THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING,' JULY 1, i:: I JOURNAL 'VT -FPENDEXT NEWSPAPER. ...Publlb -1 er Tjnlnf -"-P 8oBayl.,t-? 1 - trt-f Brnlt-e t Tb Jonrnl Bol.d I :.-.n .nil l.aihtll itrwta. Prtlnd. or. :-.t,4 atSw rrtt.ffK a t"'S u ; i s m l &sloa tor oaga i.i-H0XE8 MlB T1TSS -Ho Th m-rgfrw wnt mrr w - AOVKKTIS'NO Kt''IiTilnJ" : a rifih ifuwHiw Poop Mtrrtpitoa TcriM fcr .ar" :n u Waited Stilts or Melt,'.;.., DAILY, On. fMIL,JS-50 On month...... fo r.S IT.M I One-wata. ' An" unjust acquisition ,lK a barbed arrow,- which most bo drawn backward with horrible anguish. Or else will be your ; destruction. Jeremy Taylor - THE PROOF this 'artist's story tells this war brought down in detail to the lives of Individual sufferers with ' the homes of the nation filled, mean while .with , the -agony of , suspense, if notof actual bereavement. V . It ls nearly true that' the history of tne world is told in Its "Fifteen decisive battles' -each onev a Get tysburg, ehdlngthus.- v,"Tbe noise died 'away.. Tie winds came creep ing back front the west, and gently lifting the coverlet r of -smoke, .re vealed a Btrange sight. The fields were all carpeted, a beautiful car pet,;, a costly carpet. - The figures were horses and men . all matted-andwov.ea together wi th skelns of scarlet thread." ... . What Issues- are- of- sufficient weight,-that the settlement-shall be paid for,5 not only in the pauperiza tion of the nations, but in blood and lives of myriads of men? A' terrible responsibility Is his who lays but a finger in the path of honest effort to lessen the risk of. wa.". ESPECTINQ the accusation . of. his alliance with reaction aries In his fight for the presi dency, Speaker. Clark demands "proof or retraction." v " ''It': common knowledge that in the recent presidential primaries, 'Speaker Clark's managers were in cooperation with the managers of re actionary candidates. ..;.. It Is of record that in the conven tion.. Speaker Clark's strength went to the election as temporary chair man, of a Thomas P. Ryan lawyer, over William" J. Bryan, the leading . progressive of the age. r . It Is public knowledge that when asked by Ms managers whether; to support Boss Murphy's man Parker, . or Mr. Bnran. for temporary chair man. Speaker- Clark refused to de clare for the progressive as against ' tha reactionary. , ., . But stronger than all these con- !rtncing facts are other evidences. The speaker's candidacy Is sup ported by Bo"" Sullivan, a reaction try, and his Illinois delegation. Ha .Is supported "by Boss Outfy the reactionary Pennsylvania boss Ha Is supported by Delegate Fred ,V. Holman of Oregon, a well known " He Is supported by August Bel-K . mont, a reactionary. ' - - He is supported by Boss Murphy, ' leader of Tammany, -and the most powerful figure of reaction in the . convention. - -. Reactionaries know their kind. T ' ' PROGRESS OF HOME RULE a HOPEFUL Indication that the A Ulster men are beginning to AA see light is in the admission . . Just made ? by one of their hardest fighters that if they are to have a Home Rule parliament they may as well have as. able and power f ul an institution as they can get This is the exact counter to the varl ous amendments' theyr and their al-j lies of the Conservative opposition have placed on the order book, for argument,-the object of which is to weaken, to deface, to disable the covernment bill to make it so rldi onlou'a'that its -authors may, for very abame. abandon it. TIils-jjioTe-aenslble -policy would serve to .drjve apart the two const! tuents ot the opposition. The Ulster ltes' would Btrlve to pass theJljjJPX out of every four bovs of IS to 18 with pipes: or tlgarette'. ta their mouths, it Is a comforting thought that there is effort at the state .capi tal to emphasize -the. work of the state reform schools OUIt COMTLICll X ,The trouble at Baltimore is that there, are too. many hand .'picked HREE Portland, youths are in stampede proo&delegates. They dp Jail for an -attempt at-. highJQt represent the true sentiment of their party., . ... ; ' WTIAT CARES HIURPHY? ' HOUGH importuned to do'eor Governor Woodrow Wilson re fused, to go to Baltimore in theinterest of his candidacy.. With becdming dignity, he remained at Trenton, leaving to. the Balti more delegates the issue of wheth er or ndt he is. to' fce called aa the standard bearer of. his party. Against him Ii the convention is Thomas F. Ryaw It was Governor Wilson b refusal to" permit itenry WattersonTand Colonel Harvey to solicit campaign contributions from Thomas F. Ryan' that caused . the break with .the. Kentucky colonel, then a supporter of "Governor Wilson, new a manager for Speaker Clark. Both incidents are splendid proofs that -Governor Wilson is of presi dential mold, In refusing Ryan money," he refused to put himself under obligations to Wall street. In refusing to go to SBaltimbre, he dis played an exalted conception of what the presidency ought? to be. " Governor Wilson may fall nomination. . What does a stupid Tammany boss with 90 Wax figure delegates at his back know abott the presidency or care about who or what is fit? way "robbery on the Powell ,,. , . Valley road. ..