The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 16, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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as i r-kimtfiNi
4 tK '. .
.. el tv ri
N fUta, litt 4 Mia... tr4
tt trete tirn
f" -
iK(i,l 4lkfef talk BaraeaeaVSVIf 1
tat rin
w BiU
.tonrttKkM Tra ta eef
tftf. .
..:.,.... m iw
. pr. .
fear... . . rt i t aa. .
ban at riar. .
a rw ffMI Ah ia
Blle In (he rtigka f L-;
le far vrrtal aa4 ry.
thtag; ih itk d ta p; ih
. Bell 4 tB affile laj h. Old
' ea4 tl.e fftunf 1 fjf man eo4 I Wallere were Bauer
to Bralee Uoeel lllr,g ilia
Ui aajlogtae tha 41ahoat 4a4;
Better la pluck Hoeon from
I Ha braaet f Malar and pin II
tB ftffarttaaal touch la I ha
Utlar4 ual of at waroe.
tenal lhB U lay waajth of
hol-huuse blooms npm) Mint
rogue iuaurtova caikH.-U ft. .
Rfltu .... I A .... inAI.Ikl. .... Ikll .u k..L.i
- w .w, - fwi-vawvu 1 wawiapavrw. arv Hum ay na
delay, aad aieaavhlle it workers more) bedsfd prank, aad ar roa
Oatayed sad died. - t . .dieted by expert Uaiher who !)
naelly.a Mil was tatroducwd la,r evotd ta lae(ruMlo, aad elao
Jbb. la (h aoua. after th rerth.
rulte of full lav Uluiloa bad Uaa ' Tna CuropB taory U Itiat lh
patiuhad mala work ot ! u4lrl rBe la
Tta la Varrh. 1113. u paaaa4 iralalaf la (ha faadawetita! attaaraa.
tr taa om by lJ e SI. aa4 then In dlagaoala. aad la varloua arteal
bf lha aaaat oa April S l a prac prarilcaj prtxaduraa. liul aa qua.
Itrally uaaaltuoua viva ee vol. Irlad gradual mar prtvtrae4 lo ap
fl iii lx) rmmtr4 tba flaltia al ea fa any pf laa mod
optxMJiloa a d! Icjaad la It fear' braarhea and UII bold alt 4oribo-
Uid naaaa by ih offer of ih doa" dorlor'a IK!, Aad thr it
oa grt aaiebmaklag firm thai Nih la Grmaar aad la Dritata rem-
reatrolled Ih only cmp(IU pro-,pUa "car frdora" by bkb an la-
ra of ntanufaeigr. hlcb aa ia-(numrabl compaay flourUh. oadr
ocuoua. lo throw that atatd pr-'vry nam Ibat la boowa har. a
a opa lo Irw um by all waau.'Cannaay lb aaaorlalloa of "nature
facturvr. It aa alaled Ibat Ih blraM aad -aator baldM alon
prora waa a trtfJ mor coatly. ! la aald to larlad 100.080 rnembr.
Trumpet Call o tic
u itiiua.ii.hi Nona
patdly atialaUia4 lb pona (a 4j4jUag a4 MiiMaMitk4ia. ai a 414 u i ha i4.
aaf ef rilf work la tin af rr. I'! 14 M aaarvhaai ira aaina
tkmfAM" ik. aianaa ...I. 1 a taar aui4 i 1 m kit it tit (wdr tii m
glv for Ibat fuad. a U Mi r la lia chra tiara Jal M M 4M
oar ird reaHloa of U poorl mf m Ma i. it !& -
rtdo- fbal. from k th-ld " f, . ' all tfcaa lal
' " ' I . '- I III kM ..A A B Iftl &a 1 A t.' I . . - . - . . I . . . k . .
v lt lalo tba toiU trary I 4nar a hi au M iala ,fai im 1. ... .... ....
would aav brm arordd lo a poor)". , krM- r tk lal Tbr ra aun ii u thia cniry
Ijow or tbU day. Kb ta Mt4 I.. . . . , 1 ar m aiui ita it Tory i il il lav
worker I -.lw .k., ..r,"r"' I. "VI" r" P-i omih 1 ui ir..i 1 im ouirr
two rrat
lac arh pa
onara Aid
trtet' bld
tovo. aad tba
a tan
una ixov i w wwwm 1 11 v u l
aa all aba got for I " .! rvrllr it. wr1a i('t I Wr Tl aiaa m4 anlfhly
Ir of .hAM Tka l-rla. 1 7J .. ! i am rui a la rwrila, lo. I liiuda f la rHioary la lhal it
1 " - i . a. . l.juii h mam i.a iuu 11 i ... . . - a ... - I . . . - - . . . I l. ... k. . . . . - . . ....
, , 4. 1," ... . fc" - I f l"l I v nnn W1 R WW . w wa.l aw W
avtiair vi ma q.- i i a 'ursi aa " M1U ajr (IT ., a r4u4 Ua I Hat ly a n0
Btaaloa la bar!" . ff tn) fika aa km horn ar vhji ka r til ff.
-I1..U 1... I " fWill IM KI tIM lt h. ! II ! lillM. I. IkM.U. N Tta Ttr k.h.1 I. fS.t tkl. ..
ii war I luiiiitui
THERE la a dltrartd Rpubl.
eaa tarn at Chicago. So petit.
Iral party ha tn nader uch
a atraln alne tbe aptu of tba
IVmocrata la 1 SCO.
