THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINQ. JUNE If. Hit BIDS FOR REPAIRS FOR UHlhUBE f . 1 vff 4kl a. f !v4 : . ltd. i Uil M1K CLASH VESSEL ACCEPTED; J If Lowest Tender That of Vulcan J Iron Works to Make Repairs j for 56257; No. 67 One That) 1$ to Be Repaired. ; IttlMMC Mi HI St Mtlji OVER QOESnOH OF id l aV,e. W l Mt ' . t 11 t ( f 4 V I I I ( ? I I V. I ( U.l r , . .'.. l U fr! ' " i ! t H . i . I - i i ? :;f t - t c t i t ( i r f I ( S I'M! ,, fl ft ; f't 4 w t 1 t - A ( ft t f VI IS I Mir r Id le ilil4 ia IU aiaii ine-tad ta 4 tll Ir fca fcjHt, is lb 14 Tt fcwOM a4 -' ll eat af Ike aa lla . 111. tiaaave iwi A aaiiaJ eiiar '' fu4 k, Bli.llff Slat ea.1 Me oUtvaiu la laetf milk (- .! elll hMxll I ,- . li.a eiet etjej.e, la afxiar I i ual f gum arwutxl le fehJeavj Ta mUcm agelaet kiat la ii.iKr HcvimUkiui, ii ei4. ! I'l J ili4 lb Hilff It. fl al head. Ifc ll t.tsa u . Roberts May Have Confessed' l a; a -j of Testimony. B-at tt l.faUra Ij ! - I ' N I '. cr .ti I ' " U'f J. H . I. i f . i lrnlh .! !. I. l : . . I ton . .i rit 1 ! I! o. . I ill I X lea tlh (' f H-ti- c t '1 U l' f I' b " 0f l' I ! I IJ l II'' Viu.a Ift-a it. '.. "f feint IM ik f. :? alii, ma. tin.. i . ' II Aara i.l oi.e 1 1 .m.i c lr ,1. I I f I . I u a 1 raa4a. Mm Ibal at (! I'lnim 1 J A.'-t a ) t A(r'rl al I tfl 1 t : a fit alcatarf Hlcf.ul i i ; ftjt I t.n !.( .1 i i. t.u'ca Ai r ' .1 1 al .1 al loin !.f .r . fx-i Pimti i.ikI.-- i t xi., ,.. J. li. i lllllij al ! a m trii,r J ut iil:r al C a m tlrM f I J flrclttal- I' fulaf fc'af.jit titnu l'.flitl A.l i. J .i !t liinfJ al ! II an. Lit I ! al 1 0 . ii, iIkiiki ioliaK 1'bl.rf ff'ln riilf i. tp rai.'4 al Aai la rtt. alr.ii-fi v Htirlfi. fr alwi- k I lrf I ill. a II Mill Van.Mii lvr IHIi I ef I 4aj Th (Blrarl alll lait In tr aaar.'cl , fcaar Juna i. In ud-r I Iva ( lim funla aaruflalaJ for I'.i tiaal yf mar t allali Ilia ajuih tf maaii. ( rraaiia la ilaa lijfcl uil KI ul l ui.J.r lakaxi lhl.l Kt.cll'r In Jji). I.oao. aa lli b Mil ual un II.. al .ml Ht (Ullotl l laka Ilia flLa "t So klla Iha lallar la Ji.l -kl t r Iran laa naleli- and all' I rrj air. l.l ara raoulratl ttt n t ir laol t-a off I n m." fjr a h.njr Mrlud lhn laao r Ol lha HMIla Ual t-a Iliad on Na 17. Ihc bl(rl Mama i. in liio room and rtj-aira l lli li'.ci TTi.ra HI ba minor d k rrtaita. nrat ' n.a. aod rlf;lrtc and axna of lha i Mr abaalhlnc on lit huli la la t f ltval N. T la lha only wKden inn IB u la Ihli dialrlrt. Junr II nal.l, llrilli n l'i:n Iroin foil .i.d. I ha 4ll W iKfl klau.:a H .n Kfai" le.o. Jgi.i II Airly.) alrartirff lir.r fr.m fan I'edio Mailed . I in. --liamti B.glnaaa. I"l IVrl land I i i" a ftldrr ritai, It,. a IKal ' i al.i.h H-t.ri t rto u IrUl ritf t.i;g ik. af l.l a afcra Ka.nk to Dr. Tamiesip but Drfrnsi ,Si" -' . .. (, ual L.ul lu I II a llnaaa rt.all lu . Irlil f, If.a .U4B atiB ahd lb. la. .!. foui.J on ilta hlila fiainla.a al !' of iu ir. an a aiir.i lur ... ih.l KaUai I had tcn in la. !..(. tvtl A rtiliar laai and Ilia I Ir alur had t-cn l-ui Uinr.l a fa itlfhta lalaf li!aiua i.lrnliriad Hi. li.nlin aa lha on lakaa from Ma alum, bul ha euutl Bol kxaal. Ii I .ta tl I r r l Mini fun Irarau. it.c Buml.i i ad ! fila4 off rir ta Srtaaata. 