a THE OBEOOM SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO. JUNE J J, 1911, ft 1 Ika ?.- inWi r Wik Manvlous Horse Can Head and Spdl aaiida4 avaal In aa.4 kiaj I -J") Vuf a at A ! t .aait-a ( AA ki-aWl aaaaaaMtal I Uavad Ik )w aajaj4 aiaf ka l-viiatykt WOMEN'S CLUBS ' Ldltcd by Hn. Sttih A. tvaw W l..lV ? W M VCLT II a ,J W. C. T. V. M4 ft w4 a ntaiM a ima u ik kr . iil a4 ki ii t-4 I iMiM 41 a. It la I i- ataif liM Ml ta aJu- kaard f II. KlW. tl a aaa4 lk ally Ik ana r --4 - Jlk4 I I kiaa iy Hiiii.r vtja Mm al tr. Jaava Al , kt aab l I lk fual akaiwal a..vl i iMi. akat- I ki kMik kal la-a kva( H-m- y4 laH aaj af II ttak la l. al i"kl-aaiJ la lUk. ' . : 7 FOR tk ! ,. OB tk al aat .-tiwi ejll Tfe la i4 at eii tia- V-4 tlUMlli, fcs i:i ! Slat la I. L " Iltll4. tt feaBU. K!a4. !. t'le 4 Aaaiieiia : ' 1 vaaOua k imk af Kai l.r era atolbg tl.MH.gh l.la. All IV tell 4.4 aa f - j Hal:? pa atHl.l J It, IU dlll bga la rt aa aa hiu.ir tn I oaly-aaooa.t. lh f!'l IK (tK4 tU"g Mic J K. iol Ik fui ! frJ4 aad Mi rka N SAi-a. ( rr-0dia . 1M tk tjrar llxf l4 lkl Ik .... terfl. 1 l fa!". ea ! had lk ireaa;aieftl and trliil.. ary . iKMn t -Mi ici i u h aa early dr. sUf ArrlT. fuudty aw the f lb tea. gU4 of laa delegation, attd II a fauad crr for ike i.all.i com Ta 1tb kiaal r" auear- ' a. . .4 I LI aW.! aad XUll JC f tf tiiitfit ..! m i 4 .. l n Mt auk . a4 W (u4 rfM Ika aiiiv,l ctatr a 4 a a kinl ii fa i W Ja4 l. a vi4 I. t' T- U- al al4 iwl aalkaa-aM liar hII lk 4 4. 4-H fa nr. IB, a ial I k W. I. T. I'. n illl Ik .'Mi kaar lail If 4IM t ka u.i aiii.a5 II mtixav klaar ti Int ik avail aa4 a II . lk 4'W.M ai I lUkta :, M taiJ a UI liti a itiotitMii! &4 a I !- l( .s - ia al I1- I )- aaacJ u liiti 11 a.!!.) k 11 kr 4- I fVar a- -l ' - (tltoa 4 ltl II IM.M W Ik tai l-rfi II kxl miww! r, ti. & Ti . a a U ka- itir 'l4 I lM Ik klalata IMI1 - 'IT H I' Kk TK Mil la ! iMil ril.a fr !. I Ik iV.iilKl Iu Mi Hi r IM I ta ul ta fa'lkix ! kJr Ik uio i. lh kloufiiaia aurl lrvCu" f .V Jarxy, ulKM4 -" ltij fr (I .a cf (.iuih1ii Ik tail a v-t IU1 fiar Tala, Aa '! I Ma4 a Ik aalaaary bf klilk la .i .!. iij.ua f.-f I Ik lia la HlaJf la Ik K4 f a a4 lr -ln4. 4 lata) all Ik 111 f Ik wl- UlKk Aa Ik U rtlkaw lil!ly kail It (-.ok. aa4 rulrlWIi fia Iaa4 a4 la ltr4l( f Ik.ir , H 11 laaaaaaaaakl la ba W. 1'. T. V. f J! lk I fWlral4 Ik dlitMif Ilk II llUaliaiioh. I basu- ua4 11 af Mi. Mary It liaal. (artuar kallaal lafluaara II.. . m.n al a " tiolaojaal f alliri lamyaxaiwa la rar im r.oa.r. tr u'a laa i iaairfiia. ran tMIM I ol alii mraa nalhlag at- mill la mac rr l niit iraio aa4l firlalty, lui li a ill ith4Mitl4iy rrl a (Mai. Tal ralbar unuauai l kavirag lnluitc Ka it. a raaiur aKi axed Uim hun.bai arrttlna ao rt,Up to lh iun of Ul raaorl fa cA' tUl Iboaa b Ia4 allciMla4 ialau I (ta f It. t'bll4 Hal. rattun rtla4 thai tha buataaaa ono kffti Ih.ta Mukl la 1 1 1 1 la lima fM ai.l.i .1. .R.l ..arttwwlv of eoura I T" "' u4ay .ut-pl.m.al h4 oaalMl la Han mnet.. Monday "' Tu.a4y lb kr ll d.la..la ral.larJ. aJ tWl Woman. IT..I aawarla. iivh Divrvaias in viaiiina; praa rl of lh larg dlllanaNilk Na Yarli, Nw Jerf r4 allaour wr at lit IIOfrln rur4 aulhra Cali fornia. n4 wouU arrlr Utr. tUrly In lh wark ( bar m crldrnl IKat. ditnl a t 8a rraoitavo aoulJ ma lacord for numlxr, at for ho lliallty. Or(on women raapondod pUndtdly to U rail 4 a nt almol ll full )ilA f dalctatr. Tboaa at praaanl njoylnc th eonvntlon nr: W ra. rrl. rick Lrvrt. Mr. W. J I. ar, Mrs. CHIo Xlaatnaa. Ml Ho Ary, Dr. Tynan-Brown, lira. Krom art. Mr. John Van Zani. Mr. Georra rrnkl. Mr. Anion OIbch. Mr. W. Psy of Ton Uod, Mr. Mlnnl