, THE OnnCON IUNDAY JOURNAU PORTLAND. SUNDAY WORNJNQ. JUNE ti. lilt 8 WOMZWS CLUBS LJitcd by Mix. Smh A. Lv.ns . Those Who Woo the Mmcs Arc Numcroui in Cottage Grove 0E f i C i tMUmtx i ik f Jk IUUU4 U iK ti f nii.i eHiefcaiial Ik. ll : Ik-al a4 Ika wal4 in iii'j a aaiiy is im rwa Iff U- 1 - Ml tMHl lib Ida f OMk fca tuKJ I. I emmaej 4 liana t k4 Ti, evl4 IM; fc lawa (MWttltttt, wt itn ) H Ifcll lt.il 1imM,ii a. u, a- bi4 fain lb awikaiucki la li.tir ta.ee IIM ILal Ik IKa I aa I -- II llui f tfc.a t aa. e Ivi4 ar itt l iia, k4 kir L ilfcuat.1 la J-l fete l rl Mil vixi ii ll 4m.i lie fcur ftb' iieiliifhi kioax t.fii ir -lvi t k cuMie a llli Ikm.m. JMil l mntkaei Ik ruecr f ,r airh lMni Tf 'Yiaja Tlleeie Me re. ri I ' k (tiihiiulf j im affiea in II I kl.rfi Tri lulling af Kan n(l -4 tn Mia. Joti . aiio - tk fsvir.er imiiIiii of em tltkt'(nkf. v4 Uii John iiiti Hi KWtonl. th if f Ik aaiaiaf titllilvnaira. tlar) Tke ftfkt !! tikan ! lha fee, Ml & ml lo !ituiiili H.e ino.k flint la .il meiinitlea ( 1 Til cufaiia roetklbe Ik nam f Me.)r of 'AsMiWe neel aieiultienl areeaaa, aim piumlaanl net ll, aa tot kwlll n xki poailiun. bul fur Ik rlre Ikir hei rnSie4 lo humanity Alt steal national or gknliilioni of aoevn kra ractgnterd If hating irtair preeldaM (!n a .i on I' comtn'l laa lit ( on XI lurla hkliunl lel danl of f I'trai'. Hcllaf l'ofw of In Ion. I lh us!) aomaii of union on i ton m 1 1 1 tu( '. rl.ib aontan of IMlnl Hiiln in airuitglr r-r at i 1 b) ah Minn Mi I'.'i lip Mix i.. Mr Darah Mall I.kr Mr ll i J, h MUKktnbvili lla Mr ) M'i Util W laa. Mi Hla amnion n4 tna:t ull.at ( itt. danl of tt-.any uf lha rrI 10111111 roia nd tv ana of ixm) of II pit1rn( i.f gfral unlata:ilra alau ha a 1 -in i. ri. u u a iml rtp liitr.lillti I 1 "f a. tTit), 7 ha nut li flf forniH.g lh- rni. t-III 10 aand oil !".oi'0 a!lta t nry pari of lha lain! kki for tlulUr uIk riptior.k Krm Iter lot 1 at a klrf1 mm aUiflor iiuii haa lti gut Ian, many tihrrltirg In ni'irh largar than J I a r um Mr Tf( . X- Xili Mi 11 W-i:l a, UAUaX.. ll 1rinll: JrtMtd an rarly n.ardng If at !a('-r I hi naltirr of I rrmor:l ilt. 1 Jf 1 .1011 il ihou.il rlarrd kl W !.: ng M 1: a. ilKakl.-r n k tiiiUrii on ar. 1 lha aim aa I make lha tn -mo r ! I a national ..r alon Thr moil Irnporlaiil fralura row ha f"r lh rumnilitt la lo hata iongra ronlrlt'Ut an arirpr la la aitr No lrou()l la antl!ratr1 In Una lirrtu'i. hoaavrr. aa II ! brllvr1 in,Tfii ni l gladly I'ontrlhula l.atrr alia lha Mn n'.ltla 4eflda upon Tha memorial mill ha a magr.lf h -tit pl- of ri hltart u r In ilia rorm cf a luihllng or arch, anil in alia and t unl rurl lori ronimartaiirHla with th fonlrlhiil Ir.na from tlia aoman of th country Many plana and roraa of dlgna ha haan awbmlltrl fiom tha artlma. arniptora nnd nr hllarla, not onl of Amarlca bul from Franca, Eng land knd othar rour.lrla. C'hkrlaa Dana tilhuon. a filfr.d of Mi Hammond, haa mhmlitad a vary haaullful nirmorlal daalgn. A parllculkrly strong appeal la miil , tn tha club woman of lha rotnitry to aaalvt with th!i mfmnrUl, afld It In al1 Ihey ar mora arllva In it aupport than inv othr rlaa of aVomon Tha prwldant of tho Oragon Fedara tlon haa baan appaklad to to bring tha mkttar bafora, tha rlub woman of the t,te, and It la alm arly hopd our tatc will nut I') alow to respond. One 0 Oregon a beat ltlena, Frank Warren, waa on of tha Tltanlr heroos thin me morial la designed to honor; several Or egon rlub women suffered through the loa of relatives or frlfnds. also num bered among this hero band, and It la asked, nd hoped tliHt the lesponsb fr:n thin slate