The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 12, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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b or
Backed Up fry Sensational
Fielding and Opportune Hit
ting EJmec Koestner Wins
Rena Goat Says He's Thrcush VVillii and Eastley Have Pitch
; With Public; Van Court
i May Officiate, .
en' Battle and Colts Are
, it Oi rM mi wv i
L4 Asite. Jaa ttLaie Jl
1.1 1 M.... I. la Ik. Wei
nrsi uame f-rom uaKiana. Mt i tt v .
ii rw rr. mmmi
tJ MM lnlUWt 14) Tt J., Ws4aC
Mit4 rr, iki we t wuiiw
iNUr r v w y4 m
"llre4 t fUe less." Jf
nrUrHM II ale ie4 ep
ef rrftclK U lifUfl I ?"
aeer la bH la Wf I er nw
i for ft July -aui-a wim tiariew
Tmbi Hnr la rr mlK Jl
! el rrr4 As ae
Ik example wHil4 rl !' at ap
pearaac wtia HI vet a here. e 41. II
U said, ku 4d Baauetalef ! e wits,
InmT eew attitude.
Jeffrie So t an t fftejla.
lie feel M U tareu Ma la tae
II ne M4 far ait UcCarvr. I
the hand. ruUa44 Jeff'lea that ta
bad promised lael the fight eheuM AH
la the twal far weal of. a rarer.
The araivKlla bulwark of the Oac
eikn I hen teemi4 la pander In U
lev II hour lniif, .
Aa a petbio wmtresilM rere.
Dewltt YanCourl T Le Aageiaa, af
th beot aow boslr.g eaperta la the
game, baa bee auiiaii. aievarey
want Vaj Ourt. 4 will mala very
effort la aarttr Jone coaal
Accordlns ta Jo Levy. Rivera maaa-
r. any rararaa win aan in mona.
AUa Itt la(Jtaal4 Ma rllllia ta
aa4 Ma aoaar tale a rallar alia Wol-
(. a4 fia I ha chaisploAahip ta t
man wha cawa auL NaaaaMia ta
eoBiaat appaara ta hajif on jarrnar
Taa ! 'tUf la aabU4 with
four aiarttlkf 4ub!a playa a4 mm ra-
mi.Hj claar piKtlet ay Klar
aa tka UaUtns (taotftoaa I la I
tioiary ar (VU4 la lha pala
ama rU aflaraaaai ariia ChrUUaa
tip. Ma af iWa la avala flf4 la
rxaa, a af W klaaaaaira aaowr
ta la aalr nl4 lUtactra. tka
( Ml ( ira rr. Taa lra p!w4
arouad b Khbiuifa la taa
fil4 aa4 lU laa UI. taa r tira
r naacron at aot aeeuailDS. la a
craal aaaaatir far tba vriUUal 'fl14
art. 7 hi llllla alopar aiajn4 ary
a or taa taara tfaubl pla an 4
hli 4faaira airanath waa apiat la
ta lmpra4 work af ta af)fat
About all Ih ahawlnv lh Citr
aa4 lha nalaa an t brack aa4
Ibry ara aura ladr la that 4riartaai
of ha ballon I pilni.
. , Hit Ck4 a trt.
CkHaUaa aiart4 tba caaa by hltttat
Chadaoaraa, h an foreatf at aca4
by TyUr when Lja4ay aiuntpl4 la
Mcrlflc. Mo4fra Xt aut a loac
(rounder io Cook aM Krutfir blt4 a
lerrinc. twlalltic a tva baftar I rl(bt
that e)r4 lha aackt, tbafiylay tHjlch-
maa akallng around to iblrt hea Laar4
tna4 a ba4 raiay of Coy l throw la aa
attempt to atop him at lha kyion.
IUri aincltd to right an4 Krueger
romped aero lha plat, for what artot-
vaiiy trv4 to bo a olnnlng run.
riahar rorraliad a eouble back
ahort of pronounced Tn flavor la
th aocond. After Koeetoer topt4 out
Gua trolled horn on fhadbourne'a two
' ply to center. Chadbotra took third on
I4n4ys lofleld ot and Rodger
walked. Thla Tirol fair alerted a de
layed dnubl eteal and Chadbouroa
acored cleverly onouih for anybody,
Bad OatkoTg a Soabla.
