nin om:go?j daily jourimu Portland. Thursday EVENING. JUNE 17. Hit a I . in I . SBaaaaBBanaan.---e-- in inai m-.i i i - g I Ttvaa. fMr na l k ke. iwi Jxiui ma le km el It cis a Ike itiUi tuiHiw 4 Its lou! tU U eHIS' k el r i.r fur uiwt. of. toe Onaa Kwt C'.l.. Wet. W. C " Carta. ul mi 1 ertaf ol.l . (JHIUM. v. lieuva, Ht. it a wes- rvff URf Wk, lAareaxe a NuM fkera I Nil. Im . 0rfe T hltlf ttoar a, or. lltv hU4 aei4a. Of. rr UiiMr t ail ns of I evtee. vVaee, f. t aire- Ml TiliKMk Or J I Werner. llboli lUf . V. f w 'isB U aster air. alar U N(mm fcj4Ua U jHe a rtiiaa ral atiakil tee f "-"tk-M life, TM Hun U.fiee ailr 0e. AlUtrt W. Ca, m Niatt flaf. wfcaj )f4 TaAr W, ra. a r.u IH rM l m)m aa raa a naaaw tre4. erreet 4 try WMa tlUM llrf f. iwMitl l7 aa la WaaalajiM fc Mllr. da. a ewe Ua t aallaa Waal a. Pullr II Seteaetea Ui aaa tfi4. ataep aaeeaaar a tie ta Mtn Ifta U avaaa tfiwiua a Aiaaajr aaaa kaa vaa tciaaaiva laaa la aa ft "-a. aa4 u taiaal ! ara.aa. g pw iAen IS BAD PLACE, AVERS MAN - -rrrw-m I1TXJ la HCIUa-Utfiiiil tUiaiion. la Kta HAKKH Bakar "loch cosr "Tha Ivaan af a Tomorrow. COl-.VtML CRIIT-H'H Hill lrf ttona. LYKIi" lriMlnr,i Tolilaa oampaar. ' Vi 1 m X Ouaa Va" ORlMtt.W trthum clrfull vaudf villa. rANTAOrrV-Vaudl!la THE UAKlr -Amuatuiil aa Weathrr C'omdtUoBa. rorllanil and vlrinilif: fair nlhl Friday fair. timitr Korthaatrly vlnda Ortion and Waahlnflon: Kajr lonighl rrUlar fair, virmir interior por tion, nal ao aarm eilrtma at orl Krv Waa!rljr wind )laho: Vlr lot lht. roolar aoclhraal portion. rriir fair, noi o warm. THKhRK K lKAKC. ArlitiB Illrkt KurtrnKr. Crepe riottrltataf N C Maria. irl cultural airl t.f (ha O A. L lan alon dlvlaion. ralurnaJ yetlertay from a tour through llarnfr and Orant coun tlaa In tha Inl'rrtl f th atata aid arl-ult ural fontet which It to reault ta aa asbtbit ai tba atate fair ntat autumn. At Mrl ai very mui h Ini praad Willi llio rop outlook of tha two countlaa "They hava hud a raat drat of rain this yar. ' hr aald. "and avery crop la floulaMng Tha production la arcatar than fer t.efora ana u 18 oni to be rerttd that U-a paopla do not have railroad Irannporialion to ancour- a them In mora Ir.tanalve production. The John Day ralley niakr a wonder ful appearance yrar. It l not broad but II la rich It l ae Rood fruit country ae IIo.hI River valley. Witb bettrr tnpirlatlon the development )n Harney urnl Orant countlea will aur paaa all cpctal!ona. It 1 very large country lu.000 enuare mllea In Harney county w-rth hut oOJO people and aome of the beat land In the alate." aaalaa kal Ua aaa wit4 uv ta Uava iae " at aaea la VaMaatar. aA4 aji4 i taa alia. kartlr anaa fca a atra mm Ika awl af aa . f7 !. lfaaia kia rwalvar. lar iaa caaa aad 4eaaiMlaa lat iiimwi. CVIaa at firal tala4 a aaaattle aal later aald aai yaur " a iaa4e4 revalfar, Ike aaa ke ae ewiia4 at Hraaa aad Ikaa relaa4- Iaua4 la kia ckL Tka .a ix4 aa aa a ckre af aaaaali 1 " aaaiy eaao auk latent la , am ii, s,a4 raalaMar tkat fee waa """I t kill aad aaa aarrr ka ha4 n.i tuatMi na wilUka aieea a ara- iioiiaarr aeanaf valuiday. " aaaaa.a ttajra aaea yM la ta tka rte af tf . m. B. Jdaevkl. ka eaaauae Aakaa kllwkall ibia aiwralaa. 