- - THE WEATHER fair toBliht Id rtkwrlr IMa. COAST TE-MPETUTUHES ) R :t 41 Mff HM PRICE TWO CENTS VOL. XI. NO.W. rORTLAND.VOREGON, SATURDAY ' EVENING, 1 JUNK tt. I9lf-"TVO . SECTIONS?-) PAGES. w ft lift at rwa. tall IIV CIS I a, 1 1 1 1 1 r 11 1 1 . is 4 u ii-ii , it "ii 11 1 ' 11 if.-! ' j -v v. r 1 1 M 1 1 v I 1 1 111 ii II 1 f 1 II . mAm ALL TflFT DELEGATES SEATED; UOfllllOII OF PRESIDENTIS III ED BEFORE Quite Merrily Do Machine Engineers Smash Steam Roller Oyer Roosevelt Contesting Delegates AH Over Country. Washington-Virginia Reports Adopted FIGHT OVER PLATFORM EXPECTED UPON FLOOR; PROGRESSIVES SUBMIT NO MINORITY REPORT Only Rift Develops Over Question1 of Vice Presidential Nom inee Hadley Mentioned as Possibility , buu He Has Unqualifiedly Declined to Accept Well Understood That If Barnes Says Sherman Is Man, He Will Be Picked. . Days wiiwihi inn tt a. m. Covnika cll4 to order by Chairman Hoot U a. pl Crdtntj4a wm- mint majority rrrt on Mls- laelpp! caleaWa kf "Urn adopted br yCK" it a- m Oedeottala .com mute report on fond Mlssls Ippl contest adoptad by vll voce vol. I0:7 a. m. Credentials com mittee report on fifth atleiia- Ippl district contest adopted by viva voce. ... 10 it m. Sltth Mlaelslppl report adopted viva voc. 11 01 a. m. CradenlleJa com mittee report on Fifth. Blath and g.rnU Mlaataalppt. Fourth North Carolina, Third Oklahoma and Second Tennaae coniesie adopted. ll:t a. m. Minority plan to aubetitute Roosevlt for Taft e men in Washington atate delega- Uon defeated In a viva voca Vll:0 a. m. Credential eom- X mlttee report on Washington alata delefatea adopted. Z Di rri. Credenllale eo- 4 mlttea report a Virginia, con- f -iCrontlal. com mittee report on Taa delegate. at-Jarg adopted. 1:40 p. m Credentials com mltteaa report on all Ttxaa dele gatea adopted. 1:41 p. m. Temporary conven tion offlcala mad permanent. . e valt ma to afcaar thai aeatljaeat for ta eaten!, a 4 the chaeriag waa load aad mof eoaaecWd tXaa whea tha Mad Wy deaieaetretioa etarWd as Wedeaday. U Klaatea afVer tha atart ei tha deal watratloa tha Xooaarelt mea eUiHd a panda thronrh tha han with aUle ataad- arda. Xaaaaa Ud tha proaaaatoa. aad very eae of tha BoaeeveK etaeaa fell Ueo llaa hehlad. Tha ahaat, "We waat Teddy," waa aaln hroayht tato play. Tha report ef tha eradeaUala oomaxlt taa haa haaa omplatad.. Za every la- ataaaa tha vuae of tha dalagatea pUoad as tha temporary raU hy the aaUoaal aoatnunea waa 00 a firmed. ROOSEVELT FORCES FORE! MEIIWTIS. TOGETNOMNATON Conferenco . Last Nioht Out . lines Program of Mute Pro- - test A&alnst Voting -of -the Tainted Delegations. NOMINATION LIKELY BE? MADE:T0NIGHT Two. Votes Only Needed at One Time to Give Honor to Colonel. 1 f. '.'-.C' i'i in 1 1 Chlcao, Jaaa 8 A KooaaTalt dem oaattloa wa. touched off U tha .0. v.nUoa jnat before 3 o'oloch thl. aft. v.. niM-ta Henry AUea ol Xaaaaa. awuoed that ha n from tha former preatdeat v. naatrad to read. Delefatea front tha Booaaralt atataa lamped ta thrfr tamultaoa. Iiana. and AU'- ttampta to read - r -i mm Mflld OILte Xrery effort waa made hy tha Boom HYPNOTISM CHARGED AGAINST DARROW JURY Bit RY HEARING District. Attorney Fredericks Attacks Motives ot Lawy on Trial at Los Angeles. tfnlted rri Wire.) ' Hall of Records. Los Angeles, June 21. Confusion reigned In Judge Hutton's court during the trial of Clarence S. ,rarrow. on a jury bribery charge today, Iwhen District Attorney Fredericks, hair disheveled and quivering with rage, leaped to his feet during a gruelling cross-examination of John B. Harring ton by Chief Couneel Earl Kogers and '.charged Darrow with trying to hypno tle the wltnens. ' . "Darrow is trying to get Harrington to look him in the eye," shouted Fred ericks. "f he catches that man a eye "fi : will hVonotlze him. I know whereof ii apeak. Darrow used hypnotism on poor (George Behm (Ortle McManlgal's uncle). h tm trvin to cast a apell over this witness right now. I heard sonm one whisper to Darrow to catch Harrington s ,. it h doea. the wltrtess wlU aU Telia and whoop's of , laughter filled tha courtroom. Bailiffs vainly pounded 1 or oraer. . n' V "That's h n1081 hdlsh sUtemant C it aver heard In court in my life." gasped jDarrow when he couia speaic . j It waa