The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1912, Page 63, Image 63

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avail jsls i; i at
(OsTIWVM VWM ncx two,
ttawM ' aa tig U It-
4 Wia.J, Mr aa4
k I(llt W lie -a--S iH
aer a aiaa state
)U.aa MkilUMi fcg M la l-aa
Aag.ia-e Vila aUe . Oaa-a aag VI i
( a. at n.. win . fc t B
JL J taa aft.i a-a ttoilt I aa Tsa
V a4 ' la (Mt Mils ar a- M
V Ml Aiwa K. tfetai.4 tag I I
I at M la ala ia af UI
.1 f tk iih Iti iiiiw it Mii'-w
1 I
a aa4 aa4a a
I la niww r Mi liaa'ge , at
aaaal M lbM aaag
14 M, t. '. t'aall !
a.e IMM, taa.4 la Waaav
aaita. tt' i J (umUi ka.4 m
taaa ail gag M A II i4 taiaiea
la iM iug la at its aaa-
. ! m rut. r im cm, a. a
r alaeatat MIvhM el la aJiaj
aw HiMliMUai Mala t'srle aa M
fcaiaa at Aitattaaa. -.
timhl aflaraaaa al k4.k
la -4ee aaieala. Mr.
a4 Mi LaMiag fwur, ikl, kMi
alia. ttll Ml Mi
, lafcrr aftar Mia. UMIw f
t ft.a aaa la amta.ea t'aliil. 11
i Vli..a I la It tkiii aa iw
aliaaai .lifl taaila II
UI i.luc a flklil
' Mr a4 Mi 4. t. n Ufl Mafclai
I M f-aa a ai at tirKr
I Mr 1 1. Waiia. la il
t Mr a4 Mi A. I. U !.. ka'l Ma
J Aar ala la mmi al laaif
j tuHf kOl lit Ia luilal, aar
i a-Vaalf. Thr HI law aMn
i tallforal 4 Mr Walla atM
j k- f l"l ravalk.
I I'r a4 Mr Wlllun J. W o4 a4
! Vanllr r !atlaa Tuaa4y I aa4
! at oath al laalr KM-k r-aaaa. T .
Maria Iwach. br !( aa lhair
fcuallaa in ilk Mr. bd Mil Oaori
I II Kail.
! a a
I Mr. aM Mr I. N rtalarfcaar rtoaa4
1 Ihalr lawn Kauaa an4 Uri for rTaal4
! la I Kalui4av lo in4 Ika mmaef la
Ikalr br(, hoaaa Juaafb Miiman. 4r,
f Man rranrlr. aa laalr tl rr
a or fpeaana la la
forlUnd riallle for avral
Kk frtaiKla-
l riamla.WlBUrt t haati. rhonaa A
i 44. li
I ,ia ak a4
A Mr K. II
It John II. lioid r-fflrlalcl al if
. Wrd.tinc pf Miaa A lira Marian Or")
wall and 'Hrror4 Alnalar Warran. eul
amulard Wadneadir avaalrg at I"
thr k'Jrat rraabj-urian rhurt-h Tha al'
lar Lrrttlly bankaU will) rtn
ulmi ami farna. Tl-a alralna of lha
! rJJln rnarrh. playl tr Kdcar K
l ouracn haiaiilfd lha bridal arlf The
I tirlrfe. who rajna In unalltniSaJ.
' aiatalv la har vrddlnr iiiwn of hlia
' .n, faahlonaal on lour aracarul llnra
, lih iHmmlna of lrlali Point lar a. liar
i flowlna; vail waa raughl a rap affect
-ltl rr m r. m ItlnBBnillH and alia CaTflad
, ahoarnr of llllt-e of Urn vallajr nd
t Jlrlde ronaa. Mn Klalchar of Vancou
' vrr, Wuh, aa Ilia mairon of honor.
tili tu goaneU In pink aalln with elab
5 orallona of lair. In bcr coiffura w
n alfralt and hr flowera wit pink
roana. Tha l.rldf ti)al J. gowned alike
, In while ambroldrrad llngr-rla with pink
" aaahea. wara Mlaa Way Wlhrr and Ml
)la Cooper. llolli carrl.d haakala of
' .lnk roaa. l.lttla Mlaa ljulaa Maaon,
niece of tha brldr, from Albany, waa the
1alnty flower girl, frocked In white.
