THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE IS, 1M. FUNNYASPECTS OF conn SEEN BY GEORGE FITCH This Was an Opening Day When Spectators Had Fling Many a Dignified Citl zen "Gets His." I) Gaxwf lUrh. UVuiiiM. lilt, ty Te aaaoctatad Katpr I , III, JtMe II Qrey alr4 CwtiMf la iile e4 faar trouble te aMa aaa abeitad Hr I Iran rnolldfc lu 1141 waited In WUnag lti yWfr'a reualoa f ft M le ettai If a aj Us . l ) (A. Aa Wi.a teiae-tag t M eUua4tM4 lfil fcarg4 HB IM lf ee-iag ta tas pfl Ifcalf aaawiats ff te priwuv. Mtady a mo a itMtaMalia arcuatea! Uk Mtaaerr. ImM II tatfcae4 Ifca tie tea nil bm claeptr la ta twiu f r An stiuaaj HI alia at alas l BM IW jkao-)ie attain. A lf lha kail If avla. sk-fura a Mli paia-t twef4 aillli teat im4 area siepad araaulf att t ueaie. Ilk a lUloaaa Uacr. H lf sMmralKiaa lb sat Waal eatora; ka all i!led fry tae eiHeM OREGON DELEGATES DISPiAY STRATEGY Vote on Temporary Chairman. ship Shows How Minds of Men Work. LESSON. AND WARNING REVEALED BY FARCE Tare I44 strategy la tKa Oria I Waaaalag lhroCB fcelf aa ar ef ! ? '" . JUS ZZLZ ftl n?. if-r.r r"""?'r' ,?,,,'?h, t aaiur. tiL ... ' .... ' Km-1i. Tail 4 i-a rutl.u mm admirals aaa mm: fee. of lh """' bridge Mp ta.r of deUiaU. ! M tNe.e aeianaa aaa tbiful leader Taraa f lha 4lala, wK favar Tfl. laJ for ntHH. Tfc aa IL a vtoliara aM Vkirtftit ra4er y Ina" lf i pU4 off. rr anra lha ! rlilaana P up for lral f adnuaalo ! a dailouai ronum Mm ( ihair moatf i sriit. Of rura. ihtra a aa 4rWlo aaa eon.parallvalr IIHU InflfhllBi rUBr II niMr la pul aaar 4i in h arna. flul for all lha I llaory AltA sf Kant a rtcM wban. afiar nier Ilra4Ur Iui4 all4 in Jaik-!lr "liar, liar. Iiarr at lha hi Ing i petition rhr(iof . "Uor1mr," h cobjralutalMl Chicago In iho l.ah l t4 touabl. 1000 Caaaly OearvaUaai ta Oaa. Tclrdar' rhaoa ntajr tava haca radon! convention. Imii It toka4 aa4 outidt inurh mora Ilka eotinly con vanilun mafiiiri4 14 ! diaotaura. Il a ma.iou of orpotlng falrUl. ttm on tr lh booplnc allariaa. Th mutt of iba ftrai dr" ballla. aa 4 DMllir aa tin Ua Jutfgad, araa aa fol lo: lor chairman Root Afcrafata duralion of railing nooaa ell alda tr 1 mlauUa. Urcana Taft ).! by About 111. Ilta Ia4 hal. Number of aplakart muttl up and blown off ati Threa on earh al1a. rVithafa Kooal( aid by 711. I xnurx-iatlon ftooaevalt aid by II. Threat Kooore!t aid by It. Mktr roniumed In rfort to kP xtol Oanalor Uradley. ulna glaaaca; Oovernor Kort, ihra (taaa; acatterlnc, one barrel. AadUac Im Ita far. It ii a (rand day for tha audlanca. Never haa an audlrnca ben ao buay Uitia4 fx4l; ta froai of H 1131 del gaua. a army wilt bannara roia4 of ! nam en loft futaa. a wnd an I ;!?.,,M,?!.',rr" ."i l1 U.ny of bi. frt,r.da U.M..M ba oould ruptiona of 'California. P) !. Ok. d, ,hf - tof , , ttry Anoibr Taft mti la Chart If Caray of fort laud. aay la al anaatvr of politua. and ha far ahead. U'hlla fellow rka Is lha ara4 bl iMibUy HbbJ A lit feftlf V Iflh MHjlMU - -. . . f ' ' : .na w,n.r ..lrira i.i..j m tl ..e. li,a teta h. ta tnalruiad lo V f. r.j n,M,iH, Cry orobably I ' " lun cbunka of Indnnailoa romlnf bta IZ " ' w P'",B ri"e-"i w rroni ,,, er iha folko at bora wn.n ai wen iriorir h( no rnaka conraaalon. "kTr I . " f . V"Jm " ' " 'I Th.n. loo. Caiay a raadldkl for .t, Ji S .tM.Smtt .,a MUuoal Mmtnlllemtn. Uy rot In, for pound tha mealing la order atlh alow, naair4 whacka, which aoumled aa emlnou aa tb opening gun from lha utni artillery. Ordinarily II iakt hour lo put down lha It.lM ekaual ronraatlona In a cnirrtUn by maana of on puny garaL fromlncnl atalMinen have to be cheered and candidal' marrhlng club bava to rad ih aiataa and low mam- XtcOovern ba may aoften the bean of aorna of tha ftooaavelt men nd gain a I voia or wo In tha delegation on tti ar gument iht "while Cry la for Taft. bo la fair.' Tltomaa Mc-Cuakar, tha Ia r!!ett varhora. did not vota. Ity ao doing h probably I. oped to bo In batter poaltloa lo plead lha caua of lha Wlaeonaln candidate If tha convention come to a Allra nmlaf. loading la Pakar Block Company, bow placing "Th Uua Wouao" at lha Dakar. There la a leaaon and) a warning In the fare. Tha Ulua hlou," which tlaker block company ta creating much fun with til week Aa muck) aa the play haa been condemned by uttra-moraiuta. a tot of Iheae flirting married men, a tot af avoiding fault-finding wlvea and amblttoua young mn living beyond their meana will find much to give them eerloue thought In lha plot and situation of thla clver fare. It may ba fluffy and deal with Ihtaga aom people moth alephanta and other junk through I deadloek and thera la a ehanoa for La would prefer lo veneer over and aay rollett lo land. I nothing about, but I he a ar lut the Tha ether fv membara of lha d!ga-I Ihtnga lhat caua ao muck unhapi.1 lion voted for XlcOovarn. making U I neaa, mlundratandlnga and divorce lo out of ten. counting Carey. Tha other lour aoetal Ufa, wore Ir. Henry Waldo Coa and C W. Thera la a remarkable lol af truth Ackeraon of lortland. D n. Hall of I and reallem to tha altuatlona and Wo.ler. A- V. Swift of llatnee and lan- alrong apra In aoma way lo thoa tha ronvtnllon. but Ihta waa no ordinary convention. It waa a dual to lha death. and In leaa than ten mlnutea after Chair, ran lloaawater called tha mealing lo order la Ma rambrto voice. Herbert Had lay of Mlaeourt waa on lha platform with a !gnrd protect from fifteen na tional committeeman and Inviting tha Taft alda In aledgehammer argtimonta lo give back eighty filched, tlrn, as- proprtated and unjuatly gained dalegatea. rrom that time on every delegate aban doned hl;nlr to pleasure and alj Juat what ba thought without waiting for eat era I hundred otbera lo flnlali talk, lag. Hadley waa ona of lha men, by the way, who dapuaited bia ramarka In every ear. uninterrupted and unhooted. Kddl Cochama of Wlaeonaln, an old football player with a voice made out of a aec ond-hand rallopa, waa another. Job Hedge of New York, who waa for Itoot. In a fw hundred well-choaea and amue Ing word, got hi aay. and Henry Allen lei Doyd of Enterprlee. Coa and Ackeraon ar Rooaevelt man. and Swift leana lha aarne way. Hall con true lha Inatructlona of Oregon to require him lo aupport the Itooaevelt program to any reaaonable aitant, al though ha peraonally la for I-a rollett. Boyd, who haa aald little except that ha la a prograaalve, evidently think if wtae to taka ha aama tip. rho hava bean guilty at aoma time or other of Juat a little Indlacretloa themeelvea. Th Illu Mouaa la a play with a hie I tory and It keepa on making mora of the aarne kind. Alice Klemlng. the leading atamaa. la playing the part of tba girl admirably, running a convention. It elbowed right of K.M; pot ollIy p'u, OV,r h, ))kM In on both aldca and rompelled tha pant ing official to conduct bualneaa In the liill.llo of two opposing political ralllaa. Theie no doubt that tha gallerlea ha-i len packed, but they were parked equally and they air.Jthrd eaah other aijeakera with great eklll and anlhurl eam lirre la a partial Hat of tha vic tim: Kx-Uovernor Fort of New Jeraey. driven off Indignant by a wild burat of eniliualaain when hi remark that "If we don't nettle tlila delegate In queatlon row It will bo too late." backfired. t hnlrmaii Ilornwater. alluded to aa a ilttle boy." nv a leather lunged apec tHtor. in i moment of calm, to the cruel Ollght of all. Diaposinr of Senator rays. Herano Payne, who began a apeech Ilka an ocean liner letting off steam, but ran Into the Inquiry, the Payne bill," and became Inaudible I from that time on. I Governor Johnson of California, who waved an Incendiary forefinger at the IrerliiK opposition for 5 minutes and j retired threa nd kicked tho oppoaltlon several ra- Bounding wallops without Interruption, but uncorked an ovation before he fin ished exhibiting th tame Kanaua cy clone which he uses for a voice. LA FOLLETTE BAND SPLITS; COCHEMS QUITS IN DISGUST (Continued From Page Ona.) Houaer. "To ask tha convention, aa a mass, to seat the Roosevelt people en bloc, would be the height of absurdity. Most of the Roosevelt contests were manufactured, any way, and are without