HIK ORUCON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.' TUESDAY EVEN. NO. JUKE II. mt. PUS II GAINS DECK OF STEAMER . By PLUCKY LEAP Belated Youth Jumps From the Dock, Catching Stern of S. , S. Bear; Crowd Applauds; Freight Cargo 2450 Tons. PLAN AGENCY FOR SELLING OF BOXES Committee Named by North western Manufacturers This Morning; Rates. 1 l 1-ral. n,.r aa ai 1 ll.cn i 1 1, a fl!J h. h"l'J I ,!( IM .trl t'e a I lr aa aha . n flaaa U.a J. a. II .a II -n '' t ) ! '' ;at aua.4 lli. ftMin ai. rf J l.ftj lual. .! I" ae ale l.al I a, JaJ aaaialad Mm IS eeaaarfcaUon l.ai imitJ i H.i MI ) J.I arlcl Ik faijr-lar.k I.J ta.u l.aul'4 ael'.or ui I. iha ao uf liic aleamer a aa iftan winging Inla lh eircam. It as nl tnatigM u'a l My e4 run it ebu4 Sgala. A onthtcmn tutd Mm thai he eoilJ Iutti iUb Hi elafo of tla !. a ha ed Iha friend Pieda rwa for H. Tba auursa u thrown aboard a4 then lla sprang aed rsaaM th rati. aflr hlh ha aa aa iaa4 tlMtM. vhll Iha tratani)ia l plat4rd Iha fral (M aha sailed frr Ran rrenclece 4 Lava Aagelat. wlih t'aptal'i NuiwnJar aa tha bridge, h Hear had 111 paeecn ra aa4 ! tone of general freight Tha alaawac Rom 'it, Captain Han ate. la scheduled to dm-a tel en (an1 a toalgbt. bringing an uauaually lirit tal f paeaengers for her from Ixa Afigele and flan franclsc A ne. Ufa Iha local office stated that thae war S0 naeaeagera. many of thaca vwnlag for Iha Itoe Carnltal. Kh ha : tona of freight. ri. :4i t h r lr af fa Slf.- i.u A aa n a I f fa laafa. i.iiii iklt i.,uim4 n-wla4 a "" laa M.lle I'-e uall'" f le lai :.. f t- aHK aenae Iha -mame la .wj-oaaj f innnl l a 'f t-a (Iral.Ja J (' liailiae Nt . iV I'aul hir uaa. l--i:l. f.-r IH alaa 0aiiu' tui a tn4 ROSE SHOW VfllL BiySSOCIIOH mwm HEARS CHARGES art. it aa fM M rva. a aa lUiA-f fMv4. tva4 a4 aar 4aJfaa4a at-i'M U aa- ' aWalaia llaaa ato all) I I aa tatao m aa aa4 fitf aaJ M1 a Uva) raaav TU UaVavat at a4aa4 taaoaar aHM a Wiaa Au la-a. aiafe oitai, Wua iii T Mm t'aia4 V l.aa taia AaaiaUa baa. a. Miaa haiUUa Wtu (v4 Mv Utl Ov Mala. Mi Walaai kaa aa taaxk l la va 4 lata tolUt la Ca lata Ua. . , . . CIGAR DEALERS WOULD BAR TRADING COUPONS niliaaaa Mmh aa TW liana! I WiiUaiiaa, J a Ha4al taf aaaiaia ka al aHa (a taavawa hv.iM a4 aia.ia, 4wm4 faa lava V4tl fwaaai lava ka t I''M -.K-a. ai- laai IMf ai v Irvat laaia mi I a4falt4 aa- 4aai- la-a Jrl Vul A 4a MU Hli4 Thousands of Fairest Blooms Max Cohen Charced With Un- to Be Put on Exhibition for Visitors, professional Conduct In 5 Different Instances. Tla lixioif la Ma .afa riani ahilil4fr ianll l.J I'a a aa- gaa tit iM-iag aaria4 aiin 4arali- u. a x.l H"a ! f aa aa ja ift.lal lh ttfir ail "f Ifl.umia lil ,ai. aJI in Iha hui f iha lala II.. i vt Iha iml tuliaiM lmi fiva m.h! all liaeJ ill lr . I ita ga!liril!.a Tl a faifayt. fia- aiani .UU.aiclr HnM Maaka 1 11 f Kaunc, Ana--rl.a. li I !aa itauil.J lii la air.il ff H tKti-l, fiHlana a4 li t rite) I a h sMii.l I'h ina (Hillaal, tit.j iiait.i. ni.n, i-t tpiiira ni.t..i.. )1 if(,nr.. irtu'li II al ni.uainitr.ri " a Linn I ha . uawaiit a ll l.l-'il al a fv a,ii of lla Haa i ll) I ritibat inaallng M-ia llan t ui!I1m till I'l'1' hoaia! )i aria raat on lubJrrU aaKa.l In II. a gial rKII!l al.lih il- of inltiaal l tl a Indaalry W f ,.g i,...,on. at t . ! k UI r.sii..o k'taa. la uf I Ma rll), .raaanl4 an aj- ui,ill KiiVa) aan. n.an lh" i rfrcaa un flhra hl conifainw.n Uf ai: lw .orJ ia -.a a fnr ua tHulr lk for wovtlaa txiiaa an 4 ulgtl hiuida) .iMMia ftB. If l l"'in II. ai lliiuti mi.l. ahoull l fiif