THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE It. lilt Mfcft HIOJ os thk ton rr Kin lu Kitt m yvmr TO OPEN TO ELKS 1 Special Train Will Go From Portland to Orchard Re gion on July 14, ik-Wl M TV. JasMWalt I I 4 kii.i. Of. u That ti -w . . . ... .. ... - .... .... 000 V OS i .ui t- . Ii Mill tn otM ljl.ll In i!t llM-d Alttr el ei-era ti.a l-. Kltl of ! rl al.f4 ivsia is assure J It $.jiai-. J U Hul l (' A. ))il. t"lalit T. kails II II Kadi. a J t u Hun. Usui beta of (I a ll olJef. hat Ut" Hamad ottili.Mlae III al.ea lll-((ili.ti.l lu UIIliUll A i,ial t-ik Ifaln will Iraae l l.hj udy mumu.i. Jut H aud Itiiiil Itowd lu.r I he mil) b laksa ar b !! in a4 aiMMrtal Ifaltt will f"Leul ba fJU tr lit 11 a of I ! Muuil llftod fall rl 1 t.a bote! and IH ti rtsliae cf Wunish bate guaranteed tut lu cat lla local t-lka aa? Ihtr alii ba avin Hem of fun "O lb mritq that will ba kspi UnJrr liuuf. a nl A laiaa buinlxr jI lal bika wilh Iheir wlr will irtum with tha ai rutalon trsln lu Portland la attsfid Ina 111 Id I sivan In li.a rtu,lr. 'Mia local msmbars of th M -n. K. sst that thef will b something doing u IIOvxl KlNr on July 14. Town I rr J rr-a for Fourth. t-tal la ra ioniaal. i Hood lllvar. nr. Juno I. -At i me. lr. g of tha Com mat vial club last nlghl a tlrfullv. ram m 11 tea sppolntrd lo tsk char uf lla I'uurtli uf July S calabrallun l U hrl.J In lha -H jr hi t )aar, lha rotnnilllr uti.lni ln uf K" ( A Hlanchar, K A i"rni, l A C.trk-. i' H. VauKltan. !-" i- 1 ht-mapn, .1 H I Jfellbrotirrr al-J l" K. liilttrl. Hj. yiminlllrfi ! p "inu ! and ( laua ' tra batna; arran-l In Imld a fa -rd ''V.r k li .rf.viam T d L.tnl. . 1 prtbably ! cnimnl f r roixcil i'tk and avary in lip in. ..f i c will ba ullad elf ihip 1 1 ll( fra lurra will probablv bv ir.m ai lli Ipallon of lha lluy Hioula In anip lifp it I r hlblllon work. With hl(li wnirr at elly'a door 1it r'lln. ai.J lub ra.-a will ba liwlulir.) In IUwIII ' lla haaa'l much will -owr " Jawaft - A4 val la l.aa la la Ma lla a aama " tVaiina-lliflall la au ffarlnf frm otarrfowd i. f lu 1141 offi. - lHla - lla a lfall big pUra" IWit.ii llui ikriit (tnafally . iiliMlnra fiaMibf fur aiandir rwim V l-a I l.laf "fih. (a. lha ftneaii'f lal arliaa Ha will a4 ur family li ay thuiilr Kaintar HurabealU - "All nghi al I II dlf a ho!a far II out In Id' hn yard tmmad'alaly " Tall Mnnflir 'TIU la avfr'y i af ff iraa hull 1han.ll 11...' ra I ft! my alfaa 11 1 I) !: Iumimo. Mi.hi I m a IK ataf I hi Hi I .im:I M.i,!ii Rial -"Tra w Ka ' Kl IKii-aa a )"J laal HH' Brief Items of Tuesday 's Late News Mauri Klurlra of tVorUl llaitilnK ol llrrtrl la Ttnte for V"wt daj'a lawn of Tb Journal. PROVIDENT TRUST PLANS THEATRE AT ROSEBURG noaabur. Or. Jui.o Tliat IUa b'jrr !a lo l.ava naw aiul nso.!rrii ll-.rnf p ! !"-p.i ilrfiniU't urn" ii 1 hv li I Jolltinin. ItTt-hi Jcl.l of ll;p )'ro ;!. TimM .i.n ii.rn, of Portland, n In. h la i . 1 1 life' lull lil a f I a alor y riot: I In Hum I'Urg. Tin- two alot li'iild .nj now ' i'!p the mIp ft 1 r pri poiiPd lioti ! l.l !. ni.a nl to another location find ronverled Into n thmire llh dimenlona of hv 120 feet orli will leifln tlila fk, THREE WHITE PELICANS VISIT WALDPORT BEACH JValrtport, Or. Juna 1J. Harbinger Of good f!htnft aeanon arrUail Moml.iv llf'tha foni of tdreo lininonno mw white ppillcana. which spent an hour or an in dignified pose upon a atrip of and In the harbor. With the exc-p-tlon of on lone stray that vlaltvd tho Yaefiata a number of year ago, the white pelican his never been lem here, an far aa can he asoertnlnel. Kluher men regard the visit as a good omen. I l - .. 