TUB OREQON SUNDAY JOURKAL. TORTLAKD. SUNDAY MORNINO. JUNE U 1H1 I ii , .ii i i i II i I i ii ywrmr i to a a a efWM Wt ., ir ai al Omi us.tt t , J4tt. u too la,.i.'.t fv .. . M4f 14 tX aweae Ito avM el air, b4 ,'. i- toe . us, ii aUrkara'Ie Vst I I sili Iks SI to ra . IV Mi. 9 U ti-U-4l a 1.1 IU v4 I Mr a4 M'v i U Osois statu mu ii la a ato m is 1 a- . aefai' If ttm Ua atos) IM aiiU T r AUsto ItU. .. u ! lets, t vms-4 la tia a.e eea. taiUa H. ri(uH. aa i.siy hi a j-miiii t a M Mas-V , ' ' ' ." ' ' ' Ml a ) ef fca CUire. ae -! lM Mi a . tmm at 4t t ! M M Wt U I J I tiltl tJttMMt re . irlta,4 sat fssWaila rM I ft a H ' irt riUf l- ei ! i t a-tiik4a. a Ma U4lw kf a. tfJ Ua Ket ia fcui.4. is Mi l la tMt iaadl turn a.e U Mttl SI a !" inry aravaa Mia iaa Uiu wf.i ! l-.t-ek Our lis ta Lue 4e al C- toft r . (f I ) EDITED - Tr" mmmmm I r ..-.t. v. j i i 7 , -mk'iy ' Jrh Ulta Krancea Beaumont (left) of Washington. D. C, who arrlrra today to be the Riiest of her ulster, Mm. J. W. Matthea: and Mlea Helen Clark (right) who has returned to her home In New York, after a visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson. OKE thousand dollars' worth of bride books sold by one local firm In three days m!nt srem to Indicate that society has little tins for anything else than the doings of Master Dan Cupid and his train, but a a lane at lsst and th'a week's caltndar will toll quite another atory. This wetk mlsht rightly l called tha week of buds, for when In Portland havs four youn irlrla made their bowa to society In the same. wrtk. Miss Bally Hart will receive with her . mother. Mrs. Prank E. Hart, on ha Virday. and Mlas Wilcox, Miss Jeai Morrison and Miss Dorothy Huber will ba presented on Thursday. Last week was essaotlally a week of big things and thla week will be the name, which ' Is an unusual round of (alety at thl season of the, year, when the social boards of other cities are practically swspt clear for the hummer. w w Waverly Golf tlub lias never been attractive as for the large dinner danr which Mr, and Airs. Fred H. Green rbv Krtday evening In compliment to Ml Dorothy Morrison and her fiance, Don aJd Green. A large table at whit' at the honor guests, centered the room. Bridesmaid roses . were chosen for the decorations. The smalle tables were decked with pink sweet peas and places for 90 guests were marked with dainty pink rose card About the c'ubhouee was a profusion of vine maple, syrlnga and pink 'carnations The veranda wus Illuminated with Japa iieee lanterns. One table of unusual charm held places for the debutant 8! Mlsa Claire Wilcox, Miss Jean Jlor.rl son.' Miss Barbara Mackenzie, Miss Dorothy Huber and the Misses Jraco and Mildred Honeymart: Miss Morrl eon was most attracttve In a sown of apricot chiffon, oyer oatln of a deeper ahnde with lace.' Miss Green wore heavily embroidered llngerlo with deep hem of. pink and pink saMi. A delightful surprise In the betrothha announcement of Miss Alice Carey ;inl Dr. Eugene; Bockey awaited the gut-Nts who responded to Mrs. Gilbert Dui Yarn's Invitations for tea on "rlday, Yellow was the color motif In the din ing room Where Mrs. Stanley Jewett served Ices while Mrs. Gerald lieebe and Miss Matiia Hart poured. Mlsa Mllla Wesslnger served puncii. Float- 'lnsr about the rooms were Mips Kath erl:ie Molbrook, MIks lrmlse Burns. Miss Margaiet Hewett, Miss Barbara Mackenzie, Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss Clementina T,ambm and Miss Lora Cummlng. The llvi:ig room was dec-j rated with cluster of crimson rambler Miss Carey is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles II. Carey and a sister of Miss Evelyn Carey. She Is a graduate of Portland a'-ademj' and Dana