THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MO R NINO. JUNE 18. 1911 utfi9 menu K. THIUHOHN. toUl lrW! rel Inell .41 Himuk A-II4I Mae)l l. Valval lU. lit ilk. kaata tltl UK t'siMfla U Oale. 11 ll.'vUa MI1 ee4 ean Mia. 11 AMI a4eV at, litl ft a II a ea le 4 p. tw. AJT. Oil. A JIB 4SLAM kJaln A-7.H aWc".. e cTi" ina ' iujf4 Kit. I. as er 14 tTiim 'tl,L Mtrirrixa' Mulcts 41 fUkSIIIKU AD HATE Ho IS flTi COt'NCIU Ka : ef Ik -elefcal AM Aetatlue, bhII h e4 till ate4e .! 1 . J ,- I N.odl it t IT. t. . iiKiV'"" ' I rhTUii e4ibiiie4 al 4V", mii tba fourth Uradtr evening- f M au.atkj fee Mislabel! J iikii.a rri.t.ue Pt.ii . !.aWI Ti"H itllkltBI LAD h li, H A wtlt tkuradar evenibi b te tail J.e 111 Ug lilt, Viorneoa i. a, W . Ilk el. Vuuaia Welrotn. . rKANCKl fAr. lit IWflVer . Phone UtMxIUwn l. I'urreenonAent. Oil f M fAT H-H oT""l ."" PVTIII AN sua i cub. o cel. on Thurxur l.KT Usui lu II, furnish you will piUee pUiline -avili end mil- t.... t .1. i..,,.- ll-i.. latl 4r A-2BT4 IjihiII wt-fk. luy inoilu. A. imui. iu. .i a - ii- -. l7 fc 4 Wash II 1III. K l!ll W " "lii.f vi k. i atjilt J' at el H A ' SiiTTCK o uirmUlt, iCTi AlliiiAl'oJa I It l-i. 1 ll I i iii. in. a 111. lill lxrtti, xiirrify o" r i v . lull work. lul. llil. rail I'. A. Vl 'Nl IViTi! I oi in u iIiTin. I' l ' hirl''tf 1A IUrn ''!?il!L rATSST ATTOT fATKNT ebiinJ; trademark. ? nihil rltlro4 li all cimirla; to. Iria rr: roniullaltun wlihoul fhl '.lr IUrna Warair tM. iAf. ENT8rJtur of T" K." Hk. Aj- lorr.y-.l lata of U. " fte-a: book fw 71 Hiarl afTrajlaJbldl. "RfT "WnTT.'H T." tJ. ' 4 rm3T.iB lata: lBrnnimal raaa. ! !0. K. H. of A raa rcnular Bu f ry Won.lay -(1i la Hlil'l tiail. Kuaaall ami Hllltama aa Ha aula la cvlne. alaara auill.ln dnn. II M 1'llJ.Vt 1.1, Warjr. TVANHtiai luuia, .No. I. allltiia f fyltilaa. airala avanr 1 u' IIU an LANCK. t n. a lay nliki Caatla hall. Aiuir aia. It M riwiuom fNI.TC UKTKKH COU.ATriUL BANK 6 raara In rnrilanit Tl fin. Main via. rtxmo Tuaxao rRCD JACOBBON. piano tuntni. If ; 11 fra, anrlanr. 1l Id. Main Kit. Wood Tlpa Co. raetorr (p. lrRTt.ANII and offioo. Illb and York. Main FLATXSO WOUI WII-lJkWETTE Flallni Worka 101 Jth, plallng and pellah ln. M. A-Tltl. rrnvmrna ANDK.IISON miNTINO CO.. l lh at., cor. Oak. Modern offlea. o.x tarllmre A.NT.KV I'rintlnK Co. ZiO Oak. Main 471. Prlnllni to plaa. kooriso. ?AiJiTiJia. urinna TIN rooflBi repalrlni palntlr.r. lobblni. . J. LoH. II? Jffferaon. Main 1414. BDB1II ITAJira ABO lAX Cua Li rvi'ii n .! i,ttr alatlnnarr ninenam l o . Ill Hiark. Main 1417. JlAf'xiKM. lrja chrcka. I.raae airnrila. Kffhi Proa, lie id. Mar. I IT! KAXKS WIIIHT and lao.-a lrn by Wabfuul Co., Nft 44. W. O. W.. Krtdaw avanlni Juua II. In W. O. V. Tempi, 131 Illb l. t.'nion nualc, lea cream; thre faua mr oani'ini' No. !&. ft. K. 1 will etv their reiular tan eorlal aad nanra i huradar avenlai. J una lo. IL N. A. Ore. Iloa Cam a ata a-ra . Allair halt 14 and Max la affaal Arl L lilt A IX rutvior BAtr rAT!lAJrn CaiH Aivkriuktjii laaily aWavAay. Jllaaa fa Mr Itaa. aM.aru.a 1 1 . M f ItM a lav AtlLalL I ea4 eaaacllfl I . fl M IkM t-ef larle. ! iAal l Ma ii lamlai fe laa Ikaa llaa Tka aaa fal ai!-.ta -Hw Ta lay k4 all eHr-r ialrteiiaa. ri. DiiaalioM Waaa ! ataal a-4 We Mad la l.aal aAa tniuailofca Waaiad. Ta Real Waaiad Ta Rm a da lAaartaaaall a4 lleiela aaral4l. IKa rie Aral a aa II Ha f iral laaaetkaav 4e IUa aarh NtMl laaartl Ka ad tekeaj far Uaa laaa l CHAIfilt AI-VKhTIetMi., I 11 a. a. taa e lie I awaawallta liana. M ( Ma I f aaara aaaaaclle I lata. aar II ae rr loaartlaa. ka akava ralaa aaala ta Tea Tar ad all alker riaaaift alloaa. eacart Bilualiana Waalad, la ftaal a Waxlad la Itaft" adA Dilaatlwaa Waaiad. To Heal a4 Wealed la Real ede t Aaailn-aala and Koi.le aiMl'lad) Ike rale II 1 fr ilea er laantffi. Na ad charaad far leal Ikia taa tlaal ar lac Cenlraet ralaa aivaa eppMfetloa. A ihoae rail alll biii aullrHr. ..a 1 i. ii i il MaIUUAUK UCK.NkKJ I-oni. uaoaiane Welmao, r. a Oregon, II, aod llolel II. Arthur llencaa. TO 7 1 Third el reel. II. arid Maa Van Lmren. II. Charlea Mchola, lull Eat llth itreil. ii. ana tiun lea. ii. William Caali. 177 Cleveland itreet. ii. ana Naomi jonea. Ii Uaurge I'oulaon. mh and 1 1 at itraala. iu. and rrada niuinimuiier. 14 Halph Kudolpli. L Maine, Pa., It, Ann uertruae Carler. ii Harry Wolfe. Ill Kaet llth Itraet. II, and Ha die )torncran(. II. Chrletlun Aakervlck. Ill Ir air eat. 16. and lon Frenlrrae. 