The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 01, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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- v r t r - - 1
iufl Si!
Thousands Gather to Partici
pate in Dedicatory Service,
-Conducted by Archbishop
Christie -and Many Priests.
" -v.- (Speeisl to Tbt Journal.) . -Mount
Ansel, Or., July, 1. Yesterday
was s. irrest 4jtJ?etlfefteapIJtM9untl
Angel. The new - $100,00a Catholic
church,1 which represents four years Of
labor, and '-unbounded sacrifice on- tho
- part of hundreds , of church workers,
. was dedicated to the worship of God.
The ceremony attracted thousands of
peoplte, fully 1000- coming from Fort-
- land alone.
As the special trains discharged their
great burdens of humanity local so
cieties were largely represented la re
ception committees, A procession, led
by the city hand, marched to the church,
, where the dedicatory service was con
ducted by Archbishop Christie, assisted
by a number of priests.
Nearly ! 8000 persons entered the
church, as the great doors swung open.
Chimes in the towers pealed, the band
. on the outside played sacred melody, the
choir inside sang, and many hundreds
of electrlo lights on the altars and
..throughout - the church burst Into -a
blase. Every seat, every aisle and every
bench in the church, from gallery to
. sanctuary' falling, was taken up by the
gathering of - worshipers and many
waited outside..
Many rrUsts la iwrioe.
Right Rev. Father Plactdus, who was
pastor ' of St Mary's - parish tor ten
years, " and who inaugurated construc
tion of the new church, celebrated the
pontifical mass. He was assisted by
Right Rev.-Prior Adelheim, who found
ed the parlBh SO years ago. Rew Arthur
' Lane, of Albany, acted ' as deacon of
the mass,' and Father Boniface, O. S. B.,
r as aubdeacon, Deacons of honor to
Archbishop Christie were Father Berch
told, of St Joseph's church, Portland,
i and Father Wand, of Ontario.
- Following the dedicatory service din
ner was served the visitors. In the
i- afternoon' the crowd gathered in the
city park for a picnic, the program in
: eluding addresses by Archbishop Chris
tie, Governor West, Judge Kavanaugh
and Dr. Harry Lane of Portland. The
Mount Angel band gave a sacred con
cert ;,:-'"''' - - '- -
The magnificent church was designed
by and constructed under the super
vision of Engelbert Qier, a member of
' the parlshwho before coming to Mount
J Angel had much - experience In church
bulldina- in the east and the middle
Magnificent House of Worship,
The - church la built entirely of
' pressed cement and brick. The outer
walla and all visible masonry are con
structed of cement brtek, giving the
building -a pleasing appearance. The
" modern 'gotnl6style of architecture IS
has a width of 63 feet in the main body,
The acoustic properties have been found
to be perfect-
"The most striking feature of the
y church is the windows! There are 25
of them and their cost waa $10,000.
r come were roaao la rrnuun., iu mwu
' ceilings and arches inside are richly
. decorated with gold, harmonised with
AthMt Anlnra-J' Thar -are flv altars and
the sanctuary has more than IB statues,
A representation of the crucifixion, life
size, surmount the main altar.
A tower 200. feet high rises above
. the church- and- contains a clock with
six-foot dials and a set of chimes.
rjresham Is to be "safe and sans'
; next Thursday as the committee in
"Charge "of preparations for the "Fourth
celebration has so decreed. The com'
mtttee is composed of three officers
and directors of the Multnomah County
r Fair association ana me proceeas win
ge into the funds of the association
- The commutes is Louis tShattuck, presi
dent of the association;.!). M. Roberts
and F. O. Kardell secretary.
In the morning there will be the
patrlotlo program with speeches by W,
W. Cotton and Virgil 0. Hinshaw,
: prominent Portland attorneys. At this
tiros there will also be athletic sports
r.r.of all kinds, a ball game between the
fast FalrTtew and Meter & Frank teams
In which Tommy Townsend, the speedy
southpaw, will pitch for Falrview, and
a drill and water fight by the Gresham
fire companies. This latter with the
. old fashioned greased pig .contest will
furnish the comedy features. A para.
' chute dron will also be made.
The afternoon will be devoted to
-some claBsy trotting, pacing and run
r... nlng races under the direction of the
Oresharn-Rlverslde Amustment xlub, an
offshoot of the Riverside Driving club.
..The races., will be held on the 'fair
-- grounds track and $1000 in cash prises
, has been hun up for the winners.
....... Dances will be held both afternoon
- and -evening a"d the be.nd will play
""""Troth tlhie to time durine the entire
' day; Vlth the exception of the races
and dancing everything will be free to
ell and the fair grounds will be thrown
open to the crowds.
(TJnltM Press Leased Wire.)
; Chicago, July 1. A writ authorising
, the selsure of the diamond necklace
which the government' alleges that Jack
Johnson, the fighter, smuggled into the
country, was issued today by Federal
Judge Carpenter The government de
manded 126,(1)9 from the pugilist and
tie asked the authorities If they would
iner WOUm
offer was declined and a warrant fot
his arrest was issued several days ago.
Pensions Awarded Veterans.
- Washington, Julr 1. the following
pension bills" 1 1ntroduced by Senator
Bourne have passed both houses, carry
in the amount as -eta ted:
Robersoa. Ford. Portland, $1$; Henry
If. Brlnkley, Airlie. $30;- Mjs, Uydla
Plank. Portland. $13; Martin J. Tun-
nsy, Woodstock, $60; William . Kenoyer, i
Portland. $30; Thomas Costs, Bandon,
$!4; Noah A. Decker, .McMlnnvllle, $fl',
Jtsos If.' Conrad, Waldport, $34.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
in m m
Commercial ClUb : IndOrSeS-L
$100,000 Idea of W.J. Wil
seyii Portland, for Grading
i , and Paving
iHrmMs.T tnTIm Journal. I I
XT.v r.j A i m-
Bend at the same time and under one
contract, and to secure a $100,000 hotel
for the city, is the plan now-being con
sidered by the cltlsens.' The Idea was
presented by W. J. Wllsey of Portland,
at la smoker given in his bonor(,at the
Commercial club; Mr. Wllsey is held in
nign regard in this city because or his
work in securing a railroad for Coos
Bay, being one of the promoters of the
Sumner line, which was sold to the
Southern Pacific. .
