THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL TORTLANP. TUESPAV EVENINQ, JUNE II. 1911 CRIPPLED EQUINES AMIS MAYBE ORIENTALS EXHIBIT RARE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GAME wi JEFF REFEREE FOR - 3000 IH GAMES IE S 1 j IJ Woyes Pitches Great Ball and Committee Short $45,000 of Frank Creasey, Star Short Dis Manaoers of Uohtvs eights Athletes From AD Parts of tha Mates Fall on Tosser Amount Needed to Send tance Man, Will Swim Next Saturday. Agree but Reno James World Will -Assemble In Stadium. Bloom field. Full Team. Must Think Awhile. 10 MB 1 111 LEFT m AratRICA t' t K U1H CA -R NEB mm pi I it I. ! ' J .. 1 I ' I ) ( ttkfc. we. j. ii t f-t- fl4 Clt a..oti a -. , 4 . . l it A- kF f i His flirt .4 fur It l4'.e. ij !.. 4 ii tvtia tji ft Mi WU lh KJl.i-i kikit tio.nifiU Su ef t t- la Ik c. ti.4 Ko.' lrm ! gat Mm "'. M BtiMrt T ume !!-Mir atid CX6 In J i.l' i at rati he Id' Colts .trcd I-' t t U rrl i.inr aftr la itji..4 f-lt. WufftI "ra f.ral ta!!r tft the ul Inning by k'o.ln d 11 rt ball Jlrb4 10 Mm ul of l"t. Too rai imt4 In IK J on tea trlf'U 4 M.r iii fipokau ror4 ihsr fourth tally uff IJty kr I lr. imi ; Tb I'oUe fl!le1 fi in lh enj lining- lih ft" uul oat ljl Iti.y t r unt: lo tally Yl llllam lm I all i -l- end his -lthr ar not oikmi right Kiel Wilt I. Sri, : III .itt tofinn. ariinit l"l tulay. The acuf. roriTi-ANn An it ii rn r:itb!a, lh. Urn, r freikahask, fCa. K .. rlae, rf. . . t iliiajn lb. f-miih rf. .. f'ollrm. a. . liltwmflrld. f HMy. p. ... Totals If 1 ii i : ii 8I11KANH AM mi ro S I is 4 7 17 II : flyers, lh. . or. . ohpaon. If tMrlrhlor. rf. Waff II, Jh. fimmrrman. arlnrlfhl. 1 evogt, o . tsOJtK 9 i TolaJ ... ! KCORB BY l.NMNOfl. Pnokan 1 : 1 l) o 0 4 I'urt.anJ 0000000 f tll'UUAKT. Thr baa hlt Ivott. rartwrlitht Yo taa hit Wuffll. Johnaun. tta ' rifle hlla Melcholr. IUa on ball Off nioomfltld 1. off Doty off N) f. Blrurk out Iiy Bloomfleld 1. by Ixty 4. by Noyea 4. Htoln ha Xlyrra Coonr. iKiuhl play C'rulk ahank'to Wllllama; loiy to Coltrln to V'll llama: Vufnry to Myra. Hit by Mtch1 ball Klhhl. Thrf runi, rour Ml hn off Hl.omflld In on and on third tron. Chicago A tmlnsa. Tim -Van liallren -S Ku Ji., -jil a itmttr t l.'t hiUm I tli,!..,. mm !!. i U t,:.i ,.t shea Ah( !. lom ! r emri.H ihi tk Mi.:. !tj If is, aftiwuhfcHxat ef IV. l'.'rlr (.:.ulll it. i.ib l! . i ). hand ll- I ' lt.. ,!.( I.c,tl IS(P i -.l 1 i . H. .... ,'.'tfl 'f IK fi.!li. I n irf.icU ii a w ui lh dafli II. bal l l !W. m. lilt. ffurd I alio Mm to l.b.iJir kit I ion-' l.ltr4 affair I II UI f atMt et-rtd I )r4 In lb I't.k and fu:j il f .1- ' to iarathoit lx 4l 7"r at ai:lr- a. Ci!'.l ll.l'ali ( l.ixit Mltl. J. I:n. Ili.f' Allirllrkll .i:l!