will be most (tenerous. CoVitrlbutlona ahould he 8-nt to "Wo man's Titanic Memorial," I'nlon TiUKt building, WaalilnKton, M. C. Edward J. Htellwalker, president of th Union Trust company. In the treaa urer. George X. Mol.anahan the legal dvlser. K K B il flkkkal Ml lll Bvlafc., Mr A Uilai Im k.lad batata Mia riliwk Kji a,4 kr aif Mi kH Aiair lM aa IKa aa axa lia. Mr t aal aill fiaal Ika ait ialal atfca aa uk4 t allaa Mi M Paiaa. U ia 4aele lafl mm fl-aVa a kal Tka kalra iig M aa M4 k-alaw Mia W C kli k if Mr Mm- la H i, jMi i.l Mt tn al Mi J ti I Miiri f 4laia 111 JlK I Kmm al Ikal lkl. tM la tagkla ffom Kiaikvlk fk:' oil) anaal Oiui al a-uin k-aikl aa rout. Mi ka.icl af hi'aaliuig ku I M la in aat- t: ium a lima far Ika cn- taaliaa aiv4 ail) lb ae af I la m- ; ' tnlikci al aaa rliarl u Tf r4Mallan Bill a- tuaavdai , kifcf Ki lha Mullai aliaal iiue. wiih ' U'l ifl Maxi a 1 a iaal4al. 11 IK - j ai rranelara aa I' iia r.i. p roaaa la gita If firi n.a!,tn a aerie) tailing liar hualllll will l.r of a grfiaiot, and gr. imi a rhai- Irr lhl t aakiuia of Ik tlallor liitin lar gala will r lueg ramant- br4 wllh plaaauia I fa Hullcr Vlrarl lw Itloit l.a am. pi aaallng .apaMI 4 la en a dl it. I .ar Una frum lh hol raaicr (aotdan (la I'umanndii jr building, al mual adjoining 11. will ta uaad for rontinmii. and l (lirl high arhool. I oca lad in llamlllen quar. one of lha ainall . f ark, will la uaa4 for atala r a Ujuar lara T womrn of the California Falar allon of Woman Club ar preparing lo '"III lh delegaf Id lh blrnnlal with Iru CailfornUn aoiplla!!! . fta- kai of frull nd floware will la dl. trltiulad at Roavi) abd crarr.nlo. on h ftauihetn faelfie rout, knd al OrovlMe, on lh Weclarn l'riflr rout Th chamber of r"inmrv of i(ra manio will Invita lha offlrar of th genrnl f4rton knd It.oa Lrllng on pa.lal Irklm to top nsrr in Mc rartiar.lo a fw hour Viciora will l given an automobile rid and than taken tu the rapitl Al (Uii Frinclaco a rommltta of cub woman will meat each tiain and boat to wetram and direct dalagata to their hotel and atopplng place rveri day before lh Oiegon del gat left a mealing wa railed and eeveral maltera ware dlacunel that I will b I thai y tn rnrr.a up at lha n vantlam Anmii ttiea: w th endow ruent fund Ortgon haa not conii.trt e.I jit lac I to take an- ctla part in i lhi ror vera reaaona, principally he- auia It flt that the lub work In thl tata aaa not far enough advanced to attempt to rata money for outalde pur pose, and for a fund that waa in littl understood, and that had not the en tire approval of the state board. Th qureoon of how Oregon atood on the presidency was discussed, and while no vole was taken the sentiment was strongly In favor of the Nw York candidate Hoth candidates are parson ally known to some of the delegate. and It was felt to be difficult to de- Ida between them the Texaa and New York women but geographically New Vnrk aaemed to have the greater claim. Idaho,.wlll ask representation on the natmnal hoaj-4. and will receive Orcron'i unanimous support. Ar the meeting of delegates Mra. Frederic k Kggert was elected chairman of the delegation w OOHBURN WOMAJJ'8 TVST evening; a goodly number of Oregon women Joined the exodus to " California to attend the eleventh biennial convention of the (General Fed eration of Women's Clubs. It Ih a great satisfaction to know that Oregon's dele gation will be almost full, for at one time It appeared as ir this, the nearest and most closely allied state to the hos tess state would be very meagerly rep resented. But the call of the convention was too