THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUHSDAY EVENING. JUNK U. lilt HE NOT TALK OF m mm his ! MOTHER IS DEAD BAND'S DEATH lawyer Tc!i$ Her Not to Say, a Word When She Is Asked, How She Thinks Cashier Christcr.tfn Died. Woman's Claims Denied; Must Present Proof in the Moore Case. CONSTRUCTION OF 0 ARCHES BEGUN HOUSE? HA HOPE FOR LA FOLIETTE LIVESTOCK IN AT FORMER MAN Beautiful Structures to Cost Wisconsin Candidate's Man- p.-- .." '-; !". .ini t' ! 1 ( S.M. !... -a. ela...ila-j ah a. t iut-i I i. t J 1 .- .in . d.f.4 I i -' " t .) .1 li r !..... II f II . : " i ' ' ' ' ' ' Mr l ma, i '! v. a s.4 !' t'( Mt) SB... ' ! 't'i ll..f W .. a U iki l ' ( all"! l bam klf f 'J a tiurtl nu'..i ' ' 1 i . a ; .I . . e at. I I I f - I er W. ti i.c , ill r m I e I . f I : ; -a? er. Ji. ' 1 a. : I '.. .U k 1 lt. ! I lr drlJ la.I I '1 '! (: aJ a. l-cf t,tlt, bill Jn tlU4 I- il l! " I I rlual! 0'r iYf. tt lk l. Juiil! VwltltO el f 4 'f I -. ar4 ll.aa l war . l.-l. ltr l .m la - Jai: f"f tsalf n r--..' Tf-ejr la ill no .'ate. rf I i,i.1:r HtT jSaia In If-. f.raa. aed Ire tte f bearing has ' ei ft l l--e . I ,r klti ,at i H a a f.i.4 14 kaj, i iiMt 1.14 i f. .1 l I it l . )'! ' I 1 - t i.l la l.i a " ' : f i . t i i a : ' a ' - I . : '. r a4 I I aM, .' I t I. a - I r.g if i.r'. ' , ....! I la f . .' a . . a .. .1 .:aa I ". 1 1 I. : . 1 ' I -a t t a .til a : i ?i .(-.. . i i.o a..l cJ Id... ,'it( .air. I It : . Jj d. j Jao. 1 Ic lill cll J) la H l .'f I! I i :f.. M j- I. a. . la .. .... a . ' :r jrl f"1 t ti ! rrl.l r.t-T.e e ! 1 i a )ar at .1 I .: 1 i: a . ai. I ! ' ' In .l t-r .Ira ! U a ..t I !: I' a t '. 4. ! Mi I aJ li a! ittM.'.J.I'i i a.'i. ! :J ! ii -.a txf..' ' .l..J Jt g .'.! t-u. J fc r i I ! .1 a a ... In :i i!tti Wl.cii alta aaa luiir I 1 aril (i Ih fjl.fai. J I '! f a..;f le !l Nil n Ilti'l: rl ai.. ial 1 Lr-1 ! ,1 I m-i M ! l.rl al:i M I'.l a .. l-.Mrl Ms I rlri altalt tir4 N t!rf4 "f IHtla J a.-It a I .l4-l About $15,000; Open Shop Policy for Bands. ager Claims Balance of Power. l Vl 1 livnvf, wwm - is t ' "J I KiJifc ' at. Ira all. la -li I I ' '' '" It aliai tm U Jo la-4 ll H-a all.alua Lai a af l Iha I a llva) Mtilal ll.aaf u:- t.tuH'l" lutxtitl l l a- r I tU. laa n) lttWt.iltM ia a:l laali U-ia I '.a I I '.a .t.lio.1 m.M lul.ta t al !! i.ala Irab- i I (I; I tull ltMf. IM l.k t .!i .1 I a f f . ..! t. i i.rl. Milk : ! :., rc !!!. ai.1 . u MM 6J I Ik i.ll.ail"' ( ia 1 n rl iivai MUl'l f '" ANNUAL MEETING! PEOPLE IN TANGLE SOLONJRUITO, Delegates to Hold Sessions Blinn Bryant and 15-Ycar.OId Until Thursday; Women Daughter of Former Stage See the City. Favorite, Taken off Train. Jt ta4 ISaaa I, ml f rti r. a..l tinllt il dt . I .f i ai.i teal lit U.a Al.l. of ;. a, a I li e .S .jU. l Ka 4r- I lJi -i. l.n I.I if alt tllrt lu! a lu'M Jultl .) t It." Nullt. tlal.a I a.I .-. I gla4 ' V. .r t .('.it .a... li a a. l;. Jit ll.alctl fnl el l.H.c J '.r alt I. . 1 " afij r "f Inla . ..I'.a ait.l ...I "lltj on r ik tf I ri lal I a l l.lal.l a Ifirtrl.l.f ff I! a 1. 1 1 r r .1 II. a a f'kii A I 11 MEET DEATH III AS EARTH ROCKS I ! a ft. a 1. a f.f I. a a t!r ial r.1 a f I r t j avail. f hi l l.irn 111 1 .' a li'.t I. !.. in. :.r. ai .1 .'. I .li.lnli fltt.-n I rr ! til" Th far Ihtl M la tH't'1' a .Icier ISa afi i.f father lo flml mint t.a ! ar.l rrli M..arlon of Mm l.illla JrW fi-inial'v laai-n ) from ! ft!.r by Mia 1 !irni bi.l II la ft-arni an ff"rl tnifht le n a'-a In kllrap M' Th .iiitn lot I ' i.iornl j-rorifa thai lic : aclual!) . iarli i titflhrr Lcfoia (he tmf'i prr.anl ml.lrt-an la vn her. Jxrk I. rry I happy in fw on' Casualties Reported In Two Mexican States; Colima Reported in Eruption. JAIL SENTENCES ARE MPOSED ON WOMEN It rttr-d fraaa I.a.4 Wl-a I ai.iko CM jr. June 1 1 Tnljr-rvn tarona m.l tlc.ih'ln Jirfnrant pari, i f tha ala(a of Colima anit