no Joke to tha district attorney. Ha faced the howling spectators with flushed face and shouted tha accusation. "I want your honor to instruct Darrow ito keep hla seat." he-yelled. -Make him 'alt Btill. Ha la walking alt over tha room trying to get Harrington' aye and put a spell on him." ' Above tha turmoil Rogers yelled: Til tell you the- real reason why Harrington don't look either Mr. Dar row or myself in tha eye. He'e afraid. He dare not. For two daya I've beep trying to catch hla ahlfty gate, but he won't look at me." ' , , Harrington , kept tils . , gase steadily verted, looking-over tha. Jurors'- heads with his fa-ca turned sharply away from the attorneya' table. Aa tha court bail Iffa wer having great difficulty in try Ing to aubdua the laughter,, court ad journed tmrorsrlly. Chicago. I1L. June 22. That President Tart would be renominated and hla run nlng mate selected, following the adop tion of a compromise platform. In hlch concessions would ba made to the progressives, and that the fifteenth Republican national convention ' would adjourn alna die before midnight to night, waa tha opinion of nearly every parly leader today. Nerves had been fraaaled by tha ordeal and tha delegates and vlallora alike wanted to get home. But to do ao tha greatest one day pro rram that ever confronted a national 00 a vend on Is to be carried out... The leaders aald Hhey could get thrOue The delegates hoped' thl would bvpoa- aible. Tha renomlnatkm of tha president waa conceded by nearly everyone. Tha big party leaders Barnes, Jloot, Crane, McKinley and their associates Insisted tha president's strength through the country haa been gaining by leaps and bounds during the last 4S hours. They declared there wera evidences that be fore November tha party would be united, arid asserted that Colonel Roose velt'a new Progressive party would win away from tbem only a minority, and that In the progressive states the Dem ocrats would lose more to the new party thnn they would, hy thus equalising the rignt. v Despite their open confidence the Taft leaders were troubled over the Roose velt program. The leadcra for the colo nel had Indicated that after the Taft delegates had been sealed from the state of Washtngon, which they characterized aa only a trifle less flagrant case of grand larceny than the California con tests, they would participate In the pro ceedings no further. But that there was a well organised plan of campaign ready for use in the Roosevelt camp waa known to the Taft leaders, and the lat ter made cartful plana to handle any thing that might turn up. Senators Follette and Cummins were to be presented to the convention. Tha Taft men insisted the president Itjr William AUra VliltV (Copyright. 1I12, br. Ut Aaaortated New .papers ) cmoago, june ix.Tiie final program of the Rooaerelt force for the convea Ion waa made last night heo Colonel Roosevelt, aftr a two hour conference n his rooms with Ms friends, decided that ao lopg aa the roll was tainted br ha 7t delegatea seated by the nat tonal ommlttae. the colonel would not allow hla name to sppear before tha Republi can convention aa a candidate. in tin conference, wmen was of a amUpubllo. aalur, aver .ll (h goier- nors who have twin supporting Colonel Roosevelt, ll.ney. plnchot, lleverldfe. flarneld. Fort, McCormick.Van Valken brg, Allen of Kanrss, liecord, Fllnn. Cortelyou. Prrktna and a score of oth ers. To these men Rosevelt made It clear that he would not accept what he regarded aa a tainted nomination, and also that he would oppose any nominee of tha convention nominated by the tainted roll. The colonel added that for them to purge tha roll and nominate some one else sfter his name waa with drawn ha would regard aa a trick. - Jia will not, however, release hla delegstes. sVoosav.lt Plan is for Uanoa. It has been agreed that all Roosevelt delegates shall alt mute In protest ss the balloting proceeds. His friends, and notably Aleiander H. Revel, tried to show the colonel that the convention waa practically In a deadlock With his Instructed delegates sitting allently, with Cummlnti and La Folletta holding tha balance or power, ana that Taft would not have a majority. Rut Roose velt's contention Is that to