The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 02, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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win, and some have cracked their train
ing money and placed a bit on Flynn.
Betting was still at 8 to 1 on John
son today, with very little wagering
bolng done. '
Australian crlckst playrra t v f ' j
England intend making a ri.- ,n
to S. E. Gregory during the JLn. 1 vi,
Australian match at Lord's on June 24,
This will be Gregory's fiftieth test
match against England. ,
m nr. affi
Thrpe Teams Near" Pennant;
Walla Walla Joyful-Over
New Circuit. ,
Will Walla. Wash. July 8. With
, h rirmt half nf tha schedule of the
Western Trl-Sate league gone, and the
pannani wumn . einsins; aisiance ' 01
three of the four teams en tha circuit
sured.; It had beeiTfreely tredleted''by
tans v wno were aisgrunuea c-ecuse
"Walla. Walla did not ret Into the North
wee tern league, that the class D, circuit
would blow up about July , dui uiere
no auch prospect In sight now, by
nnm ahnt :
-Walla Walla la heading the race, but
la only two games ana a nan ancaa 01
- p.nuinn nA thai t,im 4a hut IhfAa
. A UUUl(.tui ....d... ,rn - .
-,. nnui. to! the rood over Boise. La
" Grande got a bad start, and la trailing
. badly, but a team met may get. iom
, The format! of the flew league has
aliown walla waua, tor one ining, ma
f rurnm a hlaaalnir vrhn tha Northwest
: era league magnates failed to figure a
- place or -me uaraen uiiy in mm ur
ranlaatlon. While Walla Walla la lead
' in ha ' lamer Inavua In nolnt of Der
centage and at t endaiica, H la doubtful If
tha wilier salaried ciuo couia nave
in art a to ef 1L Esneclallv with Bpo
kan dragging. It Is pointed out with
:much pride here that Walla waua naa
drawn as much' attendance aa Spokane.
-jXaarw-Wllt Be XalrfeL
Next year the league will be enlarged.
Lewtston, North Yakima and Baker, all
i jiiaMM wint In and thara
- la alao a chance thaf Spokane may want
s oertn ny inn time, can iaita, uueh
mnA tvatl1n im alan flrurlna on the
league. . Whether It will be advisable
to go to eight c(ubs it not yet aeciaea,
butlt 1 a certainty that the octette of
- taaraa can be found and that with no
trouble..' - -
' Good ball parka, good teams and faith
ful fans have been found all along the
Una, and the Western Trl-State la In the
- field, to. stay. - If the eight teams, and
ufflclent population, can be secured, it
i will be boosted to a -class C organiza
tion, and the salary limit of will
..' be raised. - - -
Tha clubs now stand:
, Walla Walla 27
. Pendleton, ..... ...... ....... 25
- Boise - ..... , 1 9 .... 22
La Grande H
v " Pacific Coast .League.
Won. Lost P. C.
Vernon 61 32
Oakland 47 36
Los Angeles ......... 45 36
'Sacramento 33 46
San Francisco .. 34 48
..Portland ........ ..... 81 4i .
i Northwestern League.
r Won. Lost P. C.
Spoluma ............. 8 83 -.643
. Seattle 39 86 .527
Vaacfftmr-fti..;rr.;v 88 ST --.6OT
Victoria 87 36 .607
Portland 36 37 .493
Tacoma ........ 32 43 .427
, - American League.
Won. Lost
Boston .............. 47 21
Philadelphia ......... 89 .25
Chicago .............. 38 28
.Washington 38 31
Cleveland .f...... 33 33
Detroit 33 86 ,
.New York ........... 18 44
St, Louis 13 46
. ; National League.
Wort Lost
New York,,., 61
Plttaburg : 87
-Chicago 35
-Cincinnati S 8
Philadelphia ......... 25
Brooklyn 25
.... ...... u o I
ttS irrrrd.t!,. 8f 8
20 47
- tit. Louis
.jfational League Games.
At Philadelphia '
First game R. H. E.
Brooklyn 7 14 0
Philadelphia , 10 14 1
Batteries Knetxef, Etark and Miller;
Slater and Dooin.
Umpires Brennan and Emelie.
11 .823
26 .687
26 .574
-22. 1;.829
84 .424
O T J no
6eond game R. H. E.
. Brooklyn ....14 15 2
Philadelphia 1 4 4
- Batteries Ragari and Edwin; Moore,
Wallace and Kllllfcr.