Waabkurn. Mr Kar and MU Burt J of Kugcn and Mrs. A. IL Coiwnar of hfhland. OonacU XactUf'. Tuaadajr moraine what I known aa th council umIIhi, And which It pro- woman 4 lh offlraf of lh C)r. KVilaialloa at a banituat a tha lrraJ; ii ih clrtT Jaly tl I lh alnkoay af Mia A ana Oarsaav. wl4 unaiaidal af ta 1jv Taniiwrakr IImi wm- ttolk i Ifcaaa day hay k-tal abarlla. Mlaa Ur4a waa lh lalimal fllaad of Mian Wlliar4 4iHa Mr 'f a4 I j now lh dawfad rr1M f Mi. I. M, uvaaa. acouiylaa- tr ) All kati lour, jut U wUlly ld tr ChlV dra, Oa ef lb tfpartanu of th W, C. .. - .--U -- J-i ' i -W1 U 1 H. ..JL r.-J4 Xlci rUrtoh. who ptd ftr rart at lb Oaka. Ilouaa. Cnllaaa h a araaa MiifMaM T. U. WAICU aiouaa ral Wlrl anj at IH.H hall whr Mr. MrMahoa of ' d.nc I th r4l ca- Halt Ik. traldd r,lh.r .ublacl dl. - uliawa ui.ramr aaa on prw rrhf tk rAcl unlfv hor la Ik warM t Xl -hFAn. AMh(h only yr bid Ihla aiHI4 ha a muck kewata4a and aliltt4 aa a ehU4 f I um ynr kUa know la f I ha -hr r fairly alL II aa r-ail, raad and ran wart !mpl trohlm In rlllhn.atle, i avla aMaar la lh faalur act kl th tfek IM waak and tin hi IrmJaAr, nr. IX R 0oy4 I rwlla at Ik imadaland. W hn -Ulnar llld K4I4 Wkaalar Witooi m th Nw tork ra ln Journal rrir. ah wro f html "Th moat wtndrfMl kind of Ua rar Ik world ha avr ao. ailnoa, lo an 4 kindi) ha trnformd t,b I writ inio in anarvai or in . King ran 111 color. ravmaniM pop aa add. ubiract and malttply. ruaaad r. 'Vonarvllva Journallam," -Utai Ir Work- Joha HHbn Wtkr rant and rk on 'Tar for lh World." ValTraal . Whll ihi ka ala-aya ratlvd ar- lou ronidrllon from club women unlral praca will d rnphaaltad Ihroufltout thla aollr coaeiloa. through lh treBt of lUrona Von riullnr, of Manna, who will ik al th convtnllon and at Vt. AkaUa church. Th llaron. aa It will b rammbrvd. took th Nobl par prlaa through br book "Lay Iowa Tour Arm It I aid ah U on of th most notable. In- trllag and charming paraonalllla paiad by abl art lata, to ba mnorld rd dllard by tha young taopla. Mr. Marcaral lloualoo la tha ry f flclanl aiaia uprtnlMta of thla J partmaaL Ik I rr ppuUr with th Oregon young paopl. Mr. A. I- Car mn l th national jrlnicnda4 wad will hav charg of a rlaa of l cob laalanla from at dlffarant alataa at tha national conoailoa which will b hld In forUand Orlobar l-ll. A moat at trad It program ha baan prprL 8. J. L.TMAS. CHRISTIAN CONVENTION -Oay Caoiptueeiln: at Turwcr Al(rvrta Ttoajdg of (TiHrrh Work era Who Honor Memory of Iloarrr OrrfonUaa for t oalrlbaUoai to ttinrrh Ilcaoarf rav. THE ELKS . BB. . & VVOR SHOW ' THEIR TEETH WITH ' PRIDE CAN YOU STAND THE SAME TEST? SEE US ABOUT IT BEFORE THE ELKS ARRIVE rrU k Tk Janrakl I Turaar, Or. Jut 2l.-a.Th Ortgou Oirlatun ralailonary convanUon 1 holding a 10 day lon hr. Tl paclou camping ground I a wall populated lnt cliy and th facllttla for ramp ir In Ui baauliful crov Tldd for by th by-law, waa hald In ,n "lira orld today. H.r book ha 1 1 '-'n-r- -1- "-" 1 -i-'-i-'-l -'--l -l -i -3 through ahJih flow a atrcam of watar . . , . urf,- J tnm Mill cixk mak It moat d- PLAYS AND PLAYERS j Irb1- nw h campmg. u. ( homr of th Tumr popl ar - i laid to th limit Nearly 0 visitor been called, "the UncU Tom Cabin' of tha rar Movement It I wlib groat pleatur th womn of Oregon ar looking forward to th ppaaranc of Daroneaa Von Suttnar ta Portland nril Octobar. nfrag Vo Ua rroai. For j-eara th queetlon of uffrag th r f 1 a a4 1 1 1 1 n hall of tha Palaca kotL Thla la aa advtaory body aad not exec utive and only tha praaident of ut fadcratlona or of Individual club af filiated with th Oaoeral Federation hr a rote, bnt all