Hall and aluo tork une year at Smith. Dr. Rockey Is the younger son of Dr. and Mrs. A. to. Ror.key and brotner ot nr. 1'aui KorKey. He Is a graduate of Stanford and th Harvard Medical school. Ha Is a Zeta I'sl man Dr. Rockey will spend next winter in the Massachusetts General hospital In Boston.. No date has been set for the wedding. w - Mrs. James F. Failing was hostess at a distinguished affair on Thursday for which she sent out 300 cards to meet Mrs. Edward J. Falling (Miss Mar J or! Holcomb), her sons bride. The two drawing rooms were, artistically ar ranged with decorations of crimson rambler' and white Syrlnga and the din ing reom was brilliant -with yellow gladioli and other blossoms of the same W.G. SMITH &CO. HK : sisrrrro card exgisavjcrs V MO.VOGLAJkf 8TAT10KKK8 '1 ' isirn hoot- numnroj ntag. color. The table was charming with a centerpiece of water lilies and ferns Presiding were Mrs. Carl R. Gray. Mrs. John Bingham, Mrs. Adrian McCalman and Mlsa Failing. At the lemonade table were Mrs. Marlon F. Polph and Mrs Frederick 11. Strong. Assisting tho hostesses about the rooms were Mn. Henry. C. Cabell. Mrs William Brewster, Mrs. Herman Burpee. Mlas Mary Fall ing, Miss Kate Falling Miss Rhoda Falling, Miss Barbara Holroinb. Mlsa Ioule Letter and Miss Henrietta Chase Falling. Making their formal bows to society on Thursday with Mlsa Claire Wllcoa will be two young girls, Miss Jean Mor rlson and Miss Dorothy Huber, whd have been her playmates since they were little tots. w In spite of lowering clouds In tho morning, the garden party given by Mrs Peter Kerr yesterday afternoon at her nandsopie Riverside drive home, was one of the most delightful affairs of a week filled with a number of big events. The grounds of the Kerr home are beau tifully adapted for such an affair as that of yesterday and made a. picture of charming Interest aa the smartly gowned women strolled about or chat ted over the punch bowl or tea cups. Ices were cut by Mrs. L. Allen Lewis and Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, while Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mr. Walter J Burns, Mra. Hoi C. Wilson and Miss Falling poured. Mrs. C. E. S. Wood with Mrs. W. B. Ayer presided over the punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Kollock, Miss Claire Houghton, Miss 'Jean Mackenzie, Miss Barbara Mackenzie, Dr. J. N. Coghlan and Roderick Macleay were the guests of Walter Beebe for a Jolly motor dinner at his attractive bungalow on tho Clackamas Monday evening. w Miss irglnia Burns and Miss lone Stewart were the complimented guests at an informal evening - of dancini; which Mrs. Ix-e Hoffman gave for them on Thursday. Mrs. Lee Hoffman, Mra. L. Hawley Hoffman and Miss Margery uoftman havu cards out for an at home Thursday afternoon. t Miss Margaret Hewett was hostess at charming buffet luncheon, given at her Mount Zlon home on Wednesday. Her guests were Miss Claire Wilcox, Miss Dorothy Huber, Mlsa Barbara Mackenzie, Miss Katherlne Holbrook Miss Clementina Lambert, Miss Jean Morrison, Miss Louise Burns, Miss Cully Cook, Miss Katherlne MncMaster and Miss Evelyn Carey. Arnold will return to Milwaukee. Wis. where she will be In charge of the de partment of mathematics at Milwaukee Downer college. Mlsa Ellen C. Habln, formerly a resident 'of Portland for number of years, la president of Milwaukee-Downer college and has built up this college for women to a very high standard with a large attendance. Miss Arnold taught mathematics at St. Hel ns hall for flvs years prior to her trip to England last June. Mlsa Marjorle Strain, of Ixmdon. Ohio, was the complimented guest at a pretty tea given Tuesday afternoon by her cousin. Miss Mary