THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE If. Hit cm arc he is urn (,;;; lost Mi is ts HELD ill PFIEIIO MIIS. CHRISTENSEN II Wife t Accused Poisoner of Cashier Chnstensen Predicts Ac Quittal; Dead Banker Said to Have Been Drug User, i and Two Children. Lef Him at Vancouver, Nms in Detroit. J.. : '' . . . . ,f . . . i li i . ' i. ri' at ..!. ! 'l t bvM It. l ,v ,i.i;: !.! ' -l , ,1.1 I l II. I ! J . fell (! V. Cf I Ifc . I I Hi a r l a . tw .W )-'. I "Hi. .a War . '" ' Wl I. -h t 1 . la c' el.t i - '..- : - trik lict.'i i i ... ! IM l.-ei-a t-f ! ' . f.'' ' Mr !. I ' ' UlMi.rt.t u-:J i.i I ' " !!.- ' aa, ... ' ' ' .,'.' (n.ii i i" J 11 . .,.. J-e ' ji- - d..! I......U. II l.e.v el . . . . - - . I ' . ... i ...... 1 . M II. Wjiulwivi, Irll r"- ..... .. .... U.M-1 tM.lwf.1!, I,d.l. ! I l 4I. k raid. ta It. alr.l lJ. .f i.i. r"i U lu IVflhJ I" . I.l.i.. !:! t .al 1 ".-Ie ! , lira fur Me C-ftlfB 1 " Hiu'h MiOl lil'lf ll II lh .H I ,M, 'J I-0' " " ka Kal tin . !.! ! '! U' .iJ l tl i:itr. ...t .f l. ffilf Uil. -It. o J It.I'Mllltll. iB.l'J k! ...Itwl a . I fii!ti lh J.l it.... hi a liMia ! II" ' WJ t,. ... trn ..n.t.r He il J nol ...... vti.t. I rt m.ka I f h Xll lit a. I. An.lrly lul iriiitliiJ k4l.lll Il.lttk favialu Jllihop arrl4 lh tloili. Ii4 Ix.vil 1.1 if rliil IllU.t I J.h I )ul :l Ihr at ;.l.t( on.aldr vjnr.a of II. alrla II. al r l-ln fc rmulal! " I r l.l. fi 'I loulta ll.i.uli an tff -n i ln in. dr tO plfJuJ.r. f. ie afalfl.l It.r " ltwrll la TV. Jil I Pat. aa. Juii. i; Clriali'n an haMlvial ua.i f lr r t i.hir.a and wil:r ia an orr. doaa, la It ronlnllon of M if !. a)a aha tlltr iif la n.nml Sha adn.ila dniirilii- Jirfarm. al.i.h Ha aa ! e1u l I'ln riarn l frlandalip fr ait'l.'cf l'a-o Huigan !.a la ulular urnllai In r FESTIVAL CHORUS TO GfVE ANOTHER CONCERT Wondar n(ht h Kuir Xlu'lial Frll Vl rhoru will a-'" anll.r ronrarl with hopa of ral'l'ii! monr l lUin a tuxti a polb!e of il-.r drfuil re ulflnr from ll-e auall atlrnilanrf al tk five conrarla. lh !al of hlli . rt rlvan vralrrtlar aftvrnonn In tla Olpay Kmlth a id torlum Tlia daU II mount to m"re than liooo Manager Altart Khrott. ait.rif for tfca Orecon State Hundar f-l.'"l atao elation, aaya that tha iKiialarvdlnn bill -will liava to-ba ynH and that he'wlll ell hta home if neceanary t par tham. Ha aaya he la In hpnor hound to that no till Ik ara left unpaid. ' Tha concrrt yenttrdoy afternoon drew bout 2600 people but aa the general ad mlaalon waa only :t renta it i!lc1 tha fund only with $3:: 7i. The con cert waa aa pleasing aa thoiie gUen be fore, the big mixed rhnru and the KkAmt nl ..1,snl .. 1, lti r.n I n I n . I dldly under the direction of Krederlrk m Elmer Chapman. In charge of the de purtmentof 'rniia1 of the pittOfr wi-hnola of FortlantL Monday nlght'a program will be glvtn In entirety, a now arranged, by tha chorua. from Var . .. .1 Ufl,) vn lha aftcrt" f W'h ! and aa c I J t ara f-r Hltinr ll u,.l fil.nJ. at frt)aid about o rl i .. it .i lima a:l trace uf him aa t...i II. imi.: drop! .J out of eight .,, it..-, ki-ia.-l.lla friend of ot-iam in.hop la a Jov"' reporter . .... i.i.r "and bla ife r-or I anow antirna I'at'laln H!nop t-,,B ! .1 and la 1 ra old Ha .... ...... ,-, on Julr 1. ! t-arrn . e.r.t !i.ii.nanl On Warvh I.. 11 k. .a e1 to arJ lieutenant. and UM rummer waa ma.t carn He m tlailopad at ancourrr barra h frtn lo l0. nd then for a ahor . - .i Fort In Nrtvemb-r i.t.i itr lie allended lb acnool of roue krli a 1 !oi lerey. al . and arw.ul thrre n, .Mil'.a iit lame to Vanrouver barrailia ni.d e ! pl-e 1 In command of C'om arv i. 1rt Infantry Afier leading al.mlerer lat winter ha waa operateJ on al a hopllal In Kan Franrleco The d'.eapeaf aura of I'aptaln lliahop bring to mind the atrange d!appar- me of grsent rred.rl.k O Ollv.