Br-.arpo opened tha third lth a double
to Iho right fir I J renco, and then he
benched Mitt to let big Jawn Tlede
mauu hit. Jawn could deliver nothing
but a grounder to Bancroft, who held
tihtrpe on aecond and inorgued tha back-
atop at flret.
Klglit Lack In tba third aaraa the
Beaver, when Mahoney laced tka ball
ay up Into tha center field bleacher
for a home run.
After Chrlt!a:i fanned In tha aUth
I.eard drov on acroaa aecoud baa and
took the midaa- on a paasod balL Hof
nian fouled to Lindsay . and Zachrr
brought Lrard home with a ehorl alara
to comer that Krueger couldn't roach.
KUher and llappa dlspoaed of Coy, al
though the latter waa called out for
running out of line, '
JCr(fr Sgnblea A gala.
Krueger opened tho eight with a
double to the rUht field fenta and the
Teuton took third on a paaaei ball, lie
corrd on Mahoney' acraich ' hit ' to
Leard. tho latter retting to lecond when
he Uuk htaved wide of armrpo. Rappi
tried to aucrlflca but JLahoney waa
caught at third. Uancroft celebrated hi
SGtli trip to lha plat without a hit by
popping to Christian. Tion Klaher an
ltI4a played hit and run. Roaring Bill
gettfnK to third on Gum'' furrow between
flret end aecond. Kotfttner fouled
Tiedeinann closing th' Inning.
Tli vociferous vlslnra started a ral
ly In lh ninth when Cachor hit between
ahort and third and Coy doubled to th
right center field .renco. Kappa put
Helling down by making a sensation
catch of his foul liner. Then Lindsay
elected to throw Cook out at first and
Zacher camo home. Coy reaching third
where ha died w.ien Bancroft winged
Bharpe out at first.
Four Donilea Soiled Up.
Bancroft, Rodfrcrs and Kappa retired
Hetllng and Cock on a double play In
the aacond Inning, Zacher and Coy In
tho fourth, and Christian and Leard in
tha eighth. In tha third Bancroft and
Rodger retired Leard and Bharpe, the
latter being caught off aecond on Leard'a
Jiner to abort.
Tha acore:
AB. attPttA.
V Mh. ...... " .
iieero, id....
Hofman. If . , 4
Zacher. cf 4
1 Coy. rf 4
'Hetllng, Sb , 2
Cook, aa 4
Bharpe, lb 4
WlUa, o ..r. ......... 0
Chriatlan. p 1
IWrreo Charfe rarrx-ap.
tBii tii - - am. i
New Haven. Conn., June It Johnny
Coulon. bantamweight champion, and
rretikla He yea of It Loula are la dis
favor with tba fana her today aa a re
sult of a bout which ail declare waa
rank fake. Tba boM was 10 have gone
Id rounds, but to the third th referee
suddenly left th rtag. declaring that be
would have nothing to do with ahsl he
aald waa a -frameuo." The police or
dered the fight to continue, but early In
the neat round liaye picked out a aofl
rot oa the eanvaa and tba "fight" waa
Tmckrj Will Bail Saturday.
IVultrd lTm Uu4 Wtr.k
New Tork. June 12. l'ackey Wc Tar-
land, the Chicago acrappor, announced
today that he will sal) Ualurday for Eu
rope, to be gone about two months. Mc-
Faxland declare the trip will be more
In the nature of a pleasure jaunt than
business venture, and he will do but
little If any fighting while abroad.