Mr.. Wllsey and his associates have
large real estate holdings In this city
and he came here to give approval of
the plans of making public improve
ments. Mr. Wllsey, however, suggested
that instead of .paving one street at a
time, the whole business section be
graded and paved" and - otherwise im
proved and under one big contract,
which it is estimated would cost $100,
000. .
The Commercial club prepared a reso
lution, which was signed by the mem
bers, approving the plan. A . petition
will be circulated ' and signatures se
cured and the city council will be asked
to carry out the project It i neces
sary to make many changes' of grade
to, conform with -the building of, the
railroad through the city. The people
also approve other betterments to keep
up with the progress which is expected
will be brought by the start of railroad
construction. Mr. Wllsey told the Com
mercial club he was almost certain he
could secure a $100,000 .hotel for North
Bend. , V
North Bend. Or., July 1. For the im
mediate establishment of a railroad
construction camp, the first shipment
of material and equipment, left North
Bend Saturday. It consisted of a large
scowload of tents, provisions and all
heeds for the building of the first of
the camps at this end of the Eugene-
Coos Bay railroad line. The camp is
to be established on the Rexln ranch,
above North inlet. This will be a small
camp, which will be used as headquar
ters and will bet the home of the men
who will have charge of the establish
ment of the large construction camps.
North Bend Is to be the distributing
point for McArthur Bros., Perks $ Co.,
the general contractors, and the first
camp is reached by way of North inlet.
All the material and machinery will be
transported from this city, by scows on
the -inlet. The departure of the first
shipment was an occasion of much in
terest lh North Bend and It marks the
beginning of actual work on the long
lookdforallroad-4e;"Coa Bay, .
Something new for this city in the
way of horaeracing will be shown at
the Country club track, Thursday, July
4, and which will be part of the day's
program for a noiseless celebration.
The main features of the affair at the
Country club grounds will be chariot
racing and Roman standing races.'
The chariot races are not to be like
those seen at the conclusion of a circus
performance, but are to be participated
In by blooded animals especially trained
for the purpose. These horses are hold
ers of several world s championship
prizes. Animals, chariots and drivers
are now on their way from Pasadena
CaU to this city, and are expected to
arrive within a few hours;
Six heats are to- be run in the chariot
contests. Each heat will be a mile
long. The drivers of the animals ex
pects to break the lr owiirecords on
the Country club track. E. F. Kohler,
of Pasadena will have charge of the
racing strati1. .
Charles X). Daggett, president of the
Pasadena Rose Fete, is responsible for
the revival of this exciting sport. In
1994, while hunting for new features
to bring the people of Pasadena during
the fete, hit upon the plan of having
these races. They were a success at
that time, they have been included as
part of the program of the Pasadena
Rose Fete each year. x
A. J. Stanley, of Los Angeles, who
Is the proud possessor of many prises
for racing events, has entered in the
Roman standing race. ' These novel
features of the Country club grofnJs
expect to draw a large proportion of the
Fourth of July crowds.
Miss Marguerite S. Taylor, 29 years,
haying reached Portland but a few days
ago from Salt Lake City, on a Visit to
her sweetheart, died at the Good Samar
itan lilspltal early yesterday morning.
Heart trouble was ihe cause of her
death. Her mother. Mrs. E. W. Tsylor,
was at the bedside at the time of her
death, having been here a day and a
Shortly before the young woman died
she asl'.ed fnr some lilies of the valley.
The flowers were brought to her Just
before she passed away. Miss Taylor
arrived in Portland last week to see
her sweetheart. James O. Convill, who
is employed by tha city park board,
on the Peninsula. Mr. Convill has been
at her side almost constantly. The
couple were to have been married soon.
Shortly after arriving In this city, the
I vnnrtp wnmnn waa rAmnvM in fh Iim.
hous. .t 62 East fir
nd street,' where she had been staying.
Miss Taylor's father is Edward W.
Taylor, general manager of the Aetna
Fire Insurance company for the state
of Utah, and a well known manufac
turer of Salt Lake Clty.
The body Iwas taktn-,"to the Skewes
Undertaking parltfrs, yesterday, and is
now being prepared for shipment to
her, home.
L Jackson Sold to Seattle,
San Francisco, July 1 First Base
man Jackson of the San Francisco Coast
League baseball team was today sold
e4ght4vhfetlerBlj rjr,tr!J
Northwestern league,
Reservations from far -east as
New York'1 have already arrived .-for
"The Bridge of the Gods," the great
spectacular production to be shown at
Multnomah tield Monday, July 8, and
WtfrtnMilav Tlllv 10 : . ..- '
A tourist agency baa reserved several
nlng to be In the city Elks' week, two
Elk lodges have wired for. reservations
and a .party of le-persons has wired
from St Paul for accommodations.
This, taken in. conjunction with the'
heavy local demand, although the seat
sale has not yet opened at Rowe &
MartlrtH nMiQni fnr "Tha Rrldsre 'of
.. ....i m i
line UOQ8 a SUCCesa inai wiu pwr mou
Festival. 'Week.
vIfveix member of the original cast has
been engaged and this morning full
daily rehearsals were commenced, not
only fir the" production next week, but
In anticipation of -the long trip on the
road, General Manager Wlristock do-,
claw that it is his opinion that the
production this time will be fully 100
per cent better than the Rose Festival
performances. : ...
