The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Housefurnishings Radically Reduced -
500 pairs of wool and cotton blankets, in white, gray or tan,
with pretty fancy borders. Blankets that are light and comfort
$1.50 Cotton Blankets, Removal 98c
$3.50 Wool Blankets, Removal $2.98
$4.00 Gray Wool Blankets, Removal $2.68
Blankets suitable for outdoor sleeping or camping. Of gray
wool. Weight 4 pounds, size bUxU.
Lace Curtains HALF PRICE
uur entire stock oi wnite lace curtains at nait price. A re
markable reduction made possible only by this removal sale.
Realizing fully the necessity of disposing of this stock IMME
DIATELY, we make this phenomenal reduction.
Nottingham, cable net, cluny,t Renaissance, Battenberg, Swiss
and scrim in an immense assortment.
$ 1.50 Lace
2.00 Lace
2.50 Lace
3.50 Lace
4.00 Lace
5.00 Lace
6.00 Lace
7.50 Lace
10.00 Lace
pair 73c
pair 99c
pair $1.23
pair 1.73
Cool Summer Waists
Exactly as Illustrated
Removal $1.95
A Stupendous Sale of
Coats, Suits and Dresses
' That Have "Everything" a Woman Asks for in Her Best
Made to Sell From $27.50 to $45.00
Removal $15.00 Each
In service that can be asked of any garment selling up to $45
can be reckoned on in this apparel at $15.
Every garment is new this season and represents the best tai- j
lonng, fit and finish.
The suits are of silk, serges and mixtures. Modeled on straight,
graceful lines, with regulation length jackets, lined with soft
silks. Some are trimmed and others are perfectly plain tailored.
In colors that are in greatest favor.
Long coats of heavy quality pongee, white serge and whip
cord. These coats are built on attractive lines, with fancy or plain
collars and cuffs. Trimmed with large buttons.
Dresses of fine serges, silks, messalines, crepe and aelonine, in
blues, black, brown, tan and combination colors. Many made
with high, waist lines, borne have yokes and collars of net and
laces, others with round collarless effects. Attractively trimmed.
You will do well to take advantage of this sale for if you
realize what it means to be able to secure a $45 garment at
$15 you will surely purchase at least one of these suits, coats
or dresses.
Waists made of a soft silk'raull,
which closely resembles the popu
lar wash silks; in fact, it would be
hard to detect the difference at a
glance. Plain white with white
and fancy colored narrow stripes
in light blue, black and lavender.
Made with Dutch neck, having
a square sailor collar and tie of
plain colored mull to match the
stripes, which plain color also ap
pears on the cuffs of the sleeves,
which, by the way, are elbow
length. They have plain backs
and a Gibson plait over the shoul
der in the front.
This is one of the prettiest,
daintiest waists we have shown in
quite a while.
A Great Sale of
$2.00 House Dresses
Removal $ 1 .48
M-E-N-'S W-E-A-R
At Unusual Saving Prices
Coat-Style Sweaters, Removal $2.95
Styles That Sell Regularly at $430, $5.00 to $6.50
These sweater coats will grip your Interest, for there Is not a
possibility of your not finding one whkh will not meet your
ideas. Coat sweaters made wun v necas, run nccKi ana lunie
necks. In gray, white, maroon and some other colors.
75c Muslin Night Shirts, Removal 39c
Nizht shirts for men and boys, made of excellent material.
Some are plain, others with dainty colored trimming. Made
with collars or V shape necks.
$ 1 .00 Flannel Night Shirts, Removal 63c
Men's outing flannel night shirts Just the thing for cool nights
in me mountains or seaiiae. au nuai urge ana rwroj ana wcu
finished. In pink or blue stripes.
Men's 50c Fine Half Hose, Removal 29c
Today we place on sale in our men's half hose department a
Vlli lltoruncm Wl men suiks, lwui mil mu sua uic ouius
full fashioned, other with seamless foot, with extra interwoven
heels and toes. In tan, gray, black, navy, clericals, purples and
most all other wanted colors.
