidency as the impartial rep
resentative of the wjiole people. Wood
row Wilson would have been nominated
on the first ballot at Baltimore had he
been willing to deal in the usual po
litical way for support, but he hag kept
himself free to be the representative of
the whole people when he becomes
their president."
"Its Strongest Candidate."
(Special to The JoarsaLt
Cleveland, Ohio, July S. Says the
Cleveland Plain Dealer:
"Democracy puts forward its strong
est candidate for the presidency in
Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey.
"By his nomination Democracy ap
peals to the progressive sentiment of
all parties. It makes prospects for the
first time since the rise of the pro
gressive movement a definite align
ment between progressives and con
servatives, using each terra in its gen
eral significance."
Wilson Next President.
(United Prns Leased Wire.)
Boston, July S. The Boston Post
lukewarm In support of Boston Democ
racy, and with a Republican leaning in
state politics today said editorially:
TTbe next president of the United
States was named , by the Democratic
convention at Baltimore yesterday and
his naming was made unanimous. He Is
known the country over as Woodrow
Wilson and he will be known In history,
we fully believe, as one of the 'very
great American chief executives."
(Continued yrom-Page One.)
would have been Just as pleased had
Bryan been the nominee, but owing to
the fight he was obliged to make from
the floor of the convention in order to
maintain the part as 'a party of the
people, he would , undoubtedly have
aroused opposition . in certain quarters
and this would have bad Its effect at
the election.- -Under the clrcumstanoes
I think the selection of Wilson was a
wise choice, likewise the selection of
Marshall for vice president .It is a
strong ticket and I am sure it will
win bands down at the coming-election;
win Caxry osegoj
-Bert E. Haney, chairman of the Dem
ocrats State Central committee No
one but a progressive could bare been
nominated with any hope of success, or
should have been Dominated. In view
at the turn of affairs In the convention
. , , .
m;mm vmches
Oregon' A Senators-Remains
Away From Baltimore When
-Duty.Calls.' v '.
(Waafclnftoa Bareaa ot Tit Journal.)
- Washington, July t While the Oregon-delegation
has been desirous that
Senator Chamberlain should go to Bal
timore,, he has beenpossessef of the
belief this week that the interests of
the state required bis presence in Wash
ington. He Ms been watching a num
ber of matters which were before con
gress. One thing which came up Mon
day, for instance'," was the appropria
tion . fni. fh, h, Mm .am.. T n V. i i a
tlon was made -When this item was
reacnea. cut Benatorxaiaraberialn-. was
on band with the needed explanation of
its necessity and it was retained in the
bill. -The
bill providing for the reimburse
ment of .the officers and crew of the
lighthouse tender .Manzanita for loss -of
personal effects has gone to the presl
dent Money to meet this claim has
been paid Into the treasury by the Port
of Portland. Senator Chamberlain hopes
mat the president will sign the bill
Another Important bill that baa gone
as far as the president is that which
provides for granting water from Uma
tilla river for the use of the city of
Pendleton. Senator chamberlain be
lieves this bill should become law and
he may be asked by the president to
expialp its desirability.
Senator Chamberlain is very highly
pleased with the selection of Wilson as
the Democratic standard bearer. lie be
lieves the success of the party is prac
tically assured. ,
Wilson probably was the best choice.
His nomination makes it impossible for
tne supporters of a new. party to give
a logical reason for existence. I ex
pect Wilson to be elected, and rredlct
he will carry Oregon, Roosevelt or no
H. B. VanDuzer, chairman of Demo
cratic County committee That the
Democratic party stands for progress
ive principles cannot be denied. The
line is clear and well defined between
the Democratic and" Republican parties
and the vote next fall will, I am cer
tain, result In the election of "Wilson
and Marshall. Oregon" and New Jersey.
Democracy Is one and the same, and the
progressive ideas that have swept both
states will sweep the entire country.
Locally the nomination of Wilson and
Marshall is received enthusiastically,
Judging from the comment I hear. Irre
spective of party. With WUson and
Marshall we are golg to carry Ore
gon this fall.
James T. Barbee, chairman of Champ
Clark Primary Campaign committee I
am heartily In favor of Wilson and
Marshall, and hope they will be elected.
Mr. Wilson won his nomination fairly,
and I accept the result of the -conven
tion without debate. Mr. Wilson Is en
titled to the support of all good Demo
crats, and in view of the unfortunate
conditions arising at Baltimore hiB
choice was perhaps the wisest that
could have been made.
H M. Esterly. I hope that Oregon
will cat its vote for Wilson for presi
dent, Lane for senator, and that this
district will elect Judge Munly to con
gress. They are all men who stand for
equality of opportunity, for a square
deal for every man.