merit and Indefensible. i a icr aa cocnema' rHminnn i 'Tell UB about ; ro-rnl. It waa tha nnlv thin, ha could do. He bolted tha Wisconsin cau cus action, which had voted 15 to 11, an hour before entering tha Coliseum, against presenting a candidate for tern- . V""," o.uuuv-u.u.M.a g,tlon out t0 flBht for a prlnCipl t ctlll unnenra. . ,h inn i i.v.1 i.,t. eir Francis J. few remarks of 11 wildly mlrers, and Ilney who deposited a h , , , about Kiicf in the bosom ; nnds.. noillln iiiuu vi nuci u - who nnnouneed Parental Trrrora, (Gaorga Fitch, tn Peoria Harald-Tra.n- acripi. j At evening, when we beat tha milk for which our darling crtea. We watch her put It awlftly down with fond and loving eyes. And then we go to bed, but not to aleep a single wink. Ah, no! we lie awake till morn and tliinK ana tnina. ana mina. Suppose the cow who gave th milk was aufferlna? from enumpa) Suppose tha farmer had forgot to ster ilise hla Dumps! Suppose ah, dreadful la tha thought that grips Ilka Iron bands! Suppose the hired man had scorned to manicure in uauua; Suppora the gross had grown too rank; suppose the creek waa green: Suppose the dairy was not washed that morning, white and clean! These are tho fears that fill with woe life's variegated pnge When baby's had a drink of milk of un known parentage. Summer Outing. - Don't trouble yourself to run all over town to get an expressman to take your baggage to th depot, then be compelled to wait your turn to check same before boarding tho train, but phone Main IP80 or A-S3!2, when the Baggage and Omnibus Transfer Com pany will check your baggage direct from home to destination. No extra charge. 1 Callouses, Positive Cure Also Corns and Sore Feet Thla Information will t welcomed by the thousands of victims of dally foot torture. lMn't wsst time, (let It at once. No matter l.ow many patent medicines you have tried In vain thla treatment which was formerly known only to doctors, will do the work, "lilasolre two table spoonful of Calocide com. pound In a ban in of warm water. Soak the feet In this for full It minutes, gently rubbing the aoro parts." The effects are marvelous. All pain goes Instantly and the feet feel aimply delightful. Coma and callouses can ba peeled rlaiit off; bunion, aching feet, sweaty, smelling feet, cct immediate relief. Use reatmcnt a wtek and your foot troubles will be a thing of the raat. Calocide works throuch the pores anu removes the cause. Get a 15 rent box from any druggist. this Summer Comfort You'll find satisfaction In these fine suits at $20 to $35. A cosmopolitan showing of fab rics American, English, Irish, Scotch, SmI-Enrllsh, box back, conser vative. Cool and comfortable arc these l!ht.weiht Norfolk. Soft rays nd tans, tailored by hand. Priced $15 and $20, they're es pecially tempting these sunny days. Come on in the wearing fine. Something, that's growing in popularity with the men folk: These Navy Serge Norfolks at $20. Cooling, comfortable, temperature-reducers. i Ben Selling Leading Clothier Morrison Street at Fourth Straws and Panamas Light-Weight Underwear Shirts Half Hose Pajamas "' -' ' t Li stA PrA'i -i -".'rv Vial la that he wou'd flnlvh his tpeech If he had to atay there nil summer. denutor Hrndley of Kentucky, who got mauier and madder as tha crowd chant efl, "Who voted for Lorlmer?" until he I announced wMh a superhuman roar that be would wait 2 minutes to allow every Care of Milk Keep It Clean, Keep It Cold, Keep It Covered. Dlaeaso germs to grow, require three , thlnys, I. e., food, moisture and moder Javt heat Milk furnishes the food and Xmolature and the room air furnishes the necessary heat. Milk la therefore a ery good medium for the growth, of germs If not kept cold. Dust, dirt and files are the carriers through which germs get Into the milk, and it should therefore be protected against these dangers. Milk ahould be placed In the ice box as soon as received. Keep your ice box cold and well atocked with ice; keep It clean and f roe from odors. Mills: absorbs unpleasant odors very readily. Strong: smelling foods and vegetable Bhould not be kopt in the same com partment with milk or butter. Dirty cups, pitchers or vessels will readily contaminate th milk, aa will dirt, dust and flies. Keep all containers scrupulously Mix the m!c well before using; Thla is necessary because the cream rises to tho top. Order a fresh supply of milk dally and to keep It pure a"nd sweet Keep it clean, keep it cold and keep It covered. Phones Main SI 82 of A-H62. We Deliver Everywhere, PORTLAND PURE MILK AN CREAM COMPANY. BIG DEPARTMENT U J U Alt U VmI-I U L2 VaJ VeatafT STORE CLOSED DP New Company Claims They Were led and Admit Their Failure to Handle the Store Mis- Several months atro a new company was formed to take over the department store at Third and Yamhill. A great future was planned and the heads of the store had visions of soon owning a great and beautiful department store. But unfortunately three great obstacles stood in . their way. First of all, having too many managers' and buyers, that they overloaded the location. Second, misjudging the amount of business they should do and buyingtoo high a grade of merchandise.- Again, not being acquainted with the conditions of. the country and trying to build up a big business in a few months that has taken other firms years fo get. The Trout Are Rising! Fly fishing time is tare. . We are ready for it with a sup ply of good tackle that will ' surely get results. Our Backus flies are made to catch trout in Oregon waters .and they do it, too. . '. "We ar originators of the Buck ' tall files you hear so much about," . ............ ... . .... . f. ... .... BncKus&Worris 23 fiorrl eort5V-i t Be.t!I ?h& 5 K No doubt this notice will prove a surprise to many of the regular customers, for it seemed as though the new company was forging ahead, only to find that day after day they have been, losing money. Conditions exist whereby the store has been- locked up and the stock, fixtures and 'all ordered sold out at once for the money they will bring on the greatest slaughtering sale ever held on the Pacific Coast. MONEY WILL BE PAID TO THE CREDITORS. For the benefit of those who are not acquainted with this store stock consists of ladies' and misses Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, -Corsets, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Millinery, etc., men's and boys' high grade Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, etc. Entire outfitters for the whole family. u n Store July 31, to' make way for mammoth department store. Workmen are already altering the building and we must close out everything. High-Grade Men's Shoes, including Bostonians, S. & M., Packards, King Quality and many other well-known makes, go on sale at ri diculously low prices. AH G5.00 and S6.00 AH 8.50 and $4.00 All Odds and Ends Shoes Go at Shoes Go at and Broken Lots at Fixtures are for sale. Showcases, counters, tables, shelving, office furniture, adding' machine cash registers, cash carriers, etc. Nothing, will be , reserved. Each and every article represents some money value and must be sold at once, no matter how great a sac rifice must be made. Discriminating buyers coming early to this great sale will not be disappointed, for the store has been closed sand every article marked in plain figures so as to make a hasty riddance of the entire stock. . , ' 1 "" Doors will open to the public Friday, Jun6 21, at 10 a. m. For full particulars see tomorrows papers. Upen tor bids oh fixtures. Call C A. Peterson, invoice appointee. Main 4918. w . r THE BANKRUPT SALES COMPANY , Formerly the New Golden Eagle Department Store. i f THIRD AND YAMHILL' STREETS, V t O .aaaaiO Store closed all Hay Wednesday to prepare for this great sale. SALE BEGINS THURSDAY AT 10 A. M, JUNE 20. Open even ings until 8 o'clock, Saturday until 10:30 o'clock. This gives the working people a chance to take advantage, of these bargains. mm ; y- The Union Man's Shoe Store Formerly Protzman & Campbell Shoe Company 146 ; FIFTH STREET, OPPOSITE THE EAST ENTRANCE OF MEIER & FRANK'S 5TC: Hi