ly -oil!a.1 arKmtl l,ll.lru l.ltaJ 11 o.)d.n buaaa alr.ra trwnlig II arould not l-a aa iafgialun In (Ka maaufai luimr la oaa of Oiaauaalaar that uiilllona of iaaa. tt a ftarat of ImiMwUnt indualilaa Ilka n. HI f'-fu' n aiMi-n imu. J II. ktP. of tha fotrrml foml l. aai4 J A Mrr. piaaiaeni or mi rvia. ra4 an lolairallng rPr on noa nwmr irn m..nini oo4 utlllaallon. aapax-lally aa It rafari Thla la th grlai .ar r-r !' lo Su aianufarluro. Haorta W Corn- In Iha Malory of l uruano IMi rarana all ra.l a papar on Iha raapax-tlta I "" "" Ju ', rnara oria aiprraa airrlta of mxlan boaa and botaa of Whlia ilia aaaaon i or wain .n oai olh.r matrrlal Mr Cornwall auftaatad " '"" oan.aia di.im ara juai ui that iha L-01 matiufat turara aliould In- n" ""' ........ -s EW rOWKH I.1KK BOAT Bjadoai Crw Xow Able to Gire the Beat of Rertke. rfaarUl la Tk Jaaraal l IfaT-hftrWL Or- J una 11. Tha Raw poarar llfaboat whlrh haa baan fur Hlaha4 taa llfaaartnv atatlon at. Han- do will prova a grraat al4 to Iha rraar eordlBf la Capula Johnaon. who la la charca of tha atatlon. Tnara haa ttaaa lan had rark alnra tha boat waa rarlva4. hut tba craw haa txan trained with Iha naw boat and It . la Id rradl- . Baaa far Immrdlato uaa. - Tha Pan4no atatlon la roqulrad to eovar tha coaat In part of Cooe rountjr and all tha war down Curry county to tha California Una. On many ocraalona thar haa beta craat difficulty In reach , Inc wrarka balow Baiidon, but wltb tha naw boat tha atatlon will ba able to r1a much batter aarvlca. ... Tb new boat la a aalf balling, aelf rtrntlnf. aall and cantarboard power propellrd llfaboat of tha 1111 model. It la iha only one of the kind a eat of Cleveland. Ohio, where a elmllar boat la uaed oa tha lake atatlon at that plaeet ' The boat can croaa the Bandon bar at any time and In any weather. In caae the en grin a breaka down the boat can be handled with oar or palla. Captain Jolmaon of the Bandon ata tlon a making a dealcn for what be ba ll area wlU ba an Improvement on the beat' of the power lifeboat now In uae. The boat being planned, among other .featurea, will have twin acrew arrange ment aa an emergency ao If one engine breaks down another engine Is ready to propel tha boat. aial that g'-1 bought by I ham an frlen.la e parkr.l and ahlfped In woodru botaa. In ragard lo railroad rataa on bos ehooka li held It Iha only goAda lhal pay ! rala. ftrat aa ahooka and thn aa maaufai'lured boiea for final distribution. Tha meeting la held at the Imparls! hotel ar d U1 come lo a close this after noon, rrr- .. , t. -m bourne last night, took 1.IJ9.009 feet of lumber from I'ortland, valued at til. IIs The total. Including lumber taken at Eureka and on the Washington aide of the Columbia, amounted to I. (11.10 feat, valued at III.IIT. l,x-al Inapertora Kdwarda and KuMar held an lu vrallg stlon this moaning to learn the rsuse of the fire on the ferry boat L4onel R Webstar, which burned on June 1. The damage Is estimated at Itoon. Major J. J. Morrow, corps of engi neers, Initad tttatea army, and J. 8. Polhemus, asalatant t'nlted Statea engi neer, went to Puget sound yesterday In connection with the work on the new Co.ia Hay dredge Colonel P. 8. Hl' hle. The ateamer Breakwater, - Captain Macgenn, arrived from Coo a Bay at i yesterday afternoon, bringing lot pas sengers end a cargo of butter and cheese. When the Draak water sails from Coos Hay on July 4 aha win come only aa far as Astoria, whers her pas sengers will be discharged and thoaa for the bay taken aboard, after which