participate In a convention after tha permanent roll had baan made tip- with tha stolen delegates upon It, would be to coiidono a crime. A formal statement to this effect was given to tha delegatea this morning be fore the convention opened. It la not Colonel Roosevelt's Idea to release his Instructed delegatea, but to prevent their participation In what they all re gard as fraud. The colonel's Instruc tions, If followed by his delegates, will force the nomination of Taft. Taft'a nomination, the colonel's friends be lieve, will make a third party necessary and its success probable. Two Votes Control Policy. Two votes would have swung tha con trol of the convention from Taft to Roosevelt yesterday, even with the stolen delegates all for Taft And In Taft'a majority of two were six votes Instructed for Roosevelt In Illinois, elected by the primary by 80.000 votes, and two votes from Maryland Instructed for Roosevelt by 6000. If these dele gates, elected under Roosevelt Instruc tions, had voted with the Roosevelt forces upon the seating of the delegates elected hy the California primaries, Roosevelt and not Taft would be In control of the Republican national convention. The fact that Roosevelt lost the prl- xtr : v . mitt -. 01; 11 is FULL OF Ml PLATITUDES BE CALLED TO CLEAN MADHOUSES Governor West Announces Laws " Governing Question able Resorts Will Be En forced at Any Cost. Slm Bore.a of Th. Joarnal. ) Palem, Or.. Jun' 22. Declaring his Intention to call out a carefully selected squad of Oregon militia to wage a cam palgn against immoral road ho 11 lies In Mutnomah county. Governor West mad the statement today that it Is expected to be like the explosion .of a bombshell In the camp df law violators. i lniena 10 see mat roaunouses are quickly, effectively and consistently cleaned out, aald Governor West, "not only in Multnomah county, hut In every part of the state where officials have failed to enforce the law." He said a law enforcement squad would he mado up of carefully selected men. not chosen for their piousness but for their ability to detect and recognize a blind pig. faro game or house ofolll repute and then -to ibollsh them. He said If necessary he uwm icau.ine bljUBU. ' Wot Moral Wave. "This Is no moral wave In tha exec- emu ICED cy TO El DM mm Connecticut Executive Favors Giving Republicans Monop oly on Pre-Convention Fuss ing; Pleads for Harmony. (United Pr.u Le.sd Wire.) Baltimore. June 22, Judge Alton B. Parker, named as temporary chairman of the Democratic nations? convention hy the sub-committee, of the national convention, will refuse to step 'aslde In order to placate Bryan. A atatement to this effect came today from Norman K. Mack,' chairman of the national commit tee," through one of his secretaries. 'Mr. Mack says that Judge Parker is In the fight to stsy, and will not with draw," said the secretary. Lumber and Flour Shippers Said to Favor, Direct Serv ice; Farrell Returns From San Francisco. New Haven. Conn., June 22. Governor Simeon K. Baldwin, today sent the fol lowing telegram to William J. Bryan at Chicago In answer to Bryan's mes sage concerning the selection of Alton B. Parker as temporary chairman of the Democratlo national convention at Baltimore: "Replying to your telegram, It does not seem to me that the course you sug- rresldent J. D. Farrell and Traffic Manager R. B. Miller of the O.-W. R. & N. company, are expected to return In a few days from San Francisco, here It is-understood they liavo been conferring for several days with offi cials of the Harrlman ocean lines In regard to the malntenanca of regular steamship service between Portland and the orient. It Is about a year now since the 0.vv. R. & N. Co. turned over Its oriental lines to the Frank Waterhouse company with headquarters at Seattle and In a short time the chsrter of the last of three Norwegian liners, the Hercules, will expire. These charters were trans ferred to the Waterhouso company when the company decided to withdraw for a time at least from the Transpacific field. Plans for Future. In the meantime Andrew Weir steam ers are handling the business for the. Contains General Statements of Former Platforms as to Tariffs, Monopolies and the Rights of Common