strong as the time drew near, and on the Shasta limited Saturday eve ning were Mrs. William Fear, Mrs. PIMPLES BEGAN TO TCH AND Bi flub feels happy over the result of Its year's work. Evorv committees In Its report at the annual meeting showed Interest and activity. Particularly pleading was the report of the li brary committee, for It Is well known that thl work Is the dearest of all to the cluh women of Woodhurn. It was I hey w ho. only about six years ago. took up the matter with a strong determina tion to procure for their Utile city a library and. starting with but a few vol umes, most of them donations, and with volunteer service. Its growth sfiows not only the need and necessity for a li brary, bul the conscientious service given It by the club. The librarian reported that during the fiscal year Februray. 1911, to February, 1912 271 books had been loaned and 1900 magazines; 44 hooks had been pur chased by the St. Iouls plan and 20 books had been purchased for the St. l-ouis plan. There are listed In the li brary 1273 volumes. The officers elected at the annual meeting for the ensuing year were Mrs. W. S. Flsk, pres ident; Mrs. E. O. Emmett. vice president; Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, recording secre tary; Mrs. J. W. Moore, corresponding secretary; Mrs. C. W. Gillette, treasurer. R It R lURRENT Literature club of Pendle- i I ton has Just closed a most pleasant and profitable year.' The study has been .Scandinavia. The club has also been active outside Us study work, hav ing aKslated In giving a library ball which netted 1164.50 to the library fund. Ten dollars was contributed to the scholarship loan fund, and the club also sold red cross seals to the amount of $.00. Ten dollars was spent In club liter ature for the study of Holland. rreston W. Search delivered two verv fine lectures under the auspices of the 1 ; Mil (Tv I I . a . . I I I ' I ..... " 4. ' ' I f f V I 1 . i . , ' I I I llf-. -'-' - I 11 I ' , i7.Ii;'f . : ll ' '.,' tA I l.r 1 .: III !s C III III U IrTTrT--'-nl Yf f-vr.v-r-'.-.-.-. L,rl:.:-:i ' j 'Jl;-"' I t" ''' k ' J' ' ' I C kV'' ' ' j 1 m k. f a m it - 1 ai i . - -aarnlZaCQ .. . -.8 Laulk fc J li t a af lJW.iaaailx 1 mm j ' f m I ; j0 aT ' v - I lop row. ieri to rignt h.va irtvon i . V 1 I I '''lst ' i f Wheeler, reader and lecturer (pho- 1 1 ( ( Vl I Uy' XlS l t0 b Armitrong); Flithfr 811aby. 11 j ) 1 1 'f vocalist, pianist and choir dlrec- iV-'-Vj J I i If tor; Mrs. Jamps Hemenway, elocu- 1 f j 1 Vs V II tlonlst ( photo by Armstrong). Sec- ' J " ond row Eunlc Van lienbure:. 'l'y roader and impersonator; Armor- 1' JJ el Sutcllffe. pianist; Mra. J. N. Vi A. ' k VN Waterhouse. vocallat. Bottom fO) -aar O 1 row J aterhouBP. organlat; jkw. .y V SZ:" " Ora Road Hemenway, Shakespeare aaaa MAYOR OHEl L WOULD COMPEL III RAILWAYTOBUILD TEXAS FARMERS IRK NG METHODS 11 Seattle Executive Has Plan to Force Street Railway Com pany to Accept Extension y. Franchises. Saall! Vn Ji il - la tnnvl eg la toil a fi t 1 v- k r-t kiii) .,mm i k A alK Take. Jaaa T -lia 4li ikiki fc ll.4 l lk UiwW.I 1 1 (iaaa a' t T I 4 Ika aik fa a4 lam tl M lfcl !! i win if gri&j era-) taa wl ia4 frwra ka ill .(. ml iai Til la t-l. khtal auk 4iaMll la k-w4aaa !. ti f 4.ra'4 aaa-a a4 Hk J.,a aalf a4 ( itli af ,kaa,ti k-a aawig 'aa-.jl ll a.,. la ia w.a 11114 a-4 I . a i.f g ui 1.1 I art. la Ik fle ' t. Al Ik liner ami kiaj 4r af j iiiii aeil rill'a.