THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL FORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVEN I NO. JUNE if. Hit ANGELES BUILDERS VALUABLE JEWELS THOUSANDS FEAST THEIR EYES ON SWEET-SCENTED, BEWITCHING FAIRYLAND OF CHOICEST' BLOOMS FROM PORTLAND'S GARDENS Smith Home. 01 Holhday. Robbed Ust Nifiht: Loot Valued at $1400. Every Union Man cn Stru5 turai Work Will Bs Called Out Idala gwa ! wat Lw HiiM. Jaa II .r alw Ill M-UJW a.- "' e,k U.I . k.4 ilk 4um N"r M lit T " earJ " wJ Mr r" ' " ,JT, I '" avaa ai'y4 ea awil lug irwtka U Laa Aagaua will k ralt4 atria tff mar log. aaawdtg I I a alfltial aialtual laUay by gua- tary r r. atMtr f Iruii4!ag Ira4a WUC4t atai-a ixc rl al lb eaaAbat PREPARE TO STRIKE f lb vi at It. a a rafra4uw S mi " I uu' , . a... tfcrB a l-''v " 'I'" rf..l .ffl l ' Ik Ul '"" ' U li udavtfc ' ' " MmlXH !!. ' " ' "" r'" t pB the l " . arueg tr ' '' a-""1 '" ey ifcriiB tt-e final d' rfoiict. i k4 twiscd i.y i"r lurfUi eat the iait re ' "' laUebr Oety 4iob4 e4 J.welry were la tbe -" la fiaoi Ma llh k'Jfwm 4rer on th nfeM flor ba..k A metal aucumenl M " t4rw rltrl and MmJ limn ' - . la the rvr bedroom. Iia eoel.ale beff alxewn about Uia flwr. ef paper. Men were or value anlf I M' Smith. ae taken. twiwtfa n lM worth f -rIJ ugfet brought from Ataaaa by Mr. Smith. w.a in !" 4raar of lha draaatr. Thr wara apparaally araah4 by lha lhtaa. Tm nnia. vaJuad al Iba prop- rlr of blra. Joho Uodaon. a 4aufhlar ( tba imliba. lulnf at ill taal Thir " tfaTRth airai North ka4 ba njt..rfailr lfi br blra. Ixdaun a INa alii af lha window thrtnuft which tba burg tara ant art d lha how. and I hay " wara Ukta alonf with lha rl of lha loot. Baaldea lha two r!na blonilnf lo . bfra, Uodaon. lha Ihlavra look a paar of diamond aarrlnja. valuad al MOO. th proporlf of blra. Umllh Tha loot aiao larkvdrtf a amall aolltalra dUmond ling. . rlnf al with dlamoiMiji and aroratai. ' ' larc opat rise. f olJ nuc(t brace let, a bractl.t aal with 13 parla. " necklara and loct aat wllh tao dla . manda. a child lino. aold bendant ad othtr amall pic of Jvlry and a Worocn'a Rallaf Corpa plu. Tha only placa of Jaaalry laft wa as Ordar of xaatrm fctar oiaap pin. ilra, femlth's watch sad what roooar waa In tha bouaa waa tn a handbag, laft In tha kltchan. T hi waa or tr look ad. Urt. Smith did not taka tha prarautian of putting bar Jwlry away mora acuralr. baraua h knaw that aba woom oa away irora in bouaa but a abort lima Tba houaa ' on much travalad thoroughfara and a traet corner light burn alt night. Mr. Smith waa formerly with tba Na tional Cold Storage Ira company of '.Portland. ft v loom 1915 idfjMk -.' - 1 blah baa )aal Mtt labwlatad. iad for lha etrika iba afftaar darlar lhay are arrd tot a liaUa PgM- aliiwia II u Ma4 ll-l Ibaatrtb I alia4 with lb )c ff i fore lag lb iala raid, lb w)i(aala I f arsl ba II la pari af a program fee lha (not MMnplal ualaeiaaliow of Law Aagale. I'alon afflclal rafuaaj Ie4ay I diacwaa ibia fauura af iba ma liar. II It baawa, hor. thai iea baa bwaa oalaraplall Twa Ibauaaal tna, parbapa mtw a. will ba affarlad br Iba a Tba rrafiemaa Ibal alii laav Ibalr work Include ptaeiarera, palalara. rarpaaUra, plwmbar. ataam- fljttra. tin tkar and all allied ciafia URY TO TRY RO S B IS FINALLY SELECTED OF NORWAY TO MEET IN ABERDEEN NEXT The Dt annual meotfng of tb Pa cific division of th orders of th Son and Daughter at Norway will be held tn Aberdeen. Wash. In th meantime recommendation to consolidate the two ordera will be made at the grand lodga meetlnjr to be held In Fargo, N. D., July 1 and IS. The aesalona of th two order cam la a cioee niKiu. bui ilia aeiegaiea will remain In Portland for the week to enjoy the Rose Festival celebration. New officers for the Sons of Norway . Pacific division for the ensuing year will be Hans Bugge, Bellingham. presi dent: G. Iund, Seattle, Tic president; W. E. Olsen Seattle, secretary; U V. Belland. Aatorln, judge; liana T. Trail ing. Eureka, Cal., regent: A. K Horn, Tacorua, treasurer; Andrew Marcus, . Pot