1 kraa waiaaa ava4e aaeaakalai ta Ika mMr aar aaalaat MHkU. Ita rataaiUr aaaaaUta4 la tka aeUra tkat ra were aaaoyiaa aiaa aaa kia raaitiy kl aa laaiiaiia kr Ika aaUaa faiM la auaaiaatiaia tkla ckarfa. Oaalaiaiaa lltt flaat frk af ! Hlalk aifM raaerte-e ta ika aattaa tkla aafalaa tkat aata I Una Ual la-kl ka aaal kia aaakalkaak; at tSetaath aa4 Oeaek atraata, vklefc aaa lalaa4 aaaea tkaa lM la ppf, aU aaa all far. t onerlbil tka aoaiaata af lk paraa aad haa aakad tka aaaiaiaaea af IM aatlea la rtadia it. 0 i aa tka Owe-Kali rriaa Wlaaav aia play ad kr aa aa frlday aad ka l u rxla r af Ihle weak. A flaa aalaelloa af ar Idea far vaddlag lfia klrlhdey fifta, far aaeaorval and kama uaa. Ill found her. Ueffert Jewelry t pany. ketweaa Tfclrd aad roarta. an Vahlntoa "Viaeraer Waal la rllkt ta aataa after tka MilaaakJa raa4 aaae." aald a aair arrutai lata awrm. ka ta t-aaltwa ta kaaw tka ail " It M a anna ta m Ikal ika arta lar af ikal ataaa kaa kaaa ailaaad ta la rwa aa Wa aa ka kaa In rax I. it la a at. larvae la caa ikal ka waa akla ta eel a aalf Iteeaia" fkaaa Waraa" le taa aaaaelaaaa af iaa atwwaakea rad kaaaa Ha rwra&aflr aia4 a aaia-ea la fattlaad. Tka 4 kauaa la la Llakaaaaa exM Net aar tka tla aetdlaa ikal aa ua If fraea Maltaaaaak raaalr. Tkla unn u a fcr tha arafaaalaaaJ Uw ndera aad karfatra aa katac a alaea wkera r.iea ara la aa4 )of raifba auarwava Kaaaaiaila la tkla Iraa af Malaraar alfhta eWvarat raeaaUlala Kaa keM made la Mallaacaak oaual afrirara aalaat tka plaea. bat a lac a It la el Ida tka laeal Jurtadlrilaa, lacal afTlcaa aaa a aataiaa wtik whal kaapaa the t a vera. kaa Ml a, tkat 1 far arvakaaaaea Hk- drkkaaaaa kad keaa caaaa la tka yat waa iaa aad fca rrwa t aaaaiia Aa a aaa liar af fact, ika ear laaaaaaUa faa fl54 lU raeraa aka I lUaaa trtt ikal iWa kaea kaa faala ta af all la Ika kaa a4a aaaal aaaelaaa Ikal ik aaliaai af rar eir ara tew a tka taaat aaieeH far iaa etaie Uaa awkiMtla taa aaia af Ue,- la draakaa aajaaaa "If ta.1 aie aaekai U aaa kia la aafwa ika lava. Ikia affloa ta laaJy ta kaia ra at ar tiaaa. aia (kara4 ky ika etaie awaailiaiWa bii leg ikal ik.a lava ara aafarcad,' ten. aludaa tka Utter, a4 u all aa a a aa r uaaa Tka -ecUaf aart af Ika latter waa nnasnmseamawesaenan araa Ovaara Frlaaa Bea4y A ara af horeee w ho entered a tka wark koraa aaetloa ta tka boree aad vakida parade of tha Itaaa raatlvaj ara requeatad U call at tha tlumaaa aoelety affleaa, IT4 Madlaaa alreat, aad raeatva tbelr erltaa. aaataaaiauv Bk. Tha eum. aa ky K liaveo4e. ika peeprieiar a rooming aouaa. at 111 Waal park o( f airorrjMa ainBott. la atop uth among eon a or lha roomer a ai kia koaaa r faulted u Ika Boating af rrea iietaoa. a ladger Iker. wk4 later ferad wltk ika aairoJmeo who hAd gona ta quell ika riot. Nalaua waa .hoi inroaa lha leg. k Vary alight wound u.euiuag prelaoa la lar fared wltk aia. non. wna tna Mtrelman eat la ika aouea, ty fcno.Uog him duwa and grap- ! wna aim. aianoti Inierxlad merwir to frlgblea hla aaaallakL aad fired Inia tba floor, but in, bullet danced anJ alruck Nalaoiv klr. and lire II C S4c nay. wno ware auarrellnv avar ih. far. of their l-yearold child, war tba eauaa of ika Iraatle. Ntl.on attercpted to top their uarrel When iba polica " cauea. .