flin QREGOH DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE It. Hit "si i-n mil ii i ill I . I t is 1 J7i VII 44 rr It a rw . atiiil f- -" ' 11 The H-A.t'J Ar!.. Jf VhtH til" (till 1 Hi S f- i WB THB i.i n iM I SltHCK Ak'1' 1 KS Wlheil u I ; I. H. Tj-e"AS:.fi.i:"t lis. tl I ( I kkv- Kt ' tltl4 I tt l t l.- l " ' '' kl, .- ' ! Ak - - ' " . ' ' ' ' ' 'r r- lit t 4 m : A A k f ' ' r J M In f Ult ' ti l I ,H . .- A-J III Hll. I ! 11 l (1 i ilkk' All. ! ' ' Hit ' ! ; fll. .!(:. ....... : ! ! ) tuu itirvi rum 13 )ti n li.it.ua f ' .- , ; alii" " l .fJ...i (i i i-..i !. kii i.ci-.. Iti4 talk, .t.t ia-'cl k ki lira, la-" k ii'i k.a a ii l h t-el V . hll.llrn Ilrt l!t I'' fMi lll-.'S i ' "' -.-I TatKir laea ! :l" rfk. faroara li'kl ". ' Mffl .Mi.khln. In ' I'ti'k labor 9 or It ;:. Afir 'u khaki Tlf - I f f LU t i i"' . 5 '' 5 rwni, n ailif. 1 l.ailin ar.l M. tit I llh l . k" l M N tn m A . l lljiBilfl nJ'"n"" JTjI'il-S' 4-f.H.m luef fal. i'kkhi ly Iifla. hk-a afxl ki'.t I-..rvl,r (nil !niU.m la kMcl.cn. I.': 43 toiwjatlltiall llT iV;MIlt.NT " A P rl r.-.wk 4 balk PrK l lii'iuira -it1. In ur W-.na-ti ) IMS Alt ma k'f roKTiTiui. I : - ti mi. .J lii At vkm imtii.Var-nf . II :-'? " ' J 1 If Tnitatl t.. fwm inwlrrii l".al. Illll. I t Tiionii-kuo A i'o, M l. . il"oCl:"TtV 4 .nT:aa. Uff-T J lor. fufttafi.. Ill (jiH, li'l JTlAV 4 r-oorn IUI. ITS Arra .. tiaof fH an1 fTSo nw fmJrtiT n-m rr.kon- bla lo ha rhrhl J? 'll ror lTuJtENT T'pir uf lor flat. rL.ka In. Inoulr on frtmlin t? Krfrktl 50 THREE room nlrlT fjrnlfhad flat cloaa In and reaaunablk Hi iloal- t.. iwr. Tlh IIOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND EurcjjOkB pUs only II H and up. rr )r"IA FIil."MK Kurwraan. 4lh and Aldr. 8T0IUC8 AXD OFFICES 11 141 Taylor t . budrwn 3d and 3d ta . roomy tnr with balrony. Kent only III Woodward. Afen t 0 4! d a WAK'YhirJ A doctor to locale In mod- rn offlc room, ilood locaiion. H. H. SpaJdtoa;, cor. Mlctilgan and Kll- llnraworth ay. FOl". KENT Iir( atorrooin. central lorAUon; will lraa for long- term or -ara M. E. Iee. 311 rorhott UJilg JBA6KMKNT-iil0, 104 t'ronl at Ap ply no yon bldg. 6LLMEH ItESORTS. SO Home at the Seashore An exceedingly comfortable and sub stantial noma at Hcaview. i.ni; uejicn; room housa, 3 fireplaces, front porch 12 feet wide, enclosed In irlona on the north anil west side; French doors con necting: dining; room and oonervatory ; 4 sleeping rooms, library, llvln room, etc., besides 2 extra sleeping rooms In the pump house; laundry and woodshed, kitchen, etc.; bath, hot and cold water, both upstairs and down; celled and tinted; built In buffet; pUte Rlag In the front of the house; plenty of win dows, storm wrlndows of KlRa for win ter; double floors and walls and build ing paper between In each case; con veniences and necessities too numer ous to mention except nt Interview; food lawn, 100x100 Inclosed; 2 beach ots besides; price 4B0O. Whitmer-Kelly Co. 70 4th t. For Rent or Sale Two new 4 room cottages at Afiate Beach, on beach front. Large attic, electrically lighted, furnished or unfurnished. For particulars see Knapp & Mackey 213 Bourd of Trade bloij. Tar Rent Furnished AT FEAVTEW LONG BEACH 8 room house $300 fl room house t AVJIITMRK-KLLLY CO., 70 tt.'i -t. IfOR RENT Furnished 6 room cottage at Ocean Park, Wash. Kor further particulars phone East 1514, after 7 p. m. Bi'i.u ana roust Keeping rooms. housekeeping tents, camping grounds, on cottage. Apply Mrs. Fannie Aus tin, Seaside. Or. WANTED TO KENT IF you wish to rent your house or flat aee WATSON & THERKELSEN CO ' 80S-6 Spalding hldg. Main 7693. WANTED to rent Fmall place not far out, with garden ami fruit preferred, tt hich will buy, and loom for chickens; rnuat act iiutck. A-77, Journal. 1 WANT to rent a 5 room ho tine In good location, not over $1'S. E-428, Journal. S OR 4 ROOM furnished liouhc at once; state terms: can 'give references. B B4, Journal. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 YOUNG standard bred trortlng stallion; well broke, valued $800; would tradn for good auto and pay difference. Call or address, 641 Williams av ilOlthtb and buggiea lor ieni ny aay" week and month; special ratei to business house. th and Hawuiorna. ri f. i'OR SALE Good, trustworthy horto .make a good delivery; will do any kind of work; city broke; 1300 lbs fnoTie cm. inn THE finest horse and bugav in the cltv sound and gentle. VERY FfAST Cheap, phone Sell wood 141. i;OR SALE Fair buggy. Apply Mrs. i Bichon. 7 blocks south of Woodmere suiron FOR RENT Big barn and cellar and 1 "ai acres of land. Apply Mrs. Bichon, wooelrnerei. 1 blocks south. TWO business lots in Hlllman, Or., to ir&ue tor coupie norses; lots worth I2S0. T-6S5. Journal. ' ' ' Si 00 lb. work team; must sell at once, kM t ik a . ..- i- ' it imu ' -" i.. kk tu ' ' r .... K. ! all -- ' 111 - -. -. 