latch. Idaho, marshal; Andrew Wun ber(rf,berdeen. inside guard: A. Kre geeth, New Westminster, B. C,, outside guard; B. L. Klrkebee, Tacorna trustee. Delegates to the grand lodge will b L. O. Belland, Astoria; U Moller. Boat tie; O. Lund. Seattle; L Orindstaff, BeJ- "llngham; O. Pederson. Han FTSnclsco; 8. Hall, Stanwood. Wash.. H. Borstad Couer de Alene. Idaho. I. Knudson, Port- land: O. Trygstad. Vancouver, B. C, XV. B. Olscn. Seattle. The Daughters relected their officers for the ensuing year, with- lira Martha Hegglestad of Tacoma as president, and , Mrs.. J. Nelson, of Seattle, as grand secretary. Uouls Levy. chUf of Iba dpertant of publleliy of lha Panama Paclfie la lamatlonal aipoaltiea. wbo had charge of the arraagarnanta for entertaining tba '"Oregon Ural" aa Ita recant visit to an rraacJec to ealact a alia for par ticipation ta th till spoaltlon, I in th city te attend the etecuUve com mute of tha Keettval association dur tug tba Roe rtlaL LT regret thai President Moore waa unable to came lo Portland to par ticipate la the Festival. The eipoal Hun rhlaf scutl I eitrrnely busy iratelvlng dalagatlona from tba vartoue tales that are coming to Ban Francisco to select sitae and other Important bual neaa la occupying bla attention at thl time. "The exposition I cheduld lo open on February It. llll, aald Lary, "and tha directors of th i position guaran tea that II will ba ready on opening day "One hundred representative of San Francisco will Journey to Victoria, British Columbia on August 12, under tb auapleea of th 'Flying Lgion' of th San Francisco Commercial club. Tha organisation baa received a eordial In vitation from tha mayor and cltiaen of Victoria and plans are being made to en tertain tha vleltora from San Francisco on an elaborate a cal a It la expected that Majot Rolph and President Charles C. Moor of the eiposltlon alii accom pany th daUgatlon. A apeelal train will be provided to carry th delegation north and oa the return trip atop will be made at tha leading cilia of th northwest. ' This trip I being taken In the Interest of tha Panama Paolflo International ex position of 116. "Th hotel men of San Franesco hav pledged themselves to raise 1100,000 In addition to the 11(0,000 they have al ready subscribed In aid of the 1915 World' fair. San Francisco ha 1217 hoUla with 10,000 room a Ninety per cent of th hotel are less than four years old and are modern in every re spect. Befor 1I1S th list of hotel and apartmer.t houses will be Increased naterlally. . charged f Donald lack this aka un- i a. witi 1L Oar n. W. U I. Dabv. . II. Ad. Top ptctora Exhibit of aoma of cholca blooms on display at Rom show In Armory. At bottom In deco.b, auto it L. W. HTI1. chairman of execntlra board of Great Northern railroad, at wheel; betldo him la C B. Griffin, Montana Immigration ag-ent of Great North. Pri vate car of L. W. Hill at North Bank depot which waa decorated br Eugene Commercial dob. RIVER PAGEANT TO BE BLAZE OF LIGHT Tb marln pageant tomorrow night will make tha river a bias of light It fireworks will be Inceaaant Ita light will be of all the color the rainbow boaats, and more, If posalbl. Admiral C. V. Cooper, commander of th parade, has Issued to all entrants final Instruc tions, which follow: "Porsde will form aa follews: "Clas A, work boats, at th Portland Flouring Mill company' dock, reporting to Captain W. I Beyer of the Dir. Classes B and C boats, cabin and open runabouts, at tha Paelflo EJlrrator dock, reporting to Captain C B. Brown of tb Betaay B. "Tha parade will move whan the fir boat Geong IT. William blow oa blast of her whistle, about 1:10 p. m. "All boats are requested to ba on hand at T:I0 p. m., to enable them te gat tfctir firework from th fire barge. which will be moored at Ooeanto dock at 7:10 p. m. By holding tba lighted end of the red fire atlcka and eleotrio parker over tha water there, will be no danger of fire. 