1 I. a rxitaid numb.r ad alan h. n filed fium lha rtilr, but numbar n Ilia I n a : da maarhaalam of lha wawua ma la Id.niif Icalloa fuaalbl In l.ia taininaiion of Itpulr bh.riff I "fail t.lrrda IdirrMn, FYad WMIfirld rhlaf of cnuMaal fur lh da- frii.a l.ri.ufl.l an.wrr in aillila M.lir.1. ilrimaf IM).TS WITHOIT IJfJUTS fValonu OfflrUU Turn in ln Iai (w urn of fu Amot ihe riafl lurnrd In lal nlM hr rualoma lnrlui wrra iu boa la balonclnc lo H"lwrl Waarfli-ld -on tra. tor on lha n Ica'l bi IUa- Tl . txtatl Wtn al lha brld wllhoail llMa Cuiiomi aulfiorilUa y Ihrr l DO Iroull allh th boala fiom II rarloua Doathouaa wrier lha orrupania ara alven flrlrt inairiirilona alnl llakl. but II la imoi'i lli prlval un tra thai thrr find dirfUullr In rllln .lha law obeyr-d lillirt ho rrf luroed In laal nlgrit wrr- Carl rrl. II Hroodaay. al!m; ran with no llejhla. Karl I'm, 7lu Irvlnf alrral. finw, no Unlit. A. S-hrff. mky. ttt Columbia alrr!. lowboal. tu M5hl: W N. Wlillplry. !! Maiailam road, roa-boal. no llKhl. J. K Kdaar.ln. 41 North Six ( th. row boa I. no liitlit IJTKNKK KlSrKXDKI) Captain fhurrh CJnllly of CnrHru nma llnaiuai? of Collision. Captain J Churrh. mntr of tli Columbia Conlrart company tu( 8m on. wan ymtcrdtty afternoon found fUlitv of can-lMiiMiraii ami nrRl iKnft and bla llrena nuapendi-il for l.r duya by Vnltod1 Slalra Innptrlnra IMwunla and Kuller. At t tin mimo time ihvy f onrated Curtain Mlrhac-I Morun, pilot of the en irhoonfr Tillamook, from n l blame for the rolllalon between that veaael and the Snnison on June 3. Al the time the veaaela r.nne toicethrr at I0:4S In tho eveninir of June 3. ni'iir Cape Horn, Captain Church whs on watch on the Summn unci Captain Mo ran, of the Columbia rlvir pilots, ai In churffp of the SaniHon. The ent limited damage to the latter vesnel na about J5000. jtwii I'Mlro, Jaia II ta.t.a, lor I'oiliajid A.ioria. Jul J 4'oiidiiiou al ir.. rnoulli of t!.a llrl al I a In, etiaootfi, v. ir, .1 S mil.. ttr.lhir rluud. T..le. al A.lorla lhurala High aa lir I : a rn . 0 frri I II I' mil f.t aalrr. II i a m . I I foi Pally Hirer Itraillnf. ipt li i;? STATIONS .ir! I- ! 3 KTi ..7 77T. n 16 I a . ; I" a ..ton I H I ! 4 S ' e It : rl. in ' I : t 0 0 So.lliMirl a A 1 a let ... I. 1 j i i o : o j :i i; -o o i 1 . . ' : . . . ' 40 VS ri'.li l.r K rt. in a I. a I n ti L a..-n.- Ika Tb. l.!lra . . N'an.-oMi rr . . I'ur tiand . . . Ku;rrie 1 1 ar r l.hti ra . . . Allanr Sa . . . w ii.onri!: -- Talilnf : f. i o1 m; n i-o i! I li !l 4 t I 0 I Jl ii 1 : t - ii :o i 4.40 ; : ; J : , o i' t: 1 .0' o t Xo4ire to Mariner. The folloalra afferla Ihe aide lo nav ItTatlon In the Hevenleenth I.liththouae dlatrlrt 'r. on and Waahlncton Columbia rlii-r. train channel to Aalnrla, Oreiron Mldflmnnrl tmoy J'S. carried away June IJ. u replaced Juna 17. C. A (. f Charta 1140. 1 AO Huoy 1 .1 e t . Ihwlfic Coat, p. 31 llv order of Ihe bureau of lltrhlhouaea IIKMI V U HKCK. tnapector. Office of Inepector Hevenleenth IJarht- h on Be Dl.trlct, I'ortland, Or.. June If), 1112. i j"""l a I I ri miiiu.u I ir .i Ja.k II, .iM. ,i in. f,.r ir., iiuid.r t I 't al I kl and l li. Il.tllil un ll'r I llrl.l. ,.r .d Ual, ti ! I I 3 I,.. .itiiilee'.uJia la hi . Is- I'ainl ; ' " l .rhl.l 1....J . alilrh I i. I .ail au.oui.l I a , l.r.i . fi,..i i. it g m ar.!,,n i.f II,. In.) in J ,.! VI .ii, .a . . ,M lit aiu..o l a .a pi., Iii.lrd ahm I'r tallica a. a I . n I lir aland l l!,a tl.l VII r HI lllld.l of II.. d. ! frnaa . ....