The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 19, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Eivnts in Society
1 tj-lll itt Ibuaa caalllbut
lag fui ti.a muif allele p
hoj!l bat II iMik tbe ot
..-.! i J:loe . l-ndae belli. I
bUut I III n. ailed ur telcl l...rte,l .Se
I elee. U.o.l ituHil bul Ibuaa" hu
I a eftalf. m l IB lit ova ul4
. ji Irf a iimI feivr be .ending Ui.if
in n. in aoon after ueelbi.
"I'ltifciit ii u:diui rf lal ifict an
Hal U -. lienea.llal m Item.
be. fig lefl Ditf f'f le.
Irtul J'UjiarU.
Mli THANK K II.UIT I planning
l.i, tirr daughter. li
rally Mail, at a iimUii parir
lu be g eii el " Hail real
dance, ull MiciJ Mai
In for ami Tw.
Urt leillel A fl.ll .l:f telephoned
few filen.le fr an Infoimal rvii of leu
lnicrco' In r.iii.i l rnrui lu Mia 1) It
Mcnefe and her e.eler. Mra It 1 Ail
dereon. of fort Wmdi, Tcim
MuureUUll W rtliliuc
llawlliurn I'arb 1'reah) terlaii church
waa Ilia a. en. uf a pretty wedding leal
evening ( half eight, when )(ev
J Nel.nn Allrn tea l th ecrvlre , lilch
mad Mia Xry atili lh
brtd of I'r. OlffuKl Hartley Moor
Th church. rriiily decorated In palm
nd rink ri'i. w filled to nrrf low
ing fur U rrlrr The bridal party
entered l Ilia tralna "f 1 1-" Meetdlng
march. played I Slr Warirti K
Thomil The l.r Lie? n r! nrmlr.I In
her gom nf while stin allli elabora
tion of I'rlurraa Iit Kt.r nr I-rg
e!l and lariLil it liorr of ablt
lrrlrai 1 1 1 r maid uf Iwiior a hrr
roualn fr"m Vin .. r, II i. Ml
ale ". Hllk.r. wa gowned in yel
low a-i!l:i with lunli' nl bn.1l.-a of heavy
lare film cartel 11 w.ile'ftll of maid
enhair l.fM The little fl.m. r 1,-lrl
iladfl i 'Iik r. rtnurhler t Mi an. I
Mra J ark i "n rd -irr, win. w.m fr.ked In
Mli im1 mrr.i.l a tuike' ft 1 r: at anil
whlta nl.n I'r Mirrv M.inm al
Irnd'.l It..!)-. : .1- ! ! m.i-i. ami Hi"
uahrra wrrr,l M."rr. Waller
Orav, It Ail! :r i:-.-.!naii ai.-l J! 11 II
Marflrf K'T Aflrr I l.r . rr'TVPV 11 r--ratll-in
.' )" ' Jt ' 1 f u. of 1 1 .
11 1 f 'r iiiul Mi" A "
Ifrrwini a la
Moore t l.-i in
railed ' I" ' 1
T. A. I'll. .11. !''
Iha rer 1 1 1 . 1
bgi'hs nnin.1 ;t ' 1
ro rel wild p i
Ih" ilM-'liR ' ' " ' ' '
pink r 110 . an.
Mm T 'I- l.-r
en .'ii w IMi I '
K.liui Siiilil.. M . -Kwi
!'.o' mi I
iiiul Mi A
IV.IM a I1 ."I f-j
s M.ion- unit Mm
if ll.r I. r I I .-. ).'ln- t
'f :1
;i.l .
I Weill
U!e rim" I"
1 ' it- ii'i.l.r' llii
I ., , t i I il l.'. her
.,.,,1 M: H It It. like
.. ii--.:.iii f Ml
.. 1 n. 1 W.ite.T. Minn
M : - s l-'.ntli-r 1 "11 ill .li 1 1
s aim In pink rni"-n
,.f fern. I'lin.-li
r r-.tniKi. . ii n a s l
-1 1 v n l li colored
illkets of feri'.K 11 11.1
.. Miirklev. Mills
M -. I : !.i 1 . I e V 1 iMin and
; ; I, lev I reK l.leil over Hie
r.t!,:;: wore hiaik line net
w.l'i trliiinilMK" f J'"'. '"'
'ihe IliUh!'-
.!ll I
M It - 'l ' ' I
IP :i:li III.
