THE OREGON DAILY JOURWAU IORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE It. II1L Lnncb in Tea Room Tomorrow Orchestra Music 13 to 3 '10"c or 15c Duttcrick Pattern Free With Fashion Book at 35c Don't Merely Ask for Gloves Dnt Ask for Pcrrin's Cloves Special Concert Tomorrow in Phonograph Parlors, 5th Floor THE MEIEK & FRANK JiTORE, ESTABLISHED J &57j WEATHER JUIWRT Rain Tonight tnJ Tomorrow. The MEIER A FRANK STORE. fith, Cth, Mormon, AUer to Mm Last 3 Days of Scholarship Contest! Who'll Beihe Winners? The"Salk Hosiery, Best of All ijjf 40 Highest Contestants raw Mia ooTrr-r Jm liaiHxa S lti. !... I HlfcJflJ Wfc li H twit : t lUtntHi utrnt t'lifrnj 1mu. t. Cmi. L'..ASla Kl.J fiHck. ) 14 el ...ttflM 4 J HltM. W.A r MJI tletr C;w. H-W tu Col NltM M. MrUan, Hi tl e.TIM A. Un'tui.r W h High. H. V H U V . Uaa. :. A-W r cnf. i i s Dm t II ft Jllli A rlC T BISITS auoe To Aaaa Mnot Hot turn eeam t.r. Wa.h High Haeie mimmia Jrr fliga ami .! A4M. M'aah 111!.. SS0S k-ara Umi r. V Hull.. KWU TO WOMM OOBTTlUrTAHTA. Wi Cfuir. aiAesse W if Oaalrr, Kit . .aiseioe Wta Imwtlir. Ill & Mth-IAJYITt .ire, t ro.d iem fc.alrn iTsow.levr r ac kurra flh.J (Ml dan. 01. Mary-e. (TUM iltUa lltrl, Ortnli J-eae. AS lose fcJne M.lceJf. H4 Cel .. eresTS r.r Johneoa. It I Ah.. A70e WlM LlBkltUr. Had C'al . AAaoet N.HI. III 1 Htb.. ASeoeS ileude Lomt, 4 K. Bum r U1M jr r U1m Utah 1L VTAAM tWee Rorr. vVa.h. titgh areata U A lie Jod', AriXA arAM k.A Vara. WllloB I'laeA ft. A-tM Mlae Brrea. Old rU II. 8AAAT1 Ul n rfrm. f4 K lllh SUVA Mia OfclaenlUa. Wbodlave ISAAOO 3E TOUR COMFORT IN THE CAR ii assured if yon wear (he jaunty Marshall Shapke Motoring Cap. Just aa pictured here, and they're a clever and becoming ai can be I Of Jigbt weight imported craven ette, plain and changeable nikt in every ihade to match the motoring outfit? Styles for both men and women. Men's Caps, $2 ad $2.50. Women's. $2 50, S3 and SJ.50. Don t tail to ee them tomorrow in ttje Men s furnishing section, first floor. Sold here exclusively. YOl our patrons, hxe much to sjv as to the winners of this zrcil $ UHt Scholar5hip ( jinict. which closes at 9:3o o'clock Saturday Iht vt.tes to ! idit thrte last three ! may t.f the deciding farlor in niAjiy oi the cholarthij'S ! Ie Mjiirtl N uithcut iit. aiui tnly a minute or ao of j our lime, you Mill help a riHitcitant tv rurni .ill..t with erry tturchase. anJ casting In (heir fa vir. Many of the juirihijo )-u t fitcn:jlatel niAing in the near future can be secured this week and the ite credttet to ine worthy contestant. Saturday night a!o ends our dre4t .Annual June White Daya iht a!e which means every white artiile. except ontrait giS, reducetj. Profit accordingly. 1 -.h . f x -TP. ;i i . imw jaunty i anorea cjuus Tomorrow, $ 1 7.45 SCX)RES of smart, clever mojtfls taken from our own splendid stock, together with a specially purchased lot compric this remarkable offering- that continues again to morrow. ' Suit that you'd pay far more for if they'd been bought in the regular way. Not a garment hut's in an attractive, modish style. Severely tailored, plain notch collar styles, as well as with jaunty cutaway jackets and large collars of white ratine and silk. Of spendid quality whipcords, srrges. cheviots and mannish mixtures. Tans, grays, black, brown and two-toned it t n Mr effects. They're wonderful values at this low price OI 4j Silk or Wool Dresses, $9.85 Jost the Dresses you've been wanting for carnival wear, for traveling, for the beach and for street wear. Without a doubt they re an offerinr that can't be duplicated the citv over. All in the pretty one piece stylet, cut narrow though graceful. Of taffetas, mestalines and foulards. Serges, manish mixtures and diagonals. With Dutch necks and with dainty lace yokes. Sues 14, 16 and 18 years; Jo to J8 bust. Don't fail Q Of to see this group of Dresses tomorrow at the special price of J.OD cd rir MatA BailaUg JKaII Ordara ruja ii A RENT they wonderful for one dollar!" exclaimed the younjf women in our Hosiery Department when thcM new "S:k-Mid lioie were being taken down from th receiving room yesterday. In our new "Silk-!