The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1912, Page 21, Image 21

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(rttrnjti. nil. r , Ww.
"iUilag ta oaptwr tr " ' Ir4lae. I
le4 I run lh Mlt. 1 . TH r4l isia (
t pla7 lrl a
'A doubla llr. f ! Mrh rml llh club. 1 1 H
hi. h K nj0f t uriki .rl"r M rui 1 h
4 l ht r-. J of Mrti(ie up rn t sl
"Anl I ran I larvl 1. u II c4 ).!
strt t..a In ihf it I laiiva- kf-n a
n Id .feaa
' 'f id. i i ' t 4
i t !- '. dlx I' " 1 1 IM...: 4 (. "
. . i,i I iwM.ii !.. ! i - i:fr. i !'.
Monday's Delayed News Briefly Told
IUm of World IU. IVnvlinl fYwn. o'llark rlrrd
Ui ai4 ft ! II. i IH
fnitrnc itrt on i limy M tr
Drllln bill. frrrii mnditl
IuM Voo4 uul of !! Offlr Chief
uf auff on Marvb I. 111.
JJurh lh uiprlM of Urn "or
ri.mUrlln n4 ihr upporur of
lh nirurn bill 10 prolerl Innormt rr
K . . . r rt t ha ipnn r All w A lmnd
I irani Und. Nanalor lllurn haa
J cllnod to comply llh lha Inalrurtlom
II of lha public land commit. io rpor
II ll lo th ni Ilfyburn mam
bra or tna rnibiie lanae cmummtt wno
vera not prant at lha laat mrallnc.
lh to fle tha maor furthar too'
4T. ' Senator Bacon ntroduc4 bill t
1 rirl-t tnlarvanllon In Cuba.
Tha acnala Judlrlary commit! fa
vorably rcporttU Blmmona' bill prohlbll-
lug Intaratala tranaporlallon of prla-
fllht fllrtia.
Tha bou voted Monday. HI lo 101,
not to accept the aenat amendment to
ire tuelal tariff rrvleion blil. which
mould rrpeal the Canadian reciprocity
Did and fli a unlveraal duly of II a
ton on prltl paper. Tha houae ac-,
cepted to atnaie amendmrnl rtxlucing
Ilie duty ou p'f Iron and on rerlaln al
io. Tha bill will again o io confer
em e
Kcprrerntatlva Hardwltk condemnrJ
the workwn'a iompnllon bill before
the houaa Judiciary commute.
Further rharejea afalnet Federal
Judge Hahford ra received Monday
by Kcjreniatve.?iiorrla from Heattle
law yer and hava' been laid before tha
hmie Judiciary commlttra.
' I'olltical.
Anmni tha men mentioned for tempo
rary halr man of tha Damocratlo con
vention at Baltimore are Brnilor
Oliorman Of New York. Kern of Indiana
and (Mile Jame of Kentucky, rteprea.'n
tatHea William Hulaer of New York,
llfjmv of Texae. and Jamta Hamilton
Lewis of Til (.
Tfce atandard of Senator Cummlna of
Xowti, for Kepubllcan prealdenllal nomi
nee was ralaed Monday by his rol
lrau. . Senator Kcnyon, who arrlve1
from low full of anthualaem for the
Hawkeye candidate. Senator Cummlna
now has 10 delemles pledged to him
A number of proinlni-nt Roosevelt
leaders took occasion Monday to y
that rumora of a possible, bolt by the
Roosevelt deleiratea In caee Prealdent
Tuft were renominated ware, without
reasonable foundation. Senator Roran
wu emphatic In tha statement that lie
would not bolt.
ha 414 m lha III fa 14 bl I a re
lha wna aad children. VI re IeoaarU
Wood. lf of the chief ( Staff f the
t'ata4 JtlaltMi amir. petfcl4
plasi for aefxtias a peraonal letter lo
trerr roiaai in fn army pual In
lha t'slled talt. aanc for conirltiu
Nearly slrlkina waller and arm
palMaere war rrt4 Monday In from
of Ik W aider f-Atorta hit maklns a
drmonatration a I he fu( of th tn
qut for officer of th Oeranao acjuad
ron b(ao 10 arrive. Th waiter were
charted with disorderly oobducl.
Ith violation of th ally ordinance
and a few with reiitnf arreat.
