THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNALS PORTLAKD. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE t7. lilt. BILL m HON KANSAS D SPLAYS STYLES IN DRESS Unique Character Laughs at Sweltering Weather at Bal timore and Stuns With Loud" Garb. ta.tlf ff Ui4 IM f" aiaiiwaa aM fk4it.4 is W. "v'K r-a M r A rerfc uiMi.ti e-a la li-'f. 4 (lvUlii -e ! 4'a.a f ! K4MI Ut t4 r elfef l 14. el-t.1 .l.aM 4 II ar a Ilk a4"e 4 ceal tlx! (alga al t-al aa,lagi .MOnt I4. aaaaa aa fr.aa..l i tOrrrtsM. lif. r Tie Ueilimir. A .-U 14 i MA ' Juae II 1 1 ht rat" u li'tiii.d iu ; word Where, in Ik KoflUU (an. guage, raa Urn found CM eoide ellti tilrh fllllngtng 14 J.a rib our hrt. Hh. whera. entoi.g 4 t-4 I fival f tt i l Una I Ula Nete, air u-O. la Ikw .(una 4laa,e frail Vat Ike ei4 aHkaf la el4t'i4 aUfag Wtaaiy la IM Um f "a. Ml. 1'laaM Waav. fWaaa La I Ma tla aUaa-e M." axtl ixalllMM rtf.e la l Kg. hvu Ha tla.i , . ta. Il lla . fc4 Ma lM ead fas Uaalf eUk Ik rrMa4 lee... ea-1. Ilea MaaWaaa le I a' (r a.lbug CONSERVATIVES SEE MENACE OF TITANS BRYAN-ROQSEVELT (rnilnu4 fa fa fkna I NATIONAL COMMITTEE " ejiiaoi! ao : mlvae end lit , S loading erM lhare eouaj Iwllh hlih to p t j tribute Id Hill Mlapo I il.lana, km t P I know IIIIIT Ttiat'a liariuu nlh r nira, aparui B, pl4lf ha h-e '"""I "Ul COIUIIina Of burnlna Iflhul U aurt, onjliiarj- hrr, li 1 1 aji." n 4 . inn, anl ral.r Uora and fiaflry W llarlOII of AlaKama A rr..B l"parlhlila l.ajf for lllll Mapp of '"". nan. i t ran rrut It. aTota) laa Oiaal la QUur LUa. mi arana nrai. Ilallliiiora i .nioiiMviKvii ijar nu aiming or pwiki. nut atl.vr iioi. villi . I.e. i thai atnara ltlf orr you Ilka flua. and aia ir-a. Ilrat thai Unah. at now Jr (iifff. Ural that bring, craal w.r . pia oul or Ida aliuuldcra of lha turjj tlilrta. M a amrt alaava ronvrnflun. Tha aruaa'.r.t of em .ha. thrlr roata Our prouitriit at-nalura nor. ihalr liamlk.r- tnlcr tutkt.l In umlrr their rhlna Ilka th laad r 'f 41a araiiJ mar. h at IHa atramfiiirra and U'llf rniMkcru' annual Bfan-I nak lall. 7 lie maariillna arl it ina auilloiirr aaa an (Mliirallon In the nuM' t Mnjt in mm n amnnirr rhiri InaT. Tliry lanK.J all tha iy fr..m umlaniorrallo (ilianiunir 1 1 at lo fho rant lariiuln kind Hat rum In tha And. at Ik or rotion. each ehlrt etvirk t II oicitr i v.ll or t fiama like a wall trained I'oncy lalund bathing aull. Thoaa 1 n In thrlr irl.l. wora (Ul.ira. found thrlr neoka enrarril In k'KV. r.cfordlon pirated ran tx-fora th cum el. Don had f.ilrly opened. Eatar Bill fftapp. If tha touvrnllon audience temporari ly foiK"t Ita in lorry and roan to Rive a ell, Just to k' -p up a hi inblam e of -tur'"(iicnrM, t Ik-il- w;i a ripping, buzz mi hi'jnil an e.K'li Fklrt and pair of trouKcia .cHrnlid Itaclf ftoin luridly .llnging heala of the highly Mir-'lnhi-d enmp ilinlra. There. Thut'a the picture. Now enter th" hero. Hill hmpp, committeeman, of Helenii, Kim, v.nti n ciiiiinio that ahull lie described In li i.ill na f Inborn le a (hut ueil In dcidctiiiK it iioclety leuder'a alia ami dlumonda. In the llrnt place, ill nore a rrlnce Albert. He wore a MlK hit, ui'-l iinjme colored truusern llmt ixelgliel about 43 jiounds, and the liewpt thing In win r cullara, and a lirlRiit red necktie and K'hv Klovea, and patent leather (.hnra mid wait a min ute a vt,t with a white plqua ventee, lna entire I'M.mme and displacement be ing abuut 1"" tons. Kopt 'Em All On. And Hill kept all those c.lothen on all Hiirlnn the convention, and when we. left, a wilted and prickly heated bund, he wan Mill wearing 'em. Uiir-k In Knnsiis they say Hill Ptnpp Iihb been H mitlonal central conunlttee