It la a far nor dangrou alt a a
tJoa thaa waa th attver Rapubll
can jnorDaat of 1IH. That wai
arcorapaaUd by a wor apllt In the
Pomocratle party, wblch bad tba
ralmr-Bockoer t Irk at La tb field In
and th maiebea a trlfl la momen
tary lo action tbao tb hlt pbo
pborua poiMooua product- Rut tb
orkra llv aad bealth, wer to b
aavod. aa tb datb toll atltl to
b paid Yea. If lb paaaag of tba
prohibitory till could b obtructd.
Tb aw law prohibit Import a
Th federal Intaraa) ravnu ar-
vlc of th traaaury la charged to
a to II obrvaoc.
Fl nt It la iin I a ik. i.l. .-4
ar a atrlklng eiampl of tba dtrDoubUa
aafc it forj4alt aa 4atuauia 44 yello
. . " - . -- - ' " .
aba ahoulrt k.ln .w. k.,11 . . K . t " ' .' . iau iai uaaoi4 poaaaaaioft. oa- in faanat. i cna. it
an anouia Da J p. aariaga an na I mtr rrttvlaAt 4 ihaLl ... M.i ...r. i....... .. ... ..
BOB, aad bar day'a work did BOt adj,r prati iraaia to ral aataia. . Ww, mky nuif leal randuion ehM.14 t rfuiata4 Br
laaving r lytng aar I ,h ira a4 opiniena f raw aelal
y eet4 Botk I u,a- BO Bir grai aaanly,
Ik lav h-araua will aa i thai k rommaa pop4a
.iail . w ... I Bill .At al.rv. I. H I h
brought br hard.y arBd forty I'J' U f ' leant rry ihay ar cwwlag ifcar rn. I T th Tory ail ml. lb renatltuli ut tb aocletya af.nt. aad L ,LTfii au,,m 1 u"'- ".' l.rV.?.
gatr. It to blm to b.lp aom onkoowa uka ni,tiiTtvr ITZ. r.a. 'uV "r., Vh..
reulate4. but pwbllo ntr I m1 ,l- Xian f rhafka ag baN
balulaly fraa. 'H. aoaui wnic is i onaa lata.
t ail f Ik iry, but I " I thai eyaiat which will
naaita. n' a,.. . I ehatk Ih daalra af IB oaool 4 laata
M..t.fl . i . I I ha Ik. 1. nr.. .f Maw I. Ih. ft.. .A. v
thai a dark all ha Ih dubla 4v, ,T , ZZ, -a ri iV u !.! ' . .:"" I lha a.Wt V.aT Tk.u iimu A TiT: fT-d
" "PFai:. .V . .7 - T
ina rai
bobb. aad bar day'a work did not ad " preti r iraaia t rl aetata. . wii why oif
bfor tn o'clock. Rut for forty r'r a4 iac4rieny aa4 , ,aPui iayinc
day. ,b. workM f'romVa LrtlS .rrktnr .S t
BAth Bight ta her lowly room. Sba aki val. but I all aaa whav i h.l T la mITm vi baa A
a it iu aim io nip a" ma uaaoowq mun oa a I a I oaealarll By lb . Iirana .
TARIKrs filed by tba raUroada prlaoner faring a bard world, with raina ib n(ai of .iii aUditaTi r
.lor ib rrnt report ef th tba prlaon bblad blm and do aura Jht.-V.' 111? Uoo, U kH
lnt.r.t romm.rrw commla. .bMd. , 'wroVrf. ZlZu, l.u th ..
alon la th Wool Rat Caaa gh aleo -did what ah ooold." t .ui.. u tnu.t a rcoam4 ..V-VLT
mi ratfAMifi at n ar ti
-wva waaw . . . w w a a. -
and eiportatloa of polaonoua ,D,,wo " ,n r""oa io prvni marked tba apldodld gift of the aal- .,7-L,. uir;. ,hZ.,Z m ia aama nt yar ir aa (kit r ,,rM!".."t"' na"
ua match. It ta a pro-1 r T POlbl mana th tie of Urn mpra. aad aleo th lowly if aruwie ..! w
. . tak-.e. A 'W.I I . ... " I . m a . I ww nw BBTBV gf UgT W no Vl m Mir Drtld Will I " "w -w 1 v iwtw wa
? in i roil rrno iai on lhIr "(r rl,OM nr pur widow Nfid nf ovr nr nUhtl to n ioa journal iuiimu ,1 n irairrb V.ti J. IrHmarW bMiuu u-r ih.
I . .. - w - w iaa. aaa a a . . ... ." W MBT BVJki ILAJ B ' " w-- -
Ufartnr wllhln tha I' poaa 10 bandlf ap tba liao Of water IB I In lha aarrat In Ik. r.tll.h " '" ina rarieia - ina lw . Itn Ih ealecl raw noia4 lha ea
la BOt the
every poibie way. it la alao ll-1 town. By each
lummatmg in diacioaing a niea par-th richer?
poaa to maintain high rata both la
and out of coaat polnta wher com
modltlea ran move by watr and
world I th ayataw aaaaeaiog pro part and
rooavquanc r4Juiiaiii of ala valuaa.
at. avan wr Ih aad value In
ereej wa wuld b
Id aya.
for th paopl vot for. Th popl
BHafal .1 . Ik. a. a.a.
Oraga tliy. Or. June II -T. lha 7.11 1... ..r" . A" . '"T,."",r
Editor ef Tha J...L-wiii yu hl.dly ' ,, YmZ ' r.u.. .k.
Oawego Lake Owaerahlp.
apeelally to th boakprra of th!(hu' 10 fr M poaalbl. limit tb
Colled Elate, to har th white phoe-
phorua match from their home.
