It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU TORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINQ. JUNE It. 1918, ROSE REALTY OWN A HOME-BE INDEPENDENT GROW YOUR OWN ROSES nuns m m LITTLE EFFECT ON REALTY MARKET; Choice Property Valued at; 10 Millions Chances Hands1 In Portland Since Jan. 1 De spite Presidential Year. " I ill rr b) r''" "" tlDHM CU4 lh '(04 clj U.'' poli tic played . fvnrrallr J a ULi l kit I!n tit lnlmnt fU ivn t tKt lira f"tiidrd mJ !. o4 flon lnduiJ In only by tk finUtr. l"p to wlKUn rr rcnl tl n a prMMtlI ritnlgo i r cd4 bf month ef uirruintr and ft titer Ul Ufarthy, Invoalor rt4 on . tkalr ra or uf thalr "'? " Jfa aotr1y. which brought o rata cX laroma but which waa no uacpllbl v tn pollUral lnfluaacaa. la auch a tlma Uta belnaa fabric of rha country allM tha utcomt of lhaaa tltanle tontaati with batl braaih. Hew dirfaranl tha condition la In 1)11. Bow llttla attention hoaaat and Ultl tnaU bualnaaa la paylac to thla nation w!4a atruffl for tha praaldancy. Uara la Portland a ara tscltrd about It and trtaraatad la It and ara all mora or laaa partlaaaa, bat tn btrOia affair tha rity movaa oil aa placidly aa It did two or als year ago, whan tha ramotaat thlna- tn tha mlndi of tha paopla waa a MltonaJ altlon. V Strom, KaaJUiy Saoaani. It 1 oflan aaJd that rral ratal la tha flrat Intotmant commodity to foal tha aftacu of a reaction or to tah alarm at tba bofiaman. Thar la, howaver, no gainaaylnr tba atatrmant that tha local rralty marktt la not aa actlva aa It waa at thla lima In itlt or-even In lilt. but It la a fart that thare la a Btronf ' and healthy demand for Portland realty for Investment and Improvamant pur poaaa. and thla demand la fait In all ' linta of property from tha, $J00 aubur ban lot to tba fiOO.VQO central bualncaa urner. ' Cp to data, real aetata to the value Of more than 110.000,000 hae changed aanda alnce January 1. Thla doea not look like a quiet market by any meana. . Tha encouraging feature of thla b)f vol ume of bualneaa la that It nearly all rep reaanted legitimate Inveatmeota either for Immedlata Improvement or for the y purpoae of taking tha praaent Income : and Improving later. ; Another aura Indication of the atabll Ity of the Portland real eatata market. , aa well aa of tha confidence that the ' monled men of thla city have in It future, la the huge aum that hae been Invcated In new building enterprlaea in . ' ; tha paat five and one-half montbe. Since January 1. between 8.(00,000 and $9,- 000,000 haa been put into new construe tlon in thla city. Gome of the largest building enterprlaea In Portland have keen Inaugurated thla year. Big- Bonding X rooted. ' Two department atorea have been ' erected at Fifth and Washington street at a total coat of 11,000,000. A mam moth hotel la under construction at Seventh and Oak. which will eoat 1760. 000. The west wing- of the new county courthouse waa begun, another 760,000 , I project. The Journal la building for itself a new 360,000 home. A 00,000 , theatre la under way. A million dollars - v worth of apartment houses have beon completed or begun alnce the first ot the year. Several handaome structures 'ara rolng up along upper Washington atreet, all belonging to thla year's vint age. The finest retail drug store in i the United States, now completed, was started after January 1. But better, so i .. far as city building Is concerned than all this, is the fact that new homes to the valuo of 4,000.000 have been erect ed In Portland in the past five and one- , aaii months. Haay Smaller Balea. i Innumerable deals Involving valu able business and near-business hold ings, amounting In the aggregate to a vast aum of money belonging to the first half of 1912. The truth la a little reflection and a little casting up will show that 1912 is no laggard In so far as the Portland real estate market is concerned. . A vast sum of money lias been ex pended this year and a yet larger sum will be expended before the year is out In Improving different sections of the city. The effect of the great work that has been going on for two years on Kings Heights is just beginning to be felt. Arrangements have already been made to build a number of handBome homes' in iuat sightly tract and many Choice bulltting sites have- been Fold in the past few months. T-he same thing 1 true of Westover Terrace, where the jut! torapanj- na neen carry ing on a great rtgrad"Vrk tor the pa&t two years. During the first sixty days of the J ear one subdivision company sold lois In a. ciiokie east clde residence district to the value of J.jOO.OOO. Small Acreage Tracts. In the southeastern section of tho City In the vicinity . of peed College, hun dreds of lots have been purchased by home builders . since the early spring. In the northeastern section an entire Addition was sold OJt in March, April and May. Along the line of the Mt. Hood railway there -has been unprece dented activity in lots and acreage for the past three or four months. It 1m probably no exaggeration to say that Investors have put all of 200.000 In mall acreage tracts east of the city within tha past 90 days. , Contracts have already been let pro viding for different paving projecta on the Sast side of the river, aggregating more than fl.OOO.OOO. Over on the Pen insula. ' In the vicinity of Kenton and west as far aa St Johns, improvement ork including hard surfacing of treats, laying ot sidewalks, putting In! of water and sewer systems, is under! way. . inja tut amount or municipal improvement work... together with the volume of new conatructlor. and the millions Invested in-realty during the past five and one-half months, estab lished beyond Queetlon . th fact of Portland splendid progress and ahows teat tee peopla here have every -faith la thtftre of their city. .