Til" C..i-uOi DAIIja JOUa. UAL, roiiTLAim, :diie:day . evening, july 3, 1812. '22V THE REALM FEMININE Events in Society It Is !mpratlv that those contribut ing news Tor the Sunday society pag -should have It reach the desk of the ociety ' edtter on Friday whether brought In, mailed or telephoned. News Is always most welcome but those who have affairs t&.'-T In. the week would confer a great favor VT" sending; their reports In as soon, after as- possible, otherwise the-volume of late society en Saturday may necessitate - somt Items being left over for another day,' . IVogrssiv Bridge Xnncheoii.' , RS. CHARLES f. BEEBE maao Mrs. David M. Kowiana 01 ; Plalnfleld N. X. who Is visit- ins; ner aausnier, aiim. n imn Jr. her honor sOest at IjrogTssslve1 bridge luncheon yester day. The guests were seated at four smalf tables with decorations of Jas mine. . Coreopsis was used In the hall and bridesmaid and Karl Druskl roses- were used about the rooms. The high score was made by Mrs. Kowland. - Those who enjoyea-the if ternoon with Mrs. Beebs and the honor guest were Mri. H. W. Corbett, Mrs J. Frank Wat son. Mrs." Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs. J. D. Farrell. Mrs. John Kollock, Mrs. Walter V. Smith," Mr. -Theodore B. Wilcox, - MrsrhaTleScaddini?, -Mre.-C.-K Graes beck, Mrs. W M. Wallace Mrs. Leroy ,H. Parker, Mrs. Walter J. Burns Mrs. Marlon . P.. Jlauss. Mrs. J. O. . Gauld, Mrs. Jay J. Morrow, Mra I Allen Uewis, Mrs, A. L. Maxwell and Miss Falling. - ' Prettjr Tea Given. About CO guests responded to Miss Louise BreCley's Invitations for tea yesterday Yellow California popples made brilliant spots of color In the re ception room and the living room was eristic In Its color motif of pink de veloped with roses and carnations. The dining room was striking In patriotic decorations of red, white and blue corn flowers, crimson rambler rosas and whit blossoms. Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. deorge Wlllard Brown, Mre. Wins low Bradford and Mrs. John Swensson presided at the table with t.ie assist ance of Miss Mary Long, Miss Helen McCueker and Miss Jeanle Gray. Punch was served r Miss Dorothy Qijber: and Miss Rebfr ca Hatton. Miss Luclle Smith and Mies Louise Small floated about the rooms. The young hostess was assisted In receiving by her moth er, Mrs. Herbert Bradley. For Mrs. Standlfer. Mrs. Walter J. Gearin (Miss Delia Hahn) will make Mrs. Guy M. Btandl fer (Miss Marguerite Boschke) her guest of honor at a bridge tea on Mon day. . Purple Luncheon. Elks' week was the inspiration for a beautiful color motif In the bridge luncheon which Mrs. J. Coulsen Haro, Mrs. Cora Puffer and Mrs. W. B. Har gave yesterday for Mrs. Charles Coon, -Mrs. B. F. Weaver's guest from Omaha, and Mrs. H. B. Lemon of Chicago, who is visiting Mrs. O. M. Clark. The lights were shaded in purple, tho table was attractively decked in the Elks' colors of purple and white sweetpeas, and the purple fees were served in the shape of elk heads. In addition to the guest fa vors, score prizes were captured by Mrs. Jamee Mufkel and Mrs. E. Johnson. Mth. Waitman T. Wmlo delighted the guests with piano selections during the after-1 noon. The guests were Mrs. Charles L. Bosti, Mrs. Harry Chlpman, Mrs. Fred O. Jennlng. Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. JaciR" Marshall Tates, Mrs. A. Wurz weller, Mrs. Robert C. French, Mrs. Her bert G. Reed, Mrs. Waitman T. Wade, Mrs. Benjamin F. Weaver, Mrs. C. M. Rtmyon, Mrs. Frank Waring, Mrs. Fred W. Graven, Mrs. O. M. ClaTk, Mrs. James Muckel, Mrs. M. Delahunt, Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson, Mrs. F. A. Douty, Mrs. J. C. LaBarr. Mrs. A. D. Willoughby, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Mrs. George Weisler, Dr. Anna Z. Crane, of Corvallis,. guert of Mrs. French, and Miss Elizabeth John son. Informal Compliment. Mrs. J. Homos Luckett entertained Mr. George W. BoechUe, Mrs. Guy Ktandifer and Mrs. O. R Menefrte with a bos Party at the Orprioium yesterday In compliment to Mrs. Menefee's sls . ter Mrs. Bernie Anderson, from Fort Worth, Texas. Tea followed fit the Portland. w - Portland Psychology Club. The Portland Psychology club will not meet as taual tomorrow, "ursday, July 4. hut will hold its- next meeting Wednesday noon, July 10, at the Chau tauqua grounds where a bk:"t lunch will -be enjoyed. "The Beacon,'1 the new club house at Classic Rldjri beach, . Is now completed and plans for the for mal opening will be discussed at the July. 10 meeting. Evening Compliment. 