Will they not do It?
. rrrrt
AIM dectidd on th featlval
ui of water tranaportatlon to tb
narrowt rompaaa. It alao ahowa
how thia policy handicap the coaat
The commiaalon'a report directed
raduello f tk Ui r
laJinlDlatrartva gymnaat
atai ewna Ih land around II.)
Nrwf Foreci.t of tte
HE etnerHoi rkaacellor of New I familiar to tb publio
York nnlvarallv. Ur llanr M. I lima.
Mccracken, atarted In Jan.. rSJr? -T..V tOTSHt
jfiu. tor ui iar bbi io apena laramant na4a ay partleuUr eommodlty
a year In atudylng educational workl" coperty, it bait cur la to o into
In Japan. Korea. China, th Philip-1 Lh.. JT.V. M L!.h!.p?l'"'"!
that wool In carload a of 11.000 Pw d India. I holder wUI not enpoa a riaht of way
poanda minimum ahonld h rlaaal. I H had never part Icularlr atadled I or other publio lmprTmnt If tha dam-
but did not detroy It. Thelflod fourth claa. Formerly It waa rk of foreign mlaalona. bad 9,ZLX. wut??"
ahowra may bar marred oc claaaifled aond claaa. In fill.. Wrtr arrd en a mlaalonary board. :a"1LP-7h7J0?: lh P" rt,Mrf" tfi.!'." r1.1
. ..... . . I . ,. , . . I ".. . W MWI I
..iuu.i imurn, om iny aia tnoir unria to raiiroada maced iot 7 awiety organnea to cari wiuiam liu
imHaii.I hlnrl.t tk. . 1 i . . . . .... I tttm nlul... r.t.. vi. I 111 Eat Stark atraet.
.... . i " . r-w..wHw.. uv m r-wm. . w c m i ...a ruiu n n in a ri 11 n n r i .. n . i vuav. uia I in a ui. wmmr in.
iiiatory long ago wrote .... t. .... .. . . ...... ..
that It waa tha gold Democrat that r,..A- .... . . I .a- r".r- .r .r"r"' " w" iroraP'"'
aarwd RpnbllcanUm from defeat ! .. " "l-"uw'ul- p?,n" . P,,c una" ,n,l , . iw Portland, June ll.-T tha Editor of
1111 .. i t - ...w .i.i -i""u. tuiru 1 1 a riling which oocvfunij uv.uare -. iuu.iui ip journal eorne um ifu a oar-
' I rt .......... a ... . , ' ... l...v. ..... ....... .. ... I . - . . . . .
it uiaaaru an lorinrr OUipQUnnuimilM B DlgtVer rate On WOOl If It Ial"" wnoi llia Ot auCBIIOn. rupmotiii si ina urtimiu miniN
orru4 by Inform m. whethar th lake at Oewe dogwa. ibi dinbarat" lu da maot"f
Ilea that ha been I-RNtaT FUCICT. a "tha aualv naaalona f ih.'mnk"
from th ru..t IH ar.v.i, ppariy .. ,h. Ldd M r!i X.o7lh. W", not
Ir r..-.. i .. .... . . . ..I " uc"1 irom manuiaciure.
vim na uiairacuoa "'I afar.
iea. ,u ia more barrtonlOTia tlianl Tk.-. ...T . .v.. .w. :
It haa k. .1... tk. j " Dum
Turyzr.'. .v"'?: 80."- The po..ibie mmi-
kV: .. .. .. ."'"nn-. mum Pled by beat obaerver at
"J"" rwrn in is.OOO Prohahl tha ). fi-..-.
ennrraaa It ka. tl..t . u ....I. ' "
Waahlnilon. p. IX. June U. The ooa
ventloo t nam a Republican candidate
ad Sialaa will
th week. Tb
fathering la Chicago nde up of rapre
aenutlvae from vry etat. aa well aa
lha territorial and Inaular poaaaaalona
will b called lo order Tueaday noon by
Harry a. New chairman of th national
commit tea. In aaaumlng th gaval dur
Ing tha temporary period of tbe eonven-
Senator Root will malt
In other worda. th 'duration, whether In eaatern Aala nr. iht k..Bi. .t th. Mmi m .
weairn raanuraciurer or wooiene ra "r mui. in r-ni yor com fh'.Vtuff palgn and to proclaim tha prlaelplea and
dlaciimlnated agalnat. and a direct 'rom th mlaalonary and especially fginc n- Um. on any atraet. yon can I achlevamenta of th Republican party,
advantage given eaatern manufae- American and Engllan mlaalon- n. during ita many yera ef aziatenre.
turnra over rhotu on thia meat anllary. I . ahn,.... Anm,t I When bla apeeh haa haen conclude!
all becauae the Pacific coaat manu- Dealing with the Philippine Dr. Wnr. evary day la rubber day in goon j senator Hoot win announce th impart. pudiicj ua gment
re.r.,Th. DemocraUc party li'1. lh.'L "Jr ll'VL"" !!? ISSL '. '"f .. k " Ru"
that lha people will gain political con
roi iiaeir. but that throuah
control they will reaulata the aeonoin
lo and Induetrlal affaire ef tha nation.
ao that lha ael act few will bo longer be
In poaltion to pray upon th many.
TDia power I pray upon th manv la
wnai i aacrlbd a epeclal privilege.
It la what baa cauaad Ih aoctal and
Indualrui anraal. Th newepapera and
tha political leader who bav voir!
mat unreal have been but mere loatru
mania of eipreaalon.