( aid" Ilote is carried out an Ideal which we've had for years, as to the quality of a Silk lloiery which could be sold at SI We tisnied to b able to offer a I'UKK THREAD SILK HOSIERY htch would real! WEAR and CIVIC SATISFACTION. For months wa'v been investigating, taattng, com pa fin c- rearly v try Silk Hoaierr maker tn the country baa vj'td to gjy us a ft Silk ffoaierr bitter than any heretofore produced Maid" H -Silk OAA. Our idea) is fulfilled In ith the lisle welt top so elastic than an Regular sue Silk Hose, but outiwe is unneeessary. "Silk-W aid" Hose are at ihe finril ntira ihra4 rtirnm rtL L! tine that they look and wear like a piece of cloth. ! "SilkMaiJ" Hose combine luaury with practical wear. They have a 7-inch lisle top. with garter proof .welt, extra high spliced double lisle heel and sole. One of the most modern and brit equipped mills in the world, knit "Silk Maid" Hosiery for tis. Our first contract called for nt ftHl'i.. ..-w w. . i - '!' lowest known cost." For a 3 pair bo of "SIk Maid Hose tomorrow. With each box is this printed guaran tee: "If for any reason these Stocking prove unsatisfactory, we ask you to rrturn them and get new ones We leave it to your sense of fairness." mi-ri. via Colors: BUck WWU Tan Ntry Grty Pink Sky Blue Sflrtr GoU LarenHer rteeS reiv kfaus aildlaf atAU Orara rtllaA Linens and White Goods Last Week of Sale D UT a few more days and the opportunity to purchase Table and Bed Linens and White Goods at June White Day prices will he at an end. The supply of months to come J) should be cared for tomorrow. Sheets, Cages, etc 75c Sheeta lx90-inch sue. Splen did fine, firm quality. Tomorrow at only 69. 15c Pillow Caee iney n a popu lar grade. 42x36-inch sire- Tomor row at X2-js. $5 Satin Spreads Well made and neatly hemmed all around. lo morrow at aJ3.48. I The Linens $2.50 Pattern Cloth Good wearing quality. 6Kx(8-inch sue. Special to morrow, S 1.75. ?,3..P,t.tern Clothe Of .11 linn. iiiii uieacnea. in the x90-inch size. Tomorrow at S3. 48. $6 Napkina-Of all linen. Dinner sue 2j-inch. Snerial mmnrrn . i f4.08. doze A Columbia for Outdoors This "Lyric" Hornless Ma chine, with twelve selections, as advertised in this week's Saturday Evening Post $28.90 AT THE beach, the sum mer home, the .outdoor camp, on the yacht this splendid Columbia Hornless Machine will bring new enjoyment to the home and pleasure to you and your family! The "Lyric," as illustrated here, is the only hornless instrument under $50 that has a continuous tone chamber. The arrows show the unobstructed movement of sound, which gives you the full volume and perfect sound qualities. First of all, it is PORTABLE, condensed, compact. The cabinet is 1354 inches sijuare and 7 inches high, built of quartered oak throughout. The reproducer gives a round, full natural tone. The motor is a soundless, double-spring drive, running three record at one winding and can be re-wound while playing. Plays, either 10 or 12-inch records of any make. We will deliver this Columbia "Lyric" with 6 newest double-disc records (12 selections), to you for $28.90. On our Club Plan, $5 a month. riftb rioor Hew Building Mall Orders ruled. The White Goods 75c and Si Waist in gs Of all white. Fine, sheer quality. Self-woven de signs. Tomorrow, yard 50e. 75c . Batiste Sheer weave, self striped. Lovely for Summer frocks, etc Tomorrow, yard 39f All White Goods now reduced, con tract goods only excepted. White Sale prices end Saturday night. Mew Summer Hats at Exactly v-Price For