lowing t' arvl.-.a et the hous t s body wlil ba Tilvateljr Interied In the Green lot at lUvervlfMf. The following have ben selected to art na pallbear ere: J. Frank Watson, Ueorge Taylor, Howard L. Mather, Alma D. Kata, John K. Young, Edward L. Ueveraux, Frank B. Hart and George H. Holman. ' Tl.a i .- ' 1 jt';.- . i v'.A t ' I t 1 "Thg Star f; !tir'.vl I tier," by Urn. Clara Itrook Urriahl; "Hall Columbia," by Mrs. Nell Noyea Foemaler; "Just ltefora the Battle,. Mother," by Albert Rodda; "My Own United etates," by Mr. Pembrook; "My Papa'a All Dressed Up Today,'" by Mlsa Laura Ehay. The Rose City park orchestra will play pa triotic alra and .accompany tha chorus. Accompanlats for tha numbers will ba Mra. Petella and Mr. McOulra for tha chorus. Miss Mildred Hurd for the or chestra, Mra. Rodda, Mlaa Bhay and Tl.a reorjtlou comn.ti ta f-V.l be lUa. T. T. Cr, wife of e . i) nrrnor Oeer, Mrs. Luther McMlnn, Mra. C. C Bhay, Mra. Russell, Mra. Itlnealnf, Mra. Still and Mra. Ewbank. . Thla committee Will be on the grounds at q'clock to receive all who coma. ' The ' grounds can ba reached by leaving; tha Roie City Park car at fifty-fourth street and turning left to tha Alameda, -fmIHheard"by, emf ETAOI cmfwypp 0-v, . . . . leave As !l ': t it. riving Hi'si-T jt-.u i: i . leaves Mffgl'T 9 p. n., rrlv!"T ,1' Friday at 6:30 a. m. For i or further pattiriibtra n,! ' Ticket . of flee, Third anl '. n streets. Tou can rfend 10 Issues of The J nal, from July 7 to 1. eoverinir r ' plete proceetllnsa of the Elk' reunion, tncluamg the large special F.lka' num. bar of July 11, to your friends or brot'i r Elks for 28 cents. Order at ono. . M 1 1 i si i i I K CIIY PH Invitations ha been extended by tha residents, of Ro City Park to their friends In other part of tha city to Join thm In a banket plonlo and entertain ment in honor 'of the Fourth of July. Tungsten.' which only in recent yeara baa come Into general use, waa discussed exhaustively by a Spanish, treatise writ ten In mi. The funeral servliw of Charles J. Reed, who died at his residence yester day morning;, will bo held from tha fam ily homa at t o'clock tomorrow after noon. Blahon Bcaddln will read tha aervloa of the Eplaoopal church. Fol P. J. Vial, rancher of Frlndle, Wash la registered at tha Portland. '. Taking a vacation usually meang ret ting bored4 at exhorbltant rates. ptoro Will Be Closed All. Day Tliurgriay, July 4th Supply Your Nccdo Tomorrow-Lunch In Our Tea Room, 4th Floor Buy Your rrourtti ol July Lunches, Ready to Serve, In Our DcUcatccaen-Home Made Bread; Calces, Pico, Etc., 4th Floor " ' . ' '.' 1 . , ' 1 " , ' I1 11 1 - '.' ' , " ' "' '. . . 1 1 " ' " " ' , ' 1 ' Hi, . ii i , i h t f. iw ' J.'; - y f ---" ' . . 1" : , H Will t.ifrt ft t It.!'- .;!l4.t Of f t. H'i.-e hall and of the I.imo City Fork club v.lih thulr liu.'ot and enjoy a picnic flintier. ( : . . After all the edible have dUmppenred tha cholra of Koe City Tark, Kt. Rose, St, Michael and All Saints' churcbea and tha Rose City Park Choral society will sing: patriotic song under tha di rection of Miss A. M. Thomson. Fa trlotlo addresses will ba made by Father Conaty of , Bt Rose church and Rev. Thomaa 'F. Bowen, rector of St. Mi chael's. Qther i speakers will also be TT "a 41 ' Twcnty-orie cash prizes "will bo given to the most popular Societies, churches and charitable institutions. Votes will be given customers ' with all purchases. Ask fori them. r T.. TT TT T ri A7 rTTiTP A $3$ ii Only Retail Store West ol Chicago Occupying Entire City Block ' . ' . : .. ... . - JJJ Flagsj ' Buntings, Pennants, Festoons, Ribbons, Tissue Paper and ! other "decorations for the Fourth and the Ellu' Convention, Elks' Souvenirs, Post Cards void Place Carids. 