Campbell. Miss Campbell's mother, Mrs. Jerome W. Campbell, received with her and tho honor guest. The living room was dec orated attractively with pink roses and Enchantress carnations were the flow ers In the dining room. Nasturtiums were chosen for the den, where punch was served by Miss Helen Simon and Miss Ruth Rosenthal. ' Mrs. William T. Pangle and Miss Laura Smith presided Mr. and Mrs. James A. Daugherty entertained with a dinner of Ii covers at the Golf club last evening for Mrs. Horace H. Irvine of Kt. Paul, who nr- Ivcd Monday to pass a month -with her sister, Mrs. Alexander AtMcDonell. Mrs. Irvine is accompanied by her small son and daughter and wilt, be joined on Wednesday by Mr. Irvine. Wednesday, evening- members of the Portland Academy t Klgma , Phi Upsilon fraternity .were hosts at 'a launch party chaperoned by Mrs. J.,. Wesley Ladd. Supper was enjoyed on board the launch The hosts and .their ' guests, were Miss Katherlne Holbroolf, 'Mlas Helen Ladd, Miss Nancy Zan-, . Mlsa , Grace Peters, Miss Rhoda Rumelln, MiSa Sara McCul- lj, Miss Louise rMdrgan.,.Mraa Miriam Haggendori. - Miss Margaret Haenn. dorn. Miss Rosamond Walker, Miss Margaret Cameron. Miss Ruth Plummer, Stuart Freeman. Harold Jones, Alexan der Morrison, Bud Krlhs, Lee Patterson, tester ijrix, Aaron Whltmer, William Steiwer. Horace Cardlnell, William Huesner, Melvln Fell and Ernest Crich-ton. Attractive card? have announced the birth of Miss Ruth Bowne to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowne Jr. The little m. made her advent on June 6, her father's birthday. - Miss Katherlne 8. Anold returned Pvt. day from New York, wber she has been taking post graduate work la mathematics; at Columbia onlrerslty, and will spend tha summer hare with her brother, Hoemer K.- Arnold. 7 East Seventeenth street. In September Mlsa at the table with the aaistanre of Mis Mary Kern, Miss Bvelyn IJams, Miss Luclle Bronough and Miss Harriet Kern Assisting further about the roorrs were Miss Mildred Vail ami Miss France Brady. Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodle present Mrs. Henry W. Metzger. Mlsa Lucll Parker, Miss Margaret Haussman, Mis Reatha Fowler and Miss Muriel Wll Hams in matinee recital, Thursday June 27. at 3 o'clock, In Chrlstensen hall, 171 Eleventh street. Joseph Cronln entertained with a de llghtful dinner dance at the Cronln home at Garden Home Wednesday even Ing for the pleasure of the Misses Nancy Jaiie, Helen and Ruth Stack, of Es ennaba, Mich. Supper was enjoyed In the grove, lighted with Japanese lan terns. About 40 guests motored or rode out for the affair. w Miss -C. Anita Whitney, suffrage worker from California, will be the honor guest at a luncneon given at the Imperial on Friday by the members of the College Equal Suffrage league. Miss Whitney -will present some aspects of the California; campaign. Miss Anita Whltney-of California will be entertained Tuesday at a meeting cf the Portland Eiiual Suffrage league Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, president, to be held at 2:30 In the Selling-Hirsch build lng. -w Mrs. Charles F. Latimer, Mrs. Edwin D. Whitney's cousin from Chicago, and Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Warren E. Keeler's mother from the same place,, were' the Inspiration for a matinee party given at the Orpheum yesterday by Mrs. Charles F. Bunker. Mrs. Keeler. Mrs Whitney and Mrs. W. A. Hathaway were additional guests. Tea followed at the Portland. Mrs. Kdwin A. Beala will entertain with a reception on June 28 for Mrs A. W. Beals, Mrs. N. A. Mladaugh and Miss Jullna O. Hall. Mrs. Vaughn Beharrell, of Seattle, was the complimented guest when Miss Dagmar Korell Invited a few friends