-eieon triad to nravrnt Binaoti from entering thi houae. lie aa arrtited on a drunk and dlaorderly I eapl iunday. Laavea Waablngtoo atreat sstus msm LETTER GIVES MAYOR SHOCK atmaUlaaJ Dawartaiaat af lkUa Bafa. t far Taaag' Woeaaa baa movej from tha Taung Woman a ( hrlatlao Aaaoela- lion building to ruma 401-481 Merohasta' Truet building, Slith and Waalilngtoa. BN Oily Baeatal Whew fatlrued and feeling blue drink IL-Porter and a pleae- ng amlle will coma bark ta yea abao- lulely pure aad refreahlnf. ar Jaaaa Marklaa for Cam a a. Waehouga and war landlnge. dally ei- A letter vrlttaa br Ooveroor Weal and addraaaad to lha mayor aad city council of ortland ciuatd a graat deal ef wonderment at tha mayor office to day, until frerratary George K. Moford uddeely dlaooverad tba aiplaaalloa. Tha letter apcrleed lha mavor and m WEAR GLASSES? Do They Fit You? in net a raker, aar a freak, aa rlld or eenaallonaj claims of kavtaa aatanlahad tba world or af doing work for aoihlng. but a thorough kaowl- la af my buelneee and ery tea - aonabla and )uel rhargee to ona aad II alike rtea coneuliallt-a. Dr.Haynes 5-7" alia tt MLaraaaaa BUg-, tk tloar. tkat avaay ariwaia far Ikal affwaaa, 1 aaiiaatwa aaaVg ikal tka aaveaa af ika teuer waa Ulmiil ta tka avaiar ad reaacll af partlaaA. walla Iba tat la iiaalf wee a44(waa4 la Ika aa fee aaa aawaael af Card af Tkaaka. fra wtak t ikaak iui frit rat ike' ktaaaeee aad ayaitalkr akawa wr lata MrwllHl klha.11! Mthc'lUNT A t: t.riKS AkO ItMIlT i - - J I AM I'M cm cm HEILIG Sri'CSK! ffcaaaa kia I a aad Allll TONIGHT ITJlSll99 Vpaaaai FrUa Malta aa aalwrAay darwrd . ftvavaa rraaaata M1HUIT ILLINGTON la I'karUa Keayoa'a alay Rvanlnga Iw.r floor. It reel l T ran II if Halcny. II. tic. lee Oallery. Ifre M.llaeaa Lower floor. II 19. II tt.lcoay. Tie. Ike. uaiiery. Ic. Jc A Broken Limb would lay you up for lev erl wkt. luv you uvtd enough to with.umj th cipcriM and lota of U- come during the time your faming power Is iu- pndeu? If not. would It not b prudent to urt et once? Bear In mind any sum you have opens an account at our Bank no rcitric tiont. want your patron- BAT UU TOHOkkOW ' UK 11.1. TIltlATHK K.fiernouna I Cvenlnga Beginning Neil Muadar Klnemaooinr (Natural Color) Motion ttrturea -THE DURBAR" and Niagara Kalla Evaa. T to jle. Aftarnoona. - 1- cbarge. dock at I p. an. Has Mlaalnr Slo Juo J ''. I--France, who If ft Mil liome at 1031 Eaet Twentv-fourth trcet. North, on the morulnf of June 1. to go flehlng, haa not returned to th la dale. It ia pre umed that ho went to Eatacada. and from there to aome place alone the Clackamaa river or aome of Ita branchea. Ke ! a member of the woodman and aec-retary of tha I'nlted Artlaana. Hie wife and three children are depehdent upon him. LaFranca la 3! years old. about five fret aeven Inchci In height, about 140 pounda; dark brown hair; dark gray eyea, amooth ihavcn. last een wearing khaki clothe, cream col ored Stetaon noft hat with narrow brim, low cut tan nhoea. cream colored oft ahlrt; had with him U. 8. knap aack. Jointed flah pole and reel. Any Information concerning thla man or hla whereaboute ahould be communicated to tha iherlff a office. I atala Foraoek Mar iqv. tnr Kt. nrai wire, to w bam ha baa tr.t..r.rr4 ill