- I lull, Cltltlir. l I-cii,i, Norlli lHt .'Scalr r, Xlaat tttlrltn. Mlrax.iii A t' , J .tin i) (her Jr. r!illalr! hla at.d tai. Himn.t , It IllUi. Nr!h Itortltitrr. Aitrw IkxUlrili. lLonf r, !lii, and Joi n J Krynold. JiUii AnicMtan A C . N Vurk loo itiilir an luttra F. V JUiota. riilro A. A I' ; J. Iia urtnry. of Utatti A. " . Italj.h ( ('ral. Iftmil T U f A; Howard I Mr'lrt f 1J. Matt. Hlli . hool. f U t!i Mil. 01)mrlr A I', rlan Kratirtx-o, Owarlr A llii. I'oaJrr J'olnl. Ma . Ihch arliMil. I(ui IL Ttiom. I'llmelon. t'lrii rr t I' Wlltim. (. V rullrfr, a "so mclrr f'.l t'ail '. t'wilr, 'lr lan1 A C . Kalpti l( l'ral(. Iliolt T M C. A . J Ira l'ourtny. Ialll Aih lilc cljb, llor. I. l-rw, t)(irlfcfield. Ma, lllfcli t hool. IUirnt I. Xlrrir. t'nlvitity of i'annaylt aula; t'narira 1 Reidiilh. Kiracu uiilvrmlty. rirrr.ent I'. Wlleun, (c collrs. Ioa, Lonnll B Vouni, lcion A A. 4o meter flat Carl I". Conk. Clrre- Und A C. Kaliili . I ralf. lrlrilt V. W. l". A., Iia N. Iariijirl. I'nlttraity of Cnitaso, l'laii:c ti. IMmundaon. S attl A. C. HutulJ II Haff. Lnlvcraity of Ml'-hlgan. Kd-id I'. I-liiilbr.. I'l.i- cao A. A ; Janir K MrrJlth. Urrrtrt bur acadciif)', iicri rrliui(, I'a. ; Charl V. ltrldlh, Hra.-. unlteraily. in W. tfhc'Iail. Irlali-Amerlcan A. C and tKinncll li. Your.-, tioalon A A. an l Amhriat. lt0 niftrr !- 1 IL Anderton. I'nl- vrlty of .N'rbraaka. (icar K. Ilctllund. Uoalon A. A., Jotin 1. Jonra, t'ornrll. A. It. Klvlat. Irlah-Amrrtran A. C . Val tr alcClure. slultnotnah Amalrur Ath letic club, l'ortla-nd. Or.; Janua . I'at- A.. Herbert N. Tut- l! W . SNA A 3 1 Cl.h of It Mullaxtiiart rluh tt lh iiiu aiata aaimniiKa tbaut ltul.i triaar aflfjuu oai lb U J.ll.rtl It ld a tlT bl lud. deli trait n tn.ii ) Ue Ai.UV J 1 1 Ja J. J.f. fM firwlwttiy al f.t K tV4at. Ml ai ibliit ciaabivaM Mb I rlh-American A. C; Norman 8. 'labor, lirown unlveralty. 6000 matera Ull IL Andfraon, I'nl- vrrally of Nebraska; T. II. llrrna, Cor nell; Grorto V. lionhar. I. A. A.; Kd ward J. llucrrald. New York A. C.;VU- l Amrriran Lcajrue Gam fa. At rhlca-o n. H. E. Kw York 8 7 4 rhlraao 1 t t HattrU rord and 8wnay; Unit iiom j. Kramer, uonir Kianu a. t" ; jien and Block. I ry L- b'Otl, boutn J atertion A. C, Naw V mplrea Dlneen and rerrlna. jraey; Gorman t. i auor. urown univir- iiiy. uiiiini ai. njcion, Liuvriity ui At Detroit n II E I Uhlo. XVanhlncton 7 12 1 10.000 rnetrra flat Oorit V. Bon Detroit I 9 l hif, Joftepli Erxleben. Missouri A. I Patterl Enul. Cahlon and Wll- iuia; jonn J. uanagner jr., rai. V -a V V ) k 7 w ttwtM ra tm liwi il.awiM. 4 II -i.ain w tal4 i4aF fr laa 0:ia.a -. kit it a. ft. anr.wr4 ttal la j u. VtMM. J.iy Jffrl ka - ja J WJ a j. .1 ,1 orr.rad u -iU a a4 i,u rrv4 l cl 4rinll abtatr want l4ay, II Wa cltril !li4 !ia a feaatd a jl Manafcra 1 y and Jaa u. Ul ylldy ailll. I'rwii.aicr MCaity aj4 ajildly liUililtd iK lauiti if. ia Jaiu uMllai4 Jrflr' , i t.b rif ai win It ItiJUk 4i dMf taal fraai l; lltt-a Tbr ar lr aihlla ffa all lr f Ik rid tlcit4 I th rami!, l.lh la knii) lv Dun llta ar trv ci in I hUi la t t-k.. aiaiiin la wttrh II rwoi! will la Wita la . anu r urt.ii ii. iii4iaui mi r it. rial la t'ur It u e. by rauiaihltig altl.uul l.lllx.B, lit tri,t of a.a 4 bn. a an4 ataana Cue for u iiiabblaa 1.1 ; at. Jna rtiahaa la affrl' raf abd tcnuittdc4 ilial . I. Jafflla rfu4 In baj hurrud lata an anwr. bul built maitaa'tr and aicCarcy Uliat h ntallvr tll4. rir..M)I(J OV Tilt: TK.IM8 1'arlfle Co I lifafia Won. 1jI vri.n it llakUnd .Viila II Oat rainento IT hmn r'ftnrltco 14 -vrlland H 14 