Accordlng to a. .German investigator
the artificial lakes that have been con
structed at several places In his-country
decreases the temperature appre
ciably and cause an Increase in the
Trtntrbw of foggy days.
For Rent at Attractive Rates.
Tilford Bnildinff, Tenth and Morrison
All shades for sale. All kinds of work
made to order. Mrs. C. A. Ppauldlng, Vir
ginia and Nevada sts. Take tuiton car.
THe Oregon Law qn Advertising
An. pnon, wbo in a neiriraiper or other
lerlodlcal, or in public earertlaenwnt. or oy
etter or circular, knowingly make, or din-
emlnates anr statement or aertlon concern.
Inc the quantity or quality, the value, tbe
merchandise, or the motive or purpose of anr
price, the .tnetnwl of producing or manufac
ture of hli merchandla or professional work,
oTtlieTBnei or source of porehaae of such
sale which la nntrne or calculated to misleail.
shall be. deemed rnllty of a misdemeanor, and
on conrictlon thereof shall be punished br a
fine of not less than $10 nor more than $50,
or h.r Imprisonment In the county tail not ex.
feeding 30 davs, or by both such fine and Itu.
Tirlsnnment. (L. 1900. e. 104. D. 1S4).
The attention of advertisers, wbo nee "The
Journal," as well as that of the public, Is dl
rected to the above section from tbe Oregon
Code entering adrertlslng.
"The Journal" makes the same ratel on dt
nlar tdTertisini to all advertisers. In propoc
tlrm to the space nsed, and does not make
"fish of one" advertiser end "flesh of an
nthpr.'' hrlleTlnv one cUSS. or profession, in.
dividual, or corporation baa "equal rights" to
adrertlie aa In other thlugs. and should do
n fti th same terms end conditions.
"The Journal" believes that It is no jcrlme
to advertise.
Readers of "The Journal." answering sdver
flsements appearing In this paper, are re.
queoted to report In writing anr failure on the
part of the advertiser to do as he advertises,
and If the complaint is well founded, that ad-
vertmer will D aeniea sccess to inese eoiumun,
as has Wn done In the past, and If the ad-
vefttsrt'i sets r In violation of the law he
will be snblect to prosecution.
There are no advertisers using these columns
against whom complaints nave neea maae r.v
onr readers, snd when complaints are made
prompt attention will be given to them.
- O, a. JACKSON, Publisher,
- - - In ffet -April 1, 1H.
Dally or Sunday.
1 time. So ner line.
I consecutive times. So per Una per In
sertion. - '
S or more consecutive times, Te per lint
per insertion, or 7 insertions for pries
or o.
No ad counter! for less than 3 lines.
The above rates apply to "New To
day" and all other classifications, ex
cept Situations Wanted, To Rent and
Wanted to Kent ads. ,
Situations Wanted. To Rent and
Wanted To Rent ads (Apartments and
Hotels excepted), the rates are
n ner Una first Insertion.
4c per line each subsequent insertion.
NO aa tssen ior less man ic.
1 time, lOe per line.,
t consecutive times, o per line per
insertion. -7
or more consecutive times, to per line
ppr insertion.
The above rates apply to "New Today"
and all other classifications, except
"Situations Wanted, To Rent ana
Wanted to Rent" ads.
Situations Wanted, To Rent and
Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and
Hotels excepted) the rate Is 7o per 11ns
per insertion.
No ad charged for less than two lines
or lBo.
Contract rates upon application. A
phone call will bring a solicitor.
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
Title & Trust company, Lewis, bldg.,
4th and Oak.
W. i. Knight and wife to Homer
A. Lewis, lot 25, block 6, Reser
voir Park
Alameda Land Co. to N. O. Her
ring, lot 14, block 36. Alameda
Park ,
Romulus B. Carey and wife to
Mabel L. Becker, lots 29. and
80, block 10, Peninsular addi
tion Mary E. Leet and husband to Ar
thur M. Chamberlain. , lot 12,
block 6, Woodlawn
James C. Howard to R. C.
Loucks. lots 30 and 31. block
2, Mansfield
H. G. Rice and wife to C. E.
Preston, lot 16. block 40. Irv
lngton r...
Peter Jacobsen and wife to Gost
. Q. Kastanea et al. lot 3, tract
"E," Northrtip Acres
Glen Harbor Realty Co. to Nlo
Kosefer, lot 60. block 1. Glen
Harbor '
Joveph D. Nellan and wife to
Joseph Rudolph; lot 9, block 9,
Phillip Wlrzburger and wife to
Daniel l)anlelson et al, lots 29
to 32. block i. Monticello ad
dition F. H. Lewis et n to Frances J.
Pierson, lots 29 and 30. block
1, Glen Harbor
L. B. Menefee et 1 to H. E.
Monroe, lot . block 6, Fair
mount addition
Dora Robertson, administratrix
estate Matilda Crawford, to
same, lot 3, block 7, Mayor
G addition
S. S. Kingery and wife to Mallssa
J. (.aimns, west ,$ lot is, block
8, Southport 2,000
William Banschbach. and wife to
D. Masterman. lot 2. block 60.
Arista Land company to Lucy A.
Eaton, lots 8, 9. block 2, El
berta A. Vester and wife to H. E. Slio-
1 rrrrr. lot 18. east lot 19,
block 56, University .Park. . : .
L. O. Pickel and wife to C. E.
Whitney, lot 8, block 6, Span
tons addition
Portland Masonic Cemetery com
pany to Cathrlne. -Osmund, lot
130. section 1, Greenwood ceme
tery R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to George
Owens, lots 13, 14,' 15. block
6, Bertha . . . .;.,. .