-r of K company laat Ivcember Hergca-it Oller waa granel a leave of abaence on September IT and went to aoulham Oregon on a hunting ttlp lie wan aran a Medrora on r.oTrmrr ... aince then nothing ha aver been learned of Mm. An officer from the poat wa aent to Medford to Irveatlgate. but nothing concerning him could be learned Ha had a.bout ISO with him when lat aeen and threa montha' pay waa due him from tha government- A reward of 1&0 wa offered or In formation by the officer and frater nal Bletlea of. tha illy to which ha belonged CAPTAIN BISHOP SURRENDERS HIMSELF J-Vv. wmrmi LI BEFORE SOLONS Minnesota to Have Protection From "Wild Cat"1 Investments. 1 1 ait.4 ha. tint W l I ni r I. alia.. Jn u af tha Ut't'l H'MI t ! anarla4 l a a..laJ eeaalu bf le Uinawai lag. latatura. eaUad together (iar. t ! airuMar lo l ia "blua ear" it-.le wli h I a ) a a accaaaf Jl la (.roi. Hog It, a epia of Kaaaaa agalaat "wild tal ' I. aavatenaata J N loily, Kaaaaa alai kak com mlaalon.r, ll.a aolhor and adinmi.ifal t of lb Kaaaaa law, Kaa d.laad the Ul aaola .ftla(eia tf tha tgnoti pro. la lona la ka tnrooraitd In euraj aa) a. t. and It la ttliet.4 that It r.nalnlf ili ! Baaa4. Aucuatu II Hlabop. nrai infantry rapialo, bo dltiwrd from 'ancouer barrarka. Marrb IT. AUTO PARADE IS ACME OF BEAUTY; 200,000 LOOK ON (Continued" from I'aga One.) hriii with Kober. tha aiacutta officer, bom he relied from, duly for tnau- borditiallon. and Ma rout or "impeon. Bhfherd waa ur.dlaputed caplalnef the lioaiott. Hla order aa captain) war I obeyed by tha perpleted crew, who with dlffereM commanding offlrara in Jit I minute dldn t know what to do. The neit move wilt ba up to Oovomof Kill aald an good auinoruy mat .a.t Ml.ept erd gaa flrat o tha gover-I an I preienied hla court order to l him. U wuuld baa Wn re-Hignlaed , ID governor would have rommteataned ; him i-al-taln Binca eiraay a trtnn, t hotiin, It I not known whaV tha goe-' ernor III do I Excellent authority haa It thkt he probably will recogn: the Mfl!ty or; the court order, but Immediately there- fter will laaue an order of hla own ra-1 llevlrg h,epherd from active duty and1 putting Mm under waiting ordera. An Inferior officer would thru be named command tha Boaton. and Shepherd would be left waiting, according to thla vrraloh. l-OMiana naiiway. Ughl and I'ower tompnr wera epcially oitrewblw Btnrlng for na rflaeo efferad by the parade oommlttea, eluba. aoelatlea and fraternal ardors antra diatlnctlreiy repraaaalad. Tha ear enteted by the PvagroaeUo taiaw Moa'o b aa-4 ayia4 alia afite.a, Wla4 a kilo aalia. aa avny wU tie. Ta-a Ua f ekajvk fee tkta afie4oea'a -arae aa air 4 Ikal tfco t. al 4 Tart el'ee gra4aiaat4 U.lw44 All 4 lk rrliral ta4at Wteia .e li a imm! t rA rraaavnt Ik MMae brtdgo la UioaJ at'e! Ika awal aida le la t at ., taiat kak ay H.iwM xige IKaa 1 l. a'gl. lMlr riad ! Ifcfwttgk l"le. tllli, rvuiia. kine. auik. blara a4 Iftlf laettlk airaela, wktro Ika Mrali .141.14 lu 4lla. ieumal Waal A 4a tg reelia TO GROW HAIR ON A BALD HEAD l a Hpntalial Tbouaanda of poot'la auffr rrttaa ba!4 n and falllaa hair w Mi. Kairlng lrt4 nearly ovary orno4 bair loailo ae.4 balr-grwwer ilkout leoulto. have t. aigaed Ikemaal to balgnaaa