TllC OKEGOti DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNK 18. Illl IAN REAP mmm . INSULTS BUT NO - UNDER HEAVY FIRE T IPS ON BELLHOPS Coll Chicsgo Species "Pace and Don't Know What It Means to Give, a Fellow a Little Extra Chance. Chicago Unionist Makes Charges Agalns Officer on Floor of Convention. HUMANE HOLDING UNUSUAL SESSIONS I ii It tmmot Wtt I flilre . JUI.. IfIt,, tU.btll el lee I'.nilMl MtL be4,utf era for tuMfc I'ft.ldeftl Tatf ttd CViafe.t ltd... u 1-otcl.. """ SI Iba m1- IllrUite Tw. Wa.lilttftm . !," ee K.HKK "think Ufa . ao.r baaan u l fal low - t'vren.r t' J wo A Tew. f Vlls.Sr.ol baa guae la Jjlck.e' work to niHiuftiiloa ra. Iiim To a tm4 In the tea-re haul lotby ha alt: "Ia.e sirel la fttlaw named Randall ar Iiaedolta, lhal after au rll. I (law ha iwapla atulj Karoeae die. ra(Bl4. Ta IMreene eeld, a dem. Ofa would rise a ad ey la Iha pa, pie "ton follow ma U ( all fuu weat Immadlalalr,' and lluoeevell ta lh. fallow lucsm wee talking Ix'aL" Tkal' Ma.- Say Hrro. Jttdaoa Lyoiia. Waahlagtan negro, once rartaur of Iha frrasury. allrarl. consider atl. attention in Iha convention r re art a. - hal la your ham. re porter asked Mm. -t)o dollar bllir Ved l.yont. When Iha reporter reluctantly draw forth iha t-l rlld for. I.tun point ed to hla signature on on. corner of Iha blu and eald: "Thefe ni." Womrm Wrtlere Await Two. Tba brlta.1 of woman wrltera el ready on the la laying in ambush for two woman, who are due oon In Chlo fft M r. Horfnf. t'olllrta I'ortcr Ira. Isabella W. IlUney, detegalea from California to Iha national conven- Hon. "You boya tnual eseua ua If wa gel wrenfly," eald Hrtvator lloran lo iha reporter, "tou know wr'v nrver had reporlara In national committee mtl lata before and wa nva y not know how to art until it la tima to adjourn." Ten minutes Intel he waa hurling Ml "alm roller" accusations Into the Hog. Utr4 rm Urn. a " Jafcr... tat. Ja l..f)wlr i ! trMl J as fr4 of IM I klcf tW .1 -taiw4a IMM- l!M 4 c4 laa alriataa -krt af Cir(a -tL J. t. kaca l waak aiikMi laatialia tka f. ktk Mil kt fa tl at n Mihy alrika wlia ka llarat fiiMaut, rrawl U t. lTiaa af IV OU aiia4 laa raaM fur ki lla rkalalaatMia irr tka lbia ankittal aAllaMl af Ik W ltaunal mi kra tadar- rawba alaa kaif4 ! k.a fraa I4al rrl iioil C' aoid4 miui Iba afflriaU af ifca ! xalll afi.f h bad rwfarrd Uw Ika fut luh ra' aaaarialleoj. 1 Ika auf . of ku kfuncl Blrauka athlbllaw tit lallara to tucmbara of kla unto, whu-k ha . Cars4 ra oiltl.n by Iba nlmatloal ta-ruttra board, of which rra la wriobar. In a affert is foraa k Ht uaica f(r ihrr n4 tbao ar h chail.r af oel 4. It waa arr4 lba tVaaldant FTa.l ahould lardy boom tirauba fin Iha4 bl kffum.ot Annual National Conference of Charities and Corrections Has Novel Sidelights. S BRYAN riJ rma tMad WW Oatkiaikd, ia ll-kwa of ta MlMtl aaMUllal Uta. abl'aa- I tkrwplol. 4ttlo k4 adbalall 4IH. of Xaa Aaaaa aa him biaj bar today al tka lkirtywllh Mal (oafar.Acw af ittitiM at.4 .r- rwciiaeo. Canada, aa wall a ail of ika ai., la wall rMr( TMt ! tka fu.l llaio Ika roMivaollow baa mat ta UttiUM Umc l(t In ddill lo l frwaraj ajtaotlaf caallMa waa otara4 today by tka balkoa! aaurlallua af publla f.M.f of firiaia. I La Mil. I aaaoctatlok ol awlail for orfanlalafl riyrll a4 tm aalloaal aoofrraorw e Iko ad ur a lla of Iba drpaodanl truant. tarkwar4 ai4 4llBajual rklldraa. (Uaalono oar a alao hal4 today by Iba National iroballt a.a rtaltooj and tka Kwl.f.lad 'H"a' tint of Aanarir Th