Packey will spend soma tWne in Sweden,
taking In the Olymplo gamra.
eVWa, ., JeVlt la f
(Wa JM ittk,i tw U. l
W4 ;.,4 Uie lie Jl i !
rl U IV n kr-k K Hi I
aaa fiateilan, ut4 U tae f.rsl-U
ftlag. rtM . M k4 (eMk4
Uli4 M It r:t of Ma :' tl t
leieaj W,
UrUUt nM;f by btk loawa t
at,lk aaiaa. , t'oilita 04 rnee
tt4 for lite un s4 WafHI a 4
Cuor wr the aura fr na
Il4-air Wllliasa. Ilr44' aw
otayer I li aJieia ll tfa af
laar lU-er. to tUf4
key siutol oa grvna JrC a4 fetle4 I
aaviblrf olth lh UH-
Afl.r Urn fTtet Uaibg aeftbar 14 wA
ta i ai a mai acroe ta ka
ftiai. lllviif Kl eiI luae balk lean
ke4 ai on lit aaltt.
kaiUy nl Wiai. farmer lean
aiui taa otrpoelna ilKce ai4
bo I A lalrleU i.llol lU raelley was
cry l4y awl 44 tool walk a bailor.
kit Wi lis p4 two ef them.
Hellr rrokOe r alleadlug tfce
erne. TTe ladiana Rave !" winning
ligbi alorg ad C'ohn eiporta hi ieM
to iy er th lop.
Ae the rul f In defeat yetTay
Williams' team la real log ta Iks collar.
otto a air. behind Ike Beet lie leaaa. Too-
aeaoa will likely heave against Kraft
o4 Leonard today.
The : ,
4 i a i
4 4
If. 4
4 a
4 0
I a
J o
Kibble, fa. .
Harris, t ..
Cfuik shank.
o !-, rf. . .
!.. Cf. ..
tVltilams. lb.
Kft W lh
Coil An. ss.
uy. P .
toenail TV 'ennl '
Fe trie tattwiaiiy. it ii, Jaa
t-.f.e em. i f aai4a f-i
kali ht4ij eM lk ' guoi
t I'e il kay u rv fa.
Uoieg ,.' rwihaU, H, K lirela
U Wr, It. 2 It. H rMtUM, T
w', 14 it U lt. It IL '! k
H II in,14. I 1.Um. J. .
ti-ogt. a it waii. f- H V
smm f, ibtliu, letltiWlt, IK i,
Ieiu. IL T. et, M kv. Litiea
eioa t It tryl. W Jt tiat, V. li
W. Ki t. U r. Atalia. It IL
na, L t. aka.ef, a. li bo eat, It
Maltei4 aa4 K. l hiiui.
Kay liryaat a rueiakl tr4
ta an, of aial.U., Vltf veo
lie f itll, k-eetivM a I Ira, a an
kieea Itl yaer. It It rrta, a U
bi)wl aa4 Wn4 wa Wlk fwoiaaU
a4 Iro'k; lWr a4 V aid biMa
fewtke.4 a4 laakeiti ItiUM. eal It
T. ai-r wa Wt. kaekxuaij . aa4
!, thle la by ir ta nut tellers
Ihl kae ba a aid4 la ooa ar.
eeooellly a Irwrb, aholrg Ikat lhi
teaia waa awe taly bainc4 wtlk
e(te bm laea la yaf tfe. 1U.
kelbll reette4 a 4riAe4 aot-et thla
year 1th IM ate "t r"" fleer
eiMa t4 a cMiei4fkte aumber of W
keiUeiUre la eevoL
Portland Baseball Captain In
. vited to Be of Party to
ir, aa exaio
II t be I eteroila
If. ttauaual art
to4gee of tke l"vn Bl
cmob UI boat laflk
Tarine Coael I-ago.
Woa. loet. P t
Verrtoa II II .44
kUrl I II .41
L Arvle It la .III
fcafl yvitcl9 :f II .til
4rante4t T II til
IvriUnd 11 II .11
Nortbwratern Iactie.
Won. IjOeL
Vinorta I
Flokr ,, :?
Tarom . IT
lUa 14
t(llac4 14
Amerl'VB La'aido.
t I
Iteyer. lb. ...
Coottey, as. ...
Johnson If. ..
ilrlrhlor. rf. .
Wuffll. IU
Zlinmcrnian. rf.
lartwrtght th.
I""t. o. ....
Wt.lla. p.