i Kha carried baakel of plnic aweei peaa
T" -'..? : V V" ' " '
( 'V -, ' m,
I V75xx -1 f ' i 4 ' k 4 . i,t- -1 A " !yi
Mr. Rarph K WIMgnjg of OTforr who t ttmdlnjr the Republican n'
tlODkl conveollon with her husband Mr. WUIUmg 1 rhalrmmn of
til Oreigon national committee.
re!al!ee were praaanl. and tnre war Jarkaon artrJ aa flowar girl Mr Jark
no atlandanla. TI.o duhl ring aervl a eeii anie to t'urllaud two rre ago Me
iiial. Ureal ouantltlea of beautiful ! la lha naphew of Mra Jackaon a oldfat
pink ruaee had been eent doan from
gi4.ta a IC I'tiiawif a
takaaia, 'f lal" at, aa-g a aaaaaf
aikkXa Tma ialai r ail laa -
Hl a a HHU la A4 Tmu
'.lal ai.a.a kg I aa a fvala. a-4
Mr ga4 M iaaaa M, laml eTf It
Eaa ke aalala irt4. aa a laa
a a an A I mt lvel 4atlf. ' iaaav
lak laie. fa.l Itaa kin-
gakaa, Ma
a '
! a taiai Ma tUrw
Iva aa.4 awaaaal It flwa a-a
taaa4 Taalaa khaa Mm Hwg.laB
eale'teiaaa) anik laaxkaaai C la
(aa Tke lala'aatiag m aa ll
at aia talaf la I a eflaewa wa.a itxi
a mII (alia) fa Ita. Mlaa bfc
m waa aUaa4 la ! la kr kar
ajMr, Mr Uaaaga MaMa t a
gala taa k l t4 IKa 44iag
a . .
a -
Te ar 4tNira.eal af I'MlUM Ma-
aa a rlau gate u li;-l'. eni
lalaeaaat an the aetealraalh al fcaal
id libiai. Kieteath aa4 Al4n. Ma
Hauler Hvw4 ll-a aku af A at wi
re a aMtate rr.'ia lha aagiaaiag ar if-
lia(l i4eaa In Amaru go a l IH aiaa-
eel day
Vlnvil Wimn attended hi brotuar
rrnomimin nd th uahera wer I. If.
' Btrnhenaon. Kov Heidi. Will BlaJger
and John P. Ca hallo. About 100 gueat
railed during the re-epton hour at tho
Mr anil Mra. Charlea McCul
loueh. Ejiat Mudlaon atreet Mr. an
Mr. McCulIough. Mr. Uoikey Maaon of
Alhanv. alatar of th bride, and bar
father. David Joined the wed
ninir nartv In receiving. Tli llvln
room waa charming with dacoratlong of
avrlnea and dnk rosea. In in aininir
room th table wag beautifully decked
with a mound of pink roaeg bordered
with maidenhair fern. Jn the dining
room were Mra. Charles Cook, Mra. Hill
mi Flora Mutton of Albany. Mlaa Marl
Tounier of IndlaJia. Mia Grace O'Neill
mnA Mlaa Ethul Wright. The punch tow
wii presided over by Mlea Lillian
VfAtarhan Mr and Mr. Warren are
pending- their honeymoon t Gearhart
Mla Gertrude Churchley. and Home
H. Cecil were married by Rev. Georg
R Van W&tara at 7:S0 Wedneaday even
in, it ih home of the brlde'g brother,
T .T rhurohlev. Only relutlves nJ
friends witnessed the ceremony but
laraor number called for the reception.