I if; I I- :r I '
1 mrir !'! 11 -.I1.11.1
Vl-h rniulii
l. . I Mi
iim-t- !!:: k
. .ii w.i
I. is!
. n'tr.'
all Uutm la 4.14 Ium Mill. ll4
la ai. iW4 fibk aHj fr auafuiaall
Willi friar Uri tnJ xf lllmmlu
Pr attd Uta alowi h a
.'.! I WelJ.ig ).uikt ialM tm I liar
will 1 al l.uu.1 la 1'ieir hew
bow neaiing iuHrldiii lu 1 a l I a-1 Ji
ll" llelifirr t'utttert tutiltil.
MiMlcly t l'i w..t I la alien Jan
I til eeIKg al Ilia KalMeeU ltr
Hrl.fier luiiterl al Ih tlelllg I liJtl
I ha auihuaiaalle lJefI.lp of Ull
I I cm r r l J..i,e.. alia Hull t. VHoi
i'.l Mia llafif) I. luit-ell Ih autlelr
women lata male lJ farawell litefll
a niual-al ti'H uf uiiiiauat Inlafaal
Mra Intr. a i-oj-ular .v,al
inter i.unil-ci t efa, bul In bee
rk tlnuait tier all and tuira hat
lil.adel.rd lu an ellanl llial her Iurlllt4
frieiida feel II. eia la f-.o d"iiM of an raree-r abaad uf her la grand
-cf M. will leata aallr In Augual
!"f I'arla lo roi lloue alu.ile th
tea t-eeii aold alid a nuilil-er uf
litralia larlira ara i.iai.tirl
rrrulUI 'iniiiilliiirDt.
Ml llari Nlcolal H.Ull.lllr.l al.ul
It gueala with a i.iellv lea tealeritay
for her alaler, 1 le a Maltha d llevulaa.
Mlaa Wllma Klako ai.d Ml. a Marguerite a all. brl learln I of Ilia near future.
lluii(-Martula Nujliala.
Th wid-ling uf Mlaa r'lorenc J. Mir-
tila. ila.iKhirr uf Mra Mrh K. Mar
ula or Kurena. slid llamld K llunl.
on of ea rieimlor and Mra Jattiea K
llunl, Ccrn.ilv of I'uriland. ri..w of
urner. wna aulemiilaed l( evening al
u rlurk bv Ir I'.mJ.imln Young In
Ibe voung ieo..- ai oiln.rni In lha
Kaikrr I'lr.k inirn wern uiial for d-c-
oralloiis Tie bi;.le w ire while l:n-
rile and a iiliall. I.11 Tl-.e only
gueala Wrle Mini I'lllc Matqula. Ml
I'biioy Mauier, M. IVA-il Tumikliia
ai.d John 1. Travm A wedding au
per followed. Mil Hum la a gradual
of I lit- M rilliouth Normal ar.d haa taken
le,-.i woik at the I'. of (i l or th
3t Ihree eara ah,. l..i been a leen her
III the I'.a. km.ili ho., I Mr. Hunt I
.in OS Kiii.timir of (l.r I' of 11 and an
,Vli)wi Triu 1 'ineh-a 111.111 He la a brother
or .!r- John I. Tiatla l or lh' pint
! h. 1 i l-.-n .1 member of The 1
Jour11.1l r. p..rtot M - f f
Slrptiali t'oni-rrt Ici lurr.
Mh.Iumi Mei !:: ,.f New Voik wlll ar
rive In roilliend l.miorum lu rtellvrr hr
iiininer win rei-ltals 1-rlday and Saiur
il Hri::i;s nt .J' and Haturd.iy af!
moon lit J Hi In 1.1, era ball under th
liuepbe ft the .-nnillur . It for the
I1..1 or 1 1 i.e ). , 1 i e 1
. ' l"i n iijiiii itiaeinin
' W-l.iull rriii. hi mi ll.A v.. 1 I 11... ikiu
f..i IliomKi Kdiii-iil.on iind If leiltirlnK
nil tbrn'iKli Hie weal. II. r milijcrra will
be, -nf-.i,. uf Mukic . "Miialo and
1 "h ll1 1 . .! mid MiihIi- Mill Life" Her
ucroinpii n I -1 ! Minn i;. rn!i rL. I.athr
Two (Milling.