(lulling I' r ll'l I l.l. Iralllllolit I if Tallllr.lo haa li.ld four diffttaiit -,i, c r I lor . alth Hob- rila In an rffoil lu .KI.iii In. iti. prla un.r a m.nial oiidliiou. and In lb. tarke I'ol crt. I,aa in. .la atalern.tila cult cttl.n.j Ma mini., iiun a ill) it,. Iiou.a ltj, liat l aM. li II. a atala la rry iinluui lu piuduia. ln kt.lalkt) a.lIli. lualrlcl Al lornry rllairrald. arj.. lo aduill lh. I. alimony Ihc l. ai, lar.. noi aa a cuiif.a.iun from lloln. btil aa admla- auina wi.UIi ii.'.M rove liter liiilnat ln( ' lo tlie drfrt.danl Ihe by lb defenaa aa loiitlnurd IMe after I:,m,-i In Ilie rour. of 1 1. a arxuniant tl.a do fenae a(ali) lain.. Inlrndsd lu ahow Ida Inaanlty of l(..M-ra. Ihe alalc roiitandlna' holly io eldrnc l.a been liiliuducrd lu tho any In aanitr. and Ilia I If II. e dcfrndanl la lu b tried on 1 1. aaaumption thai ha la In- aana. men much moi.r) and tun la In Ing unneceaari!y expended In Ihe prra- nl mtlhod of procedure. Otaar WIIhiiii Maaxd. The aiata conirnda that If Itoberta la lo be tried on Ihe aaaumption thai ho la li.rane. Ihe defenae mtiat admit h!a cullt. o that lime will not l apent In I trylni" lo prov Mm guilt)'. Kdward K. Katon. hardware firm em ploye, testified (Vat the revolver found, among Hobern effect! mi fold I" Frank fllahop, at (Johle The gun waa later atolen from lilahop'B alnre, ahown by Ihe teetlmony yeaterdiy Ilck Carlaln. expert In firearm and amirunltlon. eiplalned the working of Ihe pump gun taken from lh Knbert heme, Identified a shot taken from the body of ona of the murdered boya a being almllar to those found In ahelu In lha cartridge belt taken from Kob rla. A. L. F"rench, Jailer at the- count) Jnl 1. tentmed that Itoberta anld to hl.n on one occasion: "The aherlff la look ing for my hat, but I threw It no far Into the Willamette that he never will find It." Yeaterday afternoon' eeaalon was de voted largely to the effort of the state lha (aaalaaua af Ik 4Vafaavaa Ik I teaOejis k4 ax4 ava effwi la . I kia hi aa r af la lanaiiktiia tlav Iv4 al kla aWeaa ai I a. a aaa af kla a firaly Imi i4 aaU Ikal la4ala aa aii4 af i tiiu.. a aa.a aa II Va.4 a (uaaaakvlllaJ A a-et-aae aWa !! Ika lakal f-amr lata fl aaa iii"J -4 aa a . ta Tk tw aa fvuiwl al it. Ht-a a.aae Piawea wf t-M' l aa ana af lk lata tab. I ' fiaat al lfca Tie aVa-uaa UB la krri lk nr4 I. floMi a hi, I. la Mid IKa rba. k a aaiaJf, ald !, aillil.. ky 1.1th lb alala I adaIBg la i-!,.! aim h illli.l Tl,a alalt a -alal. a la Ual ItuaWll tad lha l-r'l-i frt lie -w i iv. af lh( kouada off lh Hall !.,.: 4 ll.l ! ti. alia, him Oi.ariff kfaa vf I'la-kaiu.. and lulr l-ari. ard iaiifle4 Ih.l a.kad ll.aut afl.r kla nl. whether !' had Iraii.d 1. 1 m with doge ur nl I. and ba4 did lli.m Ih.l raee 1-p.r a lha tal Itilng ta ual la Ikroa b,nind. off lha H UtUmtff Ooa U. Ta alia4 lha aaaaai aawilag af lha a4niiag af lha liatri. Mi Ha. VI lliiarn hiaklarray, (aal r h.r agaal af ina u-H H at N aaM.i.fe , kia aaH-raiaa-y. aa J Iad aa4 A. C. Jakaaa. NrtliM 44artU lag agAI af la Haa-noaas )l. hai lal fa- hw Vik Mill aaay irl aa4 ta.UI lu I alop, kal lha aitvrea aultl giiud ta f LEAVING PORTLAND An Astounding Proposition. Lowest Prices Ever Seen in Print Rates Arc Reduced Vry lew round trip rale la eaelern polnla ar la tff.rl la Canadian I'aelfle lln.a Kfflre Third aad I' lea IMullna. ti.ah tlola) building t fill aad eiernea aaatlng Oaaj