The hall waa a mass of pink roses and
deep pink carnations and tulle- were uoed
In the dining , room, oynnga uku
in ihA llvln? room, where the bridal
rtv stood beneath a wedding bell that
w. aiiHnemiad over an altar bankad
with blossoms. The bride wore a gown
Vpf charmeuse satin with a long veil and
iJVjuauet of Bride roses ana lines oi wio
AC7.iiv Khe was attended by Mr. Nlcli
olas Anderson, as matron of honor and
ft Miss Vev Cecil, sister of the groom,
' i I 1 ny fra AndprHon was
as ui luwuittiu..
nnrnAd in bluft natin and Miss Cecil in
pink. Both carried arm bouquets of pink
rni i.ittle Miss Helen Celeste tasi
mun was flower girl. She had on white
embroidered lingerie ith pink ribbons
and carrlad a basket of Cecil Brunner
roses. The bride was given away by
hr brother Alfred Churchley. K Cecil
a pre Prescription That Instantly B
moves Blemish, Tan, lrcklg
And tli a wrinkle nd Marks
Left by High Collars.
The Dutch neck and the evening gown
too often expose the discolorations ami
blemishes of high collars or the effects
of tan and freckles. It Is easy tp over
come these conditions and make tne
neck beautiful ml white and soft and
amooth to remove in other words,
every blnmisli and to make the wutch
collar as attractive as it is comfortable.
This prescription can also be used on
the shoulders, and It is marvelous!? ef
fective to beautify the hands and arms.
If you want to try it go to your drug
grist, cet an empty two-ounce bottle, also
a one-ounce bottle of Kulux Compound,
martin. th pnttre bottle of Kulux Into the
(? two-ounce bottle, add quarter an ounce
of witch hagei, men mi wiui
Prepare this at your own home and then
you know what you have. One applica
tion will astonish you. It is deliciously
cool and soothing and is not affected oy
perspiration. It will not rub off.
If vou put it on one hand only, or on
one side of the neck, and note the dif
ference jou will aee the wonderful
change it makes Instantly. ' The.results
are permanent and continued use of th
prescription will result In a skin as
soft- and smooth aa a child, a ekln
from which edna.-and roughness and
freckles have been entirely removed.
Moonlight Excursion
Given by W. O. W. DBOmSB XSfMj.
WO. 77, Wansdr rv, 96,
ltia. .
BTJk. lCOaTAmCX. -k .
Free dancing. Weinberger orches
tra. Fslmort L docB. P.. m. Ticket
Portland, and the house wa profuarly
derorau-d. Tha lllng room waa all in
pink rosea and farna, with th open fire,
plara banks.! In an altar rffect. Tha
weddlna uper aa arved on th Ve
randah, ranvaaeed In and decoratrd
with whit roaea and green. Mra. Ru
dolph la a I'ortland aiadamy graduate.
Later ah finished al Mlaa Maaon
arhool. Tarryloan, and then traveled
abroad. Mr. Itudolph a graduated
from Muhlanberg, Allentoan, and th
Lutheran Theological aemlnary of Gt
tyburg. Pa. He I an Alpha Tau Omega
man. After a journey eaai oy me Can
adian Pacific. Rev. and Mr. Rudolph
will be at horn In Lemoyne. Pa., aftr
August 1.
At the horn of Mrs. B. A-.TbUllpa.
US 8lxty-lghlh treat. her daughter,
Iiranda wa married to Charle M1
Ham. Tueiiday evening. June 1 -. Thl
waa ona of the quiet yet beautiful horn
weridlnaa where the small circle of near
eat friend could all unite In making
tha occaaion a bright memory pot
Tha reremnnr wa performed by Rev,
B. & Bollinger of the Highland Con
area-atlonal church under a large wed
dlnr bell of marguerites in the arch o
th handsomely decorated parlors. Mr.
and Mra Williams will be at home to
their friends after July 1 at IIS Sixty
eighth street.
Thomas O. Monroe and Geneva B.
Becknrr were married at the Highland
Conrreaatlonal paraonage. Saturday
vanlna June 15. E. 8. Moiunger per
formed the ceremony and Clarence Lhir-
ham and Cassy comer were tne wii
a- -
John v. Theda. and Miss Florence L.
Applegate were married at i ues
dav evening, June 18, the ceremony
taking nlace at the home of her aunt.
Mrs. L M. Ross, 3-11 Eleventh street,
was performed by Rev. W. F. nenger,
of the Christian church. The Drlfle
came in on the arm of her father, W.