9 'iOrraaloBl Tha hou.a bill lo traala a Itflalallta aaaainbly IB Alaaaa. wl.l. h ha baan or dered favorably rfMMed from lha aeri al rortimltlr on irrllrp. baa bn amendrd a aa lo eliminate any provl- aln for aq Alaaaan art atp Tha areata toird TucUr l aHoliah lha rtiinrorrra courl by irfua'na lo ro ld for lha courl In lha JudKlal alf- pri.tlun blU Tha houa Invaallgallon of lla rrar Iruat " and other Irual gurallona will fa umlurted by a aubruiiimlllre of lha Jildn-ury r'-n niltlra Tl-.a Iruat Inveall ration will lpln after the Ar. hbald In- ... i n. fin roc I bean dlafod of. Tie aenale t uniml ' lea on Uiteiiweanlr anala l;l faotabl) ro:td lha t.oija Mil to C'l-en protri-t and op-tala tha iniffli i ana and to ( ern ' r mill int n lrtip-ai hrnrnt re .!utlon !rn!!!af lo thai In ti Haaji.- ae to lr (.reapntf l to I h hotiaa b tl.p Juill- lary ommlttpe aralnut Jud.,p i orne- Il ia M ll.tnforL of Hra'tU. a:i. un der flra for Ma a. Hon In tir iijra'in ritx-lailat rltlaenn i;i . ir 'I lip tinuaa I r rl t i,,n i .mi tii't lea h.ia fu.oial'') reroltfd th I'.ornh n II. wM'-h hua II. p aenalp. d' i p i i n r t f i i patent be ! to all ihi M' priiinp! t irrlKatl.'n i.rnjpila .in lai-l.iiicnl of ii blucjaraata allh a moun tain jn. far lha rile-t loa of lha Wood frrd mlnaa Tha aallora will ba ra plarrd by ntarlnea Tha aalliac f lha Wh'.l "tar llnrf lla iea lie front bouthampton for Naw Vork. ! Cherbourf. haa bean anrlrJ In of lha dttrkworkera atrlkr. Th aaUlna of lha Fraairh liner Kraiira from llara baa alas t'aen In- I dafinilaly p.lpol.ol, oalng lo lha let nten'a alrlka. Tba trnienrti of lha militant auf fraceltea. Mr. K i.mallna I'ankhurit and hlr and lira 1'nihi.k Uwnnrt )ulnl dliora of ( In for Woirirn, hava ln iii.-llflrd I. IWflr.ald 3d K rnna, Hprie'ary l;au ) nn. i a EPfflN SHOOTS PAISLEY EDITOR Frank Cannon Finds L. R. Jones in Home at 1 1:10 p. m. and Kills Him. iltwUI ! T aral I Iakri nr. Juna i:--A oionar'a Jury wht.-h aat at Taialcy yealndar af lariuMin decided the hlllir.g oT K H Jonea ed't'.r of tha I baa a . an I'raaa. lloma i (,y y,nt I'annon. a pl! known ijiirhar I of arr ir.g aa or- f m.m l.r li. bp v. at if .able homicide lhr- wl.l finlah iiu ..m,. rpturne.l ui.iiaiiJli troiu a flirt ( ! in la-lpineanant a I ii. en In hli MIm rllaorMiu i. una man la known lo ha drowned and many ott.rr aped a almllar fata at i.'ia Inland I. .an of Huffaio. Wyo. TwradaV niht. whrn a wall of waipr II f'--t High ruahril .loan upon li e city without warning folloMliig a In ler I'rerk an on. trn mli aeat of the to n At SjM IjkWn rlty Turadav In field Wood, a K.'.li t.r. l... -Mm Mat gnret Xlartln through the hodv aa ahr a Irmli.g a elr.-t''ar. In explanation bi.alr raa I ! t ai d f.' ind iiniar. ahootlrig I i m ahlle !t- Iry lli V to r. tf lie lalined la I d re. peated! wall. e. I He neaapaper man l keep and that t!.e l.i"t!ng all the rrault i f !.! fail ire to d" Jorra w a . k in ' ledged to ' ')r;rr a:i pdit'U a" n c-out Iv had lie Juurat mada iiitm frienda and aoma itrong eni'llll'a a a nn loinmnni Tho l inmii'i ii' irlil'd to many prom inent famll'ra (i.n ughnut Ihe rounly MUNICIPA COURT IS L RAPPED BY JENNINGS "A man that worka for a llilng and la unfor tui.ala enough lo roma bafoi lha municipal court on aoma trltial i barge wtll gel a'.l H.aL'a coming to him. ' drrlaied i'ouiu ilinan J. J Jan ninga at II. la inoriiiiig a 'Ion of lha eoumll. "but a laraaltp who makaa hie lllng off of woman fartt very wall al th hand of lha Judge Councilman Jannli ga remark rama about alien he waa advopatlrg tha I-'-don of Nrd Klrirntun Hlevanaon waa arraaied on a charge of being