N.liooal Kadaraltoa of tm4iaJ loaB aaaorlalloaa, kn or caataallou for rualtc Iha poor acainat loan aharba, will eoavoaa lo loorrew. and ataauagk a III ba bald aarly nnt walt by Iba National Aaaoctatlon for Iba A4ranemant ef tba Macro Itaoa a ad tba American National ftad Croaa ARIZONA HOUSES H LEGISUON Drastic Pure Food Bill Goes Through Senate Within 10 Minutes. WIN IF mmm OF GODS NOT SIT DOWN SAYS COURT AND 'SCOTTY' SITS DOWN Atirrl1. Cat.. Juna K. "IVath Valley Protty'a'1 prlda ta rrlrkad today, the rrault of a tru.t by Superior Juda Craljt. befura whom ha appeared In up plenirntary proceed I nira Innulrlng Into M hntlier' proporty. "Pit down!" thundered the court when tha miner vnultrd Into tha wltnesa box, "10 hear brttrr." "This apectaoulnr buitlneaa outaldo tha court may lo all rU'ht. but It la bnneath notice here," added Ju1k Crnlg. XI A. Millar mambar of Iha Drmt- rratle national rominiltx from Orvson, will Itava tomorrow for Ibo oaat. pre paring In vlalt Ilia Republican f.llrln in Clilracw baforo proraodina' 10 lta!ll mora fur tha maetlna; of Ilk national commit! e of hla party on Juna 1!. Mr. Millar I making no prediction to Iha outcome of . either of th crral rontanllvna II would no 41 ru.a lh rhanraa for tha nomination t W. J. llryan. but aald ha bolievad Iha commoner will wta tha diction If noml listed. ntet In lh IV rno-ratio delagS' lion ra few ltd year, and tha ra llonal commlltea will havo only Iwo working da) a before tha convention motla. TMe la alpected to rive ample lima fnr Ida ronaldcratlon of eon leal a Oregon d circa lea to tha lultinior. convention will begin lo leave tie laat of Ihla week, aeveral planning to atop on the way to are Iha fun In Chicago. Uraldea giving Ihrlr support lo Wood- row Wllann, lh Oregonlana will atart a boom for Senator Chamberlain for vlca prealdent, having bean Instructed for htm In tha prlmarlea. 4N0T SO DEAD YOU COULD NOTICE IT AT ALL," SAYS MAY YOHE Atlhntle City. N. J.. June i:. J 4 "IpdT Not o you could notlo 4 It." With this remark May Yohe, 0 actrcus. vlio dlaappearcd from 4 Tier apartments In Xew York re- d 4 contly and was believed by some 4 to have committed suicide, Is rc- 4 ajisurlnir friends here today. 4 Mies Yohe walked Into a cafe here and declared she had been "4 taking an automobile ride over the country for the benefit of her health. ! General Hall It Hires. (RpacUl la Ilia Journal ) Washing tou, Jun 11. After 45 year Of honorable service, filled with numer ous exciting adventures as an Indian fighter, Brigadier General William V. Hall, who has been at the head of tha adjutant general'a department atnea the recent retirement of General Alnaworth, was placed on th retired list of the army today on account of age. E TO GIVE SHOW TONIGHT Postponement of the eleclrle parade until tonlfM ha resulted In tha at an donmenl of iha performance arranged for The Urldge of Iha Ooda" al Mull hotnah field tonight Consideration of certain clrcuin.ln.r.a by tha directors III be required lonlgr.t before any an nouncement an be made regarding Iha plana for Tlday nlghL JTcreona who purt hawd ttcketa for lh Wednesday nlghl performance may bava their money relumed on applica tion to Itowe Martin, or If Ibey so dealra Ihalr llcketa will ta exchanged for Krlday nlghl. In tha event of a per formance being held on that day. Tba poetjKjnernrnt of tha electrical parade until tonight aa Ina causa of Iha abandonment of the Wrdneaday per formance of The llldg of the