Harry W. Crawford to Harriet
E. Crawford, wife, undivided
V, lota 12. 13. 14, block 3. Wind
sor Heights
L. A. Kinsman to F.. L. Swain,
lots 37 to 40. block 23, Fair
port k'
XUlea-A wlwi-M-4Mrbefi -e-Tr
'wick . etajsier Ner,- ir aaanioa t 'otf
W. Wade, lots 9, 16, At, 13.
Title Guarantee & Trust com
pany to 'Louis Sedsast, east
16 2-S feet, lot 8, west ly2-3 -feet
lot 9, block 8. MaUory ad
dition ............. .' 700
Glen Harbor Realty company to-i
Dan Marx, lot 10, blocK Z.
R. M. Lombard'and wife to Wjl-
Mara Cannon.: lot 10. blocks,
Hancock street addition...... 163
X 11.. GJeland et si to Margaret '
Hoeber, lot 4, blookv2, MaUory
addition ... 4.000
Mary . 13. Rust to Orson Hiram j- --
Fay, lots a ana 12, tiocx i,
Smlthson and Co.'s addition. ..$ 600
W. R. HAIZL1P CO., Inc. Abstractots,
oOa Qrllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts.
jrj Huiiinutuui council nur
k : .. Arcanum meeta ; at K. P.
MIL 11th arid Alder streets.
H cthe second and fourth Monday
aj-C.tF" each month at 8 p., m.
vAKSh Viaitom rordlflllv . wolrnmiil.
jUayd-Cover.socretay. t TJnloH av:
R. N. A, Ore. Rose" Camp, "meets Fri.
eve.. Allwky hall, $d and Morrison.
John Durand, corner Main street and
Union avenue, 26, Marlon Robinson, 24,
Ray Van Leon, 684 Flanders street,
30, Becca Tennson 18. j
Dean Hawkins, '93 Union avenue,
20, Ruth Murray 19. -
Gorge Bhinn, St. Helens, Or, 11,
Ida Wyss, 18.
Frank Collins. 404 Oak street, 87,
Carrie Robeck,- 20. - -
F. E. Mlssiam, Seaside Or.. 21, Daisy
Ostrow, 20.
E. J. Chapman, 1214 Clinton street,
21: Anna Wood, 18.
7 Roben WintersteTn, 429 Tenth street,
tl, Delma Ervin, 23. . .
Percy Fuller; 518 Railway Exchange
building, 45r Elenor Selvlg, 28.
.Oscar Johnson. 6817 Forty-eeeond
avenue, S. E., 26, Elizabeth Gauze, 26.
William Netherton, Bull Run, Or., 48,
Stella Sumner, 36.
Robert Beach. Twenty-eighth and
Glisan streets, 31, Elizabeth Redd way,
26. - .
B. O. Anestad, 701 H Vaughn street,
28r Llna Sandvald 24.
Farnsworth Teeter, Aodenwaeo, Or,
23. Anna Kalzcr, 18.'
Jomes Pappas, 43 H North Sixth
street, 34, Salomle Leorgopoulas, 27.
Frank Grohs. 101 East Thirteenth
street, 21, Ethel Hull, 19. .
Fenrhyn Wantner, 1626 Haven street,
24. Mabel Wilson, 24.
Cecil smith, Sixth and Davis streets,
27, Laura Sanford, 27.
Hennig Duhme, 668 Market street,
2-8, Sophie Glode, 28.
Adolph Schleue, 774 Maryland ave
nue, 21, H Roepke, 18.
Carl Kihl, 26 Clarendon street, An
toine Hansen, 36.
Chuck Wing Moy, 233 Second street,
23, Wong Yet Fong, 18.
Samuel Cooper, 212 Eleventh street,
26, Hazel Robertson, 26.
F. O. Relchle. 42S Butte street, 42,
Christine Lexa, 35.
P. R. Mahan, 309 Russell street. SO,
EvaAdamS, 26. .
W., G, Smith & Co, ca
Washington bldg., cor. 4th, -on Wash'ton
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique
Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st.
CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers
and floral designs. 289 Morrison st.
LIMATo Mr. and Mrs. V. Lima, 681
E. 18th, June 19, a girl.
CHESTER To Mr. and Mrs. William
. Chester,. 1475 Wall, June ,17, a boy. -
HOFFMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hoffman. 789 Mississippi ave.A June
12, a boy. ' -
APPE-To Mr. and Mrs.. George Appe,
95 Morris, June 22. a girl.
MORRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mor
ris, 661 Locust, June 26, a boy.
WILSON To Mr. and Mrs. James Wil
son. 18 30th -St.. June 16, a girL
HUNTLEI To Mv and -Mrs. -Arthur
Huntley, 1756 Portsmouth ave June
25 a boy.
GROESBECK To Mr. and Mrs. Bobert
Groesbeck, 685 78th, June 27, a boy.
ELY-r-In this qlty, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. H. M. Williamson, 120
East Twenty-sixth, street, June 29, Jane
Wellington Ely, aged 94 years, 7 months
and 21 days. Funeral will take place
from the parlors of the East Side Fun
eral Dlrctorsrt4--EBtAider and East
Sixth streets, Tuesday. July 2, 2 p. m.
Friends respectfully invited.. Services
private. River View cemetery.
HUGHES Charles Hughes, 705 Wygant
st. june zs, agea be; tuberculosis,
OANTENBEIN Dolph Gantenbein, TO
hi. 6th st.. June 28. aee 3 vears.
HORTON Mary Horton, 1190 Burrag
ave., June za, age o; apoplexy.
MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141H 6th st,
; in Belling Diag., Main tzik ,-.
J, P, Finley. & Son
Third and Madison.
Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1599.
ing k McEntee Modfn
detail. . 7th and Pine. Main 430.
A-4558. Lady assistant.
MR. EDWARD HOLM AN,- the leading
funeral director and undertaker 220
aa st;; cor. Baimon; lany assistant.
EAST SIDE funeral directors, success
or to'F. S. Dunning-, Inc. E. 62. B-2525.
Undertaker, Lady assistant.