1 - or will exchange for small t,eam. 14 l n inn irn. cor. Ain, - E Rl' V C .- ! 1..... ... 1 . U , 1 1 A A 1 1. - V ' . ' 4.. . 1 p . 1 r- jiutns ecujii. vv in.,, harness and good buggy. 781 Intley ve. Sellwood ear. . . - ' ' ' '. 1 a. 1 ' 1.1 1 3 boarded w1fk'b'St rare andJ t.'fjtlfn. tails ..rented. Cohnnbla , f ietl4VJlf'ront! 41 HfiliHn, UHltlM l.T Harness i'e i f fit-fil I . 1 -! t . I - : . . ... 1 ; I'- I .t .,!,i i . y- . . ' H i I ! t. . r . I i t e ii.-i. e hi.j-s' Ji hiiS . v., : . i t t . i lit fUi' 1 . ' t t ! I ' I. K il :j!t II t 1 , e h c if k I.I I 1 H Ml I .it ii"nn: a mi I t to. i I ; ! i J I I , I '. I 'c4 I--l I ' r ! All.. I I.. J lie i . k!J t....k tk ,ll ll.i ... 'kk I A.t'. k i.l a' I t , V . . I . . k . 1 t . l!(!l !l , ,.. . ,.! I'!! 'ff IkM.i r . . j I. I 1 ll s : t . 1 .1 Pki-.i . i. I ! - l j i I i. . . , '.in In'. . i i1 i..:. 1 ' t h'il.n ,, X ' , i i .i. :!. j 1 1 i:irK k HI a in ti rr ..llt .f fdlt, ! ..i. !..! I 1 J h.t ;.ii.i .i s' I.a : 1 ii 1 I r I iT'.ii l & f - t l C - - . j .... , Itll I.II.V .17 Haby Chicks 'iiit Pcullfv Supply House 1'! Halchery, 206 vSalinon st. ll'll H.tl .: I .1 ttl.llr I rtl,'il 11 put :. i.irr 3 liinl'-k .-..I :rnafi 1 eif. 'Ii. V!.:io Irif'.iii tlarrr.l J'l'fii.iilh tllli"ll 11.) (!'.,n IMi!!l! fc .1 1 tjl I'. 'f la n ' .1 Heirhrrv : kklit.i.n ! .) Inn.-1 'l mi. m h gwi lllnh I'l.o.'ia W'olmI- Al li)t ' r'i I !ri tl t'. till- i.. ln. n ah.l liarr.,! I:.h k il.. ii. aij.ata. II n.rr J j l-e.'i . T I'uf it ; liAltl'.M k iiti . .!(. rM, k f la JillitiUl ilxk J:i)ie. lio!.ou,l till illTell I i.'i.aitt Ii el" Huf t ir.lni-l.-na. i.re r.K.ner. 10 laylnr; hen. 1 nLl' '11'' 'l'""'l IRK. A.M HOt Sl.llOI.il Vt-TTS 40 h'lt hALU lmM.rle.l ,inrii. tpanlel. an.1 alow don Lull Ifril.r bardlli( 3l Trui.t at Kren. n Kenne! UAS'l-St'ilK JIM." Hie b..l lolliif. ureron. af at'iil .taln 3JJ U'YTi ilia dna" man. nil "iulur bree.l for al H.mrillhg &T I ri.nl A-JHI K11 HALE .MISCKI.I.A.NEOIH in OI'TKIT KOH HAKE. On account of leaving: the alata. will ell irradliiB outfit ronaTitint of I food teama. 7 dump wagon. ( other wi.oni, autotnobllo low, ax in per a. tletm saw and tool 8 tencty work for with the outfit. l'tona Vlarahall :ill. U. II. Cto lei. Alao Tortland Wood Yard. Ninth and Ollaan. one of the tiext located and lor; estaullkhrd In the rlty. Steam aaw with elevator and T wood wagona go wlin Ihr varif Holh yhonea fur. SAI.fc. fMew and aacnil-liand Car om and pocket Millard table, and bowling alleya and acoaaaorles; bar fix tures of all kind: easy payments. Th Prunswlck-PAlke-CoIlender Co. 41-41 fcth at. Phones Main 7I. A-1741. fi!wTWT rnarhlnea Another lot of used machines of all makes; must bn old for storage; every on In flrsl data order, at your own prlca 292 3d t.. corner t olmnhla et. SAh'ICS Sueclal bargains second han fire and burglnr roof; safes openei and repaired. I'arroll Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 5 ith at, I'lion Wfc sell cash registers, scales, credit registers, cheese cutters, coffee mllU. etc., at greatly reduced urioea. either for cash or payments. The Portland Stor Muppiy Co.. .BO J!d t. Marshnll 4B4S OK SALK 1 systemntlc concrete mix er: one double nlr npace cement block macnine. one i-ecricps cement brlcK mn chine. All In good order, l'hoiie C-I375 I -dn. Journal FOR SALE Invalld'.M wheel clinlr, good as new, ror tiair orlglnsl cost: crutches for person 6 feet fi inches, alHo for sale. Telephone C-rlOs. or wood lawn 1 737. Hr'KClA L sale of BIlKhtly used Slnaera "W. W.." White and Standnrd saw. tng machines; easy payments. Call 283 r.. Morrison nesr firsrwl. KLIollTLY Ufeil casri registers, cre.Hi registers, computing scales, etc boua-ht and sold. The Pacific Stors Kcrvlce Co.. 211 Stsrk st. Main 7711. FOR SALE cheap, one Bnusch & Lomb microscope, little u?ed. Telephone t-uuN, or woonmwn 1737. LKOP JIEAU Singer sewing machln practically new; great bargain; going ensi i J j. tn. near .ir.linon. SHOT G UN, rifle and mitro box, for post card KonaK. ornce desK, tent. w lint have you ( -4:2. Journal. FOR, SALK Hoisting engine, slngl uwm ixjj. At wora now. A-ba, .lournal. i-t.it ISA1.W JioiHtitiK' engine, i-verv- thing complete and running now. A-79, Journal. FOR SALE or rent. Logging. Hoisting Engines, Ralls, Cars. Locomotives, Railway Koulpment Co.. 74 1st St. ONE 48x60 Q. O double desk, range, water heater, bicycle. East 44.12. GOOD loose hay. 312 Sellwood 1756. a ton. Phoua lili'VCl.KS, 310 up. motorcycles cheap Tor casn, im Maniwon. near tiringe STOVE furniture repairing, estimates glven Marshall 3223. 828 Wash. WANTED 311Sn2LIlXEOUS 0 "ARE YOU breaking up housekeeping?'' We want to buy everytltlriff in furni ture, Etoves and rugs etc. Call us up and wo will make bids promptly and ray all the casli it is wortn. Phcns Kant 63fi COVELL FURNITURE COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best" price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022. BAROJ-.flS' AUCTION HOUSE. B6S-3 70 E Morrison St. E. 1022. 