doda." Over f 1000 In tickets had been aold. but dt-eplte thl fact U. C. Ilortxmoyrr. treaaurer of the company, declared lhal 'The llrldge of tba Uoda" waa In debted to Iha Itoae Featlval aaaoctatlon for numerous courteales and that It had never been th Intention of 'The Drldg of th God" at any time to run a counter attraction, but to provide an additional attraction for the Itoia Fea tlval., . . re UU Vkra.1 re.U. Arts, Juua It, -Aftsr tkrea weak aiUl, Ariauaa's Hi at attt l.gtaUtwr tll kdjira . HMrtaw. acdtag to a uavlficUl agraamaal rieHr4 today by bulk feeius. M bill we baaavd )alalday by Ika boose. Tbey provide Ika public it) af (oaallluUua.! awcadiitciila, tie aiiita" Iba oflur of ataia engineer. ap proprbkliag tl.4 for good roada, aeral laa Uvy Ulla aa4 nUug th of flea af a. el. laat eocr.lary of alata A draeiie ura food bill was ruak4 through lh acaata within It anlautea SAN QUENT1N STEWARD GIVES UP HIS POSITION Palled Pveea I Wleal Ban Queailn. l'l. Juaa IS.-rraak It Moulioa, aleward of iha general maaa In Iha state penitentiary here, who was assaulted during Iha racenl prison riot. baa reetgned. Moulloa declares be la sot quilling bacauae ef the recent trouble, and probably will return to re sume work at th prison aa a guard. Ilojr Slayer of Girl Indicted. rati frees taa WW. I Pan Franrlaro, Jun 1 1. Charles II flonner, j who shot and killed Bernha God air, a T-)er-old high school girl. on Iha stepe of bar home Issl weak be cause she refused lo go out with him le under Indictment today by tha grand jury, Tba Indictment waa returned after swverml hours Invaatlgallon. lion ners caaa had been continued In the police court pending the grand Jury' action. I , ... Mushroom Corni, Quick Cure, and AH Kinds Sore Fee L Tha following I absolutely the surest and quickest cure 'known to science for all foot all menu, tha painful mushroom corn Included. "lHaeolve two table- apoonruia or laioride compound In a basin of warm water, "oak tli feet In thl for full fif teen mlnutea. gent ly rubbing the eore parte." "I Iib vtTk aore parte. ' i in !2H, effect la r.ll "r i , r wonderful Al k'' aorenrsa goea In John I. Wyer, a real eatat dealer of White falmon, and wlf are at the Perk Ina. atantly; the f e. t feel so good you could alng fur Joy. Coma and rallouara can be rfw1 rlrhl nff It 1vm tmmerilitf r,. lief fur aura bunions, sweaty, smelly anifl achlnr reet A twenty-rive cent box of C'aloclde la said to bs sufficient to cure the worst feet It works through the pores and removes tha cauae of tha trouble. Don't waste lime on uncertain remedies. Any druggist has Csloclde eompound In stock or he can get It In a few hours from his wholesale house. It Is not a patent medicine but la an ethi cal preparation. The Crown of Womanhood I o TJneared for hair cannot be beautl ful. There Is no part of tho human makeup so revengeful aa the hair. It cries out: Look at me, care for me, or I will disgrace o'ou! Treat me with consideration and I will be a glory to ou." With the' above' tvords, Lillian Hus- fpII, an unquentlooeii authority on fem inine attractiveness, pinces no imcer tain value on nice hair as a beauty as set, llrikempt, uncared for hair "not only cannot be attractive , but is actu ally a disgrace. Hut why have iH-k- .Untidy hair? P- devoting a few moments regularly to brushing and intelligent application of Kewbro's Herpiclde,. the ,hair may be made to j'ield wonde-' returns In In creased pel-sonal charm. ' ' 'J"'1 