( I a. 4 Ikaxgfc Ik I en .hi if i.ia'iitii ikal . aaaar 4a l-akJ U il J fan fail (Rparlnl to The JoarniLi Cottage Grove, Or , June 22. Cottage Grove lays claim to being the renter of culture of the upper Willamette as a result of the entertainments of the past seacon given by local talent, pre eminent anion); those being the Enter prise club's appearances and sacred mu sic recllals under the direction of Miss Top row. left to right Eva Craven Wheeler, reader and lecturer (pho to by Armstrong); Either Sllaby. vocalist, pianist and choir direc tor; Mrs. James Hemenway, elocu tionist (photo by Armstrong). Sec ond row Eunice) Van lienburn. reader and impersonator; Armor el Sutcllffe. pianist; Mra. J. N. Waterhouse, vocalist. Bottom row J. N. Waterhouse, organist; Ora Read Hemenway, Shakespeare reader; C. E. Wood, vlolinlat and bandmaster. Esther Fllsby and organ recltala under direction of J N. Waterhouse. It Is doubtful whether nny city on the coast the size of Cottage drove tan boat so many artists and It is an asset that means much to the city. In addition to those already named and their pupils to the number of fully 50, others who have shown exceptional ability in the entertainments of t lie 'll.ll tel.- lha ' knd I a a I 111 . 1 f(K.i . ih emiir 1. ia i' '1 io , 1 , Nor 'ia, i V 'Ha'.i: 1 1 .. ) - 1 iieic p a' tl 1 l.a la tu -flei j f'lfc- l.a fvl ulahiii lo lha I. ' g r a 1 l-i.'S' T?i I 4l.ol .f Ih.a. I II a 1 lAtl I'a rH rllMir ha. a 1 t I ! I.eHiftl J a enit of a r. fiaj 01 f. ihI IM iniini Hai'aaaa !! ..! ataiio (,.o ao !4 . al lh W t If r .l.:l, l Otff I Wilt H III) ta'la-l flto-t'tij It la iiUt,r 1 altinfa f e! .,- me 1 1 trtt It iaae'--l riilcti m renelh,e ff-tr llln igu for lha at.-pfi.n -f k " i,rv. Irani uMrr ahlr.'i lie el real ,al roll ir llrn refuin l bji.d Thi iriiandmai.i in the ct,!e. f cunaai f ,r 1 hi eia.lric rrao). might mika II p.aalMi on the t-a 1 1 of life til ! lake "irr an j. h eal r uc t 'on wltho.il an.) llui te'.ng j li. ad lha fni eh'la of ! o: the rtliM'rH lhal M. g'l If raM lr. b 1 1 llrt f lha I'glhal i'f IMI m'ghl be !.:. !! u'ulaf tl.a ahirlrf I lOi.or, ' rlf III I I'll of lha Cl! II c II1 P. la raid) l- anai.d hut 11 will -v ,1i it. tnitir c-i 1 111 e r, ft ir e I ah. la Ma ru in, :l ! at i!iter.i: raf .ar l lo g r I I rllf ' I. 1 I 'lt u.lar Ca eiirr ifto e ee ,,..r-e.1 I a or giria ,Sfae t ''ler e v.d ll.r.e ! ifi't'rl i,f ---. .la'l a'-., 'a r !,ig -lilin ee to Willi i'a .'.'! I'll I ll'. rfil b tt ' II r il'fM ar mH'IIM 'I I ! aorr'ad f r Me loielrri. la l"! aiif.'rring It. are. j ,.w fii. moi.r ha i.1'fe. ta roun-i :l lo 1 ikk -r.gla fri'oh'aa ,,r.1lnin, a. j , n't ,t n g in I ' e liner, defining i.-h . Heal , ir! : tha , oiifv 'I datarmlnrl ' a fe f lllfT M aige;eaf lhal whan I jr. 1 fleflni'a f ranch :ae li o?f-fal I"' the .-oirparo aid It fortlrtuea to refjae j l riterd Hi 'l:. as. bldi (in t,a invited pre- lie') a if 1 prune compaii) war reK.eg a rea franchise Ha !! allien Ihil If r.o latinfai l,r hid he received lha ailerrnl-. ramiln of providing er Ic for C eea o itlylng dletrl 'll by hrani ti routes from ihe mmlclpal rall ai i:reid aiil.nrliad iMicuiiltig th pois i ll.i'ea of . btainlng bids. Mayor lotlerlll ll will not be it all Im praet leahle Indeed it m t' anmewhat Inviting for some oiher Indnldual or corporation to 111 for the franchlao for such e tensions Most of them will be com paratively sl.ori lines where there la 110 paving ami the cheaper claaa of aingle tra k construction la adequate. 