she will return to Marshfteld and gat the Elks from that place, arriving here on July 7. The Armory will be open early to morrow morning ftr tha Inatallailon of j th exhibit. The work Of tha Judgaa HI be dona during tha morning befnie the crowd la aJmlllel The Anneiy win ia Ihrvwn epan lo the fn,t at I o'clock tomorrow afternoon, on Krtday aJmia Slon l'l be free and the -MMI will be renewed. Captain Ftlll-tl. commander, and oilier offlcara and tha men of the Maryland will be guaata of Iha ftoae ecle!r at the roea eshlblt tomorrow afternoon An Invitation bas len extended them by I President lloyt, of tha Iloae reitlval. ( liaae af naraaae.l eaadacl aa..-ai Mas (1 Caea. aa aiiMavy af ika ! .'a4 l-ar ware ea 4'4 yaa I. a al a luaallbg af lava gfaavaavea roiitthillaa ft Ike tutf 1W aaaoctaleaa waea CKairmaa K . Ilaakaaft, JaMMi U Karr aad Jeka ft Ce.ea4 af -.Maid a4 iTart.e A Carter af a.rit h la fllifc .aajl-a. Uexer May ter af lal aee ttaaal Ik. tHibltl lialeaad to a elate- khi af Iha raaa agaal Coeiaa ar luiui ai!vieue, wi fiia( a r pia.nl la he lu ma nmil laaktag lnaar-1 Iha .liilaliK.M f the attoeaty Kilt rrUtte a t !n area af Ma la- r.Tti.auua mul f It trae frotw Iha f l d a of II. a lt- al uita 'i.i.rtt waa iaaal ao4 waa repra. ..!) ty ha:pn K Mtr aad H sail nl.tn aa hla allo Cohea made a I.-1 1 ai4iain.nl d-.: mg the rhargta and aa)!! that la rommlll.a will be aalojivlel when it neere what I aahlad Ita riH, which ha lermad a TereaeAi lion 'hn la rhargad la five pari fie ! lllhitl allh dceltiig Ma rllenla, col. Ircimg and retaining rnnay that 4l4 ret belong lo him. and uffarlng aa set. lag municipal Ju4ga u accept s bribe fmm a woman of iha norto end. The mcnmliiae after hearing Iha pre liminary ateurnenle adlournad until "rldsy afternoon, when It e i paclaj that evidence will be preeented la pur-port of the accuaationa 1 ,wi(J a- rS J saaaaaswaaaaaajajaweaaiaaaasa BOMBS EXPLODED HIGH IN THE AIR 1000 ATTEND BIG 'POVERTY' SESSION Thousands Witness Magnifi cent Display of Fireworks Last Night. Second Annual Conference on Prevention of Destitution Held in London. MARiXK NOTES Astoria. June 11. Arrived at ( and left up ta :30 a. m. Hteamer Jim But ler from Sun Fraliulaco. Arrived at (:10 and left up at 8:16 a. m. Steamer Maverick, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at I and left up at 1:10 a. m. Steamer Alliance, from eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived Bt 9 and left up at .. a. m. Steamer Hose City, from Sun Pedro and San Frnnclxco. Stilled at S a. m Oer- London. June 11. More than 10o del egates, from all parts of the Vnlted Kingdom, gathered here today for tha eecond annual conference on the pre vention of destitution. Tha conference la non-poll tloul and non-sectional and seeks through Inter change of views between public officials nd voluntary workers to promote1 closer and more effective cooperation among tha various agenclea which ara attempt ing to ameliorate the condition of the poverty stricken maeee. of the coun try. Inuring Its four days' session there will be discussions by section of tha problem of public health, Juvenile de linquency, housing, unemployment. In dustrial regulation and crime and In ebriety. Among the nprnkers are several of Thousands of "ohe snd 'ahs railed forth by the brilliant displays of fireworks a(. the Oaks and Council Creet laat night. Capacity crowds filled both pleaiure resorts and at the Oaks the river waa dotted with smsll boats of all descriptions At least 10.0)0 people