THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE U lilt . Agents Buttcrick Patterns and PubKcationi "Nemo" Corsets Gossard Lace Front Corsets Crcx RuftsSahlln Waists Women's Lundi Club 3d Floor Holtz Cafeteria for Business Men and Women. Basement Book Department, 3d Floor SHEET FEB BL BE PUT Oil SHOW Midsummer Clearance Sale at the Holtz Store AT COURT oust nil ci rrucs muhuuih-cu Society's Annua! Exhibit; Commercial and Amateur Growers in Oregon. iiw -i r 1MII rt m.'.U 4 ! fce el i it ir i. ... jt in. ma u-e i-f fcJke k'. .lllkf Ik ff.h. the twi :mh. n;iii i llr I)' "'" 4rl.fcll ik aiu ihir 4.ii i Uir. -' M44 f ell ! 1M fr eeW I mti ! tefUia (Wia l-. f ' I IM lVt kufci4 - NMnliMI, 4 felloe J Jtte e&4 rtie- -4 k . U uoi Im iif i AiMTM, Will - lh JuSlt I e lll 111 t ppoleK4 ol. lt: Lsft ef im. Ik. coier. :. ftlae. l eebetenre. I ftuttttxr of flow, tt M a m. t. IH1, Tt KkllOMl 0r ! IHf eut a(S ht lel bunch f ascot ! caoaUla ol hI mar ! X rrere, T )uir iu be iirurii l rer lb efetrreeilieg of m ruiL TM fkwln 1 lb II t ef fleet - prist rrf4 J, U.. IT1 - Tomorrow the Holtz Store inaugurates its first Great Midsummer Clearance Sale Seasonable merchandise of all kinds at prices that will move Sum- 98c Allovers 48c mer stocks m double-quick time. It you re a .snrewa and careful business man or woman you 11 reauze the wisdom of profiting by this advance clearance sale. It's a mighty fine and a mighty unusual opportunity for money saving Clearance of Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Etc. X a j V it C1M "A" (Tfrl tbitil prt. .... ..J Iir.1 m lid al4 j.r(, iropby. ilw Orowr' SoUa. riWI "A." Ht rrh of purfl n4 bll without follaflwfca korn- tanltd ltb 0C4 of mlinl Hncvr ud o(br follac kllowrd la mlint first prtM, Elba Convention trophy; ap lal priaa. Koutlaoa; Be4 cvmpaoy trophy. Claaa B. lieat alchl aiaa of oamrd : lpncar of ten or wort atenia ra h without fol La at. flrat prlia. I'ortland Ktsd eomny, arand challcaf a trophy; avond prtaa, apH-lal troph). Llaaa "C JK-nt alx vaaaa of named Fponrora; flrat prla. Houtlottia Hoed company, troph)-. arond prlM. jipailal trophy. Claaa "D. - Beat vaaa of tan or mora atema purpla ITlnca ripenrtra, prtaa, J. 3; Uutaar. trophy. Claaa E. IJeat vaaa of ten or mora ! ataroa whlta Bpancars; prlia, J. J. liutarr. trophy. Claaa T. Deat flva vaara of ten tema Plcotee edxad Oraadlfloraa. price, I J. J. Butaar, trophy. Claaa "d." Beat vaaa of ten or mora atenia Red Epencera; flrat prlia, J. J. Butaer, trophy; eecond prlaa, J. J. Butt er,-trophy. Claaa "H." Beat vaaa of tan or mora atama pink Spancera; flrat priae, J. J. Butaar, trophy; aecond prUe, 'J. J. Buta ar, trophy. Claaa "I. Beat vaaa of ten or mora i atama of cither purple or lavender; prlae, trophy. Claaa J. Beat vaaa or cream or ' Prlmroae Bpencera, ten or mora aterqa; prlsa, trophy. Claaa "L." Beat exhibit of any ar lety made by any city, town or hamlet outalda of Portland by a club or aaao-1 elation of Indlvlduala aa auch; amateur I crowera only; flrat prize, Oregon Intra- atat trophy: second price, apeclal trophy. Juvenile Section. . Claaa "A." Best exhibit of one vaaa each of red, white and blue or lavender, tan tomr flrvtprlze, trophy cup; aec ond price, trophy cup. Claaa "B. Beat vase of mixed Spen- cera, ten or more, sterna; flrat prise. trophy and six special prizes. Claaa "C. Beat water color painting of' alx aweat peaa, either Spencer or Oraodlflora type drawn from nature. with foliage, on cardboard 8 Inches by 10 Inches; flrat price, f; and five spe cial prices of value. Thia entry Is open to any pupil of the public schools under 18 yeara of age. All