"Bui th paopl have no rl grlv
".- aay lha Tortra. "Th people ar
aaiaoao. ma oemagofuea and lha yl
low Journala daclv them for their own
baa purpoae.
Wa aak what baaa purpoae waa eerved
In th publication of lha following:
"We live In an ate In which the vaet
enUrprleee eaaentlal to tba prograaa of
tha world require the aaaoclatlon of man
of large meaaa under corporate man
agement. Out of thia neceaalty have
grown aarloua wrong a and conaequrnt
"Organised capital atand Indicted at
for tha grav-
ct oViivlnr ht ha. k! 1 . " nMrr th tPoth- -""ted on or near the McCr.cken My. that tbe American ,a r,WBa lown- T1, lnC,U1,nr ,h,t " fr" 'nToT.
rtLmdoiL biAPV,V " " rmy of P'8 to'eeaboard. Moreover, the wool grow- peopl. wer. taken not by any Whan dark d di.m.iu the afcy ..d -dlb. v.nUon will .djoum m.n .rCcVS: th" ,n1M-
rJtoet It into i'fae. mVl Wh,e Wk ,n a r,t " 'oruou. to water, and tbl. careful plau to get territory or Th. t$S& n'Jin''o'.iand. atrong. VKJT h:,.'nr.'Pnfmlv"r!i,pr,c'Von
-pSJdSrsirttS; cT;Vhiarm0.m.trrt"nnbn,v!mr' j w- rumppi.. mui . w:. w.TmbS,c:nd,nprrbof
bad In mri flty ,hat 'onie t!nato at $2,000.- and much of Idaho, are alao to be oiuet not be left to the oppression croaa wet etreeta ihay go? convention, aoma of the lea dare predict- ,h PP..
1 J Vara. AAA . . tk.t m.b. V. . m - 1. aj.A. I . i a a .... . . Ca.l. tl .n.n.k . Ki.. In .1 V . th. ... ..... - ... ... . . . . aa. D....... . . ...... . . .
;jraaiizcu oecauae 01 meir location oyaiu.
000 and that may have been $4,000..
Dtaplay enough or hnaa to give
ma tutf ing mat wee or 10 dir. win h. ...
- uva.aua u i lupir locaiion I v m. i . t ---- x. " . - . .... ..... v u. .v u.. win d nvca- i M ' auu..w, .uvn ui
It idd, ia B.krir, -'"lo. 000. It meana that men wer ber and their ability to ue water If they The mind of the people of the " ZZr,? , . 1 th.worJ ,0 com incr.a ro?i,'.n ..m.atrUU ,n 10
d!.tctV.K l.?.1' r", ,r0m ttbn,ted rirtnh10,, o,o 3VbK '
to R en M Iran lam tk. .tT.v l.akea to tha rulf. Portland to eastern polnta. those people that they ahall become One more tha rubber han around the and of all dellberatlona and the tr,ds trough which relief might be -
n,J.,.r7ki I . T" 'O' the crowd shows the The railroads asked th commla- n Industrious, peaceful, and proa- , . from early morn to night. departure of the convention r.praatn- pected under normal conditions.
Roosevelt and bla frlendg hare mad drawing- nower of th foatlvai with . . F I!. . commie- tim. And you cn .'"J" ngrgat In utivea for their homee, '' Suborning leglaiation. and thja
upon a Republican admlnlstrat'on th. rfi?'t , '?Unl' to modify Ita report ao aa to al- Perous community. To this end. be- rnoat """Vih' .took , . Wn,, RP"bllr.n batti. I. waging bllng h ppi. of th first orderly
It widens th Impassable rulf ll .v?! .1' ? f?,cJr- ,low a third claaa rating on west- fore ar flt for v"n- ben IM h w . cnb-w atock or a Chicago th. Democrat, will be march" the w.ak agalnat the a. tron,
tween tb nJLTvA fk JT pr00f tbBt the t,m' tn pUce "d "nd movement, their reason being ment- a ,are niajorlty of the adult p 'n,rtw"t- in their force, toward- Baltimore. nJh''? 'r "'"' humanity, if
wTH. i ik n 1 1 th T,ft the occaeion have an alluring lnflu- that a fourth "lain ratin hari n! population shall be educated and be I rP-t. why set apart a apecUl wher. the party. pr.ldentl.i nominal- .h"han nothr. it
wings of th Republican party. It enp It la final , tk.e ... ""n ciass rating had the ' " " u rubber day. Ing convention will be called to order m"Bt b" ,be robbery of the poor an I
heighteBa the realitatlon that rnm D i 1 ,7 o011"""0" t"a effect of reducing the rates from ab,e 'ead' and WT,te- Even he "ca ever on ur clty a atre.ta the Ju.t one week after th. gav.i f.n, ,t defensele... Otherwl.. hi. lov. fall.
" ' , , " Jv.iTi. i .i? J . I Portland ahould never abandon the more distant points owina to water fore the '"lends were pacified Amer- , . ,pVbhr hU" ,h wy; . Chicago. Tha Democratic national com- w1'n " mo,t ndel and might find
fS"i.Vw"15 lT,i" 1 th f D,an' DUt hou'd nurtura cheme. SflUon ' a"d a ca 'r a thousand of JuBt T. terShrcan1"' K,Un,, - -.--ion the ''-" opportunity. There la no be-
the partf.' but' Itg almost fiTeCon- .rt t tk. vi i . compeuuon. . r,u. T. th.- th. Mrk.. k..nweek looking after the orallminaMe. of tray' nior haa. than that which
""lU' .u u U r(CJ T war I Th. enm m An .. . . I uri PCI. LiaLUfl . 1U1 .r UI 1 UIIlHf3 I " - " - n- - a. - - . . . . "-Itn. ... . . .. .