drunk and dlaoiderly la eplle of lha fart that lha man a pravloua rrpulatlon waa al lien t. Judge la well amtenred him ti u daa on th nxkplie lla hai al ready lerved io data Mra PtPtanann applied for her I. u abend pardon, and rr applbatlun waa approted lo riuper intendent Marlaren of Ihe Parlflc Coast Iteacu aaaoi latlon. PATROLMEN MAY Nl oon aa tliev l omply with tho honiralpa l I of h crime 'i.o. aald that Mr. Mai lau and How My Hair Is ComingOut! Prevent f ItUole :;ilf tl.ptr Plltf). t'.e govvi niiiriil to retain a Hen upon th. Ui.d to ot er all unpaid water . hargpt In i.o iiiort of Hcprr irll.aUv a WK-h-) : i f p. if Loulljn, who . killed hv tr iln In I'oloniac park, the ho lae ad join ned at I 1 in a in tnea uay. Iol;ilrl. ThaT he may be i.reaent lo tk an active part In the itrpulillcan national convention, to w hich ho la a, oVlegflte. John Wannmnker. p-potmalor Ken anil. I haalenlng home from Europ. lie left I'arl Tuedav on a special truln for Chribo irg Mi. V ai.Rii.akcr will m i nd tha nomination of l'reii:dcnt Tafl l Chicago. In U-v of dlBc isKlon at Chicago oon IKCtlng Senator Jlorah's name with the vk a ireldHiu , l lie Idaho man gle out a etatem'.-nt that under no conceiv able circumstanced would he accept the! nomination. Ooiirnor Hadlcy KlAte that he I not seeking the vlca presi dency, but doea not nay that he would lefuse ihe nomination If It were of ferfd hlrn. Eaetorn. Charged with creating a disturbance. nt Maxim'', kicking tnrough a taxlcab window and using language more for cible than elegnnt. Mrs Katherlne Pierce, wife of a millionaire and a leador In Boaton aoclety, appeared In a New lork police court 1 ucstlav to answer a charge of disorderly conduct. With but a few hours to live, Jan Ribarlk, condemned to die on the gal low at Washington, Fa., Tuesday, at tempted to add another lo the list of his victims by trying to strangle his daughter, Atonla, when ahe appeared at his cell to bid him froodhye. Louis N. Seaman, former cashier of the Elgin National bank, of Klgln, III., was arrested 1 uesday In Ixis Angelrs on a warrant charging embezzlement and misapplication of the bank s funds. tin had enniPehcil l.lm In Ihe thrall of i vb es lo years before, boriowr.l hla money and caused him to ixgip. t hi wife and children Mr. Martin wa hot ar.d wo'indpd e j-n ear ago by a Mr, t'ougla. alio aald that h-r hus band had fallen a victim to Mia Mar tin a allurement. Koreat firea near flolden. In t'.e Rocky mountain, ar dctrovlng vaat quanti ties of timber A Urge mill on th Co lumbia rber belonging lo the Columbia Illver l.umlirr company, ill burned, with a luge (juantlty of log and stand Ing timber. The financial los will reach hundreds of lliouasnd of dollar. A man giving hi name aa J. Cald well and his age 30 years, walked Into the State Mercantile bank In Den ver a few mlnutr before the closing hour Tuesday, elbowed his way to the paying telltr'a window, presented a pistol and In subdued tones ordered Karl H. Kung to hand over the money In the racks Me secured about flit In gold, but was arrested before he could escape. (t'nltn Pre lrsed Wire I I sp!np. or. .lone I .' lJpi a i he In aded the I 'sun. "ii home at I'alaley, Kd Itor 1. It Join" of Hip Chew .mean l"ns wus shot and kild by Kmnk innon. a aheep man. about 11 10 o clock ton- dav night I'lniPti was looking arter his bunch of sheep a few mllrs from Tslsley and returnrd t;nrxpectedly to town, lie saw Jones run Into the a ood. aha.1 h. k of the house and foil .ned and sl ot bun. The coroner and sheriff and prosecuting attorney arrived st I'ulsliv frum l.ukmltw yesterday