exhibitors muat be either membera or associate membera except children who-are members by right of birth, but can only exhibit In their claas. All intra .state exhibitors or associa tion exhibitors muat become membera to compete; membership fee 1 per annum: associate membership, uO cents per an num. Classes "A," "B" and "C" are reserved for members only. The exhibition will be held on the aecond floor of the new courthouse. Fourth street, between Main and Salmon Btreeia. All the. exhibits must ba in place at 9:30 a. m., July 9. Exhibitors are requester! to use only clear glass for vases. The opening will take place i t 18 (noon). There will be no admis sion charged. (k! mulity Omnia! Nn AM uer Ijkcs; vhiif, cream and ecru; well covered patient; larre and small deatgni; IS inchea Hide; value JQ at the clearance price of JOC $1 Val. Lace 49c Fine German and )rrnch Val. I-aee, Klke and Insertions; matched pattern! ; 21 inches wide; 12-yard pieces; lQr values to $1.00; special 4a $1.25 Fringes 33c Silk Kibbon Fringes; black, white and colors ; up to 3 inches wide; $1.25 values; the QO clearance price is only.. JjC 25c Galloons 8 Vic Swis embroidery Galloons and finished edge Headings; well worked, neat patterns, to 2JS indie wide; 25c val ties are fpecial, onl O C 50c Embroid'y 1 9c Fine hand-loom Kmbroideries, Kdges and Insertions; dainty baby patterns on fine swiss and nainsook ; eyelet, blind and open work designs; 10 inches wide ; 50c values ; clear- Q ance price tomorrow is xuC 98c Flouncing 43c 21-inch Swiss Embroidery Flouncings; some with hem stitched edges; deep, well worked designs; 98c val- JQ ues; clearance price is 4t)C Something New Ask to tee New Style Butterick Designs 25c at Pattern Dept. With any transfer design free. Butterick Fashion 25c also, in cludes free pattern. 12 Eveniner Coats fl Two Thousand $30 Val. $19.98llLingerie Waists $2 Values $1.19 Made of fine aerges and broadcloths. Come in white and all the pastel hades, and are trimmed in harmon uing colors; best "1Q QQ values are offered now t0la77O Lingerie Waists worth up to $2; high and low neck ; open front and back ; sizes 34 to 44 ; trimmed with embroidery and lace ; some have clusters of fine tucks; strictly tailored and perfectly made; tft in values to $2 ; clearance price is 0 1 1 a7 White and Navy Serge Suits Mannish Shirts $2Q Vals.$9.98 1 $ 1.25 Values 89c These come in white and navy blue; are strictly tailored and semi-fitted; four-button front fastening; panel back skirt, with tunic effect in front; raised waistline; our best An QQ $20 values; clearance sale 0ayO Net Dresses $25 Vals.$ 12.98 Dainty Net Dresses, trimmed in lace, narrow plaiting, shirred bands oi satin and narrow black velvet rib bon; skirts are medium width, low neck and short trimmed collars; one especially pretty model has Quaker lace fichu; guaranteed 4p O QQ $25 values ; clearance at ) 1 50 Soft and stiff collars, strictly tailored: patch pocket,' French turnback cuffs; made of madras and linen; $1.25 QA values; clearance price tomorrow OvC Long Kimonos $2 Values $1.19 Made of thin-flowered wash fabrics, neat ly trimmed in harmonizing combination Empire effect; full length and fj q sweep; $2 values tomorrow at Ol xU $5.00 Linen Dress Skirts for $3.58 Four-gored style, strictly tailored, welt seams, side front opening, trimming of five smoked pearl buttons, high waist fo 10 line; $5.00 values; clearance price tomorrow only is 30.00 m " I 1 sj n ap 1 ' - JU Clearance of Mens Wear 25c Socks for 11c 2500 pairs of men's sample half hose; a manufacturer's line of imported and domestic, full fashion and seamless, fancy