8103J worth of pood furniture nt once. WANTEO To buy 100 tons of good wheat hay for fall delivery. State price and terms. O-420. Journal. TO buy cash register, scales, cheese cut ter, coffee mill, credit register and meat yHc-r. Call Marshall 4548. .1 1 '. I-" HVIlVn mriT alrr nhnlniili. fi rflD irOrt. 36 Uiravetta bldir. Alain UK WlSej; iiet mure for your second hand furniture bv e'iing It to ' Ford Auction Co . ?11 1st Main R1. A-244B. WANTED People of Portland to knox that I pay the blghsst cash price for second hand household goods. N. M. Pater. 124-126 Grand ave. East 1662. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE HOLD GOODS. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX.. 369 E. MOR. E. 76. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc Cam. era Exchange. 215-H Morrison. AUTOMOBlLES-MOTORUiCLES 44 6TUDEBAKER 7 passenger auto, best condition, for lot, acreage, timber. 8. .rerersnn, es e. SHtri N. Tabor 4104. FIVE pass, auto; In good order1; will sell for 1260 cash; Woodlawn 1660, or F-424, Journal. WANTED A second band Ford auto, model 1910 or, later: cash. See R. R HOrlbertr room 7. 260H Alder et.r i i win .n. lit. -ii . , j i i ; I ji l Hit . - t. t a 1 1 .ir. ti : : t : I ' t. Mil. tl r - I I. i ! M W HAVE credit of 11750 on 1912 or 1911 White auto or truck, t What will you rfveT Addreea 894 Ellsworth it, L i' .Z-' ' - IS iihKtT lailka la ke 4 ki4 rata. 111 Mil.iMil . ia til I ak. rli lal ! he MM I i fwnul A llll f klkia Sml Ia,aS& i-l . VI.S(h 1 In I A.t 'ka t . kaafk,. ! IMU ... I a. t -.ial-ia St IOHTI.T 1 SEr" Af 'TvMBII ' W, i, t, ,.! . of ik! tTAi.'ifch Ami Fi ,.., V;J. f:i k.4 klbtfl IA. I .it tJaia Mil it ii'i lilt'"- I , .iki.4 !! ( kilr4 ft! Ci ). Hit. 4 H ' mi tir lira .11 ,k i!i ! If ki klUUra lft 1 t il. t l ( AM IMI-ilT At ii rill, al a , i if I . t : fi it.iii" 1....1. i:i : . ):ii.Jr It a i- tin, al.4 f.il: I lul l Akfc t i i . k. i.-i kl I k.i at ui.: . I llkll.-IM- l-n.lkj- Aii'i iil.'.i iki.kl'l fci ln - f .1 . i-ki t! M.l.ra. fully auln4 . o.l i:.o .III k. 11 t"t laaa ll.aa half A Til Water al M: tool r l.ilk. I' eaih. atrial m it: Vli'i r'.a.iB lAijii am ror.M ' .( 1 1 f lleiarren KaiiJ; anj fueernmenl 1 im. a mi ll fb 4 Hon t rad anh a kli'.. a li'.i.ilh kf.4 rut.) i)ii Ita- i kail mmvID - ajniiiii el luftlkh I I l. ) f Jul. a io. ..1J valrh an4 l.lark j f.iu ft. all), nt.anoaraiu XI VI. on iii .r.t Call WuuUtn l.tbaral r 1. 1 1 larrTorT Frindia. Ilia nkr, Welfhl klut Mill- . I.ckl JI III ink Ii n reward rn.n.r, 1441 Iv Tlh. Hell- I.iiST- I.la.k a"inl wl.tla cullla Jog An- imii in I lie iianie i.f rtjit Itaward. fall Talwr J:i4 I.iiST Women of Voojcraft I'ln K. C tut n eniti t" Jouri.al Ilea ar t -s . , .r.,- 1 ii 1.1 1 - Lady. ' l;U.-k landbag. valu.l.U ..iiri. Unli lion. JKk.iJ. A IHl .voriciJi 20 SI:aI.KI bids will t received st tht offlc of the underalgned. to! Ill fold t.UlK . until I p m June It, Mi:, for i-miit lri; of new Falling school hpecl flcailona may be obtained at the officii of ArcMtei la Whlti Imune A Koullhoux. 4oJ Wlli-f bid t'erllfled check for 10 per cent of bid. paable tu It II Tliomna. school cleik, inuat accompany entcli proposal lluard of dlreclora re serves tho rlfc'hl to reject anv and all bids. It. 11 TMOMAM. richool Clerk. Paled June 1 lSJ!; '111 whom 11 nmr concern will not be responsible fr "' bl'ls contracted bv mv wife. Mn O I. WTi-ner lat if flrat publication. June t, 1I1. (iKORtlE T WAHNKR I'EIlSOXAli BE a vln woman" Pon'l experiment with Kilson. Whan In need of a re liable monthly remedy get a bottta of Antlko Mixture No. , and be convinced that It Is the best and most harmless remedy ever put on the market for pain ful and suppressed menstruation. Abso lutely ruarnntecd to give satisfaction. For sale and guaranteed In Portland by th Jefferson Diug Co., Id and Jeffer son. Main 7542. A-7916. LAliil:? HoOO rewsrd: 1 positively guarantee my great succeaaful "monthly" remedy; aafoly relieves eome of the longest, moat obatlnste, abnor mal cases In 3 to 6 daya; no barm, palu or Interference with work; mall 21.50 DouWe strength. 12. Dr. C. T. Southing ton Remedy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. A LIGHT preporsesslng woman. Age 36, with somo musical and literary taste, fond of outdoor life, desires to meet an honorable, good hearted gentleman, worth not less than 110,000, having good common sense D-42.1. .T..iirnar PR. AI.ICHS A. ORIFF releasee 0l woaen and children, has remored .u LaFayette tide, 313 H Washington st OK WalKER, specialist; quickly cures diseases of men. blood and skin dis eases, sore.;, ulcers swollen, glands, kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First st. Portland. MRS. STEVENS. 