THE OREGON DAILY- JOUflKAU I'QRTLAND. TUITSDAV KVCJil.NQ. JUST IS. lilt t) . MOliStA. . Lim it V MC. ! Al Tl'MomUAlUiHiHatl M Jfi Amazing Results H:,:?s, Harness an-3 Vu-5 , fcrt AMI 1K Ht Af llsl .tKl l'" Folio? Tkir Use U Jkil b a i - ' - .. .o M.' .' a h HaintKofntf Statics, tit J,1ll SM A I k -J i . -. 4 iin ....- J 41 -.1:' -.. . i . 4 . .4 i ai- A I - QuanUHitJ of JferbsanJPoots 4 J ." l-.Ie. Arc Imported Arwually. i fcj lf4l. ' ' ' ' . . . . ... . . i.. i ii. tin. iiui i I uihH4l I. urvi ra .1 I 1 t , ; . . . t -.i i.i. i ..:! iiuii te-4 And ucirtiAi. i '" ria i mum.iia i ; ... (.."".. f - - --7-rrri siu."ari..i.4i-aww." ... ; J. K ' I T.I iV tir i T . " . aaj. - "'I , fca aa4 n4aJ a a4 aaa 4 M H4KI 1 ' ill t tn.U .('. - t4 !, l.a.f at i t4 I I . ., i a 1 4 J v 4K ilU .-u id , 4 MM4-I '! III at A llatj gMtKla - I e h t i m. 4 r itiiui. ! Uwlaa aal 4 iaaiL l a.i a '. .! . , i..( r,.'. i c jl.laf. iaf--' I . Btl! 4 .v,..' BUSINESS DIRECTORY m la ia )-wai 4aaf, Ataajaaai WWiaiar . tfci a ..I -u I a 0m, m . . ..' " miwwM - -i" mm Hi- - mwm ... - ' i - . . , . . . . . .. . ? I - . - . . . .... .... . - ....k ft. JK I 1 ( ' a aa.4 IV 4 7Wa. -. 1 " r" 1 1 - " ' aaaiaaaii i'.r.. KMTxiro U J i i. .. i ." . ff tj " vJrhln ' r- fi rrir'L'Jf lr1. iJjitirr:f -. s i -.' "4. J !! IMWil rt fe j tilt -.t I '. . ----- - , j., , , , - ,m, .. . .: I r . - i I J"' v- 4 r'A,f .1 t t, i - K - -: ' , .r. i -m. . , ... ., .... , t . . , .,. i. ..... .....r.ivn .4iltiM MiUf . .i,M4.. it., ..K .L ' l T"r.-fc. M.a M-U A I. I Iik '- . ir i i 1 '"- a aJ i.m fctii p l'-4 I K ufct ' . t. - ! i H.t4 iiT.i. ; . ,' tin 1 - p toa. tMi n " ' 4 I ' 5. 1 !.. : j i 4 ! ! fiMt f-J r f t !'. f Wi t ; ii t I a .. AaH t-Iith i4thTiAi a vi 4t !. -ini.1 4 a4tr aaaii la a-4 al aata tm .a. atala la Wasaiaalwa laavk i.f i 4'-.- U ! 34 ii i i'il. Kaa t car . I I 1 !!i . IB I - i 11. ! H'i.l r...ll. I ., "!. di i H 4-- jit; .HMt al !4'"-a . J a ! ai 4 i!.'U. .! Ik afstr I . a ioi ititi ',.- . i.i. W Ifcl, lilt Kill l I it outi a KAeCTKoruiriita 4coooT4is rtna C .t ijKVK i I a ji .i anai II ' I ,1 t' I ', .,M M lltl "tOl l.l4"at?MKnii:"4 f lliiUIK ' IN tfwwi.i 40 Ml tltl . . . " llfT la -to-4 . laaaa Ml tLtoraiO M9TO M4IBT4t4V8 4 aaaa.taa 1 1 at OHaa a rivn ? i u t'iyiua i ii u w w a. ( lu'iiiHi lJt..., .i.4 !., t..'f t a - . a i ,:... Ha t-4 iav . , U 4a)B aaOWa'AJlM GEEV? Winto.n r ft . . t 1 i . , t i ' s r. r i. j : . i f A t o i ' Mli.lftMIt ml 55 ! III. " ts ' ' . r n..tti iib.iiry ( arte; ! J.S A Mr I M I X I r i m..n on ii. i 4 V 4 ' t ! . r r .' " :i MIAMI W.iXTH H ASH l A I an f ! t. .in ...... t . ,m.mI i.r CI l.ii.a 4 .4. ii.ac4IU 1 1 , o a r.! - al ili .f I "! If.lgr,.e ..!. II! ll lMli. t4 4 Hi tui !,. Mm (HI, I r lii ti. j e if rent .1 .. is I i.l inr eoi -l Ite a'!: .: In iit.irii lsm 1.11 feieiann n'r 1.1 1 ft III .Sa i Ail ! " 1 1. nt. i n l4a 4tiArta AhmMit M tM, aW.TI.St BI40. !oa af A tKtal i4 Irltaa -1. ... .f a. f - IS.fl..i.J I,..i,.ru III 1 im j agitata afe4 l-ifAalai aal4Ual. I4at c ....... . i. ... -t - - ... J Mataaalt Oi) rwfnB a iaxai a j Kt h k a. r.r,;aara-.i. 77T.. .-7"...... "it.;' Tri,,:.: . . i 4a4 aaic i rui.l A at.i. j ., H.ini lk alar I4 ! j4 l4.a Ht I - . -- .- - i lAlbOUlO ICllPOa t aaaaa aaal wo V i v ' y r ! c-' A c GEE WO .'1 If i mi l in liioil tftU I" ! A '3 I f : ( ' I . a iii ! J (.! !Ji. At !i iS.if S Ait..l' i 5 h i-. i i ... ,t i ..i n.p ;" !'s w-juSin1 t Ai , it i. :i. I:( auB, A !4. J". f I ' I.UNrillH AMI UO.THfli Oi 14, ! I ' Ut l-i I' I l.a.l ! 4t. lA HU I.ThT H,t- j O 1- I ; HAM .fI.l (.ill!. nil i,..llil;4I Miftn jam 4-!v , . Id ISV T4 h!li-.-r" I n Itwala m f m.i inHf.irri. !irl lirv I... .!.! turnJ iwl ' I li r V. . H M4 "'- ' I HoINil I'ASI I i.Tf;... i..i.,""i i i."i t thai ma Utl i.-ir. IS?.. '", I'--: ri.iiv In r...-,, L.nit.. . ..Ht:s f,.f I." I -j!i. Im1.ii. i t i:m i:k HH.n am hoi inioi.i rici 40 ' ; Jflll fnm lrJ t'olnirr fu !'. fttanllx ai t. 1 . Ifl. I' A. Klronc, Jft4 T4 V A. Van wj.rr J!i. - a VnriTr:-s r; n ."".S "i ".....t. s r..-:r" MI H I' ri. l Uli-'i f ffnthuVfDli i:.iiYninh ..,, pTT I r. a 44 ir ! re ! i I r f ! l t J i;;ii: .Uk n..l .V.i-- fiiinnuir, ar It 1 ... I. 'nt 1 1 . .?t.'Ja I.I- I I lluv if. ;ie ;ih i Ms in (i: MtsaAj. fVSXIUMKNTS 4 i ; h 1 1 i 4 ! a 'nl t- -r -.-1 IN i. K I " ' M v ii i rt r r .;.!.' a II h riN-iif.ln, i r: -!' TtiMir ni I uih ' - it inc. I . i-n r.-. t -1 .. J...iriat lOlt MALI: MIM I I.I-ASHU s I t i.osr am rorxn :i I'H'K 1. 1( I .N ' 1 A it ... nt In rfit lutc-i-. (!!- . i ' I Waii. C.i. .!. : l'r 4afi. I a"":.i'J ' "" ii t.i.ln. liilrrtal. '! 19 ll H. ( W11.I4 t hi.l'l fl. f I, 4 -.