8 10 K AN K
AH. a II !'. A
Tledamann, o
7 14 14 a
....30 2
AB. R. It PO. A. E.
ChadTjouroo, If 8 110 4 0
Lindsay, Sb ......... 4
iRodgera, 2b t
iirueger, cr .
Mahoney. rf
Rappa, lk . .
Bancroft aa
Ilaher, ...
Koeatner. p .
4 1
1 0
a i
1 I 4
Of, 1 11
( 0 8
83 7 10 27 IS 1
Oakland 00 00 01 00 1 3
Hits 0 0 1 10 8 1 0 3 7
Portland , 82100001 a 7
Hlta ..i.. 3 21 0 0 0 1 8 10
Struck out By Kceetner 8, Christian
1. Bases on balls--Off Koestner 4,;
Christian 2. Two ' base hlta Krueg-er
Homo runs Mahoney. Double play,
itancrou 10 roarers 10 Kappa, Ban
croft tof Rod gerav Stolen ; basea Chad,
bourne, Itodgera. Hit by pitched balls
(jhaaDourne. i'aesea Dans Fisher,
Tledemann. Time of ame 1:25. Um
pires Finney aid Casey.-'
Tacoma, Wash., June 12. Yesterday's
Kama between.1 the local and the vic
toria team was postponed on account of
rain, ft .;' '' ' . v - '.". '
Croea Beats Ileilmond.
iPbIImI Pimi 1 nM& Wire.
New York. June 11. Leach Crona has
another victory to his credit today aa a
result of his defeat of Jack Redmond of
Milwaukee In a 10 round bout here.
Redmond ataggered Cross with some
hard blowa during the first five rounds.
Totals J 1 4 IT II
poVane IMIIItl 1
I'ortland 0OOO0404
Thre bas hit Johnson. Two baa
hit CartwrlghL llaae on ball a Off
Willis 5. Struck out By baatler 4. by
Willis 8. Btolen baeea Myers f, Zim
merman. pe. Kaalley. txiuble playa
Lvogt to Conney; Cooney to L'art
wrtght to Meyers; Shay to WUllama.
Time of fame One hour and II min
ute. Umpire van iiaJiren.
American League Garner.
At Chicago R. H. B.
New Tork 10 1
Chicago 1
Batteries Warhoo and Sweeney;
White, and Block. Sullivan. Kuhn.
Umpires Dlneen and Sheridan.
Won. IjoeL P C
rtAsfoti 11 11 .in
"hlras II !'
Washington II
It.iudeipi.ia i .lit
Cleveland II .41
iMItolt 1 5 ) 41
Now York I ! .J4
8t. Louie 14 IS Ml
National lyag-ue.
Won. It
New Tork
Plltaburg ......
I'hliadelphla ...
Nl. lyouls
4 (
P c
"Xa W Tiaeaa iivUe
evae ta Atk eaA up aeat leer
lief mf. 4M.kl a Uemialix
4eie ta lb aksakof ef !.
aoee 4 kr, a4 L aMajl Ttilaa
IU 1 retal I r ke l 10 eteraii
ir.e rae foe
CepUta Bill It! 4
L'uael leaf u ti
avartkla4 IU later, aa4 wkea UlU
S4a taa ehwoling laa la perati
a.eMlalaf iete4ly kapa'aa. lll re-
relt4 aa Ineiutioa et4ay te kuat
la Alaska 0.1th r. It kaaagle or Ptlklae,
II ' C. ak ardeat Lee. bail fa a aa4 a
4gky huaier of big game, lull waa
iKkje4ia latk te k lavlied la ke
lh parly ef pwtma wk wl;l apt4
iho wiattr among ike kit gsoae ef the
enow ouualry
Hgie plane la lake "lodgers and
aevere.1 other hunter I a place about
41 rnilee frvas Wrongat a aaoiloa ah lea
abouada la Mg game, rtodgera Is ana
loua 10 kill a BAiniUr ef big brewa bear
for their ekloa, wkleh ke will pre eat
lo kla friends In th stale.