ftlafc. Journal Want Ada bring reeutt COMPLAINT AfJAIXST ST KAMKR Captain Sass of I.tcu1i'" Sujh Houo lute Docs Xot Answer Sinnnl.s. Captain Alhert Himn, muster of the Columhia Contract company'n tuif ller . cule, Iims filed a complaint with the " l nlted .States lnKjectoin iiKainst tdc steamer Renolute. oIleKln that that vessel did not answer h itoniicr signal on June 12. and that the two vessels collided.; In his report. Captain Sass .bald that after he hurt landed a barge t the beach below Hayrien Island on that date he gave the Kesolute a star board pksslng whistle and was an- awered. The Resolute crowded the .; course, however, he said, and did not answer a danger signal which he Kave. There was a collision with slight dam age to the Hercules. '11TNAM IS CHOSEN I . I MAyOR OF BEND A J Ui' -J Choice Sites for Summer Homes Change of Surroundings Necessary for the Perpetua tion of Health and Strength NO PLACE SO INVITING Gearhart" By-the-Sea NATURE'S OWN PLAYGROUND Every comfort every convenience. Investigate and be convinced. Choice building sites or modest bunga lows, recently completed, at prices and terms inviting. Gearhart Park Co. 100'2 FOURTH STREET Phone Main 1293, A-7268 W hat. lald In OAil preu aa noun etnaal lhal ai immrtl4 lo illaeaaemnua our 1'uillaad hualnoaa VY iiiidiaa alulhr from lh rlall fletd A tBf dr oul alaiartianl of ih laaaooa for Ihla o aould not bo af general Inta! It aoulj only oo. ru luabt a par a Suffice lo Bay lhal oar enllro alora of lUaaoa. lr pi a boa. and IWby uina ana urgan mul b. dila4 ef In lh ry ahorl- eal p..lbl llrua A Bfxolal iloaing out aal ba bB derided upon and a. ar offering er.ry Inalrumml In iwk al low rtgur aa will die tna of Uiam aulckar and wllh leaa caprna Ih.n a rtmio n inq. ailed and hipil bark lo lh fee lory In pursuance of Ihla underlaklng. w dlr lo tl frankly lhal while w rort lo quola aurh low prlr.e as to di. arrant lha future of th muaie trad her. feel obliged lo m.k uch law price and favorable lrm of par as will In.ur th aal of aach and every Inetruinrn! with lha leaal poa.lhl delay When I hey ar Bold lha alora Is for tml In Ihla aloek ar Included four ri trvmely beautiful high priced Knabe Itaby Uranda and other makra af Ursnda. Titer are a great number of lha hlgheat price upright pianos vtr brought to I'ortland. boms or tii rmicxs. In order to protect the Interest of deaUra In other dlatrlrts who handle the same piano that wt aal). It la not pormlaeibl to quel open prlre at which Ihe Inalrumenla are now for sain. Hut every new piano. plaer piano and Ilaby Grand a 111 b sold al Its actual wholesale cost, a discount of from ln ta 10 per cent on lh actual cauli coal of each Inatrument will be made on all slightly shop worn, rented or second hand planoa V hav aome good plavahle old style pianos. Chlrkerlng, Dradbury, Healty and other makes, for aale at tli, t4. hlch la surrly less than half price Several aecnnd hand uprights and used orcans for a mere song them oul of the wu ; all) secure ctvoire of several beautiful brand hew 1274 styles of new pianos of well known New York makes, such aa have never been sold, east or west, for less than 1:35 Others wllL go for nil less money. All are good, reliable, warranted pianos. W now offer strictly highest grade. .ta and nt third tela planoa,, eaivad or plain panel, full sainslng dual muaie d.ak, ivulv)ag