18 years Portland's lending palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Falnilstry Mads Easy," on sale, 667 H Williams ave.. corner Knott. Office hours 10 re m. to 9 p. m. TWO German ladles, 25 years, from good family, with complete outfit If weaving handwork. but Ignorant of English language, desire to marry soon. M-24. Journal. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men by mall 11 per box; money re turned If It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co. 2 45 M Morrison. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Dtsea es of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg.. fith snd Washington. Main 4047. ACTUM A 1 " beart trouble; wish to nO I nivln see the case I can't cure. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C, 238 Union sve. N.. Portland. Or. SPIRITUALISM REV. MAY A. PRICE, MEDIUM. READINGS. TEACHING. HE ' LING, DAILY. CIRCLES TOES., 2: WED.. 8 P. M. MAR. 4746. 391 6TH. ADVANCED Therapeutics Institute Rooms 48 to 63 Washington bldg.. 4Ml nnd Washington sts. Hours, 9 a. m. to 7 p. ni. NEW FRENCH HAND LAUNDRY. All work tiuaranteed: dyeing, cleaning and pressing all kinds of fine washing. 475 Williams ave. iasi zan. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods. box or 3 boxes ror ja, py mall. T. J. fierce, 7it1A Morrison. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 20c oox; 0 Boxes 11.2k. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. z Morrison at. W. KELLOGG, specialist for rheuma tism. 1 cure where others rail. 27 Grand ave. MISS HEDLUND. hairdresalng, face massage, scalp treatment snd mani curing. 3fo4 Morrison st. ; ornce u-3i WOMEN Use femolds when others fail. Sold and guaranteed by tne Ausplund Drug store, 110 N. th St. Main 810. WORKING man, 36, good habits, wishes to meet working girl or widow, ob ject matrimony if suited. A-19, Journal. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Pektim bldg. BOSTON scalp specialist, facial treat ments. . Room 2. top floor. 271 Motrlaon s t. ' MISS MAY ANDREWS, phrenological examinations. 235 6th st. Phone Main 7648. VliniXfr T-'GTITT T TT m.nlnl anA ante. ltual sclentistT 144 ilth St. Main 8991. I coat i. c.a e.i,i ... , jvy SLrTranKd.5cUArtrartfiJ,0-m.j12' I SAVE 12 to 110 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 632 Wash., cor. 17th st. BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 622 Day! st. Msln 0211. si CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES" Or seller's equity In contract of sal on reai estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen s bids;.. Loans. JLOAXS WAA'TKD SO 11000 wanted-on house of 8 rooms, mod ern and .new; lot 60x100: value of property 13200; will pay.g'per cent and expense; no commission. B-65. Journal. I WANT to borrow (1260 for 1 years. pay a per cent- good security. Craig Carrier, care the Fred A. Jacobs -Co. 11400 from - private party, no agents; (00a cuy property. Iti.dop ei.gr.el W tn. lira, at , el.eat.t late beat a.1 mo.t v 4'flwH J...,.llt,-.r.l Lrlv.u term. In trtUr4 lT ;aldlng . t, . . slT VuVl f.Tl W.I., .1 l.ojt'l-A l.u.kkkin horaa. whlla fara , fcldg. iieee.mr -o V J V Viy lw Vlersl.ai: A-I44I a k..a . . m ( - I a l aa a . -v v aa CTA a am ra 1 ' " ' ' " i d ninu ar aie raaaru r raaiar i un iunnr.ii" 'v;, . i a a i . TiV i i7n, A . I -ran. :' 4th at. uAVie v " lr.-.i " l7a et I r . Pofl.K f ! V 5 ft. S I ' KL.... . L7iSf A br.."ri ln.adlwg ll. Weler A Women keeping hmiaa aad olera fiyw iil Yl KVrKTS. tl. Curry at . . ... . t- ii- I .1.1 .iiki.i i.nna.1 fklaaV i " . 1U ffi.' 5 '. r - $4 !4 Journal. I oiirtiiii. tu.u.ii ' CHATTEL 1 OA S ! til (l,V II11H4 ' Meae hal t M. HiMiHiihlKhtl HMIU-IIU.S HI-um e.ki .ilin M Vacation Rates it wMr I i' u- k.lf k( I ti I Y.:r l I ik. lit U..kif , a li ik. t.lf.f 4k In klvX .' Mr I OAS hM It 1 ! Yt.' I'AN ufr f It l'l'A. tkka if I4 I. Portland Loan Co. Ill T klio.ii lili lih f. h4 ilk .4 IIM .l" Vacation loans Ai..l H e I 'a. t J (I It.a'.i 11. - Id --!! Al II l"l lal- I AM l.-i.l. ik H.kl I'M ll .le.l un M ill. l.l i'u III H e l"l ' gui.a.e - - fall ' t ara u Stato'Sccufiiy Co. Kallln ll'.tc ! Li i i i , '.The Portland Shbwoc-i Co, aia. IK. al...W. aetata, r..rl,.ia.; AalaIJI 4-IMI raal aalala ak.l mMiaeii at jaitt niii txl alririlv .if ulr.tlal f ft IlKAl. :TTK ASM Jll.i-Kl; AUK iM, III Hamilton M.i. Vlatr. ;IC JW On auloa. .ln..a. (an.ilure. lHaatoek. warrtitiiee rr-rli I, tunlnf l mort. mil or ar.vthlnir. of nl. Ilukl.'taaa alrl.tir confiileMlat AlKjl.l'ill'.