Norlliwt-atrra lirafu. nreuvrr : The All-Chines aAfba!I team of Honolulu. Hawaii, now on a bamstormlnir; baseball tour ot the United States, made a blir hit in New York recently, when they played the Fordharn college nine, at the Polo grounds. Although they lost by the close score of 3 to 0, the orientals exhibited a surprising knowl edge of the fine points ot the game, being weak In only one department batting. They fielded and ran bases like veterans and gave their American opponents a very warm contest. Left to right Ls4 Tin, third base; A. Akana, first base and captain, and Kaa Yan, catcher. llams; Mullin and On Blow. ; Umpires Weatervelt and Evans. T At St Louis Boaton 6t. Louis Batteries O Brlen Brown and Stephens, n h e 3 10 1 2 7 2 ind Cariigan; C Krlrhell. , Umpires Egan and O'Loughlln. : At Cleyeland R II K Philadelphia , v. 4 U 1 Cleveland 3 jj rj Batteries Dcnder snd Thomaa; BlandlnK. Mitchell and Easterly. 4 Umpires Hart and Connolly. BATTING AVERAGES FOR THE SERIES 4 Colts One Qama 4 4 Ab. Bh. P. C. 4 Kibble 3 0 .000 Harris 4 1 .250 4 CruIkBhank . . . . 4 1 .250 4 Bpeas 4 o .000 4 Fries 4 2 .500 4 4 Williams 4 1 .250 Smith 3 0 .000 4 Coltrln 3 0 .000 - Bloomfleld .... 1 0 .000 Doty 2 o .000 4 82 B .156 4 ' 444444 Physicians ; Say "Don't ihioke black Havana cigars when fXm need your head for business they're too rich, too full of nico tine." Get the delightful flavor of , Havana blended with light, domes tic leaf in the Gen2 Arthur mm Cigar lOcand 3 for 25c M. A. Oururt A Co. Inc. aftl Z ' " i 1 .1 - I likisl HEMEDYFOffMEN Harry II. llallowell, Nww York A. t.'. William J. Kramer; U. K. Magulre. North Attleboro, Mass.; Allcliaul J. Ryan, Irlah-Ainerlcan A. C, New York; Henry I Scott, South I'ateraon A. C. New Jersey; A. Lewis Tewanlna, Car lisle; Garnet M. Wyckoff, University of Ohio. Cross country race Tell 8. Berna, Ge-orire V. bonhag, Kdward J. Fltigei ald. New York A. C. ; Harry II. Hallo- well; John P. Jones. William J. Kramer, Herbert N. Putnam. Cornell; Henry L. Scott. Norman t. Laber, Ciarnct H. Wyckoff. 110 meter hurdle Edward I. Beeson. University of California; VauKhn S. BlancharU, Boston A. A.; John 1C Case, University of Illinois; James J. Dona hue, Los Angeles A. C. ; John J. tiler Jr., Irish-American A. C, New York; Martin W. Hawkins, Multnomah A. C. Portland, Or.; Fred W. Kelly, Los An geles A. C: John P. Nicholson, Univer sity of Missouri; Edwin II. Prltchard. Irish-American A. C; Jaxnea Thorpe, Carlisle. Running high Jump Piatt Adams, N. Y. A. C; Edward L. Besson; Harold B. Enrlght, Boston A. C; Egon B. Erlck son. Mott Haven A. New York; Harry J. Qrumpett, N. Y. A. C; George L. Horine, Olyraplo club, San Francisco; Elmer W. Richards, University of Utah; James Thorpe. Running- broad Jump Piatt Adams, Fred H. Allen, University of California; Harry B. Babcock. S. It Bellah, Mult nomah A. C, Portland, Or.; James J. Donahue, Los- Angeles A. C. ; Albert L. Gutterson. Boston A. C.; Frank C Irons, John P. Nicholson, Eugene L. Mercer, University of Pennsylvania; James Thorpe, Harry L. Worthington, Boston A. A. Pole vault Harry S. Babcock, 8. H. Bellah, Frank