Iandrurr, whlcti Is due to a fjerm..or microbe, is tho direct cause of more hnir trouble than anything else. The hair becomes thin, harsh, uneven and falls out In Quantities. It looks. dead and lifelecs; there is no luster. . The scalp Itches. I Herplcida will destroy this dandruff rm that Is causing all the trouble. leans the scn!t. "ives tha hair lif. nan ana luxuriance. The hair stonu COmlne- nut - tha i 1 1-Vi i n c . a lmA( at once and withal there Is a most gratifying sense of cleanliness; To the woman who wishes to make the most of nature's gifts bv having f luffv Tieautifu! half. Nwlrro's Herpiclde is a toilet necessity. It is exquisitely perfumed and Is & delightful halr-tlesa- v Zn 60e and $1X0 Us. At tollai rood eooaters Try-whar. If sot as ttpr- niev yonr 4ler will refund yoar money. ; -. Application ' k the bettor BarW Shops and Hair TJrsssiEg Parlors. fend 10 cant for sample bottle and I booklet to The KarpicUla Co, Sept. S, Detroit, Kat, ' i . . - . -- ..t - -. . "' , , - . . - ; f Kohler & Chase Established in 1850 WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 jjj r M tfaTaa 'HVk "k fc Old standard makes only. Sole-agents for Weber, Steck, Vose & Sons, Kohler & Chase and other old stand ard makes. I ianola lanes On terms of payment which every home can meet. There is but one Pianola it is made by the Aeolian Com pany and is combined with only six pianos, named be low, making the group of Pi anola Pianos Steinway, Steck, W h e e 1 o c k, Stuyve santj Strand and the famous Weber Pianola on sale only at Kohler & Chase. A large and complete stock of new and exchanged pianos for rent. Out of town mer chants should get our whole sale arrangement. Exclu sive territory now open to responsible dealers. Write today,. ...ri, V Kohler & Chase 375 WASHINGTON ST, I f, PORTLAND, ORE. ; TELEPHONE HERALD Hare a pair of listening receivers put In your office, your home. In any room, or In every room. jnrws as it xajpfeits, snunc, bxxxoits. tattdxttus, base- BAXX PLAT IT HAT, EIOKI nOU TKB FAX Iectures. speeches, theatrical performances, opera and happenings of every sort by telephone; not in squeaky, ran pi ne;. nrrve-Jxrring sounds, but clear and melodious tonea, tha human voice Itself reaching you over a separate wire system. Come and Listen i Thess stout Knlcker 55 Suits, with extra trousers, will enj many a mother's worries about clothing her boys for Summer and Fall. You jimply cannot excel them at the price; Eastern clothing men who see them tell us that we have reached the limit In worthiness. Brinfc a!on the boys wc want to clothe them for you. BEN SELLING Leading Clothier Morrison Street at Fourth Every boy receives s prejent i bait and bat, a baseball suit or a catcher! mltt with each suit WHAT DOES DEN SELLING HAVE FOR BOYS? Norfolk Suits Knicker Suits Wash Suits Underwear Hosiery Shirts Neckwear Belts Caps Straw Hats Gloves and Lots of other things SOfl moysl Bids', (formerly Toll Glbb Bldg.), Seventh and Morrison Hotel MnltnomaH, All Around the Balcony, on alssanlne Floor Meier a Frank's Big Store, Bast Boom, Seventh Floor Every Day (Except Sunday) Afternoons, 1 to 4 Evenings 8 to 10 COMX AJTS EX AS Miss Dorothy Lewis, Contralto. Alberta Glllam. Soprano. Miss Amy Baker, Mezzo-Soprano. M. Stanley Connell, Baritone. Carl Palm. Baritone. Jack Houston. Baritone Mrs. Holcombe, Pianist. Mrs Dietrick, Flute Soloist Raymond Leahoy, the Blind 8lnger. ... Hungarian Orcheatra, playing at Hof Brau. Bong