-'A shot fired by one of them at the occupants of an auto Increases the gravity of their offense, 'I ...!. But why did Bociety permit this trj to be at largeeach with a big revolver in. his hip pocket? . r A cocked revolver is a highway man's only working tool. If , society provides adventuroas : and Improp erly trained boys wittf ' a - robbeT's tools, what . else is to be expected but robbery? .. '"-: ''. J". But for the revolvers, this, holdup would not ' hae been ttemjted. Three boys or three men would not try to stop -a passing auto with a club. NF" would they; depend on knives, or swords or spears to Stop a swiftly passlDg ' machine, Itself more daagetouS to- life and limb than "fay othfer "robbers' tool ex-, cept a pistol. :T7- ' It, is only the -revolver on Which bell will be deplored by many circles in'Portland as untimely. - She was a woman of .'high purpose and exalted Ide&lS whose life left an ineffaceable impress for good upon those' anjopV whom aha. moved. ' :;:Jf IS the Baltimore couvehtion .to be a bugle.' bote of victory, or a sum mons, for pall bearers? V Litters From tKe People - Articles and questions for this page should be written on only one aid of th paper and be accompanied, by the writer's name. Tbe me will not b published.' but , is desired as an. indi cation ot good faith. . , . The Socialists' View. : Portland. Or.. June 10 To the Editor of T Journal Many et - the stands taken by Socialists on current political and economic questions ara misunder stood by those outstdethe movement This is largely due to imperfect knowl edge of Socialism; either .; through laak of studying the matter or through consulting the works of unfair or in competent critics. Perhaps no question is more puwiing to such people than the SoclallsT attitude toward competition and monopoly. 'j Socialists do not believe that when a rew people or a community wish 1a accomplish a purpose that the .. best method is to struggle ana hinder one anotner. They believe in cooperation But they do not be the cowardly hold up men can rely It makes them brave, because they car. keep out Of harm's Way while reducing their victims to submission, wherever possible. All wa have to do to multiDlv and ,ieve IJ Private monopoly such, for in perpetuate robberies, holdups, bur- B0!' - - - f ' ; glaries and murders - Is to keep on and wage workers' standpoint, as a mo- sellI&grrevolvers"to all comers. There 1 nopoiy existing for the purpose , of tftwavB r,Untyr nt msn and Wa KTlnaing profits out of them for the r , ' . , 1 benefit of the P. R. L. & P. stock to qq. ids worit as long aa Bocieiy holders. accommodatingly, supplies them with Merely from the-polnt of fflcient pro-tools.-' " Iductlon of light and power and the op- We raise great howl about the n'l "UntT ? 1 noiaups. we pecome inaignam, ana, than could two or more. That of cour When, we catch them', throw the rob- does not necessarily mean that the mo- bers Into iail'as we oueht to do. noPly wul not tak th8 'Opportunity of , v , , . I RAT r 1 rl fir linrtamtinhU' n4n npi,. v v0 uuaviiaujv yt ivQi X ilO IUa We shed tears over the increase of crime, and roll., our eyes to high heaven and wonder why it is so. Yet it is we who arm the crooks. GOKIMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF rri S3IALL CHANGE Possession is desire's antidote. ';.. -Tta ground:. Now let tinrshlna.-- Bryan and Ryan ara Demoeratto op- posltea. , . i Some rtrla ara led astray; others 'need no leading. - . Hello, husky and hungry hobos; the harvest fields need you. .-. One may do something that looks bad, yen if no one else sees iC Tt wOuM hava -hen a better conven tion -with, Tammany kicked out of It Manr neonla agree that oneo In six years is often enough to save thoxoun try. . . - . Neither will.' the weather always adapt itself - to . the " desires of vaca tioners. - ' - - i. Tha '"Esoee la doina- and going to do big things ' In Oregon, as well as tho lulls. In the lona? run brains and behavior count for incomparably mora than looks and style. . . . People wko elected Fred V. Holman a delegate well Knew nis nrana oi Democracy. . Now- attempts are being made to re form bathing suits; isn't there too much reforming? attempt lappiest pec-; pie on earth. If Tart were well advised, and heed ful he-would probably make no cam' paign speeches! A baseball team is "owned by some capitalist and sportsman,, but its mem- Dera ara not mereiore nis aiaves. What sense is there in electing dele rates of all sorts of opinions and lean Ings, tnus being representative of .all sorts of voters of a party, and then instructing: them all to vote the same. and so represent only voters of the came opinion? Thousands' beside Elks will to bo among the nest and OREGON SIDELIGHTS -:' ' ',! Baker Democrat! ' Tha 'range In Baker county is getting back to early day'- condition-i-bunch gra. f rowtn tha native grasa, -. ; - The Wallowa Sun has a new heading. and the publishers have . made other changes for bettering appearanca and improving service. : . -7 The closing ud of tha" subscription list and tha deal for the purchase of tha required site for Via Carnegie 1U brary at Greaham ara Hearing comple tion, v . , i ", ' V ' ' Weston Leader: A nrettr little orange tree at the home of Dr. and Mrs. S. I Kemnard is.lit-bloom. Last year It bore a single orange, which was duly eaten and founds to be palatable. . - , Rosebufr News: Roseburg may con gratulate herself , on the .number of avea . streets sife wiu cto vj iu. 