3. W. Belcher was a host last evening When he entertained the members of his Wednesday evening women's chorus end Monday evening male chorus at the home of Mrs. I. Lawler. jie was assisted by Mrs. Kathleen Lawler Belcher and Miss Nona Lawler, Personal Kotos. Mrs. A. F. Biles, htr daughter, Miss Clarissa Biles, and Miss Dorothy Moul ton are enjoying a visit of three weeks with Mrs. Roscoe Howard at Desohutes. i Br. Mrs. Melvin Vanlman, who assisted her husband In perfecting the air ship that exploded and caused the death of Mr. Vanlman and four as- sistants yesterday In a test flight at Atlantic City. Mrs. Vanlman witnessed the tragedy." Miss Mildred Morgan' left on Thursday to pass a fortnight in Tacoma aa the guest of Mrs. T. J. Fleetwood. -. Miss Ruth Standlfer arrives today from her home 4n Los Angeles to stay for a short visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Menefee When her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Standlfer, leave for their home in Mar shall, Wash., probably the latter part of next week, she and Miss Louisa Wit llama will aacompany them. Mr, and Mrs. Standlfer are with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Boschke at present. Mrs. J. Horace Luckett Is home from her visit of several weeks In Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. Katherlne Bardollar of Everett, Pa., and her daughter, Emily, are spend ing several weeks In Portland, the guests of Mrs. Sara A. Evans, who Is a. niece of Mrs. Bardollar. Mrs. Evans' sister, Mrs. B. L. Pratt, ar.J daughter of Seattja are also with her, .;(' , v .. ' Dr. Ralph Matson Is expected home the first of next month after a ..year and a half abroad. Mrs. Matson will remain for a time la California and ar rive at a later date. ,. .4 . . . Mrs. John H. Weln Ot Butte, Mont, has ' arrived In Portland and Is the rvest of her sister, Mrs.- Lillian Fuller, 730 Hoyt street, for two. or three weeks. At home Friday. Miss Mildred Fuller Is home again after a visit lh .Butte, Helena and Spokane. - . ,;-.; r.ix::-'. iy. -v't:i, s t : S :. Dr. and Mrs. f. A.' Applewhite ef Monnt Tabor have, as their, guesta for the summer the doctor's sister from Mississippi, Miss Carrie Applewhite. DAILY MATINEES 10 rBEGlVHW'ATrOAKS Feilowlng the advent of warm weather, John T. Cordrar. manager of The Oaks amusement park, today In augurated full dally matinees at The Oaks. - , "I have been waiting for some de cent weathef bo that we could really show people what we have at The Oaks," he said, "and ihotv it's here I nope we shall have the opportunity." With the exception of The Oaks Park band the full program will be given every afternoon. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays there will be the band In addition during the afternoon. The program that went on this af ternoon and will continue every after noon in the future, consists of King Pharaoh, the educated horse; Lady Llv lngton, the skating bear; the Neapol itans, the Roma Trio, and Punch and Judy. Elks day, July 10, Is the next of The Oaks' special days. Eastern Excursions, Pennsylvania Unes. Special summer excursion tickets to New York. Atlantic City. Asbury Park and other Jersey coast destinations will be on gale at Oregon points June 1 to September 30, 1912. via 'all direct routes connecting at Chicago and St Louis with the Pennsylvania lines. Return limit 60 days. Liberal stop-over privi leges. For details communicate with Pennsylvania's Portland city passenger office. 