D. Murphy, University of Illinois; Eugene L. Mercer, Frank F Nelson, Yale; Maro S. Wright, Dart mouth. Throwing Javelin, best hand Piatt Adams. S. It Bellah. Harry O. LotL. Mohawk A. C New York. Javelin throw, right and left Piatt Adams. Harry Q. Lott, James A. Mon sul. Chicago A. C; George W. Phllbrook, Notre Dame university, Ind. , Throwing- discus, best hand Russe'l Beatty, New YorK A. c; Avery Brun- dage, Chicago A. A.; James It Duncan, unattached, New York; John P. Hooker, Chicago A. A.; Patrick McDonald, Irish American A. C.; A. M. Mucks, C. A. A.; Emil J. Miller, unattached, Newark, N. George W. Phllbrook; Ralph W. Rose, Olymplo Club, San Fuonclsco. Putting weight, best hand Russell L. Beatty, Patrick McDonald, A. M. Mucks," C A. A.; George W. Phllbrook; Ralph W. Rose, W. A. Zlegler, Rhoades scholar at Oxford, England. Pittsburg. Supplementary Lawredcs .A. Whitney. Throwing- hammer. Clarence C. Childs. Simon P. GalUs, N. T. A. C; John P. Hooker, Matt J. MeGrath, Ralph vv. Rose, Benjamin F. Bherldan, N. Y. A. C.: W. A. Ziegler. Supplementary Harold E. Marden, Dartmouth; Alfred It Tilley, Dartmouth. ' '',.. Pentathlon Piatt -Adams, Harry Babcock, Avery Brundage, Boston A. A.; James J. Donahue, Los Angeles A. A.; John J. Eller, Jr, Irish-American A. C; James A. Menaul, C A. A.; Eugene L. Mercer, George W. ; Phllbrook. James Thorpe:' Supplementary Richard L. Byrd. Decathlon. Averjr Brundage, Harry S, Babcock, James J. Donahue, John F. Eller, Jr.. James A. Menaul. Eugene L. Mercer, George W. Phllbrook, James Thorps. Supplementary Richard L. Byrd, Eugene Schoebinger, C. A. A. SHARPSHOOTERS ON JOB FOR WEEK Best Line of Year Will Be Got. ten on the Tailenders of Circuit. Bud Sharr and his Oakland pennant chasers arrived this morning from th south for a clx game series with the Beavers. Last time up Bud and his boys took three out of five games from the Portland club, and the Commuters as sert that they will repeat this week. Harry Abies and Elmer Koestner will likely hook up in the oenter of the dia mond this afternoon. JJcCredl plans to work Koestner twice against the Sharpshooters, and on both occasions he will probably draw Lefty Abies. McCredle Is patiently waiting for th Beavers to catch their stride, a thing which they have given promise of doing for the last two weeks. They looked like world beaters In the first three games against Sacramento, but after that went to plerea Against th Los Angeles club they looked Ilk a true tall snd team. Probably the best line of all will b had this week. If tha Dak rat i.iv "! rarest on thn Anral allinf wa mliht Just as well b contented with soms pines In the second division. A team that can't brak even on Its home grounda has little chance of getting up In the race on 'th road. This Is on of the established facts of baseball. Baseball Is a peculiar game, and one never knows what is going te happen next, as witness the tumble of the Portland club In the Northwest leagu from the top rung to near the last in two weeks. on Wednesday and Thursday th games will start st 4 o'clock on account of the street parades, which begin