Th lailplan snay aucr4 th tail
cab a th rapid Iranctl conveyance
of th wealthy and a relief from ln
roq.enlenl rallay train sch-1uie
Chart I'lrklneon, wealthy merchant.
haa amplo4 an aeroplane to convey
him frm th city lo hla joif club, ll
miles weal of Chlcaio
At Nw Haven. Conn. Monday. IT
altera cf tha lliel Taft atruck. and
40 wealthy Tale anlors walked In
picked up tha tras and took lh plac
of tha striking waller
Wiiritn of th United Rtatea srmy
nd navy will back th Woman's Titanic
mmort&l movement to erect a"t Wash
ing-ton itreat monument to tfi men
rrlflr f.Xaat.
iVlk's directory for llf fr th city
of Raymond. Wash.. contain tSU
namea of actual resident of the city
t'alnaj th multlpl IV. commonly u l
In tha wist, tha population of this lly
la H&. Th coirectne of lhe
figure Is borne out by the recent
school census which shows an increase,
enrollment of rwerly 200 scholara, th
total number being Hi.
The Josephln county cvea, best
reached from (Irani Tass. will he pro
vided this year with a o eminent
guide, who was put Into tne service
this month. It will h the duty of the
guide to protect th cave, that their
beauty may not he marred by visitors
who hav a longing for souvenir
Trips will be made through both lower
and upper ravea every i1, If visitors
desire to enter, excepting Sunday, until
October 31.
Mrs. Margaret Oliver died Sunday nt
her home nesjr Pendlelon. Her death
marks the pawning of another early pio
neer. Mrs. Oliver, who was Miss Mar-i
garet Templfton, was born In Indiana
In IAS 5, cropping tne plains in 1F64 and
settling lh the Willamette valley near
Kugen. In 17 J they went to eastern
Oregon and made their homo on I'pper
Rutbrr creek.
8tudenta at Willamette university
hailing from Portland have organised
a Portland Willamette club. The plana
fnr this purpose have heen under con
sideration for several weeks and were
brought to a termination Saturday af
ternoon, when an organisation of over
SO students was perfected, with Merwyn
Paget as president
retivel ww highly laterestiag I all
xj ar barti.-tbwiirig la lb ftlal
"I auk my rvptitaiioa that th ftuat
la the electric tred lonlghl will be
r cam Uattar than laat year, averred
Ueoff I. Ilulchln. (nrel manager of
IK hM Klival. and dealgnar ajvd
builder of Ik floaia u4 In u X'rl
val of N'eiiots prad lonlgbl and slal
itrdsy ttlgftt.
There ar altngeVrser II ear 1 lh
prw4a .acb baa It a.-hm of
decoration and liluniinallon. ljch on
l an atlilblt of distinction In Itaetf.
Itrg (iguitu, monarch uf marrment,
will lead lh pvgeant. Ilia throne will
be bom on the back of an Inimene
golden iheni. and h will be attend
ed by pgea and courtier In trapping
uf regal magnificence.
Wa4rfwj sVeaea.
Otrmtnr and lh acl.lvmenta of
re,lnk th flrcat ar th subject
elected for. fipoattlon In lh secooj
I be winter of Ruesla lit by the north
ern llghie, the eerih tarpeirn wim
anow and lh ciar and ciarina born
swift. y by pran.lng steed through the
frosty atr. constitutes tn rtpreaenia
llon of Ihe third car
Kach of lh cars to follow lntnal
tb beauty cllma er th pageant. The
aymbollc reprteenlatlon lncluda th
Isle of Orecc. Holland, ralr Japan.
Roman Oalley. Hpetn. Kar Alaska. Monte
Carlo, India Turkey. China. Kgyft and
Jre.t Rrllaln.
Auranc Is given tha! lo realise the
beauty and brilliancy of lha royal pa
rade It mul b aecn The festival man
agement ask that all automobile keep
out of the line of prao. also inai u
should be remembered that due lo th
Thirteenth street loop, the perade wi-.i
appear twice bth n Mirrlon ai)1
Waahlsglon lrrrl.
from tha army, lie was arreted by lh
mllllar) authnrillt in Califortila and
M to Hen 'Juentl-t a a federal pri
oner. According lo Governor Wt. I.n
Ou4 never parol J or roiidrd
for parol by the parole board,, H w
ntaeie4 under the oil law. r rd His
full Urn and was discharged at Die
eiplratton of hi definite sentence.
irnptlnued From Pag One.!
After Years of Suffering.
Tells How Her Health
Was Regained.