Applegate, who guvcTier away, hhe
was lovely in nana emoroiaerea mi-
qulsette, carrying Bride roses. She was
attended hv her sister. Helen. who
looked charming in cream hand embroid
ered serge. She carried pink carnations.
The croom was attended by nis Droin-
r win from Wenatehee. Wash. Wll-
bar K. Ross sang "O Promise Me. Lilt- ss-
tle Eunice May Hammond was flower
girl, carrying a basket or pinK sweet
peas. The house was beautifully dec
orated In ferns, mock orange blossoms
and pink roses. About 60 guests were
nresent. Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Theda will spend there
honeymoon at Long Beach. After July
they wilt tie at their own home, 5205
Sixty-seventh street southeast.
Millard Mayhall and Mrs. Minnie H.
Brown of Nebraska, were united in mar
rlag May 2 by the Rev. James t. Cor
by, pastor of the Unlversalist church.
William Henry T.errhen, a popular
traveling man of Portland, and Miss
Christine Alsten of Boston. Mass., were
married June 12 by the Rev. James Dl
mond Corby, pastor of the Unlversalist
' "
Loomis A. Miller, a timberman of
Clellam county, Washington, and Mrs.
Lilliam B. Cutler, a popular teacher
f Spokane, were united in marriage
une 17 at the home of A. Frank King
on Monroe atreet. une ceremony was
performed by the Rev. James Dimond
Corby, D. D., of the) Unlversalist church.
Edmond "St. George Evans and Miss
Flora Elieabeth Baker were married
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o"clock in All
Saints' Episcopal church, by Rev. Roy
Edgar Remington. Only Intimate
friends witnessed the ceremony. The
bride's only attendant was her sister.
Miss Annie L. Baker. William K. Low
rey acted as best man. Th bridegroom
Is the youngest son of Judge Daniel
Evana of Chicago, 111. Mr. and Mrs.
Evans will make their home for the
present In Astoria.
later a huaband. iorg Jackeon. an
old resident of Port land. Mr. Jarkaon
la now nrphew and brother-in-law lo
hi aunl and uiwl.-. The bride 1 now
nlo e of liar alaler. Mr. Jarkaon vlalteJ
at hla unrle'a horn while In Portland.
Mr ami Mra. Jarkaon will realdn al
I'hrl.alla. Wash., where Mr. Jarkaon la
In bualnraa.
One of June' .pretty wedding i
aolrmnls-d by Rev. W. O. Forbr ol
Seattle, at the home of Mr. and Mr. J.
A. Alllaon. 149 Wheeler trert. Wedn
dy evening at 8 30. when their daugh
ter, Ermle Dorothy, became the bride of
Clarence Myers Bates of Tnrotn. The
bridal party entered the prettily decor
ated parlor to the strain of the bridal
march from Iohcncrln. which was
Dlaved bv Mlaa I-na K. Kplnney. The
bride wa daintily gowned In white lin
gerie, while her long veil waa graee
fully held In place by a cluster of or
ange blossom. Fhe wore a pearl pend
ant. which aaa the gift of the groom
and carried a profusion of bride rose
kit Wonna Wallnner acted as brides
mal-l and waa becomingly attired
white lingerie with touch of pink. Lit
tie Iorlne and La Yclle Vopr. niece
of the bride, acted a ring bearer an
flower girl. Chester Raymond of Toco
ma. attended the groom. Following th
ceremony light refreshments weru
served. Miss Georgia Wallaner presiding
over the punch bowl. Mr. Bates Is
graduate of th University of Wash
Inglon and Is a member of the fral-ir
nity Delta U. Mr. and Mr. Batos will
tour the sound cities and be at homo
to their friends In Tacoma about July 1
a- -a-
In the presence of relatives and a few
intimate friends Minn Catherine A. Mc
Oulre. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
McGulre. was married to Charles P,
Holmes on Tuesday evening. The cere
mony was performed at 8:30 o'clock at
the residence of the nrldc's parents
348 Thirteenth street, by the Rev. R. E.
Remington, rtctor of All Saints' Epis
copal church. The hride was given away
by her father and there were no attend
ants. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes will make
their home in Klickitat, where Mr,
Holmes is engaged in the lumber bus!