niBii for 1 - Jin ik. and that every four years, at each huccckIvb convention, lie adds another nenator-torlal touch. Kvery four ear he Iikk new plunihlnij, paper lianKlnp:, curtains and general decorat ing throUKhout. l'welvo years o jro ha started with a allk hat and u Hack coat. Klght years ago ho added the I'rlnre Albert. Kour years ago there wan the further en chantment of mouse colored trousers nnr! the pray gloves. This year tha white pique vestee completes the daa zling picture. At sight of BUI Stapp, In all the glory of his clothe, this blithe and steaming Juno morning, strong men broke down and wept like children. Needless to add that Hill Is a violent and chatty reactionary. Mrs. Bryan at Convention. Whllo the limp, bedraggled crowd was lendlnrr half hearted attention to the orators who had the unenviable task of filling In the time from noon until tho convention was called again at 8 o'clock, there was something Interesting and worth while going on at the Belvldere hotel. For the first time In her hus band's long career, Mrs. William Jen nings Bryan is attending a Democratic national convention. Tneno years of her husband's cam paigning have made, a sound politician of Mrs. Bryan. Politics have become a part of her life, and her grasp of the subject is so firm, (to reliant, so steady. that William J. Bryan Is conferring with his wife on every important political move that he Is making. He doesn't tell her about H alter It has happened. He asks her advice and counsel before he takes the step. The Bryans have a room Just off the Bryan headquarters at the Pelvldere. There the commoner holds his confer ences and there you will find Mrs. Bryan, her w;.ole heart and soul and mind in this Democratic conflict, with its lack of precedent, its Infinite possi bilities, its struggles between the old regime and new order things. The last 12 years have whitened Mrs. Bryan's hair so that she makes a picture 'that is good to look at In her white linen gown. ' Two Pictures to Eemambor. After the shouting Is over and the f) bunting has been torn down, and the t hotels have moved their oriental rugs 'back into the lobby. It Is these pictures! that will be remembered the little Inti mate glimpses that are so Illuminating'. Bryan In conference with his earnest . faced Intelligent wife, is one. Roose velt, sitting alone In his hotel room In ChHafTO. calmly reading Herodltua the ' day after the Taft nomination, is an other. As for the convention proper, or Im proper. It Is only safe to say that, the patient Is holding Us own. Sergeant at Arms -Martin has lost his voice and does hi : best to suppress the Irrepressible crowd by the use of calming; gestures and a stern expression. The crowd,-In spite of the heat, remembered good na ture, though slightly Irreverent, and de- . . clicdly Irrelevant. Broke TTp H! Speech. ' ' Thus when Senator Clayton ot Ala- ' bam,, one of the raised arm, quivering t Inhered school of orators, was In the : rnldst of . a. particularly impassioned period, a warm and bored gentleman 1- the eenter Of -the hall turned tao bet Ike diaitftrlion of !.: Ik. politi.a! tM'1-t.Klon af ?vm 7ttal outd t-a OJtlieab!e lo It) an ai.J Hurpt,) liai otil. I. l.fnal,!. la karn lu II. a )a ef Hen an J Muihy llr)au uuM au cpfoaa aa m la o'tuaing I la. tul ba ou!l ftul I ifali fim cl.ulca. Ilraita flal rkui.a ia aorns eea to ran d.fa llooaavall. !uaaelt ' le folnar l"le the ran of Hao and tt M a, I atraal crowd today. Hne Ifryea la In id. ea randaat lhr aaa tha probability vf riryan lnlis !