for an afternoon of cards, on Thuraday. Card honors fell ta Mlsa Judith 8cottM and Miss Geraldlne Coursen, with a guest prize for Mrs. Beharrell. w An Interesting bit of news cornea from Eugene to the effect that Miss Birdie Wise, of Astoria, won the Failing prize in the annual U. of O. oratorical con test with her suffrage paper, "The Dawn of Tomorrow." The fact of , a young woman capturing the prize was somewhat unusual In the face of sev eral strong men rivals, but the decision was most popular. Miss Wise's paper was so good that aha wjll be sent over the etate by some of the suffrage or ganizations to deliver it in other places. The second, or Beekman, prize., fell to Miss Alberta Campbell, of Eugene. w - V Mrs. Coleman Wheeler will be a host ess on Tuesday. " k . '. .x Mlsa Irene t)aly complimented .her guest. Miss' Imogen Carraher of Se attle and the Misses Nancy Janer Rutii and Helen Btack bf'Escanaba, Mlciu, with, an informal afternoon of- bridge " - on Thurdsy. Km tables were made up and a few additional gursts called for teit. Card honors were divided betwean Mrs. Oliver King Jeffery and Miss Dorothy Moulton. Three of the lsrgest affairs of the week were given y Mrs. Benjamin F. Weaver, when she entertained with brldan luncheons of thlrlesn tables each on Wednesday, Thursday arid Frldsy for her guest, Mrs. Charles Coon, of Dinsha and Mrs. A. E. Hutchinson, re cently of Halt Lake, now of Portland. A charming color scheme of pink was developed In the decoration. On the la ble a centerpiece of pink roses seemed to support an artistic, long hanaiea Das ket of rink roses snd baby breath sua Dended from the chandelier. The door was opened by little Mies Frances Al len and the score cards were given ou by little Mlsa Dorris Btreeter. Miss Sallle Sterrett presented the guests to the receiving line and the hostess was further assisted about the roomi by her daughter. Mrs. Charles U Boss. Mrs Coon was gowned In pearl gray with' a handsome bertha of real lace. Mra Hutchinson waa In green with elabora tlons of lace and Mrs. Weaver was dls tlngulshed In white. Wednesday card honors fell to Mrs. Chester Deerlng, Mrs. Charles F. Jones and Mra. Abble Wright. Thursday the fortunate play ers were Mrs. Charlea Eastman, Mrs, Frank McCrellls and Mrs. William Boyse.. On Friday the prizes were won by tr W s4 kite j2U" Y l-lsfc totai iu ai.iui lai wa tk al Im twa Ta rr frtK4s t Mra 'alir V naiih f)i(iB I tHm I agsla stir i- t bp aaa stoat sfise Mr Wls 1 fiml b , Iff f KS HIUIMd fM Muswlwl aal '! to !' auael f Mr aisadMoai. aits to'ar rta't cti for sa iiJf!i.ils tartest Vlr Ad M'B ilntltr Ii MurpKy lUlM Afcs. fcvlassil llhd lVi Jr fives ih.ir nl4irg Jouresf ' (.( in tas pWbhd Wufctrr 1 Kf UulM lie. f Hctt. ( ! !), b Mlas Imu at : aad'B tfrvrl. Mr M I. Ifalt,rwk. aupBlf4 tf i ar liuM Miss a.tfcrte tlolbreoh, 1 trft rttr far lbs llalbroea BOtasne Krm al Tearlaail Mn Ulltort Put, rm tMIss lhirr'ly llo'breokj lpctt Is Join litem In a f k Mrs Aalis H ll. of Hants Itesa. ! will runts north lb fust of Ihs month 1 fur a :'! Blih hr n-.,iiirr Mr Msry tusltop. snj lsr sitter. Mr It l Can. 'eon arwl Mr. Charles K. Itjoyon. w 1 Mrs has Co ir tx! srrtttd In I rsedltlua co KTKlsy ta b ihs guest of 1 Mrs I ! Cotv ' WW Mrs Pauline Frsssr has as hr lussta ' for th Bueamsr her nlsa. Ibe Ulsss irtrud aad Franc Ash of Msdford. Mr J C Pro wo and her alee. Mlas Clady McMillan, who aav bsen guts ! st ihs Portland fnr lbs pt two sks. t left Wr-dnssdsy srsnlng for tbelr horn ! In Modford "Mr" John TT "nsldTna wltV her daughters, the Misses Florence and Ruth t'onsldlne, and son. John Consldin, Portlsnd visitors last k ! w Mr and Mrs I N I.lpman left th Isst of th wek lo l th