A plot has boon discovered 1n Mana
gua to deliver th forts at that place
to th enemies of General Luis Menrt,
th present war minister, who last Or
tober was decreed by congress to be
president of the republic for the term of
The crw of th French, liner Prance,
860 firemen, trimmers and seamen, with
600 other seamen of various categories
voted Monday th declaration of a gen
ral strike In Havre, and appointed i
strike committee. They demand an In
crease of 6 a month for the firemen
and $4 a month for the other seamen,
The aeroplane rsc from Berlin to
Vienna, under tjje auspices of the Im
perlal Aviation society and the Aug
trlan Aero club, started Sunday morn
Ins;, was won by Homtith Hlrth, Ger
man, carrying as a passenger Llputen
am Bcnonor or tne uerman army
Waurika. Okla. "I had female. trou
bles for seven years, was all run down,
and 80. nervous XI Hlrth, with his. companion covered the
cnnlrl tint, rln nnv. I distance (330 miles in a direct line) in a 1. . . oe . i . . . - .i
Vm thino- The doctors " " """ul avium nym lime.
ireaccu iiio iw ui- federal troops commanded hy Oenerrtl
ferent things but did Huerta has moved Into camp at Santa
me no good. I got Rosalia, though the outposts ara within
an hnA thafc I roulrl 30 mllfiB of Bachimba Pass, where the
so Daa mac i cpuia rbel force8 of aenera, OTOtro a re Kathll
not. Bleep uojr or ered. Government scouting parties have
night While inthis approached within 70 miles of Chlhua
COndition I read of hua tha objective point of tho present
T wrlin F Plnkham'a I"aer11 campaign, ana uenerai iiucrta
"V is confldont of entering the city before
v cB c couid win- tn8 ena or tlle mpnth.
oound. and began --
Its mi end wrote to you for fecial PAGEANT HEADED
my health and am now strong and well" Dl MNu WILL DC
Mrs. Sallies Stevens, R.F.D., No. 2, DAZZLING DELIGHT
Comancne, uuia. .
n-.lli'1. Wmon Pror.. tContlnued From Pagre One.)
JlUUiUV a. VIUUU s,avvvw
. ' ttt ,tr T rounds sf the newspaper offices and
. Newton, jN.ii. " f or nve years i Bui- hotelB Thy
were generous with their
fered front female weakness and drag- mualo and the eercnade ln front of Tho
ging aown pains, i-yum ruuuuuu s Journa, offlce drew a crotr(1 of .evera,
Vegetable Compound has jrestored my hundred people.
health and the pains are gone. " Mrs. The people Were welcomed aboard the
V A PtfA!iFH R F D Box 88. United States cruiser Maryland yester-
..... ' nay arternoon and on the cruiser Boston
Because your case fa a difficult one, thls morning, in vehicles of ail sorts
doctors having done you no good, do not 'l b-u:
continue to suffer Without giving Lydia g-ave themselves up to good natured
E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound a revelry. Rex Oregon us, king of the fes-
" trial. It surely has remelied many "cases t,val. .co"1(1 "otiA5v 'ound a -people
. nnrfe Ifrlhiian with, r n a nnlelt 4 a
Jrjf female ills, such as Inflammation, ul- uVity. v"'v
' cerauon, aispiacemenis, lumors, irregu- The . words, "grand, glittering and
, . lanties, periodic pains, rjacxacne, ana n exactly what you need.,
If yon waftt special adrlee mite to
Lydia . rinkham Medicine (To. (confl
dentUl) Lynn Mass. Your letter will
be Cpened, read and answered by s
woman and helA-ln stHrt nnnfldenw
conditions eslet In Kentucky such as
on.- eslsted In California. I can easily
understand why gentlemeyi from Penn
sylvania and Colorado trenros ana
Stevenson ar billing to vot without
examining the evidence."
In explaining tile vote, Senator Porah
said :
"I am convinced that gross frauds
were practiced In the election or tne
Taft deles-ate at larte. but I am not
convinced that th antl-Taft delegates
should he eeatcd. I maintain that the
commltte should have examined all of
tbe affldavlta ln the contest."
Xalr to iTtrt mfbt.
Committeeman Crane of Massachu
setts moved that the affldavlta b rd,
but withdrew his motion when other
Taft members expressed disapproval.
The Taft committeemen charged -that
Heney was seated on Thorson s proxy
to start a fight nT they desired to
avert one.