'M Ill MiisipaIEri(flagcm Webber's Juvenile Orchestra In Auditorium Tomorrow 2:30 P. M. ComplimenUry Concert by the; H. A. yTcbbef Juvenile Orchestra which h justly considered by tnusjeal critics the best ."juvenile aggregation of musicians' oh the coast This will bi their last public: appear ance before 'starting on ihefr Summer tour of the beaches and Sound cities. " Personnel it at' follows: RobyPcrffehberger,- Els,worth.Hicketts Russell -Kelley.Renottd--Gustaffsonr Hazel-Van-Averyr-Ethel Pascall, Francesca Bliss, Bonita Henry, Mildred VaVercale and chambtay materials, styled with large , . ' f OLLOwlNU FKOukAMMJS S 1 r-March,:: Boston.' Idcaf. . . ;i , , , . . : . ;l '..Siege!,. 2 Overture, Itisfpiel . . ......... .. . Keler-Bcla 3 Elks'-Song, Portland Wants Us in 1912..... ' Stone. Webber ' .' JIazeI,Van Avery and Chorus. '. 4 Manana (Chilean Dance) . .Missud-Hlldfeth 5 -Marcia Religioso" (Trio for Mandolins) . " c. i Btlliul-Munier ; Ethel Pascall, Francesca BlissGay :Kelley.. . WILL BE RENDERED: 603anjo Solo ."V. . ... Selected . r Ralph Hendrickson'and Orchestra. 7-Song, TheyAlways Pick on Me....;.t.... i - . . ... . . i ,v, . . . . Von Tiker-Webber Francesca Bliss. and Chorus ; ; ; , S--Mandolin Solo, Andante et Polonaise.:... Gay Kellcy. .......;......' Mezzocapo 9-The Mill in the Forest Eilenberg-Odell 10 Patrol U. S A, ...Peck-Odell $85 Silk Coats at $22.95 - , 1 Garment DeptSecond Floor, ; ' A great sale of women's Silk Coats in pongees, taf fetas and satias, styled' with high waist lines,' loose; and "semi-fitted," with: -long r evert.: of ' satiiif moire. bengaline and, broadcloth: all sizes In the lot, tnd excellent values " to $35.0a I "Special (JJOO QK for this sale only oft the second floor JJaWaWaaU S $28.60 Silk (ioats 5i6.9S :.r.:.....L Garment Store-Second Floor - - -Women'l Coats, made of good quality satin, taffeta, and pongee materials; all this season's models, lem!-; fitted and loose, with Urge ailoficoUars of black satin and silk tnsinted; vaiuea to , s" c -S28.S0, $pecial tor-1 thia saU-at-aly- Notion Day Tomorrow DRESS SHIELDS "Bolero,", plain, in all Of -sizes, the 50c values, at J JC Blue Enameled Ware Four Coated Steel Body - Oh SalctlfiiBasemcnt In the fiasejiAcnt f Unrprice'Storc'r tomorrow. Sup- 80c-Sauce" Pans.2U qt,2-ie 35c Sauce Pari 3 qt. at 25e 40c Sauce Paris, 4 qt: at 32 50c Covered Satoce Pans 40 65c Covered Sabce Pans 53? 70c Dish Pans.4 quart 54 35c Preserv'g Ket, 3 qt. 25 eOcPreserv'g-Ket. 6 at 48 60c" Covered Ket 4 jt. 48? 45c. Coffee Pot, 1 qt. at 37 75c Coffee Pot, 3 qt at 61? 85c Dish Pans, 17 quart Tie) 3-PIccc Set Aluminum Sauce Pans $1.14 Set of 3 Sauce Pans, sizes 1, 14 and 2 quarts, pure aluminum ware. 1 A "Sell feguIaflTtt45rrcarar OLtJL 35c l-qt- Lipped S"auce- Pan; alumi'm 5e , SOc Lipped AltfrnT Sauce pan, !j4-qt 89 60c Straight Alum. Sauce Pan, 2-qt'48 -FLOOR- all sizes, the 65c value: O. M. O. SHIELDS ' Size 2, regular 20c, special for thia' sale atr pr,l5d Size 3, regular 25c, special for this sale at; pair "20? Size 4, regular 30c, special for this sale at Pir 25? Size 5, regular 35c, special for this sale at, pair 30 SILK SHIELDS Light weight, sizes 2, 3 and-X Regular-25c-1 O and 35c values, on sale tomorrow at only IOC Mothers Ironing Paas, special for this sale at 5? Spool-SilkrlOO-yardSi all colors, on sale atonly 5? Spool Cotton,. 