-. aaa. j ..lf(li I trl4 rkcnhiala lH iik 4 Uai ! i rtAS,wJVTl"rv " I Vii.!."Ta'a ? r. ci.t.i-.i MV MH' T I.iiM IK'WK Ualia4l alarahalt sJ: l MHrlaaa Wil l I'AT ITU ft Ml N' AiiFM" i 4 i' lAHTiiN. Ilof M'Al.I'lN'l It I.I 4 J t I ! I. i r t ei.l. I ;.'603 ) tin n . K"II.VLi) V. l.t-. A lln.i . u-in" t,l t.uic, no rJa.mlaata IHU. I Al.l.H iai..tis. .1. i .1 J.tiiriiat I yftiiur.' .-.ill.. I ). tJ i ni un Vt ! i.I." ."Tjr I :o'.lirl f'-OUTn "lliiptt J ! A. fl Call'I.H. Ail.'H.., ! ! Uac i.t .i i.iv .. J -ilium! I ' rn'im iinii fuimi-i f a t IOS4H T iial-al. a a. I Is. i lal avafla. ! 4J. IHIPiTVHM . I, r. M.n.a ni4MM.tilt talliMaa IIIW iliaipa-raiTiai.avi l r"n"F ...i ratlaca VUat'ala t4y kiuiw lha 4ina ef I h on i1 vt (.!. I it4 aii4ula .if 1 1. a I immUr atiir a (aw uar4 by ilia iialral. law-- !- aaaaia , wj - .-- --ir-K-. I i-uit" Hal Iba 4 hin. flvrU'lft" '- riail .afta .ii. . till III a '' ,'""M .I4 t--, H t lr aaarth lin lhu aaa a4arHlaar 4 4-iaa. ?Li'?.llL.,.,:,,Lt:i.1 I Ilea ..r rrr a hui.4f4 yia ma I'! f I !.. (' n .,! I II - f.r r 4riiaCT K44S UOUDtJ a-a-i vT a 41 a tii -fttT lallna via aa4 f..i n.aOra . riCK Tl A Ulotafa lata ihlr lima la rullariiaf tau iniFK. uf )UKia, lint a n. lf CI I AN traata aallr. raa bruah. m. I ai4 raratnlir iwlliitf Ihelr anion on IU Taval BviM-lf V fin ae curl aia i ituman aiin ana runtpmna; tna n- aaifliefua taara . iraii. lha aliita lha Infari-ualLwi k. . . . . r. I .. 1 1 w . .1 ..I . I. I. . n.l .1 AnmwX TaVAaTF AID tTOIAA j nl ihruuaH Ilia fainltlaa of lha Mia. T I fiaua An.! la M liMiralor. -" - i t -t . - f..r) is. a- ! a i-w .i Ta i;a . tih ! taucl aia Human ajaiei --( !. - a -hi. I-, . I..f. VUi, ill 4 it-mMIt art la a4 tAatairr V aulia .f lha - - jHaM I'ain II ' iuiln all I iviial eifl liea V, furineilr 4 MOAKV T IXIAV i lUTTKL !.OANl. HAI AHT LOANS. HANI ON liMir.I'!. Iim lljt Vr-rfi im Ijii .l a :.'I I l4iiriii'Hrr!ii . uArfui wa Mtril i.rrlf. If III Irfm tttJtf " 1ATSI f1ai alwa a I u t-aa lair a"4a. hl . '' ar v ..i-..H..u a alr m I ,,v,,.Un t ,(h athmtlna In fhlna Ij aif.iou... "ih M-a.l'ala iron mni ..-. . rhlnH. i.r.i..i.iinn. a4 firrnl ta.ili lor luabla 4'ain iaanl.-uriic I ' r aaa ai I4aalfnatta l Jin. raar ! S. tv it1, i-.ura" . . t'. ... i i.i, fut'71 1 1 Ii tM Piw I'iaptfe ar4 fyral- , , - ;T..h'i v ! . ?, Slli-, I i-atla aa a- Ha la aat '." -1 "!,U N. ',.M,, :1 IM.1-11I1 raa all 4aal traltf lil'.TI.AN!i aln rlrranl l-l- ' SICTCX.S airiltilVtl Ixvana mi. la nti l.lnralix-k. tVarnlUim i I'ianoa I'.ral f alnlf. Kloiaaa lt-Mla. I nior..U. or r.lifr anyahara In die . '7.7 " . 1 ' t,t un auMirhan linra. N'i .V V " 4 ''I'.V vacaiion naicb HAT CXAS!a f4U W'.l. Va'o 11 Alttl ''""l i ir lllh aiul rfall aia : ifiaal mv. 4l.ana Inaaa Chlneae rriaiainin for lha lM-nIH f alrk pro pi o Tlie nin wundorful rraulla ara r.-orTl.l fii4 Hi-Mr uaa. Ila laa n rorl numciaua rm ef romplaia rurra If ou tri air., ara Mm. ulk to him. for lha con- uilalluo la fro a win aa.f.-U-K .M-.....l.n,t I'.N cmm an-t ' ix-rkri hHllr4 fabloa, ai.1 -!!.: M t-v l.-ii-a. l.:ii alar n It-iii-il inn. hm t.v..Ufi... rn-: .w!':'" "'"' '''.-. a mai af 4I 4-'aaa aatraMw-iTa T " ITtona .Main,!- '..I'rn.lT 'o . 4 -41 ' ' " ii l I -i-ic M iin i A-1 . I .! TVekiy paya a I 14 luan. I ,S We-kly pava a I :f lan. II 44 Wrrkly aya a I ii loan. Waikly i-am a 1 1 0 loan, (i h.r .nit,, in ro.i l inn. VK I.' IAN nio.M lit TO l0i). vim' can i;kt it tijuay. Itrtal" If palit Lrfore itua. Portland Loan Co. ?-" Mn-l-nv l.ldg lloih phoraa. Hal. 4!h illi on Waahlnemn. "pn Moiulay nr-d Daiurday vo. till , . Q'44Ck... ....... TtVO alolra. !m on Mir, n ai.ap, hole lancr. a haatitv. !)'. r Mi- r our, II. Taaa t" in HIT i". rtlt al. m -I I I. ii, I ric- j I'rntika pi- . ; t 3, ifhuiiI. Ii. : ! UK JAili W; aan t a ' t rll lp it . tiilhi ll. hratf lralliT unliioi""! rlialr it tr.alfh; i ( 1 1 ; Ian mun ; .i.-.' Will lk i!i raali. S.': fliam'-T of f'nr.irsrr. a I I. i " " i 1 !l! I I..-I f.lll i.-ll.. II. .llll.. 1,11., J Jtllf J. '.rri;l! i.i .-r " i "iii77T.";T.r.TT.7ai.ri.Tr.:"i ::k I a'r. -.1k.ii mil. tin I'll n I Vl k Wn. 5 24 M. J im Si- .it links I'urk, Irinh arl'ar l... h nvtpi r inn hii , i h mi" .y imiIIiik r' t k m frir It I., rorliin. Ij iST Curoiin lan.iTa, .it N'-th I'l ilnn, Siimliiv ! IiT-.O'in. IU'Iiiii iI. li. l jt n lr. sk : 1 1 K. Ktaik. Vacation Loans LAH BOOS a4'.X-CJI 114'H'r. MAVI4 ll-UI-ANV. Ml 111 at, Uank aok rn'fa : an fur Jaa anrair4 Loa L.if l ler'a: aaa Ika attka tf. A ll II Ua'a lit aooKBUPi-an. THK Jl'IIN lmVAi: CtX M'araili a inuiilo tn1 law lwANa . bound, I, In nk tx.. an l !