n.l t the prrlimliiarv hearing Cannon wa bound oer to the next term of tn circuit court on a harge of murder. QUIET CAMPAIGNING FOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR FORGETFUL BRAKEMAN RUNS T RAINS TOGETHER Cuticura Soap and Umtment Tonight rub your scalp lightly with Cuticura Ointment. In the morn ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap. No other emollients do so much for dry, thin and falling hair, dandruff and itching scalps, or do it sospec d-' ily, agreeably and economically Full directions in every package. Cuticura Ror nl Oiotrbent sold throughout trie world. Liberal sample of each nsilrd free. ith K.'-p. LJolf. Address "t titicura. Dept. H. BoMoo. OiTTcnder-rapftil men sh ive in eorfcrort won .. uti ctirii Srcp Sb.ii .rin Htlli. l.ibpral .aairle irre. The Pure Product of Nature's Springs. You will A 1 V m m m - feel better and do betterforusintr UaljrMa. Wrtes: NATURAL LAXATIVE Jg Glass on Arising for CONSTIPATION 18 Pacific Coast. Superior JudKe R. B. Albertson of Pe attle has appointed Glefo Matzger re ceiver for the Columbia River Orchard company, one of the rrlgatlon projects promoted by W. E. DeLarin and now In the hands of receivers appointed by the federal court. Tho Scandinavian-American SnvlnKS bank of Astoria haa closed a deal for the purchase of a 'ot at the corner of Twelfth and Dunne streets, on which It will erect a modern bankln? and office building-. The San Frnnclsco Call, owned . by John D. Sprcckels, was notified Tuesday morning by C. A. Pprackels, representing; th Spreckels estate, to vacate the Clams Spreckela building ni Third and Market streets. This la the skyscraper known the world over as the Call build ing:. Trouble In the Spreckels family causes the Call to seek a new homex Judge Colvlg, president of the Med- ford Commercial club, has left for a tour of the-, state to secure signatures to tha grood road home rule measure re cently drawn up by Attorney . A. E. Reames. Mrs. Lucy Availing Ioosley. an Ore gon pioneer of 1 84 7, is dead Ht her home) near Fort Klamath. Mrs. Loosley was a daughter of J. B. Walling;, prominent in tho early history of Oregon. "Blanket BUI Jarmah, agod 94 years, one of the oldest pioneers in thfe north west, passed away at Ferndale, Wash., Tuesday morning-. ''Blanket Bill" came to Puget sound in the year 1848 on a Hudson Ray trading boat. Fire, at Eugene Monday afternoon ruined the frame building in which Karl SmalTn bakery In that city was located. and the fire and water ruined his stock of goods.' The loss Is about $2000, with partial Insurance. Mrs. Mane Querder, living In San Bruno road,"! lonely suburb, of San Francisco, was struck down by an Iron bar In the hands of a jdayllght burglar and prob ably fatally Injured late Monday. The house was looted of money and Jewelry. President Freel, of the International Stereotypers arid Electrotypers- union. holding its 11th annual convention at Han Francisco, waa victorious Tuesday In bis fight aganst the seating of three C" Hik tm whn u' or. happad Ha. vuinv --' ....v - - -' - - cause the charter- of their union had been annulled. Freel took aw ay the Chi cago charter because the union Joined in the strike of tha web pressmen. BOY MAYOR, COUNCIL SWORN IN; THEN PLAN TO SEE BALL GAME IN BODY Boy Mayor Max fwerdllk and s 4 his 10 rouncllmen Here sworn In s s by City Auditor Karbur this . afternoon and they held their s s first official err-Mon linmedl- alely after the regular city s council had adjourned at 2:30 to- a day. Tho boy council will hold sessions ceiy day the rvst of s the week from 1:30 In the