106 Third street. Railway Ex change building, or address F. N. Kol lock, District Agent, Portland. Journal Want Ads bring results. AN OLD-FASHIONED BOOK By Winifred Blaokr EMPE3T AND SUNSHINE,", by Mary J. Holmes there it lay, face down, on the rock. The tall ferns grew green and sweet v around the rock, the waterfall sang a aong of summer and of laughter In green places,, the ptnes sighed mourn-1 fully in the canyon, and above there floated in the serene blue a fleecy cloud, ;; -'V;-;. J-. $.',. ..s:;.' v' "The blue bells "shook their delicate petals as if some fairy wedding waa at haid, and there in the cleft of a great rock-smlled a wild rose, as sweet and bs pink as the first flower Uhat bloomed In the Garden of Eden. - V ' ' So still it was in the deep green can yon, so still, so sheltered, so scented, so cool, it looked and felt as if my foot was the first ever, to tread the way to the cleft rock by the clear spring. And yet there it lay, the queer, bat tered, weatfier-beaten eld book, "Tempest and Sunshine," by Mary J. Holmes. Who was reading It? I wondered. Where did It come from? In what at tic had it lain all these mocking years? I had Just got interested hi that book when teacher slipped up behind me and took It out of niy geography. --"What's that you're reading, my dear" said she, "something about South Amer ican Industries V- And she took the book right away from me then and there and never again did I set one glimpse of it I never did know whether Tempest got Sunshine's sweetheart away from her or not and here it was right here in the d'epp canyon waiting' to be read, face down, on the riven rock. Hark! Are those voices on the wind? Some one Is oomtng up the canyon. I'll etetf Into the shadow a minute. Here they are three girls three funny little old-fashioned girls. One, very little, and one middle sized, and one quite tall. They are looking for something. "Here's where we sat," said the eldest girl. "I see it" eald tho little girl, as she sprang and picked up the book. In less than a minute the three were In a knot by the riven rock. The eldest girl set her sturdy back against a tall tree, the two smaller ones settled them selves comfortably at her rather good sited feet, and the spell began to work. "Tempest frowned darkly," began the eldest girl. "Oh!" cried the little flrl. "that mean old Tempest Is beginning again. I al most hate to hear about her. She la awfully mean." And rather than disturb their Joy I stole-carefuliy away down-the-green canon and left them together there by the . riven rock, where the clear water sang the song of summer and of laugh ter In greert, shady nooks. Tempest and Sunshine and the three little old-fash ioned- girls. And now I shall never know what happened to little'. Sunshine and . her sweetheart, the young 'doctor. ! I shall never know whether Tempest found out how- wicked she was and reformed. I Shall never know what either of them wore the day they were married, or what the young doctor said when no ''gathered little blue-eyed Sunshine to, hie heart," as he roust have some time before the end of the story. Isn't it too bad? "Tempest and Sunshine," what a iiueer old-fsshioned book it was, to be surer Not a -married woman In it, not a stolen kiss, not an elopement even; no actresses, no late suppers, ho" di vorces, no "climbers," no clever . ln- nuendos, as Mr. Aston Stevens says nothing but honey and bread and butter and snowy biscuits and blue eyes, and that wicked, wicked Tempest. How could we ever have been so 'ab sorbed In it when . teacher found me reading It in my geography so many years ago? And yet there they sat to day together in the deep canon, the three growing girls, as deeply absorbed In the old-fashioned book they had fished out of some garret as If it had been a treatise on eugenics, the sort of thing that seems to be bo fashionable Just now. Have "tire girls changed, or have, we who buy the books for them