Jllt-o today in an aarthquak mliirh ltrd thr mlnulaa. accordlnc lo dlapatchra r. caJvrd hr. It n a! rrpor(ad that tba Colima volcano la In a (lata of rruptlon, but ea caifualllra from thli aourco habcn rportrl. GEARINS FAIL TO GET DAMAGES FOR AUTO v O.lrrs Bura.n af Tt laaraaMj i 6alam. Or . J una 11. lp tt caa of Huith C Gaarln and Walter J. Oearln. rartnera. afalnat tba Portland Railway, Light I'ower company of Portlan.1, tba auprem court today dlsmlaaed tha appeal as filed by the rlalntlffp. Thla vaf a rluit hrouKbt afraloit the company to recover dmura for an accident In which one of thn company'e rar In Portland wat) allrfed to liave col lldi with an automobllu oarned bv the Gear ID. - Only two other cas were dei'ldod to day by the supiome court. They are: John H. I'utnam. respondent, v EUiaa D. Kay, J. II. Ray. AV. M. Ray an1 Karah Doty, appellauta: appeal from Polk county; Willlum Unllowav, Judgo; reverned by Justice McDrlde. This suit was brought to ni,i.efa title to a strip of land contained In a donation land claim. Joaeph Rrooka. and W H. Cownlns, partners, appellants, s. T. H. Bet hlll and William Uechlll, partDm, respond ents; appcul from Multnomah county; John I. Kavanaugh, judge; affirmed by JiiBtlce McBnde. This wan a suit ever a contract to recover a balance of 771.05 allegi'l to bf due. The case was heard In the lower court without a Jury and flndlncH were made for the defend ant for $154 75 overpayment, and $500 damages'. from the ueual procedure of fillrf cliaruca of aollitllna: and con dueling dlaonltTly houses aKaliLt Me wun:en of tf.e imJerwnrld. who are ar rested In the police raids, which of frns"a are only punishable by fines, the police are mw filing 1 vagrancy charges against Hie women, and In every rase heard lM mornlnK by Judge Taiwell jail sentences were Imposed. The aan tencea Vary from five to 3'i da. JudKu Tsiwcll announced that nil convictions will result In jull aeiiteno'S. The police In the pnt 24 houra have made 49 arrests of denizens of the un derworld nd many others hnve hewn warned to close up their houses and leave the city at once. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police Slover. accompanied by Patrolmen Lelsy and Martin, made an Investigation of a report concerning I wo hous. m on Flan ders street.' and as a result of the chief's Investigation seven persons, all colored, were arrested there. The chief It urging hla men on, de claring that he means business, and offering all assistance he can. The denlrens of the underworld are begin ning: to take the orders seriously and there Is a noticeable lack of brlKht Hunts in tho known disorderly houses now. rl. In la.;..i l!.e , t.fitltiiaali.n da 14M r.;i..:) I t .:i a!l t.a!t!a u.'ib'li nttft' i.l.l-.n ! atli. I l ! II. a l-aia-lca 1 l.r n laaca lha aland that .!.- r . i ... j..... . f Nan.'., nl.t'ka mamUrfS a;c l...t llieilibrls if a union a u-t , pul Itte i t. ti in a l- aUloo f .t:. laltfia; ! thrlr gurala what kind i.f to c f a t.'.cy tOt.Jd lull with th.rn I'.'n. . ei do net de.lre In t!.t, and au I i.t f.tlloai It a ti on ah. p- prln- !p POSTMASTERS MEET IN ANNA L CONVENT ION ! t i arnual ronxenllon ef Ih r,...'.a It.a laia of l f lu It a I luit lia aai 4 "Tine ar. iiaitt l I a rtiaf. Man 1 i aito r f l.UKcf Itta-aa nil bit taft II I. aa.i. t.Sc f .-I a. Id .a (M. alii I'liuki lbikt.mlltUiiii tf tilf.r ufi u.a f.ial Uallcl -tm far. en lha f.fal .lon U;..u han II gala A.. an a .i.)!,, f!M, a.l.h Ia Kt.l'atl.' CVaUarsa lll)arl af Oasaara. ! h -a lu are t.'.a aai-al. f hi.mlhklaj. tul I afti sii.t tmaf..