2 4 Olio Kurh. lirownaville. Oreion. 21. and l.ydla Brhullx. It I .mil a Bnilth. 4I Tir'or Itraet. IT. and Kranrca tlhoemaker, II. Clifford (lorry. iWmlaton. Urrion. II. nd Mary, 14. otto Wiine-. m llth itreel. !. and K!n Merchant. 2$. Knut uuallry. H F.lliworth itreet ii, and Clarlla olnon. 0. TMK vii- I.lTll Pa fa Co.. 10.1 Id it. Bafea at factory price; repairs; lpvkouti opened: bargalne In acond hand eafaa. BABK. SOOBS. WXJTDOWS. i!T..fl m. fitaMlita Co.. BRah. nlafo irlaafi llth. (Jllaan. Main 4411. I9UIVI " lll'Il.T to order acren doon ind wln ilowi, painted and hung, c-omplr-to. inirliin Scrren Co. Phono Emit 619. 0(K mid window ecrefiis to order. Would lo pli-HMeil to give eatlmati-e. Ward Urow. Woodlawn 1S. C-2194. i iVlt I ltt "ltt and cheaiiont wlncfow rr-Ti In Portland call C. Zlegler, Woodlawn 2132. . G. Mth & Co. c'rd. Wielilnrtoo Uig., cor. 4th oa Wuh'tao. VH KH8 eulu for rent, all atiaa. LlaKiue Tallorlr.i Co.. 101 Btark It. L'UHKK HHOH., floriata, fine floware And floral ieelma. Ill Morrison at. hikths I0.a.N To Mr. and Mra. Thomai Dulnn. 141 tast Salmon atreet, June S. a girl. UOllMA.V To Mr. and Mra. (J. J. Iloh inan. H4th and Tillamook itrevti, May 11. a boy. Rose Cily Park Bungalow la'::;;5 - ,. i" 1 a" Two 20 Acre Tracts $75 Per Acre 1100 CASH AND 7'; INTEREST MONTHLY. Fine for Homes 2$ ini!r (runt Vaiiirr, Sh, mile (rum iu lUtioHa tn N'lh jliak K tt , in J boil Ian Jin 4 un Co lumbia ntcr Hall to iiarxruni ilalion on l IT C : (1 4 tiAioai. I itulr Ij new ruom lriu heated nli-M bonne ami larae icrncral lrr: -od 11 cut t arlrclrj fur buuhry Uim Soil is Rich and Productive For )ing comiiirnial ipplr or.hifJ in.) For birrici of ill virtetici; For vccctiblci ind ii utri good For ponton ind I'hoiie Main 5712. vntr or nil l-r rn- licrmrrit Ik iiinli'l Se GEO. ENOLffftART. Gowen-Ide Trust Company 2 Lumbermen! Bldg, Ground Floor. SKW TOOAT' Something Good RARE MS FOR BRITAIN'S 16 Gifts From the Maharajah of Nepal Added to the Zoo in London. Near the Alameda, eaat front. Ml Hood and Mt. tit. IMrne In alglit. room a; foundation 0il4, dwunla ron - etrurtlon thruuihouL KUiant Interior flulali and fllur Mini (m iron lo br apprK-late-d 3 nilimira' walk to car IJItO. Urmi, It per rrnl off for -ah li K LZA at. N. I'hon Talwr ::t4 LK.TI1S AlfW FL'KKIUUI tiowCfliM aitd rixTtrmxi THK JAM1C8 I. MARSHALL MFQ. CO, aew and old ehowcaaaa, rablneta. atora aau office fixture. Ill coucn. HKYES In thin city, Juno 1.', 1912. Unttle Lclle Hayea, bra Si rara.x 5 montha, 5 dav, lrluved wife of Unit Heyri of 30:' Tillamook Btrcot. Funi-ral Bervli-fM will be held tomorrow, Mon day, June 17, at 1ft a. tn.. from I'earaon'i Kuncrul 1'urluri, 36-3 71 Hubbi-11 dtreM. bill) WCAKb.3 of every deecrlp tlon, bank, bar and atore fixture! made to order. Tnr l.utke Ktf Co. It U. Bill DHELLs HAMILTON BLDO, Ehow caaea In atoca. Prompt delivery. Halea aient II. Winter Lumber Co BXaTOX03 BEST tn Portland. Washington it- 8. 1 ffne mam. L Ollbert 101 Dai AITD BXOWCAJLSB FOSTER KLEI8KR Slgtia; the lr geat ilgn makera In the north wee t. JE. 7th anj K. Everett Its. Pbonea Bail 1111. Home B-II24. Invited to attend. Interment, family plot, Groenwood cemetery. MALTUY Ely Maltby died Juno U. um-d 96 yean one month alx days, at tho home of his eon, William Maltby, 534 KaBt Kverett. Funeral at tho home Kun- day, 2 p. in. Purlal at Maryavllle, ffmh. Investment in Farm Suitable for Subdivision .'.'- airee ad lulnliig the new town of Cherry (irove. Waahln'.on rounty. rly 4J eons In rultlvntioii. Im!um-r ouk tlniter. The Cherry Uruve ai-r-ie which Ib adjolnlnjr thia farm on 3 eluVa are arlhng from lo ;ort per aire. We offer to mil thli SjS Hire firm l th very low prlee of la.'.OO or 1110 per arre. onlv mile from It. II. BtHtlon nt Cherry prove. Thin new town. wnfch hai only tern platted about I month, haa a popt'leiloii of nearly 300 people; haa auwrnlll and plarilnc mill, electric light plant, water Hteni. good church find achool and aeeral atoree. TEBICS 15000 CASH. A. VESTER 325 B'y. Bichanre Bldg. Corner Third and Btark Bts. M'OI.N'N At Lob Angelea, ChI.. June fi 1S12, Chailes McGinn, beloved father of Kdward K. McGinn and Mra. John F. Hhea. of thin city. Funeral notice later. MAX M. SMITH, florlBt, 141 H tb In Selling bldg. Main 721S. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STOVE KSPAXKXHCr THE ACME cleans, adjusta, repair or connects your gas ranges, water heat en. etc. 4 08 E. Morrlaon. Eaat 1111. TixiiOAnro sexooa KIKSTER'S Ladlea Tailoring collage, learn droiwtimkmq, tallortnr. 143 H llth KIIULTR'S ladles' tin? ColleKe, 30") Tailoring and Cut Central bid k. J, P, Finley & Son Third and Kadiaoo. Lady attendant Main . A-lt. Dunning & McEntee uS&rernk'.r. every detail. 7th and Pisa. Main 410, A-456S. Lady aoaleUot towxl 8U7rz.-r CLEAN towela dally, comb, brush, aoap. Towel Supply Co.. Hth and Couch itA 11 par month. Portland Laundry Co, Pbonea Main 41 1. A-4410. TAJTSTUI AJTO KTOKAOa C O. PlCK Transfer & Storage Co., of ficii ind commodious 4 etory brick warehouae, with aeparata Iron room! and fireproof vault for valuable!. N. W. cor. 2d ind Pine ita. Planoa and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rtiei made on erode In our throtigh earn to all domestic ind foreign golnts. Main Kfl. A-1l. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leadin funeral director and uniirtaker. Id at, cor. Salmon; lady aiilatart in 220 EAST SIDK tuoeral olreciora. aucceae or to F. S. Dunning. Inc. E. it. Bltllk. I CDOU UnderUkcr. Lady LLnbn b-jhss. k.-7i. re. asslatant. th-Alder. HEM STOCK, 1887 E. 1122; and Unlven. llth. Sell. 71. B Park. Col 394-86. House and Lot for Price of Lot Total Price $750 $75 Cash, $15 Per Month, Including Interest New cottage and 50x100 foot lot, ?j blocks to Rose City Park carline. fake car to Gregory Heights office, Seventy (72) Second street. GREGORY INV. CO. $3250 Own-h ami Kirby ; two l-rooiu O'ttaqcv $-1750 Kast .'Uth and Haw thorne ; , riHiins, t ,0 lOtt. 55500 Wasco near f, moms, tril"t!v nnxlcrri. lot ::xl'Hi. $7500 Ka-t l'Mli near I!rare; S roMii. slrcpuii jorih, lircakfat room ami mou crn in every respect ; lot fOxlMi. 59500- North Ktl) near Iloyt; R rooms, moilrrn. natural finish, full cement base ment. 310,000 I.ovejov near L'lth: ? rooms, strictly modern in every respect. All of these can he handled on casv terms. Callan&Kaser Main 1633. 722-728 Yeon Bldg. Cloii l K Hf of Cretaell. Or , ii i Irnl ot 20 acrei f rUitcJ land. uf rounded ljr the oiihard i.Unungij 1(u, jun U The Maharajih of i ihl A. C. 15ihliltedl lilj liffl "' ieei.lly Htoklcl a K.I rtlnt. ..... I i- i II"" of anlmaia la Kli tiaoi I hay ar- Velefn Ii i, al.aj,,, h. , Jr r 'um , f,,,,. ailluil lillf l mile of lite aulteyeJ h li.dU lia.r Af gi.tyiieiaii an. I .ar me of Ihe Oiegun Klectnc lunn.iii; i 1 ,w"u '" ' i I.J i nuine epeuntena, aa for Inaianee trie )Wa.llka elai. w hi. i, haa mrr l it lualy tmn rliwrlaj lu i:urpt) nut. and olliera tilth Inliablt ! l.lhn all. I roldar rtilona of rl and ale iun u ulr Inli-lcram of il.a beat of l ruila aad of the Indian ix-eaji, am tcui l Ki iland rartlor In the )rar. Hut In ahlfincht of ll.o bulk of the ?olle lion.! wbli h live In too aampa end JumUe al lower levela. a tlm.d ao Ilia! II might ra.h l.ilan.l Ith Ilia Summer. The pb k of tin buiu h la a young rhllMM-eroa. erliaa aliout 4 )rara old. w hoaa talue If Ii-. Ilsa to grow up will run Into four fl- urea ;n addition lo ihla there are at ted deer, four horned antalopea. Ihe nlthau, or "blue bull,' leoparda. woltca, Ix-ara. aacranl aheep, mongooata. clihur partridge, eaglea, i-oril beaked pllvoni and other rue bird a. itr to a reerage u Faoaa. Konio years ago a claim put In on behalf of a hjlfbreed Mouth Afrhran for ailinlaalun lo Ihe lords aa foil ul Stamford. Hut I lie marrlaie of t.i falber lo a Zulu belle aae found lo l more plflurraque than legal, and ao in Ktamford peerage waa awarded to teacher In a Weal Indian college. Home thing similar Ib now brewing In I'apu I. A member of the commonwealth par liament haa been lecturing on a reocM lour through Itrltlah New (lulnra. At one stopping place "a good looking half eaate boy. the son of an Englishman who Is the r.elr to a peerage ami has married 1'iiliuan woman." was shown lo him M Is nut unlikely Unit some means et 111 ba found to lnalldate the claim ('uih from l!uk'ene This tract lui the tel of toil and ihry i no w'e 'and on f te entire J40 inn Ad)ni n g Und It selling in tnull lrat for f I V) per aire. Our juice for ihe JfO iriei, for i lew Cty t-rily. i JM) (er iif. We know of r.c lliinji tetter for acre ige tutxlitition