changed? Sentimental, high-flown, lacking In literary merit. Doubtless, doubtless, no one could claim much for the "art for art's sake" side of the Holmes book or its like. And yet. Just the other day when a girl of IT went with me for a walk up the green canon where the laughing water calls day and night to all who are weary to come and rest and iaugh, too, and when she carried as light reading in her blouse pocket- "De Profundls" and "Omar Khayyam" I felt somehow as disconcerted as f would to .watch a harmless gray and white kit ten trying to make itself believe that It liked mustard and horse radish for din ner and couldn't abide a dish of bread and milk with good thick yellow cream on it "Tempest and Sunshine," by Mary J. Holmes. We laugh at the old-fashioned books now. and at the old-fashioned OREGON HOTELS MD SUMMER RESORTS OREGON HOTELS - OREGON HOTELS Hotel Oregon Portland. Oregon. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co Props, Hotel Seattle Seattle, Wash. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co, Props, Both hotels centrally located, modern In every respect and con ducted on the European plan. THE PORTLAND THE most central location In the city. All outside rooms; cool, wide ver anda, overlooking spacious court where concerts are, rendered every evening. Dining room and grill famed for Ruperlor service. Motors meet all trains and steam ers E'irorenn $1 50 upwards, a. J. XAUFHAJTBf, Manager Brater's Asthma 'Powder Relieves Xnstenlly. Many Cures Recorded, Doei Not Affect the Heart At all Druggists, 25o and 60c, or sent postpaid on receipt of price by JOHN K. BRATER 137 E. 73d It, Wew York City, V. T. SUMMER RESORTS WILHOIT SPRINGS Hotel Kow Open. Sntopeaa Via. -JflTft-TAf F Leave t e-HotsH VAU1U DJAuli 0r,g0n City, dtlly p,.m: Tor information j0 , 8138 The Hotel Bowers Entrance 11th and Stark Sts. The Annex Entrance 12th and Washington Sts. ONE MANAGEMENT r. F. WILLIAMS, Manager. Two of Portland's high-grade - hotels; modern, centrally located, reason able; European and American. The Grill Is Famous SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN HOTEL MOORE OPBBTED JOTTS 1 WITH COMPLETE SUM3JEB CBBW Many new and modern Improvements. Blectrio lighted. Rooms with or without bath. Hot Salt baths and surf bathing; pier for fishing. Steam heat end running water, tiea foods a specialty. The dining-room and kitchen will be in charge of John Leh ner, who is well known through his connection with the Arlington Club for the past six years. CLATSOP BRACK. Seaside. Or. DABf J. MOORS. Prop. ROSE CITY BEACH HOTEL (OCEAN LAKE PARK STATION) THE TENT CITY OF GARIBALDI BEACH,. Located on P., R. & N. R. R. midway betw'n Tillamook and Nehalem Bays. Every tent a modern room with heat. Cuisine unexcelled. Sea foods a specialty. Fine surf and fresh water bathing. Pure mountain water. Fishing and hunting. Open all year- Moderate rates. POSTOFFICE ADDRESS, ROCKAWAY BEACH, OR. THE SHELBURNE KOBTK BEACat Completely remodeled. Modern improvements. Including bath. Enlarged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the largest hotels on North Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for children. Croquet lawn. Rooms large, airy and sdrny. We raise our own poultry. Resonabls rates and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or wire, ADSBX8S BSAVXBW. WAS EL. T. J. BO ABB. PB09. b b ' a ai 1 11 a i S m t HI JjjOBocimL ABET il IC KutPopslsr B8' 8' a a B li 0 ii Q imfonim & I III I 111 If J wAi HOTEL MULTNOMAH rOBT&AVS OBB0O2T In else, appointments, service and fireproof quality of the building ths leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to the discriminating traveler every oomfort and convenience found only In the best hotels of the east. Nine stories of steel and concrete, with 726 rooms and suites nalatlally furnished, with rates from 11.10 to 18 per day, European plan. Motor 'busses meet all trains - and steamers. a- R. C. BOWXBS, Manager, jr. M. BBOWnxitXi, Asst. Kg. OREGON HOTELS " vwm bath NEW HOTEL PERKINS PORTLAND, NirxwAfaorTwcm .SUMMER RESORTS Sea Croft Annex BXATTBW. WAf X. Splendid location facing the ocean. Blectrio lights among the trees. The be U f Jlaservl -at- Be Oef t dining room. A number of house Veeplng apartments in the Annex. MRS. W. E. HUTCHINSON, Mgr.