watched the display at tha Oaks and more than 000 were present at Coun cil Crest. Following the exploelon of a number of bombs at the OaWe high In tha air above the river a magnificent set place repreaentlng half a doien battleships In action was displayed. Tha cannons waia Roman candles with their balls of fire representing sheila. With the explosion of bombs to represent tha fir ing of the magaslnea the ships one after another took fire and aank. A bouquet of rosea with "Portland" under It. a stork, and a hat In a ring marked Teddy" were other pieces, Tha remainder of tha display consisted of skyrockets, colored fire. Roman candles and other beautiful effects. Tha man agement Is planning an even fTeater Dronrum for tomorrow evening. A thunderstorm of 15 great specially constructed shells, "Nysnxa Falls' a set . WATCTI OVERLOADED BOATS Customs Inspector Have Runy Day; Two Lives Saved. careless people yesterday made It busy day for ttie United States custom Inspectors and the customs patrol sppre handed six craft for violations of th . navigation laws In addition to saving a couple from drowning. - ' As people also seem to have an Idea, aay the Inspector, that they can crowd rewboata going out to the Maryland, until tha craft have but a few Inches I ollne schooner Anvil freeboard, with passengers almost stand-1 way ports. mil n shiu Frieda, for Delusoa Hiv. Ar. rived at 9:10 a. in. Schooner Prosper, the leading members of parliament and I pw-a standing 0 feet high and nearly from Hllo. Arrived down at I l m. lit Is eiDccted that the conference Willi-. .n n "irniintaln of Youth" fc.. gevuii cunaiuerauie attention 10 ma San Francisco. June 11 Arrived it i.ivli.r.lr. industrial insurant in- Ba . Iaooma. lulk m Inn f.ak Dv.Ol.aa. i SaTledt KaTrhiren: for hhl0h M ,n, ffect next Wonday- Portland. San Pedro, June 10. Arrived steam er ueo. v. Kenwick, from Columbl river. Arrived and sailed Steamer Geo. w. Elder, from Portland, for Sa Ulego. I CANADIANS WOULD SEE were tho principal effects at the Crest Many smaller pieces and other kinds of fireworks sddexl to the program. Tha lighting effect was also very pretty. Still greater efforts are to be made to morrow and Friday evenlnga with larger set piece. Bnn Francisco, June 10. Arrived at p. m. Steamer Wasp, from Columbia river. Arrived Steamer Carlos, from Redondo. Astoria, June 10. sailed at ( p. m. sttamer J. A. cnanaior. ror Monterey. Arrived and left up at 7:10 p. m. Oaa- rrom Bandon and COLUMBIA RIVER OPEN COMES TO PORTLAND tng. the authorities have taken Bpeclal pains to prohibit it and have taken nee essary precautions so that boats over- , loaded cannot land at the barge along. side the cruiser. Captain Elllcott has cooperated with the customs people in this and bluejnfkets stationed on th barge will not allow overloaded boats to land. If there Is any manner in which they can prevent It the customs offi cials are determined to see that there 13 no loss of life through nonobservance of the navigation laws. Those apprehended" by the inspectors In the customs patrol H. W. Scott were; L. A. Jones, operating the launch Clip per, for navmg too many passengers. The Inspectors condemned 19 of the life preservers on the launch, as' they were old and rotten. In this connection' they . aay that old life preservers condemned by the local Inspectors or discarded by transportation companies, will not be tolerated on launches for pleasure hire. Jones was cited by the collector this morning. Carl Carlson was apprehended