-l at-oul falling a ral (.rogiraalta iaf.fiu tefm. It.a paupia I shall Irtal.l on tank, fail ing fur ins Inlllatue. r.frraatjm. II. fat-all of Judge, and ailen. ufte rat I. ion of lna tariff and far real lag ilalloti of lb Ifiala " , liifftffrl I'lnt itol and James l rtar fieltl in a I Itirt.ining ttrirfalra !.! and ra.ofla-1 Ihrlll I II .cl ell l".ca4.1ur- l.ra WllMatti I'arnr. Jf . Na tO'k a ('pul.tlran leader, be, ama ln-l whafi If lha Tafl ie'!a Wt'uld haa .n-iugn tla In I r-!ih K'l lent potary chairmen of Ih rthtrtitluti "I am not runnleg this uniin.'' he r.lfflad a Welklsg Bat TUlry TaMe lha atl'-n of lha r a I l'n a 1 rommlMse In rulle on Ma roneBld ra.aa, fenalor I !'. Il'faa ell s can Palan manaaer are. r-.tiit.itic bi.t Oafar .' ikla nkarataf al a.a k. at. & . J.U gai.a l ik. aaaa.1 a..k.a.l .f ?r mt l4. Pl 'lhaa.l Ijt.aiawv. tKag. I.kfk oa. ..4 i i ttkai al ut h'., rr a ttr( jl.g aaUMk la. r.-.MM .111 ,i Tfca.aAar ,ai.a, e..iJa 22 ir" vr.k, .z,m ' M4ig tnm The lair war arraata4 by the aharlff r baata c-vualj oa reaac tlel toita aaal 0f u a VMi., AeUeio Magaaaia vfa f tiaa rraaetavea. a .J ciaor- ftao NWe-vta, l.,arLJ daugntar of Mia iMMfga k .vtekela. a farraar aiage IfMII. rura li l llall la"-cl 1 Ma afl.fa..H Ira datagalaa ar4 tUalf ladia fefe lalllng lha !'v!fla4 I'atva alxaraMa, aa4 M.:a .alhg leer at.l tl.ts las alaaalr iia4 f fm lbs a'ai.4ataA aa gVraia of lb loral Of fan laaitoa. Th:e aaorniag lha tadla are fltart a Irwll.y ft4a la King a llalfbla. Count ii Cfcal and lha IVrcairr tuM4lng tr girt a atuihar. Ikir aa i.a.a from lha at.aaia Llnilts4 train. tSiyaaf, mha ia II eia 014. has aa invalid aifa la Hafkei.r. BrraM was a fraKiiaal rl!r at lha Nit hole reaUaare In Oakland, wttar lha girl llra1 wlih her rnolbr and grand T.t..f fnoriting the a at u 1 1 rvm- I I. ." L. . lha ekaiiiivg lha dclacaiaa aa4 Ibair U- I . , ..... , . . hen lh)r loarns4 lhal ha a frm lha aama rlly. uuel Thuf. lar moffilng a 111 ta a. tulr.1 lt r.aling ef i.prta, selection of Ih. nasi .ra inaalleg rlara ana a auifilar nf adlraa.aa Ml Jta. Ho. la ..I t 10 l llkelr lo get lh nasi coo- ttnllon A'-. .1 : dcl.fialra allalirlrxrt lha open ing at.-.l .n Ihla m.ri ll Ihay fr f .. ( it..t t,f l. leading Itvralot k mar kat. .f Mte alalaa !ldUrteis are al III Imperial hotal. BODY OF LOUISIANA IS FOUND ON SPAN Not Known Whether Con- oressman Wickliffe Was Struck by Train or Fell From One of Coaches. MORE PERFORMANCES OF m E OF GODS SONS AND DAUGHTERS Presidential Pnstmaatefa aaaociailon iif I lory ahead for the r.!! He s'.d Otrgon an.t the first join! convention uf I "Oranllng lhal rraai.lanl Tafl sacures if..n Uai-Mnat.ii and Idaho openal I every conleaiea dairgai. i nimin ii.kbc. iii ii...rniM .i it., i out cotton hall In I vail stilt has sufficient ilejectfr. IO ire Maruuam biilhlina Prraldent II I Insure his nomination ur-le.a M-e com VV Johnson of the Ureaon aaaoclatlon mlttee Ihrowa out the California and called lha convention lo order and lha Mouth !ftkota delegates The fe.-tll In Invm allon was uronount ed bv He- John the Indiana cortcai. where mrm Ilovd cf the First Presbytrrlan church bera of lha commute v..le. to seal For lha atala of (Hffiin llovernor Oa- I In Tafl fleiegaies. was n i n ap etaina a.ld Wc.t va an of a.lrnm. IO U Thl ecllon Was da to tli ne to which Postmaster Carl Pearson of "r c. m" tanwm.d vlca president of the Waeh- rommme r i r . a.. .....r-. .... Incton asaoclstlo.. rearn-nded In tha ab- rrece.tent established vaslerd-v the ..r,. . r i,.i.i i,n M Hon. f commmee r.nnoi uirur. ..... ...r. ..a-.,.. hen. representing Mayor Rushlight, de- """. n1 Missouri ll.a.s.vell llvered the adtlress of welcome In ba. half of the city, nnd Postmaster Mal colm (illlls, of Rutte, Mont., responded In the absence of Postmaster John Mc Millan of Boise. Idaho. The remainder of the morning waa taken up with business The sessions will be held tomorrow. Thursday and Frldny' mornings from .30 to 11:30 o'clock. OF NORWAY ELECTION ii. it SENATE A6AINS T COMM COURT Kiev-lion of officer and selection of the neit annual