'here are few nlacea of Roseburg'S aise In. the state that have so many streets pavea, ana pavea weiu A.. -V: a Newbera- Entemrlee Next year the grand army encampment of this state Is to be held in NewbergL At the encamp- mont at M&iem mere wm-t ians a-i- tendance and one equally large may be Tininn Runubllcan: Frank Turner this week sent to the mint at San Francisco throueh the larat JNationai oanK, a very nice gold retort brought from the mines at the head of the Grand Ronda The worth approximately siu, neing apour 800 fine. . " -refold "Beach Wobet Ooli Beaeh-wlll no longer be at the mercy ot bum tele phone service from the outside. - C D; Lamson is installing a wireless receiv ing station that Will bo In touch with Cape Blanco at all times and will reach as far as Portland. Thus Gold Beach takes one more progressive step. ;. - HUlsboro Argus! Ed Sazton and as sociates gave their friends a big craw fish feed down on Rock creek, Sunday afternoon. This fresh water shellback is now at hla best and collectively makes a feast fit for the gods.' The menu of the ancient Greeks jpales to stateness by-the side of the Washing- Nl Yet of frt is w e who, supply them wlth pis poge of regulation is to prevent monoDO lies from pocketing the difference be tween monopolistic and competitive coat. Those who believe In oreanlzd industry and regulation feel that the community should be spared the. waste SEVEN GREAT PLAGUES The Dancing Mania, The effect of the black death had not yet subsided, and the graves of millions of lta victims were scarcely closed, when in 1374 a Btrange delu- tols and ammunition." It is we who of competition and shouM refuse to pay sion arose Jn Germany, It was a con CHICAGO AND BALTIMORE make It possible for them to ply their trade. It Is we who are partly at fault and partly guilty, Tf nro oiinnlT tho BBKflRBin with la wnrbln tnol what ran Wft exnect "8tr,utlon with their democratic con is working tool, wnat can we expect trol and the rfght of tJw worker9 t0 th( uut inai ne wni asatiBBiuaie t a premium to. monopoly. The Socialists are not primarily advo cates of regulation. Thev believe in the absolute ownership by the nation of the great industries of production and w HATEVER was lacking at Chicago in the way of in1 structlons as to national nominating processes", is sup- piled at Baltimore. The Chicago affair was composed partly of delegates chosen in open primaries where, all could vote. Oth er delegates were selected by the convenllon method. The southern B' LEX US FORGET ECAUSE of recent presidential pardons, it Is not meet for gentlemen at McNeill's Island or near McNeill's Island to raise a furore about Oregon land fraud trials. We may all question the methods of Heney and Burns. We may doubt delegates were framed up by a cau- .tho rectitude of their processes In cus of federal office holders hold- investigating Jurors. Much depends the full value of their labor. Socialists be lieve in regulation only In that it is better than unrestricted mononolv or anarchistic competition. So much for the statement that the Socialists' and Mr. Josselyn's attitude are the same and tho suggestion that we make Mr. Josse lyn the "steward of the public welfare." Socialists wish the people themselves to act as intelligent stewards of their own welfare. Morris Hillquit. a clear and able vulslon which In the most extraordinary manner Infuriated the human frame, and excited the astonishment of con temporaries for more . than two cen turies, since which time it has never reappeared. It was called the dance of St.' John or of St. Vitus, on account of tho Bacchantlc leaps by which it was characterized, and which gave those af fected, whilst performing their, wild dance and screaming and foaming with fury, all the" appearances of persons possessed. It did not remain confined to particular localities, but was propa gated by the sight of tho sufferers, like a demoniacal epidemic, over the whole of Germany and the neighboring countries to the porthwest, which were ing their poeltlons by the grace of William H. Taft. When the delegations arrived, and It turned out that the majority wasn't right, another agency inter posed. It was the oatlonahxommitT tee. Its modern name Is Bteam roll er. It was final authority In naming delegates for. tho convention, and It named enough of the right complex ion'to nominate Mr. Taft. This Is what we call "representative" gov ernment. - ' All