lock board, continuous nickel lung, and lhr ped ai fur l.'tl Thia la la lhati half pile A fancy innnlad Ciraaaaiaa wal. nul or a moat brilliant (laured Kraill li. n Mahogany reae ouaia III .lira. Koin Inn plainer, yet very beautiful Ina'rumenls are only IMI. and olhara llll-lhla la al leaal :e below II. a low.el retail prlr of Ih.a. or other tame grade of instruments In ihla or art) other r!ly. The flneet cabinet grand Bit, thor- oughly rallabla. itlgheai grad upright planoa. In mahogany or oak. Handing rour feet tlA Inch high, wllh all, latest Intprovementa, Imtruui.nts that' ws guarantee cannot bo bough! al lha Kw Vork factory for leas than 0, go during ihla aala for list, and th bonlsad caa.a for 1)1 still leaa. Another well known make, reeos nlied vrywher In th trade aa lha moat durable and dependable make, lha moat perfectly flnlalird piano, but , t plain raae design, mahogany, oak or walnut coses, retail prlc J and IJiu. ar now only I7:. 1117 and 111. EASIEST Or TBaVKS. We know that on the Bpur of the mom. in everybody la noi able lo nay ra.h for Ihrsa piano. Cnder the con ditions and Is order to fell out vr - ming quickly, w hav arranged to aeU all of our pianos at aala price on p . menu of lit. I3u or l!i down and at llVS. rat of M, l or 110 a month, according io make, atyle and design. The threw highest price, very elaborate. Iy designed upright Ihe coal of which 1 over 40i on which terms of payment will not b made less than ISO down and III a month ar rice pled from tho abov rules. All prices ar based on Ihe actual caab coat, therefore, thor, taking advantage of the above named easy temis. pay interest on deferre-i payments at th rate of I per cent pep annum. This aal as above, la on the corner of rililh and Uurnslde street and Is -we must have . now In full swing, and If everyone In th. I1SI and 1147 stale could but reallie the exact situa tion as It Is, nothing would be left for sale by Katurdny. Siore and office fixtures- typewriters, desks, safes, rurM. carpets, shelving, esses, etc.. everything Is for sale and delivery right after sale rinses. No decent offer will be re jected. Store open dsy and nlghl until closed out. REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. 6th and Burnside Streets OREGON HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS OREGON IIOTELS OREGON . HOTELS Bulletin Editor Fills Vacancy Created by Resignation of Dr. U. C. Coe. -v MARINE I .VTEkXI GENCE r.eiol. fir. June 10 At a ineetlriK of the Jlend city council last UlRht. O. T. ! I'utnain was elix-ted mayor, taking: the position that has been vacant since the resignation i f I r. 1'. C. Coe, was ac- i opted on March 22. Mr. Putnam Is ed itor of the liend Bulletin, and has been a resident nf Hond for nearly four years, during- that time having been specially identified upon Orcrjori subjects for western and eastern papers and peri odicals. Mr. Putnam conies originally from Now- York, being the son of one of the members of the well known publishing- houses of G. P. Putnam Sons of New York and London. He Is a college grad uate, and lias been on the Pacific coast six sears, most of that time engaged ln Journalistic work. My.DORSET Arrow COLLAR Distinctively smart and supremely comfortable, 3 for 25 rents Clnett. Pea body A; Company. Troy. New Torfc .June 21 .June -0 .June L'4 .June L'1 .June L' 3 . June . Julv 1 .June 2 .Junq 19 ..lime l.i -June 10 .June l!l . Jill.' . June .June 2 1 June 24 i; Due to Arrive. Ptr. Rear, San B'rancisco. . . iStr. Breakwater. Coos Hay 'Ohs str. Anvil, Bandon.... Str. Rose Citv. San Pedro , Str. Alliance, Ktireka Ktr. rioanoke. Fan Pedro... . , -' "-.. J'Jl.V I 'Mr. Beaver, San Pedro July 1 uue to Depart Tale, Am. ss., from San Fran 'Harvard, Am. ss.. San Fran.. "Gas str. Anvil. Bandon "Str. Northland, l.os Angeles. . .Str. Gto. AV. Kkler San lii.