THE OKECOM DAILY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 3. 1I1L i HE JOURNAL iritlUIIMIf r aritr f kr ti &,hrr aaJ aetlUea ef ker e(Utl, ilea ttde4 d'llotaecy lll at a a (4-f fh- t utii'tu turn tt'; - , . - 1.9 - ei : .:.-. Bta Mv I Th roaairle tll rejoloa. " t.ZZTZZ.iZr - If Ik Bt,Mler ef Uoik asiloce luo ft tte l m4 .-. - -.! !. (, averted fac. e a. ...... ' "- " , aa' IM t I - . .. . . - A. a a, u a tiik nuuiir in phut far kui a awed. Tier a ! star Ik kcr. lit hai kw 1 (Mkil ' i ltA CBatt k NflWI Wke tie etuier. f Bitot !tkl 4rr4 I Lmmm' laborer tie Cereuaa feJ,. ilir U r- H1klfcl4 tl itU t U I4k. IU tt U.Ik ' dWelJ (M (MftllOtl L4 mad Ueided air ht !- (.' !kUh hrtula aa rirtbi4 I a nea ' .vf r-; , a., sag u uumi f u,u'dwet4 t H'vOmi It ' - -rL 'luty of tfc ataea trrt4f!va U effcia fr th ban 7 ' ..""fT ' 2. IrrirUM t aarWat u rie4 444 d .(', e4 P Hay set teak aim - ral Oa afcet B.aa cwald la ooel IllvB be faor orMlf mI04? Ii i -aa Ultoa of arriy I r lllM ( iu rt44i wfcicli IM ! 44 Mfc Mirri I r la -rt(rM aa4 " THE I OB IU! Miitrnr IIC t!lhl of Lortm.r a 44 f.U.o 9sttr italUf ef Tnu a tfU4a44 tbt 1U ata M Ult from ! ui tii a rr t!)ot for IK anaiorial B0ttilB4llua. IU aBBOUfet4 lllBt III sol U a caedldBl for re!- Hob. flatlar U of lb meat trll- IUb( nea bo r 44 1 la tha at. ta lal'BU r ronntBdleL and hit acBloa daultni. Qui b la on of Iba forlr-U aaaator bo ' . ..... .1 ... .. . t . VI. ... I I aitM ua tha m4tr of to Ho U lb MfitaBtb avaator fo I wan.hv Mradllr throwa tba t ml(ttn tth Iba Lorttnr bttxbt kw York daUcataa aa-aloat a I Gambia b4tra lalal la Iba a-.auin profraalo. m ny 8oiB iaioia pnmane tuuom ai poaalMa for tba aama klad of a aa atriebaa la llllnola. aad Crana OBtilJata aa Lbat al at cnicaio. occuaaa rtwiaruoa in iaatowii. -Tfca rtmarla of Iba paal lbra Olhara bo bara goaa dowa la Iba wcntbf Bothlnt lo him. !a wk ara Dalkalay of CoBBartlcat. twelra iUti I.400.000 HpaMlca Borrowa of Mleblt aa. Carlor of Mob- vota wara eaot. eaartf oa Ulrd or "aa, jiaw 01 lora. im oi Oka-aUr atwaitiv-oi-Uav party. la OMoniflt f CallformU, Kaaa of tha naUo. Tba BJaJortty afft K IMIea of VVaahlatoB. Oa mieaco BomlB waa mora tbaa 8U of Waat Vlrglala. Paysur of tOO 000 a rapodlaUoB by nor Kaotaclty, ToaUr and Tboraloa of than to lo ona. LouUlana. Natoral da la raaorod 1 Of tha tit national daWtataa try of Malaa and Ntioa ef Navada. rtaa to nne 11 utaa.-Jt wa -Ortittytnt -finxoraU. ' Lbrlmar forTafU d III awlaat bl. Hit """f,, " of raadldacy -aaa r-padlatod br fa to lblr fo! y. Tb.y cannot aKapa tha . - - eolamn Jadrtntnt at tha rat bar . f -hat la of pnbll oplnloa. Urimtr haa bam , . triad (bara aad Joaad tmUty, along in common bmI Blnda waa w . ... mnKMrtM Klrcn. Ko mora emphatic demand - l" . .k. 0 r let, tt k ba Ika hatlt of prvi4e&(Ul caadidatea to llkaa tbulea 10 Uafola lta frleadt dlrotr4 that tbar taw a atriklaf rabtaB( t la Mr Taft aad Usrola. Not 10 lm oatdoaa. tba frlandt of Cbauip CUrb drar4 tbat tba lcr, la many ef bla ;oo4. ra- bjIbJoJ thoen of LlnroJo. Dal It M tha colonel bo looked at ktBalf and thca at Iba htatorle carvar of tba Biartyrad preatdeat aud aa filled a lib Iba daepeat amotion ai tba atrlktac alrnllarltrf BtUI olh ar of laar proralnaoca aaaured Ibemaclvea, at they racallad tha ttliv rloaM hUtory of war tlmaa, ef thalr 0B atroBg raaernbUnre to Iba CT4t prototpa. Out. ltb avaBta at lUlUtnore In Imoiadlate retroapect, rlotlog the ei altad patriotism of one great figure la Iba contention ball; realising the con rare of one tnaaierfnl raaa who demaaded a gorernment of. for aad by the people; recalling how thte oa a. eUUeutaa - etood ta bla ntcht and forced the coBranUoa lo drive tbejnoney cbaagera from the temple of a great party: bearing la ralad that the acid teat of portly, tmth aad honor have bea appllrd. tod nervr dTecToaed lain! In the eialted career of thla man. who haa doubt aa to what modern name destiny will place next to Lincoln' In htitory? eetate, naaage Ika factorUa Bag rat the acep wfkT If faille regalaltoa aad prtiate aeaepoly I the beet way te re a tba tractlAa bwilaeaa. the lightlag btl aaae aad Ike powe baaiaeee. why I it aot tba beet tyttem for all tha bva taeaaea? why atop part way wkaa we hafe aeca a kaowa good thing T Why aot go the whole lagth aa make fort tan 4 Railway. Ught i fewer Ike ateward ef tha p utile we! fare, atbe oetly t promtaed pah lie regaUtioa? Oa the talrteeata Ullot. tha Dal 1 1 more ceareatloa remained dead lorka. la the Democratla coarea Uo at lialtlaore la lift, there ware forty-alae tallou. Neither of lb loading randldatee waa aoml Bated. . Cam received 111 aad Iiurhanaa tl oa the ftrat ballot I'lerte