iisles, silk embroidered and plain colors, in aU aiaea; values to 35c ; for tomorrow's clearance sale, the pair, IXC 35c Silk Socks 21c Men's pure thread silk Half Hose; black only. H c nave a limited quantity for quick sell- m r . I I ing; Heavy lour-mrcau swk, ith lisle heel and toe. Yon usually pay 3oc tor O these. Here Monday at iCIC 50c UnderwV 27c Men's athletic Shirt and Draw ers: lightweight nainsook; cool and comfortable ; a duplicate of what you pay 50c for; 07. clearance price Monday U 50c Underw'r 23c GERMAN CROWN PRINCE . WRITES HUNTING BOOK (Rr the Interntioul Newa gerrlce.) Borlln, June 23. The German crown prince la about to begin a new venture. Bhowlng that his versatility is almost as great, as his father's. M has become an expert in almost every kind of eport, and he is now de voting his leisure time to literary work. He la writing an exhaustive account oi ilia hunting: adventures, and the work vtll appear shortly at Stuttgart under tM title, "Extracts From My Huntinjr Diary,- The author of the book will be de scribed on 4he title page as "Freder ick William, crown prince of the Ger man empire and the Prussian king dom," Tha greater' part of the book will be devoted to the crown prince's tiger hunting; expeditions in India. Twenty right photographs, taken either by the crown prince or the German princeaa, will be reproduced aa illustrations. The book will be divided Into thir teen chapters. The cover represents the crown prloee In the act of shooting a tlgr In the jungle. ....Tha emperor sanctioned the publica tion of the book, but haa asked to see the proofs. Two Italian chemlats hare perfected a process (or depositing metals of any character permanently upon almost any maoiuoie aunace Dy electricity, sine, lead and tin, being used aa easily as sttFer nickel or copper; .....-.. . The lth annual commencement of Pacific university was held at Forest Jrove Wednesday. Dr; W., T. foster of Heed college making the xaddresaes of, ite day. -. - - r I ' : - i : ? .' : Clearance of Muslin Wear $1.25 White Petticoats only 98 Women's White Petticoata of longcloth with embroidery trimmed flounce, also the new narrow petticoat of fine lawi. trimmed with torchon lace, alaahed at the aides. On aale at low price, 984 $3.00 White Petticoats at $2.28 Beautiful Petticoata with deep flounce of alternate rowa of torchon and Val enciennes, deep underflounce, made of good quality longcloth. On sale 92.28 $1.50 Chemise, special at $1.18 Borne new patterns of laces and em broideries are shown; materials are crepe, nainsook and longcloth, one style has deep laoe yoke both back and front with lace edged bottom. Priced 01.18 $3.50 Gowns, Special Only $2.18 Fine nainsook Gowns, very elaborate, with lace yokes and some all lace sleevea soma Empire style, slip-over gowns, short sleeves. Priced at 82.18 $2.50 Gowns, Special Only $1.68 Longcloth and nainsook Gowns, slip over style, short sleevea, medallions set in yokes, lmit'n Cluny laces SI. 68 $1.50 Initial Gowns Only $1.18 ' 20 doxen longcloth Gowns, with em broidered Initial and -bowknot design. edged with torchon lace, cut long and tu ged with torchon lace, cut long and fl. Priced for this selling at 01.18- 75c Corset Covers at Only 48 60 doxan Corset Covers of longcloth, deep embroidery yokes, some with lace and two rows of beading run with ribbon. Priced for thia selling at 480 45c Muslin Drawers at Only 28 Wbmen'i good quality Muslin Drawers, both open and closed styles, with wide ruffle), finished with rows of hem stitched tucks. Priced this aale at 28a 75c Umbrella Drawers Only 58J Umbrella Drawers of crepe