at J o'clock on both days. Creasey, former star of ens of the big gest swimming clubs In England bad Joined ths "winged" club. Creasey Is a crack short distance swimmer, and Is expected io figure In both dash "events Friday afternoon. Entries were received from th Unl verslty of Oregon yesterday. The entry list closes late tonight, and It Is ex pected that sveral more starters will be received tomorrow by mall. The races will be held on th south side of the east approach of ths Haw thorns bridge at 2 o'clock. U-torla 1 aroma . rlx.kan . 'ortland brail! . :t it :4 American league. on. I .net rinaton 14 I'hlrago WaaMnsmn II I'Mladalphla it ClavalanU 31 I'alro't ;$ New York li bt Louie 14 14 II II ; it .4: .t IT ill ill IP 100 .1 .144 PC .41 .? ill io inn III it: Nw York . f'hicaso . Cincinnati . Pittsburg- . Philadelphia "t luls .. Brooklyn . . Boaton . . .. L . . - National lyeague. Won. Let. II 4 ! 14 2 21 ?1 ? ii ;j 21 27 14 27 14 IJ ECZEMA nefclag er rsorUsU loteoa Oak Us Blaachard's Became XaOtloa old by Dra gflsts. K KB diagnosis. Instruction and ad- vli- by C hi IUanchsrd. st 211 tin at.. Portland, li will alao state how the disease will act and disappear under the ua of this lotion. Call from 1 to 7 n. m., or write for symptom blank. 1 ai r-h4 by ! bus leartra f mj!,.l Ii iii Wer n. 't attii !. af elai!t n axial tatl:i fl r1! b K only AniMiit rMniu i ik 1ilr.f of II.. Uiiala ruulaal a. l.iaJ by lalccram al lh Ul nuaratal, a. Ma .airy aarc,la4 e row t-llln.hl Lim (ilbbnae IkrMie lusuaora. itt4 rvan I ..a. 4 WWa.1 II Mlb Ulbboa. Naw Tail. Jua riay4 wtlh for It rotinl Vor lf ht round h eon. IK Ml -ul elrlh(. Is Ic tor le day oer T"nimy ("orinnre f S-vaaloa, I'a . wiiom a In llrtwklyn lMa4 liimaalf Willi alasdlasr eff and Jalibrtig h lnalaalaa. hut In lha U.I ln pt-rloda be lri4 for a anerk. out, and ony th tvll rd Connors Is lh tenth. Jaw A Hark la Hlnf. II alirvl rim LaaaH Ira rtill.ll.M. Jun II I'lilladalphta Jark U Itrirn will onrs snore nlr th rln. aerordlnf In his own alatamaot nr ioaay n nrian nas aepi4 tit. eh'lrf of nn Krh. a hayywlht from lh United fltate) ny. and will V batlla on Monday venlng Rest hfor h American Alhletle owned by O'llrltn. club, whkfi Is n Bad Cigars Slow Suicide Smokinp bad cigars is slow suidde. No occasion for it when "Sam Sloan" sells for 5 cents. The Dallas high school team claims the championship of the Willamette val ley, having defeated Sheridan, Independ ence, Salem, Corvallls ad several other team. Thejr latest victory was oyer th Corvslliaj high by the score ef S to l.t Cadle's batUna- was ths feature of II III I a5!Sa7 ill ask. I spirit " II P Vi l S. III - "l 'III Ml III f III S t ' II 1 III 1 IV 7 III 1 1 X XJ I III V f .X J III V in - m i III V I Y1 III 1 I- M II! I U LA in Ix1 THREE SET MATCHES IN JUNIOR TOURNAMENT Play opened yesterday afternoon in th Junior tennis tournament of the Multnomah club. Several fast matches were played, some of which were thra sets. The results: Jones beat Bingham, 6-1. 6-2; L. Rosenthal beat Adams, 6-4, 8-1; Lloyd bent Bates, 6-1, 6-4; B. Rosenthal beat Wurzweller, 6-2, -3-Bent beat Reld, 6-0, 6-4; Trejrlglas beat Trowbridge, 4-6. 