'The rente of parada win ba up the river . turning above the Hawthorne bridge and counter march down the riv er through all the bridge, disbanding in lower harbor. "The typewritten Inatructiona ma! red each boat entered must b carafnlly complied with." EXCELLENT WORK DONE BY HUMANE MY E III SUES OWNERS 'I 0 1 A L BUILDING Glasses Once the Signs ' of Old Age, Are Now the Signs of Good Sense In the day of the old atyle double vision lenses, older peo ple hesitated to wear glasses because of the ugly, conspicu our lines. Today -everybody advises our invisible double vision lenses that' look like a single pair of Kwti, but tenra the "purpose of two, We invito the fullest investigation of our ability to serve you beat THOMPSON Corbejt. Bldi 5th and V Morriaon,' Second Floor. - Dr. Marie D. Kqul filed suit thl morning for 130,000 damage against th owner of the Medical building for treatment she reoently received at toe bands of George B. Prettyman, auper intendent of th building. Th action Is based upon the continued fight be tween the physician and the superin tendent In which she recently had him Indicted by the grand Jury for assault ing her. She had offices in this build ing. The particular assault made upon the woman physician by Prettyman la al leged In the complaint filed today to have been made on the night of May is. Brie recites , tha;J)r. Alvln Bird had granted her permission to use the telephone In his office, as Prettyman had refused to take her down in the elevator. This was late at night. Dr. Equl. was telephoning the police, when .Prettyman came In upon her. The com plaint alleges he threatened her with a pistol, pulled handcuffs from his pocket and threatened to arrest her, and finally pushed her from the offloe. Af ter pushing the woman into the corri dor, the uprintendent is then said to have dragged her back into the office of Dr.. Balrd, where he seized her by the neck, 'threw her upon the floor, forced his knee Into the small of her back, beat ana bruised her until she was uncon scions and helpless. The woman al lege her clothing waa badly torn in the serambl The complaint further sets forth that she attempted to exolain to Prettyman that she had business at her office and also had permission to use Dr. Balrd' of flea Following such treatment, the bill reads, that she was III for several days, suffered a heavv rinanciai loss ana has been unable to take -car of her practice alnc that aate. Complaint waa made by Dr. Equl to the owners of th building that the su perintendent waa abusive, and had often threatened her. Other physicians are also stated to have made similar com plalnta, .The negligence of the owners Is alleged to be in keeping such a man as superintendent , The" Pacific Trust company own th building. Dr. Jtqnl is represented in the suit by Attorneys Wood, Montague and Hunt and Frank C Hesse. ; 69 RUSSIAN LABORERS CREMATED IN BARN fruited Press Lease Wtra.l fit. Peterahur. Jluna 19 T.. A while asleep In a barn near Tambrow, Central Russia. El laborers are dead to. day. The origin of the fire la , not anewn. . ".Deetroyer Jenkins Accepted ' ' Bath. Mainap-June 12. Uncle Sam's new torpedo boat destroyer Jenkins waa formally turned over to tha govern ment and. accepted today. I the vessel having successfully passed all the pr-j Kathleen Lawler Belcher PORTLAND'S GREAT COLORATURE SOPRANO In Farewell Benefit Concert Heilig Theatre, Wednesday June 19 V ' ' ' h'-iJ'.rr , ii;.;", I, : ; ! ? ii i IW THE WONDERFUL M ason and Hamlin PIANO USED The Wiley B. Allen Co., Portland, Or. Gentlemen: The Mason & Hamlin is the world's greatest piano. (Signed) KATHLEEN LAWLER BELCHER. Another proof; that the Mason & Hamlin piano is the premier instrument for all who want the best possible, in Quality, Workmanship, Beauty arid Perfection of Tone. ' Mason & Hamlin pianos are sold only by The Wiley B. Allen Co. . ; ". ; Concert Tickets on Sale at Our Office MORRISON STREET AT SEVENTH !