meeting place will be lha Important feature of the closing se.alon lday of Ih Pacific IlvIslona of the orders of hot), and laughters of Norway. Hcattle. Jlrlllngham and As toils ar In the re far ih Beit eon ventlon. Thl morning tha delegalea. enjoyed a trolley rid lo V. Illatnrtio netgni tha Koreatry building. Council Creat and Mount Tabor and thtn resumed ork. Last night th visitors wer guests of honor at a banuurt in I.lnnra ball under the auspices of Ih toesl lotlgea H J. ljnee act-aa toatmaater and tb a r-akers were President liana llugge. II. I- Ktrkebo. W 11 'Isen, Mra J Hegglestad and Mra C. Esteby. Mra K. Itoald favort-d with vocal aoloa. BLUE SKY LAW BILLS REPORTS SAY 2D WAVE OUT FOR SIGNATURES Upper House Puts Itself Record for Abolishment on lAtlrni Pure. a of Tb Jnaro.l ) Salem. Or., June 11. Initiative peti tions for tho "blue sky" corporation law are In circulation this week. This pro poned law. on which Secretary of State Bn V. Olcott haa been working for week, has been revised until It la be- HAS SWEPT GALVESTON of Body. ECHO. OR M HA T IT; SHOOTS HOBO IN NECK FIND UNCLE HANGING WHEN Tl HEY GET HOM E (S,p.rl to The Jotirntl Lebanon Or., June 1J. Marion Ma lone attempted t" commit suicide Sat urday at I lie home of hU nephew. Farm er Mulon. in Sweet Home, by hanging himself. Farmer Malone and family liad come to the strawberry fair In Lebanon uiirl returned lionie. at about 8 it'cloclt. and In into thn house were surprised to f,nO their' uncle hang ing In- tii rn.ik. They at onco save the alarm am a crowd soon grathared ami uuun cvmnlrmt h.n found thw old mm. flill nine. Mr' was at onco cut flown rim I wad soon reatored to normal V6T!dltio:i. f T Mr. Malon is abJi':t t'O years old and has hc.n committed to the iivylum once, but was turned out as cured. He has recently had trouble with his wife, who (secured a divorce from him, and this Is thought to have had eomethlng to fio with his nation. Pendleton Or., Juno 11. At Echo last evening H. D. Smith, a hardware merchant, drew a revolver and sent a bullet Into the neck of a hobo who he claims, with others of his kind, was looking for trouble Smith and a cuatomcr were standing in front of the store when the hoboes approached and grew usily. Intending to ahoot over their heads, he says, to Intimidate them, Smith drew an auto matic revolver and fired, the bullet en tering the neck of one of the men when he grabbed at the revolver. The wound ed man p in a local hospital and Smith has given himself up. ifnlted Preas I-etaet? vVlre.i Washington. June 11. The senate to lieved ItSa now one of the beat meaa- day went on record for the abolishment ! "u"f(1 lhat B ,r'oua tidal wave had (Telled rree tasaed Wlra.t Fan Francisco, June 11. Private dl rmtrhes today from New Orleans to Logan and Bryan, stock broker here. urea of Its kind yet drawn up. Several I of the commerce couit. changes were made at the instance of I This waa established when a motion tha Portland Chamber of Commerce, I to strike from the house "budget bill' Realty Board and Commercial club, and the provision cutting off tha court waa the measurs is now Indorsed by all I defeated bv a vote of 23 to 36. Th three of those orcanlzatlona. progressives and Democrats voted "I am satisfied thla measure has been against the tribunal plven more publicity and haa been more Thla vote la believed to forecast the carefully considered than the majority acceptance by the senate of the houses of the bllla nasaed by the legislature." "nun in aDousntng mo court said Secretary of State Olcott. HER SON UP FOR MURDER, MOTHER ACTS COUNSEL RELIEF ASKED FOR DENTAL EXAMINATIONS PASSED BY 40 ENTRANTS Salem, Or.. June 11. Results nf the recent dental examinations under aus pices of the Oregon stuto hoard of den tal examiners were announced yesterday afternoon as