appeared aa a dark aoree In the later balloting, aad waa aoml sated with IIS votea oa the forty' Blathi ballot, receiving all the rote ta the convention bat four. Oea eral Joeeph I-ane received thirteen votce oa the flrat ballot. VOLC.4XIO ASH Instructed for Wilson, aad with Wllaoa making amatl but steady gataa. Ialgata Jtolmaa aad God frey of Oregon went to Clark laat alght DeeertlBg a caadldale at the moment another oppoelag candidate la trying lo engineer a atampede 1 exactly the thing Instruction are auppoaed to prevent. A preeidentul preference law that aelecta a ataad patter to carry out progreealve ln itructlon need to ba changed.. . Letter From tlie People Artela aad eaaetleaa far this eeae hu)4 b written oa coir an aide of tha paper aad be accompanied by the wrture aama. Tba Mine will not be oabiuhed. but la deir4 aa aa ladl- eatloa ef eeod faith. COMMENT AND NEWS IN BRIEF UtIU Ml la aaak tee exatU fr a m 4aa4 fe I" 4 ee M real e w 1 Haiia aew faJleay d. wHl aa It t ) t a4 m.ii tM kit h l' l a4 U ae ve be a-ui w, a a ritittMt, I AaUaa fHte aa JvUm e a rMiu i iif t.4.iM. ee ralae 4al.a Imm'I laa Ima a kilileia. atiaive a ui alav a aae v. e a It aaais te m aaaa tkt Ikaee ai Baaay pratuaai . a a Aaee ika aaaal lataerUal areoaa grMwoiae ere le aur. a Te aaaav eld Haa HaMiblleaaa II leaaa iiaa ciuaae 44 a ataat. A ba rtre ta aaaaallmaa tba baa I ibtae mat evuia aaeae te a leea. a a Jttdse farfcar la a alee ma a. Vl tka a rofta ere ua vrraa. a Twa f e blad. eartaea: diatrtrt ai. lortra office aad aatice eVeerlieael a a riil.f alovar anar mikt mlaiabaa bn few al! balleva blaa corrvPl la aai a Tha deelatoo aaataat Amum Wll.h tl and klorrlaoa Ml hurl Ihaas; My auri ina eeerte. a klaay vtare ha like Teft well ouih will mum before It I pin a la maha It aoaelble for faur rear mora foe at lUkHle, Tba r-v aad Urb.ia Wb af Mtla llr ta e a lfc' ef a !. aa II a aaea4 ! I ri' Vaiiaoal baa a af JaaM lr rUher'a aseeaaae foe lla eaHa4 ttm (eer lo Jwaa. aeeoeataa 10 r ar 1 He aatei a.ia. iniiai iea laaa le laa a ) ear ee a Rabee raaaaral A bla free dieeat la a af lao feaioroe ef l tlr re-'- II vtil ba aed a te aara, 1 acre 1a mm ea or a a. a eaa AU wm be saada ae (14 f'4 Jlinray Bharmaa to bevecaa preiUlcnt. e a A weanaa eaa aaailr wta In ear k!4 ef aa a r 1-0 meat with a man If aha haew tuat whan te lure ea the briny new. a Soma tnen aut averrthlna eff tUt ta. morrow wl!h the poaalbla asrepllea af bill eollectore, and Ihey put ttiem eff IBdannlUiy. a a If yen meel a yeeag maa whe eb aa If ha hadn't a friend ee earth, lis difficult te datermlea whether It la a caae ef love er lndlgeetloa. Ceiiaae Oreve iaeitaati . IX hlerae. Iha aaraarraaaa. la Jeaaeel ire ilea wild blachbarrlea ef atbUB be fleJe mere than dlattnat variely. aM whlrh ba f)raa will bear rvltoelloa te g4 aa aaiafe. e , . Labavtaw tiamlaert flaerae Whor. ton af iha tUaotlnae- farre, la aear IBS ru4 poeeeaooe af a ew Kartlaae eea t-I.eae. Thia adAllioa asabea a eoartel of eaiophune far Iha bead, ebua (a ! la Ka infancr. fttttabore Ara-ua: flreal tiaprevaeaaal haa bean affaeied la tha Hip para, aad It la bat a eueatloa ef a few rear when ae put If pmprti la tha eoitnir will eacel Iha tract beufbl br the cllf be f ufa the big rtaa la reenr 4laa e e rtaoebere News: If wa adrerttaed aa ether eeramuBiilea da. II would fair be few vaaro Iftl erarr aerw of land In Iha I'wipua tallef would bo under e. I. Ilvallan. and laafaad af a boa I Ioti'. rounl would haea from 4.t te Tl. paofle. fTtn ,.?dat.CcSurde " Ualtl BUt.a aenate TIT tor ,d.j! had fafx warning. It haa bad It In SSJSi SSi?E& 55 cu..W,n I, too. ,a. 11 of candidal that Murphf anglea for Mould be altered. ! But It la all a blank to tha atnpld JCew York boa tba Baltimore convention a dupll cate of the Chicago convention. In .the language of the New Tork TyorJd", why nnit a boa, bo aa aaa? rite the Lorlmer blight? THE BROKE R.1IL II totoa to make , FULL account lama of A 0 eurprlsa need he felt at the announced fact that tba aah covering the Alaskan aoll reached by the recent ernption of Katmat la distinctly of fertilizing value. The only trouble with nature aa a farmer la that aha la eo exuber ant In her auppllea of plant food roi concent wun a covering of a few lnchea, which the next wlnter'a now and apiing rain would carry A JITEW IXVEXTIOJr. of the prob- the broken rail I found la Peter Clark Mscfar land'a article la tha July Met ropolitan. lo the flrat alxteea day of laat down and atore up In the aubaoll of January one railroad found 1268 the land one great eruption buriee broken ralla In It track a. Result the fdee of the neighboring country T':J AST. week announcement waala tea year of accident from broken under a foot or two of enriching aah. mad la London of a nw pro-1 rail wer that 106 paaaengere were jjoth In chemical content and in J-eeaa for manufacturing "aya- kiUed and . 