these agencies were in vogue at Baltimore, except the steam roll er, and the southern office holder ; the-TWkerof :Jrelandr the Conserva lives to destroy It to upset the gov erament. The house divided against Itself would speedily fall. The London "Statist," a leading financial.' paper, believes that a bright" "future awaits Ireland The main part of the land is now divided among the peasantry. Heartless evictions have ceased. The estab lished church has been abolished. The, population is growing rapidly. Ireland has excellent harbors, and immense undeveloped water powers. Every observer notes the marvelous changS in the spirit of the Irish peo ple especially in the last 10 years. There Is a passionate desire for edu cation, and; coincident with this, Im proved farming methods are spread ing widely and rapidly. . The Home Rule of Ireland will find a fertile soil prepared, In which to fructify. and Boss Murphy selected and owns 90 delegates. He votes them colld- ly, and votes then wherever and for whomsoever he wills. That 90 dele gates is a huge force, a force that would have gone far In controlling at Baltimore, but for the brave leadr er from Nebraska. if the light of what we have seen at Chicago, and In the light of what we have seen at Baltimore, Is it not easy to see how the trusts, money and Murphys have managed so long to control -his country? In the light of what we see at these two national conventions. Is It difficult to see why the cost of living Is at the highest record, why It Increased 10 per cent In 1911, and why, In a time of profound peace, on what was the character of these ante-trial .and secret Inquiries. But nothing will wloe out the evidence on the records of the fed eral court In Portland. No power cau charige "the proved fact " that frauds of the worst kind were per petrated. No late developments can writer, begins in the July Metropolitan I already prepared for lta reception by the prevailing opinions of the times. So early aa the year 1374. assem blages Of men and women were seen at Atx-la-Chapelle who had com out or Germany, and who. united by one conv mon delusion, exhibited to the puduc both in tho streets and Jrt.churches the spectacle: They in hand, and ap- a series of articles, entitled "Socialism Up to Date." Those really wishing to inform themselves on this Important subject have here a ready opportunity. W. M. Religion In Politics. Portland, Or- June 30. To the Editor following atrange of The Journal We may.Bupnose that formed circles hand not a few of the delegates to the Baltl- pearing to have lost all control over their more convention attended the mother senso. continued dancing regardless of church of Christianity this morning and the bystanders, for hours together in heard read from her altars the epistle, wild delirium, until at length they reu I Peter Hi, 8-15: "Dearly beloved, be to tha around In a state of exhaustion. Pffam thn PstahTlshed knowledee that yo of ono mln4 ,n 1 sympathls- They then complained of extreme. op errace the estaniisnea Knowledge inat lng( lov,njf brotherhood, merciful, presslon and groaned aa if in the inuuiB wero tumuiiciuu lur mtu moaest, -Bumble; hot rendering evil for atonlea of death, until tney wera men. should have Jaeen sent to the evil, nor Insult for insuUi-butr on -the swathed in oloths bound tightly around penitentiary, even some who did not 100ntrary. blessing; for this ye are called, their waists, upon which they again re- 1 that ye may Inherit a blessing. For let covered and remained free from com- - him who will love life and aee rood niint until tha next attack. Thia nrao- The Issue is not one for thoee ac- ( days refrain his tongue from evil, and tice of swathing was resorted to on ac- ciisfid to raise. Forests were stole::. 18 "Ps tnat they speak no guile, count of the tympany which followed- iurn away irom evu ana i th unaamonio ravmirs. dui me uy- Ti..i,it nim iurn away ruunu lauuo n cio ncuataicicu, ;wii I . ... - , . i - . , , . . , HWt Rt.t It has Rnaa' ttnmhr. t. wm..w n..i iurB? istanaers rrequenx yreuevea pawoui-.-- MiL1.!. r---.- ."x-jiiuHw--ini ? M., tT,'Tor xne eyrB-or xne "wtro ara ! THE REAL GETTYSBURG THE lax gh . . 4 IS- was everywhere. The frets In-the frauds are history, and ineffaceable, The gentlemen who were partlcl pants are not martyrs. It Is better for all concerned to let the dead past bury Its dead. We all want to forget It. SUFFRAGE IN ENGLAND for good? But if also ye suffer some thing for Justice, blessed are ye. And fear not their terror and be not trou bled. But sanctify Christ the Lord In your hearts.' Oh man, without Judging you, does your religion enter into your politics or your pontics into your religion? Ar tr xr rlTr. TJ.H- "ut-n kbiiw eiun;a aw v,nicago ana " UJ & RaJtlmorA AinvrAr to flvHlratlnn? ish "manhood suffrage", bill yet there are those who would have was introduced In the house women associate themselves with such Of commons. The resolution "oundings. men and women both, who rain tvnnM vanraoanf nti1 aaAM ttkmm was