Carnival Week npwo pretty Summer Hats at the price of one," was the exclamation several women made when taking advantage of this phenomenal half price Millinery offering. Absolutely nothing in our immense stock of Trimmed Hats restricted; mod els for every occasion from the plain tai lored Street Hats to the most elaborate of creations for reception and formal wear. All the famous New York and Paris makes are represented in the showing. Every price $10 to $150. All at V2 Price eeoad Floor JTew Building Vail Ordere TOled FRIDAY, JUNE 14, WILL BE FLAG DAY $3.00 Flag and Pole for $1.98 IT VERY one of .us Old 4S $10.30 "Liletime" Oak Library Chair, $6.98 1H1S handsome Library Chair at only artistic "Lifetime" make. Jusf as illus trated, with genuine leather seat. It's one of the many specials from an im mense shipment of two carloads of this celebrated furniture. Sold here only in Portland. Reeularly $10.50. Priced again tomorrow at only $17.50 "Lifetime" Fumed Oak Rocker, with genuine leather auto spring seat. For to- rf j q f" morrow - priced only p 1 J. 05 $25 "Lifetime" Rocker, with luxurious real leather auto spring cushion and seat. fNi n Of Special tomorrow at)lOa0) $6.98 $27.00 "Lifetime" Fumed Oak Desks, for women. Handsome design. Special for Q Oj tomorrow for only. '. &J.7twO $31 "Lifetime" Library Table, of fumed oak, with magazine com partments on sides. fnn fA Special for tomorrow OU Ome Sugar, 100 lbs. $ 5 ro lfTH th. , will d 1 should honor Ulory and celebrate this great national F'lag Day Friday I Wear a pin ' flag display the colors from home and place of busi ness. A fine sewed cotton bnnrlng Flag, with- sewed stars and stripes. Guaranteed fast colors. Complete with 10 to 12 foot varnished flagpole and cord, as illustrated. Regular $3 out- 1 QQ fit Thursday and Friday, at 7l.3 ruth rioor Hew Building Sale 'Omo' Shields EVERY woman will be interested , in this special demonstration and sale of the famous Omo Wash able Shielda. 85o STAlniook Shields, Hoe. a and 3, 20e 300 irAinaooK CHueiaa, mo. , pair vr? BOo riaia Eauato Bnleld. pair, at 780 ZiAce Trimmed SouAve Bblelda Notion Specials 5hUaran' 90o Hose Supporters at !Oc Bup t Supporters, 1B4 WAsninftoa ruts, a, spei -VArd Spool of Silk. speolAl At So SAfetv pins, ell sixes, a oArds, Ckmonar Hand or aiac bin., a Slse Hair Hets, 7 for 254; oa. 5 first rioor Hew BuUdla $4.50 Travelight Bags, $2.95! "VACATIONISTS and Portland visitors alike will want to take advant age of the splendid lug gage specials we have planned for tomorrow. The popular Travelight Suitcases, neat appearing of fine duraBle quality fibre matting. Slxe 24 by 13 by 9. with leather cor ners and straps all around. Weighs only 3 pounds. Regularly $4.50. fir Tomorrow only P.7) . v $4 Suitcases for $2.95 Good durable Keratol Suit cases, cloth lined and with shirt fold. Finished with two' straps all around, brass locks and bolts- Sice 24 x QP 12x8; $4 grades, at -. i o c.'t.. c on Of genuine cowhide in the 24x13x7 aize. Made with shirt fold, cloth lined. Finished with 2 straps all around. Brass locks and bolts. $8 OA Leather Suitcases at eJU.Ov 60c anJ 70c Japanese Telescopes at Half Price They're the Telescope Baskets that are so convenient and roomy. Of close woven Japanese straw. Sizes 18yix8J4x9i and iJUWxyjxIO. The 70c Telescopes at 33c- grades, priced for this aalo tomorrow at only choice Tourth rioor HAIb Building -the 60c OA $1 to 51.50 Ratine and Venise Lace Bands Tomorrow at 79c! THE prettiest of Bands and Edges included in 11 t i y i -v i- . a e. inis speaai 101 ior tomorrow, ur wnite ra- tine and Venise lovely for trimming Summer frocks, waists, millinery, etc: 2Y to 4 inches wide. You'll agree they're "7A $1.00 and $1.50 grades. On sale tomorrow at, the yard I C Allovers at a Thin Off Entire stock of gold, ailver and colored All Overs and Nets also 45 and 72 inch Black Nets, plain and figured 18 inch Black All Over regu larly 50c to $4 a 17 fCC yard. Tomorow at Xll To $4.75 Allovers $3.49 Lovely Baby Irish patterned and Venise Ay Overs for' Hats, Waists and trimmings, 18 inchea wide. The $5.50 to $6.50 grades at - f 4.69; .