Th Alaakaa )aunt ef Rodger will
break up th hunting trip 10 lh Rogue
Klver mountains, which waa flensed by
ftodgr and Yean Gregg aad liaddy
lt an, as-Portlander. B w with Cleve
land. Thle trie along with Harry Able
of the Oakland elub apeat a few month
taat winter In th southern Oregon
country, anl a great vartlon.
Orvfg and rtyan wjM likely w.ake the
trip south anyhow. Mra. Itolfera. who
acorrtDld her husband lo the nrue
Illver mountain, will forego the Alee
ban trip. Although eh la an eieellent
hot. Oh doe not wish to undertake
IbQ Alaakaa Journey.
yaara eV. wt-'l tea Ban ta tkl aral
et - ig taa -
tae af axaMie sU ib ka a po
rtal f salvia, iaU4 4a uf
Tie Liaoela kit eaaael leaaa fr
fil I le Jeffe laaas loy
lAtien aVl ef Uaea-ai -eta
a44taa traia Otoe-, Iaile4 la
Wftk lee graaasaay arkowl star la Ha
tia-Mk. LLac4 leleal4 Jef ferea la aa
wLiiWa g ay la of 11 to 4-
Haal dab frof rasa Iwiaaravia.
Tke litt tlaVi irl lerlag aaeot ef
IL eaaewa aroekleee) to ke I. a keel erf
Letd ky Ike Maaaiaallea. Tke aeogtaas
11I ko uii4 at I iwt aad iu ke
feair4 ky a ate gaaae kotwoaa IM
aisay aftuere ef Veaeweeer kerreete
aa.4 a aeettr ak Im,
Ike UHM t. mom !. I I.
tk ai nuf kMpee alue lite.
IkO !.! tie. ef tie t.i 1.
Tealk a4 t'tit ain el I 14 .
ar a
V. J
Thc Deaf
Cnn Hear
Vaa kUeee
I e a 1
ee. l a., 11 1
e4 it.
ki:y ir
h : 6 k7UtM4nk-
4-f I, J Uiee Uetaal ae-
1 KM
la ea. Cl r ett t iWk.ea
kroLdi 8iiarf bo r no ca,nL.
Mikwl Jg. lUtk a4 ' lMa
ruktUkU OH. aliiM lwo4. t.
Distinctive Dress
for Gentlemen
Has been our constant aim
J To cater to the well-doomed man of fish
Ion whose tastes are not extreme, and de
velop the new Idea In style before It be
comes common.
Men who realize that Individuality In clothes
cannot be found In a wholesale output will
appreciate this.
J From button to back, In fabric and finish,
our garments are distinctive.
J Prices consistent with the best workman
ship. Fall woolens arriving. Inspection
ftrwla Wallop Anuria.
San rrandsoo, Jun 11. Th Seals
defaalnd the Angels yesterday by th
cor of 4 to I. Toner ws In fin shape
and allowed the hard hlttlog Angela but
five hlta. while 11 were made off Tr.
The acore: RILE
Loe Angle . . . . 1 I 1
San- Krancleco 4 II t
Batteries Torer and Boles; Toner
and Schmidt
The entry Hat of Ilia Oregon stat
swimming championship closed laa
evening. The list Is much larger than
the entry list of the meet last year.
All contestants are requeeted to he a
Kellogg'a boatho'ise. foot of Salmon
street, at 1:10 o'oloct, ready to go to
lha ecene of ths races. Chairman Wat
k!na of the swimming committee, haa
arranged for a barge to eeat too peo
pie. An Invitation le especially aa
tended to tha members of the lad lee' an
ntt to take advantage of the barer.
Klwnod Wllea had donatel hla boat
Sea Otter for the uae of the- ladles aa
a dressing room.
IHrector Cavlll has arranged for
Ilfeaavlng stunt. Two gtrla, Marie
Ptrube and Winnie liobaon. 7 and
At Detroit
Batteries Oroom,
and Henry. WUHami
Lessons in GolfWhere Golfers Make Mistakes
hut Cross come bark atrong In the laat QnB,0.
stages and had things pretty much hla vmpiree
R. H. E.
I 4 1
8 7 8!
Cash! on. Johnson
, Alnsmlth; Dubuo
own way.