for carrying passengers in a launch with no life preservers; S. C. Priestley's launch had no fire eictlng-uisher, and D. E. Keaeey's launch was picked up as there were more passengers than life preservers, four of them being con demned. Doc Anderson was picked up last night for operating a canoe with no lights and the steam tug Hustler was .turned in last night for not having proper lights. Port Townsend, June 9. Sailed Schooner Lottlo Bennett, for Columbia river. Monterey. June 11. Sailed at 2 a. m. Steamer W. K. Herrln, for Portland. Astoria, June 11. condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. moderate: wind southeast SO miles; weather, rain ing and foggy. Tides at Astoria Wednesday: High water iu:ot a. m., . reetMv:zs p. m., 9.0 feet. Low water 4:3s a. m., foot; 4:il p. m., 8.3 feet. MARINE INTExiLIGEKCC 0.2 ALONG THE- WATERFRONT Taking on a deck cargo of large tlm f bers at the Albina dock, the British v steamer M. S. Dollar. Captain Ridley. Is expected to finish ' loading lumber for Manila tonight or tomorrow morn ing. With the schooner Irene in tow. the , steamer Ocklahama Jeft down for the ,: sea i from St. Helena last night and, doubling, returned to Present, where he picked up the barkentlne Aurora and towed her to the sea. Both vessels are lumber laden and the Irene goes to Ban PMrjtt. whila the Aurora goes off. Shore (a Sydney. The ateamer Tamalpais Is scheduled t coma up to the- harbor from Rainier to load lumber, and .the steamer Coaster '' sail from that place with lumber for San Francisco tonight. The British ship Segura started load ing lumber for Cape Town at the In ; wis n-Poulsea-mills yesterday, and thai British steamer Robert Dollar began discharging 2000' tons of sulphur at the North Bank dock and will complete ttiia afternoon, after which she will go vp through Ihe-bridgea to the Portland Lumber company's mills to load lumber ; for China. Tba Japanese ateamer U'nkal Mara, began discharging hardwood logs It tha Banfleid dock this morning. Laden with 808.008 feet of lumber, the (earner V? alio we tone. Captain . Maro. has cleared at tha cuetom Itoaa for Sn Pedro. ' . The Britlsji steamer trthal!an. Cap U la. Scorer, which 4eft down for UcJrJ Da to Arrfvs. Str. Bear, San Francisco. . June 21 Gas str. Anvil, Bandon June 11 Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay June It Str. Rose City. San Pedro June 11 Str. Alliance, Eureka June IX Oeo. W. Elder, San Diego ....June II Str. Beaver, San Pedro June 1( Str. Hoanoke. San Pedro Juna 23 Sua to Depart, Gas str. Anvil, Bandon June IS Yale, Am ss. from San Fran.. June 12 Harvard. Am. ss. San Fran.... June 11 Sfr. Beaver, San Pedro Juna. 21.. Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay ....June 11 Str. Bear, San Pedro Juno 11 Str. Roanoke, San Diego June 12 Str. Elmore. Tillamook Juno 12 8tr. Alliance. Eureka June 14 Str. Rose City San Pedro. .. .June 16 Str. Geo. W. Elder. San Diego.. June 19 Grain Tonnage En Bona. Asnlerea. Fr. bk.. 2715... San Francisco Berengere, Fh. ship, 1875. San Francisco La Perouse, Fr. bk.. 1918 Shields Martchal Qontaut. Fr. bk.. 2025. Antofog. vessels in rorc. Boston. U. S. 8 Stream Rose City, Am. ss. ., Alnsworth .Bossuet, Fr. bk Llnnton Mandasan Mafu, Jap. ss St. Johns Robert Dollar, Br. ss .North Bank Unkai Maru, No. 1. Jap. ss Banfleid Maryland. V. B. S... ...Stream OWland. IS or. ss Lhrmton Strathallan, Br. ss .....Llnnton Verona. Ger. ss Kalama Miscellaneous Torelrn to Arrive. Alpena. Am. ach., 733 ..San Pedro