adopted hy 274 to 50. who might weU employ their snare The purpose of tne bill was one hours In self-leglslatlon and self-gov man one vote tnereoy depriving iueni, cuniiireiienueu m me woms those men who held qualifications ... yi ,1 : 1' i --- r m. lui-uuiicuu. manner, uy uiumuui just, ana nis ears are open to their I .nd traniDlln upon the parts arrected. prayers; out tne countenance or the kii dancine- they neither saw nor lord is on thoBe who do evlL And who I heard, being insensible to external lra is uicro can nun you, u ye oe zealous presslons through the aens but were haunted by visions, their fancies con Juring up spirits whoso names they shrieked out, and soma of them after wards asserted that they felt as If they had been Immersed In a stream of blood, which obliged them to leap ao high. Where the disease . was completely developed, the attack commenced with epileptic convulsions. Those affected fell to the ground senseless, panting and laboring for breath. They foamed at the mouth and suddenly springing up began their dance amidst .Btrange con torttona. Yet the malady doubtless mado its appearance very' variously, and was modified by temporary or locet circumstances. It was but a few months ere. this demoniacal disease had spread f f rom Alx-la-Chapelle, where it appeared in July, over tho neighboring Netherland, In Liege, Utrecht, Tongrea and many other towns of Belgium the dancers ap peared with garlands In their hair and their waists girt with cloths that they might, so soon as the paroxysm was over, receive immediate relief on the attack of tha tympany. This bandag' was, by the Insertion of a stick, easily twisted tight, many, however, obtained more relief from kioks and blows, which they found numbers of persons ready to administer. A few months after this dancing malady had made its ap pearance at Alx-la-Chapelle, it broke out at Cologne, where a number of those possessed amounted to more than 600, and about the same time at Mets, the streets of which place are said to have been filled with 1100. dancers. Peasants left their ploughs, mechanics their workshops, housewives their domestic duties, to Join the wild revels, and this rich commercial city became . tha scene of the most ruinous disorder, Te danc. Ing mania of the year 1271 was, in fact. no new disease, but a phenomenon well known la the middle ages, of which many wondrous stories "were Traditional ly current among the people. Tomorrow The Sweating Sickness. sot Be Healed From the Cleveland Leader. Back of tha unfairness and the fri' .'s In the work of the majority Of the Re-.', publican national committee, since but tressed and sustained by the majority of the -machine-made 'and committee- distorted convention itself, lies one great injustice which dominates every thing else. . It U the wound which the Republican party ; staggers under, the wound which will not heal Until the. wrong Is righted. - Ordinary controversies between indi viduals or factions, ii States of dis tricts, might be settled in ways which were, not consistent with equity -or in line with tha fact upon whlcn auG de- cisions were supposed to rest, and the country and th. party would be left comparatively indifferent. Fal play is hot expected to be the uniform rule in -politics. Local quarrels would not ex- . cue a nation or a great national or- , ganisatlon if they, were not the lnstru roent whereby vast national - injustice -waa '.perpetrated, "t:;-: Tho vital point at Chicago has been. from the first, tho undeniable fact that many tests of ; party sentiment have shown Theodora Roosevelt to be the choice of. the great majority of Repub licans in tho nation,, and that tha work ' of tho machine in control of the na tional committee -was lnteded to "over " come, as It did nulUfyhelsh and pur pose of tne party. It is not that this man or that has wort his-fight for su- premacyln a rounty or aTdlstrict in some state. It la not alone that dele- ' gates are seated who ought to- be kept out and others excluded who ought to bo given seats,, which excites tho coun- try to wrath. It Is the fact that: these wrongs havo the effeot of denying tho majority in a great party the right to choose its own candidate and make Us own national ticket Nothing can get away from this crux of the wht)le ..controversy- which - will rage over the work of tho Chicago con- -ventlon for years rather than months. Regardless 'Of questions of .party . prece dent and of state law. Ignoring issues " of veracity end honor -between men in- ' volved In local cOBtenttonarthaHwilL of the majority a majority measured in millions if all Republicans were polled has been thwarted. Minority rule is being fastened upon the greatest party , in : tha country, if tho machine can carry out Its plans now well under way.. - - -v i, . ' This Is tjie wound which cannot ha healed by salves or closed by fine words. It Is Injustice which - goes to the very heart of government right and party strength, and Ufa , ;-- Baltimore Star: The .platform adopted , by the