MiKh i'I.iih 1: Mak.ll of Tt-.onipiion-vll'e.
Mli,. ;,.:. rimifi-.. Ft K.ine of
111. 1 weiv i.i.irn.,1 Sunday, Juno 1 )
i re M,!, 1, e of I liotiiln W. J K.ina
falaag aw aa fkla kal aaJ A i
I avalaaatlektt af laa aaa faclft
!! laewtMaaa a-eapiay wi a aaaf
fl4 aaluiilar aflarauva la ara tM
a44bg waa awiaaaaiaal lr Ixai Mil
Itaaa ' Mick al all ftalate twlkcJiat
Tfc.f ai:l 1 kviat al Ull feat
frrwaval talra.
Mra i f hiawa aa4 t aia Miaa
01a4 MeMlliaa. akxi tat ba gwew't
al tk fofllaag. f ue k raal lw wawaa.
f laatlhg ihl ataaiiag fur lklr kvtwe
la MaJf.rl
Mr and Ult Kobaii ri ft laaia
Ion Idaku, ara auaadiag a forlaigM wttk
I'oillaad frleada
a a
Mra faullna frager ka aa her gata
for Ih luiairiif her atea, lb MUaa
Oarlrud an.d rianva A.h of Me-Jroiit
Ait o Mavrruteii la.
"I'oing nl be What W 1 K In
W Know WUI Wa Af." I lha Wiein
of Ih mealing t,f ih I'orlUb.1 1 r
rholugjr club btld lomurrow aflerrtua
al I oVIuck la Ik (I. W A K. audi
torium Khurl addraaae will ba gitea
lr Mia A I lea V alaler. Mlaa r.alun. Mra
lleiwr lot aaj othera lha
inn read al lha laat tn aa 1 1 a g bf Mia
W IV Old will ba raated
lb lluav lie 1 ub will meet with
Mia. Xlalti Monroe. I) number airaal.
Thuraday afteiBuon. J una la Mambar
uf lha rlub ara (educated la ba rea
enl and frlemla ara curellallr Invlled.
Thla la an auilllar af Ih ladlfi of
Ih Modern Uinabeci
What a Fact Docs
For the Busy Woman
rr liiear tiawtkoraa.
SOMkAfikK wald aa I La I lb valy
kan-r aaa aa la wia w Ilk a
Ia4 Ha wa aar k-W4. k !-
.4 a euagcaUl amiaa
I kaai. aa laiaraat. aalhwaiaaaa.
Maa g ha4 4 t w ex w llgkleae-l
b Ika aeaigklfwl Ikawgkl af g4liag
la k la lafcar aa thai fa4. a4 a laal
wa Ntli aa kia aUaori-iiaet la II.
Ikougk l iuiiii BigM ga la
ia 4ru4gia la k mail 4aaatal Bian
baf Mow muym ara Hk aa la fiajlag
a warld laal ar-4 rrilsa in a real
fad flul 11 iaiul aa kaal u tukmi lhal
fad la p'-f, kewatar awwett II la-ea Ilk
wuik ll mar b lake aa aerlouai) a
eu rhowaa tut 11 mual rarnala a gknta,
whaa all a aald and 4ee. and aatar b
rard4 a a mawaa fr fuithaiiag yauf
malailal wall being
1 1 mual. ndad. ba pur fad. ar II la
I Ik al aa:ailF Walag ibal ow akuwld
j (wawaa fca Ikal akca live
I kind wf aa ai-Mw ' ""' m.i.ui 1
1 4lenduaiil o a. I be ball baarlai
a Ilk a lad, II wigll la awawy off
f av r feel allU Mll.t.tlitiu, al4 aaaut
gtat4 la you la aaii a ud ul, aa a
woiaiad H da lu a kitten
I kaw a wtRaa hi la a a v. e a f . 1
lad ary bur an f ile. I Her fad la
making ) a!f fiura It liiiiaal da
flgaa al. haa Wolke-1 u lo e,iil!!e
kUiga. (aiawiii.g woaderful workman-
bli. ttk baa bar Iter w.iia.tup filled
lib a gaa bluaj ja, al 1 a l ber loula.
bar row of tti ka and H e lit mala
tins la lak lite'lii In It. a iafl The
houi h gtte 11 a aoia are a J - -few
Analber linun baa taken u, wieileiw
gaidanlbg til alaata luted f ..1 a
and ha a big dnubi w!n,t faeieg
a-u t h Vu !ala l"li wlln geialliu'o
aad Itjr f .r her' In winter a In in.
mer llal window la a teiiiable !..