200 yards, white or black, special 4? Basting Cotton, 50o yards, white, on sale at only 4?' Safety Pins, all sizes, bej®ular 5c sellers, 2 for 5? Bias Folds, all sizes, lOci valves, on sale for only 5? Tape, white cotton, 25 yards to piece; reg. 12c, at 8? India Tape," all sizes, special for this sale at only 3? Hair Pin Cabinets, 10c size, priced now at only 8? Cube Pins, 8c size, special for this, sale at only 5? Iron Holders, 8c size, special for this sale at only 5? Wash Trimming, 25c. piece,, pn..sale at only. 15? Skirt Markers, 35c value, on sale at only, each 25?" Hair Nets,, five injenvelopc, priced .for this sale 10? Pearl Buttons, all sizes, the regulatiOc. yajues, at 6? Silk Shields, all sizes; 25c values, on sale at 18? Wire Hair Pins, 5c grade, on sale at, 2 for only 5? Pad Hose Supporters, assorted colors; reg. 35c, 10? Hairfins; largrsize, 3 oira cardrl5c values, at 8J Coat Hangers, folding wire; 15c values, special 8? ISkirt Hangersjof stro.ng,.WQodtregula.l5tsalues 84, Common Pins, 5c paper, on sale at only, 2 for 5? Collar Supporters, 5c grade, on sale at only, each 3?" r Schram Fruit: Jars On sale iri Basement ?Underprice Store" itomorrow: Pints, 55?" doz. quarts, 65? dot. ;j4-gaL, 85? doz. Parawax, in one-pound packages, special at lOe Plain Screen Doors, size 2.8x6.8. complete, at 89? Fancy Screen Doors, size 2.10x6.10, complete, 81.48 1111 mm $25; Pi- i irMf ffnf Scrp Siiita?813.95 Extra fecial all-cfay sale of women's Blue Serge Suits, i Neat platn tailored styles; made of fine soft finished sergr material in deep, rich shade -of nivy' Mue,-VThejr are linked with satin, guaranteed to wear two season sr are 'faultlessly tailored and fit perfectly. A complete range of sizes, but the quantity is limited, so better come early. Sale d Q ftf begins at JLa. m; in the basement. Regular $25 Suits, only d)l3e7t) Hat a: Special $i In the. Basement Store Extra soecial all-dav sale of hundreds of beautiful Trimmed Hat ' Kc k. matter how many hats you now have, you can easily find place for one ' 71 1 r 1 : j ' i j . . . oi ' incsc. Acvcr . ocrorc nave we oiicrcu sucn a vanea ana extensive showing at such a ridiculously low price The season's popular, styles, -beautifully trimmed with excellent materials; actual $3.50 to d -a a $6.50 hats are offered for tomorrow at the exceptional price of tJX Ull " No phone or 'mail orders will be filled on these hats and none exchanged or sent out on approval. " " " T. Woiiieii-s f to fioesl;69 $5 Another big shipment of our tremendous purchase of factory cancelations and overplus stocks of wom en's Shoes. 1000 more pairs added to those left from the last sale. Remember we bought the entire lot at less than the maker's cost, and we are giving our customers the benefit of our shrewd buying. This is the best opportunity you have ever had to buy high grade shoes at such a low price. - Thousands of pairs to pick from. White Nu buck, velvet, suedev patents, .vici kids, gunmetals and tans in high boots, oxfords and colonial pumps. Every woman or miss can find a d A suitable pair to fit Shoes worth up ta$3. a-pair -areffered-ior l .Ua Women's 40c Aprons 25c In the Apron store, second floor, sale of women's Aprons, made of good quality gingham, . percale and chambray materials, styled with lar g bib; good, big pockets; all neatly bound. OfTf Our regular 40c values, special at, each &Oy Large Cover-AU Aprons size ' Household . Aprons, made of good quality gingham with sleeves." The best H OA and most practical of all aprons, special I OU Groceries in Basement .... , - - j . - . u . . . - ' . v -y-. - - l Picnic Shoulder Hams, special tomorrow, tha lb." 12? 