B-1888,- B-781. 10. 6th-AIder.
HEMSTOCK, 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71, R
1122: and Untvers. Park. Col. 894-895.
PArenn Cn "unerol directorsTSS
rearson bOi S7i Russen st e. ioso.
rDIOOAIil -Undertaking Co7
LniOOUl 61S3. A-2238. Lady
OTTO SCHUMANN, granite, marble
works. East 8d and Pine. East 742.
bIronomanary company.
Oround-Floor Lewis Bid. M, and A-174S.
McKay Bldg.
832 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652.
212-13 Board of Trade. M. and A-MfO.
Grand ave and Mult. E. 67, O-1708.
105 Gerllngpr Bids;.
J. H.
Main 8430.
Must leave on account of health: 100
xlOO, on graded St., cement walk; 2
houses, rent 818: 100x205. imnroved. 4
room house, rent $7.60; plenty of fruit,-
fraaea street, ouxiuu on improvea et.,
blocks from carllne; residence dis
trict. Also an Investment which pays
over 60 per cent. Guaranteed. Set your
own price. Phone Columbia 459, or ad
dress 0-489, Journal.
FOR SALE Three modern houses, ono
on E. Morrison near 87th St.; two on
E. Madison and 48th St., price $285
$2900. Easy terms. Owner 1356 E.
Madison st. -Tabor 8934,
$360 EQUITY, rest easy payments, lot,
26x100, 4 rooms, -basement, toilet,
lights, fruit trees. 1228 Mall st Wood
stock ear.
LA UR ELHURST "bargain,"' new 2rBtory,
7 rooms, best location; younewn price;
easy terms; part trade. Phone B-8109
BRAND new S room bungalow for sale
cheap If sold at once. '395 E. Lombard.
WoodJawn 1394.
FOR quick sale, 2 room house and lot.
Woodlawn 2498.
, , m wt vi .i.e.
Jarrett st.
$200 puts you In possession of new,
modern 4 room bungalow. See H. R.
Iruwbridger 801-WHew-bWy
DAN0Y '8 room plastered house on car
line, $1000, cash, Call Tabor $671.
I have a NEW, 7 ROOM, full I etory
home. GOOD VIEW. 60x100 foot lot.
On car line, PAVED STREET. This
house is strictly modern. HARDWOOD
FURNACE., Buffet, Dutch kitchen,. All J
me cumin conveniences, z sets oi sua
tng doors, large rooms, sleeping porch,
, ".TERMS $100 CASH. ,
. ... , ' - . . s .
Price, t500. This is an unusual op
portunity and it will pay you to inves
tigate. -- Phone- Tabor 2334 Sunday or
Tooor 3131 Monday;
$7250 7 room modern house, stone tiirma
310,000 8 rooms, stone, first Story,
hardwood floors, every; convenience, on
Ladd eve. '. .r , N .
. $17,600 - Large residence, mission
style, on corner, more than quarter bile,
thoroughly, modern, with beautiful out
look.' ' '. - :y
$18,500- 11 room stone house, new and
handsomely, finished, on corner. ,
All street Improvements in and paid;
14 foot alleys in- rear. t-
, H. P. PALMER-JONE8 CO.. - "
4ry "Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. A-2653.
!i so mi
SI 5 Per, 7 -Pcr Cent
On Mt. Tabor carj buys a 6 room bun
galow; fireplace; all built in conveni
ences, etc.; improved street and paid.
Price $2660; pay the commission to
yourself. , : v
F. S. Hallock, owner, 609 McKay bldg.
FOR SALE Five room bungalow, E.
20th st., between Emerson and Kll
llngsworthf large attlo which can be
fitted up for two large rooms; hardwood
floors in .hall, parlor and dining room.
Dutch kitchen, beam celling and china
closet in dining room; fireplace and
bookcases in parlor; all rooms tinted;
extra good plumbing, gas and electricity;
easy terms.- E. H. Guisness, owner, 72
W. Alberta st Phone C-2260. E. 6096.
6 room modern bungalow completely
furnished, garage, cement floor,- walks
and steps; raspberries, strawberries,
blackberries and Loganberries, garden
and fruit trees; $800, balance $2900, at
$30 per month, or will exchange for
acreage in 10 mile circle. Go to 1458
Fern st., block of Woodlawn car, and
talk to owner; no agents; will give
possession Aug. 1. .-
Buys a 7 room house on Dana street,
near Wlnchell, 1 block to car; price
$2250. ;
82 Fourth St
HAVE a nice. comDlete. modern 6 room
bungalow, which I, will sell on month
ly Installments of $16, with interest at
7 per cent, or will take in exenange a
rood chean lot as first payment: no
matter how little you have paid on lot.
This Is a double constructed up-to-date
home, and the price only $2850. .
603 Gerllnger Bldg.
Rose City Park
$260 down. $18 month, snap, $2200
buys a dandy 6 room modern Suburban
bungalow, 1 block to car, sightly, level
lot, fine for garden ana cnicnens. juy
It todav. It's new and readv for occu
pancy. Just right for young married.
Phone owner toaqy. iapor jviq.
Will Build to Suit
I will build a home accrrding to your
own plana jri anylot and sell on terms
like rent. Contract work solicited and
satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Tabor
626 or Tabor 3052 evenings.
46th and Madison, No. 1824 Madison,
1 block from car, lot 834110, 6 rooms,
new. Improvements paid, fine light fix
tures, owner In house, Just moved in.
$500 cash. B-S87. Journal.
Corner East 24th and Tillamook sts.,
shade and fruit trees; all street im
provements in and paid; 9 room house,
faces east Price $7600.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699. A-2658.
7 rooms, - built-in bookcases, buffet,
ftrenlace. furnace. - National Realty &.