Gibbons to Meet Clabbj.
(United Preta Leased tVlra.)
Buffalo, N. Y., June 1J Mike Olb
bona. the SC Paul boxer, haa algned ar
tides today to meet Jimmy Clabby o
Milwaukee in a 10 round, bout here July
4. 'Clnbby la now on hla way from
Australia, and It la thought will lose no
time in signing- ths articles.
Hogan Coming Home,
1 United Pwtt Leased Wire. I
New York. June 13. One Round Ho
gan, the caiiiornia ngmweigni, is on
his way to San Francisco today. Hogan
expects to land a match In California
with either Willie Ritchie or Knockout
Brown, or possibly Champion Ad Wol
Wells-Palzer Bout Jnne 28.
New York. June 12. Bombardier
Wells, the English heavyweight cham
plon. and Al Palaer. will fight 10 rounds
in Madison Square Garden here June
23, according to announcement made to.
day. Atl arrangementa have been com
pleted for the bout
e Bearera One Gams.
Ab. H. P. a
4 Chadbonrn . ... 3 3 .647
Lindsay ........ 4 0 .000
4 Rodgera . 8 l .600
e Krueger . 4 2 .600
Mahoney ...... 4 1 .600
Rapps ......... 4 1 .250
Bancroft ....... 4 0 .000
Fisher 4 2 .600
Koestner ....... 4 0 .000
mix wv;
. Harris
' Speaa .... ..
Fries ......
Williams ...
-' Shay . . . .
Smith .....
Coltrln ... .
Doty . i . ... .
Eastley ... .
88 10
o Games.
Ah, II.
7 . 1
8 1
8 8
8 0
8 2
8 0
3 0
8 0
1 0
3 0
8 3
62 11
P. C
.000 .
J60 .
.167 -..'
ptree Evan and Weetervelt
At 8t Louis R. II. E.
Boston 4 13 1
tit Loula 0 6 0
Batteries Hall and Nunamakar, Car-
rlgan; Hamilton and KrlcbeJL
Umpires O'Loughlln and lSgan.
At Cleveland R. H. K.
Philadelphia 3 18 2
Cleveland 7 10 0
Batteries Morgan, Plank and Thom
as; Kaler, Baskette and Easterly.
Umpires Connolly and Hart.
National Leagne Game.
At Philadelphia: R
Cincinnati 1
Philadelphia k
Batteries Humphries and McLean:
Curtis and Dooin.
Umpires iiason and jonnstone.
At Boston UUK
St. Louis 1 10 1
Boston 2 8
Batteries Willis, Harmon and Brea-
nahan; Perdue and Kilns.
Umpires iviem anu liusn.
At Brooklyn R. H. 15.
PIttBbursr 16 16 3
Brooklyn 4 9
Batteries Hendrlx and Kelly; Knet-
ser, Kent and Miller.
Umpires Owen and Brannan.
niciiTriy man arm Miencrr .
- Msnfortsbla. Tj for a cents
CTInett. rVwhnrly tt Cmtmrrr. Trr, flw TnHt
. Tigers Take Stronger lTold.
Los Angelts, June 12. The Tigers
took a stronger hold on first place by
defeating - th Senators yesterday by
the score or a to I. Schwenk .was
touched up for eight hits, while seven
were made off Carson and Gray. - The
Senators failed to hit with, men oh the
basea. Catcher Krelts made his re
appearance aner being- out ror over a
month. Th acorei ' . . R.H. E.'
Vernon''. ........... 6 80
Sacramento .
Batterlea Carson.
Schwenck and Kraits.
4... 8 7 3
Gray and Brown;
1 ' Ko Tenuis ; 6auntC " -rV.:
No tennis matches were played In the"
Junior' tournament , of the Multnomah
!club yesterday afternoonw The same
scheduled this afternoon may also b
postponed on account of the parades.
At New Tork R.H. E.
Chicago 3 10
New York I 13
Batteries Lavender, Reulbach anl
Archer; Ames, Mathewsan and Meyers,
Umpires Flnneran and Emslle.