There n a profit of Jit) er cent to le nude in cliing thi proncrly hi ainall UacIi Mithm the text f0 rli4. I ill for fa: II information Fleming & Hidden I2UK9 Venn Hid-IMirnie- Mrhll 4f.7. A 414. FREIICHPREIIII WOULD BE CLOSER TO HIS NATIVE LAND Duke of Orleans Has Offered Famous English Estate for Sale and Will Remove to Belgium. Pearson Co. i,Ti recuirr, adu st. Ki 1010. A. R. ZELLER CO. Botti Ph lama. i ERICSON cor. 13th and Everett sts. Inc. most mod Undertaking (111. A-2236. Co. Main Lady aas't. REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS of title made by tba Lewis bldg. ern utoraue warehouse in city: our low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free racking-. snipping: reduced freight rates on household tracktgej moving, ni ugh eapt. Main BS40. A-1SJ0. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding a rent a. Storage, free tracks.. Offices and storaca. 474 Ollsan street corner 1 Sth and OJIsan. rhonea. Msn 9. A-11. CITY Hnll Transfer & Ptorajre Co. Ex pert furniture and piano moving. , 1 trunk GOo each, additional 25c. M. 7089, A-4724. CERTIFICATES Title A. Trust company, tn snff usk. Hoy Delaco to Geurge W. Wa 1 1, lots S, 9, 12 and 13, block 8, Rosewood '. 450 L. P. Hot:ford and wife to Adol- Fhlne Knowles, lot 3, block 1, lanson's addition 1,000 Charles M. Ollphunt and wife to Daniel Wright et ni. tract 1. block "B": tracts 1 and 2. block "A", Whiteheads addition to Gresham 8,000 W. R. ilAlZLIP CO.. Inc.. Abstractors. I0B Oerllnger bide.. 2d and Alder sts. Hollyrood! Holly rood! Pulld your home among the tree. Nothing more "homey" ttian a homo surrounded by the beautiful Oregon fir. Hollyrood Is close In. 'Joins Irvlngton, really walking distance. Just think, to have a home fo close to town within the two-nille circle. Come out today. To see this Ideal spot Is to love it. Price $1000, easy payments; restrict ed; improvements in. Take Beaumont car to Forty-second and Knott streets, walk west three blocks and look it over. j. x. TiPTOir co., mo., 1108 Spalding Bldg-., Owners. The Oregon Law on Advertising Anr person, who In a fiewinaner or other ! periodical, or In public advertisement, or hi NORTH W KSTKHN Trunsrer Co.. II 4-6S I tetter er circular, knowingly makes or llt Pront. General transfer and atorage. teiu!nte any ctatemeot r assertion r oncer 4. 4,-4488. I IriB the quantity or quality, the value, Ihe I merrbundle, or rne motive or purpose of an ! price, the method of producing er maanfae- ture of his merehaadla or profeaeloiial work. BaOGAGE Omnibus Tranpfer Co. tahH.Vnrt 1Sg, Phones M. CfHlt,- A-3S2I W .TOVTNBON. etpress. bafiraKe. SMfi I or the mBner or source of purrhaae of nct Mor-ls st. C-STflR. RtsSrl fith Couch, i sale which la uatrue or calculated to mislead. (sail De niemeo guilty or a muaemeannr. ana on conviction thereof shall be punished tir a tine of not lens than 10 nor more thin $B0, ALFTtErV OGILB3E. 310 Labbe btdg and TVRihlnirlon fults to order. ALI. makes rented, repalrerl. sold. Cuo rtlnghrrm Co.. 'jj.11 Stark M win 1407. TY I'B WR ITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt, ?d hand. 14 2H 2d st. Mar. 419. trPKOiiSTBHrma CJIRT WRIGHT CO., ISS Madison, up holstering, furniture ripasring and mattresses; work gu n rs nteed Vain 8311 TACTTJ2S CLIASESS id .r hy Imrirlsonreent In th county Jail not reeding 30 days, or by both such fine and lm- prlonnment. (L 1B00, c. 104, p. 14). The attention of adversers, who line "The Joiirnal." at well ns that of the public. Is di rected tn the above section from tbe Oresoo Code covering nflTertlaing. "Tbe Journal" makes the as me rates on dls , pley advertlelng to all advertiser. In propoe ' tlon to the spare need, ind does not make "ft or one" advertiser and "fleei or an other," belle-vine one claxs, or profession, la- LlXUIiai. VI IT" (IU1 HUH U 1 1,1. u 1 iipi.i. . " i rl ptl. mm In Ath 1 V. I r. nnil httlM Al I so on the same terms snd conditions. "Tbe .lournnl" belk-ves that tt is do crime to advertise. LYLE - KLICRlTAT ORCHARD TRACTS 5 AND 10 ACRE TRACTS In the heart of the apple producing dis trict, planted and cared for 4 years, guarantee every tree In pood, healthy condition when turned over to you. Think of It. $300 per acre. Only a small payment down. The soil is volcanic ash and red shot. Sub-irrltjated. No water right to pay for. Call and see us, or write for literature. It's the man that invests his money Is the man that makes money In this tract. NEED & JERRY, Agents 8 07 Iiuniber Sxohanffa Bldg. Second and Btark Streets. INCOME $6000 Five-Year Guaranteed Lease New Building, 100x100 Close In Price $60,000.00 Call for C. G. Reagan Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co. 3d Fl., Cham, of Commerce Ready-Made Farms in Alberta, Canada Malf section of land, house, bam, wire fence, well and pump. (0 acres now In wheal, o.