4UJ Injured la wreckj machanlcal texture alrallar volcanic 7" thetlc rubber." discovered and from thla eaue. coatings In long paat agea have pre- patented. by two chemUta. rrofeaaor . President Farrell of the ateel cor- pared the aolla of eastern Oregon Perkla of MaMhaater and Profe&aor poratloa allege that nowaday the ,,1 Waahington to yield year by Fernbach of-Pari. - mllla ar Juat "druggUta dealing yea phenomenal crop. More mod- German, dentlu'aar apent II,- with preacjlptlona from the rail- rn ernptlona have covered tha 250.000 la tha aam search, but road com panlea, and filling them ex- Bj0pea of Aetna and Veaavlua with have been . anticipated by three acUyV But I: D. laaaca, conaalUng fertiiity, tempting the vine grower montha Jn arriving at aucceas. engineer for the Harriman aytem, of itajT and Slclly t0 repiant Bn1 4 According to a anon aeacnpuon - cuiuvate tneir vine to tne very iglven by Sir William Ramsey the alwaya fill the preacrlptlon correctly ot the hot ,aTa itreanJSi baala of th dlacovery la that atarch f 7 r,? whether you hav Barfl6 Btory come. from Mex,c(j can be converted by th agency of a ""f4 " ' not- of the culUvatlon of the foothilla new breed ot bacteria Into one third An accident happen, the rail be- and flaaki of ,u ToIcanog So ,t acetone and two thirda butyl alco- n e"0- Tna BJk" rt aeema aa if nature continue, to ab be,!. The product. "ayntheUo rub- blamed. They reply that the rail- hop WMta Md oTlda a m bpr," could be sold at a profit at road a formula caned for too much weJght f0f catastrophe. twenty-four centa apouna. r " " "T.r .' might ont natural ruhher from tne ia v" WOMAN market eventually. b1 nw -ue anoca 01 a ii ira.o. iTh treaent price of natural rub- n? fB1 ro". ""V.1"" W W TOMEN aa atreetcar conduc- 1 1 aAM aaa in rt tna wivta r t rnA wan 1 wa am ar lov-k " " an tora la an experiment to be the texture of th metal being irreg- VV tried in Philadelphia. If It ular and unsound. trorVs. it win h . - ber In the London market la sixty tiro cent a pound. German. French ejid English financiers bavo taken nla la 'ior' a trust ia In proces of formation to "tres" of .p""Jd ot 1. tran to the eight million working women " . . :. m me country. It is the first ex- ing DM 1 penecuy maae ran can n.rlm.nt of th. ..nA . rha nn,tal. AV Anglo-French, ayndicate already withsUnd it. ant the margin of 8tatei In Valparaiso. Chill, and in fprmed is to give $2,600,000 for the "afet fce, .f PfBBible Imperfec- ome of the Bmaller cItle8 of Europ0( ratents and for the plant and out- ""a u"u luucou waium women have tried, and succeeded In , . .v ,, . . tn exacting duties of ringing up What strain must the rail.. stand fares and exnortlng pMMge t wuou lue vouuuu c "step forward in the aisle, please." of the two engines distributes sev-enty-'seven tons of weight over six wheels, or nearly thirteen tons to a wheel. At thirty miles an hour a No PesalmlaC Portland. Or.. June IT. Te tha Kdl lor of Th Journal How Bloomy la tba picture of tha Boclattat cooperative com Btonwaalth that noma of our capita!! friend ara fond of drawing for I It benefit of th uninformed. Tha world no longer bloaaoms with profreea ah J prosperity. Incentive la dead. A retro creaalon haa aet In that la earrylns th race ef roan swiftly back to tha eondl tkn of Ita hairy progenitors. Our friends da not uaually We the details of tha manner In which incentive will have . coma to thla untimely and. wlah they would. Of course. If It b that our only am bltlon la te live at ease off tha labor of otbr men. to enjoy tba luxurle of our modern civilisation while the toll ers who produce Iheae luaurles have suf flcltnt only for bare existence, (hen It la true that procresa will cease when capitalism shall lv place to tb co operative commonwealth. If It la true that tha only sentiment left alive la the human breast that Is strong enough to prove an Incentive for action Is this ambition for tha enjoy ment of wealth wrung from the Uvea of our fallow men, and for tha power and Influence that under tba present ayatem only wealth can give, then must yield to tha conolualona of our capitalist friend. Although th eelflshness and greed that Is typified In tha principles of cap italism cannot have failed to laava an vll effect upon th race. I do not be lieve w have fallen ao low aa our friends assume. If every, man positively knew that In return for diligence and Industry he oould have a home In which might