Mi ll aam haa It e. I: ,l ..r an I
aba I )ul aa keen oter eatalogi.ea and
ad and ail a Ih limil deteittili e 1
a guud al all ftul bul what, la It 1 commuter
awn 1 oir claiaelei. a fad can ba lhal a Hud lakea awlinmlig fur I.
I beat 1-eaelt la aa!tanl fur eu. d ung ) g ilng 1 u a 1 tut, w! eie w.eie la
lUleai Kaiea af TVt Jeraal 1
Halem. Hi, Jun If A learn of
heat) work hortea being driven b Mr
Thompaon wer frightened Hunday af and ran t)o er nmeol
lough, whUJi a backwater of Ih UK
lamella rlr. and wer driwnad The
brraiua entangled In lha ferry rable
Journal Want Ada bring raault
mora lu keep ou aana and atioi g and ' tank
up la lha niafk than ou will atari fame
gueaa liul lhal Juet ba.pena aa 11 weia,
without your being runarlau uf II
The gil ned of lb woman who
ark aiawdile al her ob la relatallon,
Na mailer how Iniereated in bar work
aha mar I -a. the brain re I la lhal bat
been emp!oyed ail day and ary dar 10
furthering her ambition and fulfilling
har dull muil hat real. Tha utat
ay lo real ll.em ) 10 employ other
brain rail The brain haver actually
real wlilla you ar awake Tha real II
gala la attained by swapping Ita bur
den oter from one group of re!! to
another Thai le why change and
amuarmenl aie'e.i often prearrlhwd, and1
do mole g.Kd than all the narcotic
you could aw allow , when )u tie rieit
ouely eihaueted (
A real ran la a re:aiann 11 uring
new brain telle Into work and leatei
tha tired cine In peace. hade are ae
counlleaa aa temperament and laelra.
In w inter
aliukea n.
I 1 e
1 id. i.
Me kl..
aid In
biting the ef,-ort. I aa ih.m ei.i
ploted her ..'eltal apealalire
health, wblib waa -,n,f 'I lite
Ibraa oul of And
ta aure that ea h of fada ape 1 1 a
real happlneae, real feat, and a bioa ler
Inlercal n life
Ce b .1
A Michigan man hae Intenled milk
buttle with a hula In one .,lo l: roufh
which cream ran be draan dis
tributing lha reel of the n'Mk
For Infant and Children.
Tit Rind Yea Hare Always Bought
Paaxw th
The New Perfection Oil Cook-stovo
Suits Everybody
It luili the moat eikctinj FrrocK cKW. ll Mutt the hooirw?o. h
it fourvj m Iumuikhu vJlai n cam4 in faiiug in KumLig city KomcaV
Kvrfylody uart it ; everybody Art rl. it bakea, broaV, roaU and toaats
1 well at a coeJ ttnc. U a equi(pexj with apccial heanng plale, .ftcj
wo kO the New IWectioQ oven. broJef. toata, koj paacaie giivkHc
f n T-m 1 1 Tig 1 1 1 mini
Oil Cook-stove
A!l liralert aril lial Move. Il it kaaeieoeaeir
bui bed ia axkei. wrik caUoat loft, citop
aKetee. towel iaks etc Long crttrnaeye, rw
aaxlaii turuueaaa-blua. I, 2 Of 3 burorea.
Frrt Cook
Sttk with
Coo4 . Book
aleo ka
5 caaa lo
La A Ci.
U DeS CeU.
3aa W Cat
rartielei. Or.
tawnia. Waatk
.11 11,1
' f Mllnnuklc,
1 T
Minn Mnn Pcrklnn ,.f rni-im,d. whose
Il- Hni'rloo Knlrfnx.