after- s noon till 2:30. The principal s s business tranuacted today was s s the adoption of n resolution pro- vitllng tuat Mayor Swerdllk nnd the young councllmen attend the s busebnll game In a body. s 4 NEVADA MAN SENT TO MILLIONAIRES' CLUB Reno, New, Juna 11. ieorge Wing field, the wealthiest man in Nevada, is United States senator from tills state today, having be n named by Governor Orirje to fill the' vacancy caused by the death of the late Senator Georg-o S. Nixon. Ingfleld was the first man to put a dollar into Golrifleld, and has Finer made millions In mines. His fortune is cstimatd at from $20, 000,000 to $30, 000.000. vVto lfl(9 Wlngflald and tho late t-'enator Nixon were partners in a real estate and banking business. Igprr-lil to Ths Journal.) Chehalls. Vu.h , June 12. Train $07 the N. I. southbound passenger, had narrow escape from a serious collision Rt Napavlne yesterday afternoon. freight was standing on a siding and during a lapse of memory a brakeman turned the switch before all the cars of No. 307 bad cleared. The freight en glne was moving slowly as the passen ger was pulling out. When the switch waa turned the front trucks of the din Ing car had gone past It onto the main truck, nnd the rear ones headed onto the siding The observation car was on the rear of the diner. The freight engine struck ths middle of the diner, smashing the glass and tearing the side of the car out. The presence of mind of the conductor on the diner perhaps snved the life of I passenger who was sitting by a win dow who did not sec the approaching engine. Tho conductor grabbed the man from his seat and the next moment the window was shattered Into a thousand pieces. Owing to an axle breaking on i freight car three freight cars on an other tialn were derailed early yester day morning al.o, two miles north of Napavlne. While campaigning ! been sua. pei.di-d to some extent bv the Kone l-V-liul. filend of the candidate for school director are busy on a quiet quest for vnt, aa this I th last weak before rWllon day. The polls will be opened t 2 o'clock next Monday afternoon, and vote will be racrlved until 1 o clock. Polling place have been designated throughout the city and votera will have the prlv liege of voting at any election place, not being required to vote In their own districts. Taxpayer, regardless of ex, mav vote. Friend of O M. Plummer and J. V. Reach each assert that the outlook I promising. Plummer la the candidate of thoae who want a "new deal" In ths board, while Beach, chairman of tha present board. I seeking another term. GET REST EACH MONTH Pro. laimirg by ota of lo I I hat th poor l-ollcsman la no loo gar roo- s HI a rod t) the rny council nieirly a a brother lo tha lnal oi without ths rlghl lo enj prrtiMu al day of recre ation a Mo other people thai work for a living, lha tawnuakere faaaaaxl me long drfarrnl Jo ordinance granting the rll) eterutlve board authority lo fits each policeman In the employ of the municipality two dais off duly iriv month Tha ordinance. If al4nrd by Mayor Mushllght. will becorr. effrellve ucto brr I Councilman Ralph C wa ths original Intnalucei of tha Up that po lli'inirn hutild not I. sve to work every day lr the year without occasional breaks in tha routine submitted an ordinance Ir.cor Kiratlng bis Idea last f.ll Th n--sji was tppe4 by Dollars' ar.d oihxa. tl. a r4 lit burled In s commit taav CoumUmaH J.) alt.mplad la rasla lis MtllAaiht last Mart-la, fcal his sffaarU I pr oad unatailltig CouncilmaB v't.d kapl (lufflag ail tha lima aful aa a raaull tS was raSe4 .cl I lb peaaa a of lb snllCLaar dai. Thoaa