follows: D. C. Burton, Loran Bogan, E. IV. Earnum, Lee M. Boise, I. M. Christensen, J. B. Crallen, J. YV. Caffvn. Frank Dye, Fred Ellis, W. IT. Flske, D. A. Fitzgerald, M. H. Fisher, D. A. Fellows, J. V. Griber, O. K. Humberatone, W. M. Hanna, P. F. Hawkins, R. R. Hill, E. D. Hutchinson, R. L. Jones, R. R. Johnson, II. H. Kuhn. C. F. Lauderdale, Dallas Loy, V. J. McWilliams, Jl. C. Afullliolland, M. W. Markham. R.' W. Morrow, John Olson, C. G. Jeriepacker, Jacob Riser. Charles Randle, C. R. Townsend, H. L. Sump tion. Alt Swennes, Floyd t.'tter, J. II. Williams. Lea A. Wendell. O. J. Wher ry, D. F. Wyman. Members of the examining board were: Dr. Jean Cline. Portland; Dr. II H. dinger. Salem; Dr. Frank Vaughn, Astoria; Dr. Clyde Mount, Oregon City, and Dr. William 8. Kennedy of The Dalles. ' . (I tilted Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, June 11. With his mother acting for him in the absence of counsel, the case against Charles Bon ner for killing Ucrnlce Godalr, a 17-year-old high school girl, came up before Police Judge Sullivan today, swrtit ovr Galveston tonay. immeni ately after receipt of th news In New Orleana. all wire falld and no aetau could bo learned. Ijiter the broker said they believed the report untrue. TWO CHARGED WITH BREAKING FOOD LAW For selling another brand when "Hor- llck'a" malted milk was called for anil taking the powder from which the drink waa made from a Jnr with the name Horllcks" blown Into the glass, rood and Dairy Commissioner Bailey had W. W. Pearca, proprietor or me itoyai hnkerv. 3fi() tVashinKton atreet. haled be-1 fore Justice of Poace Hell Saturday. (United Pre. I,ea.d Wire.) l'earce pieaaea not guiuy nu inn near- Seattle June 11. Without requiring ing was set at 2 o clock next Tuesday Aa the the least proof of fraud In counting the afternoon. RE UN S T ON SEATTLE MAYORALTY After th crowd that vr gathered al aitr on plat In IVirlland had gather and had wildly applauded T Hrldg of Ih (Irda. - and after fully loo disappoint..! people had been i u -next '. an mrgefM-y meallrg of th dlrrttor ef "Tr Bridge of Ih Ool" company wuh th board of man ager of Multnomah rlub waa railed. In ls lhaa five inlnutas Ih two hoards daclded lhat In common fairness lo Ih festival throng two additional performances of -Th Urldg of th floda" should b given. On will be Wadneaday nigh! and th other Friday night official ticket for both Diss day are at Howe A Martina drug store on Washington street, where th seal sale Is now on, and will continue to p. m Official eat I to tea plac the crowd last night for the second performance of ""Th Bridge of the Gods' at fully 1. no. At over IIS, COO vii expended on Ih two pel forma nee. ome Idea of their magnitude from a spectacular viewpoint can b obtained. The two performaiK-ea Wednesday and Friday ill he presented on a seal that I just a lavish. All the Indiana who took pan In th earlier presentations will be re tained, and will appear In th great In dian romance of life In Oregon befor th natural atone bridge at the Cascade crashed down, and with It fall, so In dian legend say, cruahed the power of the redman on the banks of the Columbia. It waa a far more rnthuslsstle audi ence that applauded the performers last night. The spirit of the drama seemed almost to ba In tha air. Tha dance of Indian maiden with the nu merous other feat urea, the many Indian scene around the torture ffre. the coun- clla, the eruption of Mount Hood. Mult- noman a death an were given with a Ivld realism that seemed almost life. Spectators were transported back to In- dlnn days. The red man was again king, the white man almost his slave. it iU rtaaa U I wlrat Waal. In inn. Jua II Cop g f aiaa Robeit C- Wlt-klMf of luiaua run ! aad hi Had rlv lodav by a irwia on lha long tlS ar Ih ! man al aVmlh Waahiaglnrt Wlckllff . billed en Ih PoMxnse brltt. lb nala rr ar of a Bouihafn railway Iraln say ih bnady crumpled up ar Ih fra Whlh.r Ihla Iraln airucb him or abaincr h fell frora Ih platform of another Ula th polio ar untMa la determine. Wlt-klirr Idanllty was not ksl until hi ixtrkcl wai aaar chad. Th railroad hrldg I lu a 4ild fan ef Ih suburb of Washington 1 h polle b.llav Wlckllff fall from on of Ih car Mrs Wlckllff aa a!) In Ih ni.inbra' gall.ry of th hous of rp renltl whn Congressman Urous sard announced Ih death of hi eo. league h falnle-d. and bualaes on Ih floor of th huus a a temporarily suspended. n mm Ian SPLITTING OF STATE Movement on Foot to Make Separate Commonwealth of So. California. t'alt4 fres Iaae4 Wlr.) Han I'lego. Cal., June 11 If another troublesome sltustlun fernwlng out of the so-called free speech difficulty does not dexelop her In tha nest few houra the uthorltlea will fed relieved. That As sistant Attorney General Raymond Ben jamin, here to take charge of th situa tion In Ih absence of Attorney Gen eral I'. 8. Webb. Is greatly worried Is know n. One problem lhat caused much worry was th disposition of a doaen Industrial workei who were arrerbljad by the police yesterday but had been retained over night, while nearly aa many more had been released. Among some of the more active vlgl lante there was talk today of starting a movement for separate statehood for southrru California aa a result of the trouble. It was predicted that this would take definite shape tomorrow and It waa asserted that th proposal would hve the hearty support of Gov ernor Johnson's political adversaries here who hav been active since the governor sent Harris Welnstock her to investigate condition. 16-YEAR POLK COUNTY BOY COMMITS SUICIDE grand Jury is to consider the matter tonight and will undoubtedly return an indictment against Bonner, the case, upon the suggestion of the district at torney, was set over until Saturday. CUBAN REBEL GENERAL REPORTED SURROUNDED (t'nlted Press Leased Wire.) Washington, June 11. Dispatches re ceived at tho state department today from President Gomes of Cuba, state that government troops have surround ed General Ivonet, leader of the negro rebellion In the province of Orients, and that his capture is momentarily expected. rjnffalo Sails for Pnget Sound. Mare Island, Cal., June 11. With the submarines A3 and A5 in tow, the cruis er Buffalo sailed today for the Brem erton navy yard. The tug Fortune" also accompanied the Buffalo. The cruiser will return to Mare island next week, when three other vessels assigned to the Pacific reserve fleet are expected to ar rive In Puget sound. ballots in the recent mayoralty nleo- A similar charge was placed against tlon. Judge R. B. Albertson this morn- A. J, Cof fman. proprietor of a number Ins- ordered a recount In accordance of confectionery stores about the city with the petition of Hiram C. Gill, do- Coffman, through hi attorney, asked feated candidate, against Mayor Cot- until after tha Rose Festival to plead. terill. .Which was granted. Both men admitted The court held with GUI's attorneys that thev had sold a cheaper grade of that in a quo warranto proceeding, as malted milk for that called ror. At the technically distinguished from an elec- Royal bakery the brand sold was marked tlon contest, a recount miist be ordoreu "Borden's" and at the Coffman stores on the mere allegations of fraud con- "A. D. S." brand wa sold, according tained In the petitioner's complaint, to the charge. provided that It is shown that the bal lot boxes have not been tampered with since election. The recount will prob ably start Friday morning. In the In terval, testimony of university students Is being taken, Gill s attorneys contend ing that students whose parents live outside of the city are not entitled to vote In .municipal