$4.00 Sale of Dress Forms 51.35 Forms at $lAk $2.00 Forms at $1A9 UOTH professional and home' dressmakers find them indis- densible for proper and easy fitting of cloth ing. Forms as listed above are bust and hips. Ask about them tomorrow. Adjustable Stand for Forms $2 85c Coat Forms All ready to fit the coat over. Made com pletewhite canvas bust, hair cloth interlined, felt arm f?Q piece and collar. Sizes a2 to 44 bust Tomorrow only Waf C $1.75 Gilberta Flounces The 20c Arm Pads For slender women fills out lines be tween arm hole and bust. The pair only 40c Sateens Popular fancy striped weaves for summer petticoats. Whrte grounds with black stripe. Yard tomorrow, special, at 14c 35c famous adjustable skirt Flounces. Of silk taffeta, in all staple shades. 12 inches deep, 2 yards wide. Pretty tucked styles riret rioor Main Building .... HaII Ord.rt rui.d $1.49 to $4.75 grades, spe- tO A( cially priced, yard at rirst rioor Hew BnUdlng MAU Orders rilled 2700 Pieces of 70c to $1.25 White Enamelware at 49c! THE factory wanted Meier & Frank's for their Portland, agents to introduce it sold us 2700 pieces of standard, double-coated enamelware, white inside and out, at a price which makes possible this sensational sale tomorrow. You'll Tiardly believe your eyes when you see the large and most useful pieces of enamelwa, that sell regulary for two and three times this price, included. They're all shown in the illustration. . . Of course, these are tlje pieces that will go first, and you muat order early. 6 dot 75o 6 qt. Lip. Pre. Kettles, 49m 5 doe. $1.25 No. 8 Tea Kettles, 49J 24 doa. 80o 3 qt. Coffee Pots. 49 12 dos. 11.25 No. 7 Tea Kettles, 49C 6 dor. 76c m Qt. Tea Pots only 4gd 2 dos. 0o 10 qt. Water Palls at 49e 24 dos. 70c. 7 qt. "Wash Bowls at 49 6 dos. 86 1? 6, qt. Covered Stew Pans, 12 dos. 70a 6 at. L.1D. Bauce Fans. 12 doz. 75o qt. Lip. Sauce Pans, 49e? 24 doz. 0c 4 qi Cov. Porrlge Pots, 49 12 dos, $1.10 i t Cov. Sauce Pans, 49e e destined- raise in price of sugar, housewives do well to purchase in 100-pound sacks TA tomorrow. - Our special sale price 100 POUNDS ) U ZAStera Xard. sued, pails, K06 Uarsford's Oless aTUreh. 50c A Ho. 1 Carpet Broom a 404 AO Salt, sacks, apeelAl 10 SC. 4,r. Wkite Soap, eks.2Se Otter Olams, ep.1 a ease 23e SmAU .OUvea, st. lare at 25 Mecca BaIaUa, 4 pkgs, a 25 Bipe OUtci. s eaas only 25 Pioneer Milk. 4 eaas for 28 c? Macaroni, a pounds for 20e taad. Z.ady. Soap, to bars 25i Baa4-Vp Cleaaaer, caaA25 Core Oysters, S eaas for 25? 40e Beef Zrtraot, jr. at 25e ry Urn baabs, lbs. 22e Sole Portland Agents for - John S. Browm Xan ana. Sfnnalnr Underwear. Willamette Sewing Ma chinas. Acorn Stores and Staages. mitoa ft Whitney Oo-Carte. Saetave , S 1 1 e k 1 ey OrUrlnM OraftsmAA rwralrBAa f?. Sole Portland Agents for Cousin's Bnoes. Farrln's lores. Ajaz OnaraateeA Hosiery. -Ootham Shirta and Underwear. Madame xreae Oor- eata. t Bveo rettloeats. MmpKk Clothae for . BOTS. ... Tke rsn rl Oreeery, BasemeBt store. PHONES-Pacific, Marshall lejO; IJome, A-6W1. Only Portland Store Wih Complete Mail Order Servicsnd Catalogu It do a ftc 4-qt. Covered Berlin Sauce Pans, 49V 1 . 12 dos. SBo 4-qt Deep Stew Pans, -. 494. - , ... 3 do.. 1.25 3-qt-Cereal Cookers, . 49. ' 13 doc. S5e t-qt Covered : Sauce Pane. 49eV ! i - - - 12 doa too 4-qf Covered Rauee Pans, 49e dos. SOo fi-qt . Covered Windsor Kettles, 490 34 dos. 1 1.10 14-qt RoU Top Dish Pan. AiJ - I dos. tl 4-qt Covered Berlin -Ket-Ues, 49-.-- --at 49c Baaement, MaIa Bids Bidr. MaU Ordare