be found beauty and comfort; that his family could have plenty of wholesome food and comfortable clothing; that his children would be certain of an oppor tunity for education and the develop ment of the beat that waa In them and that everyone wtto waa industrious might enjoy many thing that ara now denied to all but tha wealthy, if every man knew these things and knew that if he were Idle he would reoelv noth ing, it would b sufficient Incentive to keep the world moving. SEVEN PROGRESSIVE-WOMEN CateHaA naaal' VerattL Tiif Tift Nomwatior Ona of the moat pregreaalve women that KaJy baa produced within race n I eenturlee waa Catarlna Basel Vera tit whe "became a prefeeeor la tha el dee and most Interesting university ef Eu rope, that of Bologna, when aba was only 11 yeara of age. This remarkable university la anewn to have existed aa early aa tha eleventh century, and there are document. If their authenticity could be proven, that would ahow It te be several centuries at least, older. At one time Ita atu dents ware said to number 10,009. This Is probably an exaggeration, but there are records to show that In mediaeval times thr were thousaada of students there. Those not fully Informed ar apt to think of university education for wo men! aa something vary recent, and It la a recent thing in the United Statea But from tha earliest times woman wer admitted to the University of Bologna on equal terms with men. And there have been not a few woman professors there. Tha first on -record was Batista Oosaadlnl, who waa born in 120. and held degrees In both civil and canon law. For five eenturlee there wa a suc cession of learned women In this uni versity. One of tba moat Interesting wae Cateiina BassL Her family wer not rjeODla of education, but thev rer- calved her gr4Jat gifts at an early age and gave her -every advantage in the way of tutors. When quite young aha understood and appreciated the Latin writers. She studied metaphysics and delighted In philosophy; the observation of natural phenomena, the studies of the lawa of the universe and all that pertain to natural and experimental phyatca held for her an overwhelming fascination. 0 brilliant a soholsr waa ahs that her parents and Instructor wished the publlo to know of It. To this she de murred, preferring t pursue ber atudlea "to find In them tba Incitement and the guide te well-doing.- But at last abe yielded te her friends' demand, and April IT. ITU. she waa examined by five proreasora of tba unlverelty ea tb s&cst weighty questions ef philosophy This examination waa held In publlo aad attracted great audience. Induc ing the most prominent personates ef me cuy. - - By uaanlmoua eoaaent she was Invited te receive a degree of philosophy. Thla waa conferred en May IT. with rnuoh ceremony. The doctors of Iha eolleae of philosophy awaited bar In a room of the magistrate's palace left for the 00 cuioa. in young iatenna waa oe- corapanled by aeveral women of the laltan nobility who were dlstlnaulahed for their learning. The entire city joinea in congratulating her. Then came the crowning honor. Balna omy six months paat tha age of 10 she was appointed a professor of nhll- osopny in mis oldest university In th world, and for 41 yeara aha took rank wun tne most learned scientists In Italy. But with all these honora aha remained modest and unassuming. 8h married i)r. Qulseppl Varattl, a professor In tha university, and bore him II children She waa a devoted wife and mother and conducted herself the education ef her children. She was happier In the af fection of har family that In ths aca demic honora that came to her. Up to tha day before her sudden death she oontlnued ber work In science. When the end cam tha cltlsana of Bologna 100K it as a personal loss and gave ber a publlo funeral. She waa burled In her dootor's robes, In tha cVuroh of Corpus Domini, and tha ladlea of the city raised a monument to her memory mat stiii sianaa in on or tha hslls of tha university. CaU4e Ceeaug TM g '' Set ll IS I- tl ' ' He life II baa i4) lie lueebiu he r4 fee M- f aeir. Ue tWaraa es-4 e4 a4 r ,L fM Us usei la tM I'-1'' bailie ef ttarrteaax, kt.klaier, ".ee- aad Tal. Jl ta awse ef bife4 ef B.aiw4e ! reiaar I baa ta f U tbel le geeaiag rVsl ia b Bar Iba I It saaal aai lie asaaaaiie 41 ! ef tba laaaaer 44 Paetba4 ef IB aeaaiiaali peaUaa Uee e SaieMay el tbe tiftaaaJk aetushsi . iuum ef Ika Pebtteea r"f la r ledgsaaati tbel aeaueauae a letaiad a aw, l !. Tae was ia u iHfbery sad fraad. Pirtya4 te lie Uc4 eeeeliel. II , wae eaU4U la by a alamy la4 ef a stiy. Tba iBleeeakle II veiae abeve Ike aetata lis p-alal wbUk Ike "Slaaai fit sf drtvere ware ebl te