Trust Co., 728. Chamber of Commerce.
fhone Main 51 z. -- -
8 ROOMS and bath, modern, lot lOOx
. 100, beautiful view of valley and
mountains; west side, 20 minutes from
postofflce; $2200, easy terms Provi
dent Trust company, second floor Sell
ing bldg. Main 1800. A-6261.
NEW cottage, 2 rooms, neatly papered
and painted; water piped Into house;
In good district; lot is 50x100; close to
carllne; a snap at $760; tefma.- B-819,
$100 Cash
New 6 room house, every modern con
venience. E. 87th sCneorAlder, See
owner, 926 E. Taylor. Phone B-2028.
3-4 of Real Value
For cash or terms, double constructed
houses, good -location, one block to carr.
Sell wood 87,
NEW, modern 6 room house, panel dln-
ing ropm Dutch kltchenrmffet Will
take good lot part payment Owner,
1873 E. Salmon.
2 WELL built, up-to-date houses in
Ross Clvy Park district, on good
terms. By owner. 1118 E. Stephens.
Phone B-2667.
COZY 8 room modern home, full base-
ment. cement sidewalk, city water,
street light, plenty of shade trees and
aa root ironiage. jan owner. Taoor 1782.
$260 CASH and $25 monthly. Including
interest for modern just built bunga
low, near Reed Institute, near car line
Bargain .from pwoer, 30 Worcester
6 ROOM house In St. John's, $100 down
and small monthly installments. New
ly painted and papered. -.Or will rent
Bitmn. rvunrn i-i, wasningion DIdg.
Broadway home, fine, worth nearly
double? also several lots, ring uo East
273; C-1866. W. H. Herdman. " ------
Abe Martin
Mrs. Tipton Bud's -brother, whose
second lfs died : Saturday, has- com
term.': We still have a few all wool
Republicans,.-- - 5.- -. v, . r
rcn sal:: :::;r:
) to ''vjv'vgiirT ; wrm -
ii 's. . .r . iir ' iv-
; rci: e ale i:oi-L3 ci
Close in Cottage Home, , -V-
At a Real Snap
Well built cottage dwelling of
.6 rooms, modern plumbing, base
ment, electric liffhts, gas, lot 60x, -lOO,
within walking distance snd,
"'onlyhalf bIor,Trom car line." For"
a couple of dKys can sell at $2200.
free and clp.r of all Incumbrances
or assessments. Reasonable terms. -.
Come In and talk about it This
is a dandy ' investment, as the ;
property rents for $18 a month.
Owners have use for some money ...
v right now, hence the low price.-
They have been asking $2600 for .
.this property -until a .few daya.
ago. This will sell. -.- :..v
W. A. BARNES, -'
40$ Lewis bldg., cor. 4th and Oak
sts. Main 20SL
New, modern 6 -room bungalow with
fireplace, ' bookcase, buffet,- hall seat,
cloakroom, beam celling, Dutch kitchen,
hardwood floors, floored attic, full ce
ment basement, laundry trays, close to
school and car. restricted district. Price
$3100. '. -v -w---. -v--- --i-.V- ' v '
,.lQnerln Rohmond -district at $3260;
m-'HteloO-'v." .'."T-r
One in -Waverleigh district at $3800;
lot 40x100. -----
- One 4n Merlow district at $8250; lot
v c Geo. A. Ross, Owner, :
$01 Gerllnger Bldg, Phone Main 3970.
Deal With Owner
As I am compelled to leave the city
will sell my 7 room house, Just finished,
on Mauls st.. Ladd'a addition, lot 40x128
"with alley; rooms all large, sleeping
porcn, aen,- -pss pantry, oum in ouxrei,
fine large attic and fireplace in living
room; hardwood floors. This place was
especially built for my Own use. Price
$6750, on very easy terms. Inquire ot
owner, 740 E. Salmon st. Phone B-1664,
or East 1304.-
$1200 BUNGALOW 31200.
Gives possession of classy modern
bungalow, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, pan
eled walls and ceiling; art glass built
in bookcase and buffet; combination ar
tistic light fixtures, shades and screens;
price $3500; $1200 cash, balance $25 per
II 3S Rodney ave. Phonu Woodlawn 2271.
HOSE CIJ rAntt. LUIS, 1 A A1U-,
, $700. - -.
MO.. 1KR0.
aiu.. puo. ,
304 OAK ST.
$15 Per Month. 7 Per Cent
Buys a 6 room cottage, lot 64x194, on
W W ra, nu. Ho at nrlna t!tRAn-
yoy keep the commission, F. S. Hallock,
owner, 509IcKay bldg.
$2360 Snap? bimeslOW"- . rooms, full
1it lan nne hnnlriaflei rr 1 n a anlnnr
Dutch kitchen, porcelain plumbing, tin t-
ea, GieCinC Wircu, llllO uuiuiicn, pnauca,
linoleum. Owner, 1111 East 34th. corner
Emerson.. A.-ear.
lit nAi, n a . ..m- KiMtrnnm, 9 fir
places, 2 toilets, beautiful lawn and gar
den, iuu cement Disemsni, lurnucc, wiu.,
price foiuu; easy ermn, u nuuuw
ave.1 Phone Woodlawn 2271.- r
I WILL sell my new, strictly modern 8
room house and full lot for $1000 less
than actual cost if taken before July 6.
It you have $2250 to Invest and want a
Deautuui nome in ime location ai your
own price, see this at once." Owner, R-
617, journal.
SNAP H acre facing east, 6 room
box' house, 4 chicken houses, Wood
slied. all kinds of garden; equity $891.
Price $1600. no less. Mt. Scott car to
Tremont, v block south of 66th ave.
and 87th st, on Knox. J. Pike. Infor
mation woooiawn not.
MODERN bungalow, with 5 rooms -on
first floor and large sleeping porch
and unfinished attic on second floor;
fireplace ana ail Dunt-in conveniences.