Summer Vests, Removal 95c
Summer vests for summer wear, some all white and others with
neat stripes and figures. These vests are made by one of the
most famous clothing manufacturers in New York and are per
fect fitting and styles to the minute.
We have taken our entire stock regardless of former prices,
and you can take your pick at 85c each.
$2.00 Men's Gloves, Removal $1.15
In looking over our men's glove department we find about 10
dozen men s black automobile gauntlets. Some are marked $2.00
and other $2.50. These are all sizes and can be had now at
$1.15 the pair.
$1.50 Men's Mocha Gloves, Removal 95c
Brown mocha and tan cape gloves for men, with one clasp.
All this season's vintage. Gloves that wear well and always look
welL A glove for service.
Athletic Underwear, Removal, Garment, 39c
Men's athletic shirts and drawers, made of pure white cotton.
The shirts are sleeveless and the drawers knee length. These
garments are just the thing for hot weather wear.
Attractive Neckwear, Removal 35c
Ties That Sell Regularly at $1.25, $1.00 and 75c
We have selected some of our high priced neckwear, such as
four-in-hands and 6tring ties. Some very handsome color effects
and others in handsome plain colors. Ties that cannot fail t$
please the fastidious taste.
$1.00 and $1.75 Shirts. Removal 39c
Men's unlaundered shirts about 50 dozen in this lot. Made
of New York mills muslin and extra fine pure Irish linen bosoms.
A most desirable shirt that wears well and looks well.
The New Crepe Underwear
Specially Suitable for Traveling Purpous
Now Marked at Deep Removal Prices
$1.50 Combinations, Removal 98c
Combination suits of crepe, consisting of corset covers and'.
drawers, and corset cover and skirt, or corset cores-and doted
Made of the new crinkled crepe. The corset covers finished
with torchon lace, drawn with ribbon. The drawers or-skirts
also edged with the same lace. ;
$ 1 .35 Nightgowns, Removal 98c
Night-gowns of fine crinkled crepe in the slipover style, with';
round neck and kimono sleeves. The neck and sleeves are edged!
with torchon lace. For traveling or beach wear theso gowns are!
the roost practical garments. They need no ironing.
25c Bromo Seltzer.'. . . . ...... .13
50c Danderine .....i 27
50c Barry's Tricopherous...,t31 .
50c Herpicide .-: . ..... . ,;2T
50c Coke's Hair Tonic........ 27
$1.00 Angier's Emulsion . . . .'.'.66.
25c Glovine ...... ........7.19
$1.00 Sal.Vitae.....V ..69
50c Swamp lloot. 29
$1.00 Kodel Dyspepsia Cure.;66
10c Charcoal Tablets; ......... .S-.
$1.00 Bliss Native1 Herbs...... 59 i
50c Abbott's Saline Laxoative 27
10c package Borax.;. ;.......,.6 .
50c Murine ........ r...,.....29e
50c Hays' Hair Health. 29
10c Gauze Bandages., S
25c Kendon's Catarrhal Jelly.. 12
25c Lino :SaJya-,..T18
25c Seidlitz Powder.......... 16
$1.00 Oregon Kidney Tea 49
25c Formaldehyde bolotion.. .16
10c Epsom Salts 5
20c "Boric Achd. ........ ......12
50c Syrup" Figs....... 26
10c Senna Leaves .............. B
10c Powdered Sulphur........ .5
50c Kidney Pills ........... ..26
25c Orangeine Headache Pcjwd. 6
10c Powdered Borax. .. .. , .7
25c Witch Hazel ; ..... ... ...... 16
One-piece house dresses, neatly
made, attractively designed in
pretty colorings, and at this price
. are two different styles.
One of light percale in fancy
striped and ring-dot designs or fig
ured effects, with round neck and
yoke in front, finished with pip
, ing, pleats ovju: the shoulders, set
in sleeves, trimmed at one side
with rever of plain colored percale
and buttons. . . The sleeves are
trimmed to match. - Plain skirt
with high waistline, panel back
and plain colored percale trim
ming. In blue,, black, lavender
and navy and white.-
The other styles come in -plain
tan, cadet, light blue and lavender
percale. Modeled in a very pretty
style, with round collar in back,
trimmed with side front fevers on
the waist and scalloped edge.