or long cloth, torchon or imitation Cluny lace, insertion and edging. Frled only 58 $1.25 Drawers, Special Only 78$ The "Arlene" Skirt Drawers, full um brella style, fitted waist band, giving effect of full short petticoat when on. Good ouallty longcloth. embroidery edge. Priced for this sailing at 784 $2.50 Combinations Only $1.88 Dainty combination of tqrehon and Val. laces, lace trimmed drawer of fine nainsook, also deep embroidery yoke with wide beading run with ribbon. Priced very low for this selling, 01.88 Up to $2 Combinations at $1.18 Corset Cover and Drawer, Corset Cov er, Knee Petticoat and Corset Cover and Skirt Drawer In this assortment Priced very low tor this selling, 01.18 Trimmed Hats Greatly Reduced No better place afid'tid better time to buy Trimmed Hats than at the Holtz store tomorrow. And what s more, the hats on sale are justfhe styles wanted for Mid-Summer wear. $12.50 Hats $4.95 Choose from a vast assortment of Panamas and dainty lace and low er, trimmed hats, worth Off to $12.50, tomorrow at DrtVO $7.50 Hats $3.45 Choice of Chips, Milans and Hand made Hats, flower and ribbon trimmed an4 tailored effects in black and colors. Our CQ IK $7.50 values, tomorrow vOeltl Nowfor a Great June Sale Wash Goods Thousands of yards of New Wash Goods oifered much under value. Th middle of June is the height of the Wash Goods season, and nothing could be more timely than a range of offerings like these: Thin, sheer fabrics, Jike Seco Silks, and heavy Linen are two of the great specials. 35c Seco Silk 19c 50c Voiles at 19c A part silk fabric with a beautiful A sheer, dainty fabric much in favor luster in a wide range of figures, this season. Plain and silk stripes, dots, stripes, in every wanted shade also two-toned checks. Complete .f,.. .,r -a rv color range, suitable for street and for evening and street wear. JQg eyening wcar; 3Sc and 50c Regular 35c values, tomor'w -'' values, tomorrow at only 1C 50c Linens at 19c 50c Foulards 19c To effect a quick cJearance of our Imported and Domestic Foulards, e j er. t- t t "ght and dark effects; dots, figures, 35c and 50c Dress Lmens in plam strjpe9 nd sma fjjrum; j,., tifui and fancy effects, we offer 1ft luster; our 35c and 50c val- them for tomorrow at only Ues, here tomorrow at only lt On Sale 8 to 10 A. M.-7c Prints 3Kc-0n Sale 8 to 10 A. M. 50Q0 yards of best American Print Mill Ends on sale at exactly half price. Choice of all colors. Navy, cadet, light blue, black,. gray, red, pink and white grounds; in polka dots, stripes, figures and scrolls.. ON SALE ON DAYLIGHT BALCONY FROM 8 TO 10 A. M. - Men's Shirts ami Drawers; ecru and white, balbrigan and liehtweitrht fish nets; just the garments for the warm days; r -n -f i t in an sizes; special ior 9J93 tomorrow at, each, only aOC 75c Nightr'bs 49c Men's Muslin Night Robes, fancy trimmed, V neck, full length and width; the usual 75c quality; clearance price ylQ for tomorrow, each, only fjHJ C 75c Shirts at 35c Men's Negligee Shirts. The newest midsummer patterns; laundered cuffs; our 75c OE values; clearance price is 00 50c Neckwear 21c Men's tubular knit Four-in-Hands; the kind that tie in a small knot for close-fitting col lars; an endless variety or col ors and patterns ; 50c n values; clearance price t JLC 20cH'dk'chfsllc The $3.00 ) $ .95 "American Lady" Corsets) Fine Silk -Figured Batiste, new model, ex tra long hip, me dium bust, six wide hose sup porters, silk em broidered finish at top. A genu ine $3 corset on sale here tomor row' only $1.95 E $1.00 Novelty Silks at 39c Cnoice of Silk .and Satin Foulards, Ohiffon Taffetas and Fancy Mcssalines. A