Ormsby McHarg, Roosevelt's contest
manager, announced this afternoon that
the Roosevelt men would rest on the
contests In the First, Second and Fourth
Kentucky districts.
The vote on the First Kentucky dis
trict contest stood 46 to 0. Hecause
of the slow progress It Is making the
committee decided to begin holding night
sessions, the first to be held Thursday
night, desiring to complete the tempo
rary roll call by Saturday noon.
ll'aliM rr !. WW I
an rranrtaro, Jun ll Agitation
rwrrtrd on under tha nam of humanl-
larlnlam and prl.on reform today is
blamed by Warden John C lloyl of )n
Quenil.i prison and several mimberi
cf the slat board of prison directors fir
ihe outbreak of praonara at Man Qu.n
tin. wh.n on convict was killed and two
other wounded.
Telephoning from "an Quentln today.
Ward.n Hoyl. aa.eried that condition
wr greatly Improved and that no fur
ther rioting waa eipecte.1. but h bit
terly aacalled (lovernor West of Orrgon
and others, charging they hd plved
a great part In canting a spirit f dis
content In lh penltentaries throughout
th wt
rood Was Vol rtor.
Iloyl aaid "Th quality of
arved th prleonrr had nothing to do
with the outbreak. The rl cause I the
agitation that haa ben going on for
priaon reform. Qovernor Wet of Oregon
tlng on of the leader ln the move.
ment. As a result It will now be nec
essary to make discipline a little
stroriKer nil along tha line. Th man
who was killed Sunday waa a graduate
of Governor's West's college at rialem."
Chart Honntag and Lnnle M. ftuffy,
two members of tha prison board, took
the aam stand as Moyle Honntag aald:
t "Too much coddling spoils prisoners,
just as It doea children Then prison
ers read In the newspapers how the gov
ernor la letting men out on the radical
reform Idea, and this caused th outbreak-Bars
Wet Xs JspoBsibl.
"There Is no question." said Director
Puffy, "but that (lovernor West.o Or
egon snd other reformers were respon
sible for the outbreak The prisoners
read th papers, and now believe that
they, as prisoners, should bava all th
rlghta and privileges of free men. They
think they are abused, when restraint
Is placed upon them.
'The convicts' motto Is Vut out the
grub and feed us paroles.' " 1
Th .rent, (nr tb latter iM of H.
yrtlv wrrk tr n: to (-n.utul th
grand cllmai of live program
Kur lh hot. and t.hlrla arad on
Thursday there r entered the blood
of lb. jin. i.r'.l las
ejulpagc, th. nvf plrlurei)u. heavy
hauling equipment l.'ntrl.a ai. .till
being received rlthrr a! ih It' . I
Ilval h.adauarl.r In the swctland
building or at lh. offlc of lb. chair
man. I'r itmm.t Pre.
Tona of rn. r ar being rth
ered by J II Null and II A Ruble.
Ihe I'enlnsula ra how and !ait. m
rnlttee KlV. eteclrir rr ar. to b
flllad With th. brullfu Itiiri groan
on lh I'enln.uta lo te u..l In lh.
battle of roses befor. lh. reviewing
stand r!dav morning More r.e. and
more pals ar wanted for the ' Ro.
Hlliaard." They will le received al
ti fir hall. Kil)lngorlh and A I Una
Iiailj' drill bar convinced I'rofeor
liohert Krohn. tlirector of the Huinn
lloeebud pared. r-rldV afternoon on
drand avenue- comnienuig at 1 o'clock,
thst, aa It was a leading feature last
tear, so the parade of the rcrbu!s this
year will hava Its own great distinct
iveness and beauty Th original an
nouncement that th Human Rosebud
tutrade would comment al I p m.
Friday ha been changed, because of the
arrnnsement mad for gelling lh chll
dren horn early.
General Call Is Not Responded
to Throughout the British
(trr4 lrw tae4 rtr I
linden. Jun. II Indication, her to
day wr that lb general .ink. t'f
dockm.n and worer of . allied
trade would not meat with a f.r.ra)
rpona The m.n ar nurkir.g tMir
la Ilia H.-otrh and Welsh -i-rt., ss well
as at I.Iertwol H.ven tnuuaanl m.n
wr. rlii,i out at Hr'.tol
Tl. striker. cls.be4 with th. auitort
tie. on t) I ! India d . t tav
Th. rlH et I. holding a .pe 1.1 meet.