and lia aiunuanl diet om fori Vel caa la nol tia.peleaa. i)o follow lag alaaple borne rec Mellon haa made h Ir grow after Imii of bi.1 n. a ad la atao .ivtailad for leolortng grar fcalr la It original color, alopoing hair from fall ing oul and deelreylug llta daadrxf f grnv It wlil out aaafce Ika kaJr a-reaey. and ran bo put up by any druggie' Hay Hutu, a euimo; fvuno do iwav ixaea, I aurtcao, Alenlhol 1 ryelala, on half drachm Jf ou w lah II parfutned. add half to on a laoapooitful of T kalon forfumo, which uniiao narfectly with Itio other laaradlaiila Thla pret. a rail on la highly rewmm.nM by pht- Ician and epecUlleta. and la abaolulfl) harmleea. a It contain none of the nuleonoua wood alcohol aa frequently found In hair tonlre o not apply 10 Ihe face or where hair la not dealred. Letters by. Telegraph How Long Are They? There are both Day Letters and Night Letters. Each begins with fifty words, but you may mako them as long as you please. Write your letter just as if it were to be sent by mail V you wish to reach your corre spondent today, send it by telegraph as a Day Letter. If delivery tomorrow morning will do, send it as a Night Letter. Full Injormation by TeUphont THE WESTERH UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY DECORATIONS GLISTEN AS BRILLIANTLY AS BEFORE SHOWER If you want to pot your friend on the Koeo Festival ana fortiana. aena The Journal for one week during the Festival: la conl-.for the week, inciud- j Ing aoelage. Book-Gifts ron the Graduates OFFICERS AND CREW OF MARYLAND WILL BE - GdESTS OF CLUBS (Continued From Tag One.) her card to tlie officer extending the privileges of the club during the cruis er' atay In the harbor. . ' e- neft.ra .nd rrsur Mill ... ft.. ...-. - ..... nriM inn I'nrnutl thla evening from the Eleventh ntrect grandstand. Killed Over Dor. rt'nlleil I'rf" l.rnxmt W Ire. San Franclmo. June 12. Charged with the death of Theodore BellMend of. Alameda, whose neck was broken When he was knocked to the sidewalk in a street flpht over a pet dog. Guldo Baclgalupl and George Kamka are un der arrest here today. They admit fighting: with Bellstcad, but claim they truck htryi In self defense. Wife Travels in Bond. I t.'ctted Pn- Wlr Vancouver. B. C, June 12. Traeling cross Canada In bond, the American wife of Frank Law, a wealtliv China nan of Poughkeepsle, N. Y., is here to day en route to the orient. Thoaa who expected the deco rallonn of tho street to ba drabbled and dreary thla morn ing after the rain of last night were pleasurably surprised when they looked at them today. None of the decoratlona put up by the city had lost any of their brightness. N'one of tho color had "run " Some of tha decora tions for the buildings, being of a cheaper nature, had suffered a bit of damage. Flaga. pen nania and bunting, generally' used In decoration thin year, are of material that will keep them bright until after the JClks' nnllonal convention In July. They can be washed If necessary. The only damage reported was to the decorations at Seventh and Morrison streets, where a short circuit in the lighting fixtures set the flags on fire. CAPTAIN" SIMPSON RECAPTURES SHIP UNAIDED ALMOST I (Continued From Tago One.) There is a peculfar dig nity attached to the gift of a Book that is in no way affected by its price. Appropriate and worth while books are now on special display in our Third street window and Book Dept. Come and4dok over our Book Gifts for the 1912 graduate. only, and to lgnoro his claims