1 ne tranafrr provision In the rrancnike would entitle tha operator of these compara tively short extenaions to receive 2 H cent! of every .', cent fare paid for a through ride to or from the city, al though ciuiylng th passenger only a mi!l fraction of the total distance." J-i Its ml iao Jan I ika nana I a ll:i lie a.ao naiig iw. aaaf tan Aigaia THE CODTRY HOME or WHLNa.mNC.EOAT. LNC-O.NPICMCS.nC TM Prai ' iphoii Hol t'a : an idjej pjeaiure. anal Hrg v ti lo itrrvnili I rr wllh. uMa wlr gkii .our fivorlte tlquldi al t It ,.f I rent pr giiai Uller al.il. liul-'ar-nKK M!ta1 Milk I.amonide, in fact, gM 'f )our fivofll drlrika ra given an added Hpirkv Home Hod Fountain 1 ft 1 rail iioiuei ia s ' Carbonate ' li . I.at ui damoriit rata for you ay Ss- o. a. p pf Ofllc ia WOODARD, CURIE A CO paat season, are Eunice VanDenbvirg, In rradlng and impersonation; Ora Real Hemenway, Hhakespearean reader; Mrs. James Hnmenway. elocutionist; Armotel Sutcllffe. pianist; Mrs Koheit Sutcllffe, pianist. Mrs. Ceorge K'ir. pianist, Mrs. J. N. Waterhou.se, vocalist. K. Wood, violinist and land rnaMcr. mid Eva Cra ven Wheeler, reinlor. Impersonator and lecturer. 01 GOVERNOR TO ASSIST CAUSE J. N. Gillette of California to Speak at Highway Convention. the Oolden Gate city at the time of the Pacific Highway convention. A personal canvass will be made of the Portland club to increase this number and there is no doubt but what more member than have already -signified their Inten tion of going will he on hand to Join the northern delegations that motor southward. nAi tne annual nusiness meeting Hol and was chosen for the studv of ni-rt year. . , Th. anii.-inn. 1 ... - T J sv 1' cT j I i"n.'iii- wiiucib were eieciea: OOreS, I Tied tUtlCUra OOap and President. Mrs. Lucretia C. Bonney, vice r'ltraiuuiu, iuif. xtose ivi. ffe; secretary. mrs. a. u. .Hampton; treasurer. Mrs. -T C. Winter. R R R Got Thick and Broke Out Into Little Sores, Tried Cuticura Soap a Ointment. Completely Cured, Davenport. Wash- "Two years aeo 1 bad skin disease on mr face. At first there were only a few small red pimples and I did not pay any attention to them, but at last they got so thick and they started to Itch and burn so that some times I thought I never would be able to stand it. After two months the pim ples broke out into little sores. Then my sister told me to try Cuticura Ointment and Soap, so I got me a box of Cuticura Oint ment and a cake of cuticura soap. Alter on week I taw that the Ointment and doap'wera doing me good so I continued to use them and after using them three months t found that 1 was completely cured of skin disease." (Signed AST Wednesday the Woman's Forum club of New York, gave a luncheon at Clalrmont as a farewell to Its president. Miss Helen V. Boswell, who was about to depart for California and Oregon. The luncheon was in charge of Mrs. Charles D. Hirst and Mrs. Roy E. Fletcher. Informal speeches and music were given during- the luncheon. A large number of members and guests were present. It will be remembered that Miss Boswell will be in Portland from July 7 to IT, or perhaps longer. and may be had for parlor meetings by applying to the Woman's club campaign Headquarters, zos Rothchild building. Miss Boswell s address will be given at Chautauqua, July 16. K K K 1 CORRESPONDENT of the Baltimore Mr. William 8klchenbrger, Sept, 28, 1911. I A News wrote that two women's big m r-atc- nh.ri'iit.fl kl. . I . Mn .. BABY'S FACE ALL SCALES Itching Wm Terrible. She Could Not Sleep. 137 Coffey St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. "My baby's face, back and arm became ail fcate and tha itching wa terrible. She would scratch until it was bleeding and a mass Of ore. She could not sleep and I had to walk the floor with her night after night. I decided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. - After using them two month she was cured com. pletely and now her iktn i clear." (Signed) Mi. O. Hoehn. Sept. 29. 