who votsd for It ftfS UaMtA rlltuan Uakae. Llrda, 1 aaj y lunBlag, J aa ninga, Joy. Magulra. Watktn sad Wit helm Thoaa who voted against or Councilman Hurgard. Msnafa. Moaka, Motilag. brhmaar and Wsllaos, W antrxl la Kan ffitrif. Charl.a M I'olgatt. wanted r tb fadaral authorm la Ha a rrasrlr f or mailing an obacana Istlar, was Sr rastrd ytr4tf by L'oitad "talas I1 uty Marshal Injk.a Jlla haavriag baa bean r"' pooaj io gtia blm a chane ( rslss bond a following a haa ring bs ill b sent lo iO Kranclaco on tas racalpl of noctssary pa par a A g'rt may never trouble haraalf about a mans fjtura If I comes) bar way with prreanl or I wo. Sensible Women Know Foundation of Health As health talks to women baooro mere gtneral. both lo th newspapers and on ths platform, th mass of woman ar beginning to remit what th mora cultivated hare always known, that good health oansot be round in a powrorr oox. Th external of health may b ob tained In that way. but lite basis of health lias daepar, and yat Is Just as easily obtained. Tha moat Important thing that s w. man can do for herself, and about which sh Is often moat nglctful. Is to watch th condition of bar stomach and bowels. Ths weary yaa, the bavd braaUb, ths frquot hsadacheas, ths plmplaa. th gen eral air sf lasaltuda Is nbos tlrrusa u t of tan ths result of constipation or Indl- S ration, or boh- Many slropls reme la can b obtained, but tha boat In th esaureatlon of most woman Is Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Papain, it Is mild, pleasant bo ths taste and exactly suited to her neds, it is far superior to salts. cathartic pill, waters, tte which art entirely too violent, .Woman should sea lo It that tbsr havs at laaat on movement uf lb bowalt each day, and when showing any ten dency to constipation should laks Ir. Caldwell Hyrup Pepaln In th smsll dosa prescribed. A brief us of It will so train ths stomach and bowal muscles that ail forms of medlcln ran b alls pnswd wltb. Tbs opinions ars voiosd by thousands of woman, after parson a 1 experience, among them Alts M. Lilly. Had wins. Calif., and Mary A, Bb. fit. Thomss, Nevada. Anynns wishing to maks trial ef this remedy before boring It In th reg ular wsy of a druggist at fifty cents or on dollar a large bottle (family sis) own bars a sample botila sant to th home free of charg by slraplr address ing Dr. W. B. Caldwell 40i Wsshlngtoa Rt.. Montlcello, 11L Tour nam and d dre on a posts! rsrd will do. TOWN TOPICS Chine Arrested. Lee Wah Yook was arrested yesterday by Deputy United Ktates Marshal Dukes, charged with beintr In tlie United States contrary to the Chinese exclusion law. He will be given a hearing before United States Commissioner Cannon and if found to be guilty will bp deported. PeacbJn Improves Physically Ser grant E. 8. Peachiii, who for mor than a week tfn'd a half has been hoveripg be tween life and death as a result of the two bullet wounds In the head, Inflicted by his wife who afterwards committed suicide, is reported to be graining phys leally, but his mind Is safu to be still very much Impaired, and while It Is be lieved that he may survive the wounds It is not belin-ed he will be of the same mental capacity should he gain his physical strength. One eye Is entirely destroyed, and the sight of the othar will be somewhat Impaired. ' OVtnX't Improved Idvr FZXX.S' PEOPLE having indigestion,, bilious . .nal 1 riamSa..l.A -1 . V, kail pp.rv.nlav. " I"" - ..1H. . h ...... ..V,. IhIa J 1 , . , ion or pimpies, can es cured wun tness i am. A guide belonging to Captain Garrig&a - vegetable pills. They drive out ths cause -cr