Republican party at Chicago last week is brief, when compared with most previous national platforms, but It compensates in terseness, clearness and vigor for its lack o.f volume. It leaves no doubt in inquiring minds con cerning Just where the Republican party stands in the presidential contest that is to be decided next November,, upon , every important 4saue4hat Will bo in- ' volved in the contest . . " i. As a fundamental it is declared: Wo , bplleve In fur self-controlled represent ative democracy, which is a government of laws not of men, and in which order is the prerequisite of progresa" Tho: platform declares for the Integrity of the courts, reaffirming tho intention at all times to uphold the authority and integrity of the courts, both stats" and federal, and insisting that their powers to enforce their mandates and to pro tect life, liberty and property shall bo preserved lnviolata There la nothing In the slightest degree equivocal about the tariff plank. Tha party stands now, as It has always stood, for a protective . tariff. While recognizing that continu ous modifications In tha schedules to meet changing conditions ara necessary. It Is declared, that the principle i of tho . protective tariff la so woven Into tha fabric of our agricultural and industrial Ufa that to substitute for it a tariff for revenue only would destroy many Industries and throw, millions of our people out of employment - ' Attention Is invited - to tha past rec ord of tha party, and tha (nteUlgent " udgmeht of the American people Is so licited especially upon the admlnlstra- ' tlon of President Taft Tha Taft record Is In itself a platform upon which, when r. this record la fairly appraised, the Re- - jffMJjjariyjwilLatakB ths campaign Tanglefoot By Miles - Overholt T THE HOT-AIR Mm I read an ad. one wintry day An inside Job with weekly pay, Waa what the want ad. offered. The rain and snow. were wet and cold; I took the Job in manner bold A SOOn aa ll waa pruiiereu. In different places from casting a separate vote In each. This Is, nat- meat prices are higher than In war urally, a distinctly liberal measure time? In the light of Chicago and Balti more doesn't everybody see that The manager said: "Here's a chance. A moat deitgnirui circumi"i.. For you to make a killing. He aald: 'If you will never shirk; If vou aro over at your work. AA ahnw that VOU ATA Willing. individual and homa Perhaps it were And keep your mind upon your goal. well that tho police were well represent- Although ai nrsi you , ny --". As Otters See Ui ed at both conventions, lest we Import . AM Pu XSU 0tir. ,h1' ' Vm.r.Mf a foreign custom of smashing windows J'T and cheking the speakera. If this is bv working every m!nuta'T ! of the Liberal government, and will, If passed, deprive the conservative opposition of nearly 200,000 votes. William J. Bryan has been right all For this Radicals and Laborltes published, another woman has her say. ELIZABETH A. MURPHY, these years, and that he Is the nob lest Roman - f them all? iHS first eight pages of the At lantic Monthly for July are Ivea to Miss Mary Johnston's "Gettysburg" which, once read,' Is" etched on the memory, in add strokes that. stay. History it Is not nor is It a collection of in dependent and unrelated sketches. Rather the Impression Is given of an Invisible photographer who hov ers high In. air above the blood soaked field holding place through the whole dreadful three days, from tho moment that Heth's brigade of A. P. Hlirs corpS encountered Bu .ford's cavalry, until,," from exhaus tion of life .and energy the wrecked columns of Lee's splendid army on the third day drew slowly tnd sullen ly away .ia retreat But the Imaginary camera should te endowed with the magical gift of widespread and simultaneous vision end of penetrating the smoke pall that began gathering when the op posing armies met and thereafter hung in never-dissolved masses over the entlrejleld.: - , Every enclosure,' "every slope, evrry fence, every, boulder on the historic .htllsldw Aeld a tragedy past r JaTlie waklngr Dead, dying and f4.-..,,, ly- wounded 1 1 men. tM and) M by , the thousand, paying in tne tremendous' effort the nation's 1 rh'e for settling the Issues of Its i.turc. '.. And what a price it was THE NEW SUPERINTENDENT T HERB Is a hew superintendent at the state reform school. In his selection, the state board sought for a man with special preparation for care of refractory boys. It is said that at the time he was chosen, not one of the three members of the board knew the political affiliation of the new su perintendent, If Indeed, he has any. It has never been proven that poli tical labels are a help In, reforming boys. A Bpolled boy or a boy with hereditary blight Is one of the most dlrficult problems or lire. TO re habilitate him Is accomplished not by a political hack, but by a man of especial fitness, acquainted with boys, attuned to their aspirations and skilled In human psychology. It Isn't because he is a Democrat or because he Is a Republican, or