I Will sell at a bargain, $270Q, on easy
terms. ,E. 28th district. Call" 414
Spalding bldg. ; '
7 room modern bungalow, large Tot,
near Sellwood car, close in, sacrifice for
$2500, monthly payments, like rent; 8
room house-65x100 lot. $1000. Phone
Sellwood 1,591.
FOR BALE New 5 room California
bungalow, double constructed. Dutch
kitchen, paneled dining room, all select
finishing lumber, full basement, classy
and up to date, by owner, on easy
terms, will take In lot. A-9, Journal.
NEW and well built 7 room house,
modern conveniences, will take lot or
lots as part payment; come at once;
take Montavilla car to 41st -st. 6 blocks
north, 1 block east. In Laurelhurst, or
pnone woooiawn owner.
$500 cash or good paper buys my
equity of $850 in new $2700 modern
-room-bungalow. Belle Crest; built in
furniture, flreolace. yard graded and
seeded; beautiful light fixtues; lot 4$
by 100. A-12. Journal, - -
AN attractive home, well built, it is
the prettiest place in Waverlelgh
Heights; don't take my word but come
out and be convinced. 1034 Tibbets st,
cor.-35th. W-R car.
$1600 FOR sale, house, 6 rooms,, bath,
gas, lot 26x100, East 27th. near An
keny st. Rented for $14. need money
quick; lot high and level; no assess
ments. 3!9; journal. .
- $90.
SOtlOO frior lot on E. 82d st, near
Clinton, faces east on paved street:
wlthliv.1 block of car line; high . and
bightln Jiurrounded by nice homes.
404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699, A-2653.
OK(V -mill nk.tml.. oUktla l-i.
only 20 minutes from the center of
Portland; -streets surfaced, walks laid
and water mains laid to every lot; easy
terms. Sfeo owner, 414 Spalding-bldg.
I -AN sell you either a half acre or a
lot on the easiest terms, and the low
est prices known. Fine street car ser
vice, water piped to both pieces. . Infer.
mation upon request. K-&60, journal
FOR .SALE Twenty-five 60x100 lots.
located on R. R.. 2 miles from Port
land P. O.; superior sand and gravel or
cement tiler proposition. Phone Columbia
607. - .
$10 Cash, $1 Week
My beautiful level lot in Reed college
district, water, graded streets, etc., near
carlmerwlthout interest or taxes; price
uv. write owner, w-bsv, journal.
' Sightly restricted residence sites fac
ing on Hancock, E. 28th and Tillamook
sts., from $1100 up. This .property will
appeal to you et sight v
404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8699 X-2653.
$1260 buys a choice lot on W-W car,
nesr 41st st.. 60x194. lots of fruit;
I jh oown, iu per- montn.- nana
owner, i9 mckh, matt, i 7
SEE Ls Noir Co. tor west-side prop
erty, exclusive .dealers In west side
realty. 887 Chamber of ftomeree. "
van ' A TJTTTT TltT-O .
Choice corner lot Inflfonesmore. with
za mortgage privilege. pnone B-I43Q.
FOR ' SALE -Ladd's addition, lot 19",
block 12, near 12th and Hawthorne,
vzzuu. B-o:i, journal
otu Awn Eiuvivmt cth.1!1
Corner 100x100 feet, faolng south and"
east; high and sightly, price $8600. , r
464 Wilcox pldg. - Main 8699, A-2653.
CHEAPEST lot In Portland, porner-of
Broadway, west or 87th st., 6 net;
$0- paymewtr r4J-494WowiHeK
$10 DOWN, $5 monthly. .100x10.). 25
minutes out for $600: level and sight
ly, See Alarsters, .202 Wilcox bldg. .
K5. k i. J
Don't Read This
Unless vou waftt a cheap lot, I- i 1
mite In- Montsvllla district. .d ! t
only-about 60 lots , left, at this tri s.
So harry up or you will mips one of thi
best buys in the city. Lots 1150; $1,
down, J5 a month. Take M-V car u.
om st. TaDor 3. ay owners,
- Widell-& -Wilson ,
'' " - 2002 E. Glisan St.
Fine Acres of Logged Off Land
" ,-,$250. :
' $10 Down, $5 Per Month
This. land-is situated 13 miles from
Astoria, 1 mile from railroad station,
town of Knappa and the Columbia river.
Some of these-' tracts have running
streams on them. Is close to a good
school, and there ie plenty Of work In
that locality; -The soli Is free from
rock and-doe-not overflow.' Come Into
our office aniaseesample o.the soil
and photographs of the land.
: " 2lS Railway Exchange bldr..
Id Floor, BetrtrJ and 4th on Stark,
-: - Beautiful 21, Acres
This Place is on the main county road.
south Of Oregon-City and about 20 rods
from the iew Sou. Pacific lectrlo line,
six - acres- planted to -hops, 3 acres n
oats and vetch. 4 acres in Dasture. hon
yard planted to potatoes, fertoed; not a
root or waste iana, tne very Deer, or son,
this place wili more-I than - double in
value In the next 12 months; price only :
fZo. it tnKes only into to nanais it
227 Stark et.
Platting proposition -
Adjoining city, on corline; quick sale,
$650 per acre. -' , .
8 acres, choice home; --room hoase.
and all other Improvements; fruit of
all kinds. -
E, T. Price V
204 Rothchlld bldg.- Main 7677,
Cheap Land, Investigate
5 and 10 sere tracts, $20. to- $45 an
acre, on terms; deep red ehot soil; well
watered; ideal for- fruit, vegetables, :
dairying and chicken raising; fine view; ,
many buyers already living on property!
Income producing from the start; school
on ground; on county road close to live -town
on R. R. and river, near Portland. "
Neuhausen A Co., owners, 70S Lewis
bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Phone Main 8078.