(a rtaae!i for.r end tliry know what thai would iimh Toredar for some trar.f iraaon thai did not aaain lo t-e In mind as bay drove orr ilryan, but )eaiarday lha lm or ratio rontaatton fj.r.J more d.finlialjr upon ltoeeli l nan upon any iUta flguta Th hew party la the lrar upon Mrh iraii la mo Ing lid. roni.nllotv It la bafrly Ma thai lha Hfht daaning u-on It) an and klurphy la- from oih.r world titan tliairs It may b thai tha rlaa of Ilryan come, from Ilia rj that has coma thrllllnr doan lha line from tba big tnrn of Wall etrwt who aa that If raai'tlonarv nomination la inada hcra It l.l dlld. tha raarllonarlra Into Taft and t'lark camp.. I.I Die pro ir.ulira lll ba only In on. partr. I Hut from whatever couim tha light ha ronis. It la brra. Hran la arlelng In xirr and bla rnrmln are In ronfualnn I'nlraa tney can rally Itryan has them Bryaa WUi airaal TUtory. I. ant night Bryan and the procrr slvr won a algrutl v. lory In tha vol of Hi to 4) to make lha old Peino. cratlc unit rula conform lo the modern primary law Thla ballni. which fol lowed tha outbreak of Wllaon anihu.l- anin In the convention and th nd of a day of growing Bryan atrength, would heein to Indicate thnt the convention. Ima ben frlghtenel from the rrartlo.i- ary position It took In I'arker rldctlon. Obviously the convention bai decldl to take at Irnst tha semblance of a pro gressiva stand. It now bus a progres sive permanent chairman, and by thla old tho convention has put Ilryan Into the leadership of his party In this con dition. On every hand the vote la onsldcred to be a blow at Clark, lha Bryan victory Indicates that Wall street saw the new party In Bryan's eyes and la trying to mnke terms with hliri. Hrynn all day, by politleul general ship, kept the progressives of the con vention In unbroken lines. By demand ing and securing the rulo which makes the nomination for president and vlre president precede the platform, Bryan was able to create a situation that makes a reactionary candidate and a re actionary platform come only as the de termined premeditated will of the con vention; for If there Is a reactionary candidate Bryan will not participate in tha platform deliberation and will let the tall go with the hide. Thla action of Bryan s will be an advertisement to the country and to the convention that the party Is reactionary and the whole fight then will bp in the open. So much for his first maneuver. Second Attack Upon Combination. Ills second attack upon the Ityan-Murphy-Hearst-Clark combination was the move to amend the time honored re actionary unit rule in order to bring it A l.laawa H iU X Al fe 14 aia4a4 I anlia J.a h eta!. IWata-T, J WxVa. I ,avxK,l II aV laaala4e !- H .1114 alat-at I . IwnaJ T U Oal-iA jaw1 iinj !!. t u.fc r it tun liaa h-Haae4lA. aliaa. lLauaa la(it Ia-Ja4.a Utio J Hilt haa.a M Y rar -Ji ' Me. I ,.liak" f l411 laaaacltla J rMI. kllaaiMii i io-.l lv..:i Uimiu K. U ifiiia. tliUMJ H kxaii Kstaila J M ixl laHpbir -4..i.ia U R1. S.a llaJih- S MUA I' Jix... Near ImI'Smmii I. Matk Noita 4 amlirva JuMha lal.:a Soxl,'-Jolh IHuaggaa. lUilu-JuJlt IdaalJ tlo HalahoiHa -l(o-et n.!l.(all. Or. gun I I It King fan f r H n ia - A XI '.l.r Mhu'. IlltU linlli W Ulltti a-.ulh t rl I II It Hitnaa ulh lakota ftr 7uU IcnmuM- h t aivui'lacaatla. Tra -to Mall. I'lab William I W'allara V.rmont 1 font. II Hrawae. Virginia J. Taylor a-"ll""e, Weahlnglon JoMi I'altaaoa. W'a.l Virginia Johi T Wrtjrew. W'lat onaln Jo-ren l Nli. WunOig -Jul.B K libulba. !.ka-A J 11) Ii.rie cf t'oiurnbla rdard St min. Ilaaall -John II W'l!oa tilll.pli.a lalanda M t ManUy. forto Itk-e tlaur jr W Ciaie.. T Muaarl CUrk awaa t4uaa4 C Ikau lir 4 riaa, k uaat kaa 14.. a,i4a tie iM.iit a la ia taifcaa if I r a 4.e