-Hn Str. Beaver, San Pedro Str. Breakwater. Coos P.av... Str. Elmore, Tillamook ...... Str. Alliance. Kuieka Ktr. Bear. San Pedro June eir:vRuanoice, San uiego June 2 eir. kom I lty San Pedro July 1 uran xosnaee En Rout. Arnieres, ir bk.. 271T, ...Pan Francisco Berengere. Fh.h4p 1875. San Francisco ''iini uoiuaut. r r. DK.. ?J)2S Antofog ' Vessels in Port. Boston, U. S. S stream Beaver. Am. ss. ...... Urnv.onh (Bossuet. Fr, bk Pn-s.-ott Mandasan Maru. Jap. ss St. .Johns . Robert Uohar. Br. ss . . . , lnman-PoiiIs,en .Amaranth, Am. hktii. . .rirefion lrvdo,-k fbnkai Maru, No. 2. Jap. ss. . .-..Baiifield iLa Perouse. Fr. gh. . Mersey ,Opland. Nor. ss l.innton Mizctllancous Torelgn to Arrive. Alpena. Am. sch., "iSi ,san Pedro iAemls, Nor. Str.. 3063... San Francisco .gynayra, Rr. ship. 20B6...Scu Francisco Kivar forth. Br. str.. 2883. .San Franclso ALONG THE WATERFRONT - F. C. Schubert. assistant Cnited Rtatea-'engineer, will leave here on June SfJ for the Panama Canal zone, wherl h will look over the work ueinfc done (ion the big ditch. He. expects to be eon (about tlx weeks. - Carrying passengers and laden with ;?9S ton of. wheat and 400,000 feet of lumber, the steamer Carlos, Captain fPeteraon. sailed last right for San Francisco,, Tbt Port of Portland dredge Columbia la epPted to complete "the fill for th Portland Gas & Coke company s "plant below the government moorings the .flrat of ne week. During the month imi ana naa Been at work she has taken t between ISO. 000 and 225.000 cubic - yard of material, ' Bringlnc ergo for the E. J. Dodge etearoahlp company and the Callforhia- 1 (la nil O . . , .. .. " " o"aaia:ni company, ir.e steam. rr mveraioe, uaptaln Dahlquiat, is acneduJed to reach ih. rwa .r.. .w . - V- VWl. Crystals of sodium nitrate have been inmlei In Paris so pure and perfectly formed that they can be used ln opti cal Instruments. HOW l-MADE MY HAIR GROW Woman With Marrelously Beautiful Hair aives Simple Home Prescrip tion Which She Used With Moat Remarkable Results. j A Legacy of Care is often left to, an unprotected family by the most devoted husband and father, simply because he failed to make sure of a clear title to his property. Protect your family when you make your deal, by our guaranteed Certificate of Title. Investigate. Call for booklet.Title & Trust Co., Fourth and Oak. HOTEL MULTNOMAH I - - " " r PORTTAJID OBIOOS In size, appointments, service and fireproof quality of th building the leading hotel ln Portland, the Multnomah, offere to the discriminating traveler every comfort and convenience found only In the beat hotels of the east. Nine storlet of steel and concrete, with 725 rooms and suites pfllatlallv furnished, with rates from II. SO to S per day, European plan. Motor 'busses matt all trains and steamers. H, 0. BOWZBS, Manager. J. M, BROWZfXI,!., Asst. Mgr. SUMMER RESORTS I- SUMMER RESORTS THE. SHELBURNE VOBTaX BE A OK Completely remodeled. Modern Improvements. Including hath Enlarged capacity, beautiful dining room. Now one of the lamest hotels on Norta Beach. Shady porches and playgrounds for children. Croquet lawn Rooms large, airy and sunny. We raise our own poultry. Kesonable rates arid special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or wire. ADDRESS SBATXBW, WASH., T. J. KOARE, PROP. Hotel Oregon Portland, Oregon. