DAILY J OUivI I AL, rOIiTLAII D, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 1, . 1312. :rr vc:.::. c:i, i:atti::z:3! AWFUL. IT'S A SIGJIT. 7 a l. tot .r-: : I ! O f : 1 A 1 4 s I -'.V- Clrcu Man "I can rlv m a Job taullnr water to the animal JoeyBH-"IIave you got any wry. thirsty?" y ' T6nn Wife-,,Oh, Artlerrra getting to bathe franaeat i. eook." .. . . i.r Tall Motorlat "Have any mUhana thia year 7" Little Motorist "lee i the machine broke down In -r-k .- -- front of a - millinery shop and before-1 could get away - . - I - IT' aT?",.n Beem lo oreM wu' Yonn Wlf-"I can neel otatoet now, anl keep time W wife had apotted four hata she wanted." 7. weu. .... ' . .-7vV-1 .i. ' - "No-he couldn't afford to keep even hla tongue coated." , .Pih,twj-"wby you eaii taw nank-.Poor Blge baa port . Ur4 Aviation IirfTL: ' M . luck.' y--ir - --.-V . RufuapTT .onrbfTaee tie files Walt-'How so, nelgbborr " 1 around here In summer." HanWMade a huadred eampairf V speeches and hain't been called a ailTet tonfued orator. The News ofSunday and Sunday Night Resume 0f YesteSMay's Events Briefly Paragraphed for the "Entertain- taent OI tue unB teaaer. - . . - - - Political. '' Bit days of conventlonlng haa Just about exbauated the holiday aplrlt of the ocoaalOD, and on Sunday a ceneral exodua, from-BalUm6re" of convention Tialtort, rootera marching oluba and even - delegatea" took plaee. The big crowdTjOf-Tammany ehoutera that ao companled the New fork delegation were out Saturday night, but on Sunday ' took Ita way back to Baltimore. Although the appointment as United -fitatea senator waa handed to him on a silver platter by Governor Oddle on June 11, George Wlngfleld has neither accepted nor rejected the appointment, and iaya that he haa not made up hla mlna, all or wnicn is worrying- m politicians of Nevada, who believe Wlngfleld will decline the appointment In i order to enter .the campaign two rearahenc lit opposition, to. Senator ' Kewlahds. Two hundred Reptfbllcana who were active for Rootevelt In the " recent - campaign bolted the Republican party at a meeting in Boston Sunday night, and formed "the Progressive party of Maasachusetta." Th new party takes over the organixatlon of the progres sive Republicans Colonel Roosevelt waa lndoraed as a candidate for presl- , dent and a telegram was sent inform ing him of the action taken. Eastern. - Announcement of the approaching raarrlage of Mra. Nellie Grant Sartorie ; has caused surprise among her New York friends. The bridegroom will be Frank H. Jonn. first assistant post master general during President Cleve land'r second administration and now secretary of the Continental ana com tnerciai Trust and Savings bank of New York. While search for him was being con ducted all over Chicago, Louis Haver, ared 34. a nalnter. for seven daya lay , alck and helpless, walled in the attlo of hla own home, unable to summon . assistance and facing starvation. Bun - day he waa rescued, almost dead from hunner and thirst and raving in de lirium Roofers "were mending a hole in the toef and Haver, who was sick, climbed to' the attlo 10 watch them. He ; waa exhausted by the effort and sank Intel aleep on a bundle of carpet In a dark corner. The roofers com pleted their work, walled up the pas aageway and departed without notic ing Hftver. Representatives of the International "Union of Shop Employes on all rail roads running west of Chicago have " addressed a Joint letter to W. A. Gar rett, chairman of the General Man afcers association, asking for a con ference to present certain demands. In the event that a conference Is denied the officers have been authorolzed to -order a-general strike, which will In- VOlve .180,000 men. Pacific Coast. ' " A solid silver crucifix, representing Bart of the loot he gained .as a high wayman, will be suspended from the Beck Of A, L. Bennard,. ot Spokane, when he goes to Walla Walla prison to serve a term of from 10 to 26 years for robbery. The cruclfla was the Bronerty of Either Dultlano, who con ducts a mission near Halyard. Bennard " held him Up, "skinrrlsked" him and - stripped -the cruelfl and