- SUMMER RESORTS THE WHITE HOUSE X.Oa BEACH, WASHUTOTOir A fivorlte hotel with Long Beach vis itors. Large comfortable rooms. First elass restaurant, with home cooking. One block south of station. ants. a. t. yrEjTXBOTrax. rrp. THE HARVEST HOME us. JOi. M'xsAir, nor. SAXES I 1.00 et day $0.00 pet week. Beds, 00 and T eenta, meals SO oents. Children under 10 years at half rates. LONG BEACH. WASHINGTON Rhododendron Tavern Now open. Spend Saturday and Sun ' day at the beautiful Mt. Hood resort Fine fishing. Rates 0)3.00 day? 15.00 week Under new management .French chef 1 "v E. JRANZETH, J?tojjrietor - Bo! for Cascadia Best mountain resort on coaet; best medicinal water, scenery, hunting and fishing; nature's own conservatory or health. Auto qr stage from Lebanon or Brownsville, write or phone, O. M. Geisendorfer, Cascadia, Oregon. HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CX3BTXB STATION. Ideal spot, modern family hotel, coun try and seashore combined; ocean In full view; large yard for children, cro quet ground, best cuisine and table ser. vice, fishing, surf batbin?, eleotrio lights. F. O, Xonr Beach, Wash. MB 8. DEDMAB, Prop. The Avalon Mrs. Richard Oooley, manager. Beach Center station. Centrally looated, olose to beach, rates reasonable, special rate to families, en larged dining room, first-class accom modations and tente. Address. Long Beach, Wash., Box 111, COLONIAL HOTEL V. B. Oonntff, Vtom. Batee reasonable. Special rates by the week. One block from beach. Elec tric lighted throughout Free bua Good fishing, boating and bathing. Saddle horses. Up-to-date Oral Open el AH Honrs. SI1A6TDE, OB. New Locksley . Hall Under new management, Close to the Doara want ana overlooking the oeach. Beautiful view. Modern improvements and up-to-date. Rates reasonable. Spe cial rates by the week. Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Or. - James Mallett, prop. Seaside Hotel Open June IB, 1913 American plan, strictly first-class. French course din ner and music every day. Bus meets all trains at Seasldo. Located in Hol laday tark, Seaside, Or. Purchase rail way tickets to Holladay Park station. uooa inning. Kates 2.50 upwards, The Hackney Cottage Enlarged dining' room oapaolty and loot rifled house. Beautiful nxronnA. lags and most pleasant spot on Horth Beaoh. Home comforts. Special rttee by the week, stake reservation by mall or wire, aaaress, seaview, Wash. DAILY AUTO STAGE FOR MOUNT HOOD RESORTS Welohes, Maulding end Rhododendron. Leaves 8 a. m.: Saturday' only, 3 p. m. Fare 13.80; round trip J4.50. For res ervations, ticket, etc., phone Main 95l, A -8 8 1 1 or call BOUTTJBDOB SBSD & rzOBATj 0OH ie aa St., between Mor rison ana zamnin. on Yaquina Boy OREGON'S IDEAL SUMMER RESORT First-Class Accommodations and Special Rate on All Railroads Two bathing beaches, hunting, fishing, deep-sea ex cursions, trips to the Siletz Indian Reservation and numerous othes points of interest. . For Illustrated Booklet Addresi ' SECRETARYC O WM E R C TATTCnTB" people who read them, end yet, do you know, I d take my chance with any oi.e of the little readers of "Tempest and Sun Shine" up there In the canyon the ethe day an4 JetltBe poorpuizledV-earnesl. young person with the '"Omar Khay yam" yearnings and the "DeProfundls, cult go by on the cold side of the street for all 6f me, I -wonder if I am entirely wrong?. Love, friendship, simple iiopes. kindly ambitions, sweet daughterly affection, noma,, the white table cloth, the yel low butter, the golden honey, the amber tea, the little sprig of woodbine In the golden hair, the simple bouquet of wild rosea on the tableiHthe bright fire on th friendly hearth, when t V ! r nlng falls, the tweet ciovri' t window, the comfortable tfit I i t. s shine en the porch, the r'.