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. Hotel Seattle Seattle, Wash. Wright & Dickinson Hotel Co, Props. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect and con. ducted on the European plan. THE HARVEST HOME MRS. JOS. M'STBAJT, PROP. BATES: 81.60 par flay, (9.00 per wttk. svu. du ana so cams, meais oo cants. Children under 10 years at half rates. LONG BEACH. WASHINGTON THE WHITE HOUSE The Hackney Coffage X.0KO BEACH, WASKZHOTOB A fivorlte hotel with Long Beach vis itors. Large comfortable rooms. First class restaurant, with home cooking. One block south of station. MBS. P. P. VTJtlTEHOTJSB. Prop. OREGON HOTELS 1 was greatly troubled with dandruff and tailing hair. I tried many adver tised Iim ir preparations and various pre scriptions, hut they all signally failed; many of them made my hair greasy so it was impossible to comb it or do it up Moperly. i think that manv of the tilings I tried were nosilivelv iniurlooM and from my own experience I cannot loo strongly caution you against using preparations containing wood alcohol and other poisonous substances. I be lieve they injure the roots of the hair. Alter my long list of failures, I finally i...oiu a Buiijne prescription wnicn I can unhesitatlni'Iv state fs hevond rtnuht uie most wonderful thing for the hair I have ever seen. Many of my friends have also used It and obtained wonder. lul effects therefrom. Ir not onlv In a powerful stimulant to the growth of the hair and for restoring gray hair in its natural color but it is equally cood for removing dandruff giring the hair life and brilliancy, etc., and for the lillruos- Of keeninc the ana In In first class condition. It also makes the Uilir easier tO comh and urrantr in nin. form. I have a friend who usad 11 two months and duriner that time if ha. nni only stopped the falling of his-hair and wonderfully increased its fwowth. but it practically restored all of his hair to its natural color. You can obtain the inurements ror making this wonderful prenaration from almost any druggist, '"e prescription is as follows: j jj-j- num. 8 oi.; menthol Crystals. 4 drachm: 1,'vona de Composee', 2 or If you like it r,erfumed add a few drops of I o-Kalon Perfume, which mixes per fect! v with the other ingredients. This, now ever is not necessary. Apply nizht and morning; rub thor ouehly lnio the scalp Go to your druggist and ask for an orKn.?U,Ce bott!e containing six ounces M.,?.um; a,lso one-nlf drachm of Menthol rrvuio a o . . i A tie of Lavona de Composee- Mix the j Best mounUin resort n eoast; best inJe?ien5?. y"rseif t your own hometoedieln-l water, scenery, hunting and lAfi a ' b a a an m s ; 5 S J j jORooffiV 1l7rfiIIC Kcst Popular pStt i i ; ;T!!510-54r3 grrgrT? rAALVIUiliJ Hotel va, T--e- -"- M MEW H0TE1 PERKINS PORTlANO.ORt WlWIffWtltf rHfCITY RATES EUROPIAM WITH BATH. $irtR DAY UP wrm0UTBATHSISUP THE PORTLAND THE most central