I do hriii've t hi common nian'a tnsk
Ih I iio I1.11d.1l. Ti:t- Ikto has the hern's
Inspiration tint Uf'" film '"'"'r.
All Rr,.;lt dutu-s nre ciislrr thnn tlio
little- irn!. tlinuKh tin y rout far more
1 looil mid ficoiiy ri.illll'S llrook.i.
told Hint nt
1 little nervines
her feet
maid 1
TMK Klr.ry
nroM.' I.
X C'lirlHl.
Slie wanted to he n better Rlrl,
nlie smIiI. nnd ut Mil)fenilnt tnortlnga
r-lie tttified Hint "he whs bitter; that
phe knrw It. and felt It.
'How 1I0 iui know you nre better
thnn you witi..'.'" nskd the loadur
of the norvli'i. espii'tiiik' a far cllffer-t-nt'ftnswer
than the one lie Jtot.
Tne little nmld henltated. Then she
looked down at the flor, and In a voice
that waa si-anely nudllile, slie snld, not
without aoiiiu pride: "I sweep under
thp mats!"
The great leader was a student of
the human heart, ll) didn't holittle her
rroof that her foiiI had been Baved. Ho
icrocnized lier nwakenlnir desire to do
well all the 11 1 1 lo common deeds of life,
an ambition Kieati-r than some far
jrreatcr rersor.aKes have ever known
Do vou sweep under- the mats? Tha
question Is not asked In Its literal
sense, for there are many women and
Kills who have tasks to perform which
do not Include acquaintance with a
broom handle.
But there are mats In every walk of
life, and they must he swept under If
we'do our duty to ourselves, and to
those above us.
The girls who read this all have some
work to perform. 1 am truly sorry for
them If they haven't, for It Is the
greatest Incentive recreation knows, and
the greatest comfort sorrow can call to
Its relief. I
Every work, no matter lr It be trivial
or onerous, if it be trifling or Impor
tant, should be done well. Doing It well
means there should bo no neglect where
neglect might not he apparent.
The task becomes one of dignity If It
Is well done. It dignifies and honors
tho laborer. An Important task that Is
Blighted does him dishonor.
It Is a proof that some one put a
trust In him which he has never deserved.
No nn. to tro back to tne Droom
which "fitrureri in the little maid's test!
mony, ever climbed to greater tasks by
doing indifferent and careless sweeping
of the steDS as ho climbed
It Is the little task well done that
mWn e-reater tasks possible. And It
Is with the greater tasks there comes
greater responsibilities and greater rewards.
even in tne matter of attire, girls
en., no ri-Hiemocr wont this little maid
n .1 1 1 1 .
I, J-.. -
I mill eneiupn to nave pretty
...iiea. n Knun appearance on the out
rule. There must be ncatnefia under-
iiiu 1 n.
ii mm utile rnald had polished the
unor careruiir. not lifting the mats,
"u. 1. .'iniiiK Hnium mem. nnrt n euj
and confessed ies step bad revealed the dust un
derneath, tne sight would not be mor.
--."Hi King man one seen on the streets
every iay.
.v gin appears with her dress, her
nai. nrr gloves, her shoes in perfect
order and neatness. A wind blows her and rovcals a frayed skirt un-
unrneiun. ur thrre hangs below that
perfectly kept dress skirt a binding of
iiei pcuicoar.
0110 was tninKing only of outward
show when she dressed. Sho
- - - v r v a. 1
one ming mat is more important, and
mat is neatness all the wav through.
Sho didn't "swoop under the mats," to
juoie me mile serving maid.
iierter a ciress not so expensive, and
a nine money left to buy neat looking
"ions unaernentli. Kettnr e-nod, strong
usie nose mat win wear than silk hose
that may bo In good condition In the
morning and that may have holes In
me heels by night.
ueuer a hat that will stand the
storms than a costly one that goes to
pieces in 1110. first shower, and that
musrvne worn the rest of the season
because It cost so much the wearer
can t airoiil anwher.
rieuer always neatness than a stvle
too costiy to maintain In perfect order
In dress, as in work, the lmfiortanoe
or little details, the value of order and
neatness, even where order and neat
ness may make no showing, must
never be overlooked. .