' At Pittsburg K.RE,
i Chicago 1 6 0
1 Plttoburj- .t,
Batteries Lavender and Archer;
- CToole and Gibson.
r , Umpires Rlgler and Plnneran.
i... ...
j, . -
. . At Cincinnati R. H. E.
' St Loula 6 13 3
"Cincinnati 12 10 1
-r Batteries THtj, - WtHls- Qeyer tnd
1 Bliss ; Humphries, Benton and Clark. ;
' At New York R. H. E!
Boston 6 8 2
-New York . 9 11 o
Batteries Tyler and Rarlden; Ames,
Tesreau and Wilson.
f- ' .
American Association Results.
' Toledo-Louisville game postponed;
Minneapolis 4, Kansas City 1.
.' Columbus 4, Indianapolis 2.
Milwaukee 6, St. Paul 2.
Western League Results.
Denver -"8, Topeka 2.
DeaHolnes 4, Omaha 3.
Wichita 9," Lincoln 6.
Eluox City 2, St. Joseph 0.
Wly yrVly vWt"g
TVic difference (jj
behrvecn success and
f aUure is emf Viasized
by tne fact that tVie
successful man
. wears good clothes.
h C. 3; MATHIS & CO
Men's Clothes Shop
A km Sixth- Street
famm aii.ii.mi in I mm ihiimpm
i " -If & 1
': S
- ' aK-WSt
Uf A s -' y J 4 J
First photograph published In Port
land of Hank Butcher, one of the
greatest minor .league outfield
ers in the country, who 'should
join the Beavers within" the next
day or so. Butcher is a wonder
ful ground coverer and always
leads his league "In -fielding. - He
had a bad year with the stick in
the majors but should recover his
batting eye in the minors, just
like Artie Kreurer and Heine
Heltmuller did when they came
McClure Meets Massachusetts
Man In 800 Meters; Pro-
Stockholm, July 2. The Swedish
Olympic games committee announced
the general athletic program to start
July 6 and end July 15.
In the drawings of the American team
some of the stars will meet each other
In the racing heats. The following will
Clement P.. Wilson, Coe college, and
Howard Drew, Springfield, Mass., high
school, in the 100 meter; Ralph Craig
Detroit Y. M. C. A and P. C. Gerhardt,
Olympic- Athletic club, San Francisco,
in the same event; Carl C. Cooke, Cleve
land Athletic club, and Crafn the 200
meters; Edward F. Llndberg, Chicago
Athletic club, and James M. -Rosenber-
ger, IrBh-Amerlcan Athletic club, In the
400 meters; Melvln W, Sheppard, Irish
American' Athletic club; Harry S. OIss
lng, Irish-American Athletic club, and
James E, Meredith, -Mercersburg acad
emy, in 4he 800 meters; David S. Cald
well, Massachusetts Agricultural col
lege, and Walter McClure, Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club, Portland, Or.,
In the same event; Herbert N. Putnam,
Cornell university, and N. J. Patterson,
Chicago Athletic jssociatlon. In the 1500
meters. ' 7
The program for the general athletics
follows: " ! ' : "
July 6 Javelin, best hand, final; 10,-
000 meters, heats; 100 meters, heats;
800 meters, heats.
July 7 Running high Jump, heats;
10,000 meters, final; 100 meters, final;
800 meters, final; pentathlon, running
broad Jump, javelin, best hand; 800 me
ters, discus, best hand; 1600 meters.
July 8 Running high lump, final;
standing broad Jump, frnal: relay, 400
meters; heats; walking, 10,000 meters.
July 9 Javelin (right and left hand).
final; 1500 meters, beats; 6000 meters,
heats; relay, 400 meters, final.
July 10 Pole Jump, final; putting
weight, best hand, final; 200 meters,
heats; 1500 meters, final; 6000 meters
final. - 1
July 11 Putting "weighr'(right and !
left hand), final; 200 meters, final; hur
dles, 110 meters, hearts; walking, 10,000
meters, rmai. .... i
July 12 Running broad Jump, final;
discus, best hand, final; 400 meters,
heats; team, 3000 meters, beats; hurdles,
10 meters,, final.
- Ililx 11 Standing high Jump, final;
throwing discus (right and left hand),
final; 400 meters, final; team, 800 me
ters, final.