Paul S. Seeley, secretary of Wilson
primary campaign committee. The
Democratic party is now unequivocally
committed to the principles of popular
government and progresslveness. Tfiere
is a clear cut issue between Wilson and
Taft, and- no exousa left for a new
party. I think there Is no question of
the election of Wilson and Marshall?
Richard W. Montague The nomina
tion of Woodrow Wilson is the most
Inspiring political event of a generation.
Won -as it was in defiance of the reac
tionary and corrupt elements In the par
ty, it restores the Democratic party to
its historic place as the fearless and
unfaltering champion of the real democ
racy of equal Justice and common right
At a time when the consciousness and
intelligence of the masses are awakened
as never before, the response will be
as sure as the challenge was bold, and
Governor Wilson will be President-elect
Wilson as soon as the voters can say
the word.
MarsHfleld Celebrates.
(Special to The Journal.)
Marshf teld, OrM July 3. The hews of
the nomination of Woodrow Wilson was
received here with much enthusiasm.
Some of the leading Democrats of tfie
city, headed by Hugh McLain. the Dem
ocratic candidate for state senator, gave
an automobile parade with a big banner
on which was Wilson's picture. Twenty
automobiles filled with prominent Dem
ocrats of this county paraded the
streets while the carnival was In prog
Support From Umatilla.
Pendleton, Or., July 3. "Umatilla
county went for Wilson at the primaries
and it will give him a big majority in
November," was the comment made by
Will M. Peterson, chairman ' of the
umatnia county Democratic central
committee, when he heard the news of
the nomination of the New Jersey gov
emor. "I am delighted with the out
uume, iir n win give me people a
chance -to declare their choice between
Mr. Taft - tried, studied and stubborn
reactionary, and Mr. Wilson, a safe
and sane, progressive and a ichampion
of the rights of the people. The Issue
is plain and perfectly simple, so that
jnere win be no need for hesitation
about which road to travel."
Chairman Peterson, but reflects the
sentiments of his party here, for, al
though Clark had a strong following,
their allegiance to the speaker was not
so blind that they cannot accept the
choice Of the convention and work for
it willingly.
Though Umatilla county has long
been regarded as the stronghold of
standpat and reactionary. Republicans,
the majority vote in April proved that
the progressive wave has struck here
with telling eifect Both Wilson and
Rooseveir carried the field, while La
FolleUe was given a -strong -Indorsement
Barring the formation ot a third party,
it is quite generally believed that Wil
son will secure three out of every four
progressive Republican votes In this
county. -
Governor Johnson Not Certain.
(United Preae Leaaed Wire. I
Sacramento, Cal., July J. Asked what
effect, If any.' the nomination of W6od-
row Wilson by the Democratic con
vention would have on the plans of the
Roosevelt progressiva movement," Oov
ernor Johnson replied:'- ,-
Ma aev-s--ltiMw-' the ewminattcTT-of
Wilson will make absolutely no differ
ence in the plans of the progressives."
Charles B. sprinkle, a sheepman of
Chinook, Mont, Is registered at tbe Per-
kins. " '
Washington County Towns
Offer Variety of -Amusement
for Patriotic: Visitors.
-- - (Speela) t The Journal. 1
' Forest Grove. Or July There will
be no lack of patriotism in Washington
county on the Fourth if the number of
celebratlojis-to anycrlter.
The blcgeat celebration "la the county
will -be at Cornelius, where the G. A.
R. veterans are holding a three days'
reunion. For the Fourth, - Cornelius
offers all kinds of amusements and
sports, including a balloon ascension
ball game, races -of all kinds; dancing,'
and what not A program o-f speeches,
recitations and music will also be given,
HlUsboro will come next in line, but
Other towns of the county will also
make a great showing, included in these
places being North Plains, Banks, Watts
and Timber. The laat named town Is
located in the P. R, & N. company's line,
20 miles north of this city... Excursion
trains will b run from Portland on the
Fourth to enable the city people to en
joy a celebration In the country.
Walla Walla Will Spend $3000.
(Special to n J oil rail. I
Walla Walla, Wash, July 8. More
than 13000 will be expended on the
Fourth celebration. The feature of the
program will be a street parade. Fra
ternal orders will te represented, mer
chants and manufacturing companies
will have floats and there will be a di
vision for pioneer means of transport
tatlon, automobiles and local military
bodies. C. A. Berlin will make flights
with his Curtis biplane and two base
bair games between the Walla Walla
and Pendleton teams of the Trl-State
league will be played. Special trains
will be run to the city for the cele
bration - from Pendleton, -. Waltsburg,
Dayton and Milton. One of the features
of the celebration will be a number of
Umatilla reservation Indians who will
Come to this city under the direction Of
Major Lee Moorehouse of Pendleton.
Salem Scandinavians' Fourth.