-- leaf aa. leira 1: 4lh I'lim-e Mr!,rtf. J ; . i . , i . i . - tr r..i r n . . . . . II.-. . l If4"tii 'il-i.l.ij ta-M'.ui la.iarn a"'a aif.hniiu In rlly: oar law l r"' flrai.tia, l:kia l,fir, Hiauranra rl pvf af llila Fra l oilra .! aota m.n fria f it ytu. . irark i a mating, parkin. ahlpplna' mil it iun oH.i ' a!l-i''4 rr4 r-4 firlrhl ralra on huahnl4 ) .-.! I'at anrta, J lai Mali ? 1 a-4a In Ihmi ah rra In and from lha ! ! Main Ifl A I IT raopla nul ef loan rlta for rantiHA.',0 Hon blank ami rircuUr. Incloaa four rani a In damp Orepon Transfer Co. itn: I. a J,! (,, nrlnta tn u ri i t.ali of.icra a-.iici'.ea .si aiar-rnai.ia rjnii-innan Tiun H ! Tranafar and InraariUna; aetata. "-" lrr..-a. fraa Irarkaca - XXSCftAlfCB Offlra a4 alorara 174 HHaaa atr4. , Kifwr h al Ollaa. JOHN KKII i - ., r-. t...r la. , ahnaa. Main a.liat Btla 1 117 lmn M aiaa I'lI'M; ,. n ... t fftvi- Tn '.t 4 3" . . ''u ,; !IV . ' v 'f ' . r' " l! '.' tronll aach. 4lllonl ?. M. TOM. M.-i . is. : ii i. m A -at rn '' CGccWo Chinese Medicine Co. M: KJItHT ST.. COR HOHKI.W.S t It'in i.AXIi. CiKKUUK. i ' TV 11.11 TfitV.frr A l..raafn F.I ri'i-'iv ir" rr firrnlinra an4 flano rnovlnir I "i-i'l-'V-1 ': .',4w. irVA-yfvfFTii'N'-f,-:;,.,' TJrr li.ii W.VIIIIKN COS'S! lit ! (N I"', Slrrai t fin nr. aldcaalka aid i ;tal.ia. Sit n-rH l lJf TMi-: n Aiuii:i!ASii' m, i 1't.Vj v,i i u FVirtlnml nfl,- r'r-!--! .Mc IV ba m- CAHPtT CZ.'.AISJ C A r K.v r"4-iai .rriilfi lira ar.d hilrctar praof; mifra npriii 4 nrl r"n!r4. lur-.-ll r".-ifn Co and I'nflUnd K.lf Co. 14 till t. 1'hone j AOTICI"! -! Slain a' I . . n. -. K-K"AL ' allKhtly n-ad KIiiK.'t". NoTICK Til CIMCPlTOItH "W. W .." Wliltx anil fnndiiKl a-tr- i i,. .... ,11-1,1,.. ,.miri of ih I'nlinl 7 marhlnaa; r-aay paymrnln. Call SH , ytal- fur th IHnlil. t of ir. n!i. In r And Ihp r',,"' ,0 rel lliem. tin tn lft( At the lowaal rntaa All we ii-'iulre la that y re- . rlmid on imlnrv. and ymi i;t th- monry j giili'kly wlllimil inortCafrv. Indorarr M JOVCK H1."S, "ni:lc Cl.i'iiiK U'nilm, II t r ercurliy , carata rli-anrd uiiil Itid. ri lU'-i- .11- Call anil rrm ua. faprclaliv K 410. H.'",i :(! ' liih N I'n II now. Vim 11,- C,,,- IrT . , - a. 4 I Paul K. I'otlrr. Maul all I I powar vnrtiiirn proi-i. in.i-'.'n T t l r- I 1111 I 1: A.VC 1 1 - i-. . fite ! 1 tir.iin X.A!TEKBt SLIDES i'n 14 now. State Security Co. jn Knlllna llldar iHICMNH .U. tl'-tiif !!.'e. . .i.i ,.i '. 1,-i-rr.. liinri Card.-r '.-in' T!.-!ilr" M.U. I'.lk . ! .1 A "..I. r " , 1 I i:it!".i ! f ICON.'-'. i'Ii!i. l -i'irnr. mlilii, 'i ITnirrrirlat- Art ' tth J LTAIBtlS A3U riMUIHak ! "'oi.l lpnart Iranafar and atoraaa .'n it 4411 liA'.O nr A imnll5Trtf.fir Co. r.a. lahl ah 4 l I' M A-l W 'KIIVMON rTprra. ha$iaa II I Jkln.rlaal "tar1 h A Couch. TAII.OaVrigtr1' Ai.rnrrt (icirnicr, in ijihha M4.. id an4 W"ai'r.rlon, fnlla In ordar. CARPET WEHVI1.U I I I I I I I I I I I t I I f M V I.' V 1 lfinn a-in i i i-r ItiirA nUnfii nutim, llva Block, atoriipr. r'Calpta. NOKTIfU K.sT K! o WOKk.. ruiri fn-n rrnl rKlata nnd ronlrni"ta nt Towoat ratra I . old rtirp.-la. rur- tuu-i. rnrrit . '.n-ilnif ,.11. 1 lrl,tlv -r.nfldanlll I '"S v- ""f H Mnrilaon TTFrwarrraa UlAK I- AlABTICK ft CO.. 54 trYanl I ' - - ..n.. -w Laalhar of vr Jracrif llco; laa . Al.l. makaa rnl4. rapalral. aold" Cuo roimila' Ii rfr., nnillml 1 nmannnifn. kll Hlir Main 1IH7 UACarhXAT I I l iv H ITI'H Huppllaa Co I'd liand 14Ji fd at Mar VtTuttC umoLiTEiru Mnrrlann, naor C.rand U7il!fLY UkpiI mull I4!lati'ra. credit rrslatrra, cimpulmi i'l, ' t'' . bona lit nnd nld. Tlin 1'ai-irlo KtorM Farvlra Co.. ?2 8tnrk al. Mnla T7I1. Wilt MAl.K or rant. I.okki'' IKdntlnn Fr-lnes, Haifa. Cars. I.oi-ornotlv, Trallaav Knnlimii-Mt I'o . 74 lal at. - CiitKillFH Kf'RRA'f.I-: Taku "WoiiiT ln(vn car to -nd of inr; wallt 7 tilnrka fiorth. Mra. 'olfr, P17 Plymouth at. j tin. mult r of J0I111 Idllon .Mclliot, Imnk; .Mi. ;ii..a In l.iinKriiiti y. Notl. 'i Is h.nliy i;l t n tint on tin- :l-t diiv of Juii". A. 1 I'Jll, John Dillon M-tliot of I'orlliunt. Oli'Kuii, tho li 1; k r .1 pt nliovi liaiiird. wan itnlv ml l'nII-to I linnkriipt. nnd tlmt Uii first iiuptlnur of liln i rd- llli' K V, 111 111 In l, HI tli iimloraiKno'l. rumna 401 tuillillnif, I'ortliind. Orrfjnn, on til" f.lh L'. S. JIEAI. MSTATK AND PROXKK AOR CO. 113 Hamlltnn bide. Mnln iOU. I Til II I I t I I I I t '5 lu Drake's Easy Money mu Fnrnlalii1 adlarlcd piopla without aa rnrtlv ln'1orrimi.nt, delay, darcptlon or axiortion; clienpfH rataa tx-at and moat 1'KMNSn.A I! IK Wotkl. 