July 14 Throwing hammer final;
marathon, final; relay, 1600 meters,
heats; first half decathlon, 100 meters,
running broad jump, putting, weight
best hand; 1500 meters; hop, step and
July 15 Relay, 1600 meters, final;
cross country, 8000 meters, final; sec
ond half decathlon, hurdles. 110 meters;
discus, best hand; pole Jump, Javelin,
best hand; 1600 metters; hop, step and
Jump, final.
There will also be tug-of-war compe
titions for which the dates have not
been flxeo.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 2. -R. Morris
WliiiRms won the "United States tennis
championship for clay 'courts by defeat
ing Walter T. Hayes of . Chicago In
straight .gets, 6-4, 6-1, 8-6. In the
morning Williams beat Tonchard of
New York by the scores of 6-3, 9-7,
and 6-3.
M,1bb May Sutton defeated! Miss Mary
Browne by the scores of 0-4, S-2, win
ning the women's title. . Miss Sutton
and FSanTt'H.nrrlswSn'he WtTFfrem
Miss Browne and Norris - Williams in a
three set match by the scores of 6-2,
3-6 and 8-2. , "
Bees Win Both Games.
Victoria, B. C, July 8. -The Tacoma
Tigers started their losffglstreftk again
oy dropping two gamer nere yesteroay
to the Bees by the scores of 7 to 4 and
9 to-. The scores: '.. '' :".-'-t.
FtrBt game . J R. H. E.
Tacoma .4- "4 1
isatteriee Crleger .and Crittenden;
Kaufman and Meek.
, Second game . . . . "R. H. B.
Tacoma , , . , . IS 1
Victoria . i i . 9 10 0
I Batteries Gordon and Crittenden;
jarvaoa and Grlndla.
Ed Frlea led tha; Portland Colts In
batting last week against Tealey Ray
mond'a Bugs. Frlea had the average
of .846 for the seven games. Jaok Roche,
Nick's latest, made four hits In eight
trips to the plate, having an average of
.600.;, Norman Crulkshank: heretofore
Nick's best hitter, was helpless, at the
hands of hla former teammates during
the week and made but one hit in 26
trips to, the plate,'.''."! ::,.:' .'''.v;'''.'",:';;:;",,"
Williams and Kibble hit better than
usual, for the week, each having the
average of .388. Mensor' and Speas
COLTS . . O. AB. R. H. 2b. . S
Roche t 8 8 4 1
T-r.-tfT'TT ITT
9 1
Bloomfleld ..... S 6
8 3,0'
1 1 0 '
S 8 1
1, 4 0
14 2
8 0 2
0 1 0
1 8 1
0 1 0
0 ,0 0
0 0 Q
Eaatley ......... 1
Mensor . . ...... 4
Speaa 4
Moore .......... 9
McDowell T
Tonneson 2
Soltrln 7
rulkshank 7
Doty .f.. ....... 1
Glrot . 1
- Total',....... 7 - 824 -15-63 11
Seattle 7 232 22 42 6
Great Preparations Made for
Big Events Here July
8 and 9.
Great preparations are being made
by the Portland Automobile club for
the automobile races to be held at the
Country club grounds July 8th and 9th
during the Elka' convention. With L.
H. Rose and Walter Chanslor now In
Tacoma arranging with the world fam
ous drivers to appear In Portland, and
Joe Relg, who has been secured by the
Automobile club to look after the busi
ness end of the meet, leaving for Ta
coma tonight to arrange a program,
the auccess of the races to be held next
week Is assured.
. W, J. Clemens, president of, the Au
tomobile club, made the following ap
pointments this morning of officials of
the races and grounds during the two
days' racing: Referee, W. J. Clemens;
American Automobile Association rep
resentative, HrXrKetSjnjmpireS; Sol
Blumauer, E. J. Clark, R. D. Jnman and
Mel Johnson; starter, C. H. King; as
sistant Starters, L. H. Rose and R. L.
Blodgett; timers, .Dr. A. E. McKay, Oli
ver Jeffrey and Elliott Corbett; Jjudgea,
M. C. Dickinson, Walter Chanslor and
J. B. Yeon; scorer, Charles Mead.
Mr. Clemens also announces that a
telegram has Just been receivjsdfrom
Barney Oldfleld and he seems greatly
Impressed with the Idea of appearing
In Portland. Barney holds the mile dirt
track record for Oregon, made five
years ago, and no doubt will appear in
Portland to defend his title against
Teddy Tetilaff, .who has already an
nounced hla intention of taking the cov
eted honor away from Oldfleld, In bis
big 120 hossepower Flat. .