saaatae f4e laauailr aesp aaear reilay frw ear aiaadpalal ef reereaeeiallte dlnata liae, Babiraat iba eiegele rra - a. 4a. tieaeti. rauippiaa laiaaaa aaai Porta a lea. wae rwpeeaaal a aiseieeal eeiee. aad Iba aaria aartabe Bubliaat Baal AUbaeta. ytanaa. Uaargia. Lliaaa. kliaaiaelrH Catenae aad Vllaia. wbave Ibare I ae real Itepabilree parlr, end tb 41 baeeawe III. Subtree!. atUI further be 41 veiae la Artseaa. CallfomU. Wasblastaa aad Tsase wbirb were ! ea te tuneeU by tne people end tasaa from bin by Iba aalieaal eeeamiuaa. aad lb total la III. Uvea altl- I flaara BbrtBk slraeet I Bath- Ueaaas wbea deprived ef IBS vales af stales libs New Vera, ledlaaa, Mlchl. gaa and Calorade, where paiMKal trKb ery slopped Iba pecpl from rsglstar , lag I bale free theioe. Two mere vital wrens tba miaentr arasalaailoe which con 1 rolled the tea veolloa perpetrated epan the RapabU- eaa party. Tbe firm wae a piairorm t reacUocirr la iia Itsiliatlaa and weaa - 1 aad WBbBiy IB IIS woreing. ins eewi wee Ihe perpatuallon er ina naiiotiai com mil tee relea. which have made pee Bible the Injustices ef the eon vent Ion af till. Itoih Iheae aeia ware ae bad la politics as they are In morals. This Is eur Judgment But ws At not attempt to Impose that Judgment upon Iba Republleea votera. T'kelle lbat a Judgment which Involve lbs life or death of tbe party llealf must be left to th people Detroit Tree Prt: In renomlnallag Taft and Sherman tbe Republlraa partr haa put forward the atrengeat names It could offer for the tlrbeL The forecast still holds good thst wss made whan the preliminary tampatsn opened, that If Mr. Taft could not ba elected this year no Republlraa could be elected. Ha Is the tosirsl csndldste undsr party precedents, which accord t" a first term pre I dent a rsnomtnatlon If ha desires it. Te have set him aside would have alienated a very larg num ber of Republican who would have been shocked by such a departure from tha tradition of their Uvea. These Re publicans ara not tha boisterous shout- ers who have bean murn in eviaenc lately. They ara th quiet. Influential business leader of their communities. and they represent tha alient vote which In tba and determines th outcome cf vary presidential contest It wss this clsss ef man who sat In Ihe Coliseum In Chicago, and tha superficial talk about "steam roller' methods utterly failed to gauge the earnest, InteUtgsnt foroe which waa actually operating to bring about th end that waa rssched. Mr. Taft la entitled te a renomina- tlon by mora than empty precedent. Ha has been a good president: ha bids fair In his second term to be a great presi dent He has mads mistakes, out nis mistakes have been th mlaukss of poli tics and not of administration. He com mands todav tha sincere rsspect of ven those who have felt ths effects of his error In thla direction. Next Week Seven great plaguea. fit of the patentees, on which $17fiv 000 haa been spent. 'The works are at Ealnham, In Essex, at the mouth of the Thames, in a lonely peninsula among the marshes. They are" guarded, day and night, by armed patrols. '-WTra,. fttarla .Via law i etna whole process are kept in a safe ,r J V which it would take any Bkilled In- on,a Pa,rt f, a "ec,!d t0 t vader twenty minutes at least to -tribute th Mow of a open.. If forced open an Inrush of ,rtveen ton mmef':0fbdM1?T-!4 superheated steam would Instantly at 6am8 ,oteTv' f " jj? destroy the microscopic millionaires. ?f a pull, a stroke, and a push, as the train speeds on. How oan material melted and shaped by human hands stand up regularly and consistently under such treatment? The element of danger must lever present. Th truth appears to b. that the ployment open,d and mor, I o SncrbaTha reward for ability and conscientious ef fort, tha rsward for noble precepts and unselfish deeds Instead of tha homage paid to wealth, I believe it would ba an Incentive more powerful than greed and Its effect would be to apur tha world on to a far- more wonderful progress than can ever result from this race for gold. E. R. B. The unique incident in the pres ent plan, is that the Innovation should have been tried In Philadel phia, the staid city of William Penij. Nobody would have been surprised to hear of It In Seattle, in San Fran cisco, or In New York, where a wo man la a leading detective on a sal ary of $2750 per year. tha vessels and aold tha crewa Into slavery." For years the United States paid a yearly tribute to escape Injury her commerce. This condition or affalra, whioh caused Pinckney to make that famous statement vist B. I cred ited to Lincoln ceased In 1115, while Lincoln was yet a child. Now a few worda In regard to . "B. TV's' articles on the rent question: If tha private ownership of land is right, then rent collected and used as It Is at present la Justified, for a man is entitled to payment for the use or his property. 