1 11 k -ar t an-i ruRH. lSlt I'nfon iiv. Wood'ln '.'lS CHiurrHAcric nrraiciAir HAVK elvin thouaandw of nd liiKtmenta; II T.ft w. k. Hnlti .ifflrn rd and ATaah COAX. AMD WOOD Ii. Tit IINKM A N Co. hvdrnullr and aperlal p)r !i..ik" a'irk. ml lanka ' !?Ji '1E. r.'L. !n rv. T" 'f'LAJii -C.KTVIIU1IT A CO.. Ill Madlaon, up- rirKstKaEBS. II !TV MKKNC,-:u (M. ..pan nlsht .nd j-iy. M-:n &s A-rtr.n MOTOAUTCI.E orrAiai-io hnlatarlna. furnltura rapaBr'na and maltraaaaa-. work aoaranfead Mnln I2M. TACUUM OlVEAHrU - fa't'llil'll, lla-T,'rr i inn-r-n, larni 4ta...a moat - '', i U"' iprlvnte trrtna In Portland. JOT 8p)dtnc MTtlTrff'C SI'FCI A I. ng ? pt.:,'rT7 -2-1-16 Kenton !,dR. Siiooa-aom '.O 1 W II Iht VMCKA 4N QlUtiHlit'uil 1 HP-PAIRS vt all klna; nlan Mcycla tup plia.i nnd ranalrtr.a 1 Hurnalila In,,, a.. 1.1 i.-A,tllra r,ni- nl ...,! rvn't ONBO II. P. ,uprlht boiler, rittinifu. ihi lr i appoint n trunpo, i iamlno for aaln cheap. Call SSI Ilurnatde. I tln bnnkriipt, :ird trnnsirt micli othor rVtiln 8?3I, I biislni (im may properly cortie before 8.1 hi iiii ntlnrr. JWTTON cnrcn'T CO. ' OXK 4Kx60 t. ti double ili-nk. ranee, water hMr, Mrvrla. 1,'nat 4IH2, 2 I'ONKKY enniiKMi untl rniiinl.'te hm irlng outfit for ruin. 4H V1011 blilg, A. I Ti ' I . KS, 110 up. motorcycle cheap for cih. 1 S 1 Vadlann. nearbr1diri. STOVK fiTrnlture rpairlPK. entimntea ' given. Mnrahall t22 BZHH Waah. iTU R Ft nTKM for eiilo on the tree. Pliolie TRbor lCHd. VA XTKI) SIISCELLANEDtS 5 "ARE YOU breaking up 1 ousckeeplnjr?'' We want to buy everything in furni ture, rtovea and ruirs etc Call us up and wo will make bids promptly nnd fay all tbo ca.h. U ii tvortn. Phcna Kant JWS. AVANTKP Pooplo of i'ortliind 4" know thnt I pay the hl)icst ennh prion for laeiMind-Jiand hcniaehnld coodn. N. fit. Keitrr, 124-1 2 Cnind nve. Kimt , 1 562. COVKI.L, Kl'KNITi'ItK A COMMIM- 8IO.V CO. Pnya the best prlca for Tour aecond hand furniture, carpets and ? w,,ln :r,3t- IlIfSMRST l-'kK'KS PATD FOR HOUSK . -JIOT.n fOOf)S. (ill AND RAPinS -yURNTTt: RB HX.. 8 i f K.TiI OR. K. 78H. IWIiCllfis' ArctlON TIol'.SK. 38S-370 E. Morrison ft. K. 1022. 11000 I'lnlnm n!iy be presented In form re- O'llred by the biinkruptiy act, and aworn to. The, Hi-lic(i:io filed diBcloses lncum befed usm'In I'll K.ST Kit n. MURPHY, Ref-ree In Haiikruptcy. natid.lune -Hli 1$2. SKA I. lib bids w ill bo received Bt the ofliio of' the iindemlsiicd, 402 Tllford bullillnir, Port Innil, Ori'i-on, until 6 p. tn., Tuesiliiy. July 2, I n 1 !?. for the Im provement of 1)10 'U'oiiillnwn school promnlM. Siecl f len Monn mnv bo obtained nt tha oriice or .supi-rlnlctiuent or cio).. ertlea F. .. N11 rninore, 40S Tllford buildlni?. Certified chick lor 10 per cent of the amount or tho bid, pnynhle to the order of It. 11. Thomas, i-chool clerk, mmt accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserves the rlKht to relect any and nil bids. K. IT. TMO.MAS. School Clerk. Pat.-d, June j!4.!U:. ; TO WHOM IT HAT CON(.U-;UN Take notice that from nnd after this itnio 1 wli.-ill rioi In. vnwrionslhle for imv I obll'pnf Iiipk 1 11 our rc il or contracted by j my wife, Mrs. Germide tSerlinger, cithtr in her najne or mine. - Plfrnedi KDWARDK. GEUT.INGER. M ON ICY TO LOAN. On autos. i'Ihiioh. furnltura, Jlveatoek. wnrehoima receipts, contract, mort ftaKea or nnvthinp of value. Bualneaa atrktly confidential. ADOLPHU8 1.ANR, Main HI 4 iliA.hln,r'P'L MONrT? FOR 8A VARIED PKOPLR Women keeplna; house and otera fur nished without aecurtty, rheapnst rates, eaaleat payments. Coma and set money when you want It. and pay aa you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Tolman. 117 l.umhar FTchanr. PRIVATE PARTY Advances on plnnOR, watches, (llamonrts, Jewelry. storage, recalpta, real estate: quick, reasonable and confidential. Elbv Company. 320 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. Mnln 417. inir-r.i nii' -tl iri'i'i', ..'. OR KEN 4 FOOT VOT. 2 r,0. INSII'1'1 OIC-KV PII'iHT. IJ.60. DRY rilORT WOOD BAWDtlST, for fi n and bed.Rnir The Portland Slabwccd Co. Alain 111?. A-7U81. V, D, SfrHth Fuel Co. fcW'- Pry fli' alb and block wood. ROCK SPRINGS COAL 4720 IEACUZS8 SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household iroods. autos, livestock, ptorapn receipts, mort KnRes. nnytblng of value; It will coat vou less Call and get our prices. 609 PwetlniKI bldtf.. Sth and Washington. Worth of jrood furniture at once. BE W-IfE: jtet more for your Fecond hand1 furniture by selling it to Forn ' Auet Ion Co., m 1st. Main .8.1 51 , A-2 4 4fl. WANTiJl' Mist cIuum motorcycles PKKSONAIi 2 LA HIES 11000 rewarc?: I positively Kuorantea my " Kreut successful "monthly" remedy; anfelr relieves soma of tho loneest, mot ot tstiuMe, abnor- 1 ....... 1.. o , . 