-ta and potatoes. Thene (arms are made ready by the Canadian 1'aclflc Kallaay In a whole sale way and much cheaper than you tan do I hem. You Are Offered These i.t Berea of land with the above Improvements for I4204 with only a first eminent of lt:0 and nine )!! In which to pay the remainder. This half section in aultarlle for mixed farming, dairy and stock ralMng. 90 of these farms are now r-dy for distribution In the noted wheal district of AL1IKHTA. The Land Is Rich, Black Loam and Very Productive This gives the man with small capital the opportunity of a lifetime. We arrange low rates anil will give you all Information nrrrsmiry to obtain one of there redy inu-le homes Ide-McCarthy Land Co. Agisti Canadian Piclflo Hallway Lands. lumbermen! bldf., ground floor. WTT.T. A bTTTTTE BITXX EOKB BUNGALOW One of the choicest bungalows in the city.' Lot 50x100, in Laurelhurst close to the carline. Hardwood floors, den, two fireplaces. Built-in conveni ences. Small cash payment with very easy terms on balance to right party, Direct Realty Co. 401 YEON RLDG. Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners. 211 Com- I ,'?f,V,, "121 Jo.n,; Si rr.nnwra.lth bdg.L.A. Arnlck M,r.M.40 ) T".:! he" 1? WEIiii SULIiIlf O i no' 'f ne complaint la well founded, thst sd- --w r-' . - T ' -i -i. - -.. - - vertlser will be denied seeess to these columns, tractor. 25 yra- experienci; 8, 10, II in l. w, mb)rrt te prew, flo. . any depth. o90 ancouver gve. 03478. nrrr gre advertisers using these eolumns vnrtrjiTi' JTOTT T T T?.H i seslr.t whom cntnplslnts hse beea made hy , - - f - . '"f reader', end when emnplalnts -are made rvi-urnvn - cduh ; ,A Prompt atteation win be given te there. EVEHDO FARKKLu produce and ' - C. . JACKSCIK. Publisher. commission merchants. lo krci u . i- l'ortun.1. or. Phone Main 17. rORXLAM R1CALTT DEALERS It. A. UUNST CO., ......... , n. DISTRIKHT ORS 'Of-FINK CIOAR9 ERONO-MANART COMPANT, , PORTLAND. OR. Ground Floor Lewia Bid. M. and A-1741. WAtHAMSaV CO., w ho lesaia grocers, BRHBaKEH & BENEDICT. rrts nu fact urera and coffee roastera 4tb gsj McKa Bldg. - Main 841. fin ijnty ftn. t ,r . i - ' .' 1 CTHAaPIW A HFRLOW mukiMN WALL f Afkrt CU. i3 11 Oiml. of Commeree Malnllll ,fit between Snlmort and Main. u.P1,r, ALT TF'K A x rwio-nnnrvniFa KJSAPP c MAIKEI, li.k A l.KWls-Hix.k-Riic 111-11 Board of Trade, M. and A-t01. . i ' - MOaSIISXT3 - 'C.-IEGON KiiAI. ESTATE CO THU ' -,t -, , - -,. -. -, t -,. - - Grand ave. and Mult. E. IT. C-1701. ; OTTO . eCHt'MANX, -granite-, - -marble 7 " SHIELDS, i( H. . '. J . orks, East 3d and ine. Eiit 741. Uv Gerllngir BWit. , Mala f t!. I Beautiful Home On West Side FOR SALE BY OWNER In the beat residence district (has Just been completed), nine large rooms and up to date In all respects. Worth 115,000; must raise money; will sell for 110,000. Must bare $8000 cash, balance on mortgage at 6 per cent. 872 Northrup street, next to corner 26 th street. 200 ACRES finest and most fertile land iri all Oregon, all in commercial variety of apples and pears, in. tne tamous ump qua valley and facing the great Pa cific . Highway and railroad. There is nothing better in the .entire north west than the Umpqua. valley for fruit, and this place is the cream of the valr ley. Owner- will exchange this for Portland property Hp to $100,000. and pay the difference. . .. t- Columbia Trust Company Ground floor. Board of .Trtde .Bldg. UNION AVENUE A snap if taken at once. The best corner on the east side for the money. 