Shop Piano, playing at Hem ic k's on Washington Ktreet. TOU WILL HEAR ALL THE OLD AND NEW FAVORITE SONGS. "The Harbor of Love." "Annie Laurie." "The Rosary." "King of the Vikings." "Take Me Back to Babyland." Oh, You Wonderful Girl." "Garden of My Heart." "I'd Love to Live in Loveland." "The Vale of Dreams." ASH 40 OTZEBS. EQUAL TO ANT EirTRBTAIJr EtENT 131 TEB OITT FREE COME AND LISTEN 1 to 4 and 8 to 10 p. m. TELEPHONE HERALD 60S-S07-508 Boyal Building , Seventh and Morrison Phones Main 4845; Home, A-S218 SUBSCRIBE NOW! S oents a day, payaola when in stromamts ar put In yonr offio or bom and full commercial service commanooa. A-l OoUcitorg Wasted. irOTZCE. Please bear in mind we are only demonstrating now. In a few weeks we will eommence a full commercial service from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. for 6 cent a day. ALWAYS OW TAP XTETEB A DULL MOMEJTT FBOFOSZD COMMEBCZAZ, SEaviCE 8:00 Exact time. A. M. Weather reports. Lnte teiesrams. Brief, teise review of chief items in morning press. 8:45 Synopsis of the morning news repeated. Special an nouncements. 9:80-10:00 Special sales at tho various stores. Social pro gram for the day. Local personals and small Hems. 10:00 Jew York Exchange quo tations. Market letter. Fi nancial news. Miscellane ous Items. 11:00 Pacific coast news. Civic matters. Political notes. Marine, shipping and crop rfporis. Noon Exact astronomical time. 12:00 Latest general news. Naval, military ana congressional notes. . 12:30 Midday San Francisco and Portland Stock Exchange r quotations and market re ports. 1:00 Repetition of the halr- day s most Interesting news i lems. 1:30 Local topics. 2:00 Foreign telegraphlo dfs patches News of the northwest. . 2:30 Theatrical, fashion and so ciety notes. Household hints. Readings, lectures, lauguage lessons. f 8:00 Baseball reports (in sea son), reported on special jwlre direct from the park, 'play by play during game. General sporting news. Standing of league clubs. Special news Items. 500-6:00 Stories and talks for the children. 6:30-8:00 Orchestral muslo and songs. 8:00-10:30 Vaudeville, opera, the atrical performances, con certs. 10:30-12:00 Orchestral music and songs. All for Cents A Day 1' 1 ' Vac ation Preparations YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to visit oar plant any week day and enjoy a trip through all the numer ous departments. , Uniformed guides in attendance. Learn about Government Inspection, a valuable feature of this modern, sanitary plant. This insures ffurchasers of meat and meat, oroducti. beanntr krtie goveramect stamp of approval, absolutely pure and wholesome food. "., ' -: --""cfX-.Vlsitdrs In Portland will find, this trip . pleasant and Instructive; one, occupying most of a morning or afternoon. Take Mississippi -Are- (L) car or St. Johns car, and transfer to' Kenton. - Y , - ; UNION MEAT COMPANY- PIONEERvPACKERS 0? THE PACIFIC. N. PORTLAND, ORE. The Bell Telephone will serve your convenience in all the ar rangements for your holiday. With it reservations can bd made and accommodations provided for. It enables the tourist, automobilist and sportsman to secure necessary information. And when at lake or shore, in the mountains1 or by the streams, the Bell Telephone means that you are always Jn "touch with home and business. - The pleasures of vacation are increased by. the service of THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ONE POLICY ; T - UNIVERSAL SER VI C ONE SYSTEM