a rosary from his neck. Thursday Bennara maae full confession of his most recent crimes. Friends of Lynn Young, of Hood River, who has been In Pittsburg, Pa., for the paat few weeks under the care v ( a specialist learned that he has - Just undergone an operation to have one of Bis legs removea. xne injury causing the amputation was received here several years ago, In a game when the young man was a member of the " Uood River high school football team. --'--C. H; Iurler, w'ho says he is the son f Sir Wilfrid Laurler, ex-premier of . Canada, reported to the police of San Francisco' Sunday that he had been . - robbed of $490 late Saturday night or . early Sunday morning, while seeing, the Bights with an acquaintance whom he - - had made on board a steamer. John M. Ferguson, well known as a breeder and driver of trotting horses, ' "- was -stricken- by heat disease while ' driving far in the lead In the first ' trotting event Sunday at Opal Park, ' Santa Crua. He fell from his sulky, while the trotter continued under the wire and again circled the course, halt ing at her stall. The races Were called off. Two men, both .motorcycle racers, were killed and two others seriously injured while riding faster than a mile a minute at . Sunday's race meet at the San Joae driving park. The dead are Reed Orr of Sacramento and W. F Baker of San Joae. Direct . trade relations will be estab lished between Austria-Hungary and the Pacific coast states by means of the opening; of ! the Panama canal, according to N.' de' Szabo and Z. de Kohouyl. Aus trian government officials, who have arrived In Los Angeles and Intend , to visit Ban Francisco. Portland and Seat tie In the interest of their country's commerce. Foreign. A disastrous fir at SAVntnnn fins katchewan, Sunday night destroyed the D8J1K or Commerce buildinsr the Cana dian Pacific offices and Claras depart ment store. The loss Is $500,000. Six riremen were overcome fcv amnio An Immense crowd of those Identified with the Olympio games greeted the learner Finland when she docked at Stockholm Sunday morning. .J. S. Ed strom. vice president of the Swedish Olympio committee, made a speech of welcome In which he said he expected me Americans to win the Olympiad, but added- that the Swedea hoped to teacn tnem something. Fourteen bronzed members of the crew of the Fram who were with Amundsen in his dash for the south po)e, passed through London last night on tneir way from Buenos Ayres to Norway. All of the men refused td talk, as they were pledged to secrecy Decause or the forthcoming publlca tion of Captain Amundsen's book. News how comes that China absolut. ly rejects the demands of the six pow ers group which were that the loan must be 1300,000.000; that three Euro pean financial supervisors must be ap pointed, and that the group must have us rinanciai agents In China for five months during which there should be no Issue of bonds and no business of any kind involving the Dledrina- of China's credit without the signature of tne supervisors. The correctional court at Paris haa sentenced the "Countess Clare" to one year's imprisonment -and to pay a fine of $200, and Count' La&ajaua Zoltynskl to two years' Imprisonment and to pay a fine of $400 for obtaining money under false pretenses from Miss Wll helmina Kemper, in connecUon-wlthr a scheme tb arrange a marriage between Prince Victor of Thurn and Taxla and the American heiress. moiiNii ROBB E RY MAY DELAY Before General Public Realizes It, Oregon Eastern and Coos Bay Lines Will Be Joined at Eugene. HISS El CREIIDDIN (Special to The Jottrnal.) Vale,. Or., July 1. Thirteen miles of steel rails for the Oregon Eastern rail road are expected In a day or two at Vale headquarters and track laying is scheduled for July S, Since the rush orders for comple tion of the Vale-Dog Mountain division of the Oregon Eastern railroad were sent out about-- week ago," the en glneers In charge of construction on the -new trans-Oregon line have been putting all available forces on the big Job. A score of contractors have se cured sub-contracts and now dirt Is flying thick and fast from Vale