splendid collection of the new Spring shades for street wear, and also all the wanted evening shades. Daintjr fig ures, floral and geometrical effects, stripes, dots, dashes A on grand assortment: Regular $1 values on sale tomorrow at O if C Our Model Pure Food Depot AWAKE to the DEMAND for dependable foods at LIVING prices, we submit for Monday shoppers the following articles, all staple brands: Catsup, Blue Label, made from red, ripe tomatoes, the bottle at 17 Catsup, , Heina', OC - Snider's Cat u p A Yacht . Club Sal- 99 on sale at, bottle faJC at only, bottle dfavCjad Pressing," at LLx. Lucca Olive Oil, Crosse & Blackwell'a, large bottle, special at only 72V Banquet Hall Salad Oil, bottle -JiiC Slymar Olive Oil OQj large bottle, only QJC Delft Peanut CO. Oil. large bottle Gossard Corsets Old Dutch Cleanser Bmit, 2 cans to a customer the can, special at 5a TelJo. two pack- 1 f ages, sale at only ltJv Bar Le Due, on aale at, the jar 21c Crosse & Black-t71 well s Jams, only ailL The Original Walter Baker's Cocoa, boxes limited sale at only l&V Runkle's Cocoa, -14 boxes for only ml C Epps Cocoa, s, on special gatcatfcwC Huyler's Cocoa, yi., on sale 23c Banquet Hall, stect cut, genuine Java and Mocha, the pound can at 5 Hespo, Java and O - Mocha type, ' at -JC Dependable Cof- yn fee, Lib, can, at tJC Golden West Mt Coffee, Mb. can 4UC Butter, "The Always Good" Butternut. 2-pound rolls, on aale at 66f Grizzly Bluff Batter, Banquet in a class by it-7 ruaranteed bytfj self, the roH.- at OC IRazelwood C o. OUC Hall Buuer, 3-lb. atone jars Banquet liTZ Hall the sani- nr. method at JOl. Swiss Cheese, imported, best in Portland, on aale at low price, lb. 32c Full Cream Tit 0' Roquefort, im-J 7 ramook s Che e s e IOC ported SociteTlC Full Cream New 0 York Cheese, at ZDC Sugar Cookies, made in our own bake shop, on aale at, the dozen 8 Layer Cakes for 83 Fruit Bars, dozen lBf Prop cakes, dozen O? 2000 rbs. Pure Candy, regularly 15c, worth 25c, very special at, lb. 12e Port Wine, large bottle, fine qaality, worth 35c, special at, bottle 33 Open a charge account, liberal credit to all No place in City like Holu Time tells no tales in the backs of Gossard wearers the" enviable . ' flatn ess of you t h 19 mainta i n e d by a scien tific distribu tion of Cor set pressure. " The mature waist is ren dered slender in effect by the continu o u s full length s u p- i port of the baet The abrup tncsj th rough the hips is uni formly lessened ; by . the extremely long skirt, so strong, ;yet' snpple. that every atom of discomfort gives way to an assuring feeling of cbm pactness. No marring undulations in the back of the generously pro-- portioned figure, 1 no; too-evident angularity in the orer-slender fig- ure, when-the lAce-m-Front Corset is worn. - . . u ' Men's HemstitcKed' Handker chiefs: pure Irish linen: full size; and ;-inch hems; 15c values, each, 11C 25c Neckwear 1 1 c Men's Wash Four-in-Hands in F renc h fold and reversible styles, in a beautiful selection of patterns; all fast col- ors; 25c values are only 1 1C 50c Sweaters 31c Boys, and gills' Sweaters or Beafch 'Coats in gray, navy and cardinal ; all sizes ; regu- Ql lar price 50c ; pow only J t $3 Embroid'y 79c ,mfmm .1.1,11 I- mmmm 3000 yards of 'Swiss, Embroid ery Flouncings ; rich eyelet, Irish and lace effects;- heavy worked fast edges, embroidered to 20 inches deep; $3.00 values oh sale tomorrow 12c Laces at 5c 600Q yards oti fine quality of Piatt Val. Laces, Edges an$ In sertions ; , also f imen, tpfeppr and cluny, laces and insertions; matched patterns; inches wide; 12c values on sale tomorrow; the ryardj only- 5c i