-l dos; ; i . gate, tha beee a-hum in the bivil:rt what Is there better thsa th t' - t or more to be loved and d8'.rJ, a., r aUt ' JBka'iWfi'cke. 'Tea can send 1ft Issues ef The Jour nal, from July 7 to II, covering com plete proceedings of the Elks' reunion. Including the large special. Elks' num ber of July 11, to your friends or brother Elks fot 2$ eenta. -Order at ence. Portland Home Telephone Company jind Om ephbne. Company Entirely Separate and Distinct Com- - panies. : The Home Telephone & Telegraph Company of Port- , land is in no way connected with nor has it been with the Independent (Autdmatic) Telephone Company of Omaha, 7 t Nebraska just sold to tho Octopus. We have always paid our bond Interest and all bills .' 5 ' promptly. ., " ' We are giving the Best Telephono Service this city : has ever known, and incidentally have forced our rivals to improve theirs. Our Company is managed by Portland men for tho "-. benefit of Portland people. ..' . We buy in Portland whenever possible. Are you pat- . ronizing the Portland Homo or a foreign corporation?. It is the quality of service rendered that tells the tale. Do not confuse us with the Omaha or any other Com pany. "Ours is the PORTLAND Company. HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. ; OF PORTLAND, OREGON July 41 X ii Excursions Clafeep Beaeto- mm SEASIDE AND GEARHART $4 Round Trip Ticket sold any day. Good returning for six months. Limited train leaves 9:10 a. m. daily, gives all afternoon at the ocean and returns to Portland 10:30 p. m. Other trains leave 8:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Up the Columbia River Round-Trip Fares, July 2, 3 and 4, Return July 5 Camas , T .$1.00 Carson .$2.35 .Washougal. 1.10 Cape Horn 1.40 Prindle 1.55 Cascades 1.95 Stevenson 2.15 Collins 2.50 Underwood 2.90 White Salmon . . . 3.00 Lyle 3.40 Goldendale ...... 5.10 To other points in proportion. Trains leave 8:20 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. ' Picnic Grounds. Fishing Streams, Hotels, Cascade Mountains, Co lumbia River Scenery. Tickets, Schedules and Details at CITY TICKET OFFICE. FIFTH AND STARK. STREETS NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS. ASTORIA AND. NORTH BEACH the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers "T. J. Potter" "Hassa "Harvest Queen" rox Jkan mnn jdocx STEAMER "T. J. POTTER- leaves Portland at 10J0 p. n. (daily except Sunday and Monday) arriving Astoria 6:00 a. m. wd Megler at 7:30 a. m. Returning leavei Astoria daily except Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 a. m., Megler at 9:30 a. m., arriving Port land 4:30 p. m. On Sunday, leaves Astoria 7:00 a. m., Meglep 9:00 p. m., arriving Portland at S:o0 a. m., Monday. STEAMER "HASSALO" leavea Portland dally (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 a. m., Saturday at 1 p. m., arriving Astoria 1:30 p. m., Megler 2:1 S p. m. On Saturday arriving Megler 6:30 p. m. Re turning leaves Megler daily except Saturday and Sunday at 2:45 p. nt, arriving Portland 10 p. pi. Sunday leaves Megler 9:00 p. nt, arriving Portland Si30 a. m. ; . STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN leaves Portland 'daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 p. m.( Saturday at 10 p. m. for Astoria and way landings. Returning leaves Astoria daily except unday at 7:00 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. . s-; ix:::;1 EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Meals U carte) Trains meet all boats at Megler for North Bcacb points Astoria . .......... .X;&,'At SO Saturday-to-Monday tickets 3.00 North Beach Season tickets ',...;;., ....,. ..t,.;....0. 4.00 I Five-ride Ronnd-trip tickets .... ...... 13.00 Pne-day River Tfip, Portland to Megler and return.....,....., 2.C0 ' Stateroom reservations can be inade af Ash-street Dock or CXTY-TICKET OFFTCTt THIRD AND . WASHINGTON STREETS. rO'.:TX;.:: T7V. i rj-i