location In the city. All outside rooms; cool, wide ver anda, ovorlooklng spacious court where concerts are rendered every evening. Dining room and grill famed for superior service. Motors meet all trains and steam ers. European $1.60 upwards. O. J. KABTMAira, Manager The Avalon Mrs. Richard Gooley, manager. Beach Center station. Centrally located, close to beach, rates reasonable, special rate to families, en larged dining room, first-class accom modations and tentr. Address, Long Beach, Wash., Box 165. HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CEHTER STATIOW. Ideal spot, modern family hotel, coun try and seashore combined; ocean In run view; large yard for children, cro quet ground, best cuisine and table per. vice, fishing, surf bathing, electrlo lights. P. O. Long Btacn, Wash. MBS. PEDMAW, Prop. Enlarged dining room capacity and tltctrlflad bonst. Beautiful surronnd. logs and most pleasant spot on Worth Beach. Home comforts. Sptclal rates by th week. Make rtitrration by mail or wlrt. Address. Btavltw. Wash. COLONIAL HOTEL W. E. Connlff, Propr. Bates reasonable. Special rates bv the week. One block from beach. Elec tric lighted throughout. Free bus. Good fishing, boating and bathing. Saddla horses. Up-to-dst Grill Open at All Honrs. SEASIDE, OB. New Lockslcy HalU Under new management Pin.. t,r I v, m ,v .-.a --i.7.i . " .,.,(. i .uu u,cimuniji$ ine oeacn Beautiful view. Modern improvements' and- up-to-date. Rates reasonable Spe cial rates by the 'week. Clatsop Beach Seaside, Or. James Mallett, prop. Seaside Hotel Open Junt 18, 1913 American plan strictly first-class. French course din ner and music every dsv. Rn mr all trains at Seaside. Located in Hol laday Park, Seaside, Or. Purchase rail way tickets to Hoiladay Park station. Good fishing. Rates 12.50 upwards Ntwm The Hotel Bowers Entrance 11th and Stark Sts. The Annex Entrance 12th and Washington St. ONE MANAGEMENT T. P. WTT.T.TAMS, ManaftT. Two of Portland's hih-rade hotels; modern, centrally located, reason able; European and American. The Grill Is Famous SUMMER RESORTS Ho! lor Cascadia r1: '.t"1"01 Cr8tl- to the Bay Rum andthen ponr In the Lavona de fHJmeBIT"ir fdJ-th I-K P" IfJ i 1 ,tUnd on-half hour And it. la .ready- for ue. , fishing; nature's own conservatory of health. Auto or stage from Lebanon or Brownsville, Wrlta or " phoee, ' ctt M. Gelsendbrfet-, Cascadia, Oregon.'. SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS HOTEL M00RE Manv without bath. OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN - ...... OPE RED) JTn 1 WTTW aiiamaa a. 7r!w i?!?17lJmpnv,nlS,lt".E'eorl0 "Shted. Rooms wjth or and enlnrTiV o aiurx oainins; ;pir xor iisning. Furnace neat "a iwiui a, apeciaiiy. . The dining-room and kitchen will be in charge of John Leh ner, who is well known through his connection with the Arlintion Club for thr nast si vr .- CtATSOP BEACH. Saaa!, , Oa - - , . l DAB 9. StOOBK, Prop. ' on Yaquina Bay OREGON'S IDEAL SUMMER RESORT First-Class Accommodations and Special Rates on 1 ah d.:i j. -A Two bathing beaches, hunting, fishing, deep-sea ex cursions, trips to the Siletz Indian Reservation , and numerous other points of interest. For Illustrated Booklet Address SECRETARY COMMERCIAL CLUB READ THE SUNDAY JOURNAL , lariimajax. mtBf shjajjax riLfKM m TUK UKEGON COCTTTiir a-Ja-SB-a--a-a-Ja-aa----a--aaB-a-B "1 .-