1911. Cuticura Soap and Ointment 'are sold everywhere, Bampla of each malted free, fith 32-p. book. 'Address, "Cuticura," ' Dept. T, Boston. Teodor-faced irien (houkt attava witn Cuticura Soap Charing Stick. " . ..:-'.- ... ingr picture show, and he argued that creatures so disregardful of other peo ple's rights were unfit to vote. There upon Miss Lola Carton Trax of the Just Government league, without defending the two women, writes to the News that "tha wearing of big hats In a moving picture parlor has as much to do with the franchise as "tha wafting of tobacco amok Into the faces of Lexington street shoppers by two -Baltimore nteiu" S - - ! - ----- - 1 HEX the authorities in Chicago put a woman in charge of the street cleaning In the largest and dirtiest ward -of teat city, there 4 a suspicion that they did so with 'the Idea that eh would rtilgn. Instead of w San FranciKC-o, June 22. Former Gov ernor J. N. Gillette of California will ad dress the Annual Pacific Highway con vention to be held this year in San Fran cisco on August f-6 and T. Ex-Gov-ernop Gillette will be the principal speaker of the afternoon session of August . To California's former gov ernor must be given the credit for the successful culmination of the $18,000, 000 bond Issue, which Is now being ex pended for a system of highways cover ing tha entire commonwealth. In the face of powerful objection. Governor Gillette presented the matters ot the bond Issue so clearly and concisely to the voters that they emphatically put their seal of approval upon this Import ant public enterprise. The result has already been that California has had publicity throughout the entire world. that would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to secure in any other way. In view of the fact that such effec tive practical results have been secured by the former chief executive, his ad dress will be full of practical sugges tions that will be greatly appreciated by all the delegates attending the convention. The officials of the association have been practically assured that the Hon orable Thomas Taylor, minister of pub lic works of British Columbia, will at tend the convention. His present plans now are to go by train to San Francisco instead of motoring over the Pacific Highway route. This course was taken because of the limited time at his dis posal. Governor Hiram Johnson of California has Just telegraphed his regrets stating that official duties compel his absence from the state at the time of the Pa cific Highway convention. All the other speakers that have previously been an nounced, however, will be on hand to take part in the deliberations of this good roads gathering. President W. J. Clemens of the Port land Ahtomoblle club has written that his club will aend at least 15 cars to AIGRETTES IN STORE; MILLINER IS ARRESTED State Game Warden Finley and Dep uty Catron yesterday caused the arrest of Miss E. M. Allen, proprietor of a mil linery store on Washington street, near Twelfth, for selling heron aigrettes con trary to law. Ore of the aigrettes was displayed on a hat In the, win dow, and though a clerk denied that there were any more in the establish ment, the wardens found a large box of them in the rear, marked for sale. The stones told by the clerk and by Miss Allen failed to agree. The clerk de clared that the aigrettes belonged to one wealthy woman, and Miss Allen claimed they belonged to another. A warrant