R -
A pretty Wedding was solemnized on
Sunday, June 16, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. J. Coleman, 394 Bumner
street; when their youngest daughter,
Mies Peart Veda Coleman,-' became the
bride - of . George 'D. -" Jackson, formerly
of 6outh Bend. Ind.,' Rev. J. Bowersox
officiating. The three daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman ware married by him.
The bride was dressed In a pretty crearn
colored costume, carrying a Bliower-bsm-l
quet-e hi blewn white rose) and deli
cate Blnk eweet peas, v me nnae m
The young women of Holy Redeeme.-
church will give a lawn party ana so
cial in the grove adjoining the churcn.
on Williams avenue and Portland boule
vard, thef evening; of June 27. at 8 p. nv
The beautiful grounds will be artistlcar
ly decorated. Cards will be played and
dainty refreshments served. Mrs. Aber
crumble, a finished musician of tha
east, who has lately come to reside in
Portland, will lake part in the open air
concert to be rendered. All are coraiai
y invited.
Eureka council No. 204. Knights and
Ladies of Security. Sister Grace E.
Young chairman of entertainment com'
mittee for June, has prepared a very
amusing and Interesting entertainment
for Monday evening. June 24. Members
and friends of the Knighta and Ladles
f Security Invited, east side W. O. W.
hall East Sixth and Alder.
The United Daughters of the Confed
eracy will meet Thursday, June 27, at
p. m.. In the committee room or tha
Hotel Multnomah. Officers for the next
ear will be elected and members are
urged to be present.
The Coterie will meet next Wednesday
In Ellers hall at 11 a. m.. with a literary,
musical and social program, after
which lunch will be served at the Hazel-
A most Interesting bit of Information
was received a day or two ago. In the
announcement of the; engagement of
Mis Mary Jane Howard of New York,
to Henry Raymond Hook of La Porte,
Ind. . The . announcement comes quite
unexpectedly fo Mlaa Howard's numer
ous Portland friends. Mia Howard was
Corn In Washington, P. C, and has trav
eled extensively, recently returning from
a year abroad.- She lived for several
yars In the Hawaiian Islands, corning
later to Portland, wher she made her
home until April, meting from here to
New York city. Her father. Clarence
Vt Howard. Is engaged in work On th
Saturday Evening. Post In Kew York.
Mlaa lUitilla Mlrrd. daughter af
Mia fl M Mfeuit whu has til fur
a titonlft mii feniiBiiiB at mi aa
mania hoepllal. la naw run t a Wee lag
and ele la aa tier frlenda aba
laaia aunn for tha bearh I furlUar bar
Mlaa Nalll lUmeiiway Irfl for lha
aaal on rrlday Ma am atlaaa la
("li (tna rmtvaalivn on lb Canada
aid of Niagara Katie and than lha ililia of lb rail
Mlaa Kal Kelly ai.d Mia Panay
Maurvr of l.ugeoa lafv r'rltay by alam-
ar for 1jo Angaia. WTtrra liity will
ax nU tbr lummir
Mr kn4 Mr Iomr V Crpanlr and
daugt.lrr. Nanry Jan, aia rnolng int
aaa braaiea at Klk l'i-k. annon
IWarh. fur m month.
Mr. and Mra lieorga W I'raw hat
aa Ibelr gurai i.ieuirnani ana Mra ian
fi-ab. whoaa marriage waa aolninn-
rd in Hood Itlvar on Turxlif Mr
Crvaby a Mlaa io!t Muay or
oJall Or
klr. and lira. Charles Kroit and Ihalr
daughter, Mlaa Mildred Hcotl. have Juat
raturned from a week'a vlalt In T. i
coma. nra iney atitniiro in wraamg
f Mlii Hai.l Elabr.k gild Dr
tlrhaeffer. 1
Mr. and Mra. R Adam and daughters,,
be Miser Marie and Ixule Adam, left
Tueaday avenlng for New York on an
Kuropeen tour ahUii will Inrlud lll .
France, Germany and Lngland.