1; .1....... I- n h v. 1. HL'st. boreabRJourna!, 'rt. "mniV 'il.DO MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, rr.ortpaa;es. equities, chat tels, diamonds and real security; spe cial service rendered. LAWSON-P.ROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1125 Yeon bid. Tel. M. 8715. PRIVATE MONEY, small amounts, f.liort time, nnv good security. Call 510 l"iothrhildbldfr. MONEY TO t70N ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. filB YEON BLDG. BORING WOOD & COAL CO. East S13S. Country slab. Tabor 174.' , P-2fi:n. Plock BmlCnr'iwiu(l, L!:!1!!!; PAC. SLABW00D CO ""a-: Oreen slabwnud. bljr nnd small Innlde ' block wood, planer trlm't-'S., cord wood. Moor ATVo rr -Fir-a ahVrT" ViTTie-"we 1 iNeeroirarr wm sen no. i -foot: cordwood nt IS per cord. No. 1 4-.oot oak nt 17.25 pcrord M-45iQ'.. A-4547, 4 loot firy wood. Nat. Fuel Co.. 37 Water st K TIHEr.MoHN. tolln tescher; pupil Fvcl. ana Marnnarr A-41. MiMMI Fit 'TP-"LAW f-i .Vi".lii no" Tias , .ti" f. lie ".1 J r Ifitf tsi-atlnn nr. 14th. Main M17. BATVBOPATH PitTSICIAaT Catrtarln C. Galea, II years' exparl- Ooldon Rod Vscuurri Cleanera 111 Com nienwaalth bdgl. A Amlrk. Micr.M.4030 WEI.I, DBILEiaO Jam W. Green, wtll ilrilllna con- tractor, 2S yra. experlenoa; J. 10, 13 In., ny depth. T.90 Vanroiiver sva. C-2471. WHOI.EBAXE JOBBEXS 1 .tj -' ' - i-.i'im HI '" j-ia iii-. . . . . nco tbreatlns nervous and chrome '"K " dlaraaea JO,' Ablntfton Ulda. Jk-ir. 1141 KVKRDf NO A KARHKl.l. produce and commission nverchanta. 1)0 yrcat , I'orlland. Or Phona Main I It. WADHA.M3 ft CO., wholaaTtla a; roc era. manufarturrra and coffee roaatsrs. 4tt) lira. 11 s to l p. m. m; A. t.NSt CO.. OSTEOPATHIC PHT5ICI4 US DISTRIHttTORH OK FINE CIGARS PORTLAND. OR. MoI(i;aN WALL PAi'KR Co.. UJ0 24 DR. l.II.I.EliKLLK PATTERSON, spe- I t , bet wa.n Halmnn and Main. rlnllst on nerves, uciite und chronic ! ALLKr. At 1.KWI8 GKOCk-HIlCrS nil. -us. s "OS Kenton Mil;. Main syni. r tr. inl'h. irr.iduate Kli KHVIlle, Mo.. lKim KEEFE HUE MK KRKF.. If you are worrylns nloiit any allnmnt In- rltnled among those within alinh I ape TV I'lallie. 1 inviie you i J to call nt mv off rr . . 1 nt t . , , 1 a.... .11. a..." . FREE a crtnsrlentloi.a evanilnHtloii and acnoals and adviau Jul of t'.la pinpur rourae. to pursue to rid vnirreelf forever of your worry and vour aliment. Mv veara of cupi-rler and my quallflcallona bav me an expert In the treatment or tna all mania with which MEN are afflicted Every man culllnir at my office :t ssnured of my peraonal and lndlvld unl treatment until a euro la ef fected. NEW GERMAN PEMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON My method of Administration Is Ab solutely Safe. Come to mo If you have any of the following; disorders: Knlargod Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility. Nerve, Rlood and 8kln Disorders. Pladder Troubles. Blond 1'oison, liruptlons. Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula." to 6 7 to Dally; Sunday 10 to 1. Examination Advice Eree. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette P 1.1 sr. 513 H WASHINGTON ST . COR. 6TH, I'llltTLAiN 1 I IH posU'rarl.inti. U07. 1122 Sclllnr hide; PAIWT, Oil. ABO QI.ASS ISO First Msrshnll 90. A-lt4S, D1C i.i VliHEl ' I iL PROMPTLY Main o7HJ. K. J, EVERTS. Ft. Curry st Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST aid. B-1847. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. FJr, oak, slsbwnod nnd coal. Wreek nfre. gth and Olisan. Main 3:!tlS. A-22S.1. PA 1 NT CO., 11. A-704. PIMNKER Vain HI THE HEAVER VARNISH vVKS.. mak-a GOOD proiliiclst A."k your dealer. TTAt. M I'iSJvkis v CO., ' 'lilaii' iitari.iur.T7 pslnt; n. cor. 3d & Taylor. M.. A-1771. PAINTING AND rAPEitlliar 1 WAMED-fin4 luthe,. iiixS feel; must f be in Ajfiod condition. A-RO. Jourrifil. '.'ANTEI )- 1 0 vTruirli 1 e FtfrcT ouT fTtr chine, chairs. tc. Phone, Main 8458. .WANTED kodaks, cameras, etc. 5anH 5 era Exchange. 26A Morrison. Va.V"T!C1 1 tcf4optlcoii; secohii hand. Tabor r!1".. ' JO E jl E R NH ARDT. dealer, wholesale -scrap Iron. 121 1st st. Main 82SB '. WAN'TED--f iood, 2d hand newspaper j . press 7:'2 Marquam bldff. DouMe strength, 12. Pr. C. T. Southlnj ton Remedy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, Diseases of women nnd children, has removed to LaFayette bide;., Washington, St " J13Va , ACTOMtmil.KS.MOTOKCYCJLKS 41 "IF'you are looking- for a b.iTRaln In a ''v7 h. p. Indian (1!I12 model 1 motor. cycle, diitm only Kf. miles, ejuipiied , with a h-rn. lamp, Rencrater, tandem . and r.klrt iruard, call at 10G I'rescott St., hotwee-1 f. '"V.'l ;in.l H-nn r. MIND aa applied in Science restores with certainty mental nnd physical harmony. No matter what nor how ser ious tha disease. Hours 12 to 5. Con sultation free: 424 Clay st. Suite 84. I HAVE a 2 tun, 4 cylinder lute .model truck. Cost me. 42xr.