waa made out and Miss Al len will probably be brought into the Justice's court Monday for arraign- njent, The law observing milliners have become out of patience with the persistent efforts of others in evad ing the law in the sale of feathers, as tljey lose a great deal of custom and aie aiding the game authorities in putting an end to the sale of feathers. The shops which sell them, buy them from wealthy travelers returning from Eu rope or arrange for these travelers to bring them back. Every effort is being made to stamp out this disregard for the law. result Intent, plaint. of poison tnken with suicidal She had Just filed divorce com- Select Your Sea Shore Vaca tion Place Now Gearhart and Seaside, on splendid Clatsop beach, have the advantages of fast dally and w eek end train iserv ice via the Nurth Hank road, first rlasa hotels, oottaues and cainp sites, moun tain water, surf bathing, fishing, tennis, golf. etc. Spend a day or wek end at Clatsop beach and make person.il In vestigation. Round trip fares, 1,1.00. Suturday to Monday; 14.00 daily, with ktason limit. Call at the city ticket office. Fifth and Stark streets, for Illustrated folder, train schedules, etc. Fun and exercise skating. Oaitj Rink. To Hotels, Clubs Restaurants . and Private Families Buy your Silver Tableware at close margin. We carry complete stock and itamplf s. Latent pattern of Holmet & KdwarnV Silver Co. Interna tional Silver Co. Successors. Spoon. Fork. Knive and Hotel Ware. Bar and Soda Fountain Sup plies. Holmes & Edwards' Silver Polish. Holmes Cleaner. Come and & Edwards' Dutch see us, you will save money and-get the best. AGENTS WANTED Portland Plating & Manufacturing Co.! aao ajtd Tanmiuur btbxht . Phones Main M3, A-638a. There Are 3 Beautiful Musical Instruments Contained in One MLVJULK CZAJUTS. gaw t'.-aj 3L Flay-er Piano Mrs. Elmer L, Manhart of Florida, member of the divorce colony at Reno, a beautiful, refined woman about -S years old, died Thursday night as the AS A PIANO for hand playing, the APOLLO has few equals in richness of tone and durability. AS A SOLOIST The APOLLO is a musical in strument impossible to distinguish from hand playing. Every deli cate shading, every intricate effect known to' piano music, can be ac curately portrayed with the Solo Apollo. The expression devices are eas ily controlled, giving free play to individual interpretation. A silent motor may be installed, eliminat ing the need of pumping. Alto gether the Solo Apollo is a proto type that cannot be copied while... :ts existing patents are in force. AS A REGULAR PLAYER PIANO the APOLLO stands second to -no other player piano on the market. that, however, she made a success of what men had failed to even mitigate and as a, result of applying the most ob vious of household methods to her work. she haa gained the commendation ot a'l who know of Weight against condi tions most discouraging. In an article upon the subject a leading magatine concludes, "Judged by the standard that this ladr has set, after a year of. effort, the municipal housewife has come to Btjr- . . , - - Toothache Gum STOPS TOOTHACHE Instantly Haa gfran partWt aaliirictioa h tS lr. Afi drag ataaa or br maH. I)c C. - &cnt a Co.. Drrworr, Mie. LEARN WHAT THE APOLLO PLAYER IS learn what it will do. Allow us the mutual pleasure of a demonstration. Our player de partment is at your service. Victrolas Wholesale Retail and All the Records Sherman The Stein wty House. - "f ' . Opp. P. Oai Portland, Morrison at Sixth' A. B. Chase .p Cecilian and Other - f v;r, --'. Fine ' - Playeir Piano t.