MMUlavt a' I tiaiil rt il A SMaauai 14 t a Ma,anie Ik kit IWa ar u I avf 4ir aviinail vaai Wlxai !) .4Wa'g l taAk eaka a. all saeaOa ilea) f 444 " laa.JA .ia( Uta UUt 1evry le r a rUllaaaa, ntiMJi aiiU-ka. 4t. i41a ef aaWlat lla.llaa iwilM f-ufc. u I ' U.I laii-g fa laa ':l"'l af .. MMftakaail ef ajafiawaa a cuaAal4a CLARK'S STRENGTH WANES: CALIFORNIA DELEGATION SPLITS .a' ' -iiaittj... rti H.M, aaarl- 4e ' iiav . .f aa -.. i- t- .a-..i ( as 4aa aa4ll 4l4aat tMk4- iv.ia 4 w.l .ti..wt.. !M.m.g ' v 'iel. lijah.ui. tkl (w.Ua.1 . aa(abii4.u,al af a w4af laal vf UUi. aJ.iibg a.,. a lali.r till, agaia.l Iia g.a rl' fw ivm.. Al4 (taMtxx4 rl vmi a Ha I iwanl .ah! egaiaai Ckm1U k- I ia. ii. U a k i iawr. a4 tall I iri.ti....i,.g Akj aafuivaaaeal af liv all''. La a T' a lailff i :.aa aii:i ia ' 1 1 1 I 1' ' " i ,J i4) a,; 4.:aa . aiwlUt l"lr t liu. w..j.r n,itwii V4IIWI tk.attt.aa aa iilK ' 4 i .J, -k0 4vA I M II II ' I ' ' I ST i u.lllta lr..,l lUk oli v.i I t ealMU.l Ti 4a.ol "a li fan Ha krvka ue lha Mii m4 ali.r aa (anting It I ul aatg el a.llo t k4 laxnaika. II ivn.iiilHu l.nellj aa- tUfa7 la Ba4a Mae fraaaaaieie riaU4. li'gk ii. ui gitwi ina I taa tfalle UglaialUg ot 11 m pi.acM keuaa. So H.ri.llon out I mad., a Horn ton. liial. vf il IniK.iii. ai-. 4 ifa- T? a .ic.u-u af i'liia Jn ', cujo, la I . . Ml .U lull U II. CUifc inc.. j Kaa Ur.l...l . foil, lu l lin In.nuua of a atiffreg iak Into eonforrnanra with tha raw presi dential preferenre primary lwa This mnva t.a a lined first lo help Wliaon, Incidentally lo help the ngrti gnerelly In brief h ttilnorlly report aa lo !ii thl I. a "l ru-' H la .all i.hiil f'f a inliitin M.mii Kim ti.J lla ia a. ) !! aarm 1 1 ., J til I i i an! a. It r li e t'tata tx:. li e; ! 1, It Owl l.i.l liilii. II ae-rlr la b. I'. le',fi Ihal HfMa Jaiitea a-lel.h i.e v Mtra i that Wllaott end i l.ik o il t-vll, t at lha 11.4.1 Tha lrltan men aay Ih.v are gelling falloaitra r.gM a! c a'.r. lha t'lark manager tpe t .. r.lin rhoaen ea tfm aeeon-l haltol. -eil.( on H fllt. Al II l.'k a If no-n Inallone would begin Itvl.y the nuk ing of (-. I rm will haluraily r. r.uti.. ntvjeh Hi... If all tha doien acll. and aaiMa candidate era formally "m- I Inated Governor I ' friend are mtk. ' It g a had f'gt.t f r h'"i. dial r Itiiil iileralura and pie. Ing lull page adec Uecnietit In ll a h l cri Or4ory to X.aal for Weak. ol.'i.r raadld.iea. like (Sayner. fnr make a Laid fight, there i: l-e oratory to last tha remainder of lha Fk. The deiermlnallon not to adopt II. a platform unlll after the norti Inaliona le looked on aa a cl-r mot In the Inlerrat of II lliun ar.d peruana' but the i l.ik IM l44la faHpaiy Irwal 4 kolk la rf4leaaa.llvi. tflfvaig faa-ie le kwtasg eiaagkl e k.1 la aaaaJI Ike taae-4e la tiiaa of aiwallaf le ka I iiava . kayianaUUH . a t lla 4a a. a tea Hag ike l.4l Skaae aa- 14. aaaee f4lal aagfalaa a avai.4lag a 4eialiv fef aaak4ile la- i ef 14a ralHxli liaalr 4 ef k feage' a4lflaltai egalaal Ika aeaal. k- Ika (aaarialta aia lag eaiaai ak a.iiea. al Uaal kua Ika tekumiala caatial aal r wi kiaack wf c aag i& Tie aailie ssaaWfkp ef Ike Shlllac ai al eclwck 4 4" 11 fsalllal 4rf4 iiea4. etaa I Ileal e-aieiel !.. ea hm aia aalie 4 sir IK.Ir ttaaa ea is. tariff aal taelf liatka DOCKERY REMEMBERS AGE OF SQUANDERING ke ssiiiia Ua, 4U e.!..iK t la saael4a l e aa-Aaaerktaa le eWr ae Ike - e4. ta eiMkaHtt aaalaiMa aa4 kaae ke ka-ia i. a la ka4e e a aaialtaa) Iiw4, a-. 