delegate ar wel come to attend th meatlng. ' At thla mating Tueaday th follow ing topic wr dlacuakad: A rTllo0 of h WMly held In atxyanc t th th by-law which would adopt A w convention of th Oeneral dratlon. pUn of reprM-ntaUon at tha blannlal r W,.iv. ( an oft repeated tory. convention. ' Th mot prominently nut briefly becau tha tlm to dlacua poi-n of being, what 1 known In club u wa, not .uapkiou. In other word circle, ag tha rnn!vanl plan. Thl lh, rtub women ot contry were waa to organ! two "hou" a con- too buy working along th line of In- graa to b compoaed of tha dalegatea fiueBc to b ready for th strong meat from Individual duba- and tha nat of dirM.t .,.M0n. Bu. ,h nn...,. k. f rom ataU delegatr. Thla waa prompt-i coming too great, at Cincinnati both ly voted down.' Aa tha by-Uwa now ,ldJ of ,ha OUMtion w,r preented atand tha prealdant U not A dlgatUWth0llt dl.euaa.lon." Can thl. b don jr nnua vt ur miiw i waa Tuiau 1 s. Kranclapot manv ara aalrlna- Tn to Chang thla and mak th atat pres ident delegatea. An amendment to In . creaaa th number of vie president, and to rnlarga th board of director v.- voted down. Whll th action of th . council la - not final tha recommenda tion going from that body hav great , weight. Their final consideration will com up at tomorrow .nornlng aeaalon. Other topic before th council ware. "Plana of Work." "Th Resolution of tha Tnth Biennial." 'Endowment Fund," and Rational Flower." Tha field chairman of t!.e endowment fund reported having raised $11,671. . This fund Is to be set asld to meet any unusual expen that may be Incurred by th. chairmen of committees, or tha) may b required to defray unexpected or traveling expensea for special work. National riowar. The national flower I more a mat-' r of sentiment than of business, though many feel It la almost a disgrace that th United States has gone so long without a rioral emblem. An enthu siastic woman, has headed her plea with this little couplet: Trance has the Illy ' England lias the rose Ireland has the shamrock America has ." At the Cincinnati convention Henry Turner Bailey of the National Art club mad a strong plea, for the Mountain two years the subject ha bekn raised from a comparatively obscure on to a queatlon of national Importance and policy, and It Is hardly posslbl that a question more vital than any or all that will ther be discussed, will b turned down to please a few who hav been afraid to meet It fairly and squarely before. On July 4th there will b a number not on the official program th cele bration of "California Women's Inde pendence Day." It will b given by the California Equal Suffrage league. The affair will be at 10 a. m. In Golden Gate park, and Is particularly provided for those delegates who are Interested to know how the ballot waa achieved In California. Bpth Baroness Von Stittner and Mrs. Francis Sjulr Potter will be speakers. Play Day. Fridy was the day set aside for rec reation and rent. Almost the entire con vention took advantage of the pleasure trip provided for the occasion. At nine o'clock they boarded the cars and went to Palo Alto for a visit to Stanford uni versity; from there to Congress Springs whera they were the guests at lunch of th Santa Clara Valley women. From there they were taken to San Jos and served to tea before returning to San Francisco. Many social affair will punctuate the entire session. On of the notable one will b th banquet Margaret May ha two play undr wy. Otl Skinner will elar again Bell sea son In "Klamet." e When Baal McDonald Hasting, now London' lataat fad, look tha play that made him famous, 'Th