Artemis, Nor. str., 10(3... San Francisco Dunsyre, Br. ship. 205...San Francisco River Forth, Br. str.. 2881. .Ban Francisco Vnkal Mam, No. 2. Jap ss Japan Dally River Readings. Letters received by tho Portland Chamber of Commerce from different commercial organizations at points on the Columbia river in British Colum bia, indicate that there is a very lively Interest in the question of opening the river to navigation beyond tho British Columbian boundary. F. M. Gibson, chairman of the Indus trial committee, of the Revelstoke Pro gress club, writes to the chamber for data and facts on the progress of the work of opening the Columbia on the American side of the border with a view of enlisting concerted action in Brit ish Columbia. "Nelson, B. C Is arready consider ably interested In this project," states tha writer, "and It is felt here that through united effort much may be done to advance the undertaking. In any event there is very lively Interest, and the Canadian government has made an appropriation of 330,000 for a prelimi nary survey of the river from the Am erican border to Revelstoke." Tha data will be forwarded at once, showing that work is steadily being car ried tin on this side of the lino, and that the opening of the river to the British OPERA 1 Dr. J. G. Parrtsh, of St. Louis, Mo who In forty years of practice has gained distinction as a physician and surgeon, was successfully operated upon last week by Dr. A. El Rockey of Portland, for a certain affection of long duration. The fact of the operation was a some what remarkable tribute to the medl cal profession of Portland, Inasmuch as Dr. Parrlsh took th long Journey to Portland on the advice of his son, Dr. George Parrlsh, of Portland. The elder Parrlsh s complaint was o serious one, and a critical operation be ing the only resort his son, being fa milar with Dr. Rockey's success in the treatment of this certain malady, per suaded his father to come to Dr. Rock ey, rather than to go to any other phy sician in America or abroad. The opera tion was performed at St Vincent's hospital. , Dr. Parrlsh soon expects to be able to Join his wife and daughter, Mrs. - - L - " - T ' I wcu.fto J . . vj.nuiw, Ui Ofc. UIO, W J1U Columbia line, stone earliest possible accompanied him to Portland, and who date will be urged most vigorously. PRESS CLUB SHOW TO BE So 3 2. ? e,S m trj STATIONS ? j?! 25 gj? : I ss : : 8? : ? . , - a r s Weiser 13 11.1 0.1 0 Lewiston ......... 24 K.6 0.5 0 Riparta 80 18.1 0.2 0 Northport 40 18.4 0 Wenatchee 44 :. .! 6 Kennewick 80 15.8 0 0 Umatilla IS 20.0 4.2 0 Cascade Locks .... 44 The Dalles 40 13.0 0.5 0 Vancouver 4....... 17 IS. 6 i.2 0 Portland .......... 15 1.0 0.2 0 Eugene v.... i 14 6.21 0.2 0 Harrisburr A ! f J. II 3.2 0 . Albany 24 4.11 6.3 0 Salem . : X.3I 4.3P 0 Wilaonvlil ......v 37 r.4 0.4 4 i 'Rt-ing. " t'A'- Falling. f - - ' I TARD ' AND - INCH . WIDE' j "All wool and a yard and an Inch wide" is to be the entertainment which is to be given tomorrow night at the Portland Press club, when open house are visiting at the George Parrlsh home. SEARCHING FOR HIS OLD PAL, J. D. FARRELL "I am golflg to see If I can find J. D. Farrell, president of the .0.-W.