la alleged In th. dlvorra aun Drought by Margaret C Meaderaon againai John L. llenderaon. form.ri . i-ortiand attorney, but now of Tillamook. ona men her action yeelenlay. claiming nai iienoeraon haa furaaken her. She lao licultl him of wrliln . i.n.. t l-ortland achool leactiar talllna of hla allhful lova for her. Tha wife further complain that Headeraon khowed un- ual stlentlon to her niece and tha 17- (irl wkora they adopted from mc ii)a and Olrla Aid aoelety. Iien oeraon in divorced from hla flrat wife in July 110 Two montha later he waa married to hi prevent wife at Vie torla. U. C. Hlnca be had not been dl vorced alx montha, a aacond ceremony waa performed In Portland. She aika for ll0 a month permanent alimony and nvr anaro in nia property. THE HAZELWOOD BtaUaaa naUy 4 Oat eadr for tka lilt. paper on Friday. Watch thla ataJtaonak IfUl Tax kia h Batka Women. 11 (nooo) la I o m. . men. I p. m. to 11 (noon.) Take elevator. The BaUre Oapaottr of Hotel Oear- hart "By-The-Rea" and annex have bean' reaerved for thla week end. CLUB BREAKFASTS Served 6:30 A. M. to I JO A. M. Oet moady for tka Bike. paper on Friday. Watch thla lOaalaa' Olrl Tonaa May Jlarrla. who waa yraterday reported aa mieelng by lha police, waa located later at the home of a girl friend, illti Kuth Durgoee. where ahe had bean taken followln an accident laat Tueaday. when ahe fell off a car at the Oaka and waa aevarelv In- Jured. The family of the girl become worried over the non-kppe arnnce of their daughter and aaked the poeJce to locate ner. iter mjuriea while not aerloua. ren dered the girl unconecloua. and h.r friend, not knowing where ahe lived, had Mlaa Harrla removed to her home. ine girl went to her own home 1 night. laat tfaioa Trwavf ar Oorapaay, moving and atoraga. Main 111, furniture A-ttll. . Cbajakara ta Boa, optometrlita, I have moved to 167 Seventh. Oet Beady for tha Bike. paper on Friday. Watch thla NO 1 30c Baked Apple and P''n Bacon or Ham and E(i Dry or Buttered Toast or Rolls with Butter Coffee r W. A. Wlae and aeeoclatee, paJnlaaa dentiata, inirq ana waehlngton. Anns'g rortralte Columbia bldg . for men, women and children. A-1IJI. Oet Bawdy for tha Xlkt. paper on Friday. Watch thlk ateaofraphar 0S Teon bid. M. !. I NO. S 35c Choice of Cereal and Cream Two Eggi any styla Dry or Buttered Totet or Rolls with Butter Coffee renaey Broa Mday tpecdai Our II rrada or Wines at II per gallon. Our Ii. to grade of Wines at 7lo per gal lon. (Straight Kentucky Wblakey, 7 years old. regular 14.60. at ft. 50 per aanon. iveniucxy wniakey, regular at 2. oO per gallon. Our tt a-radea of Whlnkey, Rum. Oln and Brandy, 2.10 per gallon. Friday only. !7-3ll E. .Morrison t. Phones East 117. B-24!. Free delivery. Ohio Society's Keating- The third meeting; of the newly formed Ohio ao elety waa held laat night In the. Im perial hotel, with quite a large number Of former Ohloann prosent. Ex-Gov ernor Moore, of Washington, who trav led from Ohio to the coaat In 1869, told of his experiences. Dr. Albert H. Ehr- , grott.. formerly pastor of the East Side Baptist church, said that he left Ohio because he told the truth and because of doing the same thing while pastor he lost hla position. Miss Eugenlsn