Turnback cuffs. The skirt is
plain, with high waist line.
All sizes, 34 to 44.
Wash Goods Remnants
Wash goods of the finest grades, in solid colors, printed effects
and woven materials ; voiles, batiste, poplins, silk mixtures, dim
ities, linens, crepe.
Materials in lengths ranging from 2 yards to 8 yards.
The prices range from 10c to $2.50 a yard.
Other Wash Goods, Removal 8c Yard
That Sell Regularly at 25c, 20c and 15c r
This lot of merchandise (not cut lengths) is all of this season's
desirable patterns and colorings. Plain and stripe voiles, printed
and dotted Swisses and bordered batiste.
35 c Wash Materials, Removal 1 5c
This lot includes satin stripe poplin, plain imported voile in
many colors, printed Irish and French dimities, printed imported
organdies in a large variety of choice patterns.-
60c, 50c and 75c Wash Fabrics, Removal'24c
This includes silk and cotton shantung, figured silk foulards,
printed Persian silk, printed nets, large assortment of patterns,
solid color, silk mixed materials, jacquard figures, satin stripe
marquisettes. - ,
, - . Final Reductions on
Drapery Yard Goods
12Vc Silkoline. . . . .'. ... . . . .8
25c swiss and scrim. ..... 161
40c cretonne and taffeta. .34c
reQc madras and scrim.... 39J
75c net and fancy scrim. ..47J
35c scrim and marquisette 23
50c net and madras. 33
45c window shades 1 ..... . 33d
18c curtain swiss. . .... .. .Hi
$1.50 colored madras. ; . . .8BI
75c vrep and tapestry...... 47
Ratine and Toweling Hats
Removal 98c
These hats are the hit of the
season just the kind of a hat
to wear with lingerie dresses or
linen suits. Just right for vaca
tion and traveling wear. .
Therer f rquter a scarcity of
these hats and' we were fortu
nate in anticipating this un
usual demand and are offering
at least 25 different styles.
-Prices range from 08c to $2.43.
House Cleaning in Hosiery ,
We Have Gone Through Every Box
None Will Be Moved to the New Store
Wonderful Bargains in Dependable Stockings
We've been through every box of hosiery in our store. We've
selected' line after line of best quality dependable stockings and .
placed them in different lots. These are offered to you at a great!
deal less than manufacturer's cost. We feel certain that all
women, judges of good hosiery, will appreciate these sensational '
bargains. They are all sold
25c, 35c, 50c Stockings
Removal 1 8c , '
Stockings of unbleached balbriggan black cotton and various
colors in fine lisle thread. , These sell removal at 18c, or 3 pairs
for 50c .j v
Regular 50c Stockings ! :
Removal 25c -Cotton
hose in black, plain,or split foot; lisle thread in black,
tan and plain light or dark colors. -
Black, white, tan, bronze or colors in silk lisle, with open work '
ankle. Some in extra size. , ; :
Also silk lisle in black, tan, white, bronze or colors, with ankle, ,
prettily embroidered.) ...
Regular 75c to $1.25 Stockings . . .
Removal 50c Pair ,
Lisle thread stockings in black, tan or white, with open work,
ankle. Silk lisle in white embroidered, plain or open work; Also -'
various colors in thread silk stockings. ;. . 7 , '"" 7'f
$125 to $3.00 Stockings
Removal $1.00 Pair
Silk plaited stockings in two-toned styles. ,
Black silk lisle open work, plain black lisle; white lisle silk
embroidered and extra fine qualities of colored silk.
Regular $2.50 to $3,50
Removal $2.00 Pair
Theatrical tightsof silt plaited in yellow, purple, green, sky
or lavender. " -:':.: r'.k: -: V- '; '
New Petticoats
of Messaline Silk
' ? H Selling Regularly at $3.75
See Our Corner Window Exhibition