One Splendid Acre
Of land at Garden Homer partly Im
proved; all cleared; 0 blocks from cart
$900; 8 acres near Multnomah "sta
tion; good spring of water; '7 minutes
from fflr Slalom lTlAAfrpt.. Ma 9h mI..
utes' run to Portland; will divide nicely.,
$4000........ ,.i.v a -
E, T, Price
204 Rothchlld bldg. Main T7t.
Buy a Farm and Be!nde
pendent ; I have some 6-acre tracts left which 1
I offer at $150 per acre, which Is ws:
below cost and valve. Deep, rich soil, -all
In cultivation on Salem EJectrlo.
uniy i oown. 608 McKay bldg.
acres, $400 per tract: 10 acres, $500;
20 acres. $800; 40 acres, $1200; 80 acres!
$200. A new subdivision, best sov
free wood, spring; water, eaeyterma.
ovit ieonjiiiggjJortlailCL
YOU went a picturesque summer-horns
with running water, a small farm, an
acre or two for chickens, $200 end tip,
easy terms. Choice acreage close to
Portland, on electrlo car line, cheap fare..
Phone, school, storsPetC; J. W. Heffer
lin. 307 Railway Exchange. Main 2248.
130 Per Acra-
Buys- 4fr ereer Nor-tsott, l ft "tnilei
from K K. IB Ri-rnn nooi-Iw tnm
plow; $250 down, balance terms. ' No
tntorewt. Room 16 232 H Washington- at.'
ifl or I'm KimB r avaj i1ttH.
rr1 era t H t57K roah SLUnna 4 - A
Price $1500. Inquire, W. It, Buoy, 1
MR. INVESTOR Acreage, west side
adjoining city limits, $400; 1 acre
makes 6 lots; one will sell -for $300.
$10 CASH. $6 monthly. 166x200 In culti
vation, 80 minutes out; price $850 In--eluding-sidewalk.
Ask for Marsten or
oiearns, zvs vvucox Diag.
FOR sale, cheap. 10 acres near Scap
poose, fifine red shot soiLouid running
water on the place also some land near
rea.verijn. Deuvmun, JT., JoOX Vs.
FOR sale by owner. U or 1 acre, t
room house, good well, fine sol), near
car line 6o fare. Charles Kirk, Can-
Hal Hllf. Oregon Electric. P .
HonnnalUn Mtvlrvt I a,l W'in-..'
- i. xiiKimyune, namoer --or
Commerce bldg. - - -
CLOSE In acreage, 36th St., near Reed
.olUi?'. ery cheaP- & 8. Ullrcy.
10 ACRES unimproved, 10c fare, Salem
eiecinc. vvoirsm. ZUS AHky bI1$T.
TEN acres. Iftne- apple orchard: $25"0in
acre If sold ndw. A-871. -Journal.
20 Acres--fRfinn .
L We believe we own the- best.. 4 We -know
we are selling our land cheaper
than any other farm land adjacent to
i. v " i"s nu luuniuK water;
$1 fare ffoin Portland, hi mUe of school . .
1 U. mil., f ,n.H film. . . . I .1
J100 cash, balance easy terms. . -
CLAiinn . .
917 Board of Trade bldg.
85 Acre Farm $1000 Cash
viur i ire irom Portland; ih miles
from town, few rods to school; splendid
crop, good iroprpvements, very rich soil.
;at t per cent, A choice bargain.
917 Board of Trade bldr
One of Oregon's Best
Farms, 243 acres, water, fruit build
Inge, 180 acres cleared; will .pay for it- '
self raises bumter crops, 89 miles from
Portland, close to' 4 towns, cash value
$26,000. half cash, balance long time, 5
per cent; no agents.- Owner's son, 1050
vir.vioiu n. w. T-rwumwn 009,'
TEN acres close to Newport, 1U acres
. In Strawberries, good orchard, logan- 1 '
berries, raspberries, one acre potatoes.
5 seres 1 havr beds,,' chicken, hogs. 4 -milch
cows, teaml wagon.v arming mi
plements, cream separator house snd
outbuildings all pn place for $2000 i "
Baker & Theobald, viewport, Or, .
,- eoo ftCRB - "-r
Farm for ' sale; 60 acres undrt- culti
vation; good bulldihgs, well watered; '
electric line tliroug the tract; station
an the tract Price )86 per acre. Terms
1-3 cash, balance to suit at i
Would consider some city, property in
exchange. M-35, Josirnal. "
" .for sale-or trade, '
160 acres of the test alfalfa land in
eastern Oregon, nesr railroad. .., fenced,
water on every fort; 20 acres in culti-.
vatlon. This ran b had for much les
than regular price. Call at 271 Pine St.
or phone Ma'n 215S or A-4888. - '
LEE TEUJSCH CO.. 271 Pine Bt ' 1
-120, Acre, Dairy Farm.
heart of vallv. . 60 in cm tita tlrm
new houy,. bariy; K m. town ; crop,
tock and "maceinery, $75 per ' acre,
. ,..,p.. Ivor UIUH, t.
WILL sell at once my . fine improved
vB acre farm, wUh house and crop, eto. !
Take-off the crop as1! must leave. $iW i
will handle. Wrl'e R. 1. box 167. Hills-
rimrj. mioui jvinvar n nf
boro, Or; - ' , - r ., -4 r.. .
136 acres, in cultivation, good dwelling ,
snd nutnullnirES nn -T. .
1 i ,---"'"" .vtr acre, nee a
JJathleson or Marnton, 202 Wilcox bldg
F6R wheat." alfUftt, - stock and frulf
ranciiesi, . -wmo ,u, f lixmaurlce, Loh-
820 ACRE imnrored farmjrt Kllckilat
connty, i2 acre, terms. - Own
CALIFORNIA I riaaU,! fa7JrnaidTn
, , . C. U ' 1AII MBERGER, "
, v.; . 705 iwUding bldg, 7.,- t- j
' ....... i . . -
i ?