Salem, Or., July 3. The Scandinavian
peoplo in Salem, under the auspices of
their chiorch, will celebrate the Fourth
of July near thCTiome of John Wlkberg,
on Salem Heights. A good program will
be rendered. Rev. John Ovall and oth
ers will speak.
Must Pay $25 or Be Bound by;
Execution Against His
(United Preea Leasee1 Wire.!
Los Angeles, July 3. Horace Appel,
associate counsel for Clarence Darrow,
must pay a fine of $25 for contempt of
court or be bound by a Judicial execu
tion directed against his property. HeJ
was orderd to pay the fine before!
the Darrow trial was resumed today.'
Appel's clash with the court, which '
resulted in the fine, occurred late yes-I
terday during the examination by the '
state of F. H. Manette, a bank teller.
After leaping to his feet to protest
against a question asked the witness,
Appel refused to desist at the court's
order, remarking that he would "defend
Darrow if it meant Jail." Judge Hut-
ton found the attorney In contempt and ;
assessea tne line, wnicn was tne second
Imposed on him for the same cause
since the beginning of the trial. Hut
ton then ordered an execution against
his property in the event the fine is
not paid and excluded htm from partici
pation in the trial until he complies
with the order.
The expected resumption of hostilities
between Attorney Earl Rogers and De
tective William J. Burns did not mater,
fallze. Scrupulously courteous ques
tions received icily polite, answers. It
Is believed that the state's case will be
concluded today or tomorrow. The de
fense probably will consume another
five weeks,
(Continued From Page One.)
officials Mr. MacVeagh has from time
to time displayed an aversion, suspi
cion and distrust, which, in view of the
fact that these officials were men of
his own choice, would seem inexplicable
In a man of normal mind.
"Kor, many months at a time he has
persistently refused to speak to those
officials, with whom he should naturally
have been In constant . personal com
munication." Cites Many Instances.
Andrew cited Instances in which he
said MacVeagh refused to have any re
lations with treasury officials, espec
ially Assistant Secretary Hilles. Treas
urer McClung has had only one short
Interview with MacVeagh In more than
a year and Director Ralph of the bu
reau ot engraving has been similarly
"In my case," wrote Andrew, "with sn
office adjoining and communicating
with that of the secretary., although I
have supposedly been the representative
of the secretary and his dealings with
nineteen bureaus and divisions ot the
treasury, I have not been allowed in the
aggregate a total of more than ouo
hour's conversation with him, includ
ing private Interviews and conferences
In the presence of others during the en
tire past year."
Andrew said that hlg letters to Mac
Veagh on department matters have been
unanswered altogether, or not answered
for months, and that MacVeagh has
criticised him for any decision or ac
tion taken.
"The conduct of business in a depart
ment under such conditions is, of
course, Impossible. The majority ot
young men whom MacVeagh was wise
enough to select as beads of the vari
ous divisions, have been hampered and
discouraged at every turn ".by his idio
syncrasies, his astounding capacity for
procrastination, bis Incapacity for de
cisions and the peculiar mood of sucpi-
clon and evasion which he continually !
shows." I
-rAiMlrew-ssid-MaeVeagh-ttads eon-
tlnual deiusioo that his subordinate of
ficers' are conspiring against blm.
, "He has treated hla employee with
harsh ingratitude and a lack of consid
eration little short of brutality."
Jn his personal letter , to. MacVeagh,
Andrew accused the "secretary of' ingrat
itude la that Andrew stood by the sec
retary when the latter "was threatened
with humiliation."
Tou cannot forget how 1 stood by
you," Andrew wrote llacVeagh. "When
you were on the point of having taken
from your hands what was probably the
most Important undertaking of your, ad
Fire Department
A minute's time gained at the
outbreak of a fire may mean the
saving of the property. A call on
the Bell Telephone saves the pre
cious minutes.
Every Bell Telephone an Emergency Station
Over 37,080 Bell Telephones in Portland ' :
ministration. The White House."la De
cember, 1910, without consulting with
you and entirely without your knowl
edge,, entered Into negotiations for an
Issue of Panama bonds, the embarrass
ment of the situation threatened to
force your resignation. You-will t re
member that I did everything in my
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There's a warm wave
headed for: PolanA; ?
you'd better put your-- ?
self into one of these,
cool, hand- tai 1 or e d -Summer
suits. Do it
now next week will
be a warm one.
$20 to $35
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Call Main 8800. Arrange for Service at Once.
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One System, One Policy ' Universal Service
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the service with yc
became necessary."
Offices In The New- Journal K
are now open for inspection. I :
rental. Apply to-Journal buflr.e--
flee, 5th and TamhlU sts.
JUT I I sub sUa sLasi
Emergency Hospital 4
1 A telephone message to the Em",
ergency Hospital sends thb ambu
lance and the doctor flying to the
relief of the sufferer.