Ir.g lo conti'lrr the strike !tuatlxn
It ! eallmatr-t that !e. than
fifth of lh. union work. is out.M. f
London went on strlk.
IfiOO to Take Ir-gn.
I nil. 4 l-rea. l.a Wj I
ls Ar.gele. J n II Th ninth tl-
.nnlal contention of Jh. Knight, and
ltil.e. or He-untv opened her. toJs
with irrtl hundred delegates In al
ien, lance fifteen hundred candidal.
IHIS'! class ever Initiated Into a
IPnlted Trw. Leued Wlr..)
Prattle, Wash., Jun 11. O.
Ptevena, a prospector, yesterday
waa fined 1500 In the I'nlted
States district court for starting
a forest fire ln Watcom coun
ty. Ptevens pleaded guilty, and
unable to pay the fine, want to
Jail. Etevena built a campIra,
which, when It cam tim to
leave, he was unable to extin
guish. It did considerable daman.
fiateti.: . 'g iii'lil'.n l a a. ItarM, l!l
v. ftim .te.rc. t ihu i f . w aigftt.
Ibrnnly MIU llrrwrlf.
tl an. ra lew. (Steal
ta.. la.-a J. a. II -Mr M, H.
'en a l-c.lif . I w n.a II ' l4.
. -i o in.4 ivi. la. e..i wim ga In
l i -f (-- j t. ir b.e try I
Ua fifftl..r. I .t il Nothing IO k
rel.IKe I. kbtxaK
Ellecllvc Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
h W i ..Hou. mad.r when Ik lust
ar. ft. tc.l a irtp away r l a aaa
lui.tim .. iiivhaitt, and la vol. a p
ration f'vm horn. ui ar txaafllad.
bit i.i-i. ian .afely r.lusjp Kttmtll
A.lefaiii. !. 1. at leg )
ee.....r I'r etampl.
:li g a. M, J.
ientlernen In lh. fall ef 1MI I
rontiirt.4 a tery .ever cold. w hlok
..ttied on my I .i s. and my fhyaician
laid rn. I mu.t go io tallfomla lmio At Ihi. tint I a4tla-d in
la, tfkrtian . Alleratlva. l4 at
bom. and rtirniiiem i J taklag It lh lt I
wmS In October 1 besan to Improva.
end C-. flr.t w.k tn January. !. 1.
rMiiniKl my regular occupation being
ful:r r.alored to health. It is now fir
lain ilnr. mv rut. baa Kaan .ffaiafl.
ai d I cannot prais K.'kman a All.rwlivi
tt) MgM "
tign4 W M. TATCM.
i:. kmm'i A.t.rstlv. 1 effective la
Hri:rhlti.. A.lhma. Hav rver' Thro!,
and Lung Trouble, and In upbuilding'
tl.. st stein. tos not contain pot son,
opiate, or habit forming druga For
.al. by Tha Owl Plug Co and Othsr
leading druggi.t Ak for booklet,
tailing of recoveries snd writ to tck-'
men t.aboralory. rhliadalphla. Pn.. for
additional evidence
Health and Beauty Advice
Children Cry for Fletcher's
Vatkavaavvvvvv.a.a.aL1. . .
aa J M tr
rs V Jt r i . i i V .e l till iff i
(Continued From Pago One.)
matters. We are not attempting to dic
tate to them how their prison should ba
run. They can turn 1 Into a slaughter
house If they choose.
"W'o propose' to conduct the affairs of
our own Institution ln our own way.
We are having; pretty good success. Un
less shown thst our ways are ln error
we shall continue as before."
According to the authorities, of th
Oresron penitentiary, Frank Taylor, a
negro killed flt 8an Quentln, was never
a brlsoner nt the Oregon prison. Su
perintendent Curtis paid today that If
this man had been in the penitentiary,
It must have been under a different
name as there wds no record of any one
by' the name of Frank Ta.VlOr.