(l laid down here. My I'Mce 1 II50(, Will take one half pGash and balance t-nsy monthly pay ments. A-617, Journal, r SLIGHTLY iTSEI) ' A 1 1 T OM (5m LRsT W are exclusive agents of sliKhtly sed cars. See us for bargains. Oregon auto exchange, j 413-485 Alder st, bTAlGEK Auto pai.-iunsj Co., Automo bile palntiiif specialty. Fourth floor Covey hid?., 21st and Weuhincton utu. l3arm Mam iiK . MY aFinost new 3 ton truck for sale ' 'ti i b.-trt'fcin; .will give you terms If j-ou -want thami must, sell on account yff IcknesM; going 'Bway. A-53 f J ou rna 1. TWO pawSeriffer roalster, cost me 132'.i) - fully equipped, is as good as new; rt ftson far rolling, want larger car. A- journal. MRS. STEVENS. 18 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her 1 late' book. "Palmistry Made-. Easy," on sale, f.57 Williams ave., corner Knott. Office) hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. A desirable place for ladles and c-entle men to borrow money on diamonds nnd Jewelry nt eastern rates. Diamond Ialaca, 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried peonla. ton fi'.fi Henry Hias;. It, V'.llLlll.ll F. A. New MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential. 141H 3d, near Aloer. MONEY to Joan on diamonds and other security. Low ra tes, 60S awetlan d. LOAN for the asking, saJary or chst" tai The Loan Co- 414 Deknm bldf. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 SE.NoIl' Marvelous euro for weakness in men. bv man II per box: money re turned If It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy CO. s;l' 4 "1 14 Morrison. . DR. A. A. Al'Si'LUND. Dlsea es of women and Burg-ery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust hldir.. fith and Wsshtneton. Main 4047. ter heartj trouole; wish to I,.'.. avj .iii ip . . . UK. DOIJUI.AS. J. C, !38 Union nve. N.. Portland. Or. ASTHMA SP1KITUAL1SM REV. MAY A. PRICE, MEDIUM. READINGS. TEACH NO, HE.' LING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES.. 2; WED., i P. M.. 21 CORRETT ST. LADY injured leaving Sell wood car, on Hawthorne, evening Feb, 29, requests names and addresses. Smith, 1024 Cham, of Com. Main "310: TO LOAN. Any amount from 110,000 and up on close in property. Also loans mads on other city and farm property. Mr. Neely. WARD A YOUNGER, Suite 426 Yeon Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN drTREAL ESTAT ' J250 AND UP. J. F. NICHOLS, 61 n YEON RLDO-. $4000 AND J5000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY E. C. EASTON, 1108 SPALDING BLDG. 1160, 1300 REAL ESTATE. Client wants loan placed for one year. Fred W. Btnoian, 436 Chamber of .Commerce. 11250 FOR 3 years or more at .8- per cent on improved real estate; money ready; no delay. Kauffmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. ' AUTO repairing anil stora work . rnaranteed, all experienced help. The PowelK .Garaga, ,37th and Hawthorne, Tahi.r 1147. iLiKE is a sliap; Rc-o truck In prime -. condition, for KBie t a piv aifeay pneej. Need the money. Better hufi-y. K-53!, 'Journal. MOTORCYCLE-r-Exeeisior Twin, early .111, model ciuteh, I1H0;' perfect con. iclltldirv;; 1-eavlriEr city. Keats t'larsee. "th and l'.urnwide. passenger 4i utomobile. In . frtat shape: will seU at a price that "will amara you; B-4kS, Journal. .''ill 6ALE- run IS'i r M:5 i eo vej SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 bojees for $5, by mail. T J. Pierce. 245 Morrison. WOMEN Use remolds when others fail Bold and gtsranteed by the Auaplund Drue store, 110 N. Sth st. Main tlOt. $100 TO $300 LOAN FOR SHORT TIME, - FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR OTHER PROPERTY. PRIVATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDO. $700 or $8,00 t loan, on Portland real es tate, ,8 per cent no bonus. C-S1S2. 762 Mcntftna ave. Call evenings. RAINIER Slnbwood Co., Country slab, 4 ft. Inside and block wood; saw dust for beddinir. A-3829; Main 215.1. F(iR best work, iK'tlt. call T. A noun, pt,? !' Wiisli. E. 1 nnr. TINTING haiiKlnp. WAl.KEl":. "" tr-iecinH v. . iAi-N.xii.o and FArssrsia . . . - ! Va It ; SHKTQStJ i33X riUSTST. frVCorAUer 1 w FULTON WOOD CO. First class dry and ereen ulabwood. l'hone Main 7R0. A-2839. ALB IN A FUEL CO. All kinds of preen ana ary woou. hock springs ana Msa dota coal. MRS. DR. CHAN. The reliable Chinese Doctors S. K. $2 loom up; pninTintf. piper- ! r with thelf harmless Chinese rem C. A. Bnrnes. Main 1334. edles of herbs and roots as medicine can , , , wonderfully euro all sicknesses. They :Jii',2 laylor. inside work a , fcavn cured many sufferers, both men Lowest price-.. Main iflSl. , ffnil women, of chronic diseases and all Internal and external sicknesses when others failed. No operations. Examln- LET Ward do it; furnish you with I " , r;, 'int T.lea y prices on palntlnir, paperinr,- and tint- : C1"-;, Ca2l 2L1,1. .1 mMMm rn ini Teii oiiono M .ln idn-t or a "iTa K Ciian Jhtnee Mealome Co., phone, M 'in JKX.I. Or A-. IH, l U irtrwt SI TVtrltnnl Or ftnwiiiH. 