4 twa a. "wkaal 4 a4 all V I Ike ag,r wa4wlla4 Bjallltce aa4 4 aava a4ialaiaifal tea IMt aaa.4 4 IM. 44a4 .taiy. -Wkal 4a kaw eMajt II aava4 lla , "kalklag ssa4C Oala I ae te af Waakisujiaa garaira n, wiif t4iy 44iH4 4ia k44a4a HARRIMAN SHOP STRIKE LIKELY TO BE SETTLED rUlllmar. June t . f!egaia M O llioaa. of the ldstrlrl ef I'oiumbia. lo ! .1 ilr no!v!ag lha Hoi.lea of i day had a he I aiaumafcl llh fain... It. ...i.niiltM n pki prniH lank liuinmr Doekerr. of Mlaaourl, or .1gmg lha 4ailr lo a .H,r rr...rm tha auaatlon of lval self a-o l lii' lla i.aty and ilr frog ram I Ir a rei-eal tf' for lha paopla ef Wa.l.lagion. ais.ra In lha month. Ittla4 ka am.ala. lat. Jaaa 1 1 Jaf rek rlta4 ty tUrrteaaa eke tr ikaea a(ft lata) keta. fraa Iraal araf is W tr la aa naexle, te la Ike effect ki aa-a ewkf treat f tlarrtaaaa le duifi la Ike aflxa f trai4al "arewl. a kaa rraavrlex-a dartag Ike weas. l-ae baa ikieg aa Ike Selalla af a eta f lllataeal ef Ika great sink aa) ISa llarrlniaa and initial I antral eyeleate lha anagemal 4pfie i lake ka lha uruo Ii. en an J gel r4 ef eral (houaand ir ik.bakia la California bafora the r.d af July. roretoea kave ban a4uing thalr frin4e-a Ike ekep thai lha uaian men aould ba kark WH4- ..t it . rul.e eommlllfa ilf-Urea !hall"m oiner progree.M a. a'lnarenie i rori.un tnai irietr I aa trogra.:o aa any or-.a dare alata convention .11 rot bind un1-r lha unit ml dl.lrlrt ilrlegtalong In- atruetrd by lha prupla In legally pro vided preferential primailea It would In Its .aiondary effect do murh to break the unit rule Tha unit rule I In atrength of Clark arid ihn reactionaries Tha minority report agalnet the unit rula a aa aigul laJkol by WUaou tutu,, entirely hy pragrel Th lop of Clark ha been to hold anouch siata de.egatlona In Una for a sveond ballot to permit New York to vole onre for Osynor and then in the aecorid hallJl gti to Clark. Hut If district Instruction takes precedence over slates' Instruc tions, Clark's big machine controlled states will crumble. This fight to make the rnnvitillon de cisively progressive or unmistakably r ii tlonary and tha f.ictit to break up thn Instructing unit, taking th Instrtic I ln from the slats and putting It In the congressional dlstrlet, baa been tlin result of Hryaii'a day's work. It has greatly strengthened the progresslxe cause. It ass, however, a tncttcal blun der to allow the great Wilson demon stration In last night n session to burst upon the convention during tho dehala on rules, for It frightened tho 1 lark men and lined them up for a minority report. IViuhtless the demonstration for Wilson was not prearranged, but thrre can be no question that It was premature. Too Strong- to Permit Split. As matters stood at midnight Inst night, Bryan snd the progressives are too strong to permit any split among their foes. If Murphy Is going to name Clark It must he on the first ballot or not at all. Clark cannot win on a dead lock. All day yesterday tho various delegations from tho middle west got telegrams demanding that they line up with Wilson or with Bryans choice. These telegrams arc from local states men who desire to win the local fights fon the local offices. These telegrams have weakened Clark's strength. Kan sas, for Instance, with 20 votes In structed for Clark, lias decided to leave Clark on second ballot because the Kansas men have a local progressiva fight to make and cannot make It with aland on any .al could tland sponsor be and that he n form that Hr)a for. ; Mince Bryan's defeat, which as rI- , ly a victory, one thing (land out mora prominently than anything else, and that I that the convention will si.nd for J ?flfnlT!f 1e TtlVt Teat, f1mifl Tl't. karat prugresslvene.a lo th platform and In lha undulate. NEBRASKAN. AIDED BY O'GORMAN, WILL DRAFT PLATFORM (Continued Krorri Para One.) reive thn