50c O. W. K. Tea, In cartons, special, tha pound 40? Jellycon -tar packagaa," special, tomorrow, four tor 25? Krlnkle Com i'lakes. Kpciul tomarrow, i pka, Sardines, good -grade, apecia) tomorrow, 6 can 25 Soda Crackers, great apeclul tomorrow. 3 pkga. 25o Graham Crackers, special for tomorrow, S pkxa. '25ti golden Rod Wheat. Flak ea,apeclaL tomorrow,-pkirlO 8hrlmps in cans, 16o aiae,' speclHl tomorrow for "lOd " 10c packaga R. S. V. P. Salt, special tomorrow for 7e -SOc O. W. K. Syrup, maple rlavcuv-apecial at only 400 11.00 O. W, K. Syrup, maple flavor, special only TO 25o Champion Washing Tablets, special at, 2 for 250 20o can Sliced Pineapples, special tomorrow only 15r Rice Japan style, special tomorrow, 6 pounds for 2S lOo can Beatsol Cleaner, special for tomorrow only 5. lOo package Borax Soap Powder, special tomorrow 50 ' 4ioiily-McrchandlseolDependableual From lOtollAaM Women's Hose 8c 'lUnderprice iStoxei a -one-hour sale of " women's fine Cotto Hose, black or tan, light Summer weight, . seamless feet, fast '' dye. ' Lay in-a good supply for vacation ,wear, on sale at, the pair . O v Womeh's WWteaistsSe lu to Jl a. nr. tomorrowL a sensational pnehpur sale of women.! White Waists,- made "of fine lawrt, styled; with high nicks and long ..sleeves, tf!immed.withtucks fidH fOwi of insertion rsizei 32 to 44, the roost remarkable waist values we have ever OQ jthown.JusjLwhatxounex;peiLvacation. Special wv 83.00 Fancy Feathers al 29c - Gingham Dresses 10 to II a, m, tomorrow, asaie of beautiful Fancy Feathers in great varietyof popular kinds; all new, fresh stock, such as are used for mid-summer and eai;ly Fall trimmings. Values OQ to $3.00, on sale 1 at 10 to It a. m. tomorrow, in the Basement. -The bargain gates yill.open wide-on honest -values. 'Children's Gi ngham presses, made tf tgood mate rial, neat, checkv pat- 1 ffrt m m m terns; sizes 1 to 6 yrs. 5 From 11 A.M. to 12 8c . Apron Gingham; 5c 11 aT ni. to 12 tomorrow, in the Basement "TTernficeierrare" Kodrialeof beavyApronJinghamSi etaple checks ia- the best colors. Women who are judges of quality will lay in a good supply Cp of thi9 8c Gingham, special, yard - Women?sS2.50Sailors 48e 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the Basement "Underprice Store, a remarkable offering of new style trimmed Sailor . Hats; made .ofcfinexhip traw in., black, white and burnt, with plain and fancy silk ribbon-bands, All this season's styles that have ARp sold in regular -way up to $2,50 each. Special one hour tUt Women's Corsets for 50c' Wash Petticoats 58c it a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the Basement, women's WashiPet ticpats, made of gingham in neat patterns and plain cham brays, in pink, blue and tan, with plain or embroid- CO 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, In the Basemen a great Corset bar gain which every woman should investigate. They are made of : fine'cbutil, medium length with 4 hose sup- KA porter;. sizes 18 to 30 tl VI ered flounces. Special From 12 to 