118''tl0, four houses, income 1100 per month: small cash payment, balance your own time at 7 per cent. SEE OWNER, 616 Spalding- Bldg. What Do You Think of This One acre right at station, close In on Mt. Scott line; store with flats, rented 140 per month: 6 room house, orchard. chicken house and runs would rent for 126 or 130 a month. Will sell cheap, v in iae some truae. see me. O. K. CABLE, 516 Bpaldlnar Bldg. S acres, fine new bungalow, electric lights, burn, chicken iuiim. all In bear ing orchard, apples, pears. penchee, prunes, cherries, gooseberries, raspber ries, asparagus beds, garden stuff, all kinds, $l 'io r.n, balance on time, sac rifice for quick sale, own.r leaving for Alaska, finest suburban home on river. On electric line. 8 miles: crop end everv thing goes. W. P. Swopn. X17 Yeon bldg. AUCTION'S Auction Sales AT Wilson's Auction House Cor. SECOND and YAMHILL Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. I-'OR ALL KINDH OF GOOD SKC- OND HANI) FURNITURE, CARPETS. STOVKS. BEDDIN-8, DISHES, UTEN SILS, ETC., OOOIW SOLD AT PRIVATK SALE. LEATHER COL'C H K S. TURKISH ROCKERS. MISSION LIBRARY TABLES IN ALL FINISHES. Sectional and other BOOKCASES, DAVENPORTS, DINING TABLES. BUFFETS. DINING CHAIRS. CHINA CLOrTETS. FANCY CHINA, Etc. ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD BEDROOM SUITE. Golden Oak, MA HOGANY AND BIRDS EYE MAPLE DRESSERS ANT) UH IKFONI ERES, BRASS AND IRON BEDS. SPRINGS. M A TT EMS KS, GAS RANGES, STEEL RANGES, ETC. ALSO SEVERAL GOOD OFFICE DESKS AND CHAIRS. IN OUR STORE. 171 SECOND ST. YOU CAN BUY ALMOST ANT KIND OF MERCHANDISE AT COST. .1. T. WILE-ON. Auctioneer, Cash paid for Furniture, Stocks of Mer- tin inline, etc. Main 169, A-4S43. BEES ADULTERATE HONEY, DEFYING PURE FOOD LAW Cleveland, June 13. The Industrious honey bis, generally regarded as the model of propriety In the Insect world. Is Jul us unscrupulous us the grocer who puts sand In hli sugar. If given the opimrtunlt y. Ni says ouncllman Smith, who In sri-king the estahlishipent of a pure fooil bureau In Cleveland. "Put a quantity of eugar near the hives nn.l Iho bee will gather the sugar. Instead of tli net-tar of flow ers. " raid Hmlth. "The augur costs ii or 7 cents per pound. The honey brings 20 or 2i cents. Tho honey Is Just ns much adulterated, aa If the sugar had been placed In It after It was made. "Cleveland, honey-eaters get a great deal of the sweet, which is adulter ated by the bees the very bees whose Industry wn have heard our achool maams laud. Smith would have the pure food bureau cause honey-makers to label their product so thnt the consumer cotil tell which kind of honey he was get ting. H PhilVP Kt.relt. lit I We ImmilUil Burwe linden. June II. Cvidehlly we ire tiut io have Ihe duke of tarleaaa reall- I ti g among ua much letige Ha aj'JB mute and more time abroad aa4 atejsr bi has etn plad till fanioue W oe Ne Ion slate upon the market in see. rial wealthy A mar leans ire laid l of tiutlug (he manaloa hit a) baa harbored within Ha wall! Ihl pre ffnd'r la Ihe 1 1. rone of r'ratsce a wall as Ihe rilled Vtueen Amelia lid King alaliucl of lortulal. There haa been considerable .tvet'all. Hun aa lo why the duke wintl la leave Una-land, where he haa long JJ aa peacefully and happily, and nuny dlf. frrenl traaona bate been given, but Ihl only real one. a personal friend of tba duke Informa me. la that be waata t settle Hearer 'tencli soil. Thll ll also assailed by L Action KrafHal.a. Iha moat energetic, net to say Violent or an of Ihe oung ro'laliit party In France, the so-tailed ramrlot. dtl roU" Tha paper waa once on the point ot be ing roiiflscateil ami .topped by the French government, but haa now beea fuigiven on i-oiidiiion litet H carry ite aglUtlon for the reatorailun if Ihl kingdom in France In leaa violent terms. ily informant tells me thai the) dukl of Orleans Intends to buy a chateau In Belgium. Ihe country which already harhora the llonapartlat pretender, ind It la slinlfltant that Ihe dukl'l change of resilience coincides wlib the suidenly renewed activity of the Imperialist frf mi. finite niur e marriage. idi Orlranlats are evidently alarmed by Iha abrupt energy of the Bonapart late, Aa a ii. alter of fact. If ever France ahouhl tire of the republic. Prlnri Victor, be cause his policy, like that of Napoleon 111. would ba to reaeh the throne by way of the presidency of the republic, stands a better chance of lucceai It present that Ihe Due d Orleans, which la not at all Baying that It la a good t'hunce. AUCTION'S PLEASE NOTICE OUR NEW ADDRESS, 166-68 PARK ST., NR. MORRISON At Private Residence, Tomor row (Monday), at 42 N. 21st St., near Washington. Splendid Hat or Apartment House Site West side corner, has two old build ing on It rented for 128 prr month; fzouu casn, paiance i to a years. The Shaw-Fear Company Mala 35. 