1 - .. . - - . - a a 3. Good work, niy motto. A. Osboum, 381! E. Wash, R 21(17, E. 4214, E. 11. HICIvARH: Pitilinn tliitln"' ya. perlnsu satisfactory work, East 13o6. O AV T station. L. T. YEE & SONS. The old, eminent Chinese doctor spent a lifetime In study if herbs, and (traduated from several universities In China. Cures oil diseases of men and women sucoessful- C lia. Xt ' J ' iiioi-ier woo 11113 r-'X"!4VS failed, I guarantee a cure If S,'rfilriirililii. Call or write tn 1. T. Yee & Sons Medicine Co.. 230V4 Yamhill, 8. E. cor. Second street, Portland. Oregon. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound -Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PERI- ODS. Cure tha most obstinate cases In 3 to 10 days. Price 12 per box or three boxes $5,110. Bold by drug-gists everywhere. Addrena T. J. PIERCE, Room 1. 245 Morrison st. lortiang, or. oats or wood. STANDARD WOOD CO.. box Planer and cordwood. $47 E. Btarit. East 2S14; B-16S5. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgata Fuel Co., Heiiwooa s. PliOENIX Fuel Co., -Dry wood $1.50 per load. 521 Savlcr. Main 8544. CHINESE OOCTOXS JINQ WO CHINESE. MED. CO. curn men and women. New location ibvh Morrison St., near bridge. DR. J. L. LONG MEDIC. 1". slclan for men, women. CO.. rhy- 8531, A Id 1 PAIEHT ATTOBHXY3 SEGHER'S WOOD CO,, F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slnbwood. Get prices. 18th and Vaughn, Main 0359, A-2415. .PATENTS obtained: trademarks, copy EDLEFSEN Fuel company will trade 2 rlnhts reelstored In all countrlea: book- farm wapons and busy - lor hay, J lets rree; consultation without enarfc-e. Peter Haberlln. S26 Worcester bldp. torney-at-Law. lafe of U. 3. Patent of fice; book free. 719 Roard of Trade bldg. Ti. C. WRIGHT. U. S. and foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 804 Dekura. LOANS at reasonable Interest on cloth ing, Jewelry., real estate, contracts, etc. Stein's Pawnshop, 2S North tith, nearRurnside. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland. 71 fith. Main 910. COITTKACTOE3 AND BXJIIJOIST" EVERYBODY IS DOING IT. Whv not vou? Let mo build you a homo at your owij price Phone E. G. Gudhart, WoodlawfV 675. E. GEORGfSKF, carpenter, builder, store front ana store fixtures 'especially, pi' InR. 291 H Anke-iy. Marshall 2S51. HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work ir banks, stores and homes. O. H. Hammond. 185 Mfdfson. Harry b. Stanford, "designer and builder of modern homes, flats and apartments. Office 7. 350V. Morrison. CHIiOPODI&TS OIRL8. Learn our bu.'iness; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. -410-412 Uekum bldg. DR. G. V. KJSTCIIUM Women's mala dies, acute diseases; moved to 809 E. ?orr!son. corner 15th; phone E. 51 66. jlili pope motorcyciw; only ikies. 1 Price $IS0. ; Inquire FOR tsALR Twin Iri an jrotor'cle-ln - sooil temdMloo. - I,t a barcaic; call ilali HZ t C-2044. , LOKKNZ NetVa Tonic Tablets rector lost vitality: 25o box; kaxea $L15. &tipe-Tyior UTTig Co.. Zis jviorriscn at MADAME ESTELLE. mental and spir itual Mfientfsf. 144 11th st.Main 8991. SAVE ta $10 by buying -your trunk or sultcfsa-at 632 Wastl.. e,or, 17th at. BALM 04 Hks lererty for disease oi ainnwii. ,-..-i i -av la ,st. ' aiain 141a il'RS .JOHKSTONE, ; apii itua4jteadr. 267 Jefferson st, , - - - - FACIAL-and scli treatments. Sham .poping.. OffJc lo., 30 Morrlsoa st MONEY to loan, large loan a a specially, building loans; lowest rares; fire in surance. W. O, Beck. $15-818 Falling. PRIVATE funds lo loan, noommlssion, want loans of about $1600 on real estate. M-3R2, Journal.' llOO.ttoo im mortg-asea, city or farm property, fire insurance, McKenzle A Co.. Oerllnger bldir., 2d end Alder. $1000, $804. $500. $304 to loan on good dwellings. Title expense only. At toraeyi 210 Allsky bldg. - MONEY rto loan, 8 to 8 per cent. W. H. Setts ft Co.. 819 Sapldlng bldg. 44C1CK loana aa all securities, el, v. King, tahlaaton hldg. M41n (J A. AlO.N'Ei to loan on Improved real caiata A. U TV DUa. 781 neiting blvlg. DR. Oliver O. Fletcher and lady exrert assistant, 30& AllsKy biag., m una Mor rison. Main 8762. Treats r.ll ills Of the foot without danger of JnfecMon, Corns, bunions. Ingrowing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions specialty. Dr. marguerite or aw ford,' c.hi-ropodi.