sickness end clear tns com plexion. ' Tcu loqk better and feel bet ter sfr owing tnsm, Ons for a dosv ti cents st drutrgiets or bymsll, ro sample write Dr. Bonko Co. i j t vjJb CI. nili-ADA-i,! lilA, W. Cubs, Tuesday, evaral cat's .cut from negroes' beads. Ji was arrested, and to b triad by courtmartlal. . Ths United States gunboat Nashville landed -Tuesday at Mayari. about-five miss south of Kip Bay. Cuba, a ds Warrants Xss-ued for Eijrbt Men Bench warrants have been issued . by Judge Taiwell for eight of ths list of 20 maquereaux who w ere last week sen tenced to 90 days on the rockpile and who were released on ball pending their appeal, the bench warrants being issued for the reason that the appeals were not perfected in the time allowed. The police hsve been Instructed to bring these men Vn and turn them over to the prison authorities to serve their sen tences. Although the warrants were Issued yesterday none of -the men has been found. Ths list Includes A. Sobel, i I. Btrasaburg, Max Holtier, A. Burn stein, Hfrry Taylor, Davs Faldman. Ben Kolt and Joe Scbmeck. . GOOD ROADS BODY GETS REAL RESULTS AT BANKS Rnnks, Or., June 12. The meetings of the Ranks-Thatcher Good Roads as elation, hejd at the Kansas City school house, are continuing- to grow in interest. The association was or ganized last January and has for its purpose, the consideration of methods of good roads building, also to co operate with the county court and road supervisors in their efforts for higli way Improvement. The association "nas succeeded In creating a great deal of Interest and has been ablo to accomplish some very creditable renults. A notable Incident was the recovering for the Thatcher district of $666 of special tax money, which had in some manner not yet sat isfactorily explained been returned to the general road tax fund. While the shortage of the special tax fund was generally known no action was secured until tho association took the matter up and appointed a committee of in vestigation. This committee found that a warrant for $1000 had been Issued by the county court onthe Thatcher district special tax fund In favor of .the county clerk and that the clerk had paid out of this amount bills totaling $334, and then turned the bal ance back to the general road fund. The value of the organization Is apparent In the promptness with which the $66 was returned to the Thatcher special tax fund after the Investigators got to work. The organization favors a more gen ernl use of the road grader to' the end that roads be better rounded up in the center and good drainage provided and a more general use of the road drag In the winter suason secured. It also favors publication of the road super visors monthly report in ths local pa pers to the end that taxpayers mar know exactly where and for what pur pose the money Is used. The meetings of the organization are held on the first Wednesday evening of eacn month. EXCHAN E mm LIVESTOCK NSURANC Livestock Insurance while In the stockyards was the subject discussed at this morning's session of the Na tional Livestock Exchange, which la meeting In Ellers hall. It wis decided to leave the matter to the Individual ac tion of tho local exchanges. Some carry Insurance, others do not. Tomorrow morning election of offi cers, appointment of standing commit tees and other Important matters will come before the meeting, and the next meeting place will also be chosen. St. Joseph, Mo., will probably be the place A number of Interest l-ng papers will also be read and discussed. This evening at 6 o'clock the dele gates and their ladles w,IU be guests at a banquet at the Multnomah hotel. O. M. Plummer will be the toastmaster. A few short speeches will be mde and then the delegates will go to fly.