Alt. VI. . , . . I
.1.7. . u . w . . " coraP"mise accentuate the week
wcu aign impossioie. It la this
The commission very properly re
fused to grant this reauest. Th
ft .k... k. m.. i . . I ..." " - --h- iiiv
knowledge that worries party chief LiVkt 7" .7 7 ract that there Is water competition
over th. .m;;.Mrn" P.. vf.h,!f. r,ht '? Protest against abandon- at Portland should certainly In no.
Yet. It Ta by no means a 232 K k.r. 2S. Z" .0f..!."t,VaI I f t aalt the wool grow-
situation. The Democrats n.r. W.. LJ:! """v. " """C"!B? "-le" or tn wool users, nor ahould
. ar rf UIVUIUI BKO.
natif annn.i.i .. a . I
-an luuitmicT o inn rnvpmmnr
vo w. titu vtwvi unTJiOt iiur BUUU1U
It demonstrates the use of this perfectly natural and
Dr. McCracken tells of hts great
astonishment and delight at the en-J
thuslasm of the best Americans there
to educate the young Filipinos to
utilize their forests, to open their i
mines, their wide fishing grounds
when he fill, ud hi. van.
J. T. D.
Taxation in Houston.
Portland. Or., Jun. H. To the Editor
of Th. Journal A personal letter from
Houaton, Texaa. reveal. queer atate
of affair. In that "Boeton of Texaa."
Laat year J. J. Paatorlza. an avowed
tk.t la. tk. 1 T ,, . .... I . " " -"
fnr n.Hyt e k... i-uiuauu oaa i obvious advantage be normlitorl aa
. .w. 1 . olT P'ndld acUvlty and that it ahould a inatlflcatlon for rh.U, M.k.. nd their plantations, to minimise .ingle tar. waa put In charge of the , . . Jt . a VT ...... 11. w.
" mi2frf;inlb9 lZ C!eTr:,and - aaac It on a permanent basis and
t " if . .V the.on,y Democrat- fling the flag of the annual festival
n-k T V 8 Hucnanan. to the breete to float forever.
auiiucicu Lfemocranc party on
I860 had Bufflclently reorganised In f
176 to elect, though it did not seat.
Tilden. It has been a militant nur I
not a triumphant, party ever alnr
It failed of success at times when Its
ante-election prospects were not less
roseate than now. This estimate X
of course, based on a belief that, in
spite of present appearances, theia
will be but one Republican ticket In
me field next November.
HE Carnegie Foundation pub
lished, In 1910. a report by Dr.
Abraham Flexner of Inquiry
made by him, at the behest of
the Foundation Into the, state of
medical , education In the United
States and in Canada. - In 1910 and
1911 th same Dr. Flexner made a
parallel inquiry into the way in
vol.. tk.. . I disease, to lOreteU eartnauaKC3 and aa.ea.meni oeimnmcm. jaiuriiy hi
...aou i win puiuio. w o nave i . . . .. . i . . ... . . ... ... ,
. . . .... . tmMUltli Uaanvkl . lavit.rl Am.aIKOl ouay. no mioiiiij ".mko im-
woo, raanuiaciunng inaustriea n:'"rr'"-":r" V7r, provemont. at 26 per cent of their value,
this state, and if wool Is ntltlori to ,can women hold up higher ideals N kIeklnir ,t. Peooi like it. Feel.
a fourth claaa rating eastbound'and I before 'P100 a"lrls- good. He haa to aa.e.a lmprov.m.nt.
this is a nroner classification it ta I But nl7 ix per cent of the yonng at .omething, but w.n. what could
mis ib a proper Ciassiricatlon. It Is :.r..wi re .vi. v! you expect from .Ingle taxer? The
equauy applicable on a westbound .vUVWI. OT pe0pi of Houaton are like Oliver Twi.t.
movement. doubled, as In Japan, it will require Uhat creation of Charlea Dlckene. and
The attention of the commission "'"y-seven and one half years to are caching out for more. Land come.
has been called over and r,vr tn eacn aeventy-five per cent to read In - valuation of 70 per cent and la
hab own cauea over ana over again . ' . ' ... , estimated on a ay.tem that glvea true
to tne disadvantages under which the w w"nr y.iue..
coast manufactnror lahnw tmm . I that the interests Of the people Bug-1 Personal property In po.aea.lon of the
rate standpoint, and the extremely "at the American achool teach-j holder . "ou.ehoid ,f-H
narrow trrttrtri.i iimii k. ..... er Is there to stay .PI. tC.L J,".1',.?1'0! uf:!nrLu t?If!
v.iaj i niro i - . ... t . . I ignorei enureiy. iini hub wio ukui
week the advance guard of delegate. Ju 4nmtra. unle.. it b that form of
and vl.ltor. will arrlv. In Baltimore. ,r0n which o pervert th purpoa
Maine will hold her flrat .tat wld popular government
pnm.rie Monday for th .election of " agam.i me people
candidate, for fnlted St.te. aenatora. T", lru"' "d support It. Tbl. I. not
repre.ent.tlve. in rongre.a. governor
ana other atate orricera. Chief Internet
center. In the conte.t. for the Reoubll.
can nomination, for governor and United
stare, senator, on th. Democratic .ld
there I. no opposition to the renomlna.
tlon of Governor Plalatad and Senator
Vermont Democrat, will meet In con
vention in Montpeller Tuesday to nam lor state office, and dole.
paying mat ail corporations deal
treacherously with the peODle. Theia
are honorable exceptions. But enough
l. known of the heartleaa greerf ih.t
fatten, off of the hunger driven mil
lion, to warrant the strongest nrot.,-t-
Ive association, on th part of tha neo-
Who wn the dema.oru who nut
forth thia stirring appeal? In what yel
low publication did It find a medium to
narrow territorial
now permit them to sell in as
Minto, the ex-viceroy of j DOt too.