-. , : - ; ' A Beautiful Hawthorne Avenue Home for $1000 Less Than Actual Value Seven Urge, sunny rooms, with sleeping porch; double con structed throughout; built for a home and not to sell. Every modern convenience; street improvements paid. We can prove to you that this property is actually worth $5000, and that it is an unequaled snap at $3750 Favorable terma if desired. Shown by Appointment Only F. C BRYANT & CO. 1017 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE North Union Avenue The Coming Business Center (A Wise Investment Is Worth a Lifetime of Toil.) Let us reason together SUPPOSE the interstate bridge across the Colum bia connects with Union or Vancouver avenues? SUPPOSE the great railroad powers build termi nal yards on the flats north of Columbia boulevard? SUPPOSE the Columbia slough should be dredged and made navigable for commercial traffic? SUPPOSE the great factories, warehouses, mills, etc., line up along the O.-W. R. & N. tracks? . Look into the situation and ask yourself if these suppositions won't be near future realizations. We offer for your consideration, while they last, 50xl00-FOOT LOTS NEAR UNION AVENUE AT $750 Brong-Manary Co. 26712 OAK STREET Washington Street We have some of the best buys on upper Washington street, will carry themselves and show large advances in a few years. An opportunity to procure a piece of business property on the investing of a small amount of money. Irvington Can furnish you with a fine home in this restricted residen tial district. We have homes running 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 rooms, at prices from $5500 to $15,000. All modern and with up-to-date conveniences. Some are all cash, others can be handled on 1-3 down and balance to suit your own terms. Hawthorne Avenue Do you want a building site that has a commanding view, with west frontage? We have some very choice lots close to the avenue that are exceptional values. Section Line Road 10 acres, fully improved, 7 acres in berries; chickens that are layers and marketable, brooders, incubators; modern house, very good barn, well with windmill. Best buy within 10 .miles of Portland. Auto wagon for delivery purposes goes with place. One-half cash, balance long time. Farms and Acreage Several very choice 10-acre tracts close in. Also soma farms that, are high-dast situated, Va'mhill and Washington counties. Two elegant farms jn Goldendale district Choice 40 acres near Yakima on Tieton ditch, water redy to be delivered.' i ... i .(.- Warehouse Sites With trackage eithe4,oo east or west side. A Vert choic ' rutiion on unuea riauways uat is a cneap Duy. CALLAN & KASER 722-728 YEON BLDG. ' A Week in Portland Abounds in Opportunities PLEASURE EDUCATION PROFIT FORMER VISITORS HAVE INVESTI GATED REAL ESTATE between Rose Carnival . events and have made In vestments that have proven highly profitable. The gTowth of our city thaf you admire and are astounded by means money In their pock ets. Residence at a distance does not Inter fere with profits. We Invite you to join them. We recommend ROSE CITY PARK PARKROSE MORNINGSIDE May we show you? Slauson - Craig Company Successor to the Real EaUte Department of Hutman & Thompson 4 Chamber of Commerce Building l y PORTUIND'S L2H j C ROYAL VIEWI ' :' jp Portland's most scenic and high -class residence property. Take Washington St. car to 23d St. Just ten minutes from Sixth and Washington. Building Sites $1000 to $3750, on terms to suit purchaser. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. SECOND FLOOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JHL D. STORY REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 312414 Failing Building WAREHOUSE PROP ERTY Sherlock's ad dition, Roosevelt St., bet 20th and 2 1st Sts., 12 lots. Will sell as whole or part. 900 FT. RIVER FRONT Deep water, also on Northern Pacific and United Railways tracks. Fine mill or manufacturing site. BUSINESS PROPERTY 100x100, northeast corner Front and Car uthers, 2-story brick, 4 cottages, one two-story house. 100x100, FIRST ST. Bet. Lincoln and Hall. APARTMENT SITE 69 xl 28, 22d St., 1 block trom Washington. BUNGALOWS Five and six-room bungalows, mod ern and complete, close in; easy terms. h. o. sto: REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS 312-314 Failing Building $25, Opportunities for Investors ooo Union Avenue 40xi00lot, improved with a good two-story brick building, located in the immediate vicinity of the extensive new freight depot on the East Side. This will bear investigation. Present income moderate. Five houses and a store, all rented, including a va cant lot, all on Couch street. Price $16,000. Splendid platting proposition near Eugene, between the Southern Pacific and the electric line. Both stations will be on the property. There are 646 acres $175 an acre, worth $300. It will take $15,000 to handle the tract. Ho Gonther 919 YEON BUILDING For... City Property Farm Lands Leases Rentals Loans and Insurance SLL atson&JherkelsiiiGb. ! I 305-306 Spalding Building; : -; Portland,' Oregon ' 3K5S Riverdale District Irvington Broadway MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBURB Has extensions of Portland's water mains, phones and' lights royal view of river and moun tains. Is being built up by our best business men. Prices $2000 to $5000 per acre. This prop? erty will sell at a premium soon. Eight-r6om house, modern, fine floor plan, fixtures, all; complete, 50x100 corner, street improved and all paid up; garage, roses, ttc, $8500. Fine, sightly lot, where, the neV houses are going up, for only $1750. Beautiful lots 100x100, for $5000. Others as high as $6500, "paid up. Now, ndte these real bargains. They will soon be business property' and " pay you an income as such. 50x100, with, house in prime renting condi- tion, for $4750. Improvements paid. New 6-room house, up to date, with street improvements paid, only $5250..; ' ; , ' v MAY WE SHOW YOU? oregon realty; CO. Marshall 3790. Opposite West Entrance Multnomah Hotel. til lUUAln O A AXilli A-3324 .J HOMES