80. "B. L,'" lettera merely bring us back to tha question raised by the "Sin gle Taxers," "Is private ownership of land Justr ' OBCAR A. WILSON. stlnate cases have arisen In Multnomah county and tha sheriff haa taken no action In recent yeara. Some year ago there waa an exemption law a to house hold goods. Presumably the argument int orougnt aDout ita repeal waa that too large an amount of personal prop erty was escaping taxation and that the mw snouia ne universal In It appllca tlon. -, ' AI way m Good Humor HE PREFERRED DEATH ENGLAND AND 0. ; T f' . GERMANY I HE ' civilized countries of the 1 world are spending nearly two and one half billion dollars I yearly upon weapons of war, and, in the forging of the machinery, they, are withdrawing from Jpseful and productive labor some of the ; most effective and skilled brains. Jn England the annual bill for ar maments is something like $350,- 0p0,000; that Is, it is costing $40 yearly .for every hbuBehoId In the kingdom. Were this burden'' re moved Great Britain could afford, to pay every member of the wage earn ing classes an additional ' dollar a week without interfering in B' be GORGAS ECATJSB he committed murder, a former Italian cavalry offi cer at Rome has been sentenced to life imprisonment, seven years of his sentence to be in soli tary confinement. When sentence was pronounced, he collapsed.'1 He has several times attempted suicide. I W, inated Colonel Gorgas for the posi tion. V .;,. No man is more fit for the office. the Colonel Gorsras is the director of the slightest degree with the profits of j sanitary operations that have made tkpitaL; .; '. ' .. ' ' , ' possible the building, of the ' Pan- s-o speags jjioya ueorge. .uo says Does, or , does he not, prefer N time, there will be a vacancy death W life Imprisonment? In at- in the office of surgeon general tempting, suicide Is he not trying to of the United States. shun the terrible alternative of Writing in Thursday's Journal, spending the rest of his days In a G. McPherson of Portland nom- living tomb? May they hot be wrong, who con tend that the better way Is for the state to kill its nurderers? ' - J Prosperity 1. the (Corollary of 'pieace, end peace; the first condition of, con tinued . prosperity. The policy of " In creasing expenditure on competitive ar- ama canal. - It v was the mosquitoes and the fever that drove De Lesseps out of Panama. He struggled with them T THE LOGIC OF IT HERE Is contention that, sub ject to public regulation, the Portland Railway, Light t & Power com'pany should, hav Irish Political Refugees. Portland, June 28 To the Editor of Tha Journal Writing to The Journal from London under data of June IS, and published June 27, one Farquharaon essays to inform this bleeding common wealth that under Irish home rule' po litical refugees will not ba allowed to return to their native land, despite the demand of tha Irish Nationalists. It would ba Interesting to know why de mands should ba made or amnesty granted for something or somebody that does not exist Tha only Irish political crimes In evidence today ara found amongst an Insignificant bunch of tin horn revolutionists in certain districts of Ulster, who are eating up thalr own shawods. What Is left of the old Irish political refugees have crossed over time and again to their native land these laat 10 yeara without molestation, yet all of them are very well satisfied with the land of their adoption and hav no In ordinate desire to return again and be governed by lordly distillers, brewers, land grabbers, money sharks and the degenerate descendants of an aristocracy whose wealth descended to them by rob bing Christ to perpetuate Moloch and sport moliymogs. ' -The only amnesty this bruised and broken nose municipality 1 interested in at the present writing Is whether or not amnesty will ba granted some of it distinguished citizens. . J. HENNESST MURPHT. Isthmua. They lined hi rout of . If Bo, why not also Install public progress with human skeletons and regulation 'tad have the Portland stalking Horror.- . . : v Railway, juignt , -Power; -company But the canal Is nearlng comple-j control, the sale of hardware, con mnments can end eirfy la financial ruin. 1 for eighteen rear. The nerlla and I control of all the electric Ughtlnit rr.a riniiWthi "J?" 500ed flnanc' Ei,'v M powri:.w Jiood , that the growth of armament De"1, Bllc . llorlB w- w 1 tnroognout Europe win re arrested. i Therefore the progress of negotla t Ions In London tpr establishing a common interest f both countries ia the development of Syria and Me- crta,mla l of far mer than llm-l-v.