to Riverside, 80 miles west More Labor Ooold Be Triad Railroad laborers seem to be scarce. Several hundred more could be used on the Oregon Eastern today. Although during the past week laborers, In squads of 26 to 75, have been coming to Vale, contractors say they are not coming in fasti enough. The extent ofthe work even in the Vale material yards, which are now be ing made ready to receive the ties and steel rails due here, la shown by the fact that Construction Engineer Osborn has a standing order for 200 men to handle right along the material that will be shipped here, beginning the first of the week. Thirty-nine miles of roadbed on the trans-Oregon line west of Vale la al ready completed and grading work is being pushed with nearly 1000 men from mll post St to Riverside at mile post SO. So well are operations going that higher officials have Just announced train service will be put on as far as the big tunnel at mile poat 39 thla fall.'.' ' The Vale-Dog Mountain division of 189 miles may be completed within a year. . - Tunnel xs 10 er Cent Bone. The 2600 foot funnel Js now 10 per eent completed. A BOO horsepower com pressor left yesterday for thla tunnel and will be need for the generating of eleotrlo power to drive the drilla and provide lights for the night shifts that are to be put on at once. The second tunnel, at mile post 39, la three-quarters completed. Crews are now building brlages be tween the big tunnel and this city, two large steel spans', 'one at mile post 13 and the other at mile post 14. A pile bridge is being erected across Bully creek and another bridge gang is erect ing spans across the Miller and Hog creeks. ftoadB Built for rreightlng. For the freighting of the heavy ma terial and supplies to the canyon camps, new wagon roads have had to be built. The one at Juntura, 60 miles west of Vale, has Just been completed, and the road gang has been started on a neW wagon road from Juntura to RlversUe, SO miles further west. The freighting has been heavy and since the rush or ders over 60 freighting outfits have been leaving the Vale headquarters ev ery morning. Corey's crew, one of the largest sub contractors on the Job, left yesterday The only embarrassment the average for mile posts 73, 74 and 76, where man ever feels is of the financial branl MONTAMARA WEEK LURES THOUSANDS TO CONVINCE MORE PHYSICIANS On Saturday. May 4. 1912. an Invita tion was extended to Vhs physicians of San Francisco through the evening Bul letin and Kvenlnsr FOst to check ud the results In a case of Diabetes alleged to oe mouraoie Dy tne dooks. rour years ago one or tne nest Ban ranclsco hoSDitals failed In th case. When the natlent gof so weak he could King Tahomra II and Queen Hazel Enter City Today to Rule. t (United Pre ttaias Wlra.1 Tacoma, Wash., July 1. Rain could not dampen the enthusiasm of Tacoma and thousands of visitors here for the week of the Montamara Festo and the entrance of King Tahoma II and Queen Hazel this afternoon was the signal for a tremendous crowd upon the streets. The automobile floral parade, ending with a name or roses at Wright Park, was a most beautiful spectacle. The parade was followed by a band concert at the park and this evening the great stadium wlir witness the first of the productions of the "Conquest of Mexico," in which nearly 1000 persons win participate. The carnival will continue until July 6. winding up with the big automobile races on the new speedway on the prairie. f 5UNNS B. & N. TONIC K perfect vttaliser that restores lost vigor to aU organs of the body. Replaces lose from slckne... unaaemly 0fc!ot Me a box. Stores or mall Writefor proot ttr. Bosaake Co., Philadelphia, re. Every Woman sComplexion Is bound Co show whether or riot she is in good physical condition. If the complexion is muddy, the skin sallow; if pimples or skin blemishes appear it is then attention must be given to improve the bodily condition.. There is one -safe 'and simple " way. Clear the system and purify te blood with a few doses of This well JcnownS'egetable family remedy is famous for its power to improve the action of the organs