1 P.M. 15c Embroideries at 5c JltcXpmomrTowr4ttrthJ3asement1 a one-hour sale of fine Swiss-Embroid Z iffEigcfiXfS Thsertiohs upto THnclieT wide; excellent quality, beautiful new patterns. The regular 12c and 15c grades, apecial for this , sale, yard OC Women's Sweater Coats $1.39 One-hour sale of wpmeX h styles," with pockets and finished with large pearl buttons. Plain or fancy knitted, white, navy, gray or red colors; in all sizes.;. Good Sweaters for the beach or for moun- (JJ1 QQ taia wear OuregulaL$S-luev pTiced-atlyi-al H. $1 Men's Pongee Shirts 59c 29c Sunbonnets 15c V 4 Tn 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the Basement, a one-hour sale of men's fine Mercerized Pongee Shirts, with soft turn-down col lars, the bodies and sleeves are cut full and long. Sizes CO A 14 Y o 17; reg. $1 vals. OiC 12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the Basement, women's and chil dren's Sunbonnets. made of line gingham,, in. plain color and neat' checked patterns; full ruffle and long ties; "i pf p various colors: 25c vals. XOv From 1 to 2PM. lOc.TorcIion Lace 5c -1-to 2 p. nit tomorrow, 4n-th Basement, a one-hour sale of hundreds tA jyards of good, heavy Torchon Lace, in an endless selection of patterns, .edges -and inser- tions. The quality that wears best. On Our regular 10c values, sale at', vard OC S17C2 House Dresses SI 18 I to 2 p. m, tomorrow, in the Basemen a rare good sale of women's House Dresses, made of splendid quality-percale and gingham, several, Jiew ancL attractive styles, all : good patterns and colors, well made and neat fitting dresses which (M l O faxllregular--at-$175--an4 $2,- special-4of-em'e-hotif- JLa-xO Boys' SI Corduroy Pants 68c Child's Blade Bloomers 19c 1 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of boys' excellent quality Corduroy Pants, semi-peg tops, medium weight, brown or gray colors;, sizes S to 16 Qa years; $1.00 values, atUOl From 2 to 3 P. Mi 36-inch Percales at 9c . . . a A- . ..- , ! it. Tl . a 6 10 o p. m. lomorrow, in iiic liaseipciii Underprice Store, a one'-hour sale of ,2300. yards-of. excellent quality Percale, full 36 inches wide, light or dark colors, dioic'e patterns in dots, stripes and Q figures, priced very special 1 hour vV 31150 'Kloslir Pcllicoats 51 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow in the Basement ;"Underprice Store," a very, speciak-off ering of : the , popular "Klosfit" Petticoat for womeu They are made of "Itydegrade" materials in two styles, tailored- flounces i or accordion pleated. A complete range of sizes The ."Klosfit" Petticoats have, stockinet, gus- &"i A A sets on hips and fit close; our $1.50, values, at only vlayV Children's 85c Dresses at 45c r:,'J BpysJOveralls 25c4tei; 2 to 3 p. m.' tomorrow thrifty 2 to J pf tomorrow, in the mothers will A'vail i themselves Basement, a; one-hour sale of of this, sale' of .Children' boys'iiBluePenin Overall,; Dresses of gingham or percale,' good materials, with bib and in checked , and ' striped 'pat- suspenders; sizes. 