- - - -, - - -f Th work of th Oregon Hamana e. clety for th month of May waa unpreca eented In the history of th soclatr. according to th monthly report given at a meeting of th trustees of tha so ciety Monday in tha directors' room of tha Security Savings A Trust Co. The manager of tha Human society's office at 176 Madison street reported that 4IT horse-and mules ware examined during the month. Thirty-two horses were taken from work, being- In unfit condi tion, and five were destroyed. Thirty-1 examined, four dls- eavered In bad : condition sod on de stroyed. Tweaty-ntn dogs war dla poaed of and II eats were looked after by the socUtyi fwur af tha 1 barns examined were found la bad ooodltloa and condemned. During May fur arrests were made for cruelty to antra ala Of tb four arrarted. three were coavloted and two war required to pay fine. A suspend ed santenc waa given ta th third case. Tha aooiaty looked after tha Banding ef lit city block, which waa don with the new Banding machine. Water and resting facilities for tba children during the parade of thl weak are being ar ranged by th aoclety. Send Tb Journal ta your frleode tn the east for tb entire week ef the Roa res Ural; II cants. Including mailing. The jury te try It- E. Roberta ebarged with lb first dagrea murder ef Donald glawart. waa selected at 11 eelacl meratng. AejnuromaM waa taken til o'elorK Thursday morning. evidence will begin. Tb Jury la composed of T. ner. W. B. Clarke. H. Campion. Mallory, rred Oantanbaln. I. J. J. A. Rcberslnger, J. X Sal, J. ama. H. It. Ilaaslsr. M. Ialmer sod t V. Wslker. To select the It forego ing jurors, 14 men were examined. The defense used eavea peremptory chal lenges to three for the state. Judge Morrow called the ras for trial June t. and each day has bean used In the ftgbt for Juror, except laat baturday, n which hay, court adjourned. In aev eral casts, th questioning of venire men to qualify a Jurora took three hour a W. B. Oiafk waa selected In to minute, making a record tn thl ease for quick work in determining a Juror. Opening etaUra.nte win be maae when court eonvenee tomorrow morn ing. All witnesses have been subpe naed to appear at that tlmi Since the plea of Insanity has been Injected by the dsfen. th Stat ha had Roberts examined by two prominent allenlsta, who reports wUl be submitted when they are called te the stand. Consider able eonluecture has bean mad a to what the report will be, but court attache eonclud that they will report Roberta sufficiently aane to have known what h waa doing at th Urn tb mur der waa committed. Chief Deputy Dltr1ot Attorney Flti gerald represent th tate. H 1 ss slated by Attorneys Dan Malarkey ami John F. Logan. Roberta Is defended by Attorney Fred Whitfield, E. 8. J. McAllister and Roco Hurt. If you waht to post your frlnds on the Rose Festival and Portland, sand Th Journal for on week during the Feetlval; II cant for th week, includ ing; postage. Ill no ii iig Salle Gevurtz Brn.?. will rinse their Fast Side Store and retire from business. The build ing is for rent possession may be had on 30 days' notice. All fixtures are for sale. Prices are made accordingly. Solid Oak Dressers $17.50 Val. This Dresser is made of oak throughout, has three drawers with wood pulls, bere French plate mirror 14x24 inches; the .case, is 20x38 inches in size. 4-o Reed Rocber. for These are large arm Rockers, suitable for men or women, have high square backs, some with three, others with two woven panel s; strong and durable, made to sell at $4.50. j CoKage Chairs These chairs . are made like the cut,' hare' good wood seats; are strong and durable; for kitchen use or camping purposes : at the seaside or elsewhere. We are able" to furnish all you may want of them at our "Going-Out-of-Business Sale" price, which is only, each ......... -..8Se Nurse ' Rockers only f 1.28 These are the sort of money saving pricer-that prevail throughout the store, , , Lace CiEFtaiiis Pr,85CviL These are, Notting- harri Cnrta ins in ' many very pretty desijns, white or J ecru, oo -nsi wiae t arid 3 yards long. J Regular values to II $2,. special atBSc',-J mmmrn DM ?4 Corner East Burnsldc and Union Avenue --?. "3T ( -