-t 1.AVP. Main 11 tJ,Ah,"S,"'?'M-, hril.'c Pncu Mnnpu tyilirvU O UllU mvi'i.; eaalaat raymen(a 1'oma and gal money I when you want II. and ir a you can. officei In all piinrlral rfttav 11 44. Totmw ) Umber Pirhang IMtlVATK I AltTY Advances on pl.mo. rat-br. 1!amon,a, Jawelry. atorase recent". rl estate, quick, reaaoimbl and cm t Men t lal. Klby ompanv j:i Lumber r.icr.oiice. Start. Stain 417 M al.J hKK FRANK LA N I for a losn on pljno. househwM goi.. auto, livestock, storage receipts, men- gages, anything of value it will ou Itn Call end gel our prlca 4uS Hwetland bb'.g. th n.l VmhinrJ"n. ' Mi 'N K Y IN" "A NY AMi'lNT. Contracts, nortgagea. equ!tl. chat tel, diamond and real security, spa rial aervlce rendered LAWSON-HKOW N INVESTMENT CO.. 1134 Yeon bide Tel M. sTS. AdeTrsble place tor Udle and Kntle- rr.en to borrow rr.nner on dlamonda and Jewelry at eastern rntes. IMimonJ Palace. 334 Waah.ojip. Owl Druf Slora. j MTiNEY loaned on rfimiioiula snd Jewel- i ry; strictly conf Ucntlal. 1 4 1 V 3d. j near Alder. MONEY aold on li'alalliiieiit, confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. Naw ton M Henry Rid. MONEY to loan on diamonds and other aerurltv. Loj rntes. 60 Hwel land. JjnANfor the asking, salary or chat, tat The Loan C 414 Deknm bldg. MOXKV TO IA)AX HEAL ESTATE 120.000 TO I.OVN ON IMPROVEM PORTLAND I'ltOPERTY. ' (WILL DIVIDE) AMOUNTS OF ll"00 OR T.AHGFK 7 fl l'KIl CENT. J. H. TIPTON C4 . 1 1 OS SI'ALXiINO I v.ixa. ASK FOR MR. EASTON. Money to Loan On real estate In amounts from 1250 up at I, 7, 1 per cent per annum, fee me first J, E. Nichols 615 Yeon bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 1500 TO ir.o.ooo. ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY REASONABLE RATES OF INTEREST , APPLY, MR. NEELY. LOAN DEPART- j MENT WARD ei YOI'NO ER, SL'ITE 42C YEON HLDG. 1150, 1380 HEAL ESTATE. Client wants loan placed for one vear. Fred AV. German. 436 Chamber of Com merce. 1100 TO 1300 lJUAN FOR SHORT TIME. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR OTHER PROPERTY. PRIVATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG 110003200013000. Must be good security. Fred W. Ger mnn, 436 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan, large toans a specially, building loans; lowest raes; fire in surance. W. O. Beck. 815-316 Falling. TO loan, estate funds on real estate st current rates. Inquire attorney, roomH 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. CLIENTS have for clone-in eaBt side mortgages, ,1000, ,1300. Atty.. 210 Allsky bldg 1100.000 on mortgages, city or rarm property, fire Insurance. McKenzle 4V Co., Oerlfnger bide. 2d and Alder. MONEY to loan. 6 to g per cent. W. Belts & Co.. 310 Sapldlng bids;. H. QlTfCK loans on ail securities. b. W. King. 46 Washington bldg. Main tlOO. MoNEYjto loan on Improved real estate, 1. D White. 701 Belling bldg. WILL loan 320,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, e and 7 per cent Louis Salomon AV Co.. 229 Stark st 16000 OR PART for Immediate loan on real estate. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDIN-:. 818 Chamber of Com. 1600 to place right awav. Rmlth Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis hld,'. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACOOTJ1TTAN-TS PUBLIC. C. EUGENE Williams, public account ant. 1041 C. of C. Phone Main 7441. COLLIS. BERRIDGE & THOMPSON. ' 824 Worcester Bidg. Main 6667. AST GLAS3 ASP ELECT-OPLATINQ ED BRUNS CO., Art glass and electro plating fifH-i 1st. Mar. 954. A-1420. ASSAVXSS WELLS & FROEBSTEL, assayera. ana lytlcal chemists. 204H Wash. M. 7608 MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore . testing. Marshall 2726. 186 Morrison. AriDBHET KORNEGAY, SHEELEY & HILLIUS. lawyers. Abstracts examined, corpora- ons organized, collections. 522 C. of C. A. fi. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Gen eral practice; abstracts examined. 1424-1428 Yeon tldg. Main 873: A-207I. Mosessohn k Mosessohn lawyers; ab stracts examined; speak Ger., French. Russian. 714-715-716 Cham, of Com. CHISTOPHERfc'ON ft MATTHEWS, general practice. 419-417 Yeon bid. BATHS A2TO BW IMHTO PORTLAND 8wimmtr.g Baths, 167 4th. nesr ' Morrison. Elegant plunge and private baths. ' " BIOYCLB BEPAXXXlra " NEW Mcycles,'-225: second hand.Mcy clea 110 up. 181 Madison, near bridgo. BLAATX BOOS aUXEBS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. IM Id t 3!ank ook mfg.; agents for Joa7 ipro ki AiOoaie-tjear iogers a. a a - I a. nllnM ... . a ' r ... . 4 VI t . I A - 1 ' Bew Ettxtk lafcX A-111L Kala III. I : --i.:tV:i'.:-r,. t i mhi mmimmm. am i -.- w Ihc Ji.UN lit It M AH lX k.1 likk tk kk.1 I .. aaaf 11 ilk Hka laaaekait ! till'' aW.eeik ea.4 a. Tli K I.HPH ABFMr T PAVIVil CO, 11 1 K m ttl', tl IIK H.ig OtiriT CL'AUIJiS l)ti K'.mIiu ik.fc W i ka. i ll I., ti ! !l r llk -H ltli tli tri in ",,i".i .Uakl'f I aui II li Viai' ait it. t l faf k.H. ). aiM. -I.li-a CAur vunio NoH i m KJr I t ii wuiik. rf fim ' l I kl a. i f U.HIM Walk.. f li'til k 1 lii. I'.u k .v.., in (.atlkf raVACTiO ratTBIClAH lli: I'wii laiiaida af a Jtialitiela; I! U airel1 Htik 41 j 11.4 Vk'aak CO A I. AMO WOOD . arum, ri tit.r V k'.li T Wiiii. I J . oh Iks i rr won it .S(! - tliii KV H(i. Mf li e. Airtx'MT. f..r fu.i a i4 tk4Ha v. u. biviih ruei uo. nCiii'" w . v.. . i .... w wv. i. lata Iff fl. aUb and hlex-fe wemdl ROCK SPRINGS COAL PACrSLABW'OOD CO kjsi ii.l Mil lirair. .'