This aingle tax aaaeesor went ao far
; .1-. x. . . ir . . . - v "i.nin.r vnn. t ..t..n I inaja. jam mat tne mission colleges
aBinucnu wno uook upon the wnicn young doctors are trained and r?r. - cilri th. mm.. f, u to xempt money, stock, note and
coming contest as
a Democratic
walkover do not realize the size of
. tne Kepubllcan majorities that must
be overcome. In four successive
elections the Republicans have polled
; more than seven million votes. The
offbeat vote ever cast for the Demo
crats was 6,409,104 for Mr. Bryan
In 1896.
. Mr. Tart's plurality over Mr. Bry
an in was 1.269.804. There
v must De a change of more than 600 -
uuu votes for yie verdict of 1908 to
ue reversea in 1812.
' In 1904 Roosevelt's popular plu-
raiuy., was more-than two million
due to the stupidity of the Democrat
1c convention in attempting to carry
the election with other than a pro
gressive candidate. In 1900 McKin
ley's popular plurality was 849.790
and in 1896 it was 601,854. These
are appalling balances against the
Democracy, and their significance is
r heightened " When It . li 'reniemhirt
that though Mr. Taffs plurality was
smaller than Roosevelt's, he polled
a. larger vote than was thrown for
air. Kooseveit In 1904.
In the great Democratic landslide
.yi 4z. Cleveland had a popular
Plurality f -Dnly 98.017 . from the
, previous i election to. overcome.
Against it Is the ominous fact that
the nominee at Baltimore will have
B ivepu oncan plurality of 1.269,804
uvui vno previous election to over
qualified today In Germany, Great
Now this later
Britain and France.
report is published
Dr. Pritchett, president of the
Foundation, prefaces an Introduction
to the report . There seem to be
nearly aa many-sects, and as many
is inis aisaavantage to be further v v " VV I no howl about it. Fact la, that like
accentuated by the maintenance ofjed their positions as an occupation, j our Oregon millionaires very little taxes
higher rates on raw material, in t ho 1 the teachers In the mission schools as were paid on auch possessions, and what
iiiguer rate on raw materials to tPCI A. 4.... . . I wa. h.n- ta ha shifted to tha borrower
Pacific coast? from the Interior than a yooauon. ut, iwcracKen xouna
, Is charged from the interior to east- tms "ame 8p,m In tne Amecan
era points? teachers in the Philippines.
t. a ..' I Vot acenrtf Tioa in tha T'htalottoa.
entrances to and qualificationa for " "Ttk e7 one Sun " New York these same teach-
nractice on this aid of th , Ibr th,s "me that the railroads are run' -w.r ine8Vme. te.
there are in th determined to minimize the benefits er" ar n?V n ' P"nio tea rrom
waa had to be ahlfted to the borrower
by the professional loanera.
He had to asae.s .tocka of good, at
SO per cent because gome "Equal Taxa
tion League" bunch had at some time
aecured stringent laws mer-
...... ... . . . . v.., nu uir- I .v.. . ....
vat., tn tk. n.ti.n.i .... n. I tne popular mind T
Urner.: "",u""' Lt ua tell our Tory friend.. Tl.o
Yale. Harvard and a host of othar p""a"a .wnlcn T nv. Quoted la an
colleges and unlveraltle.. both big and - ,i h the quadrennial address
uiii win noia their commencement .!.: . vl. jHClni,.
erclae. during the week. Pre.ldent T.ft Ql'J '?fLc.lL ..
naa accepted an Invltat on to attanri h. 'i'""". ma raetnoout
graduation exercises and centennial ml- fn. r" be?.n Peculiarly a church of
ebratlon of Hamilton college, at run. Ll" .mB"c"- . NO 0,nr church haa en-
ton N. Y. terea more deeply Into th. life of the
Important convention, of th. .w American people. No other church
will Include the annual meeting of the ,aZ.0t I nT?,0f th av
N.tinn.i a i ....T. erage family more Intimately.
naauviauuil v. V.It'fllL M fin. I ... ...
at nnatnii! tha v.iu..i . I aniire Doara or venerable blahorja
Real EaUt ExctianVea. at "n b ndlctd demagogues. They
and the nationar Ar.r... .e . .uBmanaea as aen.atlonal-
ic. rommi.ion.r. a...... . " ,8t" not ven Y th. united clamor of
Also of Interest will be the A.cot ""."J ?.ri)." ,n .Vne pa?. 5 Tory'"n.