Physicians State Soreness
Be Out of Former
Broken Spot.
Los Angeles, CaL", July 2. With his
left arm swollen far beyond Its natural
size. Ad Wolgast is submitting; today
to the ministrations of a corps of mas
seurs. Wolgast Injured the arm Sunday
during a workout with one of his spar
ring partners. It Was painfully bruised
ovor the spot where the arm was broken
on Jack Redmond's skull two years, ago.
Doctors who are caring for the cham
pion stated that the soreness will be
entirely gone before Thursday..
Aside from this Injury, Wolgast claims
to be In excellent shape, although his
appearance would belle his assertion.
His weight Is but a trifle over-128
pcenaranore Toeks sisnder sad" draws.
Asked what had become of the bulging
shoulder muscles and Weeps of the days
before the operation, Wolgast retorted:
"Heavy muscles don't make a darn
bit of difference.- I've got my natural
weight, haven't IT And I've told you
that i never felt better, haven't If And
did I ever lie about my condition T Just
tell them all to forget about all this
stiff f that Ad Isn't his old self. I'll
make that Mexican hop through the
ropes before he's been In the ring five
rounds." - -
SUvars Zs Loafing.
Rivers, at his Venice camo. Is loaf
ing away the last! three days of his prep
dom. Within a quarter of a pound of
specified weight, the challenger will do
no mors Vexing and will resort to hand
ball merely to rid him of the extra
ounces before weighing In time.
Joe Is as confident of success Thurs
day as though he were the-champion
Instead of Wolgast. He talks little
about the mill, but the few words he
aays plainly Indicate his peaceful frame
of mind.
. . Wolgast will attend a. -theatre tomor
row afternoon and evening, and will be
hustled oft to bed shortly before mid
night. . Rivers has announced that he
will spend the night before the battle
at Venice.
East Las Vegas, N. M., July 2. The
first big bet 011 the Johnson-Flynn In
dependence day fight was recorded yes
terday, when $2000 was dumped Into
th pool box to be placed on Johnson'
lrjNia4r18nrwanflK "
Flynn enthusiasts quickly snapped up
$1500 of It, Two to one Johnson money
Is still lying Idle, and It appears that
if any great amount of betting is done
It will not be before July 8, when the
greater part 01 the light crowd is ex
pected. . L . -
Jim Flynn, although through with Ml"
boxing, went on the road aa usual to
day.i He gave himself a stiff test, cov
ering 10 miles over steep mountain trails
in ono. hour and fifteen minutes. While
Flynn's confidence Is as strong as ever
the amiaoie spini na snowea 10 aays
ago Is gone to a certain extent
-.j. 1 im 11.-. 1 '1 't. Mi-T'..-riT7:
' Oat Prices on Good Shoes. ,
: Entire stock ' reduced. Midsummer
clesxanco tal. - Ooodrai Eho Co, :
bolh fell down below . their weekly
standard. . ...
Tha Colts outhlt tha Bugs during the
series but wer badly outclassed In the
field by Cupid DugdaK's players, The
Colts made 18 errors during tha week,
while1 the Giants made but 10. Kibble,
Coltrin and Roche were the leaders In
misplays. . . '
The Giants also proved to be speedier
on the bases .than the Colts. Tha Giants
stole 18 -bases, while the Colts nego
tiated but. The Individual averages:
HR. SB, EH, Pet TO. A. E. i Pet.
1 i : 0 .-.846 1:14.: oui..oi,pw
0 0 0 .833 70
n ' OD-.338 -18
84 :
, 0 0 .833
0 0' 0 .838
; 0
0 1 0 .250
0) 1.000
0 l.ono
-1 6
0 18
.8 ..236 198 48r .l9 .,03
.181 180 106 10 .866
Tracey's "Hope" in Demand
by, San Francisco Four
" Round Promoters.
Mark O'Donnell. Tommy Tracey's
"white hope" has been offered two bat
ties before the four round clubs In San
Francisco for August, with anyone f
four or f lva heavies to be named by
Frank Schuler, matchmaker for a cou
ple of clubs. ,
Schuler offers O'Donnell a fight with
Charley Miller, Al Kaufman, Charley
Horr or Jim Cameron. Tracey safs
that O'Donnell will not meet a colored
boxer, and that eliminates Cameron.