final "O. K" of the commu tes and ho reported to the convention. Thn rrvolktionary program suggested by Bryan, to adopt tho platform after tha nomination today, gave the com mittee more lime lo consldar live party battle cry. Two Platforms Betas Srawa. Two platforms are In process of prep aration. Bryan and other progressives have control of the resolutions commit tee by un Imprt'saU e majority, but a minority platform Is possible. Tammany's platform so far has been ripped to plecos. Most of the planku have been rejerted. It Is said. Similar fato was doled out to four or five other platforms. Krom behind the locked doors of tha subcommittee today dotal! of the pro gressive victory In drafting plunks leaked out. A flat declaration for a "tariff for revenue only" Is one of tlw leading proposed plank.s. Plank Almod at Booscvelt. Another limiting tho time of presi dents to one term for six years Is nlmed lor prinrii'ui unu UKiunri voionei ltoM:iO- veil. iiie lariri pianK was not com pleted. It Is to be the last to be pol lulled off. Tha one presidential term plank, ft Is rumored, will recommend adoption In 1017. Other tentative planks are: Condemnation of the Aldrlch ilYounj Men. $20 and $22.50 Suit. $16.85 Boy.' I lata. Straw or Felt 50c to $2 In Our Shop for Boys Clothes for Service Have you taken the time to visit our hoys' shop and see vni excellent values we are offering? If not it wMl pay you to do so, as we claim that we can save you money on every article you buy with the assurance that you Ket higher quality merchandise. Below is a list of our line of Hoys Clothes we offer to you: Boys' 2 Pant Suita $5.00 Boya' Knickerbocker Suita . $5.00 to $15.00 Boya'JVorf oik Suita $5.00 to $1 2.50 Junior ' Norfolk Suita $4.00 to $10.00 Russian and Sailor Blouse Suita $3.50 to $12.00 Reliable Clothiers. Southwest Corner Fourth and Morrison 5ta. Clearance Sale of mil - m CREAM SERGE. SUITS i Of Highest Character-Both Tailored and Handsome Trimmed Styles at Wash Suits I4 Off! Our complete line of Wash Suits for boys In every stylo and pattern, all elzes, at off. Agency for cy tor Holeproof Genuine Guaranteed Hosiery FYr men, women and qhtldren, $1.60. 12, S3 box of 6 pairs. ) 0; mi They Formerly Sold to $32.50 The sort of suits the women of the hour will want, and at a price much lower than you would expect to pay. They embody every dictate of fashion, beau tifully tailored in heavy serges, whipcords, diagonals and hairline stripes. A splendid assortment to choose from. All sues, from 14 to 44. Don't miss this big bargain at $14.05. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AH Our Other Handsome Cream Suits Now Reduced Low New Norfolk Raquet Blouses are in $ 1 .25 One Clever Style-Special at as - Made of linene in all .white, edged with black and white, patent leather belt. A d t , smart, clever blouse. All the rage OXeauD ' .. I mNF fs Come and Listen I Subscribe Now- Jr4 S0NGS--0RCHESTRA--NEWS lTS. r - y, DIRECT raoM thb y-""' gffT Human Voice anMutical Instruments AelL NtFromRSora-- SPnYk v.FREE DEMONSTRATONM SJEvery Day (Except sd.,) CCJ iw lr' TELEPHONE HERALD is a combined Telephone Newspaper and Entertainment Purveybf, "Heralding" its service over an independent party line a one-way service according to a time achedule, from early morninj till late at night. DEMONSTRATION PARLORS,! FIFTH FLOOk ROYAL BLDG. (formerly Tull & Cibb' Bldjt ), 7th and Morrison. Open until 9P.M.S HOTEL MULTNOMAH, ali around Balcony. Mexranine Floor. MKH , " &,FRANKS Restroom, 7th floor.Gcneral oices, 5th floor Royal Bldg, Main 4S45, Main (0)5, A J:: ' OREGGk TELEPHONE HERALD CO. .) i V 1