.abaj'Vkl LI and amall Inald I k .o.-d I'larer frliei nk coeilwcxkit BO R I N G WOO CO A lCO, k.t )1JI t'..unlry alaK labor HlJ I' :4 1 : nio-k ant C".td M-14J it Farr I . r a i .rl lima we will aell ,K I 4fiMt No 1 4-fi.t Yamato Wood a'! Coal Co. K A .Tf 1 1 1. 1 1 4TT. STA-N'MAltri tt'i hM i ifi txis iiiai.ar atiJ cord woo. Ill Stars. La at 1314; Hl& IHRTI.ASK WtvflD YARD Dr. oak. alainriwvd and rml XYreck-ac- th and il'lam Main 3141. 323 A 1.11 IN A Fl'l I. in All kinde uf gra.a and drr wieod. Rock Vprlogs and lal o deia ri.el HIC'lll Kit Vi. (iI i i i . F Cird, oak. all. lahwood I II! I. Prop. Get prt 141 If you can arlp l fir rurUwtMMl now call or write to the LdUfaen Fuel Co.. Kaaj 3J r.jSOl I KIN "V burn immV. Pi,on E. UirTry board wood Il iO f.3 40. -lll. COaL and all k'.u.ls uf wood I'bone Holgata Fiiel Co. Hellwood 4l CAUXXSE ZOC7TOata JINa WO CIIINf:?K MKIl CO rurae men and women. New location Ill's Morrison St.. near bridge. I'lt. J l7 LNGMKOl. L '0, phy sician for men. won, en 2M' A Ider COMTBAOTO ZJXO BUILDgltS i:VLItYIHIY IH I'OINO IT l.y net ou? Let me bvilld you a bon o nt vnur own pi Ice, Phone K. tl Giiillintt, Voodlswn ! HIGIJK.Sr grs'le etirpentir and cabinet work r l.ankr. atcres nnil homes. O. IH. Hammond. 15 Msdlaon. liAlilti; HTANFOIIP. designer and builder of inodern houiea, flnta and apnrtmcnts Office 7. SiOU Morrison. COHTKACTOBS A 3TD BUIXZ; E. GKORGKFF, ccrperiter. builder, alore front and store futures especially, g'- tng. 2 1 1 H A liken v. Meehsll 2M. CHIZTOPODZSTS I)R. Oliver O. Fletcher and lady egnert assistant, 306 Alit kv bldg., 3d and Mor- rlson. Main Siij. iieats all Ills or the loot without danger of Infection. Corns, bunions, Ingrowing ami atrophied nails, 1 lat foot nnd bunions specialty. j DR. MARGUERITE I" l A W I-1 Kl ). chl-ropodl-t. Formerly 6th and Washing ton SI 4 Dekum bl'lg. DR W. S. G. ( nd Mrs Fletcher. Painless chiropodists. Over Hnselwooil. M-3711. PAINLESS chlrnpodlM, corns, bunions. Ingrowing nails. A-7845. 417 Pwetland. OLLICTIOII PHYSICIANS' Dentists' sect, general collections. 201 Medical bid. M. 6167. DAicura MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S school, 109 -d st.. between Wush.. and Stark and Allf-ky bldg., Sd and Morrispn; .fancy stage and social dancing taught, dally; wnltz and two-step guaranteed In four lessons. On'- Monday eve. at 109 2d Ht. Lesions 25o. PROF. Wal. Wlilson's dancing school, summer open air hall, waltz, two step, three-step, schottlsche, stage clancinrr lessons 25c. Royal Academv hall, H',u, 6II1 st., bet. Stark and Oak s t s. Ph op e n ln7 6 ZT. RINGLER'S Academy, leading school, Isdy nnd gent'emen Instructors. 231 Yj Morrison at Pi-cond. DOS ASD HOUSE HOSPITAL BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-408. Pes. il E. 12th. B. 6440. P-1287. DESSMAINO ECEOOL VALENTINE'S svstem of cutting, tai loring and dreaarrxklng taught, tit E. Morrlnon. , tvs. arzTTjB Sfaviio ARTS and Crnft suop. furniture re paired, reflnlshed, packed, upholster ing. Mar. S964. 7th and Flanders. Ref. GASOLINE EVOZHB STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches. accessories, wholesnlio and retsll; engine repairing. Reierson MacNlriery Cg.. ? Morrison. SttB GOODS FEBVET HANEBUT. , Leading wig ' and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, fc and scalp treatments. 147 7th. near Mor M. 64. JCOOAX rjEVSatOFINa ROLLS developed free; mail orders toiicited. Trust btdnr prints. So tip; 20& Mercnarua HAT CLEANINO LADIES', gent'emen's hats cleaned, blocked. Panamas bleached without In jurious chemicals. Cleaners, tailors take notice. Our work means trade for you. Out of town orders carefully attended. Royal Hst works. 223 1st. Main 8442. bUl iKTl- a.aa Kj-ai 4 .AkW I I k k. e S. A J w i Cj nvvui. tiui it c iiiDuiniiLVi Main 4308. Mallory & Co.. Inc., 610 Wilcox BVJk. Pacific states Fire ins. Co.. home office Portland. Or.. Ch. of Com, bldg. UeCARUAK, Bates Lively,. 01 Yeon bldg. Everv form of Insurance, bonds. JOIN KEH Insurance, euretv bonds, mtge loans. 