Lynwood, another prisoner killed at
San Quentln, was Sent- to the Oregon
penitentiary from Marlon county for
obtaining- money by false protensc, July
14, 1910. He served his full terna-ahd
was released July 14, 1911. He lost all
merit by bud behavior, according to the
prison authorities. He wss known here
as Glenn U. Burton, and was a deserter
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borrio the nlfjna
.ture of ('has. II. Fletcher,-and has been matin under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
lo deeelve you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Must-as-roor' are but Kxperlments and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
porle, lrops and (Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other JSareotio
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It deslrors Worms
and allays lverlshness. It eures Dlarrhcea and Wind
Colic; It relieves Teething Troubles, eures Constipation
and Hatulenry. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
rStomarh and Itowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
' Bears the Signature of
X T I. if. pore. 1 know, are dla
flgurlng. However, you can oon reduce
thim if you us an almosoln cream-
ielly, th retlpa for which I glv. Put
laa.pnnnful glycerin In I pint cold
warer. then add I ounce almoin! a. When
thoioughly dissolved It Is ready to us.
This almosoln cream-lelly should be ap
plied plentifully and rubbed In wll
After using the cream-jelly a whll vou
will find iilmple and blackhead will
hate vanished snd the skin, one rough,
ollv and blotchy, will he of a velvety
softness, clear and beautiful. The almo
soln crem-ellv Is unfailing In protect
ing tha skin from frecklea. Tan and sun-burn.
A. O. R: Dieting Is a cruel method of
flesh reduction and a needless torture,
ttecausa with a rrnotia anlntlnn mails
bv dissolving I ounces parnotls In life
pints hot water, you ran reduce your
wetcni wttniiut aurrerlnf or Inconven
ience. Taking a tnhleepoonful before
each menl gentlv and gradually dis
solves the fatty tissues without possible
Injury, and when your weight Is where
you went It, the flesh will he firm and
the skin free from wrinkles.
Violet M. : Tailing str.ngth It not du
to ag In your cas. becaus at M i
woman should b at hr beat m.ntallr .
and I'hyslcally. What you r-)Ulr I
blool tonic and ttodv builder, and I am,
giving vou th. r re I pa for a good on'
here. nteaolve 4 capful augar In V
pint alohol, then atlr In 1 ounr krdn ,
and add enough hot water to mak a'
quart Trk a labl.spoonf ul thr tlmS
a dr and your blood will soon b rid
of twiisnnous arcuniulatlona, pimple andi
blotches will dtrappear and yur sallow,'
oily complexl'iti will glv way to
healthy pink and whit color. Thla tonlo.
Is eplendld to guard th body against'
Mrs. A. P.: Pon't experiment with
alleged "hnlr tonics." because thrv itmv
streak the hnlr. If your scslo Is yfe
less and ncsly, vou should shampoo with
cantlitnx, then apply a little of th ouln-
som ronlc, made bv pouring "J pint
water In H pint alcohol, to which la
then sdiled 1 ounce qulnsoln. Occasional
application of this home made tonic
snoi; hanlfli dandruff and correct un
natural olllncss. The faithful use of
the ntitnzoln tonic will encourage the
hslr to grow in long and beautiful.
I1. : Thoxo troublesome hairs can
be made ;o dlHsppear like oiaglc by ap
plying a paste marie with powdered clcla
toiu and water. After 2 or J minutes
It should lie removed and the skin
washed, when It will be found thnt the
halts have completely vanished. No
pain or discoloration of the skin fol
lowu thp use of tlelatone.
i - r
In Use For Over 30 Years
thc ctNTsus coMsasjy, tt stusssr sTstrr. new yosk city.
Mrs. Max: Tine. curly lashes add
much to 1 1 1 e expression of. the eyes. Ap
ply nyroxln dally to lush-roots with
thumV and forefinger and your tu)iliy
eyelashes will grow long and beautiful,
ov putting pviuxln on eyebrows with
fort-finger, you can make them come In
thick and silky. Don't get any pyroxln
wh.tre hnlr Is not wanted.
Jane: I do not wonder thst ioar wtll
not rid your aralp of dandruff, beoaus
It lack the neoessary elements far that '
ruriose. Dissolve a ua spoonful ran-1
thrcx in a cud hot water, then rub a lit-1
tie at a time on the scalp. Tou will ho'
surprised on how quickly It ntlrhr dlsw;
solves every atom of dust, dandruff ndl
rice oil. After rinsing, th scalp- will!
be clean and pliant, and th hair will
dry ever so quickly with a rich hn.(
and be soft, fluffy and easy to arrange.
Anna tl.: You cannot expct to havi
a smooth, clear akin and youthful com-J
plexlon If vou persist In th use of pow-'
tier, because th dust-Ilk psrtlcle clog;;
Ihe pores snd cause a rough, pimply, I
hlt tcliv and oily condition of th skin.