103 Fourth Bt. A-3500 FOR SALE '150 lots, close In. between Division and. Ellsworth streets. Facing on hard Surface street. Streets graded and paid for. These lots lie high and sightly, in good districts Terms. ' . 3. K. M0MABCOK. Tabor 14S3. , ' 1264 Slvtiioa St. $4700 XHOOMZ S480. MODERN FLATS, CLOSB IN. a. I WEOT, , 414 Sail Stixk BL MORTGAGE LOANS On city, property at reasonablei rates., - : wun assti-vjsav nwa - Board if inrOB OOafFABT. mil BnlldUur. NOTICE OF luefioiB Sale Special auction rale of fine household furniture at residence. We are in structed to sell by public auction (on account of departure) at the residence No. '545 Yamhill, between 17th .. and Chaoman. on Wednesday next. June 19, at 10 a. m. All the furniture of elegant ly furnished flat, including handsome Boliu ouartered oak dining room furni ture round table, larire top china closet, buffet and leather seat chairs, 9x12 Wil ton rug. ladies' desk-, very handsome all brass bedstead (cost $lp0). springs and mattresses, finest genuine birdseye maple dr ester, dressing- ttable and chif fonlere. fine icreen. child's iron bed, 14 yards Wilton hall runner, all the car pets, wardrobe couch, oak hall rack. 9x1.1 Brussels rug, immisome genuine mahoean-' dresser and mahogany chif foniers, fine birdseye manle dresser and chlffoniere separate from suite In front room, tinted full and sln'rle-sise Iron bedsteads complete with mattresses and springs blankets, pillows, fcpreaos. etc.. Inlaid linoleum, chairs and rockers; In kitchen gaa range, water heater, cup board, etc.. crockery, eto. We Invite the attention of buyers of good furniture to this salei no reserve: sale begins n.nmnt I . mf 1 O' ft'elOcltf OH tlT t W.dfl.fl. dav at flat No. .48 Yamhill itreet be-. tween litn and( cnapman. . 8. L. N. GILMAX, We are Instructed bv the mortgagee to Hell at auction the contents of this 8 room house. Comprising center tables, parlor rur nlture. Brussels rusrs. lace curtains, ex tension table, sideboard, chairs, bamboo china cabinet, davenport, several iron beds In full and V sizes, springs, mat tresses tiillows. bedding, dressers, com modes, toilet ware, chiffonier, dressing table, oak hall tree, small rugs, mirrors, henters steel range, crockery, utensils, curtain stretchers, gas plates, etc. Auction tomorrow at 10 o'clock sharp ON TUESDAY NEXT At our new salesrooms, 166-168 Park si., near Morrison jt. We shall have to offer you the nearly new furnishings of on 8 room private residence with instructions from the owner to sell the same as he is re- linoiiishlna- housekeeping;. Comprising folding davenport library tables and rockers, parlor rocKers, .x mtnster and velvet rugs, gas reading lamps, square and continuous steel post beds, enameled iron beds, best springs, silk floss and other good mattresses, feather pillows costly dressers, chlf fonleres and dressing tables, quartered oak pedestal dining tablo and chairs, round tnnhogany table with marble top, bronse vases English breakfast table, Vulcan gas range, kitchen cabinet, etc. Also the following .cottage furnituro: Iron beds. dresserv chiffonier, square dlnlne- table and chaiis, rockers, stands, steel range etc. ON VIEW TOMORROW. Auction on Tuesday Next at 10 a. m, ON THURSDAY NEXT We Shall Sell the Furniture, Carpets, etc, of 10 Rooms Sale at 10 o'CIock. W. C. BAKER and C. A. CHOWELL, Furniture Dealers anu Auctioneers. Both Phones. iftb-168 Park street. AfcefJofieerr ford Auction Co. AUCTION SALE Monday, 2 p.m. 211 FIRST STREET You will be able to get Furniture at your own price or lens at thii aale. at we have a quantity coming In from an parts of the city and our place la crowded to the doon and we must make room,. 