People' DECLARES AGAINST THE ". JUDICIAL RECALL, MILDLYj Says Republican, Party Has Ever Been One of Prog- ress, Not Reaction. i i iaart. u Tto JuaraaLI Chicago. Juna JJ. Tha platform, aa reported 14 tha convention thla aflsr4 noun, opens by aflrmlng devotion to government "of tha people, by (ba pao pla and for the popl. " It declare for. a protectlr tariff, supplementary antl-, trust legislation and mildly condemn the rerall of Judge. At tha outset th platform para a tribute to Lincoln, eipres.e prld in tha psst achievements of tha party, anil declares: It hss atwaya been a parts' Of progV ' r a, Oiiil. U Jiaa-aaitbar a atattavta ry nor reactionary." ' Belief a declared In "self controlled ' rapresentstlve democracy." and tha' principles of constitutional govern. mart." upon which the nation has proa pared, are praised. Ppeaklng of new' problems. It Is said: It will atrlva not only In tha nation. - but in th several atate to enact tha " necessary atatutea to safeguard tha pub-' lie health; to limit effectively tha labor of women and children, and to protect.' wage earnera engaged In dangerous oc cupation ; to enact comprehensive -and : generous workmen's compenaatlon lawa - in place or th present wasteful and un - Just system of employers' liability.'' ! . In tha plank referring to th Judiciary. It la declared to be th Intention of tha -party to uphold the Integrity of tha courts, and legislation la favored to pre.; vent long delay and costly appeals. Tha'. platform continues: whlla w regard the recall of Judge aa unneceaaary and unwise, wa favor , ' such action as may be neceaaarp to aim."., pllfy th procesa by, which.' any Judga who ta found t be derelict in hla duly . may b removed from offlc." - Tha movement for universal peace Is praised, without particular reference to, peace treaties negotiated by th admin J. 1st ration. . "The Republican party la opposed ta ." special privilege and to monopoly," t the opening atatement on th trust! uestlon. Th Interstate commerce and '. Sherman lawa are referred to, and -It la f declared that the party will take no backward atep. Additional legislation -to supplement the Sherman law la fa- o red to define as criminal offense those specific acts which mark attempt ' monopolise trade, "to tha end that . those who honestly intend to -obey the 1 (Continued on Page Four.) GOV. H. L. JOHNSON ; QUITS CONVENTION ; BECAUSE OF FRAUD (Continued on Page Two.) 1 (Cpntinued on Page Fiften.) (Continued on Page Four.) I ' (Continued on Page Fifteen.) i (Continued on Page Fifteen.) First Picture Published in Portland of the Republican National Convention in Session in the Coliseum in Chicago -mj mmmm-1 m I II 1 . i'. ' - i ri"' w "-" v i v ; r. l II I I It I .i , . 'v, it- -i. - J iW Sh : - i -.7 v.- r fr ; V Uft vy ' -i , .f 4 f . JJ. r California Executive Says His- Duty to His State Forbids. Participation in the Ndmi-, nation of Taft. (United Pr LeaaM Wire.) 4 Chicago. June 22. Declaring, that thai ; governor of the state of California Y-t r fused to sit in the Republican national convention and see all the lawa of hla ' atate overrun, Hiram Johnson walked! , out of the Coliseum -this afternoon.) A Through Mayer Ussmer, of the 'Call.'' fornla delegation, he issued the follow, lng statement: . .; " 1 "I shall not sit in this " convention j during the nomination of a president. -nor shall I consider myself In any msuf ner bound by its acts. 5 ' "Not only was tha: fraudulent roll foisted upon us to defeat the will ofj the people but tha . law of th. irfatat of California, solemnly passed By- the' state legislature and acqulescedf In by the president and every faction In Cai. 1 fornla, has been nullified." - . v;. i EXPLOSION DMfMP 100 nr ur dui IN RIOTS KILLS ONE AND JNJUP 25 MM: Cavalry Used to Disperse Mob in Streets of Lisbon; - War-; .- ships -as uuardfK H1SCS, .Lisbon June JJ. Cma man wut'1, and tt wen injured today hy tha plosion of five bomM. hen ,'Hotl.nir. which. bgan last niri.t, an resum! early today. FrtTiently cavalry rrutrr. were ordered, fv dipere the - p-ih. ' th ro'ir mlilury :jrtir")n tertd ia tfta prln.p! ir. ft, sauares. -There r r.a"r',. and tha rioters vrr t e'ltpa whk h wr k--, i i in I. e r.jr: -r.