August 9 la set for the date ot the
first proposed .match, and August 23 for
the second. The same amount of money
was offered, win, lose or draw for tha
first battle, but Tracey, thinks O'Donnell
should draw more If he wins' the first
Jockey Bennett Is anxious to meet
Abe Atteli here during the Elks conven
tion, the little Spaniard figuring that
he can make It pretty warm for Able
for 10 rounds. Jockey has not boxed
befora a locaL. audience for a couple of
years, but he was popular when he
boxeOere before.
Abe Attell says he doesn't want to
box Ritchie here for the reason that he
can get a bigger bet in 8an Francisco
for meeting the lightweight. Attell will
be In town next week for the Elks' re
union. -
Jack Lessard, who fought here a cou
ple of years ago, is out with a chal
lenge to any of the lightweights, and Is
anxious to meet Eddie Marino, who
fights Attell in Tacoma July 4. Les
sard also wants to fight at Medford or
Klamath Falls.
- Dayton, Wash-July--1. On Saturday
night at the Welnhard theatre Ben Jack
son of Columbia county again demon
started his wrestling ability by defeat
ing Joe Helnrlchs, late of Spokane, and
now of Baker, Or- ln a.-flnlah.matuli..
Jackson overcame his opponent the
first time In 88 minutes, 84 seconds by
a head lock and near arm hold. In the
second try-out Heinrichs fell by a ham
mer lock and half Nelson, Tha second
fall Jackson gained In 18 minutes, -47
seconds. ,
"I Must
SmoUng." Yes, stop smoking rich,
black' Havana cigars. But there's
no need to give up the pleasUirs
of a good cigar. Smoke a light,
harmless blend of Havana .and
domestic leaf like the mellow
Geni Arthur
10c and 3 for 25c
M. A. Qunst Cti Co, Inc.
A Five Cent
A whole lot of people have
alike. If you want to find
one that's different, 'huy a :
"Sam Sloan.".- , .'. . t
Sparring Partners Dismissed;
, Johnson Mjust Knock. Out
- . : in Ten Rounds. ,
' (L'nll.d Press Uttti Wire.
East Las Vegas, N, M., July 3. With
all boxing finished and nothing but road
work and shadow sparring to do,' Jack
Johnson and Jim Flynn, who will meet
her on Thursday for" the i world's beavy
weight championship, took a day of play
aftsr finishing; ',hl frond work and he
made It a . point to meet every train
from the east In order to (rest his
friends. , " "
.All of 1 Johnson's training partners
were In high good humor and with no
more batterings from th big brack In
sight, put on their Sunday raiment and
came to town -to amuse themselves for
tla first time since late In May. r
They are all as supremely -confidant
as ever. .. . ...... , ,;
Flynn gave his sparring mates notice
st Sunday that J10 would need Jheir
services no longer,' arid there I -was gen
eral rejoicing among the trlbs that has
aided In getting the Pueblan In shape,
Speculation to 1iow far tha battle
will go and what are the chances of tho
challenger has begun to grow warmer,
The consensus of opinion Is that If
Johnson falls. to stow the fireman away
within 10 rounds h will be beaten. ,
Members of the Flynn camp to a man
agree that Flynn will be badly worsted
durlnar the 'first "seven "or ten "rounds,
but that If Johnson doesn't finish the
Job within that tims Flynn will go to
the front and wear the black down and
beat him. ,v . .
Confidence Doesn't Diminish. '
The confidence In both camps shows
no diminishing and If It were left-to
the sentiment there would b two badly
beaten, men on Thursday afternoon, -
Flynn's followers, however, seem to
be stouter rn their adherence rand are
perfectly sure that. Jim will be the
champion when' the sun goes down on
Independence day.
They cannot . see how Johnson can
The Men Who Wear the
have declared and achieved their indepenHenrt
of the tyrannous high prices of the merchant
tailor and the hit-or-miss qualities of the ordi
nary ready-to-wear clothing. ' Best of all, their
independence costs them nothing, for sthese
truly good clothes are to be had at the price
of the ordinary
Don't you thinfc it's time
your independence? Let
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Federal, Tires areUhetirca V
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Ask i to . see Federal Tires- , .
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