1 - You will find- everything is the line of furnittin ror any pan or tne noma and if you cannot find it convenient to attend our sales, rait at any-time and you will be greatly surprised at the values you get for little money. We hold regular Anctlon Bale! every Mon day, Wednesday and Trlday at p. to. each day, and you will find that every thing in. the atore ia for Bale at auction, as wi 40 aot rwsem tha beat tot private aalev . , - s K. O. FORD, . , Anetioneer. -Phones. Mats SJS1, A-244S. ' The duke's Idea evidently Is to settle cloee to the border, so that he may croei over without time lost when rilled for. The primes activity continue, and hi Is even said, quite Incredibly however, to huve been In Paris last week, ind tov have spent two days at Veraalllel. Both hee.nd the Due d Orleans ire, of eouree, exiles, and liable. If they enter French territory, to be imprisoned first ind escorted back over thi border after wards. Sweden Tires of Monarchy. While these two -pretenders an both hoping to see the monarchical lyatem supplant the republic in France, nwa comes from Sweden that part of th Swedish people are tired of being ruled by a king, and that If these people have their way, the English prlncin who married the Swelsh crown prlnci Hill never occupy the Swedish throne, The other day the mayor of Stock holm and leader of the Swedish So cialists, Carl Llndhagen, a- member of the Swedish Riksdag's second cham ber, formally AskeG King Gustaf V to abdicate In favor of a republic. The first time Mr. Llndhagea brought forward his famous motion tt waa re jected on account of Ita many differ-, ent demands, and that time tha chamber aupported the action of it! speaker. But Mr. Llndhagen was not satisfied i with thla, nor did ho pay any heed to the angry language of the Conaerva tlve papers. Supported by aeveral So cialist members, he put forward his motion for the second time a few days laier, rue motion mis ume oeing atvided In three clauses. The first and lecond clauses, which dealt with tha franchise and the abolition of the old-fashioned first chamber, respectively, were al lowed to pass, but tho third clause, deal ing with the establishment of a republlo in Sweden, was again rejected by the speaker, who Is not elected, but nom inated by the king. The chamber, however, took -a ' dif ferent view, and, with 126 votes against 59, refused to accept the action of Us speaker. The question about this mo tion and the speaker's action will now be discussed by the constitutional com- mittee, who have to deal with all .mat ters of this kind. . v. ' The third clause of Mr. Lindhagen's. motion runs as follows: t " That the Riksdag should express it self in-prlnclplo for the abolition of the hereditary governing power, and for the ntroduction of a state government, based on the choice of the people, and to ask the king to propose the altera tions of the fundamental lawa that tha realization of such a thought would re quire." .... . Anyone can easily Imagine for himself the consternation that this proposal has brought about throughout Sweden, but particularly in Conservative, In clerical, and In the royally-patriotic circles. To them Mr. Llndhagen, of course, standi out almost as a traitor. But it is not only In . the bourgeois camp that people are dissatisfied . with this Socialist motion. Unfortunately. ven several Socialists, though they agree In principle with Mr. Jjindljagen, think that the motion was too early raised. Some even disagree -with the clause about the abolition of the first hamber. ii-l--'W.:-sf-x''' . Swediih BapntUo Improbable, This great event lr not without pare alleia In Swedish history. In lS(9,afteF.. the unlucky war with Russia, the in competent Gustav IV, was dethroned by the Swedish people.' . Only that time the Swedish people did not dare, to try the republic; they'-choae a new king amongst Napoleon's general!. Nor is it likely that Mr. Llndhagen's motion, even if it-were ta be seriously discussed in the Swedish parliament or riksdag, will result In the establishment of a re public. But It Is an interesting evldcu'" of the spread of Republican Ideal all over tha world. Thli matter becomea itlll more Inter esting when one rememberi that the motion waa put forward by the mayor In King Gustav's own capital, .ai well aa that Mr. Llndhagen only a few year ago wai one of tbe most honorel lead ers at the Swedish .Liberals.' By ami bye. he became on of the inost ari vanced Radicals, and from .Radically he went over , to Socialism. One itm rememberi the outcry of theK'onserv. tlve presi fnt Stockholm When It be-am known (hat the mayor of the piU! had plunged hlnnelf Into rank Swi; Urrk t ,' f " ' ' " Tha women membership of In 1 lona in England Iriqrrased frorn ' It tha end of 1: ti 2.l." at I - of ll. -Wore than fnir-f:f! . women member ire :': s textllittr')e. , i