-t Formerly 6th and Washing ton 514 Deknm bld. DR. U. 8. G. J nd Mrs. Fletcher. Palnles. - ehlropodista. Over Haaielwood. M-371$.rt PAINLESS . chiropodist, corns, bunions, Inirrowlnsr nslls. A-7845, 417 Swetland. FRED JACOBSON. piano tunlnrc. $2.00; 18 yrs, experience. 190 2d. Main 9431. PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory ,snd office. 24th and York. Main 8489. WILLAMETTE plating. .Works, '208- 4th. Plating and polishinaTM. 9348. A-7190. 'FOR BLOOD POISON PI.ATEH3 OX" ALL 1VISTAXS. It is now two years since the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, ajud during that time I have adminis tered -tls preparation In several hundred cases,' often giving as many as five doges In a single day. I know my experience with it is far gT&ater than any other physician In Portland.' I have given this remedy a severe test, having met In my experience some ex tremely bad-cases, and I can say without fear' of contradiction that It Is the greatest discovery' of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent -mire for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms, prosent. Every sympton of the disease, froiri the smailefst eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked In their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There Is no longer any doubt about tho wonderful curative power" of this remedy, and 4 when given by an expert mere is absolutely no danger of any kind from its use. I Intro duce it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRAVENOUS METHOD, the only proper f method of -administering it, atid the one rec ommerided hv, PrufrEhrlich himself. " . We. replate silverware; sell you new. Port. liat. Miff. Co.. usrl-Thurmsn. M. 943. ANDERSON PRINTING CO., 73 6th St., cor. Oak, Modern office, good facilities. ... 1. AN S LEY Printing- Co., 250 Oak. 4ivi. .rrinttng to please. Main KOOFTJTCr, ?AUmMO, KZPAIBIUO TIN roofing repairing, palnttiiff. Jobbing. J. losii, ziz jeirerson. Atatn 1424. COLLECTlOaTB PHYSICIANS" Dentists' sect., general collections. 201 Medical hldar. M. 167. iWILL Joart $20,000 or less real es tat a FTyti FarrShTton. 416 Commercial Club bkla. HOitTOAliK IfkainfaV A airiri $ TVaaf .aart Xxmlp Salomon 4k Co., 21 Stark at , Ists. Phone Main 7637, PROF. Wa'l. Wlllsoii's dancing school, step. three-step, schottischev stage dancing lessons 25c. Keys. I Arsdemvl haVI 44U Klh .1 Ytm. El.,1. nA ria K17BSEX GIAiirJ AUO SEAI.S KTENCILS oS4 office stationary. Cua. ingnam A-'o. 231 stark, Main 1407. BAIGES. traie check", luai-H bonis, atenclls. Krhs Bros.. 114Jd. Mar. 1171 THE VO''.I,CR SafaCo..J08 2d st Bafes t at factory prices; repairs; lockouts I opened; bargains In second hand eafaa. sask. DOOis, waraowa. United Class A Glaxlpg Co., sash", doors. REiEHY LvH if V. "J C. K. HOLSMAN, m. d. Licensed In Oregon ,In the hands of an expert specialist there is absolutely no danger of any kind from Its use. I keep you in my office from ono to two hours no longer. You will be thankful to me as long as you live, as It wtll give yau & new lease on life. , My equipment is as f'ine as any In Oregon7'llnd I give you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY in the RIGHT WAY. I also 4reat SAFELY-. AND. THOROUGHLY AND AT THfi LOWEST COST VARICOSE VEINS. HYDROCELE. VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORDERS, ULCERS, SORES. PAIN FUL SWELLINGS. NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF STRENGTH AND VITALI TY ANiy ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE "DISORDERS OF MEN. "t I -Offer; 'Free; C Attoii aid A JiltiL I Invito you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for enlarged .veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders, piles fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE exam ination, v , . , - - If you cannot' call. ' -wtll' m Immediately, giving me a description of your case in f your own words By , return mail 1 w ill send you., absolutely free, a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to hw to pro ceed -1 n order to correct your trouble. ' My fftce Is open alNday from 9 a, m. to 8 p. m. and Sunday from 10 to 12 only. . , --. .... ' -' rt . '-. - ; - ' ..... .-. 't , W- ' (ft fir unrmn Arwi 22iiotrcet i.Tner rirsT n., PORTLAND. OREGON. : n mm plate glass, inn. unsan, Aiaia ti, '.- '-" - ';.', . y, .... - . 1 r