guests of Mrs. Isam Whit st her besch home, Ixicg Hssch. w Mr. and Mr. M. C. Banfleld. with the Misses Chsrlotte and Badle Banfleld. motored from Portland In company with Mr. and Mrs F. C. Ilaksr of Tillamook, to b the house guests of Mr. and Mrs jrr M. Travis of Eugtne for commsnct msnt. w Mrs. Louis if. I.edxer. of Los Ange lea. and Mrs. Mas T. Kohler. of 8n Di ego, will sail from Ran Pedro, July !. arriving In Portland on the sixth to ' spend thre or four week with their itr. Mrs. Frederick T. Hyskell. at Lucre t la Court. w Mrs. Fred H. Oreen will have as her guests about the first of the month her sister, Mlsa Romstne Woods, and Diamond Solitaire Rings will ppl (or their Kih-CTadexlnf , quiluy. color and brillUacy, U in an aa armbly of value that atanpa them par eacellent for auiuble annivertary or en (afement gtftt. Our wtil.aatonrd itia.a cll reveal iplendid buying facilities and attractive prtcca. ELK JEWELRY for the combf convention. A full and complete line of Charm a, Uuttona, Pint, Rings. Scarf Pina and Foba of the lateat. tyles. A. & C. Feldenheimer Pumond Iirporters, Jewelers, Silversmiths. 285-283 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth Sta. I Draperies Wall Paper F'lneF'oiTiiture F. A. TAYLOR CO. 130 Tenth Street SOCIETY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John King Stack Jr, (Mlsa Cecil Wiley), arrived In Portland Bundav and remained until Thursaay, when they continued their wedding Jour ney to Banff and the Thousand isianaa. Mrs. Stack Sr. and Henry Stack re turned more than a week ago to their home in Eecanaba, Mich. The Mlsaes Ruth and Helen Stack left the first of the week, but Ml" Nancy Jane Stack will remain for the summer. w Miss Stella Frohman and Mlas Kath arine Hart readier! porxiana rnaaj, mi rrohnian from the winter passed In Florida and Miss Hart from school In Rosemary. Before starting west Miss Vrohman was the guest of Miss Mollle Kellner, at Rye, N. J., who waa a Port land, visitor of Miss Margery Hoffman last summer. Th. William Brewaters have taken the J. Andre Foutlhoux cottage at- Gear hart for July , ' Mrs. E. "JB. Merges ftnd baby, accom panied by a nurse., are spending the summer atHhelr Seaside home. , w Mrs r. R. Jackson- left Wednesday for San Francisco- to Join her son, Philip Jadkson, who la returning from Princeton. Hallett Maxwell returned yesterday from Phillips Exeter academy, where --T1T M US1C First-class Union Music , furnished at any time, for any occasion. Any number of the cities' best musicians under recognized leadership, with complete library of popular and classical music, suitable : for5 Dances; Weddings, Re- ceptioos, PartSes, etc WrUe, ' see, or phone, - y : Ed. Wctmor '-:-. ' Care OraveaMusic; Co;' ; I K7 FOR THE NEWEST, VISIT THE EASTERN C7 C"l bTIIU II II VI ki out BEA MILa SUMMER GARB REDUCED IN PRICE- WWW Higfi Class Novelty Suits Every one in our immense and beautiful stock has been reduced. All the newest and nobbiest styles in all the latest and most approved shades. In any fabric de sired. Every one reduced. Beautiful Coat in the smartest styles the season has produced. EVERY ONE REDUCED Linen Coats and Suits Blazer Coats Pretty Waists Charming Millinery ' Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords ALL AT VERY MODERATE PRICES - Open A Charge Account Select what you will want to wear on the "Fourth" and during Elks' Convention week. Have your purchases charged. We cordially invite your-iccount. Pay as you can weekly or monthly, any way most convenient to yourself. NO CHARGE FOR CREDIT SIMPLY A COURTESY - T 1 R N .405, WASHING TON STREET SHOW windows OUTFITTING-GOJ . i ; At tenth- THE . BIG - CREDIT" INSTITUTION . H'. : ' 1 ' r 1