of digestion and elimination. They will regulate . the bowels, stimulate tie liver, tone the stomach and yon wUl know what it is to be free from troubles, from headaches, backaches, lassitude, and extreme nervousness. " They will make you feel healthier and stronger in every way; ; By clearing your system of poisonous waste BeechamV Klls will have good effect upon your looks hese they Will Beautify-and Improve '1lraetiwlth aTrrba reof spatial valaa as! importance to waeaeav' they will take the Riverside 'end of the present work. Few people outside of Vale are aware of the amount of work being done on the new trans-Oregon line and before people at large know Jt the Harriman people will have connected their Coos Bay and Southern Paciflo lines In this short transcontinental combination. (United Press Lue4 Wlre.t San Francsco, July 1. That C. M. Laurler, nephew of former Premier Laurler of Canada, Is here from his home In Ottawa for the purpose of wed ding a San Francisco girl, Js believed to be revealed today in a report of the Canadian that he was robbed of $490 In the cafe section of the city. JJhe young man gave the name of "J. Lau rler" to the police, but says he' is the former -premier's nephew. He confided to a number of attaches of his hotel here that he was planning for a secret wedding- here today. It was while see ing the sights of the "Barbary coast" with the clerk at his hotel that Laurler missed his pocketbook. Laurler is 26 years old and says he is a counselor at law In Ottawa, Sink ii.hi a I I i. a. Federation Convention at San . Francisco Divided on Bal . lot Problems. ASTORIA AND NORTH BEACH hardly walk they told htm dieting was all that' could be done. He took Fulton's Diabetic Compound and recovered and has been actively in business ever since. Recently the symptoms returned. His hyslcian reported sugar ana that th labetes was on mm again. We told him we had known it to be controlled the second time. He. started again on the Diabetic Comoound. In order that doubters might be convinced we made arrangements ror pnysieians Who be aDie to and gavethem his address and invited them through the Bulletin and Post to make their own tests week by week, so that they could see the sugar disappear. What does tnis mean ii results cannot be had In these cases? It is cruel to hold patients to failure on Codeln (con taining opium which locks up secre tions) when recoveries are being had by the use of a mild Infusion (without sedatives), the motive of which is to help the liver oxidize the sugars and starches. (Recoveries are rare in young people, but in patients past middle Ufa we look for good results as a general . . Fulton s uiaoeiic tompoura can De had at druggists. Ask for pamphlet or write to John J. Fulton Company, San Francisco. Druggists supplied by Clarke, Woodard Drug Co., and Blu-mauer-Frank Drug Co. TU the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers "T. J. Potter" "Hassalo" Aim "Harvest Queen" TOOK ASK BTBEET DOCK STEAMER "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland at 10:30 p. m. (daily except Sunday and Mbaday) arriving Astoria 6:00 a, m..and Megler at :30 a. m. Returning leaves A$toria daily except Sunday Monday and Tuesday at 7:00 a. m., Megler at 9:30 a. m., arriving Port land 4:30 p. m. On Sunday, leaves Astoria 7:00 a. m., Megler 9:00 p. m-, arriving Portland at 5:30 a. m., Monday. STEAMER "HASSALO" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 a. m., Saturday at 1 p. m., arriving Astoria 1:30 p, m., Megler 2:lS p. m. On Saturday arriving Megler 6:30 p. m. Re turning leaves Megler daily except Saturday and Sunday at 2:45 p. m., arriving Portland 10 p. m. Sunday leaves Megler 9:00 p. m., arriving Portland 5:30 a. m. . STEAMER "HARVEST QUEEN" leaves Portland daily (except Saturday and Sunday) at 8:00 p. m., Saturday at 10 p. m. for Astoria and way landings. Returning leaves Astoria daily except Sunday at 7:00 a. m., arriving Portland 6:00 p. m. EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Meals i la carte) Trains meet all boats at Megler for North v Beach points Astoria $1.50 I Saturday-to-Monday