-i latereeL,' Oaly by. radical fe j ioval of eauses of friction and dis trust can friendship, be restored; for jf:'. 's.L!p la th anclfhtand fessen eonditiOB on wblch" these two I'-sitrg nation .lived and prospered tlbn. - It will soon carry the ships of all nations from one ocean to the other by a short cat And the glory of the achievement la to rest onj American in-' under , tne American flag. :,."'v. '-f r ;( "Along, with the American people and ColOnel Goethala," Colonel Gor- trol the sal of drygoods, control the sale of. groceries and control the sale of furniture in Portland? Why not have- the Portland Rail way. ; Light Power company conr duct the newspaper business, run tb laundries, operate 'tha cteamboats, manage the sawmills, sell the real, Th People's Black Llat. Portland, June 26. To tha editor of Tba Journal. I would suggest aa a fit ting punishment for those who , betray the confidence of the people, as did those delegates who failed to live up to their promise, that In tha ruture we treat suoh renegade .. with - tha publication of their names, In a large display black type, called the peoples "Black, list" to be published once or twice a year In each of the dally papers, ba their poll tic either Democrat, or Republican. It would cure some of them. , . ' ' L EL A. BARNS. ' Pinckney, Not Lincoln. ' ,,f Anrora, Or., June 25.-To- the' Editor of Th Journal Will you kindly aUow me apace to correct a statement made by,'B. L." In your Issue of June 21? The statement wa that Lincoln aald. "Millions for defense., but not ona cent for tflbute." 4 The author of those words waa not Lincoln, , but Pinckney. The Barbery etatea were engaged In piracy, ''and these pirates v attacked American ahlODlnc seised th cargoes. ;dea trdred I Think Governor West Wrong, Albany, Or., June 26. To the Editor of Th Journal. I would like a little space in your valuable paper to air my view of capital punishment I no-' tlca Governor West' article dated jfune 25, says In part: "The man who Is sentenced to life Imprisonment with nothing before hint but the certainty or incarceration ao long as he shall live Is not helped by hope because ha has noth ing to hope for." A brutal desperate man will take any chance offered to escape, even to killing a guard. I cite you to the case of "Cherokee Bill" at Fort Smith, Arkansas. Such men should be put to death promptly for the safety of others as well a Just punishment for the crime. ; Governor West calls cap ital punishment legalized murder at the state slaughter house. I differ Wldely from him. Th man who commits mur der is aware of th probable result of hi act ana is omy mmseir to niame. H. SWAP.THOUT. Sheep Killing; Dogs. Mount Angel, Or., June 20To the Editor of The -Journal. When dog get into my band ef sheep or goats and kill some of them, and I shoot the dog, can, I make tha owner of tbe dog, If found, pay 'for the dead f oh'esT Do I have to pay for the dog? ; My neighbor and I have lost some this way this winter. 11. jl. MITCHELL. Tou would have an action for damage for the value of tha sheep against th owner of the dog. Tne oor owner might claim an offset for the value of the dog. but it would be. necessary for him to show that the killing waa ma- licloua, and the fact that tha dog wa trespassing . probably would be taken Into account in measuring th damages. Taxing Household Goods. . Portland, Or.. June 26. To th Editor of Tba Journal Will you kindly advise through your columna whether or not th county can enforce payment of the mall personal tax they levy on on' household effect, and In what manner they have heretofore handled obstinate cases. lias mere ever neen an exemp tion law in Oregon, and. if so, wbea and why waa it repealed ?w- A READER. ; iAn act ef tha legislature in 1901 pro vide the manner In which tba sheriff may levy upon personal property and Sell It for taxea. If no other way Is open, and 'the owner of the personal property has real estate, it may be made Hen aa-amst tha real estate.' J3 cb- Oregon' Governor on the Warpath. rom tne Bpoican Spokesman-Review. Th law Ideally Is no respecter of person ana practically should not be, lie lunouon i tne administration of justice, tha enforcement of public opin ion ana tn protection of Ufa, property and social welfare, in the fulfillment of Oil function It must be blind to everything except the merit and equi ties oz the issue at th bar. It afford gratification to th Invera wf Justice to find Governor West of Oregon planting himself