Rest Jng. a teacher In the Ockley Oreen school, told why she came to Oregon, telling her reasons In rootry. At tha next meeting of the society Mrs. Albert H. Ehrgott will relate her experiences while a missionary In India. Bllver Bemnant Bale Friday and Sat urday, June 28 and 29. Ono half the regular price and less Consisting of broken sets, odd pieces and discon tinued patterns, etc., of sterling sliver And silver plated tableware made by the best manufacturers. No such values In good, reliable, guaranteed silver ever offered Portland buyers before. Re member the dates. Watch our windows, Leffert Jewelry company, between Third and Fpurth on Washington. The store that features blrthstone Jewelry. Veterans' Convention Delesatea from Portland, Aatorla and Pendleton to the annual convention of the Department of Oregon, U. S. W. V.. will meet Saturday morning at S:30, to take the special train on the Southern Pacific, to Albany, Brew Krati BsJtet, id and Alder sts. WILL REPEAT BRIDGE OF GODS ELKS' WEEK in ooeaience xo tne request of s i number of cltlsens. Including many ciaa oi prominence in this city, sn arrangement was concluded last night whereby the Multnomsh Athletic club agreed to a repetition of "The Bridge of the Gods" on Multnomah field for two performances. Monday, July 8. and Wednesday, July 10. "The Bridge of the Gods" msnase- ment states that It will repeat the per formance With the original rmmt marked by all the realism of the pre vious performances. Carl Stockdale. a well known producer, will direct the performance. NO. We Milk Tout and Coffee NO. 4 2Sc Two Em any style Dry or Buttered Toait or Rolls with Butter Coffee NO. 5 30c Two Egx t any style Hot Cakes and Coffee NO. 5 20c Hot Cakes and Coffee or Bowl of Bread and Milk with Coffee NO. 7 15c Dry or Buttered Toast and Coffee NO. 8 10c Doughnuts and Coffee or Rolls and Coffee Journal Want Ads bring results. Nurserymen to Meet Here Word was received by the promotion department Of the Commercial club this morning mat ine .Facinc coast Association of Nurserymen had unanimously voted to hold its annual meeting In Portland probably next June. The message came from C. A. Tomeson, secretary-treasurer, resident of Tacotna. The National As sociation of Nurserymen is also to con vene in Porttend next summer and it is likely the two conventions will be held In conjunction. Twenty-five Thousand Dollar Wots Held Good A note given by M. B. Ran kin to the Title Guarantee & Trust com pany for $25,000, was held good yester day by County Judge Cleeton. The ac tion was brought by the American Sure ty company as a claim against the Rani kin estate for money lost on a bond for George A. Steel, former state treasurer. ' The surety company had to make arood 'on the bond, taking the $25,000 note as Its security. A Pree lecture' on Christian Bolecce win be delivered by Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., a member of the beard of lec tureship of the Mother church, the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass, on Thursday evening. June 27. 1912, at 8 o'clock p. nv, in First Church of Christ, Scientist, corner of Nineteenth and Everett'' streets. All are cordially Invited to attend. e Regular Breakfast a aerved 0:30 A. M. to 12 M. A good place to eat every meal Seating capacity 400. 