New Sin." to hi manager, ha had a single half penny In hla pocket, th um total of hi fortune He I now drawing royal ties from two playa, and two mora ar to ba produced In the fall. a Chryatal Hern I leading a atock company In New Haven, Conn. Henrietta Croaman I aald to ba look ing for a good suffrage!! play. Margaret Anglln will appear In "Kgypt by Edward Sheldon, aom time In Sep tern bar. a a Frederick Thompson ha filed a vol untary petition In bankruptcy In New York city. e Ho! brook Bllnn haa written a play, aa yet unnamed, which 1 to hav a try-out In Chicago. Viola Allen ha started on her annual pilgrimage to Europe thl week. 8ha Intend to rlalt th north coast of Africa aa well. e e Cecilia I.oftus la to cut short her Amerclan engagement to go to London and appear by royal command before tha king and the queen. are registered on th ecrelarya books. Beside tn delegates from all th Christian churches of the atata hun dreda of visitors ar In altandanc and th reunion of friends add much to lh pleasure of th occasion. Sermons and address by speaker of national fame ar on th program, a number coming oere from th east. Th largo tabernacl. with a aeallng capacity of 1004 paopl. I dally show Ing Increasing attendance. Last Sun day nearly 1400 peraona wer present at th meeting, and It la estimated that on Memorial Sunday Lner will be between 1100 to (too person present. Th history of th Oregon Christian missionary convention I an Interesting part of tha Oregon pioneer story. Or ganlxed In 1178. at Dallaa, for th pur poae of extending Ita work throughout lh atat, tb meeting at that time was omposed of 10 churches, which haa slVa Increased to lit, with a member ship of 20,000. Flftaen churches have been built and 10 congregations organ tied th last year. Th amount raised for missions waa 17419.47. Many year age Mr. and Mrs. H. I STAR WHO INSPIRED M'CHESNEY PICTURES Turner, plonaar aeliUra, aftr whom lb town of Turnar aa named, do nated to tha Marlon county aaaoclatlon six arrra of ground aad when lb atat convention waa orcanlsed. aad afler th drain or Mr. and lira. Turner tb heir or tb eatata. George U and Law la It Tumr and their sister. Mrs. C. A. pavls. la lltl donated four acrea more no ouui upon ll. plac of land a large taiarnacl at a eoat of 11000. In I memory or tnair reran!, and deeded ll lo the lal contention. The building 1a snown aa in Turner Memorial laocroacie. Your teeth ire of firit Importance. Have you alwar given them the care they deserve? If not, tart in today. When you how your teeth, are they in perfect condition? If not, it is your fault. Decayed or missing: teeth will spoil the best face on earth. A small outlay for necessary work will pay large dividends in improved appearance and health. Our bridge, plate, crown and other dental work is thebest obtainable. We guarantee absolutely painless extracting. Our prices are extremely moderate. TREASURE FOUND IN DESK'S SECRET DRAWER ( th TslaraatlocMl Nirs Sarrlra) fan. June z. a. treasure of about HOOO In gold and bank note waa found n aa old desk om Urn ago at Aux- rr. Th desk, a very old-fashioned plec of furniture, belonged to th vi car of th village In th Tonne, who died and It waa aold with the rest of belongings. The desk had careful! been examined by his heirs and also be fore th aal. and nobody ever noticed a mall secret drawer. Tha purchaser niraseir examined it carefuly and did not see It either. It was aent on to Reuii, where tha purchaser lived, but I wnen it arrived it wa almost In nlace. If It had bean broken open on pur pose, and th tec rot drawer waa then discovered. It contained tha above- OR. B.E. WRIGHT anlT associates 342 54 Washington Street Corner Seventh Phones Main 2119, A-2119 OFFICE HOURS 8 . M. to p p. rn.; Sunday 10 to 1 Seventeen Year' 'Practice in Portland Develop Your Bust in 15 Days 14 vx 1 " " ' " , A Jf ; ,..