on this solid ground. Th lawlessness of managers of breweries In th state In shipping unlabeled beer Into dry territory has aroused hi righteous Indignation. He has Invited th men to discuss tha mat ter with him, and ay: "It makes no difference whether It is th big brewery or some small boose Joint. If thay vlolats Iha law I will take charge of them.'r Thla statement ring tru and will command the assent of all who ann. elate the, fact that it 1 essential to tha well being of society that th law be enforced without fear or favor: Ther van nut uo one jaw lor tn rich and an other for th poor, ona for tha nut nnu 11 a, anotner ror tne small and weak.. Such "law" -would cease to be law. It would be the substitution of power in the' hand of wealth or irengm ror me exercise of power by the state for the service of every mem ber of society. ; Thi would be a sort of legalized .anarchy and sap the f oun- aauona or oroer ana progress. Governor West enforcing-the law Is a civlo asset to the commonwealth of uregon. . . . .. HER REASON. From th Chicago Tribune Teacher Tour full name la Bertha Johnson Kenmore, Is It? Why do you not writ It tht way, my dear? Fourteen-Year-Old Girl (blushing) Because it it sounds as If I waa mar ried, ma'am, ONE ITEM OF EXPENSE. From the Milwaukee Sentinel. According to John tfharpe Williams It costs the nation $6 to bathe a senator. This Is due ,to Ihe high cost of whitewash. THE OLD SCHOOL. July Woman's Home Companion. Ths old "'for de wah" darkey had asked, a young attorney to write him a letter on his typewriter. "And Is that all you want to say, Rastus?" Inquired the man of law, at the close of tha epistle. "Yas, sah, 'ceptln' you might say. Please 'sciise pooh spellln' an' a bad pen.'" HOW LONG CAN HE STAND IT? July Woman' Home Companion. Thl 1 Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale latest suffrage story: "A negro woman was arguing and arguing with her husband, and when she had finished, ha said, 'Dinah, yo' talk don' affect m no mo' than a flea- bit.'" "Wall, nlggah,' she answered, Ts gawna keep yo scratohln'." Their Infirmity. From tha New Tork Tribune ' Tbe lack of 'memory or underatandins V I - V. ML, 1 (. . wiuuu jig uusinesa men Often' ahow on th witness stand never seems to in terfera "with their business. They go aneao, not bdib to remember a thlnu about what they are doing from one day end to the next. Or without tak ing tne trouble to be really informed srbout what they ar doing or why they are doing it, and yet they never make any- miatake. as Mr. Rockefeller told Mr. Untermeyer. "We aver get caught." Thtsrsif t for getting, or the 'perfection of system by which the right thing may Infallibly ba done without the doer of It being compelled to take cognisance of any facta that would ba of interest to' publlo or private Investigators Js generally regarded as a great conve nience. But it Is worth while won dering If, after all, tha effect upon ths publlo mind l advantageous. ' The ro- pi ara amused and entertained by con fessions of a slight "stupidity on th part of men universally regarded as exceptionally keen. 7- r ; In No Man 0 Land (Contributed te Tbe Journal bf Walt, the f.mou. Kaua poeL U pru-toin r regular (eature ef tills celuuia Id l'be journal.) , , George Washington, In snowy dress, was seated on a star, and gated, with symptom of distress upon th earth afar. Beside him sat King Oeorga the Third, his sceptre in his hand;, said Waahington o him: ."My word! I view my aatlv)andV and scarcely rec ognise tha place; the changes make me sad; there's; a presidential race, and everyone seem mad! 'Beside our na tive presidents, as presidents should be. ' your kings would seem like twenty cent for power and dignity. : The office, a U was designed, the greatest waa oa earth, for men of high, majestic mind. of substance and of worth. But they've degraded it so much, made It so cheap a thing, that fakers for it claw and clutch like monkey a "in .; a ring. 5 The candidatea go forth and rant, .and null a thousand wires, implore and "threaten, sweat and pant, and call each other lyre. Eaoh tells of what the other did disgraceful,, sordid things; 'you stolen soma ,candy from a kid, v. one noisy statesman sings; and then tbe other on replies, with wild and frantic whoop: You. stole a blind man china eye and 1" robbed a chicken cooptv It grieves ni ' my native - land should be dls- graoed,' by jlngs! I almost wish we hadn't canned you and your line of kings 1" King George looked down a billion mile on this rat land below, and - sprung on er hi greasy rolles, and aighed; X told fou ol" "i.) Oopyrlttit. 111, br Ceorf JilitUlea AdaB.