racea and the opening of the Intern. -uiri in can ror social and
tlonal horaa .how Vn LaLn5L"teIla- rcono.mlc th Methodlat church
naa aone ror the American peopl. one
Yale-Harvard boat 'racea at
Europe there is but one doorway
through which all must pass who de
sire to be dealt with as recognized
physicians and surgeons, entitled to
the designation, authorized to give
evidence as( experts in law courts,
entitled to collect fees by law. All
have passed the same general exam
There is yet another grave differ
ence in the nature of the examina
tions demanded, prior to becomlng a
full fledged doctor of medicine. In
the United States that degree is con-
rerrea in
them some of the most populous and
cultivated in the union, by medical
sciiools whose students have learned
I that flow from the natural advan
tages of the coast cities, and that we
will have to be constantly , on our
guard to see that our manufacturing
and Industrial interests are treated
fairly. , .,
T-VERY one knows, or knew, what
H Phossy Jaw" ia the terrible
JL ana oeaaiy disease developed
In th Jaw of the worker in
American match factories where a
higher profit from using white phoa
phorua wag preferred to the slightly
more coatly innocuous materials. . -The
campaign ; gainst ; It was
pressed by the American Association
for Labor Legislation but first Jail
or, for several years, and then ob
txoctlon, seated v. In th United
.-V :- : ' : " "'' -'
EALIXG with the amazinK
growth of societies and asso
ciations for every branch pf
social, service a well known
English clergyman said, a week or
two ae . "We ar Innistlne- tnn mn.h
many states, and among, on the corporate side of life In all
things, and too little on the Individ
ual. There is too much reliance on
reforms hv tha fnrmnttnn nf .oi..f..
VHt0m? aYT C!.?? "Wize" and 1 for this .and that object, and too lit-
nflVO aflllfO1 mOr.l.(nA w4. . al. .. ' . . . . v
yZaI ,k 7 .' 7 3 inBllen individual work and the help
bedside of the patient, and by the of the individual, on which haai.
teaching the Bible itf their schools,
but they are not even allowed to con
duct a Bible class In their homes,, or
In the Sunday schools, lest some pub-
... 1. a .Liu . 1 a j a. . .
iiu Bciiuoi cunuren anouia do present; rrJie Cathedrai of at. Peter's In Rome
ana receive instruction rrom the is, in many respect., the most remark
open Bible. So the most potent abieof nil structures in the worldit
source of influence Ib denied these " ua" uc?.,n ,c.omp""onw'.1",
nonai norae enow m England, the. n
.p.. I .lun.a 1. XT T-. ' . . I
Vale-Sarvar bait ?' th .W". "Tv,c?" "?
don. and tha hearing in the Thaw case th. VnI tk.i Vk.. urcn up wlt1'
at White Plalne, N. Y. aM A,nat a f.1ht'n- the people a
. "a. an. a . t . it ll v ni mRKn.n
money the bishops have dona tha chnmh
a service no leea than that which It haa
uvns mr me people.
Cathedral of St. Peter'.
teachers, who are compelled to com- christian Roma, and la built on or near
plete silence on topics found most the place where stood the temple of
fruitful by the American teachers Ju,lter Vaticahus. so called 'because it
I.. v, u.., . was the place where the "vatcg." or
in the mission schools of the far - augur ,gde their ausurlea fronV tbe
east, In Inculcating good citizenship victims sacrificed, and from' which Is
as well as good morals in their derived the name Dorno oy me papaj
- (palace of the Vatican,
teaching of accomplished physicians.
out by and from text books only.
In no foreign country, says Dr.
Pritchett. quoting from Dr. Flexner,
Is a medical school to be found
whose students do not learn anata
my in the. dissecting room, and dis
ease by the study of sick people.
The. verdict Is that the German
graduate is tbe best equipped of any
alone social reconstruction can pro
Whieh Is well said. Yet where
can a beneficence be found that bet
ter reaches all nations, all' classes,
all colors, all grades of men, atfd
ministers to more wide-spread needs
of man than in the declaration of the
Empress of Japan, accompanying her
gut or ?so,ooo to the encouragement
Letters From the People
The first structure on this alte was
an oratory erected in 90 A. D. to indi
cate the place where St Peter was
burled. Constantino the Great erected
a basilica en the spot. The present
. . . . . a T..1I... TT
. .. 1.1 .- ... ... .... inruciure wa. cDiiirarqceu ur i unu.
should '11 written on onlone '.Id? b"t 1503. under the direction of Bra
th paper and be accomnaniad b th. mantl. but the preaent. form of the
writer's name. The name will not be basilica 1 due more to Michael Angelo
published. . but I. desired aa an Inril. Ithhn to .nv other of tha manv architect.
...Ia. . . ...... . ., I rf . - r-- . '
I employed on it. : - . ; -
.. . . - r . The plawt on , which It 'stands., with
Assessed and Alarket Values. Uia ciUstera-of exquisite columns and
rorunna, ur., jun 10. -TO the Editor lit. tniBhin rountains. IB ao irssn. so
or The Journal Referring to dock sites, j broad, ao free and beautirui tnai notn
in a recent ln. Th. Jnnni.i .i..i.n I fnr could exagcerate It.
ten. th. r.nj... .v.. . The veBtltiule of St. P.ter's Is entered
attributed to two main causes First,
Kea cross in time of peace? , "Con'
vincea, - wrote th empress, "that
that.lhe.bigh school and un veralrv 1T1..1 H7. Z?'
atnrl.nt 1. tk- v.... -.u.v auu wu,,gleriea uere
a.Uv .gg, aiiUl UUUllI V t arn llnnAn
there chemistry, physlti, and biol
ogy, and enters his purely profes-
aionai stuaieg witn an equipment of
more general knowledge on which to
build. -','"-7 ' . - - .--
Second, because the., olinlc.i tn.
lea of the medical student' are more
thorough and more practical than on
exists no boundary between states.
ana mat ir tn Red Cross societies
of various nations help each other In
the work frelief In Um of peace,
the nations .wlU naturally come
Into, more and -more' friendly rela
tions. with one another, Bnd
fhat in theaat the international
conference of th Jed Croaa haa r-
that the tax value and the market trice
shall be the aom for property taken
ror public purposes. 'V
The right of eminent , domain a kx
ercised by the city ia undisputed aa a
privilege of government. But to demand
that a property owner, shall rellnduish
hia holding .at less than, the-market!
value amounts to nothing leaa than conj
use ancn: or property. t3uch an act would
be stretching : the doctrine of cmln.nt
domain to th border of modern Social-
rain. - . .. - r
What th owner can get for hi. -I.n4
in in marxei aoeuia Be th prlo pld
by th ciy for th land it need..