- grand stand to view the electrical parade. Yesterday afternoon the visitors were at the Portland Union Meat company's plant and the stockyards and were also entertained with an automobile ride about the city. The various livestock sections are said to be better represented at this meeting than at any other held In the past. Eastern Excursion Tickets If you want to post your friends on the Rose Festival and Portland, send The Journal for one week during the Festival: 15 cents for the week. Includ ing postage. Jans 1, 6, T, 8, 13. 14, 18. IT. 18. 18, 00, Bl, 14, 88. 87. 88, 88. juiy a. a, a. i, u, m, io, io, no, va, so, aa, as. 90, at, Aag-nst 1, 8. 3. 6. 7. 18, IB, 16, 88. 83, 89. 30, 31. ...u.u.i -m , u. w, i , a, , aw. CHICAGO A WD 1ETUS ft Ta.60 da. tiuuio snu aiixua s) 70 0O HEW TOM AJTD mETVBIT 8108.80 BOSTON Aim BETUBir 8110.00 BUFFALO AND BETTJXir ' Z ai so ITFAVL. MIWHBAPOLIS. D TT I. TT T T. OMAHA, SIOUX CITY. ST. JOE. KANSAS CI IT, WIHJrrPSO POST AB- THUB AND BXTUBJT 860.00 Tickets allow 15 day for going passage, good for return tn October 31. Good going one road, returning another 8topovers allowed within limit in each direction. Try the "OBIBNTAl, UMITBD." Leave Portland 7 n m daily. Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers Portland to Chicago In 72 hours without change. Finest service snd scenery. Tickets and sleeping car reservations at city tlck- pi on o r, iiu. i. Aiiiru sireei. or ai aepot, Eleventh and Hoyt streets. H. DICKSON, O. P. ft T. A.. 183 Third Strset, Portland, Telephone : Marshall 3071, A-33 80. Women's Best Interests I demand that every woman should spare herself unnatural suffering by obtaining safe and proper help when physical ills, and nervous depression occur. When ailments and suffering come to you remem ber there is one safe, effective gentle and well-tried remedy 0 ASTORIA via the delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers v.. The J woman who falls to saybe caus'"must tuiTa another, excuse,- " CASTORIA Pot Infants &nd Children. TRa Kind Yea Kara Ahrajs Bought of special value to women. Beecham's Pills remove the cause of suffering; they clear the system and by their tonic, helpful action relieve you. of headaches, back aches, lassitude and nerve rebellion. Try a few doses and know the difference know bow Beech am 's Pills-will help your feelings, how they strengthen. Invigorate Preserve and Protect affoald be awr terew4 t wtta wrv bom. - IwtsSSmtwSaiaUt. m r is. Hassalo Rebuilt and Befitted Throughout AND Harvest Queen PBOX ASK STBXET DOCK Steamer "Hassalo" will leave daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 8 a. m, (SHARP so as to pass through the draws of the bridges De fore the closed period), and on Saturday at 1 p. 'm., touching at iWegler to connect with North Beach points, thence to Astoria. Steams er "Harvest Queen" will leave daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 8 p. m and on Saturdays at 10 p. m. v Excellent restaurant service Meals a la carte v; ; Trains meet all boats at Megler for North .Beach points , . Single Trip to Astoria......,' 1.50 s . ' Season Tickets, North Beach .t 4.M Saturday to Monday Tickets...1..'., .f 3.00 r . Five-ride Round-trip Tickets....'.. ..15-00 - ' -t One day river trip Portland to Megler and Return, f 3.00 : " t Stateroom. teservation can be made at Asi ptreet JDock,'of -. ; - city'ticket office ' i- - .. third and washington streets : . . portland