Remember the little-maid who awerjt
under the mats; ehe was neat where
neatness was not apparent to the cas
ual glance, and there Is no greater
proor or faithfulness, order or ability.
r .
- r- -
' r
What Others Say
Ws are Ig-enta for Holmes and Ed
ward! Silver Co. , International Silver
Co., Bucoeeiore.
.Old Silverware taken In exchange ag
part purcbaga price on New Silverware
We earrv the complete line of Ster
ling Silver Inlaid Spoons and Forks,
Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives,
Nickel Sliver, Silver Soldered Hollow
specialty of equipping Jtuieie, jeesean
ranta. Cafeteria. Club and Private
People at prices that you cannot afford
to overlook. We Invito your inspection
of our stock. POBTIiAITD F LATINO ft
MAWOTACTtrBINO CO.. 22d and Thur
man St a. Phohes Main 942, A-6282.
Against Trial Marriage.
.Portland, Or., June 13. To the Editor
of Realm Feminine I have Just read a
communication signed by "A Married
man 01 j. wemy-ri ve Years' Experience."
in which he thinks that our marriage
laws have become antiquated.
How, pray? Are not the principles of
iisni ana wrong tne same now as they
ncie ceiuuries ago.' uur marriage laws
line 11 uin, . virtue, as well as vice, do
not or should not? cftange with the
times, itignt is always right.
If the suggestions of this man are
carried out, we will have a veritable
Sodom. Trial marriages! How many
of them there would be and how few
would ever go beyond that state? No
such things can never be while the ma
jority of the people in the WOrlel hilUA
as their ideals purity and morality.
It is not necessary for a couple to
live together in order that each mow
discover the manliness or womanlinesa
of the other.
In the happiest of marrlne-e th.r 1.
at the beginning a great deal required
of both husband and wife, for each has
peculiarities that must be condoned by
the other party. If not, there is sepa
ration .or continual warfare. For let
us v remember that When we marry a
mere man or. a mere woman, we are not
marrying angels, and the thing of nar-
amount importance is this: that we are
only poor sinners ourselves, in spite of
the many perfections with which we
may feel ourselves endowed. If this
Idea is carried out, providing, of coarse
that the young man finds the rleht edri
aryi the girl the, right man (by this I
mean that they love each other), there
will - be no need of introducing trial
marrjages. In my estimation It were
better to let the young neonla remain
unmarried than to try to indues them
to enter Aha holy state ef matrimony In I
this nameless manner." MRS. D. I
HM A 17 lr 1 - -e - e- e- . I - - .
2 X
"T Cj.-r.-j
' r. ' f - .-
J - -:.
m a'
w iii la-ana lit ar
... .--w v ' y-
ifcl.riia,Lp.,ii 1
. IT
itr 1
- a
2L:i. ieef.V,
10,000 Square
In Your Front Yard
No ruler of an empire could boast of a more magnificent
front yard than you could, were your home built in Wetover
Terraces. From Rainier on the north, the eye sweeps in one
majestic semicircle along the snow-crested ridge of the Cas
cades all the way to Mount Jefferson, 210 miles. You pass
St. Helens, Adams and Mount Hood. You see millions
of acres of forests, valleys, canyons, gorges and all the won
derful manifestations of Nature. ,
Right at your feet is the busy, throbbing metropolis of
Portland, only 10 minutes away. There is the beautiful Wil
lamette, with its forest of masts, flying all the flags of the
world. Yonder scurries a steamer, here a white-winged sail
boat, there a darting launch.
Sit all day and gaze on this panorama from your front
porch. Never a same vision twice. The face of the land is
changing moment after moment.
Then night settles down, first kissing the peaks of the Cas
cades a pink goodnight. Then follow the lights, flashing out
all over the city as family after family gathers around the
evening table. You see cars dashing here and there and fad
ing away into the darkening distance. Follows then the fad
ing lights, and moonlight settles softly over the sleeping city.
Ever changing, ever new, a view from Westover Terraces is
an inspiration to new life every morning.
Big sites, scientifically located; an unobstructed view as
long as you live, and a view to leave forever to your children.
See Westover Terraces today and settle it. -
i 171 CRfI
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SB '
V : Selling Agent
818-823 Spalding Building '