Mra. C. IS. Andrraon nd children of
13 Colonial avenue and Mlaa Mabell
I'cleraon Irfl Thursday morning for a
three montha' outing, at ht-avlew, aah.
Mr. and Mr. Robert H Krb of 1 la
ton. Idaho, are apendlng a fortnight
with Portland friend.
Mlaa Jermond Ketchum la member
of a houa party entertained In Halem ,
bv Mlaa Edith Kuney. teacher of Ian-.
guagea In O. A. C.
Mr. and Mra. J. 8. Delllnger have re
turned lo Aatorla after attending lha
wedding of Mr. Delllnger' alster. Mls
Itnta Stanley, and L E. Cable, olemn
li Thursday evening. I
Mr. and Mr. W. 8. Dunlway motored
lo Halero. recently, to spend the week end
with the W. Melvlne Plimpton.
Miss A. E. Walnwrlght sailed from j
Nw York Saturday aboard the Georg
Washington for London.
Mlsa Lennatte Ferguson 1 In Aitoria.
where she Is the guest of her cousin.
Mins Margaret Griffin.
Misses Ruth and Martha Montague of
Portland were among the honored gueats
at a luncheon given a week ago In Al
bany by Professor and Mrs. F. O. Frank
lin. !
Miss Marguerite Philip of Vancouver, i
B. C, was the Rose Festival guest of
her cousin. Miss Nlta Philip, before con
tinuing south with Mr. and Mrs. Bkln
ner of Vancouver.
Frank H. Berts of Portland was best
man at the wedding of Mlsa Florence
(Continued on Page Four.)
Youthful, Wrinkleless
Skin Easy to Have
(Elberta Reld in Woman's Tribune.)
You who desire to regain a youthful
pnearance will do well to make the ac
qualntance of the two simple, but val
uablc. prescriptions here given.
To make an effective wrinkle-chaser.
mix an ounce of saxollte and a half pint
witch hazel. Bathe the face In the so
lution immediately every wrinkle is af
fected. It acts wonderfully on sagging
facial muscles, also, the lotion posses
sing remarkable astringent and tonic
To get rid of an aged, faded and dis
colored complexion, buy an ounce of
common mercollzed wax at any drug
store and apply nightly as you would
cold cream, erasing this mornings with
soap and-water. This wIH slowly a b
sorb the ' undesirawe surface skin, re
vealing the younger, brighter, healthier
skin underneath. I know of nothing to
eoual this treatment as a facial re-
J 'tl ntecei;learl Coleman andEdltli I Mf. Hook specialised In agriculture, la
Bby them from us--we save
you money We sell only the
better grade of diamonds, the
kind you will be proud to own
and show your friends.
Easy Payments for those who
care not or cannot pay cash,
without extra charge.
Largest Diamoftd Dealers in j
Oregon. f '
283 Morrison and' 74 Third St
rr v
Special For This Week
Two-inch Steel Pillared Bed
. ' '' ' .. . ' ' . -' -. ' ' :.' '
J '
iJ-''' '' a-.
' . . '- ' . . v '
' fW f
v - 'i - ' : V. v t. . ..i-J
'- 'V : ME
We Are Overstocked in this Line
A Henry
Jenning & Sons
"Home of Good Furniture"
Second and Morrison
Subscribe Now
Come and Listen
d rarer tmu tee
Human Voice aochMiisical Instruments
iJiklataaaaw "la.
ml tl DIKXOT r0M TEE I S. A
8. iVe Not From R03! ro nm
o SSEvery Day 1 VJ r
C I "NEVER A DVU. MOMENT 1 D l V, II ' .Vtas, a" aWl
coMmcihma jpy xni JJK ir :
TELEPHONE HERALD is a combined Telephone Newspaper and Entertainment Parveyor Herlding' iu
Service over an independent party-line a one-way service according to a time schedule from early morning
till late at night ' . ' ' : . ' : ; ' ' . . . ;"; :
Morrison. Open until 9 p.m. HOTEL MULTNOMAH, all around Balcony, Meizariine Floor. MEIER i
F,RANKS Rest RcKfo 7th floor.; General Offices, Sth Floor, Royal Bldg, , Main Main 6045. S-Z2M.