-. to A Full, Firm Bust Is Worth More to a Woman Than Beauty I don't care how thin you are, how old you are, 'how fallen and flaccid are the lines of your fig ure or how flat your chest is, I can give you a full, firm, youth ful bust quickly, that will be -the envy of your fellow-women and - will give you the allurements of a perfect womanhood that will be irresistible. They say there is - nothing new under the sun, but 1 have perfected a treat mentahat 1 want to share with my sisters. What It did for Tn. It ..a do for you, and I now offr n 10 you. otfiers offer to build tip VOur fie;ur with drnr ,. 'e kin foods, creams. dleilnV m. aaa. and expensive instruments , and- devices, x hav don away with ail the Injurious method and have given a leeion of womon , iuijylant natural development by v treatment nevs before of fered the. public. No massaglna:, nothing to take, nothing to wear. Why be gfcinny. scrawny, flat and unattractive. I claim to be the highest priced artist'g model in the United States, and What -1 did for myself I do for you. I don't car what your are may b. I aak only that you b at least 16 and not an Invalid anil T -in . undertake to develop your bust In two weeks. AU I ask Is five or ten. minutes of your itna wan Xffilt fa Mc Tsday Tor My Trealment I Develop Bust New Way TT UfTT T A1TT MAfl-JI a " " ' a aaajaaaakawaa..Wl ffiui4Wi.ii wai ruu A FENNY FOR A PnWAPn iNn lW&il&XkZOXJ THIS WONDERPUt TlNFORMATroj?IN A PLAIN COVER, SO NO ONE WILL KNOW YOUR SECRET -jl?S- 1325 MiMgMrtnuel Suite 1285, CHICAGO. ILL. Julian Kiting will begin another sea son In Atlantic City in August In 'The Fascinating Widow," and will spend about, $20,000 In new dresses for the production. Atlantic City Is whera th Eltlng offering wa originally pre sented on November 11, 1910. IT. B. Warner gave hla 1000th per formance of the title-role of "Alias Jimmy Valentino." In Boston last week. It Is now three seasons since this pop ular detective thief play was first pro duced. "The Daughter of Heaven," the great Chinese play by Pierre Lotl and Judith Gautler, Is to be staged by Sarah Bern hardt In Paris next winter, but not un til it has had Its first performance on any atag at the Century theatre, Now York. The Llebler company Is negotiat ing with Princess Der Ling In 'an en deavor to persuade the former lady-ln-waltlng ' to the Dowager empress of China to come to this country to su pervise tha staging of the court scenes. Princess Der I.lntr married an Amer ican, Thadeus C. White, land commis sioner Wt Shanghai, where the princes now resides. The "jall Boy" one of the most an cient Institutions of the theatre, has been superseded at the Winter Garden New York by the Installation of elec trlcally operated instruments which send the directions of the stage man ager to all parts of the house back of the curtain. The Instrument Is known - aa the "magnaDhone." The transmitter Is located In the first entrance and occupies a place on the switchboard where the stage manager has his post or duty. Every word he speaks into the magnaphone is repeated in all of the dressing rooms, In the box office of the theatre, and In the main office of the Shubert at Thirty-ninth street and Broadway, the directions be ing repeated with the full normal force of the human voice. In this manner everyone In authority and all the play. era can be reached at any moment. The Messrs. Shubert are planning; to install similar Instruments, in the Hippodrome when that playhouse opens in September. Over 100 instruments will be required there. III rr.:r I vVhn WW iAr tr' I I I s. S y ills K, JJ t'--W :Lr &,:-?