because he Is neither, that the 'head of the Oregon training school can reform bad boys. If mostly a Re publican or mostly a Democrat, be cannot do it. Superintendent Hale's - qualifica tions are that he was long identified wtyh the boy saving workat the Y. better Institution in the world for salvaging boys. - v . . - v When one pauses along the streets of Portland and sees, two or three have been working for many years. But the fur will fly when an amendment Is moved to strike out the word "male" from the electoral definition. It will then become a universal suffrage measure, and the suffragettes will gain all they are fighting for If and when It passes. Will It pass? The Labor party were pledged to. It, and they will Perkin's Problem. a From the N. Y. Post People are wondering where George W. Perkins expects to stand If Roose- vet hla candidate, la, after all, elected to the presidency in November. Perkins himself may know, and then again, he may not Possibly Perkins la like the dog In an Indiana town, about which he likes to tell. Perkins was standing at tha railroad station, waiting for a train. He was talking with tha agent, when tha Twen tieth Century. Limited swept around a curve. Hardly had the last car gone I worked from 6 to again; I did mora worK man au mo m, And then I siuaieu mnuy, T wtpht the business grow and thrive, And barely kept myself alive. And -mora or- ieaa unaigituy. The manager then came to me And said: "You're getting on, I see; Just keen on Keeping at n. And when a good ball comes to you. Just shove yourseix oui mm view. And then, aoggone it. Dai iu Of worked with might and many a shooting course, X main, - Though filled with pain. rm varvt(nar was mastered: My pocketbook was Just as slack. Although I knew the boss' shack Wltn yeiiow ouia waa yiHtvivu. probably stand to their colore unless when the agent's dog went up the track whenever I'd demand a rajse disgusted by the suffragette out breaks to the point of refusing their votes. The Conservatives may vote for the amendment In order to kill the bill. But the Labor vote Is needed to pass Irish Home Rule and the government cannot afford to op pone its staunchest supporters. Nor can the Laborites refuse their votes to a bill for which they have been fighting these many years as fast as his four legs could carry him, I The manager would start to praise barking furiously at the fast receding train. "Ha alius does that" remarked the agent "He does It every day." 'Indeed," said Perkins. "And does ha over expect to oatch the train?" I dunno," waa the reply, "but wot Tve been a-tryln to figger out is wot he expects to do with it it he over does ketch It" vr wnrlr to frnt the dickens. He'd say: "Just keep a-plugglng on; You'll own the works when I am gone. Then you can count your cmcaena And so I slaved for 40 years But what's the use of idle tearsi Why tell of hopes defeated? I quit at last; I saw the schema Tha salaries aro paid In steam. And air tnawi superneaieai 1800 additional feeds In the year. Only four states, Mississippi, No- Onfl Bed for Ten. Nearly 4000 additional hospital beds vada. Utah and Wyoming. have no beds Mr. Asqulth Is In a strange ouan- or consumptives in 29 states were pro- whatever in special hoapltala or -warda Amrr iiuru uuriug iuii year cooing june 1 1 for consumpuvea. - x.igni years ago, from the records of the National Asso- ganlied. thera were 2 states in which elation for tha Study and Prevention of no hospital or sanatorium provision for Tuberculosis. This makes a total of eonsumntlves existed, and tha entire BfRS. CAMPBELL AN earnest worker in the church over 30,009 bed but nljr bout on ,or number of beds in tht United states was . rior,j v.. every 10 Indigent tuberculosis patients only 10.000. activities of Portland has fall- m th country. V- whii theso figures would indloats en. The missions and mission- In tha last fivo years, tho hospital a remarkable growth In anti-tuberou-arv sor.ffltv of tha PrMhvATHn provision for consumptives . has , in- inula activity." say Dr. Livingston Far- organization have lost tha matm-lal orea from K4Mn 1907 to over. J0, rand, executive secretary of the national organization nave lost tne material 00() ln m2i or over 100 per ct New association, in commenting on this sub aid and wise counsel of one who was York state leads ln tha number of beds. ier. "there ara still practically 10 in- devoted In' their service. The Younglhavlng 8380 on June 1; Massachusetts dlgent Consumptives for "every one of Women's Christian association and come' nxl Wlin "na Pennsylvania, tho Decs, including thosafor pay orMvU.o. ,nn.fH ;A lJcloB! tUr wltn "00..-. Alabama natlenta .In other words, we hav? from - --M - ' srwweg tneaTwtssT-Tertntag8nr in-1 iKo ooa Tnoo.oor ronBumr-rioi in man welfare must strike another crease In the last year by adding t country too poor to provldaMispltal cars name from the roll call ot their new beds to its 48 a year ago.' Georgia for themaelvts. If tuberculosis Is ever nrl2ed friends 1 comes next with 109 beds added to 840 going to be atamped out ln tha United mv ' . ' "i a year ago. New York has tho greatest states, mora hospital provision for these 1He passing. Ot Mrs. U.