1323 Yeon bldg. "M. 12IS. LAHTIBII ELIDES STEHEOPTICONS, slides, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise Art Co.. 73H 6th. -JGATHEJ. ABB X bTBZBOW T CHA8. U MA8TICK & CO., 74 Front Leather of every description ; tap manufacturers, findings. M7SZO TXACUEKS . THTTCLHORN, violin teacher: pupil Bevel. Mroua . A-4160 Mar. 111! PROF. LAWOK piano lessons 60c dur- In vacation, lis 14th. Mala f 107. - KA01U1II k.tal k.wa, wii i ia ki, il ". I tlk. MO-OAVaTCkAt aVSVAXAUa hfe fAlka f ail klaVi It! i-k. m MArVaVOVATM rHTUCXAaf -.. Ii Akiktoa kAV iM. IIA Hi I -a m. uitioriTiit riinam r 'kMk Tk Ktit Wa, ! k.ia.,ie t mi awlltkf kWi AhTIA WU Wa4 r-ir Cm. f7 a ikJj. f t Vw fit k tm U il 4 " rAXAIT. Ota. aYaaTaLaVM f. r ti R AC 14 At ttA. Ila pwlal C. 14 rutl at Mala III. A-U4A TTAa.airakl7r"al T7"" H'ik fAkai" V-AMAtTtat) ABO Arl IJciT Va4 4 It. furrilak m ltk I'll. a on tkinliag. ttMiir.g a4 llkt leg tetahul.a Mala IIP i Adlll (j a .1 . ..Ik. aue teii-l I a A ikkwuin. 314 r Wki ii llr. r- C 14 i-i.ii'tUi, ciaiioe lle-ua- t-a. hernia' aaliaianorji kr. rmm' TTt.Hk i.af mot. fcrlial rtgai. . I r. aw laaaaa. 14 l'Ma ai ia lahglef I A a'""" wain i riTCMT ATTtT lATKMTt eblatk1i Irkdeenarmk, roff. eklk eaalalaeaA la kll Cualllaail lata fr. er,aylatlei wllbowl ckarga. heler Habarlla II Wkeeeeiar PXlKSTm ftcM-uiaJ cf J. K Mtkrk. At- lornay-at l aw. lata of I' flc-e b..k f. tl l.r'de)fTr4Wdg. TiTTT-iCltTiTil "I. Cm atoJT lureiaa a. ate Irf rtareeneal raaea iawaa. L'N'-t-K MKTKHI Ol.lATrlt A L BANK 14 yer In IVrtland Tl 4th Mala riAJIO TOaTIXa rilkli JACOIIHON. plkO luel". IIM; II yr eipenenc ljM Matw 4il. " ruruo WOIII WI! LAMKTTE Plating Works, 141 UK I'lallr j and t-ollablng. M. 1IU A-TI r IJfTXJKJ AN "LEY Printing Co. 110 Oak. Main 47 1 I'rlnting lo plaa,, mooftmb. T&iMxma. faiiuo TIN roof Ins repairing palotlr.g. lobbing J Loell 21 f Jffrenn. Main 1114 BDiira sTAatra aid bavi.i ITI k.'CI U4 nj office aiallooerr. Cua- minim t o. 311 eiark Main lei. hAfn.L. imi'i rhrrki Make aiana alenclle Kt,fu Bros. Ill Id. ssar. iti urn TH K Vil: I. Ell Kafa Co.. ii at- Rafes at fattory prtcaa; repairs; to.BiMita opened : bargains In aacondi hand safaav ask, doom, w ursows. fnlted Ulan A Olaglng Co Mah nlste class 11th. tlllsan. Main 7BBXaTS Ul'ILT to order screen doors snd win dows. painted and hung, complet American Mcreen Co. Phone Faat 432 I h oll and window screen lo order. Would be pleased lo glv slimaie W ard Bros , woonnwn 1111, v PT TTZ TiTai beat and cheabeat wlndo screens In Portland call C. Klegle Woodlawn 2132. IEOWOAIEI A ATS rlXTO XB TH K JAMES I. MARSHALL MFO. CO. new and old ahowcaaes, cabinets, stor IM office fixture. Ill L'ouco. H.1111, blioWCtbKd of every description, bank. bar and store fixtures made to oroex. The Lutka Mfg Co. O it I R l)H ELL. HAMILTON BLDU Phow case In atock. Prompt delivery. ale agent M. Winter Lumber Co BJUKCI e BEST In lortUnd. Fee them. 101 Washington at. a g. Gilbert t Bia AID S0 CAVJ4SB FOSTER A KLEISSR Signs; th lar rest alan makere In the nortbweec. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. STOVB KXFAIKXHQ THE ACME cleans, adjusts, repairs or connects your gas range, water neat ers. etc. 408 K. Morrison. East nil. TIXiOXZ2fQ BCOOZ KIESTER'S Ldls' Tailoring college, learn dreanmakinc. tnllorlnr. 141 411 th SHULTE'S Ladles' Tailoring and Cut ting College, 303 Central bldg. TOWZX. IUTFIiT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Hunpiy Co.. th ana uoucn sta a. . - ,1 . , t ...Hw 1 ' . . 11 ir iiiunin. ruriiaiiii Munui j v." Phones Main 410, A-4410. TMAJIBTTM A ATS STOBAda C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co..' of tices and commodious 4 story oricK warehouse, with sepsrste Iron rooms ana rireproor vault ror valuables, in. w. cor. art and Fine sta. Pianos acd rump tura moved md necked for ahlpplng, Special rtiea made on gxods In our through rem to all dnmestlo and rorelgo points. Mem RS. A-lHag. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc. cor. 13th and Everett sts.: most mod. ern storage warehouse In city; our low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free tracktge; moving, packing, shipping: reduced . freight rates on household goods In through cars to and from the east. Msln 6640. A-1520. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agent, fitorrtk-e. free trackage. Offices and storage. 474 Ollsan streat corner 13th and Ollsan. Phonem. Main 60. A-116S. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co. Ex pert furniture end piano moving. 1 trunk 60c each, additional 25c. M. 7089, A-4724. NORTH WESTKHN Transfer Co., 64-61 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 446. A-4468. BAGGAGE h Omnibus Transfer Co. TCs- tabllshed 1882. Phones M. 6980. A-3J23 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 831 Morris st. C-3168. Stard 6th A Couch. THLOinra ALFRED OGILB3E. 810 Labbe b!dg Sd and Wsshlneton. Pults to order. TIPITTHITII ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuo nlngham Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. - TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. 2d hand. 142H 2d St. Mar. 419. UFHOLSTESTBS CARTWRIGHT ft CO.. 