-' I I ll v," - v Ml . Zr -, v s- -s- , I I Vi , ; ( pTQ. :v el III ! HAMBURGER' New Department Store Company 145-147 SECOND ST., BET. ALDER and MORRISON Opens Its Doors to the Public Hf 1 a? W aak, VYIVV.fl i uesaay morning juiy z, witn a Gig OF CLEAN, NEW STOCK OF Cathrlne Countiss. CANADIAN PACIFIC BUYS $19,000,000 EQUIPMENT Chicago, June 29. A statement Issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway com pany discloses that 119,000.000 has been set apart for the purchase of frelkht cars and locomotives. There will be 12,600 freight cars and S00 locomotives added to the equipment of the cojnpany, me cars cosung n.uuu.uuu ana the en gines 15,000,000, It is estimated that the 12.500 freight cars would make up 250 trains, and If they were to atart from Calgary. Al berta. at intervals of on hour, running on a regular acneaui, or 20 mile as hour, nearly 10 H daya would elapa between the dispatching of "the ' first and the last' train. ' .- s Th total capacity of tha new rra will berf 600,000 ton, and tha . motive power ,pt th 300 locomotives will a;-'! grele 460,00-horspowr, . " Here Is the picture of Cathrlne Coun tiss that inspired James Montgomery Flags; in hla magazine Illustrations of the Edna Ferber storlea about "Emma McChesney." Miss Countiss la opening at the Hellig, July 14, In a brief aum mer season of playa In which she haa gained wide renown since she waa the Baker stock idol of seven yeara ago. Edna Ferber is the wonderful Chicago girl writer, not yet 20, whose brilliant and witty word pictures or. tue unicago and Baltlmara jconvehaofts Klhave . de- ngnted every reader ojt 'j.The "uouTnaL fine became famous pvernlght when her rlrst "Emmar sicchesney story" 'was published. Emma Is a lovable, wliutyme. hustling1 siik gooas saleswoman, , wqp holds he. own against the ' meaner sex on tne roaa. ene is square ana re sourceful, with a generous heart And a humorous slang . vocabulary all her own. - And she la stunningly pretty. James Montgomery Flags; a leading Illustrator of thla country, reproduces Cathrlne Countiss with startling fldel Hy in McChesney pictures that almost speak. Her .photograph caught hla fancy and he journeyed xrom rivr York to Cleveland to induce her to poae for him. Thla waa impracticable, as Miss Coun ties waa busy on a starring tour4; but the artist studied her personality from very angle and left .laden with her picture. The way in ' which he haa caught th spirit of Miss Countiss, aa well as her facial attributes, la quit wonderful. . .. Emm McChesney Is th sort of wo man I would really love to.be. It X had to b 6fnbody else." says Mis Coun ties, "and X feel Immensely flattered." Ladies' Ready to Wear Goods Millinery, Men's Clothing. hoes, Etc. Thd opening of this store niarks the beginning of a long-felt want . ' j . to the people of Portland ' ' A Store For the -Masses where low prices "and good quality prevail, situated in the busy mar ket shopping center, but out of; the high-rent district, which will en able us to sell a better article for less money than uptown stores. This will be strictly A BARGAIN STORE, and our motto will be at all times YOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS AT HAMBURGER'S. SEE MONDAY EVENING P.4PERS , FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OE OUR Big Opening Sale Tuesday t 1 J , a ..'r!i' T,-