2 to 7 years. terjtsLVizesjXLidAyiaJ C. pcciaUfojthia-oDa.'Ogr. Regular 85e, values, for TttlV hour tomorrow, the pairt'V ; From 3 to 4P.M., 35c Silk Mall, Yd. 16c 3 to 4 p.' nt, tomorrow, in the Basement "Underprice Store,", a sale of beautiful dotted Silk Mull, sheer quality, 27 inches wide, rich silk finish. Shown in a great ; ; variety of the newest colors. Our "I , regular i35c grade, on sale at only XOC Child'n's S4.50 Presses $1.98 3 to4 p. m. tomorrow, a great sale of pretty White Dresses for children ;about 100 in the lot. Odd lines" sent down from the second floor to close out The materials .are linen and Swiss muslin, trimmed Jn;cainty ; lace and embroidery," new and at tractiye styles. i Sizes, 6 itoJil4.Regular $4-00- and Q1 (Q $4.50 values special for; thisv salr tomorrowv at, each vXatO Women's Linen Coats 83.89 www..- tm. w MJk Mm A JLftk -. wV " i to 4 p. m, tomorrow, in tbe Basement, a sale of Beautiful Tpulard Silks, 24 inches ; wide all 'pure silk; splendid patterns "Inriuitsv stripes : and figure's; esMia Welorst-wr-0 Q ij- regular , 85c grades,; at 071 3 to 4 'p. nt tomorrow. In the, Basement,;jr sale of Women's long linen. Coats, very practical styles for:, Summer wear, cut; full length; have high military callirs," made of costume linen 4 4iatural-krh ! Ofl $7$0 : values, only. vJaO O Eromil to 5P M. Men's 10c Kcr cliicls 4c 4 to 5 p. in. tomorrow, in the, Basement, a sale of 200 dozen men's fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, full size, with' narrow or wide hems. A very good 10c qual- An ity. Specialized . for- this , sale at Dont forget to ask for your ballots. Taffeta Silk at 64c 4 to 5 p, m. tomorrow, in the Basement !'Uiiderprice Store," a one-hour sale of full yard-wide black Taffeta Silks; rich, lus trous finish, perfect in weave and dye; a good weight for suits, coats, petticoats, waists, etc Every, woman-who studies econ omy will lay in a. good supply, of this regular $1.00 silk. CtAg Specialized for this one hour tomorrow at only, the yard Oil Women's COc Union Suits 37c lzYiC Batiste Lawn 8c 1 to 2 "p. m. tomorrow. In the Basement, a sale of children's black Sateen Bloomers of good materials, well' made and cut full; sizes 6, to 12 years. Spe cial if or this one., hour i Ai, tomorro.w at oniy, pair Ji.yy 31 Black I" 4 to 5 p. tn. tomorrow, in the .Basement, : a great . one-hour sale of j women' fine -Cotton Union Suits, sleeveless,- with loose knee, lace trimmed; fine,' excellent 60c values, at O I V vexc loseeavtpAlliwetriJri 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the Basenient,5 a great sale pf fine Batiste.. tAtyn, pretf fabric , for- Summer Dresses', Waists, xumonos, etc.; in-lojts, -stripes T2ic grades, onjale, yd. .O Fr6m5 to 6 P. M. Lqrgc Bed' Sheets 39c 5 to 6 p7m. tomorrow, in the Basement "Underprice Store,". a one-hour sale of full size Bed Sheets, made of good, heavy bleached, sheeting,1 torn . and 7 hemmed ready 'for use. Thrifty women - OA will lay in a. good supply at, each OJl Women's 45c Union Suits 25c S'to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the Basement "Underprice Store," t greatone-hour sale of women's Unipn Suits in the close weave Summer weight, sleeveless, with loos knee, trimmed with fine lace, good fitting garments in sizes 4 t 9. Lay tn a full Or ?Y TOM y ;mon season's supply of these regular 45c Ui Boys' Mesh Union Suits 29c iv Men's 25c; Suspenders 11c 3 to 6 p,. m. tomorrbw, in the Basement-"Uflderprice Store,1 a one-hour: sale of boys' fine' Mesh Union Suits, light weight, fine, close weave, high French f'.BecVTilzer,fdrb5y "6 H nT ia 16 years; 50c values muv Ba$ement "Underprice Store," a great 60-minute sale of men's orVjrouthaV Suspenders, ; good Clastic websi.with lcatlicr tnH and good strong p'H ' ' Our'regular 23c vilut,-., 1 I priced for this Hour, j;r. -