Discard powder and try this mexpenslv
apurmax lotion and you will b delight-1
fullv surprised with the result: Dis
solve 4 ounces spurmax ln H pint witch '
haxei tor hot water) and add 2 teaspoon-
fuls rlvrerlne. Apply this reparlngly to
the skin and rub lightly until dry. Th I
spurmax lotion imparte a vlvetjr
smootl-ness and exquisite tint to thl
skin nnd rids It of impurities and un-
natural conditions. It is especially nice
for hot weather use, ss It does not spotj
nor streak from perspiration and is ln-,
visible when on, - '
I-. . , It- . TI.m.t ava ..a.tlw Am- .
tract from physical charms, and unless)
this condition Is corrected it may b neo-
less ey tonlo:!
to wear glasses. Mak up and
rmless ev tonlon
pint cold, clear water dissolve ll
use this Inex-nnslve, har
In a
mince crvstos. then place 2 or 3 drops I
In the eyes daily. This quickly reduces ,
Inflammation, stops th smarting and I
gives to dull ves a remarkable bril
liancy. Ton wiI find It fin for granu
lated lids and removing foreign . p ;
tides. . t
1 1 Ml. M 1 1 1 i n.'ll n .ii iniwaip i w.iai
- . ,. n, ... i. ..f ,.t m (
Befor th Public Over fire million
eamples'glven away each year. The con
stant an increasing; sales from samplvSi
.-proves the genuine merit of Allen's
Foot-East,-the antiseptic powder to
shaken Into the shoes for Corns, Bun
Ions, Achlns;. Swollen.' Moist. Tender
feet. Sold everywhere. 35c. Sample
FRFE. , Address, A S. Olmated. Le Roy,
gorgeous, are used in advance descrip
tion or me great electric parade, "Car
nival of Nations,' which will appear on
the streets tonight, because the Rose
Festival management gives assurance
that no other descriptive expressions
would be sufficient, '
N Oratt Xxhibii of Boss. .
tn th him way. "the greatest ex
hibit of th most perfect roses that the
world can produce" ar the words used
la giving promise of th magnitude and
beauty of thg roso show that irUl open
in the Armor at I. o'clock tomorrow
- At tte same hour will appear on the
streets the- longest, most brilliantly
decorated floral, automobile parade ever
assembled tn the worldTs nlstory. Thes
events will mak the Wednesday of Rose
esjgg ' m K'rt ' t
1 liVfTirr i
The tiling Los been done thousands of times by the phytitrian't prescription first
court pounded 16 years ago by a physician of Superior, Wis., and used with won
derful success in his practice.
Put up in convenient form. This PRESCRIPTION NO. 6088 i now nold under a potitict
fuarmttt of money refundtd if rmltt or. nof ntufactory. I'ot 18 years 6088 has been making good
write today for free booklet Uist tells you hou and vkg.
TMTATT T TnfTnTCf1ll m KBufaeturen of 08 Stne 1895
"Strtnithin th mutcUt to eopt with IUm'i tussle"
Round Trip Tickets to Princi
pal Cities in Middle West-'
ern and Eastern States.
Visit the Old Home
Baltimore .$107.50
Chicago 72.50
Denver 55.00
Kansas City . . . 60.00
Tualatin Valley Acreage
- Manufactured ooly 1T 1,
Splendidly located near Portland, on UnitecTRailways. Fast trains, week
end rates, COMMUTATION TICKETS. Near town of North Plains. Elec
tric light, pure water, improved streets, modern buildings. Ideal location for
. . " For literature write pr caJJ at office oiF .,
RxitliTruf?t Company
MAIN $076, or A-3774. - , ; 235 STARK ST, PORTLAND. ORFGON J
New York .....$108.50
St. Paul . . 60.00
Toronto 91.50
Washington. . 107.50
Proportionately Reduced Fares to Many Other Points
Going limit fifteen days; final return limit October 31, 1912.
TICKETS ON SALE Intermittently from June 1 to September 30 '
10:00 A. M.. "Oregon-Washington Limited." ''"' "
6:00 P. M- "Portland and Puget Sound Express.' '
Both to Chicago via O-W. R. 4 N, O, S. LH U. P. '
and C. ft N. W. .
M0 P. M. "Soo-Spokane-Portland Train de Luxe" to St. Paul
, .. via Spokane and Soo Line.
.' Let Ua Aid la Outlining- ,
, ' City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Sts, port' !