No hardship ahould be wrourht tirw,n
the land owner simply bees use the city
need the rand of which, he I posaeaaed.
And thia market price ahould b. A.t...
nilnad XT. tb roUUv alu ia iba mar.
by five doors and occupies the whole
width of th church, 4s xeec long,
feet high and 60 feet , wide. ' The poet
haa fittingly deacrlbed tbe Impression
on entering: , ' . ' )
"Enter? " Ita grandeur overwhelma thee
not; - -v
And why? It 1 not lessened; but thy
Ha. grown colossal, and can only
. una , - iv ' ...
' A fit abode wherein' appear enshrined
Thy hopn of Immortality; and thou
clualt one aay, ir rouna wormy, so
defined. ' ''
fie th- God face to face, as thou doat
HI Holy of Sell. -nor Blasted -
-- by M .brow. ',t
In the Interior., to be found SmOng
Its attractions Is tha, nave, beautifully,
onuuneaud, ; with. ,4t maaaiv . plra, i
arches and fine pavement composed f
.uaiuiea; ua oome, which commands the
oumirnuun or an strangera; the baldl
chmo or canopy, covering th high altar
composed of bronae from the designs of
Bernini;, the tribune, the gilding of cost aiiiB.uoo, decorated from the
ueBign. or xaicnaei Angelo, rich in or
naments, at the bottom of which 1 the
un-iise cnair oi at. jtreter,' - J "
The interior of St. Peter'a. I. in
In length, the height of tha nn v.
feot; . the - length of the tranaepta - is
446H. The interior diameter of the
dome is 139 feet, the exterior 196
feet; the height from the pavement to
the base vf the lantern la 406 feet, and
to the top of the cross, 448 feet
The church Is . beautifully adorned
wiin monuments. - xne aanenf nf th-
dome Is always worth while' to the
visitor, for It gives the opportunity to
obtain an Idea of the Immena. i. nf
a r .... .
"; wuen, as may view, persons
FODBiug uiuiik ine pavement they can
acarcely realise them to be human be
Inga, ao diminutive are they in appear-
iico. - i us cross ia i reet in height
and the Immense ball, which ia an in
teresting feature composed of copper
plntee, la eight feet Jn 1 diameter and
capable of accommodating 18 persona.
The foundation stone of th.
structure wa laid on April 18, J60,
and the present St Peter's waa run.
aecrated on the 1300th anniversary of
tho day-on which St, Sylvester ia aald
to have consecrated the original edlfin.
By th end of the Seventeenth centnrv
maji w w ina uuiiuiiik naa arriuuntea
io upwara or and tha nru.
ent expense of Its maintenance la about
VaiT.auu per annum.
The results of the Vicissitudes throuah
which it ha passed makea 8t Peter'.
the largest and . th most lmpotn if
not tbe moat beautiful church in the
world, having an are of about lionn
square yards, while that of tha cathe
oral at Milun 1 11.790; Et Paul's In
Londoc, 340; St, Sophia at Constant!.
nople. 8160, and Cologne .Cathedral, '.taa
auar yards, .' ,'v . -,. . (
Tanglefoot By mVt
. '-- CHARITY. ,
I gave a dime to a beggar man 1
Who atood in the chilling rain,
And myheat spread out like. folding
Till it gave my friends a pain.
And I spread the newa how I'd helDed
a guy .
-With a piece of hard earned price.
Till people dodged, aa I passed m jy
-For fear I would tell them twice.
A tiny lad in my neighbor'a yard.
Cried Ion for a stick nf imm
I gripped package and held it 'hard
And to hi. aDDeal waa dnmh
A homeless dog nearly trlppea me up
Aa I ambled home that night;
With vlcloua anarl I kicked that mm
And he howled aa he fled in fright.
A babe downatairs lay deathly ill.
rvia. wameu wim noiseless tread
But I atornped the floor at my grouchy
In my noisy flat o'erheadU
My laundress came when the wash waa
.; . oue, -
. ? r?rd and fumed and Jeered
At the price ahe asked, which I cut In
- two, -
And I laughed when tb
peered. .
.tear ap-
Yes. I save a dime to a beggar bold,
And I spread the newa arourfd;
For my heart la a soft as molten gold.
No tenderer may be found.
FoX,5harlty b8Kl"8 with me
Wherever charity Is;
Yes, I gave a dim ao that all might
xThe price of a cold gin flat.
Poi nteci Pararaplis
A Jealou woman enables his Satanlo
majeaty to take a vacation bow and
then. -. - ' , ' .
. -e e - -
, A1J "men ar born free and equal, and . '
eich has everything- his own wayAmui
ha is aiyear or two old. - - . ,
' ' . .
Every time a gift aeea' handaom ,
young mart aha wondera whoa aweet. j
heart ba.1, : ' -.p-". ( ,f'.