3 DAYS MORE THE HAZELWOOD AND THEN WB MOVE ACROSS THE) STREET HOTEL PORTLAND BLOCK WE ARE FORCED OUT The building we are now In has been sold and Is to be remodeled; our loca tion will be occupied by the bank. Every Article Reduced (Only contract roods excepted.) $4,00 Swaatara for $2 9S 85o Children's Hoss 254 flSo Children's Hose BOo Ladies' Kosa 42J $3.60 Irong Kid Gloves (oolors) , $1.50 600 Jabots 29 1.50 Collar aad Cuff Beta $106 F. P. Young Co. 333 Morrison Street Ladles' Haberdashers. OpjKHrfta Hotel Portland J. H. JOYCE, Manager 388 Washington Street 387 Alder Street WEBBER'S ORCHESTRA 3 to 8 and 9:30 to 11:30 P. M. Attention, Members '8oont Tonng Camp ro. a, V. . W. Veryiraport. .ant meeting next Friday evening, June 18, K. of P. hajl. Eleventh and Aider , streets. Come. a WatnraUst to lecture Dallas Lore Sharp, the noted naturalist and author, will lecture at the East Portland branch library, - East Eleventh and Alder treeta,t Friday evening, June 18, at, I, Saving Is Simply Good Sense is wiser tie is wise who provides for tomorrow. He still who provides for day after tomorrow. Keep a picture of your old age before you. That is your day after tomorrow. Save now while you still have earning power. ' - HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK- "A CONSERVATIVE CUSTODIAN" Open Saturday evening six to eight SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS J-.. W H I C H If two pieces of meat are offered you one has been inspected by (he United States government, the other no one knows where it comes from which are you going to buy? Especially when there is no difference in the price. If you don't insist on the dealer ' showing you the government stamp on the meat you buy, how are you to know where it came from, and whether it is fresh and wholesome? 238 INSIST npoa your dealer showing yon this 13 j I C" "O flnrctmnirr Stihs as ill mutj ti li Tt' 1 U Co ) uneie aam e guaransee oi clean, zreea wholesome meats . UNION MEAT COMPANY moitcnt rACKxxs or thc ruino fraJ w af Iaa frwaas "Columbia Brand" EXTRA Original Barefoot Trilby Tcias Tommy Dancers TOIIO werla's Oreetest rreteea Art let l Joaas ft ataye, taa Lassoa, Kesri Kabellh, the Manaeeaa Tear, raatare scope, raataa-ae Oraheetra. ropalar pneae. aomee aaa nni raw eajeoay ra eervea. Boa offloe epea from 10 a. aa. ta 10 p. av raosee A MM, Mats eesa. (TBrtaia iaa, Tilt aa S. We MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Street. Open Saturday Even ings, 6 to 8 flu Manaaa Wrwrj Bap. Jyapress f -J I alllvaa a Oeaaietaa esaetj Orma4 W ef la4 TaaAertlss Special DltUllUUC DaV ing add to both the appearance and the ah v a 1 u e? Summer Prices BAKER ms-hts ICarUeee 10c aad aoe Aap Meat. 10a Will J-rraTi 14 The Ilrht aasonea.1 arowa aaa Mraiioa. orassl Brothers. I the Monarch Comedy Tour. Marr sen. Teg mssoa, oronesire. niATU Mala aad A-e3SO Oee. Xh abas. Mcs STOCK OOM7AVT TOBTIOXT ALL, WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY I FYances Hodgson Burnett's thrllllnsl piav or uinaon num lire. "Til D1WI Or A TOHOUOT" ElMnor Kobaon's (rrst eucceas. First time In stock. Kvenlnc