tickets 3.00 North Beach Season tickets 4.00 I Five-ride Round-trip tickets 15.00 One-day River Trip, Portland to Megler and return 200 Stateroom reservations can be made at Ash-street Dock or CITY TICKET OFFICE THIRD AND WASHINGTON STREETS. PORTLAND NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCURSION FARES FOURTH of JULY To points within 200 miles. TickeU July 2, 3, 4. Return July 5. MONTAMARA FESTO And Automobile Races, Tacoma Tickets June 30, July 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Return July 7. ELKS GRAND LODGE A National Gath ering, Portland. Ifickets July 7 to 10. Return July 15 Return through Seattle July 22. GOLDEN POTLATCH Carnival of Pleas ure. Seattle. v Tickets July 15 to 19. Return July 22 ' r Tickets, Berth Reservations, Full Information. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 255 Morrison, corner. 3d, Portland. Phones Main 244, A-1244. Summer Eastbound Excursion TicketsV On ' sale for numerous t ; dates to . September 30. " " DTCharlton, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. (United Press Lsssod Wlro.) San Francisco, July 1. Although auf frage and religion have been tabooed aubjecta before the General Federation of Women' Cluba and h state cluba affiliated with It heretofore. It la large ly upon the question of vote, for wo men that the presidency la to be decided at the eleventh biennial convention of the federation In session here today. The fight for suffrage Is being made an Issue by Mrs. Philip Carpenter of Tonkers, N. Y.. who la opposing Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker of Texas for the presidency. Mrs. Carpenter Is strongly In favor of suffrage, while, It Is argued, Mrs. Pennybacker haa taken no- decisive stand on the subject, and in Texas was at one time opposed to It It Is also being urged that the election of Mra. Pennybacker would hurt California's chances of getting a general federation president for some years to come. Today's program before the -conven tion waa devoted largalr to oonaarva tion. Many interesting papert on for ests, water, Boll, tarmlng 'ano. -gooa roads were read and discussed. , , The election of areneral federation of ficers will be held Wednesday. July I. PASTOR KNOX, ACCUSED ; BY WIFE, EXONERATED ' : BY FELLOW MINISTERS ,s (Special to The Joomst) i Marshfteld, Or., July 1. Rer. ". , J. T. M. Knox, former pastor of j the Multifield Presbyterian,. church, whoa divorce caaa atv tracted a good deal of attention .4 a few weeks ago, haa bean ex- ' onerated by thagcrathern Oregon." Presbytery, according to advice received here by the members . . of the church. Mr. Knox ra - .. signed from the pastorate in this city when hla family trou- bles started. He sued for a dl-' e ' : vorce from Delia V. Knox, and 1 : she filed a cross bill, charging -s drunkenness and other faults. The clerk of thet presbtery baa announced to the local congrega tion that the case waa thorough ly Investigated and that It waa found Mr. Knot was not -at fault 1 ' Fourteen per centof the area of Lon don la free from buildings, while Berlin has 10 per cent free apace and Paris but four and jme-half per cent THE HOW WILL YOU SPEND 4lffilL O.-W.H&N. . EXCURSION MATES ' TO BONNEVILLEL . : t HZ CASCADE LOCKS BRIDAL VEIL HOOD RIVER AND MANY OTHER POINTS SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Portland Union Depot 9 a. m., returning leaves Hood River. 5:30 p. m., arriving Portland S;30 p. m,, thus giving a full day of pleasure. For particulars : CITY TICKET OFFICE THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS , PORTLAND Special Excursion' 0 II Portland to Tacoma and Return , '..'..rc-j. (Montaiara Fcslo) : Tickets on "sale Junf 0, July 2, 3, 4. Good for return on any Greardortherri train up to and in cluding midnight of July 5. 3--Tiis JDaily--3i Leave Portland (Eleventh and Hoyt Sts. Depot) 10 a. m., 5 p. m., 12:15 midnight - Tickets, parlor car seats and berths at City Ticket Office, 122 Third Street, and at Depot' t : H. DICKSON, C P. & P. A. . Telephone Marshall 307-2286. PTr A ', ' ' Sold everywlMfe. fa boxes 10 2S - . 1 ; !