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing and mattresses: work guaranteed Main Mil. TAOOiTK OXEAMXB Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners. 211 Com monwealth bdg.L.A.Amlck. Mgr.M.400 WELL -XILLUTO James W. Green, well drilling con. tractor, 25 yrs. experience; 8, 10, 11 Iru, anv depth. 590 Vancouver ave. C-2471. WH0LE8ALB JOBBEBB EVERDING A FARRKLU proJue and commission merchants. 140 Frcat at. fortland. Or. Phone Main 17. j M. A. OUNnT CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE dlQARS PORTLAND. OR. WADHAMS 4k CO., wholesale grocer. msnufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th snd Oak- sta. A40KGAN WALL AlK CO.. XJI 3d St, between Salmon and Main. AEN 4k L-WX8 2ROC&aIaL ' GOL.SULT M K FREE 1 SHALL nn GLAD TO TELL YOU YOUR AIL MLNT, ITS CAUSL; AND CURli. C. K. lldl-OUAN. M. P. Marbe ou ar en er in iar lumM men wl.o thlAH. I half ca a Incurable l'thaa i.ur own Ax or ha lold yuu ul "uld not be ur4. bur leiiirrnbef. thai la only liavaMU he did net undrikiand )fur disorder and could not cura ou. 11 dl.l au mean that )ou ruuld not gal help from an inert and iperleiced r-eclallat offer )u adilce frc Call and find oul -Vat ran be done for you. Netir mind lul the fee I am alwava willing lo wait unlit you are welt All information pri vet lo thoea who rait II yar' iperlenr Is behind my claim for competency. I tral onlv lb apwlal and rhronlo dlaeaeea of man u h ss Varl rot ln Hydrorelr. Obstruc tion it lxd Dlaorder. Kidney, l.lver and BladWr Dlaeasaa. Nervous Dleordera, lluplura. Klalula. rila and Contiact4 Allnitnta. VNBtriTATTf.V A ADVICE IUCE In aaiibiiI I a ff Inn I m lr kaA to render aurh helpful advice aa I may be able lo offer, and I Invite all afflicted men to conaull me free at anv time, either In pareon or al my office or by mall. Mr office la open all dny from I a. m to I n. rn., and bundays from 10 tu 11 only. Dr. C. I. lolsmara !:iA MORRISON ST.. COR. FIRST PORTLAND. ORLGO.V. I publish me own rhotngrapi, personsl y conduct and man age my own office snd have no connec tion with any other practice. I am legally qualified to practice my profession In the elates or Oregon. Waahlngton. Califor nia and Nevada. Prac tice limited to the sci entific treatment of special ailments. Eveia man calling at my off1' Is acaurea of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cura la ef fected. Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON My Method of Administration Is Ab solutely Safe. Low Fee. Coma to me If you have anv of ihe following dlaorders: Enlarged Veins. Pimples. Nervous Debility. Nerve. Blood and Skin Disorders, Blsdder Troubles. Blood Poisons, Eruptions. Ulcers. Epeplal Ailments, Plies or Fistula, t to t 7 to 8 Daily: Sunday 10 to 1. Examination Ad vie; Fre. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 311 H WASHINGTON ST.. COB, 6th 1 " a . ef T a T."Tk f Ta mm CHINESE , . IMaTTABier 133 X nDSTST. IWCorAUcT. ' KEIFE 4 P 4VVV CriATI. fTRS-DRCMAM. j The reliable Chinese Doctors 8. Chan with their harmless Chinese re edles of herbs and roots as medicine c, wonderfully cure all sicknesses. They havo cured many sufferers, both men and women, of chronic diseases and all Internal and external sicknesses when thers failed. No operations. Kxamln tlon free. Ladies treated by Mrs. Dr. Cbsn. Call or write to B. JT. Chan Chinese Medicine Co.. 183 First St.. Portland, Or. Opposite- O. W. v. station. MEN AND WOMEN CURED Our wonder Chinese herb treatment cures diseases of the Throat, Stomach, Liver, Heart, Lungs, Kid neys Asthma. Puenmo nia. Piles. Chronic, Cough, Cancer, Constipa tion, Dysentery, Weak ness, Nervousness, Head ache, Dizziness, Neural gia, Lumbago. Annendi. The Chines cltis. Malarial Fever. Doctor Rheumatism, Blood Trou- h anil n . I. rt . .I1.H. Out-of-town patients write for symptom blank. Open all day Sundava and eve nings. Room 18, 1. BING CHOONG CHINESE HERB CO, Realty Trust Bldg. 232 Washington St., cor. 2d, Portland, vregun. BROU' Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief , . without inconvenience, in the ' MOST OBSTINATE CA5ES a Noother treatment required. , 80LO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T-tU T. TEE & SONS. The . -.iold. eminent Chines itnrinr r-'io...i . ii.. i . zj d o.'L .-SJe... 1H61IIUC III BlUUV OL "S . tr Biiiiumcu xioni J . - Heverai universities In 1 kl ''Chlna. Cures all diseases of 1 .flmen and women suecessful- " . u II v N'n mailer I, v. .. .Viaf'IWi I guarantee a cure If ftZik- Ti.J.t0Je Sons Medicine - kleSSW., SIIU71 A BlllUill, O. COr. Second tr-t Portland. Or4mn. rjHlCHESTEtTS PILLS V1 THE DlAAlOJfD HAXdTTl . ' 1 aJl.al Aak year D laaiaCksr A 11 1 la 1. Kwl aaJ aia ??.?IC1 'l S?? twrtk Bliw Ribboa. VV J T.mkM tar f rw V - nf ai fc,, ( if i.i: ritVTri i - T B1AIJI BKAKB Pliit i5s . JaS :4ai ' t nil I ykka-iBea.Skrt.Alw-art1w , kcaKcactn5iRim