elections. ROOSEVELT WINS 1ST FIGHT IN COMMITTEE VOLCANO SUFFERERS HUSBAND CHASES HIS WIFE UNDER-THE BED (United Preaa LaaMd Wlre. . TJf-asbington, June 11. James Wick rsham. delegate in congts from Alas, ka. Introduced today in The house a joint resolution appropriatine- thn nnn ,forth Immediate relief of sufferers bullet wound in the shoulder that he do by volcanic eruptions r.ear-Kodiak. The ' clareB was Intended for his heart. He retolution orders, that United State 1 and his wife bad quarreled. revenue cutters be used to rush the re- George Smythe of 40 North Grand ave- Husbands who mistreated their fam ilies were numerous, according to police reports. last night, and a a result, two men landed in jail and one In St. Vin cent's hospital. Frank Gordon, ofj 458 East Eleventh street, north, is In tho hospital, suffering from a self-inflicted Jlef aupjlle to Kodiak at once. GERMAN HOMESTEADER SUICIDE THROUGH FEAR l -. asaaaaaa..aaaaa -,. . '' " '".pedal to Tb JowaaLk Kennewkk. Wash.. June n. Suffer ng avldently from th hallucination that h was being Knunded by enemies who ought to do him bodily harm, William i Hlnderoagnt a Grman rancher, blew his brain out with a shotgun at his hotaie- at aad five ; mJJej from. Ibis city gome unit Sunday morning. nue, was arrested on complaint of his wife last night after he had thrown a tea cup through the window, and cbased his wife under the bod.- He waa this morning sentenced to 90 days on the rock pile and fined $200. Sentence was suspended. Jules Floeter of 1292 Union avnu was arrested at an early hour thla morn. Ing for chasing hi wlf and dauehte. ;in-law through the house. Patrolman Bennett, who waa called, had to crawl through a window to get Into tb house, a th husband had locked tha doors. A sentence of to day and a 1260 fine, waa Imposed. Eentenc waa suspended. - O. A.'C. Man to Judge Bees. Oregon Agricultural College, Carval- lis, Or., June 11. II. F. Wilson, In charge of the O. A. C. apiary, will act as judge at two Washington fairs In the fall. In September he will judge the bee exhibits at the Washington State fair at North Yakima, and he will also Judge apiary exhibits at the Inter-Dilate fair at Spokane tho last week of September and the first week of . October. Ask Your Doctor Hair falling out? Troubled with dandniff7 Want more hair? An elegant dressing? Ayers Hair. Vigor: Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodium Chlrid. Capsicum. Saga. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. We believe doctors endorse this, or ' We would Mt put It up. DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR -rJ.O, S.TBS rsDaa IrSSSjf Mass, :: BOY MAYOR WILL VISIT THE MARYLAND Inasmuch as It is the proper thing for Mayor Rushlight and the city coun cil to pay an official visit to the cruiser Maryland, Max SwerdUk, the boy mayor, and his council, are Inspect ing the big fighting1 machine this after noon. The boy mayor and his council will occupy box seats at th Orpheum thea tre tonight as the guests of Manager Cofflnberry. Other features of enter tainment for the entire week arebeing arranged by Benjamin Brick and E. B. Brown, managers of the young mayor and his administration. RAILWAYS TO MAINTAIN FOREST FIRE SPEEDERS (United Press Lesaed Wlra.l 6eattle, June 11. An experiment will be tried by the railroad in some of the particularly hazardous districts. A patrol service will be maintained . by means of speeders so that aid can be summoned quickly In case of an out break of fire. Dallas, Or.. June 11. Alfred Philip, aged 16 years, living seven miles south west of thl city, committed suicide Sunday evening at 7 o'clock by shoot ing himself In the forehead with a .38 caliber revolver. He had gone to tho barn to milk and took off his hat and coat, hanging them on the fence. H then changed