- R. & N. Co.," said J. H. Hall, commissioner of agriculture, labor, industry and pub licity or Helena, Mont., this morning. "Fan ea and I were brakles - together many years ago, and I'd like to. have a little chat with him." , Mr. Hall Is here with the Hill excur- I .3 a. U I - a. T f all u A avl A - will be held for viKltln. Bl"" 'B "on man nrriccr. r,T thm r1c TM...,l -"'- iiauu ' . ' a? WOW' and delegates to the Pacific Coast Ad Men's convention, so guarantee the members of the entertainment commit tee of the club. Novelty and quality are the features of the program which is to be kept quiet .until 8:30 o'clock, when the affair starts. Charles Ryan, chairman of the entertainment committee, says there Is to ba a wonderful aggregation of talent on tha program. Refreshments will be served. derf ul progress since that time," Mr. Hall said, "and It Is a progress that will go on and on. Our visit here Is certainly delightful and your roses are Immense. OREGON CITY TO SELL $50,000 WATER BONDS Oregon City. Or.. Jun 11. The board Of water cdtnmissioners will this after noon sell 150.000 worth Of water bonds. Tner are two bidders for the issue, Morris Brothers of Portland " and 1 Cats- tens 4t Earlee of Seattle,, the former bidding 27 abov par. less 31.874 59 artiilA tha Kaatlla FlrM li. aoa an t-L- -. ... -" .ru.Vk . AfiT Doara figures that Morris Brothers tld Ash Covers Villages. (United Press Uaaed Wlra.) Washington, June 11. In response to appeals from Captain Perry of the revenue cutter Manning, Captain- Ber. tholdt, commandant of the revenue cut ter service, today ordered that either the cutter Tahoma or McCulloch be ruined to the relief of Alaskan volcano sufferers. . Capijaln. Perry officially reported that the villages of St. Paul and Wood Island were buried under a foot of ash and hot pumice stone. He predicted that a vastly greated amount of damage has been done on the western side of th smoking volcano. Teachers'. Salary Raised. ' (Special to Tfca iosraaLI ' ArSAn rilr.. fl. -Tuna 11 Tk. is slightly lower thari that of Carrten lawn mm of .. hclni ' irtA k.. A. Earles. . .The money will be uaed fnlciaf thit h.r.ifi.r t.a. h.4n 1 liquidating Outstanding Warrants., Which I narta-nra bafnra haina amnWa 1 I tvr CJwtnf I per eeat ifltarest.. JwlU not 64 held td th mlolmun. aal.l Lv-.-4 '.'S s f II Ih . v - " f- .... K li 4T n f fi tS 5 - - - 8Ti Heres The Road to Comfo A vanished thirst a cool body and a refreshed one; the sure way the only way is via a glass of S.af m rca rtW" A) Ideally delicious pure as purity crisp and sparkling as frost Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching Free Our nw booklst, telling oCocs- Cola viodicatum tt Cbattanoofa, for the taking-. Demand the Genuine ai made by THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA. GA. ' t j Wtcncvcf j you tee an Arrow think aJy i i r i i THE PACIFIC OCEAN IS THE GRANDEST THING IN THE NORTHWEST NONE OF THE CITIES IS LOCATED ON ITS SHORE VISITORS SHOULD SEE IT . AT HiSTSlP 113; SEASIDE AND GEARHART, OREGON COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY ALL THE WAV A DELIGHTFUL DAY OR WEEK-END TRIP SEA SHORE LIMITED LEAVES 9:10 A. M. DAILY Arrives Clatsop Beach points for luncheon, gives all afternoon at the ocean; and returns after dinner WEEK-END SPEtlAL LEAVES 2:00 P. M. SATURDAY Arrives Beach points for dinner, allows entire week-end at ocean, returns Monday morning. . ' . EVENING TRAIN LEAVES 6:30 1 " ,. ' ROUND TRIP FARES - $4.00 Daily, Season limit .. . $3.00 Saturday , and SunHay.' Limit Monday Observation parlor Cars, eLarge Modern Coaches. Firct-CIass Tourist Hotels at Seaside and Gearhart .'Surf Bathing Sea 'Foods, Fishing etc; - ; v Parlof car seats, tickets and details, at Cjty Ticket Office, Fifth and Stark- Streets. North Bank Station, Eleventh and lloyt 5ta. 4 v I