-U Camp- numerical lncreasa, having provided over foci o infection must be provide' ' Astoria Budget Tho Oregon Journal never published truer words than those contained ln an editorial appearing ln Sunday's paper, which said: come uay mere ia iueiy to be a diminution of the building activity in Portland, when contractors will be Idle and labor have less employment What then? . . - "Some day the limit will be reached ln tho Inflation we can pump Into our town lota, whereby speculators and.he thousands employed In real estate ac tivities will find their revenues reduced. wnat men 7 jrornana nas Deen exDanfl nr at a tremendous pace, a pace that put her ln the march with million-Inhabitant cities but it is useless to exnect that all the forces that have kept us going on uih iorcea arari will continue In action. What then? What than Will keep tho labor employed, fill the chan nels of trade with money and drive tne mm wneeisT "Portland needs the maritime trade. heeds the Interchange of products and manufactures with distant ports, to maKe nor a wen rounded city. "In order to become a safe and as. sured city, a city bulwarked against all storms and calms of economic life. Portland needs men 1 who can sea be yond tha Portland city limits." it nas oeen this inab litr on tha part of the financial interests of the metropolis ot Oregon to aee beyond tho limits of their own city that has retarded, tho development of tha state and Incldentaly retarded the growth of us cniei city. it. is this spirit which has kept Oregon with but one city hav ing over 100.003 inhabitants,, while tho stater and younger state of Washing- ion, witn no greater resources or ad. vantages, ha three cities ot that also and Its total, population Is nearly dou bio that of Oregon. A-elty -can con tinua to grow by Itself only so long aa outsiders pwur m tneir money for real estate speculation, but sooner or later that come to an end anu then follows a crash. Any town to have a sound business growth and on that will be permanent must havo tha backing of payrolls iom large ana extensive man ufactories or th products of a rich and prosperous tributary district Some day, the big flnanoial Interests of Oregon will reallx that fact and when they do, tho commercial development of the stats win begin. . r . " ; One Reason. '" ' ' ,,a?elllBB',T6UrJmod,1biirAn',aulo mobile. What wiu you do without a homer '. .. , "Won't need none after I git th auto wouldn't never ds there, anyhow."- Houston rosj,--' . ;- ' Ksue. Pointed Paragraph Hast generate a - brand of wast - that la seldom utilised. ., , A wise nian compliments a ' woman before asking a favor of her. - " " " a. The average man would rather be caUed down than shown us. A woman never measures her years by th number of her birthdays.' -- Many an aspirant occupies, the polit ical grava ho dug for the other fallow. a a . -. . . . Muoh of man's interest in'woman is duo to his inability to understand her. Many a man's bad luok is duo to the fact that he has neither inherited ability nor acquired industry. Vaudeville shows were possibly In- Vented ln order to make psopls onjoy grand opera for a chang. . v -Marriage Is never a failure when th ' contracting parties bay sens enough ' to settle down ana try to mak th beat of It I I V T " ' I I IN ovel Headers CoDtrlbateS M Th Joanial n Will Union. th famous Kintat poet. BU proM-poeiat r a . tefulr ttatara of tola eslama la Tba Pill , louramL) , v.- mmmmm ' ' L ' I hava sympathy to burn for thaolks who never learn to pick up a rattling ' Story and forget their car and toil; for the novel readers find payment for, the Weaatly grind Jn a yarn . by Hop' or Farnol, Phllllpshelm or Conan. Doyla With a corking book In hand all my ' griefs and woes aro canned, all the sor did work and worry are forgotten for a time; and adventurous I ranga off tha countries far and Strang in the wake, of Rider Haggard or H. Oppen-, phllllpshelm. -When th summer, days are hot I grow weary of my lot, of the constant strain and effort of the Ice man and th flies; but I soon forget' my care, seated in a garden chair with ' a. volume that conveya .ma. to- a land - neath Arctlo skies. When tho wlntrv ' tempests howl I am sombre as an owl for It' keeps m always humnln: to supply the house with coal till I get next to a book In the-coty Jnglenook and repair to soented Islands where the troplo billows rolL You're unfortunate, indeed,' tf you can't sit down and read ' and imagine you're a hunter, an explorer or a sleuth; If you Cannot roam away to Old Bagdad or Cathay on the shining wings ot fancy and forget the shabby truth. So I gaily help myself to some fiction from th shelf and go questing for adjtw41U my drowsy syflids drop; nothing gives so much relief from the weary, round of grief aa a tale by Rudyard, Haggard or K Phllllpshelm- ',-bf'-."' ffcjfH 1 Cwurs alattbtw Aomi.