his socks, went Into the corral, drew a revolver and fired five shots, four in the air and th fifth Into the middle of his forehead. Mr. Liza Robinson, a neighbor, on hearing the shots, wheeled in time to see the young man turn the gun on himself. Young Phillip was In perfect health and was apparently happy. His parents ere heartbroken. (Uoitea Press Lsaed vTlre.v first victory in the fight for delegates nUotDUnU'uUUo oUnVtl in the Republican convention was scored this afternoon when, the national com. mittee approved the action of the Fifth Kentucky district convention In sending both Taft and Roosevelt delegates to Chicago, thus splitting the voto from that district. Wheivthe motion was made to seat four delegates from this district, each with half a vote, instead of two dele gates, a hot debate was precipitated, in which Francis J. Heney took a leading part. COMMITTEE SEATS MORE TAFT DELEGATES (United Press Leaner! wi.; Chicago, June 11. By a vote of 38 to 13. the committee seated the Taft dele gates frora the Seventh Kentucky district. Elk's Official Resigns. (Special to The Jooroal.l Oregon City, Or., June 11. R. O. Young, who has been secretary of the Oregon City lodge of Elks for two years haa resigned. E. J. Noble will attend to tha dutlea of the. office until a suc cessor to Mr. Young can be named. Eighteen' Tons of Money. . ICnKed Press Lvased Wire. J Ban Francisco, June 11. Tb sight of IS tons of money blockaded traffio for several blocks about tha Crocker bank! Tha csolat waa from Mexico and filled aaveral larga trucks. - jt consisted of CO,000 Mexican peso, worth $216,000. BEGUN AGAIN BY HAINES (Sceclnl to Th Jonrnsl.) Roseburg, Or., June 11. F. A. Haines, who made a railroad survey between Coos Bay and Roseburg two years ago, is again In the field with a crew of 15 or 20 men, it has been learned from good authority. The survey gang la now working this side of Myrtle Point and Is coming toward Roseburg; When Mr. Haines completed hl former work he "stored his equipment In Roseburg. but recently had It shipped to him. Who Is backing his movements la not known. Further developments are awaited with unusual Interest A WORD OF WARNING TO OUR VISITORS You will enjoy the festivities much more if your money and jewels are in a safe place. Let t;s keep them for you in our safe deposit vaults. A minimum charge for a short period. TO OUR OWN PEOPLE You know you will have a better time if you feel your jewels and silver are safe from burglars, who recognize this week as their opportunity. Put your val uables in a safe deposit box.. If you have none come in today and take one. BOXES $3.00 PER ANNUM AND UPWARDS VAULTS OPEN TILL 6 O'CLOCK. SECURITY SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY FIFTH AND MORRISON" STS. Factory f -A to home $Jj.DU price. .... mm FIREMAN KICKED". N THE BACK BY HORSE; MAY DIE Fireman "Bill" Herman, of Truck company No. 1, was perhaps fatally ln- jused this morning when a fire horse kicked him in -the back, dislocating; a vertebrae and rendering him uncon scious. Herman was immediately taken to St Vincent's hospital, where medical aid was given him by' Dr. Keenan. At last reports the fireman was still uncon scious. , . , r : Park & TilfordY Fine Xhoco- -. ; lates. . Also halliard s. AllegretO'a. Mullan', Plg'n Whistl deltetous candies at our a store. Slg. Blcbel V Co. ; : 1 ' III mtm ill 11 I 3 m. i i - m 1 f-'. Retailers n usual price. ..." Factory direct to home We make a complete line of Solid Oak Mission Furniture attractive, substantial and backed up by. our1 lifetime " guarantee. Lovers of Mission Furniture-thousands of them. -have learned the wisdom and economy in buyingdirect from our factory at factory prices. v Mail order catalogue free. . " i- Salesroom 389 Alder, Opp. Olds, Wortman & King --.. ra - uianau).