6-1, 6-3; Mathews beat Foarnley, 2-6, 7-6, s-2. VAN HOOMISON'S WING FOOLS ELKS PASTIMERS The pitching of Van Iloomlson of the Knights of Columbus team was too much for ths Elks and the purple and white squad was defeated yesterday afternoon on the Vaughn street 'grounds by the score of 14 to 21. Van Hoomlson allowed ths Elks but five hits,' while his team mates gathered In 14, not counting Ms own triple. Campbell was the batting star, annex ing three hits in six trips to the plate. Hughes, Gleason and Mangold also rtarred for the K. of C. team. The team: R. H. E. B. P. O. E 2 5 8 K. "f C 14 15 6 Batteries Harlow and Wlsell. Too mey; Van Hoomlson and Gleason. nj oc JF YOU ARE THINKING OF new Clothes, it will pay you to remember "Schloss Baltimore" Clothes the best of them all and tie this name in your mind with the Salem Store the place to get them, "Schloss Baltimore" Clothes, You Buy Essential Values in the - t Model XejUlworth. rore-Soor X?- t Model Kaniivrortn. Fore-Soor Boadster, folly equipped, $1000 Spring Shirt in Complete Assortment n rs r ml The finest Ready-to-wear Garments in the worlrJ for men, have demonstrated their superiority through forty years' excellence. fit, they wear, they satisfy. They look high class, and they are yet they cost no more than the ordi nary. One "Schloss Baltimore" Suit will quickly show you a new standard of value in Ready-to-Wear Garments. $15 to $40 Everything in Straw Hats, $2.00 to $5.00 Co., THE refinements and conveniences in tne raige ar ana tne generous equipment with which it comes to Paige purchasers prove our statement that we are putting into the Paige every essential of automobile value in comfort and effici ency that can be put into cars selling at $975 and $1000. The Paige motor, for instance, Is built all the way through just as carefully as anyone can build. And we never allow a motor to leave our factory until it has been proven perfect by every known test, Tftaf is why we have never had a motor come back to us. This care and the workman ship in the Paige motor are typical of the building of the entire car. Nothing is slighted, nothing cheapened, nothing rushed in the Paige. We have the facilities in resources, men and machinery to build good cars. And we take time enough to do it. Then, too, the Paige comes ready for the road. The equipment is unusually complete, including on all models the top, windshield, five black enamel lamps, generator, horn, tools, jack, tire repair outfit, etc Quick Demountable Rims (set of 5) on touring car models mcludingtire irons, $15.00. Same equipment on roadster, $12.50. (Self-starter and Prest-O-Lite tank.installed at factory, when desired, for nominal charge of $25.) The Paige allows, a selection from six popular models, prices 975 and SIOOO, all built oa the one Paige chassis, with Paige) r- -unit power plant. . Come in end see the Paige before you buy any car. " Stoddard-Dayton Auto Company 690 WASHINGTON STPFWT r J 690 WASHINGTON STREET. PHONES MARSHALL WIS. . A-I917. PAIGE-PCTROTT MOTOR CAR COMPAXT. bSTROrT. MICHIGAN1 tie game. : , . 1