rs a naval militia officer. For half mi hour yesterday after Ms 'The House of Books? i T (THE J.K.GILL COj BOOKS, STATIONXJtT, OFTZOX STJTPLIES A IT D rUAKlTUBE THIRD AND ALDER Why annoy tho telephone girl and waste your time and patlancaf Vo the Autornatio Telaphono. jfu f 4 A -ev 'k J TSB A tr TO MA TIC TXLXraOJtE "Tho more you use me the better you will like- me. BONDS FOR SALE July 1st, 1912, the Home Tel ephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon, will offer for sale some of its Treasury Bonds, the :,proceerJj to be used in extending its lines. These bonds will net the purchasers 6 per cent interest, which will be paid semi-annually. This is a local investment, and a sound one, with good and com petent management. Applica tions for subscriptions can be rriade at the office, Park and Burnside streets, and informa tion regarding the , Company can be obtained there by letter or in person. The Board of Directors, whose names appear below, are welt known in Portland. Our Telephone Girl-This is Her Picture Home Telephone & Telegraph Company, of Portland Samuel Kill, Prastdant. Board of Directors hirst -National Bank, Port- A, Xa MiUs. Tica-Praaidant. Ifff )ln- never sleeps nor . talks back Her nerves re steel - Shr speaks all languages. . twenty-ftW hours a day, every day ,. in the year Never jets tired" or "s.iucy" She never strikes A. L. - Mills, President 't land. Oregon. Henry L. Corbett, Vice-President First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. - Elliott R. Corbett, Assistant Cashier First National Bank. Portland, Oregon. , y, Willitrn M. Ladd, President Ladd & Tilton Bank, , Portland, Oregon. i v' ' ; ; J. C Potter, Auditor Home Tel. Can Keep a Secret, Edw. Cookinghamr Vice-President Ladd ct Tilton Bank, Portland, Oregon. Theo.;B. Wilcox, President Portland Flouring Mill's Co., Portland, Oregon, : Samuel Hill, President Jiomev Tel. & Tel Co. of Portland, Oregon. " Eben Pyv Wells, Treasurer Home Tel: & Tel, Co. of Portland," Oregorf. & Tel Co. of Portland," Oregon. . J " 1 '- 1 f i Portland's Six Choicest and Highest Priced Residential Sites Now Ready to Be Sold yfANY men having something to sell seek to impress you with the low price of that article. My purpose is to tell you not how cheap, but how good my proposition is. I Have Six Sites to Sell These constitute all of Block 9, Westover Terraces, anI are the tlx most desirable residential sites in the City of Portland. The smallest one contains 10,000 square feet (about 70x150 feet) and the largest 15,000 square feet (about 116x130 feet). The view from these sites is the finest to be enjoyed in the entire Northwest. At the base of Westover Terraces is Nob Hill, with its mostly homes; then Portland with its restless commercial activity merging into the charm of resi dential beauty across the Willamette. In the far distance is seen tha mighty Columbia on its way to the ocean. Still beyond and framing this unparalleled panorama are snow-capped peaks and mountain ranges. All a picture unusual in its beauty and confined in its entirety to Westover Terraces. This magnificent property is In the Heart of Portland's Most V Exclusive Residential District Reached in ten minutes by automobile from the business tenter, or a walking distance of twenty-five minutes. Take the Twenty, third street car? get off at Love joy and walk west to the property. WESTOVER TERRA C ES -.. F. N. Clark V One' Look , Means a Lot Selling Agent, . a 1 818-823 Spalding Building