prices 21c. 10c. I Matinees 26a Next week "Seven oil araostark." of your proper ty. It'a tue if true economv. saaaaaBBBBaBBBBBaaBVaaaPaBPaaaBBB I J MAITT C, A-IOSO MATXVXa ETSBT BAT i ls-es-eoe InOBTTI JZ!JF.. U XHKATRK l3-33-50-r3e t if vmMi W9 ; David Belasoo presents Madame Butter fly, baaed on John Xinther goaf's Japa nese Btorf play laets 45 inlantes, 10 laotorsi OVeers Bisters. Brown and I Blyer, Karrr Atkinson, Tuede Comedy I rour, aionors ana it rmai, vrenestra, TXItTKl rOCBTB AJTB STABB Follies Company In 9 The Armstronf "Madame X Cose Me performances nlfhtly 7:30 and Mstlners dally st 2:80 sny seat AT roUNTAINa.M9rrLa.OH CLSCWNKItt Gath Original and Genuine r .ORLIGK'g MALTED WILIS TheFoodDrinkforAIlAtfei awuaai tnua. a rowa Not in any Milk Trust W Imlit on "HORLICK S" WANTED Two :16. 15c. Friday night, Baby Doll Contest COUNCIL CREST : POBTX.AITD'8 BOOT QABDEIT - 1300 TEST ABOTS CITT. Tree Soenlc Amusement Park. XXOK GIMto ATTBAOTZOH8. orsir axb Kurx. Picnic rrounds In the old apple orchard Admission to grounds rree. BEOBEATIOW AB Corner Vaughn and Twenty-f ourth Its. Seattle Portland TCKB 84. 25, 86. 87. 88, 99. 30. Gam eg beKln week days 1cm. Sun. days 2:30 p. m. LADIES' DAT TBIDAT. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednes. aay. Members for Portland Baxaphone Band. This will be the most unique band In the country and the most wide ly known. The Instrumentation will consist of Saxaphones, Obes, Baa soons. Flutes. Plcooios snd Clarinets ' and Drums. Tha Baxaphone Is the east- en i or an wind instruments to learn. Players on some other instrument hava been able to play medium trade muslo ' on Baxaphone four weeks after pur--; chasing the instrument. You can do ae well. Any young man of good char acter is eligible. Free Instruction un der well known Instructor. Fourteen young men have signed up. For fur ther particulars, apply to ED WETMORE. Care Graves Muslo Company. . .Foster & Klelser High Grade Commercial and El ec trio , SIGNS East Seventh and East Everett fit. ; Pheies Bast 1111 1 B-SSSi. Tie OAKS Portland's Oreat Amusement Park PROGRAM TODAY ALT. BIO PBBB ATTBACnOHS SeUghtful Band Concerts by Oaks Park Band. The Neapolitans Pleasing Venetian Troubadours and Street Slnsera Pnnoh and Judy Just the act for me nine iuik. Tha Se Oarros Sensational Aero oats, madder Roman Bars. Tight Wire and will Watch for King Pharaoh He do at tne uaxs Sunday. MeeeeeeewMewwMWMi HOTEL STEITOBT SAN FRANGISJBO Geary Street, above Union Square -European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New eteel aad brick stracha. Cvarr " aaadera convenience, : Mederaaa salaa, Cantwr of theatre aad retail oWict. Oa ar lines traasfarriaa all aver city. Clee. trio aawiaas meats traiae aa4 ttssaiaHi Vf olio Club MIDSUMMER CONCERT OAKS AUDITORIUM Wednesday Evening, July 3 Tickets (which also admit bearer to tha Oaks) 80 cants, at J. X. GUI Co. at wuey s, aun uu. i , Oregon Humane Society Office City HtlL MilB Iff: A.fRSI Kumaae Officer, Sergeant B. Xh Orate. -Reaidence 14 S. 24th N, baat 47T. Hoese ambulance Mrnir Ith n ,i r-w tor. Veterinary in charra. Wrehll site Anlmala" Reecua Home, Northrop Aerea I Thomas A. Short, Supt-. A-5817, 3 rings. i . 1'