Heavies Peeling Oft Weight.
Las Vegas, N. M., June 12. Jack
Johnson and Jim Flynn are rapidly
peeling off weight fpr their Fourth" of
July championship battle here, and
both men today' Increased their road
work and boxing-. Each man now boxes
16 rounds a day. Johnson weighs 221
pounds and Flynn 108.
Promoter Jack curley wired today to
Matt Wells, the English lightweight
champion, offering him. a bout with
Champion Al Wolgast here on Labor
day. ......
Western Tri-State Leagne.
At La Grande: B, H. B.
La Grande 4 7 2
Walla Walla 4 S O
Batteries Mount and King; Pitman
and Johnson.
At Pendleton l y
Boise ..........
Batteries Smith and Fox;
and Pembroke. . ,1 . ...
R. H.B.
3 4 6
4 6
Seattle Beats Leaders. '
Seattle, Wash., June 12. Th Bug-s
defeated the league leaders yesterday
by the score or U to, 4. Tho locara
scored their 11 runs on six hits -and
Vancouver error. . The acore:
K. II. B.
Seattle. .....................11 6.4
Vancouver 4 14
Batteries FuUerton n4d Whaling:
Enejle, Oervals, Maxmeyer and Lewis.
Umpire Toman.
II7 Onrdlner Tlte.
Every man who can take the time
shoulcT'learn'tO play golf. But there
Is the right way and the wrong way
of going about it and these are ths
points I should like to bring out clearly
as serious mistakes.
My Idea of the proper way to start
the frame is to get a good professional,
one who haa a reputation of belno; a
Kood teacher and a first class player
as well. Althought all Instructors play,
and know how the game should be
played, and can Impress upon another,
yet their game Is far from good.
Beginners are apt to go wrong" at
the outset they start with too much
book ltnowledKe, arid a person who
knows nothing about any shot In the
bap, gets a lot of Idens Jumbled to
gether In his head and tries to do
everything lie knows at tho same time,
arid naturally advancement Is very
slow, and too theoretical.
The first Important thing about golf
In to tet your grip nnd stance right.
fitart rlKht with a good swlnit, go off
to certain parts of the course, and
practise shots. Always have the In
structor along with you, but It is n
great mistake to undertake all th?
1 different shots in the first lesson or
two. Take them from tee to green,
start with driving and after you (rot
the hanff of playing rrom the tee, try
r.ome brassey shots, or even eome Iron
shots, and so on down to the finer shota
such aa approach work and putting.
Usually the main ambition of a be
ginner is to hit th ball as far as poa-
aible. In other words, try to kill it
It la very Important to learn how to
play a short game well.
Another mistake la made very often.
As soon aa a person can hit the tall at
all, off he goes around the course to
play a match with someone equally aa
bad. or someone giving him a big han
dlcap, and perhaps he haa probably
had a golf club In hla hand but once
In my experience, which has not
been very long, tha correct way lo
learn thla fascinating game la to work
over it, really concentrate your mind
so It means something. I think a man
should go out and practise different
shots, even after he becomes an expert
In order to keep on the top of hla gam
at all times.
As a matter of course age has a
rrcat deal to do with the advancement
of n man's' game; for Instance, a man
ho doea not take up golf until he la
won on in years win not Improve as
fast aa a youth or a younger man, A
man of forty la atlll young-, and can
devote himself to the game, so as to
become an expert, as we all know one
of our foremoat players did not take
up golf in his youth. I took up golf
at tho age of fourteen, little dreaming
in six years' time I would win my
match with the most accomplished
golfer this country has ever produced,
Walter J. Travis.
. Golf Is becoming more popular each
year ahd the day la not far distant
when - it will bo the leading; game In
this country, ss It Is in Great Britain
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ae a. MSaf.b. PotaeW
The, Fraternal Order of. Earflea" deo
feated tha Milwaukee nine at Crystal
Lake. Park yesterday, afternoon . by the
score of 8 to 1. Herb Concannon allowed
one scratch 'hit and fanned eight of the
Milwaukee men. . For game with th
Fraternal Order of Eaglea write Vic
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